Hallo guys Welcome to a invester and very happy to talk to you and I want towelcome to Investor List of out there subscription sport before that we need to know what is it about Andlet me introduce you can one the years and they can one I created the service because I believethat there is all are the ark of people that need to know how to do it to orhow to know when Tobias stockhorn to Sala stock So this is extra information I cannot shoot that this will die one hundred percent ger en tid that you are more money outthere eh probability of any money vild in crease sure that there are so what is it about What isthe one And what is the one ties to Scan is actually moodle that created the oneabout the company that way the company Yey that chili as under stol tolv that I can use withyour emotions because the emotion it makes you eh of the emotion make you actuallyLäs produktiv less efficient and accurate way of you invest because we will think with feelings not with thelogic so the logic is very important So this take more ehm hals med actually things to the yourapports quarteira ports andheri about that are eh will help me aktuell to no which companies that are increasing levelof eh de man level of sales and any bitch Irans of things to desinformations Iwill know this trend Det får en mental strunt Actually in the company So we know thistrind in the company and then the mental strand I know that this is a good company and wedid invest in the long run this company but way termit and other important part It s not only ofthe company you we actually know one Tobias Topp med okay We analyse the company but Isitt that we bakom ponny år abia stocking the company the company of the price ofthe stock could increase mitt liv Snart harting Why is it like that It is because the price ofthe stocks The designers eh things to others tofs So this is a kimmo Do youwant to hear you want is actually work like that when I finish with the modern one andnow now Okay This is a good company the month of the products increase the sales increases MP and passeringcrease is the snow Okay eh The Evolution of the company would increase okay otherside how to do not okay it is that time to the fuck What do is actuallythe following the eyes eye one ta kuvan tees because they want Yes helst needto know when to buy this kind of the stock because misure the trind teapottrender down with trend and the stock you increases and precis and increases it up or increasingbecause off the evolution of the company So if we know that this is a good company andthen the world told me that this wearables are in God the crease and me theywill actually do an analysis using the graves and others of tekniken analysis the first we anymore hals medto know the fundamental of the second one eh hells me to know when to buy This is stock andwhat is the most there priser with the stock so away the stock here we want in take oneof the company and then we always stopp what what I do it and I know that okay good companyand I had the actual when to you will be able to beat it not shoot thatthis thing with our I ditt liv But what i know is that if yougood work the profoto will come and faster So you you pay for det ehsubs sektion but the profet that godis form or if you do you know what you do We actuallyis so he is kunde off analysis is not for beginners it actually for peoplethat håller they invest in stals hava fortfor may and understand that mosfet of thescared of investments and now that this kind of the we give more money but you haveto get det persons solutions We are not going Ah sånt här två so I think thepatiens is very important so let me show you eh more specifically about that analyserBut will actually not good Trodde de yule rapport av show you the now and how toa rates istock in fast way I have I done home work so you not real and howto do like to do but you know what the service is about so tothe service så vsc aktier This is this service This is this is the e you the toshoot people that is about and how to do so neo I done if you so the lastvideo you know that it done that was isen och eh geting i celik heating beginstone the crease So this cave of the crease getting but yes so they actually eh pay for thesubscription you the videos V v investera count so what you get is actually video thatvore eh describe companies so you see the company that eh ork the stock that re theleast level or the high level of the crease that will probably the become eh in trist ting komponentto his talk to buy Så u s c I vill aktiv i USA analysis again I can notshow that to the were one hundred person kurs you But what I can do is acsi actually show youwhat am doing And I can show you the early rapporter and that other stuff thatwill help you with your decision to take the that the best this issue for yourself So this isthe Main Import and most important part is that I vi you analysis and informations thatwhat you do to make better decisione eh investment carrier So so this is it I actually you you whotold about getting actually tolv There so the prize in Christ I Mora som just because you inklusivemot that doesnt mean that the company would keeping cruising it just means that okayis that currency is not that he is about the same same you actually eh have highsecurity because you the seller of and dont need to wait antal the increase The ehthe Crease attacker so även doi show this one that it will decrease this love It does inteminst that it will I mean it is not that ackurat because first ly I do the firstanalysis the first analysis and I will give you the following analysis with video about thesame companies So I will give dom opportunity to know more Okay Where are you going Eh sothings to the company when the company do Eh the crease for the stop Thecrease is that wow of our and that will help me to analyze igen deeper and get more ackuratanalysis of that thats what I do my analysis Evy Eh do the annars is first ly andchange doing the thing to give you the most accurate analysis So as you know one canprodukt But we can that was not the future things to eh väldigt airy and the deep and advanceanalysis So what is like this And ey Alltså eh go to I ett inget for exempelEh one should you but I was how you just fast to show you how do heregoes to go to er they rapport and do the anally sist live video ornot liv but I will do it in front of your eyes So you see there there the companies goif it is good company LLC the numbers So you should of God companies believe that theSwedish companies will increase very fast or not very fast But they will increase eh invery ways Eh so yeah thats it and I don analysis and you take the decision andnot garantien that the the more Wow Peter we can and profits Ja I want to thank youfor this introduction about the what am doing and what I do to give you the mostimportant analysis to give you the opportunity to invest with less risk So thank you guys and ifyou really like just subscribe and you actually benefit off it And if you don t just create a coverbecause you will give one video is to move And this video we would take about differentthings on this is on a different things strategies And so and so there are of God content thatwill be up lodet for people that have not count So dont me and subscribe Ifyou really like because I all have ever god alltså eh discounts during the year or nextgeral so so dont me this opportunity your benefit of it say thank you guysand see the next video for the apes exciter next video in the subscription Thank youbye see you
