Mhm Oh sure I don't know if the connection is trying It's just that I havea weak connection Um Hey say hi when you arrive my phone tells me that Ihave a weak internet connection which is not that practical Hi Really Perfect Thank you And Nikkiyou're here too There's one more I can lin It's you Perfect Can you guys see meokay Because Hi Lynn because it says that I have a weak internet connection and I'm just trying togive everybody a chance to jump on and see if I can you know put the live here soI hopefully can see your comments as well It's a it's a little hard sometimes that youhave to go from you know on the phone to see everything Kelsey Hi Kelseyit seems okay from your site Okay Perfect That's all good And you Riley says you canI can see you you are frozen for a second before and you can see and hear me fineHigh nuka Perfect You can see oh we're happy all of us We can see Uh huh Um So welcomeHow has this last week been for those of you that activated your kundalini alreadyand started using it Let me know Tell me your experiences I mean I saw someof them in the group and then I've had some some a couple of rough daysactually there's a lot going on in my life currently Um So I didn't you know and my facebookdidn't tell me all of the notifications from the group So only I think itwas yesterday I saw some of you had commented and then I got like oh like the comment andstuff right But I couldn't see it before Hi Christina So glad you made that AmazingSo let me know are you any of you having any trouble I mean I know that itworks for for most of you by now Um But I need of you having any trouble or questionsbefore we kind of continue today's lessons lessons I mean the original Ricky teachings the level two there's only likeone thing and it's very very simple Uh And I will teach you that obviouslyand that is not too long and I will also activate you first to the level two umafter kundalini Ricky But the new so you're going to get the whole new 2025 editions soto speak where the other one was 2,024 because otherwise actually I have activated alllevels and you already I already did that from the first level You can do thatuh and you would actually just have to call it in But because that I upgraded my own frequenciesright then I'm going to pass on the latest addition so to speak to youso you get them all activated like level 12 free but with the new frequencies Ihope that makes sense So everybody is being quiet Nobody's telling how it's going Come on ladieslet me know I'm excited I'm curious High jail Perfect Thank you for joining Let meknow how it's going Just a little bit Hey Danny you made it also amazing I'mso happy Maybe it's because the comments a little delayed I don't know I'm just goingto take a sip of my coffee I'm on coffee today Riley says I haven'tused mine very much No but that's okay Also you got I mean you've got a whole lifetime to useit right And and to kind of get used to it as well I'm sorry about my voiceMy throat's shot was blocked today I tried to kind of like cared a little bit before but there's aset there's a lot going on So I excuse my voice beforehand Um Oh Jill You practicallyburned your hand your palms last night but hopefully hopefully only energetically or not for real I mean but itcan it can feel very very hot sometimes when when we fired up Um wherepersonally as I told you sometimes I just feel a little bit in here and then other times you knowI feel like really strongly coming out and then there are other times where I feel like it's my mywhole hand all the way up to my wrists that is like fully energized So it can it can bea little crazy sometimes Um I actually don't know why it is like that I presumethat it depends a little bit on who and what you're healing and the need at that momentThat's kind of my my feeling my sense of it right But it can be very differentfrom time to time You said you used to have Christina says I used to havecold hands and feet from time to time especially at night when I'm tired but not sincelast weekend Perfect amazing And Lynn going well um let me see if I can I can't evenscroll in these I think these comments Lynn you say your palms are getting very hot at work That's amazingAlso especially because you kind of in the beginning didn't feel much right and now youfeel your palms are going hot so that's a good time It's activated what's actually Iknew it was but it's still nice for us to know our minds to kind of understand it'sactually there right Um and Danny says going well going so well feeling so motivatedsince the first attunement to loving the energy You have amazing amazing energies I mean and they're reallypowerful as well and they you know they changed lives I mean they do I meanhealing does in general right But there's a reason that I'm so much in lovewith these energies and why I'm doing this course right Um and Kelsey you're still amazed at howstrong it is Yes it is strong it's so strong I'm sorry I try not to tipthe table here for the for the for the video but what does Nicky say Uh huh It's going wellfor me Oh now it kind of disappeared Shoot Um Honey I didn't see your commentshoe it's because it's kind of like rolls over and then if I don't see it in timemaybe I can find it up here Let me see I can scroll Yeah here it is It'sgoing well for me I have used it on my cat My sister and daughter Yeahyou said something about your daughter right That didn't feel much the first time but then she kind ofthis time was like oh I feel much better That was you Wasn't that I think it's amazing and catchthey love it Cats love it There are suckers for energy I mean they will come to you Imean every time I fire up to heal someone I usually sit in my bedroom because it'skind of more quiet and every time I I kind of fired the energies up If Ihaven't closed the door my cats are gonna come right up and they're gonna live right next to me Likeall climbed up to me you know kind of sucking it in as much as they canIt's a little funny um let me see here and that was you Danny going so well and yourpalms are getting hard loving the energy Kelsey still makes how strong it is Andthen again my palms get very hard at work it's a vet hospital and Iwasn't conscious no but that is actually quite normal that the energy kind of activate itself UmAnd especially in the beginning when you're not used to tour ik it kind of surprised andyeah I hardly noticed anymore and this is very strong um but it is normal especially when you're aroundsomeone who needs the energy and obviously if you're at that hospital that there willbe a lot of need for healing right Um and just you know if it's ok foryou just allowed to let it flow and just consciously oh okay there's something whereit's needed and you can you have something that is needed and you can give it withoutit And even if you're not like making a a healing as such where you constantly consciously set theintention and and kind of do it it's perfectly fine and you don't need to kindof detach the same way either once you're done because it's kind of like that part kind ofgoes by itself and you know what I usually do is I simply appreciate the fact that itkind of knows where to go when it's needed and I allow it to flow and you knowat some point it kind of stops so that's cool You know I don't even try to figure outwho or what it is that needs it it's it's just fine it's a differentthing when we consciously begin to heal others where we kind of put the intentionand all that then we need to kind of make the karate chop and and break theconnection after because we personally established the connection So there's a little bit of difference between consciously establishingthe connection and when it's kind of happening by itself I hope that kind of makes sense toyou Um let me see and he says yes that was me that was with your daughter YesRiley says last friday when you were doing the live healing my cat said right on mypan there are suckers for that They're seriously suckers for that I mean right now they'renot I mean oh minus even gone It was always there but it's because I'm sitting herein this chair they know they can't get to me right at the moment Iput myself on my bed to hell they're gonna be there for sure Um Christina saysI have used it on myself it feels very easy to connect and last night all of my Tulsaon front feel burning like when you use a warming bag with me wow there's things going on with youChristine but that's perfectly normal it's not there's nothing wrong with that I think you know thattrue but I'm just stating it uh for everybody else to hear that you know it's it's working rightIt's seriously working and it is very easy energies and it's so simple you know it's so simple todeal with which is amazing about this Um So you are all here let me see is thereanything else I should kind of note here know apart from taking the ship withmy coffee you know Denmark danish people are known for being if not the most coffee drinking countrythen one of the top three or something So coffee is good So first of all Iwill activate you now for the 2025 frequencies instead of the 2020 for you Goodbefore Um and this just means there's no difference as such apart from their stronger and that's whyyou know when I could see that I had the opportunity to upgrade I did that thisweek so that I could pass it on to you ladies Amazing So I will justgive myself a moment here because that's what we do first and then I will explain you afterI will explain you that one exercise That is actually The whole curriculum of kind of youknow level two is just one exercise but that is one that is going to strengthen your channel yourwhole channel right And then in level free there's going to be a lot more content thanyou know than here today but what we're gonna do that we're going to talk a little bit aboutthe you know the extra in for the bonus on the phone we're gonna talk about thatafter I've activated you and after I taught you the the exercise I hope that's that's fine for youSo one moment So what I just asked was that and that's again my myown little prayer first um which I probably don't need to do but that's just how I do itnow where I kind of asked for support And you know from Iraqi guides and youknow the whole thing to activate these new 2025 frequencies and you um and anyonewho's watching this video even if I don't name you by name uh these frequencies by watching thisvideo those frequencies will be activated and you the moment you call them in So I hopethat is clear for everyone Um one moment now for those of you who are already a partof this course and again anyone you know kind of joining later looking at this later will be ableto simply will call in like first for those who don't who is not a current part ofthe course um for them to kind of be activated And then I'm going tocall each of you and kind of ask you to maybe I should put myselfout here but to place your hands inside of mine in your intentions right And that way I will activateyou So first I want anyone watching and that goes for you ladies too Kind ofplace your hands like like this inside of my hands Okay So I hold anopen like this and you will place your hands like that inside my hands In your imagination or in yourin your mind's eye I'm going to call the names of you who is already part of the coursenow So that would be even place your hands Samantha Place your hands Miami place your hands Christina Place yourhands Lynn place your hands Luca place your hands as she can Place your hands Riley Place yourhands asia Place your hands Rachelle Place your hands Jill place your hands Ghana place your handsNikki place your hands Kelsey place your hands Danny place your hands sharing Place yourhands and Chelsea Place your hands I imagine you kind of feel my thumb here in thepalm of your hand close your eyes if you can unless you're driving otherwise call it in laterAnd what I'm doing here is the way when I call you up like that is my way ofkind of connecting to each and every one of you Even those whose name is not hereyet because they haven't taken the course yet connecting to each of you and I wish foryou to call it in if you haven't done so already you may have already butif you haven't done so already Hi Donna I think you're here If you didn't see this I don'tknow when you came on because I had my eyes closed But place your hands inside hereI've already called you and connected you to the to the energies And you're gettingI'm just recapping here you're getting the latest frequency is not only the level two activationbut you're getting the latest frequent latest frequencies the 2025 instead of the 2024 which was what you gotlast week So now I would love for you to call them in place your hands