very clear Okay so um I thought let me see if I could making awebsite is sometimes a bit of a headache right to put together So I thought let me see ifI can put something together really quick but it's something to generate leads or gettingpeople on the phone calls for example Yeah Um now this to make it easier So when someone says let'stalk what ideally should go to It will be I see very nice Now agoogle form right So you don't need to complicate it So that way instead of taking them from along opt in sequence you could just take them to a contact form and google forms and collectthe information and then give them a call back for example the biggest Okay so yougot let's talk that will be all the buttons to go to the forms Umif you have any white labels I think we do have white labels on LME You just haveto double check where you can actually you could create a graphic and you could put yourself andsay you know you have some Softwares right Some sass is there depends what services you want to offer butyou can put it into your portfolio and then again you could put your image logo thereyou put your company stuff Get in touch No Does that make sense so farYeah Yes sir Absolutely looks nice Okay so here's where things get a little bitmore interesting so not interesting But I think he's just here what you would do you could just put yourimage It doesn't matter what image you just put an image there or something Right Sosearch let's just put any little logo Again it would be if you had a nice image right Like umjohnny your images that I see you that you have Yes Right So for example johnny would putnice I think it's a green logo as well I remember but let's just put something like thisActually had that designed by one of the designers that uh pam you know pam which is somethingthat you just um spray on the skillet in order to cook an egg She designed my websitemy my logo she's a friend of mine Huh So I like I like the simplicityof this design Very nice Yeah I mean you could um with this do you want toDid you know that one click click funnels I thought let me keep you could do this at whatever pagebuilding you've got I'm pretty sure click funnels have got something else coming out soon where you canactually do you can actually do blogs and bits and bowls but let me just do it likethis But let me actually go back to the color It was before Yeah So the the groupa special group group platform is gonna drink monthly payment in around the mid mid february RightSo what what's happening is you know click funnels have another version coming at two pointOh so you will see the other companies rallying around and trying their promotions to get asmuch customer base as possible for two point oh comes so two point oh if you googleclick funnels two point oh they have got Number one They haven't really announced what they're doing rightnow they haven't announced it Um They've they've kept it hidden However there's there's there's away of finding out what what what what they've done and I somehow I just came across it It'sjust too funny It was just too funny what happened because they're not telling anyone but it's fine Doa search for click funnels 2.0 yeah but the I think the way I foundit was If you go to chrome now for example again this is sorry thisis my well this is going a bit off topic but you'll see because you'll see theyou may see the offer and they may have some good offers that come up later but you can seethe overview this is the 2.0 you'll be able to do blog new features shopping cart global products smartfinal builder page editor So you know some of the extra stuff that they gothow much is click funnels 97 $97 Most Most builders of $97 I don't agree I thinkthat was a little bit cheaper but you know what you're paying you're getting what youpay for if that makes sense That's what it is Um everything I what Iwork on is it's just it's much easier for me doing this Um but I guess that youknow what else was there There's um there are other page builders you know you've got groupsand all that but which one's which one's been around the longest which one isprobably easiest And I think that is subjective Everyone has their own experience what they prefer that some may havedifferent price points Um some maybe more easier than others but again it's up toyou isn't it It's so beautiful with the funnels that but can you see thisis just nice and simple Say for example if if anyone I wanted to doa service page you can have your video there because I thought one thing everyoneeveryone's doing you know you're doing the opt in page and stuff like that but they might come a timewhere you might want to service page or some kind of professional blog or something thatpeople can see what you do or maybe your portfolio things like that that kind ofreinforce your brand in front of that person you know um because when you're sending emails orsomebody's getting opt in it wouldn't it Wouldn't it be nice or what wouldn't it be important Also in theuh the emails you can have your company name at the bottom or link to your company places likethe umbrella company right And then within the umbrella company can have portfolio where you stack all of your productsall of your links that go to various different funnels right So you can do one remember it can startoff with one funnel at that time and maybe we talk to we said likefor example say johnny's promoting one service that he has on instagram he has that one final placethere then a week two or week three maybe he's got other information He goes outthere in the same niche but is specialized in something different like you know how to make high ticket salesthen you can have a different funnel for that So all those links they could come to oneunified place and in that one unified place there's a you know a tab thatsays services or products and somebody can go through that and see which one is relevant to me and thenclick it and then it takes them from there All the other way is yes you can go build awebsite and you can do it that way But if you already have a funnel building you cando it you could just do something very quick where you've got quick control That's what that's that'sthe one reason I thought you know with this you can do quick control where you can comein and do it no messing around I guess Wordpress you can do that as wellBut the little picture that yeah you could just you know what it is you could be abit annoying and you can just google um yeah you could this stuff you let melet me I'll show you what I did Um but you have to be you have to be um thisis actually good for you to come back Like you were saying on my instagram post and facebookand twitter to come back this is my this will be my home base Sothat's what I was actually working on jim I mean Polly Yeah so that because when people areseeing stuff for viewers they need to come to that like you know your main hub that umbrella I wasnot ready for them That's why I didn't do it because I'm still I gottastop doing the research part of it and just do it I'm not ready to turn thefaucet on so to speak because I'm afraid that I might get too much that I can't handlebecause they have um Almost 500 posts you know and I got to create all those into videosor you know we we repurposed them but I got new information every day youknow what I would say to you johnny because I made that same mistake turn the faucet on turnon turn on don't bite the bullet avoid the fair confront the fair because that's what it isthere's an element of fear in it Well you know I'm a corporate guy so I'mused to having bob and steve and I'm just used to following up with them and see what they've donewith construction You are bob and steve you're now the A V Department No I'm not I'm gonna get mesome avatars and some outsourcing What will happen is number one when the faucet opens um because you know everyonesometimes this happens where you think there's gonna be a flood of people coming and it's gonna be crazyand you might find you might have a couple of drops come through It wasn't what you write it It'slike it's like johnny's head here because I trust me like I thought that these are the same thoughtsthat I've had with certain things that I've done here Once I open once I makea hole in that Damn my gosh things are gonna be flooding through Will I be able tomanage it and maintain it How am I going to do this This ain't understand And the truth is rightBreak the dam right Break the dam and let let as much mess come as possible because thenwhat will that that will that will click something Can you also mentally psychological that you're likeyeah now I can see stuff now you're going to start fixing those processes There might bethings you want it's gonna be it's gonna be run forrest Run run good YeahIt should be that's how it should be Then it activates something inside you thatrun away Run away Run Yeah we'll be right Yeah But just get if youcan get those simple things done and just have it have it open and let people contact you because I'vedone it before So you know I've had experience with this so I've done itbefore in corporate It's just that you're right It's probably fear that I'm doing it bymyself now instead of having a staff All right When's the best time to do itthen to open the floodgates there johnny Oh now I'm going to do it as soon aswe get off the webinar I'm going to turn that that speak it on backto my my website my website is actually looks like have you went to my website before No share itWe will go to it I see you marketplace dot com Okay Okay So ifjohnny said anything else if he said oh you know I'm gonna I'm gonna the best time to doit Maybe in a couple of weeks or a month I would have said nothere's no time like the present That's that's that's the answer You have to It has to benow because imagine this there may be somebody that's willing to pay johnny thousands of dollars right now Buthe's made he's made himself inaccessible Then they can't do basic research or they can't come quickly geton a call or you know there's maybe there's some maybe there's some obstacles alongthe way that they just maybe they want to see some testimonials There's