Deconstructing the Self (1)
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    Welcome back This video is about the the deconstruction of the self right And so essentially we're going to work

    backwards to release conditioning and to separate ourselves from patterns and to rise above our life experiences This will help

    us to free ourselves from the patterns and circumstances that have affected us and to

    get back to exactly what it is that you are being drawn to that what

    you desire um the outcomes that you want to live in your reality And this will help you to understand

    really who you are and what your sense of self is composed of what makes you feel

    like you And so the concept of deconstruction of self is looking at personal identity and how it's created The

    sense of self is composed of thoughts and feelings who you are how you're feeling

    is based on what's going on around you in this moment And we all have a baseline emotion or emotional

    state or habitual emotional set point We might have some highs and lows but we all kind of generally

    hang out in this general sense of emotional being thinking feeling on a regular basis We have to

    look at the construction first how it's created and how it's changing how it changes

    what changes it and how you feel like you is based on your feelings and your feelings uh your

    emotions our energy in motion and it's always changing the energy is constantly in motion it's constantly

    shifting The thing is is that you think change from one mo the the thing is that how you

    think and how you feel changes from one moment to the next And so when you think

    about your sense of self and your personal experience it is always in flux And if we want to

    be able to go beyond that if we want to be able to go beyond the conscious

    awareness then we need to learn how to go deeper and see what's behind all

    of that Your thoughts the things that you think your inner voice or your mental images the pictures

    you have in your mind they're all based upon your inner belief system which is based on

    the experiences that you've had in the past those stories that inner voice and it was created early on

    in childhood most of them when we were trying to make sense of what we

    were experiencing when we were trying to make sense of the things that we were observing

    And it's also part of part of the socialization process when we are integrated into

    the world what we felt like we had to do in order to be accepted or to get

    more of the praise and um acceptance So we le we learned to suppress certain parts

    of ourselves because of this thoughts are really just the tip of the iceberg If

    you think of an iceberg and how a majority is under the water the majority of

    our thoughts is subconscious based upon all of our experiences all of the stories that we created

    to make some sense of what happens in the world outside of us what was happening in the world

    around us and our conscious thoughts are just the tip of that iceberg And then it's part of

    the constructive concept of self is your emotions your thoughts the reality is all of your emotional reactions are derived

    from those thoughts from those inner beliefs Those inner beliefs is what creates the emotion that you feel It's what

    determines your actions Uh It's what determines your habits ultimately and then it's your actions and

    your habits that create the outcome of your experience This is the belief behavior cycle Our beliefs are

    the beginning and they create emotional reaction and then how we feel emotionally creates our behaviors

    or reactions and then it becomes a habit and that's what creates your reality and it's always changing There's

    not just one signal single emotional reaction that will come out of the same circumstance Uh If we're talk if

    we're looking at different people not all not not any two people have the same exact

    emotional reaction to something because we all have different belief systems We all have a

    different perspective We're all coming from and looking at the world in a different through a different lens and say

    you're waiting for your significant other to come home and they're late and it's a special occasion

    It's an anniversary or something They didn't arrive yet and they're usually on time like clockwork

    What are you emotionally gonna experience Some people especially those who have lost people in

    tragic accidents can experience immediate fear Oh my gosh something happened This is gonna hurt What if they're

    lying dead in a ditch somewhere or dying waiting for an ambulance to come and I'm not there with them

    And then others people who have security issues or have been cheated on in the

    past are they out cheating on me and on our anniversary But for others it could

    be disappointed like here they are caught up at work again taking a detour uh maybe they didn't plan

    so they're doing you know grabbing something last minute for the anniversary gift There's all

    kinds of different reactions that can take place and this just shows the power of your belief

    system that it's based upon your past experiences and what you were taught or what

    you've seen or what you were conditioned to believe So in order to get to your

    core self to separate from that conditioning to separate from that patterning you need to be able to break

    apart those parts of itself the perceived parts of self So sensory deconstruction meditations this is what's going to

    help you be able to separate parts of the con um of your constructed persona your feelings

    Um how you experience things uh in the physical the physical sensations Thoughts come in two different ways

    to us Thoughts can come as mental pictures where we can have an image or a memory floating through

    our minds or it can come in as an inner voice Actual words if your senses pick up on

    the sound of a vehicle your mind can go you know car and then image can pop

    into your mind Um And then once you start learning how to separate the experience of an emotion

    of a feeling to separate the experience of the mental pictures that are floating around

    in your mind that happens at any given moment Uh The way it's coming in through sounds

    and thoughts then you can learn how to project them all in front of you and see

    them interplay with each other on the the screen of the mind And the more you do that the

    more you begin to separate what you're experiencing from to see who you truly are

