Clutch Cargo 48
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    Touch cargo with his pals spinner and paddle foot In another exciting adventure Cheddar Cheaters Company began

    their flight over the Atlantic at dawn and are at this moment just off the Holland Coast

    But Clark you didn't tell me what all the rush was about I meant to splinter but

    I guess I just forgot I received a CBO gram from Chris Krier the most famous cheese

    maker in all the world Chris has been a good friend of mine for many years

    Is he in terrible trouble just because he's sent for me I'd say his trouble's bad enough

    We've just got to help him Right Clap Meanwhile near the quaint little Dutch village of Cheese Boro the

    village famous for Chris Crier's Cheddar cheese Chris and his little daughter Gretchen await Clutch's

    arrival Four of my prized cows missing out of the clear blue sky on no

    trace of them anywhere I don't see our man as busy as clutch cargo can take

    time out to help us Kloch will be here later on the Well I read

    Adventure Lock If anyone can help us he can 00 don't look now but here comes that No good

    toilet peddler stingy Blinky on his pal gus gooseneck on their way to market here Ho hello

    High as I ask you again Don't be so friendly with that rover All right

    Papa I don't know why but I just don't like him Golly Clutch Do you think we'll wear wooden shoes

    Like the Dutch people Well that depends If we have to disguise ourselves we'll have to wear them

    paddle But too yes maybe even paddle put look but it's a welcome sign Cut right

    out of the tulips I got it That's Chris's place He said he'd fix the landing signal Hold on

    We're going down There's Chris If I got it as little Gretchen she sure has grown Malcolm Kloch Didn't I

    tell you Gretchen I knew he'd come You all right Papa Welcome to Holland Mr Cargo Thanks Glad to be

    here Uh These are my pals spinner and paddle How do you do come to the house

    clutch I will tell you why I sent for you Maybe Spinner on Peter foot

    would like to look around Gretchen will take them I would like to That's Mary Nice of you

    Gretchen Not at all Mr Cargo It is my pleasure Shall we start with the windmill Oh boy key Don't

    be gone Lawn spinner We've got work to do on those That's the story Clutch out of my

    herd of 24 prized cows Four of them have disappeared in four days without a

    Trace Yes Chris This is serious I can see why you're alarmed You know I have always made the

    finest cheddar cheese But if I don't stop losing cows I can't continue to make cheese What can

    we do I don't know at this point but we'll find those cows or my name isn't

    clutch cargo I'll give him Clutch my thanks to you Wait a minute Chris something's wrong

    with paddle What is it Billy He wants us to go with him Come on Chris lead the way

    Paddle foot Oh whatever is that I hope it's not too late My spinner Gretchen

    up ahead Hurley Clutch Hurry What is this spinner Another one of papa's price cows has

    disappeared 00 no Is right Can Clutch and company find out who is stealing Chris Rider's

    cows Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with clutch cargo clutch Marco with his pals spinner

    and paddle foot in another exciting adventure Cheddar cheaters You remember last time Clutch and company

    arrived in Holland to help Chris Cryer find out who has been stealing his prized cheese cows While

    Chris tells Clutch the story Spinner paddle foot and Gretchen suddenly call all I know is

    they was all here just before you came Mr Cargo I counted them You mean this fifth cow

    disappeared in broad daylight That's the way it's been going If this keeps up I'm ruined My cows make the

    finest cheese in the whole world They eat nothing but the finest of tulips Lena here

    eat only blue tulips So from her we get blue cheese Oh only if I lose her I've lost everything

    when she gets hungry She'll follow anybody who has a blue tulip Could anyone back a truck

    onto your property and drive off Ah no that's impossible Nothing but boats can reach my farm Mm Sounds

    like barge bandits to me Bar bandits But it couldn't be Barch Bandits No one has been by

    today but Mr Gooseneck and Mr stinky gooseneck stinky Who were they Why They're those tulip bulb

    barge boys They pass there every day on their way to market Yeah they passed in a strange windmill

    barge only a little while ago I'd like to question those two They might know

    something Take my there about clutch You could overtake that tulip tub of there in no time Chris you and