you know some stuff that they wantto see first and because say for example you wait a couple of weeks and then then heopens up you know transparency and access to his website stuff that person might have gone to your competitor orsomebody else Mm hmm Right Yeah I put the website out there on the on the in the chatDon't worry I'll put on the screen and put on the screen Don't worry Jim a littlebit of excitement Mm hmm How do I just was talking about the funnels How do Imigrate done for you funnels in our LME platform to click So um there's a certainorder I placed them Do I have to rebuild it myself Um how does that workYou mean they're done for your stuff I put some videos together for it butword document you know for the sales page and somebody's background I think Mac Mac Mmhas joined Um that me I don't know Mac How are you Just to confirm that you Canyou confirm your name I'm sorry This is joe McKenzie I'm on my new laptop I'm just learning how todo it you still get the noise No it's it's much better now Okay alright I'm just learning onmy new laptop before you get to Travis question Ali can you complete your thought with mywebsite So then we can go back to Travis question Oh sorry about that That's alright So Okayso um we've got the website on on the screen right now Um let's have a look Ihave the tabs across the top It like you were mentioning you know as far as two differentThat's good That's it It looks looks very nice nicely done I click on new portfolioUm ali that's pretty much where I would put the services at which is what you're talking about Theseare like this is what I was using for for my clients that wanted different looking websites and stuffThis is where I would send them to as far as for design work Um butI will replace this with something um that you're mentioning as far as with the um they're done for youservices that Travis is talking about and what you showed earlier from click funnels your website that you hadyep mm hmm You know I'm just looking at this site now for example Right um look the builder interestingGood for you That's what I do to look at that Okay well nice Wordpresssite No straightforward and simple Yeah Now times of I mean yeah this is functioning that's fine But I don'tknow it needs to be somehow modernized Yeah That's why I don't send anybody to it yet Ifyou go to my blog if you go to the blog block Mhm Did you get itout in manto Yeah No he's just looking for some new images for me Ohthere's a sailor one person has just come out with him Very useful update Lookat that Imagine johnny had this Look at that $19 Could you imagine johnny YeahI've already imagined it already Um With all the stuff I got from paul poona So I already havethe website because he already built the website for me in the package So I already havethe website with all these graphics If you if you click on let's see I'm trying to clickon your screen If you click on services we offer All right And if you click on anyone of those you'll see the blog on the left hand side And I I stopped posting the blogs onthis particular website If you go and look at if you score down you can look at thecatalog at the very bottom it says um I mean on the side on the left side menu scrollup a little bit up up up up right there where it says like curved blog andarchives If you select the month I stopped posting in August of 2020 So ifyou click there you know that that's all my blog that I've done I've donethem for years It's like that I've been doing So that's the last one I posted I was posting liketwice or three times a week but I transfer different versions of this to instagramfacebook twitter and google So um and now I'm doing nonsense I'm replacing this with videosI'm putting videos now into these blog posts instead of having them go out asjust text which is what you recommended Mm hmm Yeah You know what's good about this Is that youcould also when you do videos you could summarize the video in two points Yeah Yes of course Andand bullet points Right Have chapters and stuff in it Right Exactly Yes So when you postit here now it could be a nice video youtube video that then links to Youtubefor example and below the video you'll have those points So you create you know create back linksand all of that good stuff Right Exactly Yes But yeah what else was there There was okay so googleanalytics have you got all of that hooked up I turned it off because Ididn't even I don't even index this site anymore and I'm still getting people I'm still getting organic trafficwhere I'm I'm getting people that are wanting to join my newsletter and things like that So I stillget emails you know people want a consultation you know and everything I give them afree consultation $1,000 consultation for free But these were the products that that I'm that I amin my portfolio So you mentioned that you've got the new website anyway so I got it from paul apin a monthly fee on that I'm not ready to show you that yet You know this isnot paul's site This you didn't get this from paul No no this is something I did backin 2014 And how much do you pay for the new site then Nothing Well collectively somethingbackwards before that where you got the site we'll know besides Well of course you know everything that's athreat Um jim you know your thread you add things to your your blanket you know your quilt that you'rethat you're knitting So it's just another add on But I it's part of the package Which package Imean which package So I think he's got the bundles got like a backpack orsomething isn't it backpack backpack Well yeah business backpack you get you know different thingsthat he has You know that video pal chatter you have all these things then you havethe you can you can compete with set aside with the builder of the site thathe has Yeah I can film or something like this What's that At the two platform and thewebsite bills come with us See that's the thing I told you guys in the beginning that Ibought all these tools and stuff that I haven't had a chance to look at until always talking tome and I'm going back looking at this you said um tubes I think nick it's a it's abelievable doing with its agency version of being able to do with the name of andother with focused branding is behaving better Can you put the builder name in the chatnick yeah being able to yeah you can check on and there and youtube they're and you see this isthe same thing that the pulp and I give with the website to make web page is avery good builder It is the best one I think is the most expensive in bestone He had the agency we are sending the afraid for free for the Australianbut does anybody ask him see what he branded on her name I got you can makeit very easy with this You can connect with the respondents like business I got it It's a verygood people Yeah Yeah I mean you want to have something that you can control and keep updating andjust easy accessible Yeah but we were with the agency yourself from popular we get the update every time itis an update and we get a lifetime update Yeah you have the first signsso you so on my screen I've got this thing up again I would probablysay it's like click funnels you know all of these page builders same technology youknow I'm pretty sure I can move this around with the story Okay See onother on there are some other page building where it's got free hand movement meaning you can click and youcan drag anywhere you want But I guess this one's a bit restricted and if you've worked with get inthere you can you can put it where you can put the margin and it's more it's more advancedOh you can adjust everything you can to the plus sign beside the done button at theright kind of module You can have the other side Oh yeah you can add addlike a block right But it's like this button it's on the top of the No no no no I'mjust saying the other stuff it probably added right at the bottom and contents AlrightSo if I go ahead content slide I can Oh that's nice Let's put it onthe bottom like this and you can put his head is slated that side one side two sidethree you can put a video of a picture house because it's really easy to work is alot of function in it Yeah that would yeah I can imagine if you're using itIt would be um nice quick and easy You can also go to the plussign your template template you can have opinions stampede here Have you have used this then Yeah yeah Ihave to start using my main website It's three o'clock You can save money you can save more usuallylike a part of a page Can save them as templates and add them likelike other pages content pages So you can you can use different images you can add theminto different parts of you can make yourself like a like a bunch of accessories likea pre made and then you make a page for a module and you want and then you chargethem Did you modify them for me for that I am And there's also a grade you canhave from vendor can have to do it and played from before Yeah it's pretty good Where did youget this run Oh pony No but which 1 Product websites No I mean which one Because he has somuch things but it comes with the most of it like a game with the magic platform willset about the business backpack Are you are you saying that he had the whitelabel white label urgency and he landed on his own brand It was like he had toplatform two or three brands He gave it to give it to this is again something like this Youcould if you wanted to you know you could have this as um you know it's thesame model Say for example you know what they've done they've they've gone and got theagency licensed right They rebranded it and then you could sell it as your own and then you can rebrandit on your own company and sell it for a client to to have the website with withwith with with human nature website which will only actually this is pretty cool It's not advertised on his pagebut he afraid is it also came with um shut up You can download the website you can downloadthe website and it has the agency Okay Okay I have all those things So I have businessbackpack So this is like in the social media with the direct marketing training sections that have the like thetraffic I did the traffic last night that did that