Part 3 - Marketing Strategies for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and beyond
In this video, you'll learn what to say to your email list to promote your Black Friday / Cyber Monday offers. We'll also discuss a few other social media and messenger apps to use, plus offline marketing strategies.
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All right let's get you some sales in the Black Friday blueprint continues My name's Tim Thanks for watching This

is part number three marketing strategies Look you can create all this stuff but people got

to know about it because if not they're gonna buy other stuff from your competitors and not you That's

no bueno One of the easiest ways to start marketing all of these uh offers and sales and things that

you're gonna have is to utilize your email list However there's some things you want to keep in

mind If you have anybody on your email list that you that is not engaged

with you for a year you probably would just want to get rid of them and not

get rid of them but just don't engage with those folks because there's no real good

chance they're not gonna buy it from you anyway I mean you can but my

suggestion would be don't even worry about those folks You do want to talk to

people that have opened your emails in the last 3 to 12 months and you

gotta but here's the thing you gotta warm them up you gotta let them know

what's coming You can't just say here's our email here's our Black Friday stuff They're gonna see tons of

that stuff and depending on how many email lists they're subscribed to they're gonna get bombarded They already have been

at this point They've already been bombarded with here's early Black Friday Cyber Monday But you've got to

let them know what's coming especially if you've never done this before You want to tell them to whitelist

your email address just to make sure they're getting your offers and don't forget about uh don't forget there's

not there's more than email you wanna use texting if they're if they're opted into your

texting program if you have one Facebook messenger things like that uh Instagram uh messages direct messages on

any of those social media platforms Those are great And the thing is it prevents

emails from being labeled as spam and then not seeing it And then they say

well come you didn't give me a blog for anything load Well you can direct message these folks too All

right And here's a little bonus for you I've included in this section There's a little download

that you can get These are headlines that I've created just for you and you can put

in your subject lines of your emails Pretty doggone Spiffy if I say so myself So I've already

done half the work for you All right So here's the other thing uh you wanna

implement uh your social media strategies teasers countdown timers and paid ads three separate things They teasers We just

kind of talked about with the email countdowns which I'll show you in just a moment

paid ads which I'll talk about in just a moment Countdown Timers These are really critical and they're very easy

to get to and very easy to use You wanna include this on your website where you're talking

about your Black Friday stuff and in your emails you wanna embed those in your emails If you don't

know how to do this find somebody who does It's not really that hard If you

do not set a deadline people will not move even with Black Friday because Black Friday

is now that the line has just completely blurred people will not move if you don't

tell them that this stuff's gonna end Remember this is fomo fear of missing out on

steroids All right Uh Strategy number three If you know people in maybe in your town or your uh

gosh and maybe some of the professional organizations you're with that have a big audience

like we talked about in the prior video collaborate with them See if they'll do

a little JV split with you Um There's nothing wrong with using somebody else's audience

to promote your stuff and if you gotta give them a little cut OK fine So be

it Um This is really the the name of the game here More eyeballs on you so you can

sell more stuff And uh the fourth thing is using seo paper click you can

do that stuff Now you gotta be careful because that stuff can get really expensive very very quickly

So my suggestion would be to hire somebody who knows about SEO and paper click Uh es especially if you're

in a very competitive market and you need to stand out a little bit more Uh definitely

hire some I would definitely look at hiring somebody to handle that stuff for you Final thing in this

video is don't forget there's offline strategies too direct mail flyers uh in-store displays Uh If you

um let's say for instance let's say you're doing something in martial arts Well there's nothing

wrong with putting up a a flyer in a martial arts studio if you have martial arts

training or whatever My I you know as a rough example but I think you

get the point Don't forget to go old school too Not everything is digital ok Not

everything is digital In fact you look at some of those digital billboards they can be extremely cost effective

So lot of avenues for you to look at talking about promotion make sure everybody knows about your stuff

In our next video We are gonna talk about how important it is for people

to check out when you start hitting them with all these Black Friday deals they

gotta be able to check out uh easily and quickly and we'll examine that process in the

next video