Den of Geek - Q&A Session - May 19th, 2022
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    Yeah Yes wow Yeah mm hmm mhm We will start here just in a minute Okay welcome everybody

    Um this is our second session of Money dot com It's uh basically designed for you any questions if

    you had um I'm not sure if everybody had an opportunity to look through um

    the platform but you know uh everybody has now access they provide you resources Um this

    is the second session just to give you a quick review of what we've set up in the

    platform uh for for us as being a geek I have with me David he's

    our consultant whose work has been working with us since the end of March Um We've developed our crm within

    the mandate dot com platform let David take the floor and quickly introduce himself and

    then we can kick start with the with their new exciting money dot com Well thank you

    for that Madea um so yeah guys hi I'm David I have been understanding how Den of

    geek's operates as a business and applying that into the monday dot com platform for you guys I've been

    using monday ever since it started there was a time when it was called the pulse

    and they've recently rebranded it to monday And I've been a authorized partner since 2019 So

    we have started to implement a infrastructure for your entire organization I'm sure right now

    things might be unclear in certain aspects for you guys but I hope that after today's session everything

    will make sense on what we've done and how monday works Um I would like to

    start sharing my screen just wanted to make sure everyone is here Yeah I mean

    it was open to everyone David who's here is here Medea is recording it so we can share

    it All right I'm going to just start from a very high level Um So

    Monday we have it broken down into multiple workspaces now everyone is not gonna be able to see

    the same things that I have on my screen on their screens Um because you are given access to

    only your own workspaces and certain things are disabled Just one second I'm trying to Okay so on

    the main workspace is what we have here This is where everyone has access to everything So the

    main workspace you could kind of call it the Monday homepage So this is where

    everyone can see anything and everything that's posted here Yeah Um but then we have

    different workspaces for all of the different departments So the sales department has their own finance editorial etcetera

    etcetera And the way the workspaces work is we have started to create teams So if

    you look here on the left side of my screen you'll see all the different teams

    Most of you should be assigned to the teams that you're supposed to be in If there's some

    teams that you're missing we will definitely go through and fix that in the coming days If not after

    this call Um Now on the main workspace you can see some things about the company so

    you can feel free to go through and look at a lot of these like the company's mission and vision

    we are working on putting together an organizational chart for you guys so you can see who is in

    what department and who is their management etcetera You can see that over here and we also

    have let me show you that actually hold on sorry my computer mouse isn't being very hopefully

    here There you go So you'll be able to break it down by departments and

    see who's you know who's under what department and under whose management and I know that a lot of

    den of geek is all over the world So you do have a time zone chart here to kind of

    see what time zone someone is in in case you need to call them or you see if

    they're online So that's really helpful to see where everyone is around the world So

    with workspaces and teams that kind of breaks down a lot of things But inside of that I'm gonna

    show you guys where we've been doing a lot of our work today or so

    far is inside of the sales crm and you have inside of every workspace boards and dashboards and those

    can be grouped into folders So this right here is a folder the mouse is

    really not So this is a folder and within this folder we have multiple boards

    and currently for a lot of the other departments outside of sales you guys probably don't

    have boards or anything set up yet and I will be speaking to all of

    you guys individually as teams or departments in the coming week and understanding your requirements

    and building outboards to suit your needs and make everything really easy for you Um that

    is going back to the main workspace and about how you know I can I've gone ahead and created

    a portal for you guys which is going to be updated and has information on how things work within

    the system So you can always use that as a reference and you can also

    get in touch with me by using the chat down here That chat comes directly

    to my phone so I'll be in touch with you instantly Alternatively if you guys like slack we have created

    a channel on slack and you can also reach out to me there for any questions or

    assistance or whatever might be required Um A lot of you guys should be able to see the support portal

    in the monday's main dashboard but you won't be able to see anything but a log in

    screen That's because I do have to add you all individually and I will start to

    do that once we get off the call now you know that's a high level overview of how

    monday works and how we've set up the system Um I'm just gonna say one

    last thing before I would like to start taking questions I know that a lot of

    the team has gone in and tried to create boards and set up things and

    found out that they don't have the permissions and you know we have given access

    to only administrators to create and set up boards and things like that in the system where

    everyone else can only manipulate the information However I have created one workspace here called the playground where you

    guys everyone should be added and you should have all the permissions and you can