session You can go onyoutube Youtube plenty of tutorial from brother They tell you how to do anything you want to do and everyday they tell you how to do it with the videos It's all free Oh that's right Youtubehas everything because it's called google Yeah And and the company will which may be able to offerall the soil for me and it's understandable Okay See this year the other question was about these imagesif you just type in royalty free images should be able to find just to makesure whatever you do Always put royalty free and you'll see you know there'll be images thatyou can find I do recommend to on those royalty free that you research there that they arein fact royalty free You can just you can do otherwise It's a bit ofa hanky panky then Yeah there's something called I think it's called Free Pick All the threepickens Free pick here Um Let me check the pricing on it Just double checkedI think Um And somehow free something every month It's like $10 every month RightAnd and and I came across this and it but it was used as wellfor for the launches or you know graphics that were needed and there's some amazing graphical fromhere So I decided that yeah You know if you pay that $10 whatever is every monththere's just just this there's everything on there You could imagine everything This one has videos on it too videosthat I don't I don't think so Let me just double check Oh no Um but youcan I'm not sure if you can actually what when I used it it wasfor content and I'm pretty sure you can get personal usually will tell you any what licensesthere are available If it is good for putting out fires photoshopped template template So if you've got images likethis for example now if you went on theme forest and you're purchasing these thenyou would pay like 10 20 bucks a pop things like creating your own card and stuff Um moreinformation So look for commercial and personal projects So you can actually sell this to people That that's prettycool And you know there's there's tons of it on there So you could do whateveryou want to do Especially uh you know if you want to provide like johnny for examplenow somebody comes to them and they say you know they want to come and they want help development ontheir business Have you got these creatives maybe social media banners platforms Have you got your business cards Um youknow have you got your your cover's made all of those things Banners images Uh it would encompass everything againThis one is just yeah it's 10 bucks It was very very for other purposes Not using a site calledCreative Grafica I paid $20 a month for it But you guys don't realize I have nomoney I'm retired from the beach You could you know you can take images from there then I guessfrom from if you went to here take some images you've got things like whatis it called What's that What's that Carrillo canvas Sorry canvas Yeah Take some images if youwant to edit them Um depending No So if you want to mix and matchbasically you might find beautiful images here Like these backgrounds or where's it gone Um if you go victorsof the highest aren't they gorgeous Aren't they victor So background whatever it is you know Umso like she was asking So these are just images Right So these are not videos Nobut you could incorporate you could add them into your videos if you have alook at these kind of images for say for example this is digital marketing whatever graphics come up you knowSo they started sending the discussion is yeah they're very nice Yes I have images like that already on myinstagram account I have images like this on my instagram account Um A lot ofpeople like clicking on the images They like the images Yeah but I don't have to buy youcan take this jpeg for example and then either you edit yourself or you comeover to trailer or Canberra or snagging or whatever and put your text over thetop Even this one has you know I guess this one people have been using to again I justfound out about this maybe a couple of years ago but it's an amazing resource that you canthink of Pixar bay and all sorts of other sites But this is this isfantastic P S D S That's beautiful But see my thing is I want somebody to dothis I want somebody to do this for me You keep saying that by the way that that time haspassed it's expensive to mention it Well you know I don't think so I think that the right person mymy right person is there You know my staff and my I'm building an empire here guys I don'tdo all the work Come on I told you that last week Right You did sure virtually I wishI could do it Yeah Gosh We are trying to build down empires over here We areWe are Exactly This is so helpful This is great By the way you can if youyou can get free websites from Wordpress and you get paid versions and you can get thebeaver builder inside of it Yeah So that it's not free but it's virtually free sortof like this What do you use for the videos and you gotta get videos and in the website Allthe things I do also post in the discussion Oh you did You posted freestock You know that's nice This video sound and everything That's that's that's this websiteIt's a very good resources all the around the site Yeah The free stuff Can youput this one in the chat nick Yeah but it's just different Yeah these are these are videosnick Why have you been holding back on all this stuff Where have you been Yeah it's onpoint for another facebook page I have all the paul pone and stuff I don'tknow why I haven't seen this He makes tons of material to keep up Thisisn't business backpack No it's it's a it's a Yeah she'll share it with you Ohyeah sure Gosh Yeah Don't talk about give me start with josh please Your heartyour heart starts beating faster when you hear Yeah Well actually slowed down a lot JimYou know he's actually slowed down a lot I complimented him on monday very very sharp buthe speaks so quickly But yeah So this is all you say Which product for paul poonadid you say Nick I'm trying to say is in the cold chain Which one are we looking atright now Watching this program right from Yeah sure the way weekly where we know itfrom Yasha It's 11 of the one of the last year I think two years ago I probably have thisin my notes Yeah but I don't keep up washed up sometimes Get some stuff Goodstuff right there There's too much stuff it's amazing You can you want I've asked him to that his visionis not necessarily paul's vision So you noticed in the last on the last webinar he puts paul ponies webinarso he's not often he got off on N F T S Right now he's back tonormal Jr johnny's backpacks full You know he's sitting on a host of things No he's like you knowwhen you it's like I'm not obviously Cheryl Cheryl be the best person to ask but you're not like alady's handbag You know you've got so much in there and you just don't you know if youever go you just don't know where things are Ladies know where the things are butwhere do I start I've got everything in there It's like johnny he's got all of these Softwares and allthese two you have to help me organize here That's what I told you last week Ineed your help Mm hmm Mhm Can can with uh I mean camera they've got new stuff aren't theyAll the videos and stuff So again this stuff they keep it ahead I like it iswhere they go for what what's that status is So they're basically hearing everything Even tiktok instagram rules I meanthis is this would be perfect for johnny as well You know he can cover himselffrom Tiktok videos instagram reel videos Youtube this is all in Canberra You're kidding mewow And Pinterest Most agencies don't even know about the side like this You know this is this is likethis is everything this is this is crazy This is like you could sit there essentially youcould sit there and spend a month now Just say you spend a month here you don't post youspend a month just create content every day Ukraine Huge You know your crane six months work youcould do but you know every day let's just say if every day you've done 12 piecesof content or 10 pieces of content That's a great idea 20 and 28 piecesyou could you could make a year's worth of content if you think about it and then what you doyou take then another couple of weeks and you go put in a put in aschedule The whole thing is automated Yeah that's what I was doing that in the backpack nickThat's what I was doing for traffic the traffic webinar and stuff That's what that gives youa tool called KUBI or cuckoos I love what you're just saying The ali that you can createa year's worth of content So 365 pieces of units of sellable items might take you a monthto make that But you then schedule the delivery of or the release or the launch I don'tknow if you launch launch is such a big process but you'd have to build thatSo somebody else uh sorry don I'm sorry I didn't think I was gonna say that was an awesome greatidea that you just said because I used to drive myself insane trying to get myYoutube channel um together and I'm actually paid to be in a group I think I toldyou that this when I first met you um that I paid to be in this group and Ididn't have any videos So pretty much it's like I'm in a group that Ican't even they can't help me because I don't have any videos But what you just saidmakes a whole hell of a lot of God dog and sense Just make the hot dogand videos and then post them right What then what somebody else done a strategy or agood tactic that they've done right Is that every day they would post for about two months three months straightevery day whatever doesn't just they would make one post And every time they would post theywould put it in google drive for example on an Excel spreadsheet And then whatthey would do then once that collapsed they would just then repurpose the same content after after youknow after the third month guess what Now They've got 90 days worth of content They justpost the same stuff going back to the start and they can do this throughoutthe whole year Who would know because you're always having your having always you're always having newpeople come in and not everybody sees your post anyway So sometimes for example if you go and findyour post here and you know what the other thing is you could post videos and you can