heredone if you haven't already I've activated it for you already Such as calling and say I hereby call andThe Kundalini Ricky Level two 2025 frequencies The clear summer is providing for me And while normally you would laydown and you know give it 2025 minutes to work and you can do that later also youcan call it in again later simply relax and stick to yourself that that is whatyou're doing and then give it you know to to get experience kind of thing RightUm But it is now you've got the 2025 frequencies Yes and this is how you kind ofyou know in my mind so I am kind of explaining what I'm doing because now you are a leveltwo and at level free will in this uh you will be able to attune others aswell yourself if you wish to Unless you want to send them to this course and thenget you know 40% of the sales price and not having to do anything Andthen you get set up to a year But it's important for you to knowhow to do it right If you want to do this um Maybe you want to createyour own course right Uh Oh you're so welcome to jesus Thank you so much Hang onfor a second like that I just had a pop up Um Oh my God What is makingall these noises I don't know any hall It's popping my my phone is poppingup with all these notifications Certainly I'm getting like all taking the back So basically what youwant to do here at the level two and that is the the only exercise um that isactually connected to level two There's gonna be a lot more information And exercise is not newfrequencies as well at level three Right But here at level two what is important is for you tokind of strengthen your channel Nikki says thank you My cat says thank you tooShe showed up as soon as I placed my hands I told you you know that's how they doit They you know they're suckers for energy not vampires but they love it They really lovethe writing frequencies It's so funny Um Until you cut that It's welcome Right Um Hangon for a second here like that Oh my God why does everybody have to send menotifications while I'm doing a live It's always like that isn't it Yeah And now it pops up onboth of them here like that So this is the kundalini reiki meditation That is whatyou're going to learn in this level Um and basically what you will do is you willI'm just checking here that I'm not forgetting anything You will sit down I haven't done this since level toobecause there is a balance and meditation that well a balancing exercise that you will learn a level free whichI use all the time instead But here at level two this is going to strengthen yourchannel and then he says thank you I better go to beg It's late in Australia We'll watch therest of the Sleep well Danny I really appreciate that you came on live and this for the excavation YeahSleep well I appreciate it Um so the balance Uh sorry the kundalini rocky meditation is for thelevel to which strengthens your channels and builds up and prepares you for that level of free activation you willget next week So what you basically do is you will just simply sit or lay down I'm just gonnaexplain it now you don't have to do it now unless you want to listen tome for the rest you know while you're doing that But you will sit down with your eyes either openor closed as it fits you and you'll be relaxed obviously And what you just do is you think thewords kundalini reiki meditation simple as that Again it's not harder than that Kundalini recommended meditation and then you giveit about approximately five minutes where you just lay down relax and enjoy the energies right And after five minutesyou will likely if you if you're you know sensitive to energy you will kind of feelhow it kind of takes off or you will get the notion that now it's done and whenever you getthat you seem to get up and go about your day right Or you can do it before bed aswell if you want to and this is something you can do as many times as you wantin a day and as many days as you want as well there's no limit tothis one this is something and it's actually it's particularly good if you're stressed um orif you're kind of feeling wonky um you know or things are happening around you in your in your worldthat you kind of need you to get your focus back It's really good for that So you canuse that the kundalini um breaking meditation right and just simply just lay down and relaxand it says here also and you will oh I forgot to tell you thatyou will get this also I have this whole original pdf One thing is you get the manual from mebut at the end you will also get the original uh PDFs that I also received from my attunement Umso that you can choose to simply use those if you want to tune anyone You cansimply choose to use those to give those or you can make your own orwhatever Obviously my manual is kind of copyrighted right You can give it on as it is if youwant to if you're tuning others you can certainly do that And at that time you knowwhen you when you can actually pass a two months after level free but you will also get the originalkind of pdf So you have that one as well as a reference point Either tomake your own manual or certainly to give us is because there's no copyright on that one as far asI know and kind of goes along with the frequencies right So you will get that too UhI can uh this meditation you know you use it once a day at least okay for the next weekBut after that you can use it as much as you want at any time you want as wellfor as many days as you want It's not mandatory for the kundalini to workBut I highly recommend that you do Right So that's why I say do it at least once aweek oh sorry once a day for a week because in a week you will be attuned to levelfree but it will help you um As well as support that activation you have right now from thelevel two frequencies which is strengthening your channel So for you it's gonna it's gonna kind of help you tofocus and balance even further Right I hope that makes sense Um wow wonderful Is that for thefor the manuals you're saying Jill let me know But obviously yeah I mean you need to have uhyou need to have something to give on right in one way or the other So yougot my manual that I'm creating and I might actually change the the design of it atsome point you look more beautiful Um But right now it's about you getting it And andthen again as well you get the original which I haven't tampered with It's just as it isand then you can choose how to do it and what did you do it Right solet me see here What was that We had to talk about Exciting exciting exciting Yes whatwe will be covering here Ah Oh jail thank you But you know this this is what it's aboutright and I I usually give more than I should often but then again I have this beliefthat the more we give the more we received in the other end Maybe not fromthe same person maybe from somewhere else right And it's about giving Okay And I want you guysto be able to go out there and do your thing okay And do your gifts and and change thefreaking world right healing one person at a time you know and that takes that you have the opportunity andthe possibility to you know have this material and not just my copy I mean again my copywriter park youcan give it us as you know not tampering with it at all just asit is and use that as a basis if you want But the other oneyou need you know that's the original teachings and they're very simple And then ofcourse I mean it's part of the course You have to be able to go outand do whatever it is you want to do with these energies Okay so it's a natural thingat the same time Um So what we're going to cover here if the bonus modules 1talk a little bit about how to energetically sense the shepherd imbalances as well as how I personallysense when a chakra is depleted or overactive and now again this is intentions drivingthe work here right The frequencies are there but it's our intentions that are kind of guidingit And so it is also your intentions that can decide that if you don'tfeel something already in one way or another in kind of sense That is what you knowspecific thing going on then you can actually choose yourself you know saying to yourself Well when Ifeel if it's if it's depleted I want to feel like like this okay if it's over energized I wantto feel it like this So that is actually a choice you have So what I'm passing to you hereis how it has felt to me how I figured out what was what that's howit felt to me and there is a likelihood that is going to feel the same toyou as well but there may be differences for you it might be different Okayso just be open to that as well but then again you can kind of choose and and guided aswell to how you want to feel it how you want what is the sign for you OkayUm also we're gonna cover a classic energy detox for the body Um So both that you canuse in distance healing and in person as well um and a classic energy body de tangling method youknow in persons or distance healing and this is because one thing is we have our this isyou know we have our physical body and we have our energy bodies and obviously we haveour chakras and these energies they do work and find their way as is okay that they do inessence you just need to provide the frequencies and that is it You don't have to doanything else Sometimes though we like to step a little more into it and kind ofget a better feeling of it and this is why I'm giving you these bonus thing is if you wantto dive a little more into it and be a little more active in your healing instead of simply providingwhere it works wonderful already as it's okay Um but personally I like to walk you know step in anddo a little more more consciously and kind of find out how it's connected and what itlooks like kind of Um and this is where these methods that I will be explaining you is goingto be very helpful to you Um so just explaining why I'm giving you these extra bonus uhmethods and information if it's when in essence it's not needed but sometimes we preferto do it like that and that's why I'm giving it to you Um you will also get thewritten instructions Uh and basically we talked a bit about that also last week but what I'm gonna do isI'm going to yeah I'm going to put them in the facebook group It's simply a copyof what I send to my clients Okay How I kind of prepare them and what I askedthem to do and then you can always modify it as you want It's just so you havesomething that you've got a kind of a template to start with that if you want tostart having clients if you don't have clients yet and you're not used to this so you have something tostart whether it's going to make it easier for you to kind of get it you know outthere in the world right Um so I'm gonna put it into the facebook group butI will also upload upload it up to the website um to the course site So it's thereOkay Um also we are going to go through and very very easy to cleanse and rebalancing method andagain that one does not require healing at all It doesn't require that you have activated thekundalini Reich uh so this is something you can actually teach your your family and friends evenif they're not attuned okay And even if I'm not you know always firing up my my Ricky Ican still kind of do it on myself as well and so will you soit's something you can use on yourself as well even if you don't feel for somereason to feel for for firing up the kundalini rocky frequencies Um then there is the 70 plus usersof energy healing And this is kind of the same there It is actually as a freebie on thewebsite I have this pdf you will get that pdf too because that might inspire you and I'll talka few of the points I will take them up here and this is to inspire you to and understandhow versatile these frequencies are and for how many issues you can actually use it and there's likea ton more issues that I didn't even get into that pdf but it's more sothat you have it and that you can use that information and you can kind of get a better graspof what is actually possible with these energies Um also we go back into the discussion wealready started last week about the effectiveness of energy healing push someone is knocking on thedoor they're not coming in I'm not opening Um and why cure intentions are required It is also about towhich level we can perform healings Um something about clients and recipients and level of of healing and thisuh of level of receiving Sorry And I'm sorry someone is knocking Yeah Yeah mm hmm Oh my thatwas my uh ex husband that is bringing my kids stuff I didn't even know he wascoming and he kept knocking So I kind of had to open the door Got all out ofit here anyhoo where did I go Yeah And this is about to the level we can perform healingsand how you know to which level they actually receive and how that part works Um andthis is also where we'll tell