DM Eps5 - Mindset Transformation
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    our in-depth research for over four decades can help you understand the mindset that you need to survive and

    thrive in the digital economy The yin yang ability to apply optimization and agile innovation is your

    key to digital enterprise transformation in episode Four we looked at the digital organization we applied the

    paradigm organizing for business excellence to prescribe the four focal points of attention and energy

    to survive and thrive in the digital economy customer focus innovating force brilliant process winning team culture in

    this episode you will take away answers to some key questions what is mindset How does it

    persistently influence our enablers why will it take much effort and will power to change mindset then

    we will contrast the mindset transformation that industrial and digital companies need to make in order to continue to

    win in the digital economy sustainable victories largely determined by your ability to choose to do the right thing

    and to do it in the right way to survive to grow and continue to win when we confront

    the challenges and constraints of the business we are in their unique characteristics we all need to choose

    the right beliefs and value beliefs describe what we believe to be true values describe what we

    consider to be important your chosen beliefs and values help you to solve problems and make decisions they help you

    to weigh options that are available under given circumstances particular beliefs and values become an

    integral part of your character and personality if they work for you when they produce desired results repeatedly over

    a long period of time the process of both conscious and unconscious testing is called validation you will

    constantly validate your chosen beliefs and value it takes time to embed beliefs and values in your character and personality

    after they are embedded they will unconsciously influence your thoughts and your emotions and shape your perception

    the way you interpret and give meaning to everything around you in the end those embedded beliefs

    and values form your mindset mindset will unconsciously influence your for enablers an enabler consists of a set of

    relevant skills tools and habits that helps you to do the right thing and get them done in the

    right way consistent with your beliefs and values for an individual this set of relevant skills tools and

    predictable habits is called style for a group of people the set of collective skills tools and

    predictable pattern of shared behavioral norms is called culture now think about it your mindset is actually formed by the

    characteristics of the challenges and opportunities for which you chose and validated your beliefs and values in the first place

    and later developed and mastered the corresponding enablers the longer the time you spend dealing with those challenges and opportunities

    the more embedded your mindset but what will happen if the characteristics of those familiar

    challenges and opportunities change abruptly after your mindset has been embedded in your character and personality for a long

    time at first there will be confusion failed expectations follow and if you insist on continuing

    to use the embedded mindset that can no longer address the change characteristics of challenges and opportunities of

    the business then be ready for the worst becoming a victim of disruption The era of disruption

    is happening it is happening during the meaningful flux from the industrial economy to the digital economy in two thousand

    nineteen CNB s reported that changing the mindset of people is the most difficult challenge faced

    by industrial giants F and B gamble they are not alone when digital companies reach a certain size in

    their growth journey they will face the same difficulty let us start with the enablers used by industrial companies

    companies that flourished during the industrial economy invested much time energy and resources to build their enablers

    in the four focal points secu enablers establish order structures systems and business models that aim to

    perpetuate their end to end supply chain systems thinking and operations research dominate their drive for continuous

    improvement in the digital economy their mindset transformation objective is to enrich or replace secu enablers as needed

    to apply more relevant vuka enablers Telcom is one of the world's oldest telecommunication companies

    The company can be traced for the establishment of the first electromagnetic telegraph service in Indonesia

    in eighteen fifty six among the state owned enterprises it ranks first in annual dividend payouts it keeps

    that prestigious ranking over the years largely due to strategic decision in Nety-five to establish Telkomsel now the largest cellular

    operator in Indonesia meet Garuda Sugardo executive unleashed the innovating force that drove Telkomsel to market

    leadership and initable geographical coverage in the interview with and research he shared this story

    I was facing much resistance specially in the beginning I knew that our competitors would focus on the key of