see whichones are the most highly engaging ones and then you could prioritize them or create more content like thatThere's data isn't it You're collecting data you're analyzing what were your audience like and you know you could goand post something this week and post the same thing probably next week and then the weekafter and people still like the same people Yeah that's what they have seen this image before Why are youliking it again Well I don't know when they saw it but there's a there'sthere's an actual analytics to some of these sites like I was mentioning cuckoo thatcan tell you where they're watching it from and do all the analytics for youthat way You can know work to what the repost that people are getting your attention um spannedfrom this is exciting depending again what what niche you're in You can find outwho are your top who are the top people in the industry who are the topexperts And you could go you could go you know there's nothing stopping you from going andanalyzing their contents and look at what the what content that they're they're kind of producing and whichones are getting the best engagement You can go to the Youtube channel for example you goto the field and you check which which are their most highly engaged or their best videos that aregetting tons of views and feedback so on and so forth And you know just use the filterand look at you know the most views now Now it's gonna it's gonna give you exactly whatare the best videos for that channel that that individual within your niche What's stoppingyou from now taking those ideas and recreate the model around that piece of content It's like you're shootingfish in a barrel out the window now Mm hmm Cheryl now and this happened ThisThis is very normal It does happen You you paid to join a group now you've paid that money It'slike you're now hoping that you've relinquished responsibility now Now that's what I paid the money Now I'mnot saying this is you I'm just saying this happens happens You paid the money and you're like you knowwhat Yes something's gonna happen I've done my partner No no I know that But whathappens sometimes it's like you've palmed off that responsibility You know it does happen whenyou think I'll be all right now As long as I'm in the group you know we'llfigure it all out You know I'm going to get help and you know yourself Nobody helps you when itcomes down to it The only one that's going to help you is yourself Well that's the pointI can't get any help because I don't have any videos So it's not that they don't want tohelp me and how they're gonna like something that I don't have So how long haveyou been in this group now You really want me to tell him myself Idon't like when you do that to me try to put in a spot I'm just chokingHey crowd I've been in it for probably a while I don't remember but it's been a while But youdo know you don't know how long a long time how long is a long time when it comes toseptember one month two months three months six months One year Yeah probably like six months orso because remember okay stop it Don't get me in trouble because she's gonna killyou You know you're gonna get in trouble cause you know this stuff yourself I don't know But anywaybut remember that I'm doing a travel agent thing I'm like okay boom I can do the Youtube channeland track So that's why I really need some images So I think that's what mynext little problem is But I think you all saw that you're next little problem is justto get you know just to create a video isn't it Just make a video to get yourmoney's worth at least someone put So it's not a problem It's just a littleit's just a little blip that you need to deal with otherwise six months Is it one offour You pay monthly for it No no no it was just a one time Okay That'sfine Okay Yeah So basically you pay for something you want to get something out therebefore you know God knows they get busy They grow and they shut down and they disappearone day they say whoever has not posted anything I think we're going to get rid ofthem or something And I'm like uh so in your scenario what kind of video wouldyou want to create for that just to get started Just just like um travel videosYou know you can start off with those free Softwares on LME with templates Theygot travel templates and stuff and then just do a voiceover as you're pitching Your logo is already madeYeah that's what I need to do All right You got that part Yeah So what you should doif you look if you can use or you can go create something from those templatesRight Number one you do something from the templates and if you can record something infront of a camera even if it's an iphone mm hmm get those done and then letme know and I'll help you put them together Okay In my defense I have been making videos off ofyou know pull apart and stuff like avatar and all those sort of I have been making videosand if you go on my youtube I mean on my Youtube channel sorry I'm getting myself in trouble IfI don't if you go on my instagram you'll see like any videos that I postevery now and again So I am working on it Yeah You know know thatthat that 100% that's fine But we want to put that video in the group whereyou pay for to get your money's worth at least some but you want to get some returnbefore they disappear because that always happens Um because it might be something that they share with youthat makes a dramatic impact in the videos that you're posting now right you won't know until you do itSo I'm pretty sure once you do make a video it's like oh you knowit wasn't as hard as I thought it was because I know it's it's a bitof a mind it's a mind thing and it's like oh man this stuff is it's a headache isa headache when you when you that's to make some first because I think if youtry to do that one a day that drives you insane So try to make a fewbecause like say it's like right after I get off here with you and I make one I'malready in the zone so I can make like another one and another one I can change my you'll beup all night Yeah but that's good because that's still good because at least I'm in the zoneto do it versus every day then that's a little stressful because now you're like you'renot in the zone anymore and then you got to think again like when you're ina zone just do it It's it's exhausting if you've got to make one post andsometimes to make that one post can take you hours So you even mentally setting up tospend two hours to make one post It's like like you the amount of energy mentalenergy it takes just to make that one step and generally what you would do you just avoida like you know it's not worth it It's just what I'm going to post thatone video maybe Yeah maybe you're gonna see maybe I get 12 views or something but nothing comes outfrom the other side You know sometimes our head will play games right Because I'm notbeing consistent I'm doing it here and there so it doesn't really make a differenceLet me just do it tomorrow Let me do it tomorrow You know what it's likelike you said time is hard to get unless it's a priority that you're 100% So if sometimes ifyou know your behavior that how you're gonna behave doing that one task then have a breakdown youhave a breakdown get everything broken down These are the kind of videos I want to be doing I havea list of about 50 is just a 15 20 you're not today I'm gonna doI'm gonna do five of those or five Yeah so what do you say I'm goingto do five of them right now right And you know the moment you do them you're like you knowwhat I'm in the zone now I'm in the I'm flowing now so let melet me do another five Okay let me just get another five So we you justchip away at it you know you just buy it a little bit nibble nibble at it because whenyou start going in that thing I'm gonna do You know I'm going to do 20 of thesedays of those Yeah it's a big it's a big mountain right Wait until I'min the right conditions you know I've had enough rest of eating the right food maybe I've gotthe energy Yeah so so with Cheryl now her task is by next week you should havethose videos you can you can pick me those like you can use the templates you can haveyour own videos and I'll help you bring them together like we can merge them together whatever it maybe So you've got one piece of content That video alright sounds good Yes I'm working on it nowShe's got now it's like it's like why did I win Should it But just getit done and just chuck it in the group it doesn't matter regardless if it'surgent or just let's put it in the group and it'll be nice to getfeedback anyway regardless helping me move forward Because then my thing is hopefully when you do get feedbackand you know people look at it and they say what they gotta say itshould then eat it should then feed into your other videos right And it might those little subtle changesmay affect the overall campaigns that you run to your business because yeah if youif you paid for something you kind of want to make sure that you put it in there beforethey disappear You just don't know Yeah it's a Youtube group Like we're all supposed to likesay if all of us was in a group we're all supposed to watch each other's videosand comment on it and all that good stuff I do that with our our people Yeah it'snice You can follow follow everybody in the group health with the algorithms help with engagement pushingthe videos up in the in the in the search or visibility So people are trying to soyeah if you've got a good group I mean you know what the interesting thingabout that is people used to do this with review websites So they were part of certainMLM companies multilevel marketing companies And what they would do they're like hey look they're all they'reall in this group and they've all made their website everyone would comment something negative or you knowsome some nonsense right Just to push the S E O on that web page And againit would be the same for the videos and it would just be a group But it'sa syndicate where everyone is pushing each other's pieces of content So there's Mr Mackenzie with these the newlaptops out and about hey there Mm hmm I I thank you for that Um just to uhrecap things for me within the last hour that we