you about I don't know if you read that part onthe website but I will tell you a little bit about Cissy Is that the story about to see isthat who had cancer and who is now out of hospital and cancer free And Iheld him once and not saying I did this is the frequencies but I will explain you what I didthat supported him in healing himself and actually receiving the full positive effect of the frequencies Right So again whenwe do this work we're just instruments okay we're channels nothing else Okay And we set the intention obviouslyand you know it's always a good thing to have clear intentions um but we are not the ones doingthe work It's the frequencies that are doing the work and then obviously as well youknow the recipient of those frequencies what they choose and how they choose both consciously and subconsciously to kind oftake these frequencies and has everything to say about the results So we're going to speak a little bit moreabout that too So how to you know methods to scan the energy body when distance healingand how to energetically send shock to imbalances So as you were taught last week um when we heal oftentimesyou know one option is to kind of imagine the person in front of us likethis kind of in between our hands and then we heal them right I don't know if you'vebeen practicing that but that is one way to distance heal other people is to kind ofimagine them and kind of or you can kind of make them even smaller and cut themwithin your hands Now when I heal I never stretch out my hands completely like this I always keep themslightly cut somewhat relaxed like this because I kind of feel that it it opens up the shock formore It kind of allows the energy to flow more if I'm just like this with my handsrather than stiffening them So I don't usually do like this I usually do like this or kind oflike keep them soft so the energy can flow better I hope that makes sense And the same oneyou covet You know when you hold the paper if you choose to let holdthe paper you would also kind of cup your hands and not all flat Typically you will have you nosense it better if you kind of come and relax instead Um Now when I do a full healinginstead of you know again we can simply sit and we can provide the frequencies right Butif we want to step in and be a little more active in our healings uh and you will probablyfind that you would like to do that at some point if you're not doing that already Umthen you could for instance how I do it and again I'm teaching you howI do stuff and then you kind of take it as it is and then you make it yourown okay So for me what I do I'm sorry I just need this one uphere so I can remember where we're going I kind of picture in my mind sitethat the person is laying in front of me like this oh my God thisshould be longer or shorter It's a irritating annoying height This I hope you can see me I goa little bit out here Um So I kind of picture the person laying like this size right laying downin front of me kind of in my I like out here in front of me and what Ido then you will probably find that one of your hands is more sensitive thanthe other Okay It might be a right might be a left but one of them will sense the energyis better than the other but sometimes it can be equal But for me usually it's my lefthand that is more sensitive I'm right handed but my left hand is more sensitive to sensing energy Iwould likely use both my hands but it will be my left hand where the sensation is more clear sowhat I do is and you can do this with the dummy Also if youhave like if you use a teddy bear or something as you're as you're dummy for healing that has torepresent the person when you heal them When you kind of we talked about that lastweek right So what you will do is if you kind of imagine to have theperson here and then you will kind of take your hand somewhat this much abovethe imagined body in miniature right And make sure that your palm is over where the bodyis supposed to be and you can do this in person too But obviously you will have thewhole person laying there or sitting okay I always do laying because it's easier for me and then youkind of slowly start all the way if the body is here you would start all theway out here and slowly slowly take your hand over and and you in the beginning you might notfeel anything at all Okay just beware it again it's something about how sensitive toenergy you are and this will be developed as you go along Just keep ontrying Okay don't be discouraged and then you will go over here and then at some pointyou might actually feel that either is like the energy is losing out more or it kind of feelslike a magnet with the wrong polar which is kind of like slipping off It's kindof like smooth like maybe not a bubble but it's like it's kind of the energy kind of glidesoff Okay so when you feel a stronger flow inside your palm This is forme how I have found it This is when it's depleted this is when when thereis need for more healing it's where there's there's a depletion in that area creating imbalances And obviously theopposite is also true Like when you feel like this magnet where it kind ofslides off it's because it's over energized Okay so we kind of feel some somewhat of a of amiddle point somehow once you kind of get over the body and then certainly maybe it might feelslike the energy is kind of being sucked in or it feels like it's kind of being pushed awaySo for me that is a sign of whether it's depleted or whether it is overenergized and obviously that will help you to uh not just healing but also kind oftelling people you know okay but you know your third chakra is over energized and thenthey're different symptoms for that and that you will learn the symptoms and that the kind of likethe short brief headlines of that you will learn in the bonus course of the crash course inchakra chakra the chakra press course if I could speak probably so I'm not going togo into that here yet You will get that in the bonus course and there'sjust a crash course I'm giving you to kind of help you better you know become betterhealers and obviously I would encourage you to God and discover and read books andall that Okay But it's not a part of the original teachings about the shock for so Ihaven't included them in this course either but you will get it as a bonus when it is Umdid that make sense about the the depletion and the over energized I hope that makes sense to you Umso what you do is that's how you kind of scan the body Okay You you will kindof imagine the person in front of you if they're not actually there because youcan do this in you know person to and then you kind of kind of very slowly with usuallywith your eyes closed because it kind of focuses your your your your mind and what's going on hereand then you can kind of feel whether it's going one way or the otherSo that is how you kind of scan if there's like holes or or not or ifit's too much right If it's way too much Um then we go on to aclassic energy detox for the body method and it says yes thank you Perfect I'm just gladI make sense Um hope I'm not getting too much coffee here Yeah So as for theas for the detox and the de tangling So let me have a look here YesAnd this is actually something that I was taught and again you know I mixthe modalities I know I have also done Pranic healing at a certain point uh just the level oneI wanted to continue but then I don't know what happened I never did butthere's a lot of effective methods in that Um Christine says yes perfect There's a lot of techniques withinPranic healing and where these particularly I have found very very useful you know in whicheverkind of healing I'm doing and basically this is again we have the physical body and I should have hadmy white board is over there I'm going to try and explain it and then let me knowif I don't make sense Okay and then we have our energy bodies that consists of ouryou know emotional body and mental body and all kinds of things right That's going tobe in the shape of course as well Hang out for a second Donna says in the healingdoesn't transfer energy where there's too much to places where there isn't enough it balances it outUm So when you heal it will balance it out it's going to even it out sothat it is as it's supposed to be but you know I don't how to say that whileI do he'll the chakras like where or wherever I feel because it could also be thatwhen you have your like especially in person where you have the whole body where you can more feel whichpart of you know the but is it like in the front or is it one of the organsor what is it So sometimes you might actually feel out here that there's a holein and then you want to fuel that with more energy because you're stepping inabsolute these energies will find their way But if you're doing it more actively then you wantto give that a little extra attention And if you find one of the places whereit's kind of bouncing off you want to have the intention for to level out Okay Butagain these frequencies are intelligent they will do it themselves This is more for us whenwe actively choose to step and then do more about it It's nice for us to understand what isgoing on and then we do something about it but we hold the intention that it evils out evensout and gets balanced Okay Does that make sense Um So yeah they will they will findtheir own way if it is Um But what we have is we have our physical bodyand then we have all our energy bodies and then we have a membrane that kind ofholds that together out here Well it's going to be wider but to illustrate okay Um so what wewill actually do in our mind's eye you know if we do it physically we actually dothe physical action But if we do it by distance again I would imagine the client is standingup again not laying down anymore but standing up That's how I do it Okay You do it as youwant But that's how I do it That I imagine again that I have theclient and miniature here and then in my mind's eye I do the same and sometimes Ieven physically do it even if it's a distance healing where I kind of imagined But I willstill do the movement sometime Okay so what you would actually do is you will kind of yeahI'm just going to do it here So imagine that we have the person here Okay And then we havethe energy bodies around here Mm So what I will do is I would kind of close my eyesbecause that's how I sense better when my eyes are closed Uh it kind of makes me focus andI and I get the small notions way better than if my eyes are openIt's just how it works for me So what I would do is we kind of gather alot of debris of all are you know emotions and and things that happen and our life and other peoplesometimes also we actually get other people's crap into our energy field into our energy body Okay And we don'twant that We want that out of the body We want our energy budgets to be as clear aspossible So what I do is we kind of like physically take action and actually begin to drag some ofall that dirty energy away That is what we do and what we do is we then throw it weimagine we have a sort of a bucket where we kind of throw it into and that bucket iskind of like going back to the universe that kind of takes care of the disposaland transmuted all into love Hmm I don't know if this makes sense as a littleabstract but I hope it does So what we will do we start from the top and thenwe kind of like use our hands to kind of like imagine you're kind of like pushingdirt together you're gathering the dirt physically here Then we will do the same here aroundthe energy body And this is very much about sensing this is very much about sensing intoits there Or maybe there are areas around the body that needs a little extra cleaning So you canhave it very easy here and the hoops down here But I don't know the liverYou might you know what would be the liver on the miniature You kind offeel oh this needs a little extra So we go like this and then you will throw theenergy into the bucket and then you will clean a little more and then you're going to throwit into the bucket and you're going to continue to do that throw it into the bucket and at theend once you have done to the cleansing all the way around okay you willdo it in the front and the side and the back We'll make sure you get the whole thingaround once you have done that and from the last piece in here you would want to kind of likeclear your hands of the energy okay Even if it's a distance even you still want to kindof like clear your hands and what you can also do you can make a small spray withuh a mixture of water with a little bit of uh vodka or something you know alcohol in itand with lavender essential oil that is going to help you kind of like spray in between Sometimesyou might feel you get very