So hopefully this should work now I had I don't know I'm pretty sure that usuallyyou can do like landscape videos on facebook lives I don't know why it doesn't want todo that right now but we'll leave it at that It doesn't matter anyway That was justmy idea that I thought I could but now I luckily could twist it around so everything is good I'mjust going to give you guys a chance to actually jump on those of you whocan manage to be here today for the life otherwise either way say hi in the comments and if youwatch the replay you know you can do a hashtag replay and you know whatfuels me when I do this is to also get some sort of interaction So the more activeyou are in the comments you know the better basically because that kind of gives mea little energy back You know it makes it easier for me to give you even more Soplease be as active in the comments as you you feel for I mean you'renot forced to do it But no it's an option that I would greatly appreciateUm and also whenever questions arise um either during this live or or any other live training or whateverUh oh hashtag me in the comments you know ask your questions And then just remember tohave you know to to mention me in that comment So I will see it becausethen I will go back and then I will answer it later if I don't see itduring the live Yeah so I just need a breath here because that kind of got menervous that The tech thing didn't work as it was supposed to So 1 2ndlike that And also if you want to have some order or some tea orwhatever if there's something you need to go grab or or maybe you know gopee or whatever you're most welcome to that I got my water here in my teal so I'm justgoing to have yes I'm the one who is going to be talking the most Mhm And might seeas well like that Mhm I am so excited Seriously I really am And there was a pointwhere it came to kind of a little nervous I'm like I'm nervous It's like no I'mexcited because that's actually the same feeling You know it's the same center in thebrain that is that is activated whether you're nervous or excited So it's just about time So I'm excitedRight So I am actually very excited Um Let me see here if I can get the live on mycomputer too So I have a chance to see your comments hopefully And then again I'm sorry about thedelay It's a little slow here Yes there just going to mute my computer and then I canstart that one with four of this o Reilly and Danny you're there I can see and Jill oh Juliamade it I thought you couldn't that's perfect and I thought I saw Lynn also butwe'll see anyhoo I'll just make sure that this one is playing here like that Hopefully I'll be ableto see the comments as well I don't know Anyway we'll track so mm Welcome And this is like thefirst real life and what we're going to do today is basically the live healing because it's full moonand this is a perfect time to begin to release some of that which we don't want anymore This is a very powerful time actually to begin to release whatever is not wanted tomake space for that which is wanted Right So um I have made myself a little scripture just ashort one just to make sure and what I'm also gonna do what I haven'ttold you a little secret of mine is that first we do the live healing here whereyou know just make sure that it's comfortable and you know whether you're laying down or or you're actuallysitting as long as you can kind of hear me um after that I will activate you You can deleteIraqi now I have actually activated most of you already but I wanted to you know you canalways get more excavations of the same thing even if you ever had it beforeand this activation here is just an extra on top Right so I manually activatedyou know all of you but then you also get the extra activation here todaySo I will highly recommend you either way to even if you're just watching the replayand if you don't you know want the healing right then and there but to scroll in andafter I'm all done with this live I'll try to see if I can leavea marker at what time I start the activations as well And there are some of you whoare in the group but are not on the website yet And there's also some ofthose who have joined the course who is on the website but who have not yetjoined the group So this replay is going to be uploaded to the course site as well Right Um thereis someone who is that there's someone actually joining hang on for a second that Sam I thinkshe was and the here like that it's a taxi that are in the group as wellUm invite her under this culture because I got the list of all of you and I hadall your pictures and if I hadn't had the picture on the course side I have sneaked onyou here in the facebook group Right So mhm So like that So first we start with thehealing and tomorrow as tomorrow is going to be the first module and in that one is going to beboth the basic teachings of the kundalini Ricky uh like the standard training kind andthere's not a lot of information is a very very simple system to learn really really easy aswell which is perfect but it's also still very very powerful Um so we're gonna start withthose informations um and then I'm gonna talk a little bit about that extra thing that is part ofyour bonuses as well but it's also something that I believe is important to know as a healer and especiallyfor those of you who have not healed before where this is all new right So now Iwould like for you two try and close your eyes and take a couple of deep breathsfirst of all and if you want you know if you want a second to actually put onmusic or something you can do that but I want you to relax and either sit or laydown uncomfortable position and turn your palms upwards and then inside yourself you know be veryclear about your own intentions I'm going to include the intentions from those of you who actually stated your intentionshere I'm just going to be reading through them uh kind of like putting theminto the healing intentionally in my in my mind in my in my inner I umbut it is very important if you could kind of bring those intentions fourth yourself tooand once you have those intentions clear inside you in your mind if you think them someof us we see pictures some of us we think the words whichever way is foryou some of us feel