spoke about So I willstart making um those video posts and start posting them Um for my maybe 36 months ahead Like yousuggested on instagram which I already have the post there I just want to addthe videos to it So I'll use some of the tools that you just gave me asfar as to add the videos too And I'll take a look at what Cheryl's doing and maybe we cancollaborate and share what I'm doing and put it in the groups that we all can shareSo what what what what we could do Yeah Um yeah maybe this week whatI'm trying to do you can make a google drive folder for example And in that folder they couldbe everyone can have their own folder And then in that folder you can have differentfolders if you want depending what you're doing and you can add that in there and it could bemade public so you can see if you've got videos that you want to share Maybe you want abit of feedback on them People can go in there whatever and they can seewhat you're doing or campaigns for example now say for example you um johnny goes andmakes some of those videos where he takes one video and he's like hey can cansomeone have a look at this What do you think your feedback Even if and then even I could havea look like with Cheryl's video and I could say okay let's make some edits on hereYou know try this version here Um It would be nice You can see what everyone's doing and you knowagain it's a way of collaborating Exactly thank you for that and I forgot about Travis Travis has still gothis hand up so I guess we can go back to Travis or did he stepaway Travis was talking I think it was not done for you section So they've done afew stuff the pages they come into folder and it's got all of the breakdown of it So you basicallyhave you have to upload it on a server because it's got an index page I meanjim will know all of this stuff because he's got the hosting company So you've gotall the files that are ready to go and you gotta upload them So maybe I'll haveto get some videos together that could kind of give a walkthrough of that as wellOr the alternative way is it's got a Microsoft word document sales pages and stuff you just take the textmake your own and you can upload it in certain sections of the sales page that makessense You make here Well I got it using the route using my own services todo exactly what you just said and I look forward to presenting that to youI want to show you something where there might be something here If anyone wants that you just plugand play you take the files are there you upload them because it's already it's already doneand all the assets are there basically And then you've got to do all the codingall of the CSS style sheets and stuff has already created all of those You know when you getthe fireworks it's everything is in the little images little icons and all that The whole thing's broken down inthere and this is the dy done for you section everything in the whole funnelssome videos together possible Can you put that on screen real quick If that's possible toodone for you you can see them So the way that I mentioned this beforethe reason why it's like this because not everyone wants to download huge files Right So it's all broken downYou've got you know training guide that's the book you can take different components of itand you can build them up as you desire if that makes sense So you'vegot you know you've got the front end and then you've got the Upsell from hereRight where is it going up Cells are all these things Okay And if you wantto add more you can I never saw this why didn't I see this before So if you gotdone for you you probably just saw it like this That's why yeah I wasoverwhelmed That's right That happens a lot at my age because the thing is Ineed to get the other stuff done but I actually have a ton more thatare already ready to go I have a huge inventory that we're ready to go So I'llput an Excel spreadsheet and then I'll find out from everybody here which priority thatthey want next Do you have email swipes as well Sorry Do you have email swipes as wellFor what The partner program Yeah Or just generally the partner program specifically partner programI'm starting to do them myself Put them together Okay so once they're done and then I'll update itbecause there was there was a copywriter and this is again this is this is alllearning some of them they're you know delays and this is happening and then covidhere and all this and it's like why But I actually you know what yesI will have a good day I already I think I have a big have Maybe fouror 5 that I I never I completely forgot that I had it was a batch of themBut I do I want to hit different angles on it as well Do you havedo you have one on teaching class including a funnel I mean of course I amThat's what I'm I'm launching a course I mean you know what you could doright This is this is again this is this is a again do it the right wayyou could you could look at for example you know when you go to munch on and you seeall these launches on James Warrior plus And I mean this is this is ashortcut but I'm telling you the right way of doing it You could look at similar products that are similarto yours courses programs Softwares and stuff like that Right And you can go to the JV pageand you can see the email swipes and you can you can look at okaythey're covering these points in the year and you can come up with your own versionsDon't copy You don't infringe on all of that But it will give you an ideaThere will be sequences Now there's a launch coming up I think it's the kibocode or something If you remember kibo code you'll probably see around these guys that they do stupid numbersRight though that kibo code you know and stuff I I sat through that for hourstrying to understand what they were trying to do They're just a copycat Yeah I think it's an amazon relatedor something like that anyway because amazon drop shipping Yeah it's it's a copycat I meanpaul poona has drop shipping Yeah but you gotta remember with certain partners in place in traffic Right Theymade from I think the first version it was like $17 or $20 million dollars from thatYeah The good thing about them is that you don't have to monitor the customers this automaticallyshipped out for you That's the good thing about it It's like really hands off Yeah I thinktheir stuff was again their stuff is getting promoted by click bank itself annex andgirl and many of the marketers out there but there's alibaba too prolific or because they're again they're making peoplelots of money and you know they're probably very good at what they do But the reason I mentioned itis go look at their stuff their sequence is very important that you gotta understand It's so so importantIf you see people running these campaigns you know they got a promotion coming up in this launchhappening like you know the whole structure There's nothing stopping you from having to look Ohokay Here's the first announcement Oh they've got certain dates where they are now saying come on a webinar Okaywhen I opt in where does it take me What is on that page What's the video what isthe what's the follow up sequence What the emails I'm getting You can d engineer somebody isa complete build up their launch sequence But coming again to jim's point about theemail swipe So you know email swipes Again if you've got a good copyright andthat's fine But a good way of kind of looking email swipes you can look at what other people aredoing and they'll give you an idea these are maybe some of the angles that I could also do thatand then come up with the angles a structure behind it And then you couldalso um if not you could say to the copyright hey look these are these are these the productis kind of like mine and here's some good angles We need something fresh That's a fresh content It's notthe same and it's unique to our own stuff Right The last thing you wantto do somebody getting up So you've copied me because people are like that theywill do that It's not very nice but it's like it's basically modeling It's giving you an ideaof that you know exactly These are the things that I should be talking about some of thepoints and it'll make your life a lot easier Sometimes what is the website for plagiarismcharity got a new name for you Nick Uh did you ever say how you take those Likeput them on like click slow funnel maker or something like that Click click clickclick slow funnel maker that I'm not sure but generally what you would do because the fileis downloaded Right So what you generally do when you have your host and you go putit in the the hosting folders the index page and you have you know you you wouldhave to upload the entire entire file and it will populate on the page right Um or the other waywould be if you're uploading it to another page builder manually then you would just takethe text from the word document piece by piece and lay it out as youwant That makes sense about the page builder from California You can yeah Also as a bonus andit's most of the software in the bonus session you have the website builder you can download itand you have to let your web to your Wordpress website and you have theinside it and also what what I'll do hopefully what I'll do I'll put together some training videosI'll get some training videos on it if you do do it manually from hosted Right okay So thatat least but the main thing is like you've got the text anywhere from thesales space for example in the graphics you know now the graphics might be a little bit moreolder You can you know freshen everything up especially with page builders just copy and paste text layout you canlook at the layout how it is putting new images in there and just get yourbuttons on there So I was I was thinking I thought I had to transfereverything and then it just pop up So I was thinking of I don't know whether I'm having problems youknow with the way this is when you downloaded the files but just click funnels like that Ican just download it click funnels and they put it together magically appear or I just I've never done itwith click funnels so there might be a way of doing it I know whatyou're saying because you can you can download an index page can't you