dirty when you do this you know and then you willspray a little bit and then you kind of continue and then you throw it outcontinue throw it out then you might want to feel you know I need to spray a bit then youwill spray a bit and then you will continue So this is a way to actually physically clean veryintentionally the energy bodies and especially if people have problems within their organs or you know wherever inthe body you're gonna feel that it needs some more cleaning than usual Okay so this isactually a method that comes from Pranic healing but that I find very very useful whenI when I heal when I step in and do it a little more actively andespecially if you get in person clients where instead of just standing there for fiveminutes don't know you're done You know where they would like to get a little more experience out of itThis cannot be another way to to actually be a little more active and kind of show them thatyou're doing something and it is very very effective also So did that make sense Let meknow if I should try and explain it a little more if that thing with theenergy bodies and like how you kind of do it if that and throwing it away Mm I don't knowif my the comments are they laid here But anyway another thing is that the de tangling method Sothis is like for for clearing debris out of what we just did was toclean the debris and all you know the dirt for the energy bodies right That is in ourour Jill says yes perfect and calcium also it did make sense Okay perfect Um lin saysalso makes sense Super I just wanted to make sure that I'm not the only onefinding it to make sense Okay so another thing is one thing is we have the energy body where allthis crap sometimes gathers right is also kind of like fred it energy frets coming out and donna make itmakes sense for you to perfect I'm glad So we have like inside the energy but it'skind of like consisting of all these small threats all the way out Okay And this is alsowhy we can send when something is depleted because some of those threats gonna be brokenor kind of like it's going to be like a hole inside If you could see it I can't seeit I don't see it Yeah Sometimes within my mind's eye I can see it but not whenlooking at people Some people can I can't but I do sometimes see it and especiallyI sense it very much I don't see that much when I have my eyes closed But I senseit very much where it's kind of needed But where it's kind of broken office where it's depletedAnd then sometimes you can have these where it kind of sticks out too much and that's where it itis over Energized Right Let me see Christina says yes Tried ones actually But didn't know it hasa name Perfect Yeah But you see there you go and natural It's it's you know it ispart of how it is But it kind of does have a name So Mm hmm Now these threats alsocan be very tangled sometimes and create knots and blocks in our energy bodies hereRight And it can be both where we have chakras but it can also be like ifwe have sick organs again for instance that could be you know due to partlyour some of those threats being being tangled in the energy field Okay Um andwe want to kind of cleanse those out too We want to like the tangle them Okay Because that'sgonna help help you know the healing faster obviously and make a healthier person andthat's why they come to us They want to be de tangled They want to get healedThey don't want to be you know all square up basically So what we do once we havethe same image in our mind of the energy bodies here and kind of now you can have the understandingthat the energy bodies are these frets as well that are kind of dirty But then we also haveto make sure that we did tangle them right And this is kind of like using what you imagine isagain with closed eyes how I do it is to imagine that I use my fingersas a comb So I would go like this And then I would kind oflike grab in and then I would kind of go oh you couldn't see thathere Like it is And then I would kind of like the tangle and each angleanti tangle and I would do that all the way around the energy body okay And probably youwant to do it a little more structured where you start from one side and then yougo turn you know you go around the whole body kind of detox angling sensing whereit's needed In some places you might sense that you need to do a little more okay and other placesyou know it's just gonna be fine and sometimes you want to combine it So you clean a little andyou de tangle from the way clean a little more you tangle throw away you know maybe here you justfeel you have to clean a little extra little more so you'll clean some more andthen you kind of de tangled oh there was a little extra so we cleana little more and we did tangle some more and it's very much an inner an inner sensationof of how you know what is needed and some is going to be very easy and then somespots is going to be all this needs a little more So the moment you kind of get thatnotion even if it's just a little voice inside your head or whatever it isuh then you just follow that intuition Okay does that make sense also I hope so and this is alsolike when we have these de tangling this is also like when we have pain in ourknees for instance then you would sense that usually at least in in uh in the energy body in theenergy field It will be more tangled It will be more dirty Um Let mesee what done as you asked Do you do both first describing then the de tanglingI usually start with the scraping and then the tangle but then sometimes I'm guided to kind of do iton the way and I think that is when when there's extra much of crap basically where I kindof like okay now I actually need to de tangle a little more in order to be able toscrape it all But usually I would kind of scrape first you know throw away and then I wouldkind of de tangle and then sometimes you know scrape a little extra because something isis released when I do that Yeah And then throw it away But usually I start with the scraping firstand then see how that goes and then you know kind of the tangles after and you know andthen sometimes again you have to revisit you get the sense no I'm not done So you wouldusually also get a feeling of when you're done okay it's it's like it's a sense it's eithera thought or the image or or a feeling that now it's fine Now it's fine for now rightAnd then I would start the healing itself but that actually clears the whole field first and makes thehealing coming easier if that makes sense Riley asks here let me see just to build a diner'squestion do you always first imagine them laying down to sense where they have more or less energy and thengo for it with the scraping and de tangling nope I don't and the totalrebel oftentimes you know sometimes I will go straight to healing Sometimes I will do what is calleda shock to cleanse first and re energizing and activation that I will teach you inlevel three Um sometimes I get the sense that I should clean their energy field so it's verydifferent for me I'm very much on my intuition depending on and sometimes even different from the sameperson but from day to day I would do differently on that same person the next day Um so Idon't know sometimes I get the feeling I should sense it first right And if it was in personif I have a person in here for healing in person then I would since but thatis just as much for the experience I usually just jump straight into it andkind of like scrape and and de tangle and then I will kind of getting us get a sense ofit anyway right once I'm at that I will kind of get you know I will reach a point whereoh here I can sense it's kind of depleted It's just yes how to say that it feels likethe energy body is not as much out like there's a whole even when I kind ofcleanse it I'm going to oh I have to go in here to cleanse it kind ofand then come out Does that make sense That's very abstract Um so no I don'tI don't actually And what I will also kind of tell you more about in in not alot just a bit at level three is again it's very much about learning Well the basic rules is originalteachings Right now I'm teaching you the extra that I personally use and have found very useful and I douse in my healings as well Not every time And then the next part is you knowbreak the rules Right Go with what sense what you feel is right for you Mm makessense Really says okay good Because it's very much also an intuitive process and it's very much also about whatmakes sense for you Okay Um Nikki says I need to go with what remained onripping You're so welcome Nikki have a nice day I'm so glad you joined I appreciate it Nice evening YeahSo no I don't I'm the total rebel You know I don't always sense firstbut in the beginning it might be a good practice to do So you kind of get used to italso to kind of get yourself more sensitized to the energy especially if you're notused to healing Uh but you don't have to you don't have to this is how I do itIf I would follow my own protocol I would first sense them to get theoverall idea then I would start scraping and then de tangling and then sometimes scrape and de tangle at thesame time and then I would you know start the healing itself especially kind ofnoticing Um and Jill says uh yes me to buy and think you're so welcome Jillhave a nice evening But then again sensing into how it feels okay so it's very muchan intuitive process Um and the written instructions she will get I will propose that in the facebookgroup as well as on the course site Then we have let me see here the Shaqra and clintonrebalancing method Yeah you will learn another chakra cleansing method Level three or maybe what's the chefOf course I can't remember I think it's a number Um but a very easy way to kind of likea cleanse and then activate the chakras again even without healing Okay you can do it with healing as wellwhile you're actually firing up your frequencies but you can also do this without fang upthe frequencies So what you would want to do is you would start at the base chakra the rootchakra and then again use whichever hand feels right for you okay right or left hand depending on whateverfeels right for you and let's imagine I can't really stand up here but let's imaginethis is the body okay And then here is the root chakra and here comesthe legs So what you would do you would probably start from the bottom Mm I'm gonnasee if you can do like this you would take your hand and again intentionand then you will go like this to the left thinking cleansing okay And then you're going to throw thataway You might want to do it a few more times depending the thing cleansing Andonce you feel this kind of done you will take it the right way to deal with the clockand think activate or energize Okay And then you will move on to the next chakra Now this isgoing to take a little longer Obviously you want to give it some time you want to sendinto it you want to make sure that you get it all right So you would moveto the next chakra Then you start again kind of like seeing you know maybe the colour of theshock for like for instance the the root chakra is red right So you'll see the redcolor and you kind of see how you cleanse the red color within your mind'seye and maybe sometimes throwing away and then doing some more frying it away and then once you feelnow this is enough when you get that sense Oh it's cool Now then you want totake it the other way and activate may be activated a little more I kind of see how the lightgrows and more clear bride So it's activated one And then you go on to the next one Nowthis is a very simple method that is very very effective also And obviously when you throw all thedebris away you again want to imagine in your mind side that that is all taken by the universe andtransmuted to love right Because we don't want it flying around because in that wayif you don't cleanse it like that you might actually have it either put itself onyou or in someone else's energy It's it floats around It needs a space to stay Okay so you wantto make sure that in your intentions you're throwing it into the garbage can that is then emptied bythe universe and transmitted to love Okay let me see here uh calc ASt do you always activate Ricky whenyou do this Now I don't not always I mean I can because I can't writeit but this is something that you can actually teach your clients if they're like really imbalanced andyou know they're not up for actually getting attuned to to the right the kundaliniright to become healers per se You can teach them this this exercise because you can do itwith yourself as well your first you go you know to the left and maybe if you put upyour first you go to the left and then you go to the right to activate right you wouldkind of never see oh one second