    Gretchen keep a close watch on the cows We'll be back You bet we wear

    clutch and good luck You can't miss those two They have been mere propulsion on their bar

    If I spin on Patoot Be careful Bye Gretchen Don't worry See you later Just think Spinner this

    whole part of the country is below sea level and was once underwater and that's why they build

    big wall dikes all around holot That's right Spinner They build dikes and pump the sea out and they

    use the fertile land to raise cheese Cows and tulips and the canals they left are sure fun to travel

    on a paddle foot He clutched Luck It's the windmill barge Must be goose neck

    and stinky All right Give him the hail spinner Oh ho the barge He do We

    like a word with you Oh it's Chris Crater's trap He's sending some stranger apps that Chowderhead

    Crater must suspect us Throw it into high gear and let's get out of here We don't dare

    have someone stooping the board Look they're speeding up We're under full sale now Spinner try to keep them on

    sight Hey wait we want to talk to you Hey Stinky Whatever are we gonna do They are stealing right

    on our tail Don't worry All we gotta do is beat them to that draw bridge

    I got a sneaky plan that should cook Bear goose OTs Pardon me Goose neck Hey Crutch you're stopping

    He must have heard me what fella hop down on shore We'll just pull up alongside him

    and see what the story is Will that heavy bridge Crush Clutch and company How will they escape

    Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with clutch cargo foot cargo with his pals spinner

    and paddle But in another exciting adventure Cheddar Cheaters you remember last time Chris Crier's fifth prize cheese cow disappeared

    Clutch and company used Chris Crier's sailboat to follow two shady characters Stinky Brie A

    no good Tula Peddler and his no good pal gus gooseneck as they passed under a bridge come Yeah Mhm

    Who was your threat Dude They think he thrown in gear gooseneck and let's get out of here

    over here It's spinner Is everyone Ok We're ok But if that bridge had been

    two inches lower we'd have been smashed Butter and pancakes That was no accident Spinner It

    was gooseneck and stinky They go away Oh gee we'll repair our craft and go back after our

    planes Mhm Like church and spinner back already What happened Did you see anything of

    my missing cows Are you All right We had a narrow escape Those two barge

    bandits dropped a draw bridge on us Then they ran away in their windmill tulip barge

    I know it I know it They're the ones that's been stealing my cheese cows I never did

    Trust that goose neck on stinky We'll need the plane to catch them Chris They've got much too fast

    The machine What luck I hope you'll catch them this time for sure A shop spinner at barge

    couldn't have gotten away farther on up the canal Stinky and gooseneck have reached their destination

    and are putting the barge in hiding Is the coast clear Gooseneck What a throw in sight

    that makes five old man Crackers Critters We got just a couple more and he's

    out of business Boy I can hardly wait It won't be long before we'll be making the world's best

    cheese Stinky Hot dog You bet all we'll need is Chris's brew cheese cow Ok Up here we

    made a clean getaway We'll wait here till the heat off and then go back and grab

    her You sure stinky Flies the plane first one way searching searching then the other

    searching searching I hear an airplane sounds pretty low too I call it's the plane we saw park beside Chris

    Riders I think they're wise to us time for quick thinking Grab that board and hand me that big cheese

    ball Now climb up the windmill and get ready to jump thing yet Crutch Maybe if you

    flew lower over these canals all set ready team So will be glad I can't see

    Oh I can't see better Bombed by a big cheese ball Will they crash What will happen Be sure

    to tune in for the next exciting episode with cargo but cargo with his pals spinner and paddle But

    in another exciting adventure Cheddar Cheaters You remember last time after Chris Carter's fifth cow disappeared

    Crutch and company used a sailboat to follow stinky and gooseneck After narrowly escaping death

    by a falling bridge they continued to follow as they neared the bank of the canal They were bombed with

    a big cheese wall I can't see I can't see the controls better I'll take the look out back What

    That was a close one my gosh clutch But what happened We're covered with Cheese Benner True It must have

    been ghost neck and stinky There they go in their tulip bar quick Let's clean this mess up