    come in here and just set up whatever you like You can create boards you can set up integrations automation

    and you know get really familiar with how to build on the monday platform but we

    have you know denied those permissions for your individual workspaces because we don't want to have any mishaps

    and things going the wrong way because once we're finished with what we are implementing the entire organization will be

    integrated and all everything needs to be the way that it's set up and we can't have

    someone going in and accidentally making a change and messing everything up Um So that's you

    know a high level overview from my side I would love to take questions from from you guys and you

    know answer anything that's been pending for the past few days since you've been online Okay okay Well if

    there's no questions um does everyone have to be able to access like the new york particular workspace

    where you think you should be Yes I know I know I personally tried to join Editorial um

    and I sent a request but I'm not sure um who should be you know confirming

    something like that if there's Yeah so we'll go and check that out So I'm just not sure Um

    Jessica I am yeah All right So we can see that you're in the Creative Brand

    partnership and secret Origin teams but you're not in the editorial team Um Now you know

    I can add you into teams but we would need to just have some type of message from

    management or admins to say that we need you can add you can add Jessica

    in there because there are times where other departments interact and integrate Alright so we'll go to admin I just

    wasn't sure if there was a way to like quickly I don't know just going forward Only admins can do

    that So you can always visit with me or David or anybody and we will

    be able to add your into that group right away And if there's anybody else who would want us to

    add them into other groups um you know other workspaces just let us know and

    we'll be able to do that I'm going to do that I had the same

    same as you Andrew Andrew Haley needs to be added into editorial I'm already an editorial but I wasn't

    in Creative or Secret Origin or a couple other things that okay so do you need to go into Creative

    um what I would recommend is you know we can do all of this now um but I would

    like for you guys to maybe start using the support chat or the slack and

    just put in your request there so we just have a log of it and that way um no

    one comes back to me and says hey why did you add them into their when they

    weren't supposed to be there just to cover my myself and we will definitely get you added in

    immediately you know right away So that's not a problem And a lot of the other teams and sections

    such as Creative Editorial Secret Origin or pretty much anything outside of the sales We have not really

    built your workspaces out yet so there's not much there for you guys to start using at

    this time So you know it is important for you to be added where you need to be so

    kindly do send those requests But I would advise er you know recommend for everyone to kind

    of just go into the playground area and just manipulate some of these boards to get an

    understanding of how things work on monday It's very intuitive and self explanatory for the

    most part but I think it'd be great for you guys to get an understanding of the different

    you know modules and the different columns and all of that types of you know features that

    monday has so that when I do speak to you guys about building your workspaces out um maybe you guys

    have a good idea of you know a certain way that we can put it together if you understand the

    columns and everything There's a lot of cool functionality that yeah I know it's not

    as user friendly and we've had David used it for a long time and we've had the

    admins and the sales team have been working with it for a couple of months as we're building out

    the crm with David but like just like rosie and Louisa and I see john's on here like editorial

    there's like there's like forms like David if you can show them the form that you guys set

    up you could have a form setup where if you have contributors pitching ideas that get pitched into

    this form and then we'll automatically so it's not clogging up your inbox I don't know I'm just

    spitballing um so that you could have a place where all pitch ideas would go you could create

    a board that's like editorial pitches Um let me maybe try to show an example

    of that somewhere making sense to you guys like it Yeah I also I'm curious if there's like

    a calendar view because I know that's something that we've used you know we have used your table in the

    past in which um you know that was just a better view So we have we have two different types

    of calendar views One is you have the calendar and the way that works is when you

    populate the information on your board and you select dates it shows up in your calendar So

    that's one and that's really good for having like follow updates or reminders and things like that But then

    you can also have a gang a gang chart type of view which shows you

    maybe how long a campaign is running for So you have a campaign that starts

    on this date and ends on this date And the really nice thing about these

    different views is you can extend or reduce the timeline just visually right here and it will automatically

    update back in your main table So that's a great question that you asked about the different

    views and the way you can see views on a board is just right here at the top

    There's main table calendar So this campaign planning board has quite a few different views You

    have the standard one you've got your calendar view Then you've also got the form that jen

    was referring to So this is a great way for you to collect information from clients for anybody