Okay so you would kind of you woulddo it maybe I don't know 15 times or 17 20 times See how it goesright 10 times just and then check do I need to do it more or isit okay And you will sense when it's okay Mm and if you see within your mind's eye you mightalso see oh now the colors bright and clear fine then I don't need todo it more than that Okay and then you would activate and kind of make itslightly bigger but not beaming out was slightly bigger with the intention that is going tobe activated and and balanced Okay and that will do for each one Let mesee Donna As in general How long does the rocky healing appointment take for a clientHow long are you hearing them procession Well the thing is I don't really do muchin personal healing anymore If I did I would probably you would could you coulddo like half hour sessions or full hour sessions I would recommend starting with half hour sessionsUm Let me see What did you ask more How long are you hanging them procession Yeah butthe thing is with the kundalini Ricky frequencies It actually only takes five minutes Okay So oftentimes if I'm outand you know about with with friends like for instance last a couple of years ago was a funeraland a friend really needed I could sense she really needed some meetings I ask that you do youwant a quick healing And she was like oh I would love one So I stood there and I actuallyheld my hands I stood from the back of her and held my hands like this youknow near her ears And then I kind of just You know channeled the frequenciesinto her for about five minutes until they subsided And I was like that wasit That was done So basically you only need five minutes Okay that's all you need If youuse the kundalini record frequencies and you will sense well maybe sometimes seven maybe 10 of itsreally like extreme right But just you know between three and five minutes is usually enough Butwhen you have them in person you want to give them more of an experience Youdon't just want to have the men give them five minutes and then shut them out thedoor You know and then ask for I don't know 40 50 60 $70 You knowthey're not gonna understand that They cannot compute that So if you have them inperson you also want to give them the relaxing experience and a lot of people actually need that tooNot just with the healing but they also need the excuse to actually lay down and relax foronce and that they will get also if they come to you even if it's justfor half an hour okay so half an hour I would do where I kindof like ask them to lay down then I would kind of sense their energy body then I would cleanit you know and then I would to tangle it and then I would actually do the healingAnd that way you could easily do half an hour 45 minutes easily Um Make sure of course they'recomfortable have a blanket over them you know some relaxing music and not too much light maybe alittle bit of incense or you know whatever kind of make it a whole experience for them instead And thatway obviously in my opinion you would also unless you do it for free you would alsocharge a little more because you're having them in person in your house physically and you're doing allthis So so I would put the price a little higher than what I would charge for formy distance healing sessions makes sense Uh Bandanas can we heal a clean ourselves our own chakras like thisyou mean with the chakra Yes you can yes you can you would just do it yourselfinstead of doing it and someone else right And again as I said you can teach this tofriends and family as well The clients if you want them to be able to do it if theydon't want you know the whole the whole right key experience by learning how tobe you know how to to heal themselves So you can actually go like this okaythis is my heart checker here then I would close my eyes and then I would go leftokay against the clock and I would do that sometimes throwing it away and then I willcontinue and I would do that until I kind of sensed that okay now this is it it'senough or I would see that the green color of the heart chakra would be more clear and thenonce I had done that then I would go the other way I would go rightyou know with the clock and thinking that it would be activating it instead and then I'll kind of sensehow it kind of grows it gets brighter and then it's like oh now it's activatedits full and then it will stop and then I will move on to the nextone which is in here The throat The throat can be a little funny to do yourselfbut it's absolutely possible and then you kind of move up but I would usually startfrom the root chakra makes sense that this is just thank you makes sense Perfect okayUm let me see here let me see let me see let me see this one I need to findhere for a second Yes this is the 70 plus users of like a hearingand I haven't right here I just have to find it first Mhm I have right here I'llupload it as well Uh as soon as we're done with this live to thefacebook and then as well to the course side some of you might have this pdf already But again thisis to give you an explanation of what we can actually use this for I'm sorry I'm not lookingat you right now I just need to open this one Um so basically we can use ryekey for almost anything emotional issues I'm just gonna read up a little bit from it hereIt's something about reducing stress and long term stress syndromes uh symptoms sorry that symptoms symptomsIt can be very useful when we try to recover ourselves from the flight fight orflight mode when our middle and the whole you know reptile brain goes into alarm for whatever reasonit can very much help us on that Um You know obviously he'll and really is kind of heavy andnegative emotions and if not completely released at least relieve them So it's not as heavy it can helpreduce depression Uh obviously help calm our emotions as I said before It can verymuch support us in regaining our lust for life and living if we have lost that umalso regain you know and sustain the sense of empowerment that we actually you know incharge and in control of our lives that this is part of our emotional system too that wecould help heal with right key right um relieve the sense of overwhelm if we haveanxiety it can very much help on that Or if you're feeling anxious um agitatednerves um I was just gonna say any negative any trapped emotional right relative relief and release general emotional painIt's sending healing to the situation that you know we're experiencing the feeling we're experiencing inside ourselves umphysically it can vary you know and I'll give you the list here and obviously there's a lot moreto this There can be almost any situation you can imagine that this was just togive you an idea Um You can also like for the physical part obviously it's veryeffective in relieving physical eggs general pain also relieve chronic pain It can very much be helpful on that tooGeneral physical healing it can accelerate healing after surgery So if someone has been into surgery this can verymuch help speed up the healing process the physical healing process as well Um andof course because we also have our energy bodies Now surgery usually takes care of the physicalproblem and not all of the rest of it and the route course of why weeven have it in the first place and when we get sick it is you know especially like like severeillnesses It is because there are things that are not in balance and slowly slowly thosefrequencies that's heavy energy kind of trickles into our emotional body and our energy bodies and getstuck there So this is where we first see the sign of sickness is actually in the energybodies And if we do not do anything about the problem in order to youknow to solve the problem to release those emotions or whatever it is that is causingit then slowly slowly it will get you know it will put itself physically into our physical bodies Andthat is when we get you know like painting our needs or in our throatsor we get cancer or whatever it is we get physically ill when we're physically ill thesymptoms has always it's always started out here in our energy bodies And there's already said you know putitself out in our energy bodies first before coming into our physical body And this is why it'sso amazing to kind of do this general cleanse and kind of like pre you know conditionthe body for not getting sick because we can solve a lot of problems already at the energeticlevel Um obviously some things are still going to come and sit there but that's becauseyou've got an ongoing issue that you're not dealing with Oftentimes okay we can also sometimesbe genetically disposed for something but it can still help relieve the symptoms Okay But many times when weget sick it's actually coming from you know our emotions our feelings we asked not being congruent to whowe are or not dealing with certain issues or having had experiences that we arenot dealing with properly the right way and then we'll put itself into our energy bodyAnd then in the end we have the risk not necessarily but there is a risk that itwill actually go in and become a physical issue at some point I hope this makes sense and explains alittle bit how that part works Um And this is why like we can also use itto relieve some of the problems like if you had a surgery right But then therewere some other you know stuff going out here that we need we can helprelieve while they have made the physical surgery and that way we can help speedup the healing process as well as help them not hopefully not you know experience the sameproblem again Um it can improve and increase circulation Uh it can improve physical vitality when your bodyis tired So when we get healed we can actually get energy that way aswell Um Obviously if we're tied in our minds healing can help too And I have had justas a footnote I have actually had pretty depressed periods where healing has helped me so much turning itaround once I was like okay I am actually depressed when I kind of realized shit I'mactually being depressed here I have consciously used the healing and gone in and shifted that around in night lessthan a week from being depressed to being not depressed anymore personally Okay this is mepersonally Um and this is simply like by the choice of okay I you know thisis not gonna help I need to change this and I have the desire for changingit So my desire for actually changing the situation has a lot to say howthe result would be as well Okay and again this is what we're gonna talk a little bit moreabout later Um so relieves physical symptoms of disease um and support and promote healing of seriousillnesses like cancer Going to talk a little more about that in a moment releasing clear physical memory of traumaticexperiences We can boost our immune system and heal and support for optional optimal functionas well as balance the endocrine systems relief for tech syndrome We can enhance whatever medical treatmentsare going on We can support those medical treatments with the healing as well Umand we can also help reduce side effects for instance for if someone has cancer andand it's receiving chemotherapy we can help we can use the healing to relieve those sites youknow side symptoms what is it called The side effects sorry side effect Now forthe mind Um he'll negative thought patterns and pain in the mind right He didn't can help with thatTrue It can quicken the thinking mind uh and it can calm our mind obviouslyas well can help you regain focus and concentration Either a new or the person you're healing obviously Okay it'sagain it's the intentions right Um we can use healing in order to help release negative experiences andkind of leave them behind release them so we can begin to move forward as well Um we canhelp he'll symptoms of mental illnesses but again be a little aware of what you promise Okay inthis case but maybe the symptoms we can make less you know never promise a full healing thateverybody is going to be perfectly fine after getting healed by You never ever do that OkayChristina she says have crisis with the kids will want to read later No problem Christy Thank you for jumpingon I appreciate it Um we can improve and encourage restful sleep as well using healing accelerateour personal growth and especially because you've got to tune to these frequencies this isgonna help you accelerate your spiritual development as well Okay not just your personal growth but your spiritual developmentand it's a it's a tool that you can use to also heal whatever issues likeyou might have in order to step forward in your life you can use the healing frequencies for those uhinstances as well and and that way kind of receive the support in order tostep forward I hope that makes sense Um also you can very much used to rewireand