I thought today I'm supposed to talk on the power of the mind but Ithink nice to talk about that I want to say something about many people's ideas aboutthe we can call them the plains of nature experimental etcetera the usual what peopletalk about it I personally think it is modern day I call them the levels ofconsciousness I think the levels of consciousness is a far better word then plane of the bodybecause I think it has to do with our levels of consciousness And also let metalk about any of it I think we should think of these levels of consciousness from thephysical body which is after all representation of what I think is a very basic Theus ah fickleconcept that each one of us has within him now I'm going to use can I use my mynew language which I have invented for talking to non theosophy which I really do more than talking to membersof the Theus optical society We've got all these grades of talking about the ego andall these things I call it the inner self in different stages and I think that each oneof us has this fundamental part within ourselves which is always peaceful quiet and has a wisdomI do not think that we that we reach that state all the time But Ithink it comes to us with birth And I think when we talk about the mentallevel it isn't here is the physical here is the etheric mental etcetera etcetera Yeah they are allinfluencing one another It isn't all separate levels of consciousness but levels which after all are constantly working together afterall the theus optical point of view is can I continue to call it the innerself All right with you at Yes the basic part of us and we express ourselves when we expressourselves in our feelings It's really scientifically proved that our feelings affect our physical bodyI mean I think that's a scientific fact but I think the emotions which of course and our feelingswhich dominate us to a great extent are again as we know from our experience altered byour thinking the thinking and feeling and the different levels Could I call it thinking okayand mine there are different levels but these different levels could I call them levelsof consciousness But could I also call them levels of experience Would that make sense to you We haveto think about this way as experiences which each one of us has through life NowI'm talking about the mind I think before we often think of it as a purely intellectual capacity butall of us have experienced a sudden burst of let's say emotion but we then weeven express it and feel it we think about it and we realized that this is notthe right way of thinking about it and then you begin to think am I making that clear atthat moment Your mental energies also mix up with your emotional energy Does that make sense what I'msaying and this I think our mental capacities in our daily life have a much greater influenceupon us Then we realized as you may know my experience has been for many years with people whoare sick with all sorts of diseases and have had we deal with it inmany ways that I'm not going to talk about but having seen some at the very painful thingsI mean I think that's not the way the experiences from Children up which people areexperiencing today Let me explain something when somebody has a very painful experience in childhood but of that is anemotional experience But part of it becomes a symbol in what we might call themental part of it So the mental part of it does that make sense Ifyou if you want to ask a question I do not care if you interrupt and you're goingto have plenty of time to ask questions through life We really from in our emotional part office andour mental path a pathway of thinking and building a pattern in our mental field and our emotional fieldthat you may be only a symbol But when you're on a person has a similarexperience they very often automatically fall in that pattern instead of being able like the theosophy istI hope think of being quiet and realize that we wish to break the pattern It's a very difficultthing to do but a lot of people are conditioned that way except this are emotional and themental cable the mental part of it which is the memory and the thinking affect our lives a great dealnow What is the strength first of all I think for us members of the theus optical societyand to me all my life I was brought up in the office I must say I've been probablya longer a member of the society than anyone here because I've been so young amember It is this basic assumption that we have and that part of us is thisinner self in which we can have quiet And as I say I've had an extraordinary crazy upbringingbut My mother got me to meditate at the age of five and thus that idea of being quietand thinking of it has affected me all my life But I think in our turbulence in avery turbulent and stressful times I think if we can think it's just I teach hundreds of nurses hundredsof people it is effective It is the thinking not only the thinking of experiencingwith the emotions but we also have part of that which studies and try through our meditation and all thesethings to understand something about you might say this other part of ourselves and I think the flesh isof intuition which everybody gets ah flashes from a different level through the metal and we get it instantlyand get the sudden insight of what is right I think everybody has had flashes of institutionsand I think it comes from that level of consciousness I think the mind has a powerful effectupon us I deal of course with people we have had a very tough time in life and Ihave found what one of the most helpful things it to have a person in their mindvisualize visualization and that is a fact and the work of the mental level isa very valuable asset Then they are conscious of our difficulties you might say about our difficult habits becauseIf one is aware of it this is my suggestion If you become aware ofit now let me say this for myself I have a symbol The one thing Ilove dearly is trees That's my personal symbol A three stands for me as asymbol of strength It's it's affected all the time by whether it follows follows its innate pattern notthe tree should be And to me it always has been a symbol of strengthand beauty Yeah This if I want if I'm aware of it and this is what Itell a lot of people of something which I have experienced which is not pleasant to become aware ofit to say you've done something I think is it makes one ashamed and onedoes it again But if I'm visualized now I'm talking about the tree You can pickany symbol in the world you like But I have to talk in terms of myown experience