What's up everybody I'm Dan At three Ws dot Dan coming at you fromDan Wentworth Video reviews Today I'll be reviewing Presenter and presenter is spelled with A Zand an A for those of you who don't know here's my take on itSo then in this review I'm going to be taking a closer look at presenter andsee what all the fuss is all about Presenter is a software that allows you to create amazing presentationsand videos easier faster than old fashioned tools like powerpoint or Fantasia studio And it does this withminimal effort It's a software that will help you to create sales producing courses tutorials webinars website videos incredible slidesvideo sales letters sales pitches and more for your personal or your clients projects It soundslike every marketer's dream But let's see Does it does it live up to what they claimwe're going to cover that we're gonna cover what it does whether it's the best optionfor creating presentations or not and how much it costs whether there's any up sells and of course what theyare they are always up cells and what I did or didn't like about this softwareOK So at the end of the short video review you're going to know what presenter is whether it's rightfor you and if it's worth your money which begs the question what is presenter presenter isa relatively new cloud based tool and it's being launched on JV Zoo that allows you to create professionalpresentations and turn them into videos like instantly Um it's based on templates allowing you to log intweak a template and get your presentation finished within a matter of minutes So at first glanceit seems to be targeted at people who hate design work or simply don't have time for it anddon't want to blow their hard earned cash on expensive presentations or video tools or have to paylike a monthly subscription for those tools It also appears to be quite easy to use I haveuh like full access to the front end so I'll show you what it's about shortly Soplease stay uh stay tuned so far so good Now let's dive in a little deeper and see if presenterlives up to all the hype it's been getting lately So I need to log in over hereLet me log in when when you log in you get this pop up showing herenew updates from Adil Choudary who is actually the creator of this product and I'll justclose that this is Adel the creator of this presenter this product that is available on JV Zoo and it'suh like a great relaunch that's happening I want to show you what presenter isLet's go into the templates These are the different templates that you get I'm running through these templatesOK These are the basic templates that you get You can of course look at them you canview them see an example of what they look like See that one is itsays there find online work This is how it runs through all of these templates havethese slides in them that are already made You can of course customize them to whatever your presentationis supposed to be So I'm gonna quickly run through this There's the end of this but you canalso make it way longer As I say it's fully custom uh customization customizable right We've gone through we've seenthe templates these are upgrades the X factor and the this this is the projects more templates if you getthe upgrades So let's go and have a look at the VSL That's if you create avideo sales letter it will end up in this area These are video sales letters that I havecreated Let's go OK X factor I'm not gonna show that because why why notIt's an upgrade These are more more templates for you and then halo it's anotherupgrade These are the um products that I've created myself using presenter job finder that is a an upgradelearn is where you learn how to use this product There's another pop up just close it off andthese are the videos that will show you how to do the software get you upand running quickly Because of this first video quickstart tutorial will set you up and running as fast as possibleAnd teaching leaves another upgrade that is for online courses profit studio that is anupgrade and then genie is another upgrade So basically presenter is we're going to go from the templates Let's chooseone click on use This is where you put it into which folder you choose There's the name you canchange it let's just say eight word So you change the title then you click on create and then itwill take you to the creation part of this software Now this is where you create your presentation I'm justgonna move myself here and you can see what it's all about on the left You see the differentslides you can add slides if you want you just click here This is a bit smallfor me I'm going to make it a bit bigger Click on the settings You canadjust the time how long it's how long you want to display for each slide and it'son default So you can apply it to all slides or you can do themindividually What I want to do is find Oh there we go If you wanna duplicatethis first slide or any slide you can just click on the date icon there and it willduplicate the slides of when you look at it from here you'll see it goes there There's a there's theduplicate right So if you wanna do some changes here there the tools menu pops up and you can makeuse of these tools say for instance you wanna change the text you wanna makeit bold you click on there it's bold that's not bold So leave it on bold You can idolizeit and you can underline it if you need to and you can change thecolors as well This is just a quick demo