reprogram your subconscious mind which is really interesting because a lot of stuff is going on inour subconscious mind Okay so all patterns and beliefs that we have had we can use the rightfrequencies to heal that and then use them again to install new patterns and beliefsOkay But obviously it kind of requires your conscious focus on it Oftentimes that okay I realize and recognize thatI have a limiting belief here I now choose to release that to heal that and then you kindof think that new thing you want to install instead and then used to healing tokind of install it very effective actually Um of course we can use it asI just explained you also to purify and cleanse the energy bodies Okay you will learn a technical levelfree that I use instead of doing the scraping that's like the classical way to do that with thescraping and and the de tangling I have my own high tech Way of doingit you know but I will teach you that in in level three where it's a lot quicker to doI find personally Um and I guess it's a matter of preference also Okay I'll teach youthat at level three uh chakra balancing and activation obviously uh specifically here and remove energetic blocks that ifthey are not addressed is what can actually result in physical illnesses Okay like we talked about beforeso those blocks you can go in and specifically hell um also use it to going andhe'll genetic blocks and genetic karma you can use Ricky for that as well you willlearn a little more about that you will get some some frequencies at level freefor DNA 10 Iraqi lin says that's why we can get rid of all pants I believe and report Yesyes our mind is just like a computer this is a computer there's nothing else ourminds and our subconscious is just a computer at work it's a very advanced computer I give youfor sure but it's it's just our minds at work and basically what happens is if wehave certain experiences you know it's very much about being effective in our brains we'll talk alittle bit about that It's actually quite interesting um and it will be helpful for you to because wekind of okay if we repeat something often enough times an action or a way ofthinking Okay so even a physical action like learning how to drive a car but also just thesame as when you kind of it kind of comes on autopilot that's because we are paving your youknow pathways into our brain that makes it quicker and puts it on autopilot that's why wecan put ourselves in the car and just drive away knowing exactly what we have to do withoutactually thinking much about it We don't kind of have to take the whole step in ourbrains every time because we're so used to it that's the habit okay it becomes a habitby that So the brain is made that things we do often it puts an autopilot andmakes it a habit Now the same goes for the way we think about ourselves the same goesabout for the beliefs we have about ourselves the same goes for what we believe thatwe all perceive that we are actually capable of doing ourselves okay so that will become an autopilot as wellthat becomes a habit as well And I have actually thought of creating a course more specifically on this becauseit's so freaking important because one thing is we heal like I work in the Akashicrecords I heal the root courses I also he'll like the more physical part like wehave the you know obviously the physical body and our energy bodies I also do that but then thethird part for me is actually our subconscious mind because our subconscious mind if we don'tkeep it in rain is going to run the whole show right and what it runs is on autopilot Soif we are not very aware of the habits and programs that we have installed into ourselves thatis what can create sick thoughts that makes us physically sick or we believe that we cannot do something orwe are not good enough or whatever we have been told as kids you know that's gonnabe the basis of the habits and thoughts that we have so we can use right keyto actively when we recognize the thought okay we recognized whenever you know I'm telling myselfno I can't do this or I'm not good enough to do this the moment I recognize thatthat's a limiting belief right The moment I recognize that So it will always be easier whenwe have an idea of where it comes from It's like oh maybe that wasmy mother telling me as a kid that I wasn't good enough at something and that has been installedOkay then it's always nice to have that thought and then you send healing to it but sometimes wedon't know where it comes from but we do recognize whenever we are thinking that Okay so it's aboutcatching those moments when we have those negative beliefs register that they're they're kind of make a conscious note ofall that is what I'm believing and then you consciously shifted to the opposite That'sstep number one you will consciously think the opposite and preferably say to yourself three timesBut then you also know that oh here I have an issue that I would consider healing right It'sup to you if you want to do it or not but you have the opportunity to actuallyheal it So what you wouldn't do is like what I told you in levelone you will simply take that issue Oh my self worth Okay because this isan is yourself Well I'm not good enough my issue with my own self worth Iwould kind of send healing reiki to that like distance healing but to that specific issue Okaydoes that make sense And when you kind of do that enough when you choose to do that enoughfirst of all catch your mind and second of all heal yourself very consciously with that inmind Yes you will then begin to repair if you're pathways up here you're going to make new highways you'regoing to make new habits that way Does that make sense When I say it like thatand no cash back I don't know where you input your back I could see Yeah so this isvery much possible Very much possible We can get rid of our all patterns and belief that wayand then actually still new ones but obviously you know start being mindful of what patterns are actuallyshowing up because you know it's it's easier to heal something that we know what is Ok Ohthis is a limiting self limiting self belief and it's about myself worth Okay now you know whereto start that Sometimes it might actually show you something else is coming up onthe way as well mm but it's very effective very effective and it is a process obviouslyas well Okay we start and then we kind of work through it and then sometimes we're goingto discover there are other things popping up okay but it's self development you know it's it's it's about gettingbetter it's about healing all that crap that we carry around and get rid of that shit sowe can actually go out there and be who we are fully because we just serve that and weare here for a reason Okay joseph high got pushed off a couple of hours Oh I'm so happy you'reback I appreciate it it's good it's a huge deal Um so yes we can reprogram our subconscious mind andI'm actually thinking of doing a course that is more specific on that you know because weall have that issue most of us anyway right I'm not saying all of you necessarily havebut most people have that issue but kind of like the tools of how to goabout it and Ricky is one of the things you can use to actually make itbetter So obviously also cleanse your aura I talked about that I think um com our energy field youknow he'll esoteric imprints as well um you know sometimes we have certain experiences that runs thispro it's a oh that's a whole it's a whole other world kind of thing toget into that explanations I'm just gonna say it's possible here okay But when wehave to you know if eric imprints uh Ricky can help heal that as well and it islike when there's running programs that certain parts of our body that usually stems from past lives as well oftentimes at least um Spiritually it will both eight and accelerate their skills development I toldyou that because we're stepping into this field where we are healing ourselves so we're getting rid ofour own crap even by healing others only We always receive some sort of healingourselves and it is going to help us you know develop spiritually as well And themore conscious we become about it obviously the festival go as well but just by healingothers even if you didn't do anything else but he'll others you would still receive some healing yourself Itwas still eight you in your spiritual process and your development either way um We can use itto heal comic blocks and patterns Uh we can heal negative programs has said whether thegenetic social or cultural um talk a little bit about that we can actually clear curses from this life ofpast life If we know the president it's always easy again to clear and he'll something thatwe know what is So if we know that there is one then we canactually heal that too But then again I would have to say also that occurscannot work unless you buy into it yourself Right So in order for someone to actually curseyou and for the curse to work you would have to buy into it yourself You don't buy intoit It's not gonna work it's not gonna have any effect on you So a lot isvery much also about what we buy into what our subconscious but we allow our subconscious tobuy into and if we are totally like this is not going to happen You know I'm notkind of this this is not you can throw all the curses you want at meI don't buy interest I don't believe them Then it's not going to have an effect on youThat's simple Um Oh I just thought it was a new comment Hm So basically um you can use itvery much also to strengthen your manifestation power And this is a little more indirectly as well as directlybecause when we want to manifest something in our lives that we don't have yet it's because we're not avibrational match Okay And obviously when we kind of x you know within our minds I kind of try tofantasize about what it is We would like to have what is it kind of what kind of reality dowe want to manifest or I want to manifest this thing I don't know a car justto be totally materialistic I want to manifest the car I want to I want to have a Tesla OkayI saw when I have a Tesla so whenever I'm kind of thinking of that Tesla again justlike with this country's mind when you think of that you're going to notice what objectionscomes up from your subconscious mind in order for you to not have that Right And that'sa gift because that is going to tell you exactly where it is You need to go and beginand heal and clear issues in order to raise your vibe enough to actually receive itSo we have to believe we can receive something before we can actually receive it andkeep it at least sometimes we will receive things but then we don't keep it right So if wewant to actually manifest something that we can also keep we need to actually be ableto believe that we can have it ourselves And this is where healing can also help just likethat the subconscious mind before we can heal the issue and just like with the this because Ihave it hanging here in my own wall The Quantum manifestation hacks the Mandela I have myown hanging here and we can also use the healing to send it to that mandalathat has that you know kind of the goal on it right What it iswe want to achieve or if you have a manifestation board you can send healing tothat manifestation board as well and use Reiki healing that way to kind of manifest moreUm again we talked about that last time that we can use it to hell like future andupcoming situations or any issues were experiencing with other people we can use it forthat too right Um you can send healing energy to your business cards I highly recommend that So if youhave business cards and whatever business you're doing you know take the whole stack and send Reiki healingto it and you will feel when it's enough and kind of like infuse your intentions for those cards intoit as well that anyone can that is coming in contact with this if they are your ideal clientthat they may feel blah blah blah blah blah you know while you're actually hearing to hold anintention in your heart while you're healing your business cards and the same for your website for instance okay Iwould also if I had to sit down and write some copy I would certainly makesure I was fired up with the kundalini Ricky and then I would kind oflike right while I was healing at the same time kind of healing that that text that peoplewould come in contact with and have the intention that I may write what is exactly right for my idealclients Right And sort of how do you say that infuse the text with the heatingthe same cost for the website You infuse the website with the heating Now it can be hardif you build a website to kind of like hell it all the time So maybeyou would just build that with the intent you're holding the intention pretty