Receiving and releasing the Kingdom
Receiving and releasing the Kingdom 25/9/22
Receiving and releasing the Kingdom 25/9/22
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    Wicked we're exploring healing not just not just for ourselves but we're going to explore healing for other

    people we're going to explore how to to move in signs wonders and healing and

    I'm going to teach you from a perspective that it's not a maybe all right because if we

    think that maybe we'll see healings maybe we'll see God do stuff then we actually haven't got

    it because it's almost like because of the relationship the wages of sin is death the gift of

    God is eternal life yeah so if we believe that we are forgiven and we believe that we've been washed

    clean in our spirits the it is it is logical to believe that God heals and raises the dead

    because he did it to his own son okay so what we've what I want you to do

    this morning is just open your spirit okay and you know right from the beginning make

    a declaration Lord I do believe help my unbelief and you know there are times that I find that I

    doubt it'll come in and I Repent of it but I also have started to declare

    that I live by Jesus Faith because he's the one that went to the cross and rose from the dead

    so it's not dependent on my faith all the time it's not dependent on how much you believe for

    your healing it's dependent on the faith that Jesus had when he went to the cross and

    he died and he rose from the dead and so so Paul tells us that

    the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you so I'm going to encourage you to

    really meditate on these things at the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in you and

    that it's not in a fast forward version of maybe one day but right now the same

    spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you so and ask how you know chew on it

    all day chew on it for 23 days The Same Spirit that raised Jesus from the

    dead dwells in me and also that I can keep on speaking to the difficulty and see those results

    happen you have to be very stubborn and something I was reading Galatians this morning and I haven't got

    it to quote at the moment but Paul says you know stand firm in the Liberty that Christ

    has set you free and don't be entangled with the Yoke of bondage now if you're

    a new creation all right the oldest passed away there's a stubbornness to stand in the new and if he

    says you're a new creation I'm starting to declare and speak over my life that's not just my spirit

    that's not just my emotions and I'm going to preach this and talk it till it happens all around

    me you know are you okay so that so stubbornly stand in the freedom which

    Christ has made you free and don't be entangled with the Yoke of bondage okay when I have never

    known that times when I look and I've seen real physical healings in my own body there is a real

    stubbornness I mean you have to be adamant you have to be really stubborn you have to stand

    fast you know so the time that the the the lump becomes are the the you

    know the lump that I had went and the the the resolve to stay in the blood

    was really really strong Stay Don't step out and recently in the light it was determined and I've noticed when

    the times of seen healing you know and I have seen people healed the stubbornness that you don't give

    it an inch so I want to encourage you to be strong in the Lord

    and in the power of His might yeah and keep washing in the blood okay thank you

    Jesus okay so I want to read something to you from the gospels and we're reading from

    Luke 10 after this the Lord formed 35 teams going and other disciples each team had two

    disciples 70 and all and he commissioned them to go ahead of him into every

    town he was about to visit he released them with Easy instructions the Harvest is yuge and ripe

    but there are not enough Harvesters to bring it all in as you go plead

    with the owner of the Harvest to drive out into his Harvest field more workers now it's interesting

    isn't it you didn't say that there was a problem with healing you didn't say that it was

    a problem we're driving out the Demonic he said there was a problem with the people

    who would go there wasn't enough there was an abundant Harvest but the weren't enough people so really what

    God is saying is that is really devastated when he looks on the world and he sees

    all the sick people or the people in pain all the suffering he's really looking and he said well you

    know come on Church what you're doing about it he's made the way for us to go okay now off

    you go I'm sending you out even though you feel vulnerable as Lambs going into a pack of wolves

    isn't that amazing do you feel a bit vulnerable when you feel about being sent out to

    heal people okay that's okay because Jesus is recognizing that isn't it amazing they're so

    as you sending them out is saying look you know from his point of view

    it's all been done it's all been accomplished it's all been overcome but he recognizes that

    his disciples of the needy ones aren't we so really what what again it's coming back to is is Lucy

    from fear in us it's being stubborn in the healing and the manifestation of what he's

    done and he says you won't need to take anything with you trust in God

    alone and don't get distracted from my purpose by anyone you might meet along the way

    so that's interesting isn't it because when we think about getting distracted how many times do

    we sort of get distracted in the sense that we maybe start well you know we start on Mission maybe