it so have those intentions very clear And once you have thatthen you kind of start changing the image or the sound of the words into that whichyou want instead while I'm healing you Right I'll be guiding you slightly on the way Kind oftelling you what I'll be doing and you just relax and let it flow And someof you might feel something some of you might not feel anything at all Somewill see pictures It can be very different for for each and every one of you andeven from each and every time you get a healing it can be very different as well Right So justdon't I wonder if it's if it's something else than what you've been used to or orwhatever it's it's all normal I'll just see if I can if anyone of youhad any comments here before I actually start Hey Sherri it's me It says okay we'll see if Ican actually see all the comments here and not just some of them It only shows mesome of them for some strange reason Well it's probably gonna be okay but eitherway I will go through the comments after the life and then if there are anyquestions I'll answer those Okay So start by the deep breath close your eyes relax If you have somemusic on that's fine It's not a problem and I want you to try and take a full deepbreath and counting 24 Hold it for a second and exhale again Try and take another deep breathin hold it for a second and exhale again And then the third time takea deep breath in hold it for a second and exhale So what I'm goingto do now is I'm going to put my intentions here I call upon my masters and teachers angels andguides to be with me for my Ricky guides and reiki masters past present and futureto support me and something healing frequencies to all of these amazing women watching this live videoand any and all they will watch the replay whether today or at any other time Please supportmeans having healing rocky frequencies to heal them physically emotionally mentally and spiritually let them release andhe'll any blocks or restrictions any issues whether they be aware of them or notthat hinders them and moving forward and becoming the powerful creators of their reality enjoy in happinessand love Please include any intentions that they have for themselves in order to releaseand become whole in their highest good and my highest good and then the highest good ofall beings everywhere Thank you Thank you Thank we'll just go down to the post and I'll see youfor the intentions that you all stayed at previously Can I take a second justrelax because I can feel the right key flowing in my hands already so it'salready it's already started I just want to make sure that I get your fullintentions here Danny I'm having your intentions now and Nikki your intentions Sherry your intentions to hear I'm reading thosenow then until you have not stated an intention but all for your healing you for your generalhigh is good and the same was sherry so wow now normally I don't speakwhen I when I heal obviously because I do distance healings and I don't have my clients on you knowin my ear when it is but because this is also a course where you're goingto be learning how to do this I will do my best to try and remember to actually voiceout loud what my intentions are and you know what I'm thinking and what I'm doingif there's something that is relevant for you while you heal and this is just as much one thingas you get this healing but this is just as much for you to geta better idea of how I do it how I heal and obviously one thing is howI do it and by practice you're going to find your own way of doing it that youfind works perfectly for you So right now I kind of put my consciousness in the power ofmy hands and now I can kind of feel how it starts buzzing in myhands it means that the Reich is activated and actually to such a degree thatI can you see my twitching finger Yeah it doesn't normally switch that's the energy tryto keep it still is a little hard so what I do is first I have myintention to the palms of my hands and then I focused my intention my consciousness on the bottomof my feet because we have chakras there also and kundalini Raggi is about drawing from the life force energyof Mother Earth the life force energy that surrounds us I'm pulling the life first energyup for my legs all the way up here and then it goes out into my arms and intomy path into my palms like that I said this is full moon and it is about releasing andthis is a perfect time to release all the old all the unwanted the non beneficial energies that youhave had around you surrounding you to make space and bring in the new That you would like to havethe new You would like to create the new you would like to experience tobring up any blocks You have any restrictions you have felt any limiting beliefs or mindset surrounding those issuesanything that sells that you can't or you don't or you won't you don't deserve or you're notgood enough bring that up intentionally sit with that just for a moment allow yourself to recognizethat it is there even if it's slightly uncomfortable that's okay And then I would like for youto take a deep breath and as you exhale let it go and that these energies that I'm sending younow allow them to enter your body Your energy bodies allow them to flow where they're needed Someof you might feel a tingling sensation Some of you might see images within your inner mind side colors Someof you might sense feelings that rises to the surface This is all okay It is all meant to beand it brings it comes up for you to release it It's time to releaseit And now I would like for you to begin consider what you would like to create instead How doesthat look like for you How does that feel like Can you hear words spoken Is it imagesyou see Is there a situation you can imagine within your own i where all this good and all isperfect and you're happy and joyful in that new reality trip within you and I allow yourself tofeel that joy of no longer being blocked or limited that you're in your power You're doing whatyou love You even feel happy at times and full of joy What will youcreate because your reality looked like after having released the old and embraced than youyou are all powerful healers you all have this ability within you to heal your lives Now If youfeel