Isn't that true If one thinks and here comes to mind the visualization three makesan effort doesn't it It's using an energy It is not just thinking Phegley it'sa concrete use of the energy energy and the focusing of the mind on a tree as a symbol let'ssay of peace makes for an at the time when one is disturbed not behaving properly Makesone realise mentally and it brings in this other energy which affect our feelings Is that clearwhat I've said If you don't hold up your hand and I think this is a much more effective waythen all the time saying I'm sorry I've done this and not have the whatever habit you've got ButI think it makes one aware also And I have many many ways Official Ization whichI deal with people to get You have no many people suffer from something which I call the resentment Theyare angry because of their past experiences And I think resentment even carries it out Even if one iscompletely unaware of that resentment is a block to really spiritual understanding because you're notaware of what you are feeling yourself And of course in today's society that is very common topick up And I think if I'm give us a person I'm not going to go in all thedetails of a mental concept what they can do every day a visualization it isquite possible to get over this resentment because when one makes a mental picture and has the desire tochange this is the important thing Of course that one really has the desire to change Let me say thisIf one has the desire to change I think it's I said that there are all thesefeelings in a mental higher mental level of unity of really understanding but it also isa gateway two to A level Everyone is conscious of the unity of all things in the universeand that's part of the consciousness of the inner self Does that make sense again Yes Thus the Ithink if I can use um the mental field of the mental part of ourselves and realized thatthey have a disability do we have pictures That they help us really much more clearly than just feeling thatonly we often feel something over and over again and just feel it for 20 years Don't youthink that is true If you bring this other element of understanding and the visualization as Isay ideal with people who go through terrible circumstances it has been helpful and another thing we talk alot about it but we take our emotions I don't think that many people realizewhen they feel anger Love Love was anger That one is projecting an energy notonly to the person once feels it too but you're projecting that in the atmosphere I don't thinkthat we realized that we I think oh I think you believe what I say but I don't thinkyou realize the strength of it I deal with a lot of child abuse myself andit isn't only technically it's only physical but I think but parents and child abuse is onlypart of me or consistently say that child is no good I was going to swear but I wasn'tI didn't at at have just asset have also what they don't realize is I'mnot going to talk about that too much that some Children are very sensitive and an emotional feelingof dislike whatever you like to call they get that energy and some people can rejectthat They're different temperaments But some Children take it in am I making it and cannotreject it and therefore can affect them for quite a bit in their life AndI think the members of the society even aren't aware of the power of this projection of ourfeelings But I don't think that they they realize also that in a different degree what wethink what we think of a person and for instance in many meditation groups they're sending out thoughtsof peace aren't they Whatever it is however you do if you're really I think andfeel that you cannot let me say this The charlie can I can I tell you whatI have taught my nurses that before they can even do this technique They first ofall I remember that very few of my members of the society but they do practice this thatthen we feel something Can I use my hands We take in and relate toone another by taking in one another's feelings which you agree with that So what I teachmy nurses is if they want to do project this they do not have totake in but they should let the raw their consciousness within their heart that we called centering and feel firstat peace and then project the feeling of peace and whatever the healing energy istowards the patient am I making that clear it Therefore you can't do this doing this There'snothing am I making that clear It's no use only being the instrument of yourfeelings When you come to talking about healing you have to be at peace otherwise you will not projectit Does that make sense And I think thinking like this has really changed In the 18years since we started many of the nurses have changed very very fundamentally and they have embraced the historicalideas in their life and that is the most important things Now I think the I've talkedabout the at the mental part of us being between our emotions and also almost between the spiritualnature of the way you call it the buddha whatever you call it let's let's make it simpler Isn't thattrue That part of ourselves which is closer to the inner self and the understanding I thinkis important in the theological literature Nor can I say something not nice I think we usea lot of terms but I don't think that the terms are clear enough to affect our lives Imean this one fact which is obvious by what we feel That's not what we sayOnly it is what we feel We are projecting an energy towards a group projectingan energy towards a person but also in a subtle way What we think if you see a personfor instance come in and say it's not very nice You're also protecting both an emotional and a mental ahenergy Does that make sense So you have a right to say somebody isn't pleasant But Ithink if you could be aware and just say it this doesn't seem such a pleasant but nothave this sense of rejection Does that make sense I really believe that members do not understand their powersfor the powers of thought and feeling are and how they can affect our lives and the mental pathThe thinking clearly is an important part Let me say this I'm a very tough girl to mynurses because yeah so many people are good hearted and what they want to do it's almost hug a personphysically and center hugging emotion Does that make sense I say that's not their business Thatbusiness is first of all to center snapped korean And when we approach a patient it is peace they needand it's a center of peace to reduce their anxiety etcetera etcetera Before you can really theycan accept any healing Does that make sense The