    Your core energetic self the beautiful piece of the universe that resides within you that

    lives through you No I'm just checking my notes making sure I didn't forget anything So we are is

    in essence we are in essence um created uh of opposing forces right We have both male and female

    characteristics both male and female energy traits running through us And there is this um

    geo uh geographical image This I'm sorry this is the wrong word It's not um it's um geometry

    an image of geometry called the Merhaba And it's uh it's two it's an upside down

    triangle and a right side up triangle and they're blended together right And this is fe feminine and masculine

    right Or you could think of a you can think of a um a Yin

    Yang right With the red and with the white and the black and the and the

    the black side and the white the white side right This is these are symbols that you

    can think of to remind yourself of how you're always you the energies within you are always

    in motion and that this is really about balancing the opposing energies and forces within you And

    when you get them in balance you are able to unlock your full potential and that's super powerful

    stuff Um And that's good to keep in mind when you're thinking of connecting to

    your core power and understanding how your experiences and your conscious understanding of the world is different than

    your subconscious and then learning how to bring those into balance And really that's how you unlock everything Um And

    so let's talk about how you can do this in a meditation So I want you to think about how

    you can feel your emotions in your body Just set a timer for 3 to 5 minutes and just focus

    on awareness An observation become the witness let go of any mental pictures that float

    into your mind or any chatter that goes on in your mind and it's not

    trying to intentionally stop it It's just it's it's just not engaging with it seeing it blow by like smoke

    in the mind's eye right And you're tuning into your body right Feeling how you feel in

    your body And if and if this helps this has always helped For me our consciousness is usually

    up here right So we perceive the world as if our consciousness lives here right Seeing out of our

    eyes But it's really this is where our awareness is a lot of the time

    because we're in a very thought driven society dropping the mind taking a deep breath and taking all of

    that awareness and dropping it down into the heart space come down wiggle get loose and allow your

    consciousness your awareness to drop down into your body to where you're really feeling experiencing life from here and

    not from here And those thoughts and those mental pictures will stop coming once you

    practice doing this a little bit because when you get I just did it It's incredible I was thinking

    about planning lessons I was thinking about what I was gonna say on this video I was

    thinking about all those things I have notes written down and I'm like making sure I got these notes and

    I'm letting um I'm I'm also at the same time uh because I'm practiced at

    it I am able to get my conscious mind out of the way and allow um my

    higher self to speak through me through some of these lessons But when I did

    that practice with you and I told you that you know my awareness is up here

    and I dropped down I now perceive the world from my body I am more present in my

    body right now And it's almost as if I'm seeing the world through my body now and and

    and and and it takes time it takes some practice to do it But once you learn how

    that feels there's really nothing more powerful than bringing your awareness out of your head

    and into your body It is one of the most potent spiritual tools One of the most potent tools

    for non reacting for for controlling the way you're reacting to the world for dealing

    with really hard things in life for being going through times of of of emotional insecurity or

    emotional um um intensity Um really it's a tool for resiliency to really be able to

    drop down into the body because so many things happen to us in our lifetime where we um we wind

    up leaving the body our consciousness winds up coming up here and hanging out up here in the U

    upper chakras and doesn't really um integrate any longer with the body And so a lot of us

    stopped being able stopped being able to study in the same way that we normally

    would be able to Um and it's a beautiful thing right It makes so many things better for

    it you know uh for our lives right Um It allows us to feel um intimacy and sex It it

    helps um heal the body right Um Being sitting with pain rather than trying to escape it I'm telling you

    if you're in serious pain and you wanna get away from the pain the best thing to

    do is to go straight towards it to dive right into it face it head

    on and intentionally put all your consciousness and all your conscious attention to that spot And yes it's

    gonna be painful for a few moments but I've been able to ease pain that way That's the

    only way I've been able to ease pain right Because it wants attention And so um that is

    part of women's spirituality that is part of the missing um the missing initiations that we have

    that we have seemed to have forgotten since the patriarchy took over and is not

    teaching women's uh spirituality and how um the women's maps um and initiations have been erased And

    now we're just starting to to uh remember and to to bring that knowledge back again right Um This is

    uh one of the core teachings of women's spirituality is that your body is the magic wand Your

    body is the medium for experiencing spirit Your body is the medium for experiencing both the

    lot of men's spiritual teachings talk about you know um how um the body is is bad and

    you know uh uh identifying with the body is is you know the opposite of spiritual for women It's not

    I don't think it is for men either but I don't teach men spirituality So

    um it's not it's actually the opposite It's interesting to remember that we live in an inverted world

    right And a lot of these teachings and these ideas that we have around spirituality are exact opposite Like people

    that charge money for their soul gifts are not spiritual That is crap If more spiritual

    people um people who shared their soul gifts heart l heart centered people had the money and they were making

    the money for their gifts the world would be a better place because we want

    those heart centered people to be the ones that have the money right And so um really

    just starting to to experience um all of this experiencing yourself on a whole new

    level it's really um going to be beneficial to you on this journey It's really gonna be beneficial to

    you on this journey I will do a recorded meditation for you if you would like to um have

    that to go along with this lesson and I'll be back soon with the next lesson

    Have a great day Uh