    We don't want them to get away That was a neat bit of tragedy We got out of there

    just in time But I hope that they'll be on our tail again right away

    Yeah Sure That's not dilly Dally We'll hide under those weeds along the bank and let them

    pass Harry Goota We pass out the weeds and cover the boat She runs good

    as you keep your eyes open for that Tula boat They couldn't be far away I

    don't see them anywhere There's only a windmill up the head wherever they go they'll never see us

    here Meanwhile back at the tulip boat stinky and Gus make more plans It's been over

    an hour since cargo Frew passed Maybe he's given up that leaves the coast clear for us to

    get Lena Chris Kroger's poised Blue cheese kill when we get her Our cars are over Come on I can

    hardly wait Nobody's gonna get my Lena the only blue cheese car in the world

    Don't worry Lena you're going to be all right You're going to be Mhm Oh

    stinky and Gus pull up dangerously close to where Lena is dining Look there's Krieger's prized cow

    Bring some blue tulips I've got the trail real tippy toe through the tulips I'll drill a

    hole in the bike will hold all of my suspenders when you lower me Down Ok Here

    goes lower away That's it Goose neck She's breaking through Brought down the yeah the

    bike is broken The dike is broken They'll all be flooded Thanks Mr Cryder Now that your finger

    is caught we'll just relieve you of your prize K Lena Oh no a trick

    you played on me A dirty trick You bloody money Come on Lena No please not

    Lena Don't go Lena Come back and had clutch and my best cow Oh dear me

    What will I do finger in the dike Holding back the sea My best blue cheese cow

    dealers is took away clutch poor Chris finger caught in a broken dike and his best

    cow gone Will they get her back Be sure to join him for the next exciting episode with

    Bud Cargo Chicago with his bow spinner and paddle book in another exciting adventure Cheddar

    cheaters You remember last time Clutch and Company were almost knocked out of the air

    by a cheese bomb Stinky and gooseneck were the ones who fired it as clutch hit the

    plane Chris was left to guard his most prized Call Lena The blue cheese cow come back Have crutch

    and my best cow boy Is it Boy Something over there It's Mr Cryer and something's wrong A lunch

    that no good toilet Peppler stole my prize cow Lena But Chris you had a gun couldn't you stop him

    Ah no look the dikes strongly I'm holding the vote back I couldn't let Lena drown I

    see what you mean Spinner Go to the plane and get that spare dike stopper Right Flex on Hurry

    Spiller Just take it easy Chris we'll have that dike plugged in No time there That'll

    hold it till we can call a plumber But first we must catch those Cowper Which way did they

    go Chris step away Dragging poor Lino on the end of a to come on Spinner Titled

    Foot Let's go after them Oh that's gonna smart in the morning We'll make more passes on the canal Keep

    a sharp look out for that tool of boats Chris wait a minute Their boat had a windmill on it

    Jen You're right We've been looking for boats We should have been looking for windmills There's

    no time to lose We'll fly over every windmill until we find the right one What

    can help Get your nose tuned up boy Ok A boy Power foot Keep trying clutch the windmill

    But stinky and gus know it too What did I tell you I knew that card would mirror you up

    Don't worry He will bomb me with a cheese ball again Good idea Stinky You clear

    the deck for action or I take my position on the power There they are and they're all set

    to bombard us with a cheese bomb again Who who I know it's better time to

    roll out our own big cheese bomb Right I believe in fighting cheese with cheese spinner

    You me tin tea As soon as they get over closer I'll give you the

    signal to you ready Let her go Spinner her go Ok That does it We're gonna have

    to take those two park behind the deal Thank you so much Crutch and Spinner for catching

    the bandits and returning my precious cheese Cos you're welcome Mr Crider We found your cows hidden inside their

    tulip barge and they had a regular cheese factory inside that windmill barge and I won't forget you

    I'm going to send you £500 of my very best cheddar cheese Yeah And so is the story of Crunch

    Cargo and his pals spinner and paddle flips and the cheddar cheaters Be sure to tune in for the next

    exciting adventure with Crunch Cargo