upload it Um but yeah thatI wouldn't know I would do a manual way That's the that's the traditional wayof doing it We just take the the fire when you upload it That's the old schoolway ours band That's what I've been doing But Travis you said that you were not goingto work with click funnels because you mentioned months ago that click funnels is what slowed you down intogetting your No I was I was trying to use that as an example from what Iwas trying to do but he answered my question I never get back in because Idon't have 100 Yeah I mean I mean what what what what happened with the yeah TravisTravis He know he was doing he was pretty click funnels that's what he had an issue with and II thought that you know he got a bad taste in his mouth from click funnels So he movedover to another place Yeah I mean I remember that Yeah sure you sure do I wasmad at click funnels that was back when we first started I know I have a good memory YeahI know because when Travis first started he was doing he was making progress but what it isclick funds they got so many different components of affiliate programs and then you start toprevent something else And I think that that's what kind of diverted his his focus andattention It took him down another route That's that's what it was You know he gothe diluted he's he's focused Yeah And but it is what it is So nowhe knows exactly what he wants to be doing anyway But yeah he really doeslove click funnels really deep and I don't want him to do like a 3 60 go backto click funnels and start going And now I understand that when I get um right to put thatin my budget I'll go back and give it about a 90 day try because it looks realsimple I see a lot of people doing it and they tend to look real good I mean ifyou if you do get click followers and you just think let me just get to if I canpromote it to two people you covered your your your your recurring if that makes sense That's whatit is If you think of it like that just let me know if you generally wantto use it use it even if you use it for a couple of months andyou know I mean imagine this now for example this is how people are makingmoney with click funnels before right Or a good strategy was that they would show somebody how tocreate a funnel right Or pages within click funnels and you know how to createyour you know everything that we've done like an opt in page do this allnight how do you go set it up and all of this stuff and they will they will showpeople this right And these people wouldn't know about how to build pages or something They wouldn't even havea page builder Now what that person would then do says you know what you don't need to build thisI'll share Like they you have the ability within click funnels to share that that funnel right Like likeI've done as well Right And that person if they don't have it they can sign up withit And the access through your link for example So it's a done for you thinkis it done for you stuff So there's nothing stopping you from continuously creating differentpages right For anything that you want and just sharing it with people right Or training around it ordone for you templates And you can create those videos you can go put them inyoutube for example and you could just siphon off traffic like people that want to let you know basic stuffCome and build pages and then people will then essentially come through your link there's nothing stoppingyou from doing that You could create a whole product on that Jim was talking aboutanalytics analytics have found out jim that I do own it and and and Iwas surprised that I have a good version of it too because it has all these different templatesand stuff there So you see this is the thing how many It's amazing Sometimesyou know your purchase something you don't even know if you're good or not Andthen then then then then then you know sometimes it comes to your head and wheredoes my money go me When I first met you I was like I'm gonna teachyou how to make your own product You're doing too much You get other people money you're gonna makeyour own product That's the best thing you could have taught me when you taught mehow to find the Nisshin be an expert It helped me more offline getting moneyand clients and I actually do online It's like it's the powers within and that's what I learnedfrom from Yeah I mean it's not do it yourself I mean the way I've done itlike don't don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong going the other way It's probably theopposite what you should you are told like if you run it by me not doing atraditional weight has cost me money but that was always my intention Like I don't want you could sayfor example everyone could have come in and I could have said oh yeah there's this software that softwarethat I'm recommending I'm gonna promote this I'm going to promote that But I'm tryingto flip that way You save money you don't keep spending because then you're still stuck in that samecycle you're never gonna get out of it right So you save money and use that money thatyou save in the right places That's going to go make you money right Because you know you saidyou know I'm pretty sure you even come into LME you've got 102,000 about 100different people's list and you've seen all these promo is that coming out every single day never endsAnd most of you buying the same products again you now tell you don't do it unlessyou really need it But it is it is it is what it is Hey at least another thingI learned from you that I utilize a lot y'all uh I go to fiber a lot and dofreelancers and get them to make what I need done and then I take it and sell it to myclients is like I play the middleman arbitrage Yeah See you you see this thing likelike johnny will say it's leveraging somebody else's skills and talents and is it ethical course it is And thething is sometimes you think those people do they know if they knew how to do it themselves andthey don't know some people are just happy with doing what they were doing rightYou see what I mean Now say for example Travis could do this year and Iknow somebody that's done that and like for example now say for example I went to work and Ifound something very good he's in the Philippines and he does graphics wherever For example rightnow what you could do with that person you could say hey look you know what What about ifI pay you a monthly thing like 200 bucks I'll pay you $200 every single month and it's fixedit's fixed now and then that person will say whatever whatever stuff you need getting done I willcover it 24 7 more or less full time employee employment for 2 $300 a month Now imagine thatnow Travis Travis is paying 40 bucks or 50 bucks for this one time projectYou could find real talent real talent Now we would be happy That you paidthem to $300 People just don't know because they never asked a question to These peopleare looking for full time work Maybe we can work in the middle Yeah that's what I was talkingabout as far as that's how I'm building my staff as far as getting these Filipino workersand stuff on I have a agency that can find them for me and give me their resumes And someof these people they're like $3 an hour and you know they have a lot of alot of experience if you look at their bios and that that's something even if they don't haveas much experience as you want I'm not even joking I've like I've seen this withyou know people that we worked with and my friend he someone someone I had recommendedmy friend you know real good telling nobody shares right He's been teaching him how to do sales pagesImagine that Sales pages graphic design for sales pages That was just doing images normal images and the next thingGuess what else You could get somebody to do it or you can teach them You could buy these callsto go learn how to do video editing Right Right Right You know what I'm saying So they'reall encompassing They do your content they could do your your images for example your sales pagesand video editing your video production And I just posted the link in the uh whatI paid for my sister's thing and the other lady did 30 post one post day for 30 daysfor like 190 bucks And she taught me something I was like wow that looksgood Take a look at it It's a good investment when you don't have the time to doit yourself and you can take the time to do it yourself and take a longtime to edit pictures Guys I do videos I'm so tired of videos I'm just trying to break off ofit but I have so many people want me to do them but I justwanted to elaborate on what I was saying I'm sorry because you always get so excited When you talk whenyou get to talk to my mind get to racing like it is somebody that understands Remember your youshould be in control of the horse Exactly yeah You gotta take one of those pills slowing downfrom five guys and if you need to do something you have a problem with What I'm trying tosay is go to five and find a freelancer trying to like 50 80 bucks would beworth it You can look at the work she did on my sisters and so nowmy sister said I ain't gonna pay you no more Yeah but the thing that Ali is trying to geta point too is that it's always good for the master to be in controlof the ship I know how to steer the rudders and everything in your shipand you can rely on at the same time Yeah I was just saying that whatAli was talking about was that you have to be in control of your ship and youhave to know how to run that rudder when that other person is not thereSo it's you know like that's what I want to do I wanted to farm everything out tothese fiber people and outsource them But you've got to learn how to do the job yourself before you canteach somebody else how to do it because you want it done your way and if they were tolet's say come down with Covid or something you need to know how to do the actual task yourself Umand that's what the where the rubber meets the road I look even the reason I mention that I madethe same mistake many many years ago probably about 56 years ago when creating software now for example you knowI had an idea of what was needed to be done but I went to the developer and he's buildingout and I'm not even joking it's so weird Every