    And then we have another way it's called a card view So that's a great this

    is really good for the creative staff So you can have your files and look at things on a

    card view You also have the gang's view and you guys can come in and make

    your own views as well So you just press on add view and you know

    you can do things like filter and only show the information that you want There

    will probably be a time where the boards will have a lot of information and you don't need to see

    everything So you can always come and filter them And there is also an app store and

    in the playground area you can feel free to kind of go through the app store and

    check out the apps and you know there's a lot of cool things over there that for all the different

    departments you guys might find some really interesting use cases I've got a question This is Andrew again

    in the last um kind of tutorial we had I remember seeing a view where you could like post

    a version of something either an image or a video People comment on that How do we get to

    that view Okay so so that there's there's there's two different ways to do this Now what I

    would recommend is you create a dock So it's a monday doc and we'll just go with the

    new doc and you can share this dock with whoever you need to share it with and they

    can come in and write comments So there's a little comment bubble here and you

    can write comments on it So it will be for different points or space you know

    spaces within the docks Otherwise if you come here into the views you can go into more views or

    into the app store and I guess you might be talking about sort of kind of proofing a like a

    photo or something Is that kind of what a photo or video Yeah Yes So if you want to

    do a proofing there's quite a few different ways to do it I actually have a proofing tool Um

    there was another one but we'll just go with here in the final assets All

    right So you can just open up the image and then over there they have your versions

    So it's not actually a few but you can just click on the images that you

    have loaded into a column here and you'll be able to see the versions and have comments there Um you

    could kind of go and make a view by pressing the galleries files gallery and

    it will then pull up all of those different files that you have on your board and you can

    do the same there So it's a very simple type of proofing inside of this function that you're talking

    about But for you guys if you wanted to get a proper pre proofing we can go in

    and um get an app that integrates with a proofing software where you will be

    able to prove videos even websites pretty much anything and everything where the monday proofing system

    is pretty simple Uh you can see the versions you can leave comments but there is

    some limitations like videos wouldn't be something that wouldn't worked very well on monday for that proofing aspect Mm

    But yeah so I hope that answers your question is you can create to do it

    as a view You can create a gallery view in the ad view section but

    you need to have a column that has files If there's no file column then you won't be able

    to get that visual Okay maybe can you also show us like the templates built in

    templates within the platform Yeah so that's actually really that's really good and I recommend you guys do

    this inside of the playground area So if you come in here and press add it'll

    give you a couple of options You can create a blank board a blank doc or a

    blank dashboard but you can then go in to choose from templates and there's a lot of different templates available

    here for you to choose from And a template is more than just a single board A template

    could be three or four different boards that are all connected together and it will

    download all of them for you So maybe we'll go into content production since you kind of

    asked about that there Andrew and we'll see here that this template includes all these different views and boards

    and it also has integrations with dropbox and slack and google drive and all you need

    to do to create that is just press use template and it will create a folder for you And

    that folder would have all the different boards in there with some you know dummy information just to get

    you started and see how things work and all you really need to do is connect all of your different

    accounts and you'll be ready to go So here it is a creative process board

    or template It has two different boards One is the asset library So here we

    are So here are all the different assets with some information on there And then you have your creative

    process you can do your integration So integrations are another feature of monday So you

    can integrate with your gmail or slack I know that you guys use both of

    those and you can connect pretty much anything with those two features For slack For example

    if something happens on monday you can get a notification or you can create new items on monday by just

    putting a certain code into a slack channel with gmail You can start sinking all of your

    emails in here So you can have them linked to a particular client or to a particular creative project that

    you're working on If you guys use adobe you can have all of your adobe assets available

    or Dropbox Um now for maybe the marketing guys or the adults you know you

    can start getting a little bit of google ads integration in there or you can

    generate documents that there's a lot of different features in here And if there's something that you kind

    of want to do that's not available within monday as you see it we can definitely look at

    building something a bit more um custom And I've done quite a few of those in the past

    where we've integrated with with apps that are just not available on monday and that's

    a really nice thing about the platform and about how technology works these days is we can connect anything

    by a P I It might sound complicated to some but it's it's pretty simple and

    we'll just connect the A P I S For the different tools and we can start getting the information inside

    of monday for pretty much anything you want I have another question um on that

    left bar when you created the new document it kind of didn't put it in a folder or in a

    place Say you created a document and then you wanted to assign it to a project

    later Is that something where you have to create it within um like within the project

    card or Okay sorry I kind of understand what you're saying So let's let me

    just kind of try my best to translate that So we have different folders here Right