disciplining of oneself away from wantingto hug people who do not appreciate it I mean if they are very sick I mean I'm talking aboutthe very sick ones I'm not talking about everyone here Yeah Ah I think all this requiresa discipline but I think it changes one's life Everyone can feel and think I think one should realize astudy how are thinking how our mind affect us I think it's fun to think You don't thinkso I mean to discuss even very difficult metaphysical questions to discuss it not only to acceptit uh is stretching the mind to submit that other part of our mind which wedon't use so much It's not the emotional part but really enlarging the scope of the energy of ourown minds The mind please a very powerful and has a powerful effect on how we behavehow remember remember and also the mind controls their emotions to some extent If we make up our mind thatwe are going to change and that we are going to be a person who doesn't take in withwho gives does that make sense Following her talk Dora responded to questions from the audience The first question camefrom a person wishing to know how one can work through anger and resentment Isuppose anger is you can feel it's for the moment But I suppose in mylanguage resentment is then you can maybe have an undercurrent towards that memory and youreally have an undercurrent of distinct dislike when you think of a person Does that does that meananything you may irritate me and I get angry Isn't that true or you can say But the anger thesentence in my language is something you carry through for years and years Then you think of a personor an event It may have hurt you You know what these people who have suffered this when theywere Children often have built a pattern within them And they don't realize that they'repattern which was begun very early in life Does that make sense If you can remember in other words theevent which has made you feel that resentment shall I use the word resentment then I think ifyou first of all you want me to say what I say to the people in in in thegarden or resentment do you want me to do that I think if you feelthat resentment what I'm suggesting to people is first of all to say if it happens when you're a childI'm grown up um I'm a different person then center as much as we can talk I sayput your consciousness and feel that also you have each one of us has that ability to feelquiet and peaceful to them To project the image of the person They have thatresentment make a picture and instead of feeling love feel good will to that person whatever they are doingBut thinking of that person in the distance helps to break the pattern Does that make sensewhat I'm saying You're not you're breaking the idea that it affected and it reallydoes work But it takes a determination to do it Yes How does one prevent anger from turning into resentmentWell I think if it's it's different from across and a person because in a person it's very personal andit's something between two people In the course we are living in the world where there isa tremendous lot of misery and the causes are fairly well known it is no use feeling anger tryto substitute for that What you can do positively to help in any way for a worldor something situation isn't that So when it is with regard to a person I think thedifficulty is that we have a memory of a lot of resentment interchange your feelings when they could beput it that way I think the centering is really one of the basic things is tocenter and if one is centered and is therefore if you can center you have self confidencedoes that make sense If you are not said that many many people have noself confidence or very little you can think of that person because you were strong and then you want toget anger I think if you like project deliberately and sent the color of peace I'm not just saying anythingif you ever help to visualize something yellow for us towards them So you arereacting positively and you're not taking in Does that make sense And as a matter of fact ifyou do that it affects the other person because if they don't have this interchange affected anyother questions How does one teach a young child to meditate And that's a tough thingbecause I I was brought up very differently for most people Um I think if you could sitwith the child just let us sit peacefully and quietly for three minutes or four minutesand sit quietly and say let us both be happy and love one another or something like that See whatI mean If a child is young I was brought up in a very peculiar fashion Souh so it's easier but in every household it is that if you get angrywith the child then if you could after that if you have had it fora few minutes left to sit together and meditate for a few minutes does that make sense Or useany other word you like Would that be possible I think that would be helpfulI think used to be quiet and sent out say both of you sent out loving thoughts to one otherWould would that be a way of doing it Any other questions you said that the terms we use arenot clear enough to make a difference in our lives Can you give us some examplesof what you mean Well I tell you we have a lot of Sanskrit wordsI'm not against the Sanskrit language of course it's the most wonderful language in the world but weare in the United States And sometimes even if you use the word admin whatdoes it mean to most people I mean I was brought up on buddhism whenI was and Hinduism as I was a member of as as I was broughtup as a theatrics very early and I got quite used to it with a lot of words I don'tmean much to an other If he could say what it is and say this isa word used all over the world But the meaning is something else in uh an ordinaryamerican literature Would you I don't know why I picked on that Does that makesense Or would you not agree with me I mean there are many many wordslike that and I think it would have it would have a better meaning to usAnd as you say now I'm using the inner self is just no meaning ButI but also admin egg Oh all this There are psychological terms in it doesn't meanto my audience who are not theosophy is does that make sense I have to use wordswhich will affect and have meaning to my audience of non theosophy fist Isn't that true SoI'm always searching but just think about it What does the word mean if you're talking in a public audienceif you're after all used to talking to theosophy is that's fine Isn't that So theyknow the meaning of words But if you want to attract the public and bring them in and inmy healing work they're not theosophy All right thank you very much