time we hit a milestone he said maybe youshould make it like this And over time he completely changed the initial concept Anyway this guy huh Wasthat a good thing or a bad thing You know it's very bad thing So what I meanis that sometimes when you if you know what you're doing first always first and foremost understand whatit is that you're doing have complete clarity and control over the concept right Havethe ability that you can do the task yourself only when you understand how to do itbecause you've done it yourself You are understandable that want the true value of doing the task The hard workThe amount of energy that goes into it And then when you're communicating now you've got somebodyelse you tell them exactly how it should be done because you you're saying itfrom a place that you've done I'm not saying with all projects of all things but the main stuffthe main fundamentals if you're doing your business you should know how to run it Now if youdelegate to somebody else that you know a task that you you're not doing yourself and it's really it's paramountto the success of your your business and stuff you have no idea that personcould be messing you up and that mess up could cost you time and money and it could drown youas an individual because you had no idea because you took it You know you you just pumpedoff because you thought yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna alter me I'm going to relaxso that all of this stuff and sometimes that can cost you because sometimes what willyou will find no one is going to do the job to the ability that you wantor the quality that you want except for you because it's your emotional investment in it right But then atthe same time you have to detach yourself when it comes to a point where you haveto detach yourself from your baby as well that you have to be able inorder to grow you have to give it to somebody else But that comes with wisdom is an experience whenyou're doing the same thing or you're running it there will come a point whereyou micromanage them but you're on top of it you're not giving it completely away but you're able thatable to if it comes to a point that you kind of think you know that person's got you knowthe pill they've taken time off Hey I can I can take control of thereins now You know you know you're not you're not somebody else's mercy afforded meto um to do that as far as leadership leadership is not you're not born a leader You knowyou have to learn to be a leader Um number one and it's it's very difficult foryou to you can't let go of those rains I'm sorry nick No but john johnny johnny isunique because he comes from that that that background you know of that corporate background Nowthe average joe say for example me or maybe some of you that we don't come from that where wecome from that background where we've done the course we've been studying university or try to learn allthese traits and we've been in a practical situation So it can it's a bit more of alearning curve So um you know for johnny for example he's he's already been through those processes ona corporate level where you have to bring people in and two ex wives And so he'scoming from that place of understanding wisdom it's not gonna be like that for everybody and what you're gonna findwhen you do go through it you'll try your best to put safeguards in placeBut people will sometimes people you may have unpleasant experiences with more money and even to this dayif I'm working with someone there will be still people that will try to mess me around eventhough you put everything in place It still happened when people were just it is what itis that you know you for example you bring somebody in now and you're hoping you're bringing thisperson and because I'm an asset to your business and grow it and they're gonna try to doa good job And the fact is that they don't really care they don't have that emotional state that youdo towards your business like you you know it's your life you just imagine it's like havinga child you know you can do your best to raise this child that person doesn't care asfar as they're concerned as long as they get most I'm not saying everybody but as long asthey're getting their fees that's where you know that's what it is it's business for them it's notpersonal they'll do their best or whatever Some people go above and beyond that's fine But youknow sometimes in some cases you'll have people that just take advantage of the situation they getpaid and they sit back and relax and let me just for example if somebody doesn't knowabout video production or maybe ads for example right you might not be knowledgeable inthat area but that person is knowledgeable they know you're ignorant about certain facts and theycan take advantage on that So what I would say even if I got somebody running adsI'm going to educate myself as we're going through it I'm learning about it so I can askquestions and what about this What about that So then so then in their head they're like ohthis person is asking me too many questions now if they're unable to answer thenit's red flags you know they don't pay up front Don't pay upfront No no no fiber doesn't allowyou to pay upfront Fiber allows you to pay when the job is complete and it's beendone to your release the rest of the money I mean any freelancing site it's you dictatethe terms you tell somebody hey I'll give you 5% up front and then wecan have whether you want milestones in place that everything gets released or upon successful completion of the projectthen then there's a payout it's as simple as that and you got if you agree to something andyou don't tell the do what you want if you agree that you you can youcan sue them after if you agreed you must you must you must check everything wasokay before you agree that your your safeguarding yourself and remember some people might think oh no but youknow who's going to want to get because don't put yourself in their position thinking oh youknow what I'm gonna do the work I want the money up front Don't don't you put yourself in theirposition that's not your role You're you're specifying that tens of thousands of people out there Thisis what I want These are my intentions this is what I want in the contract You're decidingThey're not know if they come great you'll find people that want to do whatyou want to do your requirements You know you're not getting nothing up front but I'm gonna payyour completion we're gonna go through milestones everything gets agreed upon each stage whatever it may beOnly then when everything's happy then you get paid and guess what you're gonna see generallyyou know if you're not getting paid you're gonna make sure you get the workdone right right now it's an investment on the contractor they they've invested their time now and if you're sayingyou've got to make you know if you make these fixes those fixes sometimes you could take themI'm not saying you do this but people can take them oh no You know you got to they'll haveto do it They're like well it's a little bit left now I need to get my money nowYou know now the onus is on them but you pay upfront what you'll find Sometimes I'mnot saying all they not only do they relax but then they're also still taking other jobs which they'reprioritizing You know they've got the money from you now now they can kick back a little bit becausewe don't need to chase you Now I've got my money I can relax and I can keep delaying delayingdelaying delaying Let me go let me go focus on the other stuff that I'mdoing right now right Uh and it is what it is But I think maybeone day we'll go through you know upward post or you know out to go through all of thatstuff because it will happen um where you maybe you need to do a certain posts with contractorsmaybe even five or $10.05 $10 jobs you could find easily find But from those $5 or $10 jobsyou could find proper talent proper talent that people could create content for you like creatingbecause they're hidden You know you're you're coming You know you can find talent in certain countriesthat the number one that the exchange rate is phenomenal $2.02 dollars an hour or something like thatAnd then from that you could find people that would work with you long term longterm real loyal committed people that then you know as your business grows guess what it's ok foryou then to you know from the salary could be 200 a month 300 amonth 300 to 400 as you grow They grow And I've seen it myself PeopleI've worked with unfortunately where were you know they've had amazing talent amazing talent I can't explainphenomenal talent but then they've milked them They've exhausted them And it's not it's not the case that they'vetaken advantage It's like they're they're asking can you go do this The person has agreed to it because theydon't know about business because they just don't know how to negotiate So these are other skillsthat we kind of got to learn even with me I'm like if somebody said negotiate but sometimesI don't want the headache I want to come and just be genuine You know let's let everybody win Whydo you need to negotiate and you know you're trying to squeeze as much out asme for your own benefit Where you know I I understand I know it is what itis but where everybody wasn't brought up like you and your culture so they don't havethe same values as you and understanding that you know it's not about um nice being nice about this ornice about that It's about you doing your job and and getting the goal and and getting getting the missionaccomplished Yeah By any means necessary because somebody else you know even I've done contract before when people said youknow I remember this is business right And you know you know you think whoa Youknow and the thing is that's not really for some people it's just business They're like robots You knowthat you know we call them the really highest high high performance where they just they are you knowtheir life is set to break You know just go above and beyond like real people that want to worklike 89 90 hour weeks They want to be basically the highest performers out there You know you've got thesebankers and all these guys in ceo