Hallo guys Welcome to a invester and very happy to talk to you and I want towelcome to Investor List of out there subscription sport before that we need to know what is it about Andlet me introduce you can one the years and they can one I created the service because I believethat there is all are the ark of people that need to know how to do it to orhow to know when Tobias stockhorn to Sala stock So this is extra information I cannot shoot that this will die one hundred percent ger en tid that you are more money outthere eh probability of any money vild in crease sure that there are so what is it about What isthe one And what is the one ties to Scan is actually moodle that created the oneabout the company that way the company Yey that chili as under stol tolv that I can use withyour emotions because the emotion it makes you eh of the emotion make you actuallyLäs produktiv less efficient and accurate way of you invest because we will think with feelings not with thelogic so the logic is very important So this take more ehm hals med actually things to the yourapports quarteira ports andheri about that are eh will help me aktuell to no which companies that are increasing levelof eh de man level of sales and any bitch Irans of things to desinformations Iwill know this trend Det får en mental strunt Actually in the company So we know thistrind in the company and then the mental strand I know that this is a good company and wedid invest in the long run this company but way termit and other important part It s not only ofthe company you we actually know one Tobias Topp med okay We analyse the company but Isitt that we bakom ponny år abia stocking the company the company of the price ofthe stock could increase mitt liv Snart harting Why is it like that It is because the price ofthe stocks The designers eh things to others tofs So this is a kimmo Do youwant to hear you want is actually work like that when I finish with the modern one andnow now Okay This is a good company the month of the products increase the sales increases MP and passeringcrease is the snow Okay eh The Evolution of the company would increase okay otherside how to do not okay it is that time to the fuck What do is actuallythe following the eyes eye one ta kuvan tees because they want Yes helst needto know when to buy this kind of the stock because misure the trind teapottrender down with trend and the stock you increases and precis and increases it up or increasingbecause off the evolution of the company So if we know that this is a good company andthen the world told me that this wearables are in God the crease and me theywill actually do an analysis using the graves and others of tekniken analysis the first we anymore hals medto know the fundamental of the second one eh hells me to know when to buy This is stock andwhat is the most there priser with the stock so away the stock here we want in take oneof the company and then we always stopp what what I do it and I know that okay good companyand I had the actual when to you will be able to beat it not shoot thatthis thing with our I ditt liv But what i know is that if yougood work the profoto will come and faster So you you pay for det ehsubs sektion but the profet that godis form or if you do you know what you do We actuallyis so he is kunde off analysis is not for beginners it actually for peoplethat håller they invest in stals hava fortfor may and understand that mosfet of thescared of investments and now that this kind of the we give more money but you haveto get that person's solutions We are not going Ah like this two so I think thepatiens is very important so let me show you eh more specifically about that analyserBut will actually not good Trodde de yule rapport av show you the now and how toa rates istock in fast way I have I done home work so you not real and howto do like to do but you know what the service is about so tothe service så vsc aktier This is this service This is this is the e you the toshoot people that is about and how to do so neo I done if you so the lastvideo you know that it done that was isen och eh geting i celik heating beginstone the crease So this cave of the crease getting but yes so they actually eh pay for thesubscription you the videos V v investera count so what you get is actually video thatvore eh describe companies so you see the company that eh ork the stock that re theleast level or the high level of the crease that will probably the become eh in trist ting komponentto his talk to buy Så u s c I vill aktiv i USA analysis again I can notshow that to the were one hundred person kurs you But what I can do is acsi actually show youwhat am doing And I can show you the early rapporter and that other stuff thatwill help you with your decision to take the that the best this issue for yourself So this isthe Main Import and most important part is that I vi you analysis and informations thatwhat you do to make better decisione eh investment carrier So so this is it I actually you you whotold about getting actually tolv There so the prize in Christ I Mora som just because you inklusivemot that doesnt mean that the company would keeping cruising it just means that okayis that currency is not that he is about the same same you actually eh have highsecurity because you the seller of and dont need to wait antal the increase The ehthe Crease attacker so även doi show this one that it will decrease this love It does inteminst that it will I mean it is not that ackurat because first ly I do the firstanalysis the first analysis and I will give you the following analysis with video about thesame companies So I will give dom opportunity to know more Okay Where are you going Eh sothings to the company when the company do Eh the crease for the stop Thecrease is that wow of our and that will help me to analyze igen deeper and get more ackuratanalysis of that thats what I do my analysis Evy Eh do the annars is first ly andchange doing the thing to give you the most accurate analysis So as you know one canprodukt But we can that was not the future things to eh väldigt airy and the deep and advanceanalysis So what is like this And ey So eh go to I ett nothing for exampleEh one should you but I was how you just fast to show you how do heregoes to go to er they rapport and do the anally sist live video ornot liv but I will do it in front of your eyes So you see there there the companies goif it is good company LLC the numbers So you should of God companies believe that theSwedish companies will increase very fast or not very fast But they will increase eh invery ways Eh so yeah thats it and I don analysis and you take the decision andnot garantien that the the more Wow Peter we can and profits Ja I want to thank youfor this introduction about the what am doing and what I do to give you the mostimportant analysis to give you the opportunity to invest with less risk So thank you guys and ifyou really like just subscribe and you actually benefit off it And if you don t just create a coverbecause you will give one video is to move And this video we would take about differentthings on this is on a different things strategies And so and so there are of God content thatwill be up lodet for people that have not count So dont me and subscribe Ifyou really like because I all have ever god alltså eh discounts during the year or nextgeral so so dont me this opportunity your benefit of it say thank you guysand see the next video for the apes exciter next video in the subscription Thank youbye see you