I'm not gonna run through itall because I just want to show you that I actually do have this product and I'm making use ofit It is a wonderful product So I just wanna show you that it isavailable for you to use and OK let's do this color here We're gonna change the color Let's seewhere where we are with the colors right Um Here's the colors you can change it tolet's make it that color See there It's red You can take this element and you can move itwherever you like Same with this switch it over And what's great about this is OK Ifyou wanna save it you just click on that save button This is to add elements This is tosee what it looks like it's it's gonna show what the end result is But of course weonly started here sir Let's go to the first one There's the first one and the the secondone is the one that I worked on I changed it so you can put in your namehere Let's just get out of there You wanna change the name you can just putin your name life So I don't wanna do all of this I just wanna show you that this softwareactually works And this is slide number four line number five slide number six they are all fully customizationcustomizable You can even make this look better but you can make it smaller and bigger anduh things like that right I wanna show you you can add your own voice you can dothe speaking record it right here You don't have to do any separate recordings So I don't wannado that right now settings You can set your fonts you can change your logo If you don't havethe upgrade then this will unfortunately show up So if you got the upgrade then you can browsebrowse your files and you can put in your own logo and you can also show make it so thatyou don't show your logo any logo But that's for the upgrades slide transitions These aredifferent ones options that you can use casual scene fade out and zoom in auto animation and then background musicYou can choose a vast number of musical tracks Let's play one There are many of them Theseare just a few This is blues this is trip tune Christmas classical This is countryand let's go for Christmas because it's almost that time of year That doesn't sound very Christmassy yet Let'stry a different one There you go Anyway whatever your beliefs are it is holiday season Peopleuse this for their marketing And so can you so there's instrumental there's a vastnumber of different tracks musical tracks that you can use And I just wanted to showyou that Let's get back here If you wish to add something then you go here You canadd shapes you can add media like sound or record Let's go there You can record you canget from your gallery You can use this for audio uploads and you can upload your ownvideos as well There's other options here Images after this I'm going to stop with thedemo These are the multitude of images that you can choose from So they're all ready at hand Youcan just run through them and choose whichever ones you would like to use for a background or fora P you know we're doing something about dogs and presentation about dogs or fish or whatever it's upto you There's so many you can even choose wine beer You can do a presentationon air travel and show pics there's like cut out pics these ones web icons different backgroundsthat you can use and system images These are already loaded in here My images are the ones thatyou can choose to upload from your files And then these are the stock images And that is itfor the brief demo Presenter professional is the turbocharged or fully loaded version of presenter It will unlock 100and 50 more templates and the best ones are in here slides graphics icons features animations and more Presenter prois also loaded with an awesome video sales letter creator which is locked locked or hidden until you upgradeThis is a completely separate product that's built into presenter allowing you to create good looking videosales letters that convert like crazy In fact this video sales letter creator helps you to quicklycreate the same types of video sales letters that are proven to convert up toyour script and it will instantly turn them into slides You can then record your voice directlythrough the dashboard add music plus edit it with no extra software or plugins required and it's great forthose that want more variety and templates and power This one is highly recommended optionnumber two presenter X factor with the monthly templates This gets you 1000 $500 worth of fresh modern presentationtemplates graphics slide backgrounds and icons each month for a full year for just one small feeThere's zero recurring charges It's great for keeping your presentations unique and grabbing attention from monthto month Perfect for agencies and for other high usage marketers It's incredible value asit works out to a price of a Starbucks coffee since you get the templates loaded into yourdashboard every month for a whole year And this is for a small one time priceC cell number three is Presenter Halo a powerful four in one software suite This upgrade isa real beast You get four powerful apps to help you leverage your presentations for more trafficand sales And they are flip book creator app a stunning tool that allows you to turnyour presentation into interactive flip books that people love so much right now 3D rotating Carousels app a cooldesign app that showcases your presentation slides and any other content in a spinning carousel that grabs attentionand gets people engaged