    And when I created that new template it created it in this folder called the creative

    process So that template created this whole folder with I mean that the new doc that's

    like right above there there's just like a new dock just floating Is that something where you can just sign

    that to a certain project after the fact Or do you have you can just drag and drop it

    into a folder Okay Like that So I mean if you organize projects into folders then you know that's

    definitely how you do it It's really easy to move things around That's not a problem Um So depending on

    what workspace you're in and how we have it set up I mean a folder may or may not be

    a project Um But yeah it's really easy to move things around and you can transfer them between workspaces as

    well and you know we can get it So if I wanted to send this to another workspace

    I can do that I can send it to anywhere Uh So after the fact it's

    it's definitely you can transfer things around after the fact and it's pretty easy to do if that

    ever happens I'll be more than happy to show you how to do it once we have something

    set up for you any anybody else Yeah I just want to add here that just for

    the next step for everybody who's here we just want to make sure that you have ample time to sort

    of get your hands on get used to the system you know just explore Uh so

    that when next week we come to you with discussions um you have some idea of how you want things

    to look like within the platform And definitely that saves our time as well when we were when we know

    that you have you know done your homework and you know um what are the things that you would like

    essentially if if if if if you could put it put it down in a word document

    as well that will be even more helpful for Earth uh to have those conversations with you within those meetings

    um and we we can lay down a foundation and discuss with you during that meeting how

    you want to upload your data how would you manage how would you like to manage

    your data within your workspace So so those just those initial conversations so I just want to make sure that

    um I'll let you know that you know from now on to next week um we want to make sure

    you spend um enough time to bring strong with those ideas and of course we

    have those discussions you know during the meeting when we will have um uh you know when

    we'll have opportunity to you know structure how you would like to see your department within that

    particular workspace and there'll be definitely ideas on the go and of course in the beginning um it is

    gonna be us not doing the changes and everything but of course down the road you know each department will

    have one person who would be leading on the admin role and would would make changes

    as they see Um Once you know you know you know how many dot com works

    and you know praise and what features it has because you'll you'll have the ownership of your

    work space down the road Yeah And with that you know madea did raise a really good

    point that I don't know how I missed it Um But you know monday is really

    here to make your life easy it's not there to make anything complicated And you know if you guys can

    maybe share some pain points that you have in your day to day workflow we

    can find a way to automate those So you know you don't have to deal

    with them anymore Often there's repetitive tasks that you have to do like getting information typed in or tracking emails

    whatever it might be Um If you guys can share those with me maybe even some

    now or start to kind of think about those from we do have our calls I you know that will

    be a priority for me and when I do build out your workspaces to remove

    those pain points and automate you're pretty much your day to day activities Um the whole point

    of monday is to be a business automation suite if done correctly and we can

    automate anything and everything I mean whether that's from finance creative to lead tracking to whatever it might be if

    you guys can maybe share a couple of pain points that you have in your day to day

    today maybe we can start there and I can kind of show you a demo and

    try to build out a solution just while we're on call and it might not even be pain

    points sorry to um jump in David It's like when we when we started using monday tried to try to

    build the crm but we had to take a step back and document what was our process

    um for like if we talk about the direct sales it's you know prospecting pitching closing you know

    Mark feel free to hop hop in So we kind of created like a document that documented

    all the different documents and methods that we were doing these processes and we shared that with David to

    say this is what we're doing now and what it was was like multiple unlinked drive

    documents Um Excel sheets Um like it was a mess It was a hot mess of things

    all over the place Um and what David has been able to do when we're almost

    done is to put it all into one place that's all linked where you will

    be able to find all the backup for you know if an AD campaign is sold by

    Colby um well able to be able to see the pitch that went with the campaign All

    the documentation like the the insertion orders that were signed Um It triggers it getting sent over to add apps

    to start the campaign so it automates it creates checks and balances but it's also a receptacle

    for all that data so that we can look back and say oh I remember that campaign with I

    don't know Ebay what do we do What do we pitch Um So yeah it was

    kind of like a convoluted um me and just through the woods to get there But it we have to

    think about what we're doing how we're doing things The president did share that with David and he

    helped us find efficiencies and checks and balances within the system I think it's I think it's