emotions coming up right now that's okay You might even feel like crying That's okay too That'srelease You might just feel happy That is okay too It is all valid And we have toallow ourselves to feel in order to release because suppressing is not going to do thejob Mhm Take a deep breath and allow the joy to sell into your bodyinto your heart And no matter where you are in the world right now and whatever situationyou're in or you perceive yourself to be in know that you can change this know that you can haveand be and do exactly what you desire to release those old blocks and allow for the new toenter you all embarking with this journey on this journey with me to which I amdeeply great This is my gratitude now I am so grateful for all of you here for yourtrust in me and for allowing me to support you It is the greatest honor And Iget all emotional about this two year and that's okay Yeah To stay in the frequencies allowthem to work allow yourself to feel and see where it is you want to be where youare not already but where you want to go What do you want to bewho you want to be without those blocks and limitations Yeah now and see Iam my mother's daughter So I get all emotional now is the time to activate you whether you have alreadyhad an excavation or not I haven't told you yet If I have activated you Soyou don't really know whether you have the excavation yet or not So to have the awakened kundalini and thisis going to be in your manual to once I've made it done when I'm done with that Tohave an awakened kundalini means that your body is able to absorb and transform thelife force energy that earth Um It's you're like a rechargeable battery and the Earth isa battery charger constantly providing you with life force If the battery does not function properly the charger willnot be able to charge up the battery to its full capacity clearing the connection to earth andthe chakras and the main energy channel which is also called Osasuna will return the natural flowto the energy system This stronger energy flow in the body will also help itself toclear stagnated energy and blocks further Any kundalini related issues will be resolved So what I'm gonna do nowis I'm going to activate you I'm just going to have a moment of quietness andyou will learn how to do this also at level free But right now I'm not going totell you exactly what I'm doing for obvious reasons because I'm adjourning you to the level 1then I will let you know what's going to happen So please just stay withyour eyes closed and keep your palms upward Okay for a moment Mhm So I'm having my hands here andplease in your and I just keep your eyes closed That's okay in your inner eye Imaginethat you place your hands in mind I'm having my hands and place your hands on mine And in amoment of those of you that have already joined the course I will mention your namesBut this will also work for those because there's a few who has not you know who's notin the group right now But it will also work for all of you Okay Soit's for anyone I'm mentioning plus you who's watching this in replay So Chelsea this is yourhands Riley I'm placing your hands too Chelsea placing your hands Danny and placing your handsSamantha and placing your hands naked placing your hands also Lynn placing your hands Sarah placing your hands brushes placingyour hands even and placing your hands ceases I'm also placing your hands Christina and placingyour hands Diana I'm also placing your hands No Okay And placing your hands Jill and placingyour hands Donna I'm placing your hands Ashoka and placing your hands Sherry I'm placingyour hands and sam and placing your hands Croatia placing your hands Yeah I'm notgoing to be telling you what I'm doing right now I just want you to feel the bottom ofyour feet Whether you're laying down or sitting up it doesn't matter Just feel the bottom ofyour face and then move your attention up your legs for the body out your arms into the palms ofyour hands and just keep your attention there relax and breathe Mhm Mhm What I'm doing now isI have just clenched you and now I'm activating you and activate candle lini Mhm Just going to take amoment more The loud also flowing Now I would like for you to take a deep breath holdit for a moment and exhale Take another deep breath Hold it for a moment andexhale within yourself State that you are now receiving Kundalini Iraqi level one that I have activated foryou Yeah It's just going to take a moment before we're done allow the frequencies to answerin whichever way they show themselves to you Even if you might not even feel much it's stillthere and it's still working and we are done I'm still feeling the energy going outof my hands so that's all good Take a deep breath again and as youwish to you can open your eyes and stretch yourself about Yeah so you are activated I'll just see ifany of you have written any comments here Sure if it actually outs and as you come back inthe you know whenever it feels right for you let me know in the comments thatyou're that you're back Hi Donna got him Are you thinking I had to makeit big areas I could see the comments if there is any So your activation has done aswell Now what I would like for you to try and do now you're gonnawe're gonna go into the teachings tomorrow I don't know you're so welcome until Oh perfect Yeah Yeahyou do feel it right I mean there are some who doesn't really feel muchand especially in the beginning and you know that's okay It still works right But oftentimes we haveto kind of get used to that frequency of feeling or how to actually sunsetand for others is just there immediately Right Yes Very this is very different but I am different also andI do things differently but the energy is itself and it's going to solidify for thenext 24 hours So it's not just like I have activated you know it's all you know Well itis done but it will settle itself into your body you know for the next 24 hours UmSo what I would love to do heavily Oh perfect Um Kelsey thank you Yes So whatI would love for you to do is too especially those of you are not used to healingWho hasn't healed before You know allow yourself to kind of sense the energy rightSo you can sit down and then you think kundalini Ricky