in your content like nothing else I've ever seen before right Uh Hypnotictransitions app Let me say that again Hypnotic transitions app a set of professional presentationslides uh transitions that keep your audience engaged and move them through your slides smoothly all the wayto your sales pitch and then HD background skins app It is a bunch of cool video player backgroundsthat draw people's attention to your video to increase views leads and sales Since presenter comes with a commerciallicense This up cell number four which is presenter Auto Job finder get your clients instantly Itcomes with a commercial license and this upgrade is a great addition to help you make money Ifyou're going to be present uh using presenter to create presentations as a service to get paid then presenter autojob finder is something that you need It will automatically find you fresh jobs and clients from across various freelancewebsites and notify you so that you can fulfill them a huge time saver and amoney earner Some clients will pay as high as $2000 for you to create and designpresentations for them And the final up cell number five is presenter agency edition With this you cancreate presentations faster with teams once you start an agency or currently run one and want to scale and servemore clients Well now you can add 25 additional team members to your account to maximize your productivity clientsand revenue worldwide And you can do this remotely You can generate a six or sevenfigure income with presenter agency edition your backbone for a centralized workforce in a globalteam account where everyone can collaborate Thank you Now go ahead and start up yourbusiness with these tools is the page that you'll see for the Black Friday sale You get a couponthrough my link in the description of this video To get a 70% discount whichmeans that instead of paying $97 you will pay $27 for the front end of presenter Thisis what the sales page is looking like Stunning slides in the snap Here isa video a video sales letter get presenter for $97 but you can get it for 70 do$70 discount As I've said you only pay $27 You can do presentations within minutes so you canscroll down and check it out See for yourself Use the link in the description belowThere are some testimonials here It says powerpoint is dead Just three easy steps to create a presentation Stepone pick a template step two customize it and step three download and share as easy asthat different niches different designs So as I say you can run through this salespage get it from the link in the description and if you decide to buy you can getthe front end through my through my link You can get the $70 discount Black Friday Special guys I'vegot bonuses to give to you which will be unlocked once you've used my link in thedescription and in the pin Comment below this video in order to purchase presenter even if you decide tojust get the front end of this product for $27 And if you give meyour name and email you'll get more bonuses for three months from me Completely Mahala Here's a special announcementWait there really is more Why pay hundreds of dollars pounds or euros for one Upsell after theother During this short Black Friday special launch period the complete presenter bundle package the pricehas been even further reduced from $497 to just 100 and $97 making it an irresistible offer to grabonto now while it's available it includes everything All of the up sales and the front end are included ata one time payment of just $197 And you can thank me later And ifyou take up this offer click on the link in the description below to get access to this wonderfuloffer We've been given three options over here and they are option number one all theup sales at $292 With the coupon option two all the ups sales at $512 without the coupons andthree is the irresistible offer It's the whole caboodle for just 100 and $97 That'sunder $200 for everything from the front end through every single Upsell included for a onetime price during this special presenter launch Comment below Which one do you think is the best option for youSo does presenter actually work We've talked about the presigned templates and huge stop librarythat you get when you buy presenter But what about the actual software itself Does it work And is itbetter than other presentation creation tools The first presentation that I created with presenter was a total breeze I've neverreally liked tools like powerpoint or keynote and there aren't many options out there formarketers So I was really impressed with presenter as it takes just you know it just takesthings to a whole new level with designs editing simplicity and speed The simple dragand drop editor and image cropping tool make it easy to create slides the way that you want themto look without learning tons of new features and with a ready made templates and huge stock library I amable to create amazing presentations in just minutes and converting them into video with afew extra clicks You can also record your voice over over the presentations that you create editit Plus you can add music animations effects and you can do this anywhere you want right frominside the software So you won't need to use other complicated tools as this provides an all in one solutionIt it's not just great for my own projects but awesome for doing client work whereI can charge a client $500 for a presentation that took me just 25 minutes