    um it was a good exercise for us actually to look at our process um

    from how we how we interact with clients what do we need What information do we need to store Um

    what's the what what could the system do to make things simpler Can we get some automation

    in place and also what reports that we get at the end of it and I've reached department I think

    it's important to have a think about what what are the general things that tasks that you

    guys do on a regular basis Um what's the process you currently use and that's why

    sometimes just putting onto the doctors saying this is the this is the this is the activity this

    is what the different stages are And then when you have your meetings as individual teams with David

    and then he can find out why he's of making that process fit on here

    and work on here That that works well for you And I'm happy to share kind of how we kind

    of because like it was like we didn't know how to start So like we had to visually

    map out like a sales process like you know what what do we how does it work You

    know from like finding prospects and like so like that that we created a drive doc that

    kind of like visually show that showed that and dropped in like all the different places that we

    were um capturing that data in different drive docs word docks along that process Um So yeah

    it worked It worked well because we're now and it was quite detailed element that we're doing with the

    Crm All the rest the rest of the projects etcetera should not be as complicated as

    building out of Crm So we we've got you know David through the help of media as

    well and you know we'll be able to do that we will be able to take it take you through

    how we can you know activate your processes on on on this system But it's

    important to think about what are the things that you regularly do as a team or as an individual that

    you would like to be able to sort of record on there so that you can

    go through that with them when they have the meetings Yeah And it doesn't have to be very technical

    Um you know my job is to translate it into a technical thing So you can just

    tell me in very simple you know human terms that you know this is what I do and this

    is how it works And this is what I would like to see and you know leave

    all of the technical part to me and you know we can get systems set

    up right Well let me just kind of take one small step back again So the beautiful thing

    about monday is that it's it lets you kind of build any process that you want

    There are other systems that people use like Salesforce or oracle but in those platforms they have

    a little box and you have to build your process out within that box but we don't have

    those limitations one day So whatever you want to see done there's a good chance that we can build it

    out for you And even if you might think it sounds complicated for that to happen or you didn't think

    it was possible Um don't let those thoughts hold you back from sharing those those ideas because

    there's a very good chance that I can get it set up for you inside of the system And if

    any of you guys have any ideas now I would love to maybe just kind of walk you through how

    it works or how I build things I can maybe try to build a quick demo of a workflow if

    anyone can kind of share what they would like to see I think everybody is like thinking about

    how it works and you know the workflows and it does it is in the beginning I

    think like jen said that the processes have to be defined and you know the work clothes have

    to be defined and there's one way of how are we doing things and how would we like to

    do things Um and that's where um you know the whole brainstorming comes and of course I think our

    sessions would be very beneficial with you know teams where we're dedicated lee focusing on um each

    department and what are the things that they are doing and what they they like to see

    and you know finding the right balance between the two So that would be you know are our goal

    there just to build things that would make your deal They work very easy and ongoing

    and not repetitive Yeah let me maybe just kind of try to find something to

    show you guys I'll come up with some kind of David I'm gonna put like the editorial team on the

    spot because I know you guys have you've divided up the editorial contributor budget My um mike

    has by what by verticals Bye week Um it's by vertical and by month five months

    by vertical by months So like you could I know you have a drive doc but you could

    have a monday board that you know has the budget And then when people are pitching or you're signing out

    contributors to that budget it automatically is tabulating keeping a running tab by making sense of what's yep yep you

    are or even like you know your magazines um flat plan could be because I wasn't around

    on monday like on the day of monday and you haven't seen really had a chance to play

    with how it works at the minute The reason I don't really have questions just because I'm still getting my

    head around exactly what the software can do But yes I could see ways with

    um with workflow for the magazine because obviously we go through a very specific process also with

    budgets which I have a system of folders that we use but perhaps this would be a way to sort

    of manage workplace So like I'm you know jess I think it is on this call obviously

    And so she and I and lucy have a particular set of like a system where every

    every document is in the process and what's been proved and what's been updated and what version

    there is of everything And so yeah if again forgive you I wasn't here monday but on the day

    of monday is it easy to integrate in design into this for example Yes So

    anything is easy I mean you know that's that's definitely something that you guys should never worry

    about Is it easy or not Um it should be more about what do I need done

    and you can leave the kind of the rest of it to me So you know if you have a

    process already it will be very helpful for me when we get on our calls to just

    kind of see how it works because the most important thing is that anything that

    I create on the system it has to be has to make sense to you guys and

    it has to be intuitive and it has to be better than what you're already using And