    you go and you start to pray for healing for someone and you feel is this nothing happens so

    we leave it or maybe you're you're all fired up on a Sunday and then

    by Tuesday morning it's like I'm full of discouragement again you know so trust in him

    alone so there's a real kind of getting up trusting in Him and then he

    sending them into different areas once you went to her house speak to the people there

    and say God's blessing of Peace he's on this house if a lover of Peace

    resides there your peace will rest upon that household but if you are rejected Your Blessing of Peace will

    come back to you don't feel the need to shift from one house to another but

    stay put in one home during the time you are in that City eat and drink whatever

    they serve you receive their Hospitality for you are a harvester and you deserve to

    be cared for in the ancient time there was like this a scene kind of root of

    hospitality obviously it was a very dangerous sort of world to live in and you know hotels

    weren't what they were today so the essenes would have these sort of homes and places that sort

    of Believers could go to you know is amazing really so really when they when they went they

    were encouraged just to stay and in the sin if there was peace but if they weren't

    wanted or again it's maintaining that environment of faith and peace isn't it so they

    would then stay there or they would move on so they were commissioned to go out and

    to heal the sick to raise the dead and drive out demons and what I felt the Holy

    Spirit wanted to say for this morning is you know so many people are asking what's my purpose what

    have we read what is our purpose to heal the sick to drive out demons

    and to raise the dead now who needs more of a purpose and now okay we can have

    a miracle really what we're saying we would look at it that the work we

    have and the you know the the food on the table I would look at it

    this way seek first the kingdom and all these things will be added unto you so

    so you need to live he will take care of but our Lucas is the kingdom and bringing

    the kingdom to Earth come on Church okay so you have a purpose every day you get

    up Holy Spirit what do I do to bring Heaven to Earth how do I not everyone is going

    to get you not everybody is going to like it and persecution can rise because

    not everybody is going to understand who you are and what you want to bring but what do you want

    to bring is good and what you want to bring is what heaven wants to bring in

    and in Luke Jesus is saying the Harvest is abundant there's so much need but the Harvesters

    and the problem the Harvest is don't believe that the Harvest can come in the

    Harvesters all of us were looking you know I don't know about you but there's something rises in my

    heart of God I want to be a better Harvester I want to be someone you know

    that goes after Miracles that sees the kingdom come in and Jesus taught his disciples to pray your will

    be done on Earth as it is in heaven what is the will of Heaven

    the will of Heaven is to see a collision and to see what did Jesus come to do what

    did he come from Heaven to do what was the what was the Overflow of Heaven to destroy

    the works of the devil to overthrow teas and powers to nail Every curse to the tree

    to trample the enemy underfoot now we don't have to take on that battle because it's

    been one for us but friends we have to learn how to walk in that how to walk in

    the victory now all of you in this room have overcome haven't you you've all overcome but

    do you want to overcome more I'm hungry to overcome I want to see the

    Miracles breaker I want to heal want to see the dead raised and I want

    God to do something in my life that's radical because God doesn't want us to sit around waiting

    for a miracle to come we are the manifestation of God's miracle on the earth come on are you

    a miracle are you a miracle do you know the life of Jesus is he already

    in you has he already put his resurrection power in you have you know I've been going round

    I'm doing I'm not just preaching reaching at you um you know I'm writing up myself because I've

    got issues do you know what I mean I've got issues because I need to

    walk like Jesus walked I need to see the kingdom come in the way Jesus saw it coming I

    don't want to get to the end of my life and Jesus say do you know

    there was so many people that would have been healed and set free if only you'd

    have walked in the power of what I did on the cross I don't want to get there and see

    all the people do you we're going to rise up as a church aren't way we're going

    to rise up and see those Miracles come on because the power you know when

    you worship and you feel the anointing come on all of you that same spirit in

    you raised Jesus from the dead thank you Jesus and so what is around us is this

    enemy tries to box Us in and get us to believe that the victory isn't ours and so what

    he does is the father of lies doesn't he he fabricates a world around us of sickness of symptoms there

    are his pathetic Shadow world come on but the kingdom of Lights the kingdom of Jesus came to destroy

    the works of the enemy thank you Jesus so as we rise up in that power We rise up

    in that anointing we're going to see Things Fall office come on okay thank you Jesus

    thank you Jesus