to edittweak and send over And here's a rundown of what presenter offers 50 amazing templates which are fully customizable custombranding You add your own logo into it Uh Super simple drag and drop editorof 500 plus Google fonts 50 plus text and image effects 8000 stock images actually 8000 plus stockimages 250 plus HD slide uh backgrounds uh interactive animations online there's audio and music studiowith lots of types of music There's online web stock search you can upload your own images save projectsinto the cloud image crop tool to crop images social media sharing on Facebook Twitter Pinterestlinkedin and all the socials You can share it publicly via a URL There's a builtin audio recorder and audio editor export to PDF HTML and to video Three options toexport your presentation There's a commercial license included to sell your services to clients There'san agency website and it comes with a portfolio for you So now the question is whois presenter for Well it's clearly for the busy marketer or small business owner who is looking for afast low cost to pump out amazing presentations without any steep learning curves It's for peoplelike you who wants to get up and running fast who just want to grab a beautiful templatedrag and drop stuff around tweak turn it into video and then share with their audiencewithin minutes It's for people who need professional presentations in a hurry without huge upfront fees or ongoingmonthly bills But is it worth the money At first I was skeptical I've been using powerpointfor years and after learning the ropes I can make reasonable presentations with it Theproblem is tools like powerpoint take ages to master There's a steep learning curve and they aren't designed for marketersand cost like $100 per year to renew your license and things like that And then there's a deeperproblem A lot of presentation tools are starting to show their age whether it's pre or powerpoint orsomething else it's easy to spot a cheesy powerpoint template or yet another pres presentation And Ithink it puts a lot of buyers and visitors off or worse You'll spend days creatinga presentation that sends people to sleep The great thing about presenter is that you can createmodern engaging unique and persuasive presentations in minutes using their ready made templates simple controlsand huge built in media library guys I'm feeling generous So I'm giving you an extendedrundown here OK So it doesn't just create amazing presentations but it turns them into videos PDF S andHTML So you don't need multiple tools or to spend any extra money as thissoftware does it all you can use presented to create presentations for like video courses in udemy etcetera Youcan use it to create tutorials webinars demonstrations content videos video sales letters or VSLS youtubevideos Facebook videos landing page videos even seminars and events pitch texts for investors and classroomsor meeting rooms is where you can also use it and of course heaps more so essentially presenter ispresentation to video creator on steroids with amped up designs that are modern current and they grab attentionlike you've never seen before There's no steep learning curve and no outdated template designs And of course there's aton of fonts animations music and graphics at your disposal to allowing you to createall kinds of slick engaging presentations in a snap Now the only really bad about presenter is that itsbest features have been locked behind up cells but you should get at least the pro Upsell The goodof it all is that there is zero learning curve It's way cheaper than other presentation tools Youhave unlimited use and it's an all in one solution Now the awesome part is that it'sfast and easy Thanks to ready made presentations you can turn presentations into videos within minutes Modern and stylish templatesare ready for use There is a huge built in media library for pics or imagesPerfect for tutorials courses webinars videos and more so you can record audio through the dashboard and it's simple touse and there's no monthly fees It's time to reach my conclusion And this ismy opinion Ok So if you like marketers and small business owners then I know you love shortcutsmoney saving tools and anything that can get you the same results in half the time It's perfect for everyoneand I have to say it's the easiest to use and most powerful presentation tool in the world becauseof the simplicity and the power behind it I know it's a big statement but you'llknow why when you get a copy yourself and start using it for yourself it's the best toolI've got my hand on in a long time and it isn't a gimmick like other products that come outand end up in my dustbin As you have seen I have extensive access to this product but notfull access yet So it will be worth me You know it will be worthwhilefor me It's the best tool I've got my hand on in a long time andisn't a gimmick like other products that come out and end up in my dustbin As you've seenI have extensive access to this product but not full access yet So it willbe worth it for me to go and grab a bundle deal while I canand I'll be using presenter regularly Presenter is aimed at busy people who just want to getthe job done fast without steep learning curves and get uh you know getting lost in a bunch of featuresyou don't need and you won't use So thanks to the amazing point and click templates huge media library andsuper simple drag and