    I'm very confident that you know that is something we can achieve once I understand

    your processes and and you know how you guys think and how things are supposed

    to work in your eyes Um you know we can first of all we can translate

    them all into monday but we can improve them and make them easier for you

    and reduce the effort that it takes and the time that it takes from you and your day

    So you can focus more on what you know the creative elements of the work

    that you guys do I think that with with the magazine and it can be kind

    of tough because we have the process set up in google drive where you know we have

    each round we we drag new files into each folder and we want to make

    sure that you know we're not going to have to you know for example if we were to

    use a combine view where we're dragging something from like first proof to second proof um based on where it's

    at we want to make sure that we're not like duplicating files and um you know we want

    to make sure that our process still works but still have a like a progress not meter but like know

    exactly where something is in our workflow Okay So there's a couple of things there that you

    mentioned that I think I can kind of start to show us how they're done Um they're

    not going to be exactly maybe what you're talking about but just a couple of features so here is kind

    of your progress meter And we can select different columns here that would make this you know go

    towards 100% So that would be you know maybe your progress meter and then for files you can attach them

    directly from your google drive you don't have to go through and we're gonna worry about

    any of that So there's many different ways and directly attached a file and you can keep them available

    on the desktop app The google drive it google drive may not be on desktop yet That's correct

    So the desktop app I highly recommend all of you guys use it but there are

    indeed some limitations um and they also vary depending on what type of operating system you're using whether it's Windows

    or Mac so for certain features you may need to use the browser and if you do

    use the browser it's highly recommended that you use chrome and not Safari or anything

    else Um Monday has been known to have a couple of glitches and bugs with other browsers I

    do feel like a lot of us are going to end up having to use

    the browser then because I feel like google drive is so central to a lot of the

    things that we do Um but that's just you know on a creative side I'm not sure

    if you know that just might might be something where we just end up having to

    use the browser because that is so like at the core of a lot of what we

    do you know actually I've never gone in and tested whether Yes so I'm looking on mine I

    use a Mac and it does it shows the option but it does say it's not supported

    on the desktop app for now so it might be that for you the creative team who does

    need google drive integration that you guys do need to use the browser Um but I'm confident that

    monday will be upgrading their their app very soon to to allow google drive integration on

    the desktop Do you guys want because I know we're a big slack organization Do you want to um do

    you want David to show you how because it works for you guys the people who are

    you're using slack It's helping you stay organized and effective how it could be integrated

    into monday Yeah Let me great Okay Um so you know we have to kind of figure out what

    you would like to achieve with slack in a monday integration but here are the ready made ones

    and we can build custom ones but maybe if there's a date that arrives like a due date for

    a particular you know um task or uh project to be completed you can get

    a notification on a slack channel that that due date is arriving or when a particular task

    is completed you know like maybe version one of this particular draft is done you can

    get a notification in slack so that the team knows that they can start going on

    to the next step and you can kind of reverse it as well you know they don't

    have it here but you can send information from slack into monday Um so maybe you wanted to create a

    new task for a new project you know photo that you need to design you can have that

    sent from slack directly into monday There's a lot of different ways we can set

    it up It's just a matter of what you need If you guys maybe have

    an example of how you use slack now we can I can maybe show you a use

    case maybe um when a form is submitted were notified Just so like I don't know from a

    creative standpoint like we know when there's a new project that needs to be started on Um I

    think that's just finding the balance between like getting notified too often Could be you know a

    little bit it's stressful But I think if we know that there's a new project that we need to pay

    attention to that could be something that would be good Yeah So the creative team created would you

    how did you guys create that form jess Um We used a google form but we do plan

    we have a meeting with with you all next week to kind of transfer that process from air

    table and google drive forms and whatever else We're gonna bring that over to monday on friday of next week