often andthen you would send healing at the end to the website and actually um you know hold thoseintentions as well while you heal it for anyone coming in contact with the website was actually looking atthe website and I actually did use that technique to to call in all ofyou right to you know to make sure that your attunement was there I used to for your attunement aswell you don't you don't know that but the moment you press the button if yousome of you have only gotten the attunement for the level one and two through here life butsome of you have also pressed the button on the website and the moment you actually press that button onthe website saying I want to you know order my first attunement that moment you were actuallytrue that moment you received your Children So it was laying dormant they're waiting for youto call it in So that is also possible for the healing Right So it'svery much about the intention again Okay um also you can use it as protection fromand clear obviously any negative energies that you might sense like envy or ill wishing either directed fromothers towards you personally or your business But obviously also if you at some point feel those sensations inside youyou can use the healing obviously to heal that too And again it just requires your conscious intentionOkay um you'll your blocks to attract the right life partner right that you cando you can also use it to heal and promote better and more balanced relationships in general and somuch more So you will get this pdf here now it's just picking up from it right And of coursehealing animals trees nature and all that as you already know Okay but this is just to giveyou an idea of what you can actually use these energies for So there's basically nothingyou can't heal Okay it just requires your conscious intention that you want to heal it and youknow what is the result What will the end result be Because your healings will be better the moment thatyou have a very clear intention of what it is you want to heal and what you would like itto be instead Okay so even if you just provide the frequencies and this is all we do thatwill work perfectly fine but you will make it stronger if you have a very clear intentionthis is the issue I want to heal And I wanted to transform into this instead tothat person's highest good and the highest good of all people everywhere And that part is a littleimportant to remember as well because especially especially if we use it to manifest something for ourselves you would wantto add you know this or better and you also want to add you know in my highest goodand for the highest good of all beings because that way it will not be Yeah how to say thatsometimes we can attract things in if we can manifest things but then maybe I want thisspecific house and I got my eyes sit on that specific house right So not being opento that there might be another house that might be even better for me andthis is why we would say this for something better But then again I would say formy highest good and the highest good of all beings everywhere And the reason Iput that one in there is because yes I would like to have this house I'm totally absolutelyin love with this house but I don't want something to happen to the familyalready living there just so I can have it you know I don't want some some you knowthem to have a shitty experience Hopefully they will send it by choice and not by unfortunate happeningsOkay so that is why I kind of always added in my highest good and the highest good ofall beings everywhere Even in my normal healings also Okay because there might be things going on that I don'tknow about So I wanted to be in their highest good and I wanted to be inthe highest good of all beings everywhere as well Can we see here Donna she asks can you hear multiplethings in one session or should there be a focus on one area Align ailment procession No you can hearmultiple things You can I mean I think it I would say probably takes a littlemore practice to kind of keep it all you know in the beginning it's probably going to be easierif you focus on one thing at a time Right But you can kind of join inmore things I mean I do that when I heal you know because my clientsyeah I would like to hear this and this and this and this and that you know and ifI had to do one session for each that's going to be a little ineffective and I love effectiveness RightSo I will say I wish you put the intentions for all of the thingsbut then you might also sense that they might take a little longer And sometimesthose five minutes just gonna be enough Obviously again if you have them in session you wantto use the whole full half hour or 45 minutes or hour or whatever itis You kind of have said that your sessions are going to be at but you can certainly he'llmultiple things at once But take care You don't confuse yourself too much either Okay And the same with yourclients also If they come to you with 15 different things they want to heal you know I would probablymake a priority list and say Okay let's take these I don't know 345 things first in this sessionlet's focus on that Okay And then we go on to the next thing Maybewe need to do a few sessions on these things and then we move on to thenext Okay Because it's also like it's hard to keep the focus if there are too many things it'sa little bit if you want to shoot birds with what is a shotgun that has allthese hills Right And then you might know the energies go anywhere where they have to dobut for you as the healer right it's going to be a little distracting It'sgoing to be hard to keep the full focus if there are too many thingsOh and did I remember all of them and you know all of that and also for the onebeing healed right They're probably going to feel the effects better Like more sudden you know if ifif they are okay now we're working on this Okay This was the most important we take this first Andthen you give one almost session depending on what's needed for that you kind of slowly introduce therest of the issues right as needed but I would not take like 15 20things and one time sometimes people have that many things going on you know both emotionally mentally spiritually and thenhave the physical body as well Okay so it's for you it's gonna be easier if you focus itit's particularly in the beginning and then you can always as you feel that you know takeas many as you feel comfortable with as many issues you can like to find right we doall this List them up in your intentions and just hold the intention Okay I hope that makes senseMhm um what was that What was that What was that Yeah and that's also whyclear intentions are required and it could be very hard to keep clear intentions if there's toomuch going on in one time for us as as the ones upholding the frequenciesOkay the frequencies we go where they're needed as well Okay but they're very much governmentby our intentions obviously and if we're a little scattered you know it's going to bea little scattered even though they will go but it's not as laser focused so we putit like that I think Yeah you're welcome Donna you're so welcome um and again I will repeat asI said last time Also that I mean we can we can basically heal anything anythingUh The only thing is also but what is that person ready to get healed And do they actuallywant it healed I mentioned that last time also I think that you know you will be surprised howmany people are actually thriving on their ailments Right They oh I have a headache the whole time Ohno my mom she has migraine Oh I need to go lay down and theyget this sort of intention So you know oftentimes we also have to ask do they actually gain somethingabout you know while being sick because that's going to make it a little harder to heal Okaybecause they're going to kind of keep on wanting to be sick and it's veryhard I mean it's possible but it's hard to heal someone who actually just wants to stay sick rightBecause that would be a battle of intentions and that's not the point here Okay The pointis obvious to heal people to the level they're ready to heal and there can be again there canbe things going on Karmic issues that can be all kinds of stuff going on that we don'tknow about So sometimes you know there is actually a point to the madness evenif we don't necessarily understand or feel it at that point Okay so we have to be very mindful thatyou know it is not entirely up to us you know what we'll get healed Imean our intentions are certainly going to influence on it if we put in intentions it is notjust a general healing and then we'll go where they need it If we put intention at themoment we actively put intentions they're gonna very much influenced the healing as well Okay Um but we canonly do it to a certain extent because the vest is actually between the one getting healed and their higherself What are they allowing in Where do they find the most important things to gethealed is that is not necessarily what we as healers and the client with theconscious mind thinks is the most important It might be the most important is actually somewhere else that somehowis interconnected or whatever We don't know this Okay so it's important to have a trust uh in the processas well as also being mindful again of what we actually promise of results right Because we can only providethe frequencies and then it's up to the person itself and their higher self topull them in and actually allow the healing at all levels And that is also why I often likein the written statement that you will get from me I also I think Ichanged it to actually say otherwise I would recommend that you do that you change the word and they sayto themselves and allow it to work on all levels when they call in your healing okay because thatis kind of a code for this conscious mind as well to allow the healing in and not justallow it in but actually allowed to work at all levels fully and you know I kindof feel that to be more right and I you know kind of it ismy sense that it kind of makes a difference in my client's subconscious as well when it is stated likethat Um any questions for this so far I'm talking and talking as always Mhm Otherwise you just letme know when I will kind of try and answer them I also promised you to tellyou about so serious that um and those are but I don't know how many of youactually know the story but at the funeral that I mentioned actually earlier in this in thislife a couple of years ago I had a friend that had committed suicide Unfortunately he choseto leave although I do understand why he did it but you know whatever Uh and there I had Ceciliawho is an old acquaintance that I hadn't seen in years and we were standing outside all ofus and and kind and I was looking around and I was you know seeing all thesephases and then suddenly see Cecilia and she's like I can sense how out of whack she's outof what I mean She's so out of whack you know you can just sense when peopleare like you know and that was not just because of the funeral I could sense there was something Ididn't know what but there was something else going on and and she had to drive I think for liketwo or three hours in order to go back home from where she came from Iwas like she can't drive in that state I mean what you can but it'snot safe right So I asked her like to see you know do you wantlike a quick healing And she was like yes thank you So I stood behind heras explained earlier I stood behind her and I kind of like held my hands like not like well fromthe back right I just can't do that because I can't turn my hands soI would hold my hands like out here and I would just channel the frequent seasons or you knowand then at some point I think it's a little bit and hold them you know buy her back andby her shoulders and then up by her years again Um and I actually re fired it acouple of times I think that I give you like 10:15 minutes if he didn't just standing there because shereally needed it and when she turned around she was almost crying she was like thankyou so much you know she was like thank you because she really felt how she had calmedherself down Um And she called me after note She sent me a message so send me a message aftertelling me that she got back and I did like that healing had made the whole differencefor her that she was back safe and she could actually drive without being allscattered right She told me that later Um Now the reason for her to feellike that was because she the day before had been told her dad had cancer and there wasnothing they could do um even if they tried So I mean they did tryto chemo but they were not good prognosis you know and I didn't know that at thetime Um So when I was told that when she kind of wrote me after that