drop design system You can pump out engaging presentations in minutesnot hours or days minutes You can also record audio through the software and export your presentations to videoPDF and share them online immediately And there's an option as well for HTML That'sbeside the point So there's no need to hire freelancers There's no need to spend hundreds on software licenses There'sno no monthly fees no recurring fees Presenter has been developed by Adil Choudary who is a wellknown internet entrepreneur and a best seller with over 10 years of experience His portfolioincludes previous worldwide hits such as Scribble book editing and creating software and pixel studio FX which hassold tens of thousands of units all around the world He's known for creating high quality professional software solutions andpresenter gets both my thumbs up if you need a faster easier way to createpresentations and videos that get attention drive leads and sales without spending thousands or ages learningnew software Then presenter is going to be a super smart investment for you and your business with thenew year This year is coming to a close So let's say 2024 and it alsocomes with a commercial license and agency website allowing you to generate an income sellingservices to clients So it's a it's a business If you buy the whole package it will be abusiness that you can operate Get instant access to presenter here right here with a linkin the description below this video Before the launch discount ends I will leave two links in thedescription and in the pinned comment below the first link will be for the front end and the second linkbelow it will be for the package deal check out for that So I givepresenter about an 8.4 out of 10 click this link in the description below The first blue linkthat you see in the description or in the pinned comment and then you will be ableto see presenter in action any software with a once off Well most of it anyway purchase price where youdon't need to pay recurring fees works like this You buy it right And it comes witha 30 day money back guarantee If for any reason you're not happy with your purchase you return yourpurchase before the 30 days is up and you simply get your money back Thismeans you pay upfront for the product but you don't pay any monthly fees andthere is no risk due to the fact that you can get all your money paid backWhat's very cool is that any future updates to the software comes at no extra cost Soyou can seriously consider purchasing it if the vendor of the product tells you that all futureupdates are included in the deal and this product in particular has a new update which is a gamechanger And before we reveal that to you have a look at these bonuses that we've included over toyou Daniel If you decide you wanna purchase the whole presenter bundle and you use the linkthat I show in the description below then I'll give you tons of bonuses into your inbox As soonas your purchase is made it will automatically be inside of your inbox So getpresenter and get my bonuses There are courses ebooks digital products there's tons of thingsthat you can use and they're current and they're up to date and they complement this software called presenterto help you make presentations That's it for my bonuses to show you what's happeninginside of presenter I want to give you the update This is a great updateIt is so helpful Let me see if I can find it We go to templates letme go to my projects This is one that I did recently So I'm going to editit not actually gonna edit it I'm just gonna show you what's new right This is it folksI want to see what the options are available so that I can show you This is the updateThis wasn't in the software before click on it again There we go This is whatI'm talking about Enable notes Now you can enable notes and take notes So everythingis available for you Your notes are visible and and you can speak accordingly It's of so muchhelp click apply Let's see what happens It is an update Click on the then icon At least Ithink that's how it's supposed to work Show notes There we go They just needed some encouragementI think Ah there it is I just needed to scroll down Then what you can do is you canadd your notes and you can just type in what your notes are let's sayfor instance this is my green my presenter review Um and then you can justadd on all the rest There we go This is the update I didn't know how precisely it works butfigure it out quickly enough And I guess when you wanna go out and you just golike that you click on the pen icon and when you wanna open it up againthen you click on the pen again and there we are there that appear so that there it isthere you have it that's the update for presenter and you if you bought it for aone time price there you are That's the update You don't pay extra and it's so helpful I hope thathelped This was just an update Here is the disclaimer right Dan Wentworth makes these videos for free as aservice It is to inform you about the product and help you to make an informed decision ifyou want to buy it or not He may get a little something from the product vendorbut only if somebody makes a purchase by using his link that he is entitled to place inthe description and in the comments if you don't like what we've shown you somebody else willbe happy to give us a like and maybe even share the video Thanks for watching I hope tosee you in the next video Thanks Bye