in order to activate it and then feelhurry kind of comes up through your legs like from the bottom of your feetup for your legs all the way up here out your arms and enter yourhands And some of you will feel a buzzing feeling some of you will feel a tingling sensation someof you might not feel much some of you might feel heat you know it can come inmany ways like personally I feel a tingling sensation and a busing and sometimes itgets really really hot like really warm hand where I'm like whoa you know sometimes it's almosttoo much um but so it can be very different and it will be very different from time to timedid you say Danny I've never felt so yeah but it is amazing and you mightactually you know discover that you will feel it more and more and then onceyou kind of settle into the frequencies then suddenly you feel like oh I don't feel much youknow But it's still there but it's just like warm water if one like right when you get intothe warm water you can feel the ones that once the border reaches the same temperature asyour body you know or you reach the same temperature as the border depending on you know But it's ananalogy here right But then you won't feel the difference as much as when you first got inSo that would be a normal thing I mean I still feel it and it can change sometimes also yourdepending on who I'm healing and what I'm doing and how I feel and andall that So you can actually see how they're kind of organic and it isI mean it's from mother nature right So Sherry what he says it comes from below andso it comes Exactly yes exactly Sherry Sherry says that it comes from below and youknow so it comes from the top and this is more grounding and exactly this is because you'redrawing up the life force energy from mother earth also from around you right But but that is likethe channel you take you bring it up for the feet and because we're humanson this earth and I think that's part of why it's so powerful because it's it's weremade of this energy right here obviously we're also connected to the one at top soto speak But but this is like our natural state and and maybe this is why Ifind it so powerful and why it works so well for for all of usright Yeah it is very grounding it is very grounding but that is part of thebeauty of this also because sometimes we can get very spacey and all this energy thing and it isa spacey thing right But kundalini is like and it's this raw force of raw power that that we kindof allowed to work through us and exit from our hands to that person thatwe want to heal right Oh Jill I'm so happy for you Yes good I'm happy andit is amazing Right So what do you have to do I mean if you feel fordoing it you don't have to but I would advise you to like in the next 24 hours until tomorrowuntil we meet again you know go around play with it right Try and heal yourself on what youdo You set your intention on kundalini Ricky allow it to exit and then you have an intention of whereone where you wanted to go Now don't heal someone else who haven't asked for it please Something aboutethics We'll talk more about that tomorrow but you can heal yourself you can have theattention of healing yourself or if you have a partner or a friend that will allow youto heal them I mean it's perfectly all right to ask and then you just have the intention that theseenergies will go to that person just play around with it It's it's safe Okay it's notgoing to harm anyone just you know to start playing around with it all you want Okay um does anyoneof you have any questions right now before we kind of stopped this this session andlet me know because then I'll try and answer in other words don't mean we willdo the module one tomorrow where I'm just like now gonna sit and talk right and I'm gonna explain alittle bit more about how we're going to do it and obviously these recordings willbe uploaded and then later there will be some proper recordings Um also like we're also bringing all your questionsright So if you have any questions now it's a good time Otherwise you can always ask mein the group Obviously I'm going to keep an eye on the group during the day andtomorrow also before and after recordings and all that So just let me know if it is and I'llget back to you So how is everybody feeling Are you okay Are you all right jealous Happiestbut and no questions or Kelsey Oh I'm so happy Kelsey thank you Thank you Thank youThank you I appreciate that greatly because he says now this is just said nope just thank you somuch This is exactly what I was searching for and I didn't even know oh you're so I'm bringing tearsto my eyes You know I might be this toll viking and my father's daughter and I can doripple everything myself and tattoos and all that shit but you know when it comes to these kind of thingsI'm my mother's daughter because I get so emotional all the time just because the heart is there RightSo really Yes Doing great Still I'm awesome Yes you are Jill You're so you're all awesome All ofyou are awesome I mean I am so amazed and actually earlier today when Iwas making the list for the excavations here uh and I was looking for the group also and Iwas like these amazing women you know your pictures just made me smile I just hada smile up to here You know Danny's so happy Thank you All right He's doing great It'sperfect Perfect No no really really it's just happy I'm happy Okay So everybody go out enjoy yourday enjoy the sun It's beautiful weather out there at least in Denmark Um and Iknow Australia's pretty little late I guess So go to sleep if you need to do thatUm yeah Chelsea I'm exactly the same with tears I guess It's like it's emotional It's beautiful And then youknow all the tears come out It's not a bad thing you know and I'm very muchabout being who I am in the moment I am So if you see like a tearcoming it's just you know it's part of this right That's where I am And usually it's happyto you So that's good Right I love you all so much and I am so grateful for allof you and I wish you to have the best of days and go out and play withyour level one containing frequencies Okay And I'll hopefully see all of you tomorrow as manyof you as possible But otherwise you just watched the video Love you big time Thank you