position high performance positions and then you've got theother strand where for for them anyway it's business for them any means necessary They you know they they cutthroat business and some of them are the best leaders as well at the same timethey accomplished the task because that's that's that's their all And then you've got the other aspect ofyou know where somebody comes in and then you know that's not them So thensometimes you will have a clash Now Absolutely for example You know I don't know if you've seenthe movie taken the movie taken right there There's a there's an aspect of the guy's daughter iskidnapped and you know she she's gonna get sold into slavery or prostitution or whatever itis and the guy now that the father finds out you know the company has takenhis daughter and he goes he you know he goes look just give back my door all ofthis stuff look I'll pay you He goes no I can't do it It's abusiness That's what he says his business is business and then he finds it and he goes no butfor me it wasn't personal And I think that when if you really think whenit really comes down to it even business business business business for you it might be business but this ispersonal affects me it might affect my Children it affects everything around me So I youknow you how people sometimes can separate the two that I don't know Sometimes it can be somethingthat that component people are missing It's just maybe it's a psychological trick that they're missing Or narcissist not narcissisticapproach and psychopathic people like that you don't know them and that's something you don't know them Soyou have to make sure you s have your S O P Your S O P Is your bible Yeahso you know that's the thing you want sometimes you don't know unless you you knowthe questions to ask and sometimes it can be over a period of time and if you have these redflags popping up then again that comes with wisdom or sometimes if you know whatyou're looking for if you don't know some of these individuals in certain positions they will see you a mileoff Yes they will they will be implementing certain psychological uh component They would they would you knowcertain tactics or strategies without you even realizing it And it's the thing that they're very patient Sometimesthese people very very patient yep education and you won't even know you're being subjectedto it until it's too late into the daggers in your back and it's bleeding from behind and you don'teven see the blood right So so the daggers in your back here and then the onesthat are screaming hey stadio masochistic bosses they're out there I've had them in corporate oh my Godespecially in new york they had this spangle twice and you know what it is what itis you know um it's sometimes people that get affected by this that sometimes you can lose your ambitionand your your your vision because of individuals like this that you actually give up becausesometimes you know if you invest a lot of time and energy and you're working for somebodylike that you don't know you get taken advantage of you get exhausted out ofit and in the end you kind of you know you question yourself who am I reallybecause sometimes you can be manipulated in such a way that you are no longer who you thoughtyou are or who you really are You have been you have been modeled andbranded into another version but it's not you nick I'm gonna need a martini after this callFire him up You've got Mr Mr McKenzie has his hand up sir please sir go ahead Thefloor is always yours Hi um just trading the thought that this conversation has taken I'vegot a couple of projects that I'd say uh a rising tide raises all boats AndI sent you an email Ali I wanted to talk to you about it um because I wanted to beStructure and everything I have the ideas but it has to be put in context It's four o'clockum I was wondering is how is the best way to get I sent youan email to support That's where we could talk about it Get your thoughts about it and it'ssomething that you can it's something that the whole group you know if with your thoughts that we can workum together with it helped LME but I also hope alcohol lots of other people Okay so what does joeI just send you a message that's my Skype So hopefully if you just send a messagehopefully I'll get around to it and then I'll be okay just back up becauseI yeah you put it in the chat Yes Yes sir If not as long as you sent me anemail I'll check my Skype and no yeah as long as you send an email I'll checkthe support and I'll go through that Okay I'll send another one The idea is I don'twant to take too much time here because you've been on for two hours justsend an email we'll we'll sort something out this week Okay Okay very good very good ExcellentAnd I think it's a great great great on camera by the way that's greatMy I got a surprise I've had a laptop since december but I just got it uh to useit yesterday and trying to get all these different things how to turn it off the volume how toget the different programs on it but it's a lot a lot easier and I'll be ableto get a lot more accomplished Yeah sometimes when you do these basic functions will make your life a loteasier and it will just you'll enjoy doing more stuff if that makes sense You know accessing technology maybe Ican run a few more videos maybe I can engage a little bit more Um and yeah yeah I meanjoe should you know get joe to do like a livestream for example joe you know Iknow I can tell joe is a man of wisdom Absolutely he's hiding from me like like Ijust mentioned that he's got all of these he's got many things now He's got many many projects buthe kind of now wants to figure out which one should I prioritize or how do I structure them Whichone should I be focusing I'm pretty sure we go down that theme Right So certainly inthe whole idea is whole I've seen a lot of things trends come and go umphone cards uh even a cell phone in fact that was involved with the guywith the cell phone I was doing phone cards and he told me he says joe the phonecard business is the nats and elephants ass That's how big the cell phone business is goingto be But he was sick with cancer and we had such a tremendous businessHe as the boss on the weekend when I had all my traffic from friday night to sundayhe was using new york But because we had so much traffic he worked theykeep us scoring so we won't break down And one weekend it was so heavy He workedthe whole weekend and monday he went to the hospital on monday night he died and I think it's likea really sore spot in my heart But I say that to say this is that I'm aheadof I've been fortunate to get ahead of the trends and what we're going into its being available tous It's a billion billion dollar business which is very simple and all we can do ishelp ourselves and help other people but what we need is somebody like ali of agroup like this They give it structure and produce results and it will happen and it's notyesterday It'll be within the next 60 days Mhm And also the health part there's health products Go ahead goahead I'm very I'm preparing a class I definitely look forward to following in what you're asking alior describing But in the next few months there's massive shift going on in in the industry in certainindustries Uh and one of them is I've been hired as an expert which I'm making sure I aman expert selling or minting N F T S And that's going to become bigger and bigger Yeah nojoke we would call anyway And then it would be nice Maybe you can document your journeyis just one of the things that I'm talking about what I'm wearing around my neck is apersonal air purifier and this is excellent for people who are like transit like aliyou're a policeman This is what you needed victory nowadays is whatever But school teacher I gotthis but I have no idea what it's for What is it What you said It's nota fair fight But this this is not the business I'm talking about this is currentbecause of the Covid But the business I'm talking about it's uh it's where Murray jim was just talking aboutgoing into another business like that But this is what we're talking about Audi it'seven it's gonna be it's what the idea is It's gonna help a lot ofunderprivileged people mm at the same time being that we have the knowledge of what to do and how todo it You were deep rewarded very handsomely So I will get that email toyou Ali uh I mean new york so it doesn't make any difference what time you call mefor you because you're five hours ahead of new york $5 a head What timeis it there now for you there joe 47 Yeah it's um it's nine o'clock care for about fourhours Four hours Yeah it's nine o'clock at eight Yeah Yeah yeah So oh mygoodness Then we shall include them and it's five hours ahead of us at least five hoursahead of us This has been wonderful Thank you very much everybody Thank you Thank you Travis has his backgroundpersonal I used to do the air purification systems The water purification systems with en esa remember enesa joe Yes they made the first smoke alarms Right right but this takes it a whole different likethat one joe has around his neck That's called the personal air Personal Fresh air whatit does is just like uh you know like those things you plug in the wall repelling bugs and mosquitoesthat the Germans can't come with you Like seven ft from It's like it kills him in here beforethey get to you This is the same technology that you use in the spaceship when they go outnationally So what happens if you don't believe in the space The Earth The Earth is flatDon't you know that We've never been to space Yeah but I just said that to show that it'sNasa approved and approved by the US Army That this works when you plug one ofthese devices up It purifies the air and kills germs on surfaces Well I think you and Jim are competingJim Manley is competing He's a competitor This was a gift to me and I haveno idea what to do with it Yeah Alright Alright I'm not gonna go as wellYeah So uh we'll catch up next week Ok Ok I'll be in touch God bless Thankyou Great Thank you so much Thank you No problem Alright johnny jim And by by by byMhm Yeah Mhm mm hmm Yeah Okay That's a wrap lot of good information Again two hours 11minutes