Introduction to the major prophets In this lesson we will discuss the major prophets what they wrote and theimportance of the messages that they wrote So by the end of this lesson you willhave a clear understanding of each major prophet So let's start by taking a closerlook at some of the major prophets that we see in the Bible So these prophetsare Isaiah Jeremiah who also gave us lamentations We have Ezekiel and Daniel Hey they wrote some ofthe longer books in the Bible These books are filled with messages messages from God during some of the reallychallenging times that were happening So unlike the minor prophets who wrote shorter books the four were called major becauseof the sheer size of their writing So you have the major and the minor shortand long not because they were more important than the minor prophets They are both equally important So let'sfirst talk about Isaiah Isaiah is like the lead voice among the prophets He delivers the messages Theyrange from calls for repentance to the promise of Christ to the promise of a Messiah Heshares a vision We see this in Isaiah 61 where he sees God in his fullglory which is a major kick off to his prophetic career So this vision what does it showus It shows us how holy and Majestic God is setting Isaiah on his path Anotherkey verse we see in Isaiah is Isaiah 40 verse one where God he tells Isaiah to comforthis people promising that tough times will eventually give way to healing and give wayto hope Now we see Jeremiah ok Jeremiah is known for his emotional depth lived through the downfall of JerusalemSo right from the start we see in Jeremiah 15 God tells him he was chosen before hewas even born to be a prophet to the nations So this shows God's intimate knowledge of us andhis plans for our lives What he plans to do in our lives We see again inJeremiah 17 5 it warns us about the folly of trusting in human strength over God This reallyhighlights the need for faith in God's power and his guidance So number three we see Ezekiel inEzekiel there's a lot of symbolism acts and dramatic visions we see in 37 1he's led to a valley of dry bones which come to life as a sign of hope and restorationfor Israel So this vision it's a strong image of how God can revive and renew eventhe most desperate situations that we're in So again in Ezekiel 3626 This talks about Godgiving people a new heart and spirit This really highlights the theme of transformation and new beginnings OK Andthen number four Daniel now as we go through these feel free to go back and re watchthese feel free to go back and take different notes on them This is meant to giveus a guide that we're going to use and a foundation that we're going to use as wecontinue to move through So Daniel we see navigates dreams navigates visions ok He interprets them forkings and does this to reveals God's plan He is interpreting messages to the kings from Goddirectly from God So in Daniel 228 we see a declaration of God's power to revealmysteries and the future OK This shows that God has control over all things includingthe unfolding of history What is going to occur how history is going to occur how the future isgoing to occur So we see in Daniel 1132 this inspires us with the idea that those who know Godwill remain strong and take action encouraging faith taking courage in difficult times So whatconnects all of these prophets These four major prophets is one main thing It's theirfocus on God's sovereignty and the call to return to Him So they really emphasize that there is no oneGod like God So Isaiah 46 9 and they invite people to repent and find healing Jeremiah 322 they'repromising that turning from sin can prevent downfall And Ezekiel 1830 we see this as well Now in Daniel heeven looks forward to a time when God will establish an everlasting kingdom We seethis in Daniel 244 So this is a brief dive into the major prophets with each propheteach message bringing its own unique perspective to what we are looking at to our overall studyAs we continue to explore more about them their prophecies you will get to see how their words they notonly addressed their own times but they also speak to us today which is very important offering us insight intofaith how we can have a greater hope and the hope of redemption Ok Soin the next lecture we will discuss an explanation of the prophecies and we'll get into alittle bit more detail to continue to tie things together