she was back safeand all that I was like okay but let your dad know that if he wants toif he's open to it I will happily do like to free healings for free like probono if he feels that might help him because I lost my own dad tocancer He had a tumor in the brain that was before before I learned howto heal Um And that went very quickly So I know exactly the distress rightUm So I actually offered that and her dad was not exactly open to that at thepoint is it was summertime and I didn't hear anything I'm like okay well that's just that's his choice rightI mean his free will Um and some people are more open to it and thanothers and some people need a little time to think about it than others Uh what happenedthen was around christmas So she she called me again and she was like well now he's at thehe's at the hospital he's in there kind of permanently and they can't do anything more for him Theycan't help him anymore and they are just not sure which hospice to send them to Thisis like the discussion now is which hospice should we actually sent him to because they've given uptotally And she was like he is open to getting healed now I know it's alittle late Yeah but when you give it a try and I was like forsure obviously of course I will if he's open to it if he gives his permission of courseI will So she sent me his picture and I sat down and I started pulling out every freaking energytrick in the book I could okay anything you know not just the conduction radio I did Itwas too risky I did the kundalini ready Obviously I did ascension Ricky I did Germanic crikey I did youknow using all symbols I ever learned you know the whole thing I mean I took the whole arsenalout as much as I could and this is yeah 2.5 years ago No it's almost threeyears ago now sure almost three years ago I think Um so I and at thatsession did take it longer Um then just five minutes I really gave it all I had and I thinkI spent pretty about half an hour 40 minutes healing and reenergizing all the time replacing like from theReagan placing the healing symbols But what I also sensed on the way and this isthe interesting part because obviously I did place the symbols I had to focus on the cancerto kind of go away to leave his body and for him to get well being cancer freeSo not just for not the cancer not to be there but for him to be cancer free andout and alive and awake and and walking and being happy and joyful and when I kind ofstarted on the happy and joyful part in him I sensed that that was where the issue was hedidn't want to live because he had lost his wife a few years before So hehas lost his will to live and that is what made him sick He has simply lost hiswill to live So what I did the moment that I had that notion one thing is allthe healing symbols and all that but then I started sending healing to his I meanhe had given me permission to do this You have to remember he had allowed meto do this and I did it I mean I perceived to the to the edge Okay Idon't want to you know you never want to force anyone you know the frequencies on partypeople But I took it kind of to the edge without actually crossing it But I gave themas much as I felt was you know was ethical okay Um and I heal that and Ivery much had his intention in mind and that he would want to live that hewanted to be well that he wanted to feel joy that he wanted to feel love that hewanted to stay here So most of the healing actually went on that as well Obviously as the cancer youknow like heating symbols for the cancer to disappear for him to get well But his willto live was very much the key So I was pretty exhausted when I was done because I've givenit everything right And I kind of went to bed and I didn't tell herabout that I had healed him Usually I will always right my clients after I hear them Like now you'rehealing is done And if there's anything I sensed I would put that in the mailtoo So they kind of know it's done And also what I found and can ask questions if theyhaven't I didn't do that here that's some years ago because it was a silly and Ithought I would actually heal him like one or two more times within the week orthe week after I've got a male who wanted them done and there was a lot of stuffgoing on in my in my own life at that time so I didn't get toheal him the second time of the third time as such Um and I think abouta month or two months after a month No it must have been within a monthor something certainly I have some serious on the phone again I'm like okay so how is your dad BecauseI felt bad that I hadn't done the second and the third here because I honestlyI forgot because there was so much crap going on in my own life at that time that andI was so stressed that I I forgot you know Um so I felt bad about itand she was like before I could actually say anything she's like he's out of the hospitalnow And first I thought I was like oh my God have the symptom hometo die and then she added and he's feeling much better and I was likewow you know okay but that's you know before I actually go like that just let's see whathappens right And he stayed out of the hospital and he got better and betterand last time I spoke with her is about I think it's like two months agonow and I was like how issue that and she was like well he's still outand now they told him he's cancer free And he had not had any other education You knowwhen I healed that they had given up on him okay that they had given up he was goingto the hospital that was like his next and last place to go That was the hospice So hedid not have any treatments as such sense He did not have any other education as such The onlydifference has actually been the healing So I just want you and I'm telling you the story not tosay that I am heating cancer because again that will very much depend the case And besides that isnot me doing it It's the frequencies right But also be sensitive and and mindful of the nudges youget of what might be wrong because you might have other issues going going on that are the causelike in this instance he didn't want to live it was his will to live that wasthat was ill that had to be healed in order for him to heal himself and actuallyaccept the frequencies in and become well right But he is well today he's stillalive today and he is cancer free which is freaking amazing because and when she told me thatalso was like okay because she had told me before kind of like giving me thetestimonial and I like that he was well way before right But I I just didn't want to useit because it's it's quite a bold statement okay and especially if you start actuallyyou know advertising for for your healing business you want to be very careful what youput out there Okay So I didn't want to put it there until I talked toher about a month or two ago She was like no put it there and this is my wordShe says it's not your words it's my words and that's why I actually put it on thewebsite in the end I think the very last week I actually added it to the website that isnow there because I was reluctant to do that because it's a very very bold statement and obviously that resultwill not be the same necessarily every single time Okay It very much depends andvaries because there can be a lot of issues that play but it is possibleright So this is all I wanted to say with this story is to give you an example of somethingthat is demo miraculous right That is possible given the right circumstances given that the person actually wantsit right Giving the person has given permission obvious as well right And actually cecilia she got a cancerin her tongue I think was that the year after or was it last year Ican't remember I think it was the year before like two years ago She actually got attention Her tongue wasafraid that she actually had to get her whole tongue removed I couldn't speak Andshe was like would you help me I was like sure you know and I gaveher a couple of healings and while they did have to once when she actuallygot in there and they had to do the surgery on her they found thatthey didn't have to remove all of it that she feared right But she got a little bit removedof it but just a little bit and as far as known she she stillhas no cancer right now as it is I mean it's only like a year ago ortwo years ago So it's still early to say she's cancer free Um But first of all herwhole tongue did not have to get removed as she feared I don't know what doctor told her butat least it's not that bad and she can still speak right Um And a lot lessthan what she was afraid of in the beginning So you know that's then she she said alsonow I know why my dad had to be here She had to be there for her whenshe had to go through this as well So there's multiple bonuses to to her dad actuallybeing alive and well today So does this make sense to you Does it even compute withyou what is actually possible to do with these with these energies because Ricky I meanand especially the kundalini right is for me the strongest right Even though like it was soserious that I actually used more than one type of Ricky but you can do the same justwith one type of Ricky right And kundalini right is so powerful It is so strong So youdon't actually need the rest It was just because I was there and I wanted to help somuch that kind of pulled out every tool in my arsenal that I even had inorder to to try and get him well you know do whatever I could inorder to to help him to get well Right Really That is wonderful Yes it isso much Yeah it is amazing job It's and I was like when she told me here like acouple of months ago that he is actually considered cancer free I was like allright that is insane You know it's it's it's hard to believe even for me whodo these things but I'm like I am so much at all and what is actuallypossible given the right circumstances right What these frequencies can do It's it's it's really amazing Reallyreally amazing And I've also seen clients like with I had a client with a ton of Kabultunnel syndrome her symptoms got better after you know another client with anxiety and one session Heranxiety is is like diminished to almost nothing you know So it's very very muchpossible to to kind of almost doing miraculous healings as well as long as the clientsare aligned to it and as long as they actually wanted as well it's just all that Ihave to make sure that you understand that point as well Right So that was the last part of todayUm do any of you have any questions And it did take a little longer than Iexpected actually did take to our show I thought I could do it on our not at all two hoursagain I'm sorry That's how it goes So I let any questions to any of this Otherwise you knowyou can find me in in the in the comments of course in the facebook groupbut it was more effective to answer them life Now that would be good Let me know there'sanything and I think it'll take a sip of my coffee Yes Yeah And if not no questions PerfectAll good Oh Donna She says what You're beautiful gifts and inspiration to so many Oh thank you donna Thankyou for all you do and share for the betterment of much love Have a fantastic day you to theteaching That means so much to you too don't I And julie says I'm going to have to listento this again for sure Yeah it's a lot of information right And you wantto maybe write something down because I'm not gonna put all of it in the manualfrom me just to keep you know the key points All this is part of the live part is thebonuses right Um so it's it's like it's important for you to write that down andyou also remember it better when you write it down yourself So that's why I actually don'tjust put it in the in the soul craft Cardellini manual right You're so welcome Duca And also chillJust thank you Well to have found me Well I am so blessed to have you alsobecause you are allowing me to step into my purpose Now we get old Syriaagain here Okay All emotional Um but you responding to this course is helping me tostep into my purpose right Which is helping you guys So yeah so I'm so grateful for youguys to just understand that Okay It's really and your second everyone is like thankyou So appreciate it So if any questions put them into the into the group into the question threat preferablyand tag me in it So I see it just otherwise I might not see it if youdon't tag me in in in the comments Um and go about your day and enjoyit and call in the call in the the uh the level to its human properlyIf you want to it's fine You can do it any as many times as you wantAnd then try and use the kundalini right meditation for the next week or so as much as youare guided soon and then I hope that you will have a beautiful day ora beautiful night depending on where you are Thank you so much returning here today I talk toyou by