    Um So basically someone creates a form it populates into a google sheet and then

    we can assign like priorities and you know colors of course we can use tags for you

    know the type of you know priority it gets assigned in monday But um yeah that's kind

    of our process right now but we're excited to get switched over Yeah I mean if you guys are

    using forms and you're using air table I mean monday is more Yeah I mean it's

    a more intricate version of air table Air tables you know fairly simple I mean I do

    like air table but monday does a lot more than what they're capable is capable of but

    they're very similar So if you guys understand Air table and it's something you're already using then it shouldn't be

    too difficult to translate a lot of those ideas And for example like you can see

    here about the slack thing when a new item is created to notify somebody So a

    new item would be created when a form is submitted So if somebody submits a form it will

    create a new item And then when that new item is created it will notify you within the

    slack channel And we can set up automation is like if it is one of these particular categories then it

    notifies this person in the slack channel or notifies that slack channel or it doesn't notify anybody at

    all So you know we can put in all of those um complexities in place to have it So

    it doesn't just like you said have too many notifications We can we can adjust

    notifications based on certain uh I guess categories are certain triggers I don't know maybe I don't

    know Maybe it's a case where um we get notified if it's like within five

    days of like a deadline or something and then you know we would probably view it if

    it you know if it wasn't within five days we'd see it before Of course that

    deadline is due and we know we have more time but if it's like a higher priority maybe we

    get notified or there's you know just a different different wording that comes with that

    notification that says you know this is you know do within three days I don't know Yeah I know definitely

    So that's great So we can set up these columns to be deadlines I mean this is

    from last year So whenever there's you know within a certain amount of days of this deadline approaching if

    this is we'll have another column here that mentions the priority If it's excellent you know priority level one then

    it will notify you If it's not then it will notify you maybe one day before

    So any of those um things that you know they can easily be set up you guys

    just kind of need to think about that and you know it's great that you have some

    ideas already about having different priority levels and different notification like timelines based on based on those priorities

    and tasks and we can have those notifications sent to you It doesn't have to be slack We can choose

    multiple other ways It could be sent by email it could be within the monday app itself we can do

    it by slack We could even go as far as having notifications sent by sms if that's

    needed as well Yeah I think what makes this process more efficient is that as we you know brainstorm

    ideas and put an a structure within your workspace uh then you know you come up

    with like a list of activities that you feel are very very important within your

    workflows within your process And then we work out how it would you know what kind of notifications

    would you like to set up based on you know the list of activities and who

    within your team should be notified whether everybody or just one person So literally it's

    like when we get into the grand mural details of how the processes work Um

    Of course uh the list of activities is really helpful in determining what kind of integration would be more

    efficient Um You know throughout the process So while we talk about notification we always you

    know want to be careful that we don't we wanna make sure that whatever we don't we are

    notified is valuable Um and you know we're not wasting our time Um And uh that

    would that would that would be productive in the whole process So that's something that

    we need to think about for when when when when we think about notifications Um So

    I think we're almost reaching to our end I think I kind of extended our time today thank you

    everybody for joining us And um you know if you have any more questions as

    we go through this process um there'll be lots of ideas um when we you know when we myself and

    David will come to you and discuss this you know your department in more detail and

    you'll have plenty of opportunity And um you know as far as myself and David have been working

    I don't think there's anything that you know somebody has come up with an idea that we haven't been

    able to sort of incorporate within the monday dot com platform so just throwing that out for

    everybody that it's a very very flexible very intuitive platform and just the kind of

    way we work Um it will definitely create a lot of efficiencies across the organization So there were any last

    thoughts before we just you know end our call today Yeah so I would just

    like to just kind of put the into everyone's mind that you know don't don't hesitate

    on any ideas or think that some ideas may be too complicated or anything of that nature Uh we definitely

    want to hear all of them and you know I'm very sure that I can put them

    together in a way that will work very well for you and I have shared I will start

    adding everyone into our portal where you can reach me by the messenger with any questions that you have

    I mean if you just have a random thought or any type of question feel

    free to reach out to me either on that chat or through the slack channel and I'll be happy

    to answer You can ask me anything you want it's not a big deal So you know I'd love to

    hear from you guys even before we start our one to ones through the chat channels and

    I'm excited to you know making your guy's life easier and getting everything integrated for the organization

    Um and yeah and also with this thought I just wanted to let everybody know everybody

    know that there's a sports channel on both channels and I think that's just Mozilla And I believe

    alec has joined the sports channel as of now so I'll request everybody to join

    the channel and feel free to you know comment or ask any questions One slack Okey dokey So

    have a nice day everybody And uh you know will be on board with this journey

    with everyone Thank you Okay thank you guys bye bye bye bye