    Indonesia against all odds I found ways and means to invest tens of thousands of

    base trans stations all across the provinces building stations in some of those provinces was a losing

    proposition but we were focus on making our customers prefer our brand over the other telcos

    and there were many of them but none of them could match our brand promise in the end speed

    was my weapon at the time the strategy eventually paid off we captured as much as seventy-five percent of the

    market Garuda Sugardo recall the resistance or even reluctance that he faced during the early stages transformation

    journey to face the internal challenges speed was a recurring team in strategy execution he encouraged his team to

    freely explore and discuss their ideas minimize the power distance between leaders and members encourage

    two way communication be willing to experiment and fail early his book a transformation laid

    the foundation for the digital cultures of Telcom and Telkomsel most digital businesses are started by a few very

    passionate individuals on a mission they face a high risk of failure with their survival

    at stake they have a high sense of urgency their founders focus on meeting objective measuring only a few key

    results and having no time left for anything else startups have no pressing me for formalized hierarchy a minimum of

    written systems and procedures for control will do collaboration comes naturally their vuka neighbors foster the free flow of ideas

    and speed of action as they set out to orchestrate and cultivate business ecosystem managing chaos

    becomes a priority only when it starts to get in the way of competitiveness and or growth

    this usually happens when they are already at the top of the game with the of cash to

    burn in the digital economy upon reaching a certain stage of growth mindset transformation objective is to enrich or

    replace vlers as needed and learn to apply more relevanters Alibaba is a twenty first century fairy tale

    started in a small apartment in Hangzhou in nineteen ninety-nine by Jack Ma a school teacher the company has blossom

    into one of the most diverse and valuable corporation in the world and probably one of the best example of

    a successful digital business But it was not always that way meet Alibaba's former president

    and chief operating officer in an interview with the next billion years shared his story I was approached by

    a headhunter to join Alibaba being skeptical I asked the headhunter what can somebody like me from the old economy

    contribute to the new economy like Alibaba to the headhunter Apparently I had asked the right question

    Jack needed an old economy guy to help build the nuts and bolts of the business

    He didn't need people to help him build a good website he needed HELP building a

    great company upon hearing that I decided to throw my hat in the ring for the role Savan left G

    to join the company in two thousand and help Jack Mall on a secure transformation

    journey he introduce strategic planning the first organization structure policy management management control systems and procedures

    and he help them develop the values driven business that it has become today at this

    point we have a clear idea of the opposite challenges of strategic change needed by established industrial

    companies and their much younger more nimble digital startups industrial companies have an optimization mindset formed by secure challenges

    and opportunities Digital businesses have an agile innovation mindset to meet vuluka challenges and opportunities opportunities

    mindful of the flux industrial companies need to enrich or replace establish secure as needed and

    train the digital talents to apply the right of enablers on the other hand digital businesses

    need to enrich or replace their vuka enablers as needed and train the digital talents accordingly in

    our journey through the digital mindset video playbook We have navigated the pillars that uphold the

    digital organization in episode five we grapple with the core of transformation the mindset this elusive intangible

    essence shapes our enablers and ultimately our destiny in the digital frontier mindset is the bedrock of

    our actions and beliefs the silent orchestrator of our triumphs and trials it's been shaped by the steady hand of

    experience reinforced by success and yet as we've seen it's often entrenched in the past that no longer

    reflects the volatile reality of the digital economy we stand at the cusp of a new

    era or the and buka Worlds collide and the successful must master the art of adaptation

    Industrial giant seasoned in the ways of the world that once was must now embrace agility

    and innovation agile innovation enriching their established enablers with the fluidity of the digital age

    Conversely digital natives born in the of rapid change must ground their agile practices with the strategic depth

    that longevity demands in the stories of Alibaba and Telkom we find powerful narratives that illustrate this balance

    a balance that is not found but forged Savio Kwan and Garuda Sugardo exemplify the transformative leaders

    who navigate this balance blending the wisdom of experience with the foresight of innovation as we prepare to close

    this chapter and anticipate the final installment of our playbook ask yourself what enablers must I

    enrich or replace to not just survive but strive in this new digital reality The

    answer lies not in resisting change but in embodying it not in the rigidity of old patterns

    but in the flexibility to for new ones carry this understanding forward for it is the corner stone

    upon which we will build in the final episode there we will dissect the very fibers of and

    buka enablers preparing you to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of a world transformed the journey of mindset

    transformation is not a path walked alone It is a shared odyssey towards the future adaptation

    is our most valuable skill and where our collective will power shapes the digital landscape together let's STEP boldly

    into that future in this episode we learned what the mindset is how it persistently influences your enablers and

    why it takes much effort and will power to change it we contrasted the strategic

    changes in mindset that industrial and digital companies need to understand to address the flux in the final episode

    we will take a deeper look at the secu and buka enablers what are the skills beliefs values tools

    and habits that you will need to enrich or replace in order to survive and thrive in the digital economy