3-How_To_Get+Your_Buy_Button_In_WarriorPlus (1)
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    after setting up your product on Warrior Plus you should be able to retrieve your

    buy button codes to do that quite simply What you need to do is once you're in

    your Warrior plus account go to vendors and look for this thing called offers If you've

    already created your sales funnel you should arrive at a page that looks like this So what I'm doing

    right now is taking one of these existing ones as an example The most important thing you need

    is this main page here which is actually also known as your front end offer You'll notice

    that under any of these products in the funnel you'll see there's this button over here

    that says get code click on it and you get this pop up here So you can

    select the html codes or the forum codes depending on what you want But most likely you'll want the

    html codes So select this whole thing then right click and copy And this is a preview of what

    your button looks like But you can customize this further by editing the style over

    here You can change between clean or flat change the color if you want I'm just

    making it up right now Let's just go with yellow since it looks good and I'm going

    to leave this clean for the text here You can choose whatever words you want to have

    here Leave it as by now or customize it You see that's how easy it is You can even

    add a border if you like But I would not recommend it basically It's best to just leave it

    as it is You can put any display you want but it's good to go just the way it

    is Now let's just select this whole thing right click and select copy in your html editor

    or even your Wordpress if you're selling this on your Wordpress blog just paste this by button code anywhere

    you want I'm in my own html editor right now and I'm just going to paste in the codes

    I'm going to right click and paste and let's see what it looks like right now again what you're seeing

    is just a test sales letter and you're good to go let's test out our by button

    by clicking on it to see if it works and you'll know if it works

    If you see this checkout page over here that's how easy it is