In the digital economy Leaders need to cultivate a winning team culture where teams create value evenremotely in a network organization with personal power They lead people with physician power they manage work they knowthe difference So they manage by head to enforce order and lead by heart to stoke morale they adapttheir leadership style to the work situation They nurture relationships with the right enablers to promote agile team performancenot individual performance to do it well they hone three critical skills empathy engagement andexecution In the previous episode we learned the orb 4.0 leadership paradigm in the contextof the new workplace we reviewed the results of decades of research that have provided answers to keyquestions underlying the paradigm the desired culture the relationships and psychological climate that enable agilityand the critical skills of an effective digital team leader In this episode you will take a deeper look atthe challenge of practicing idea meritocracy which can only be realized when relationships in your team havematured to the highest level of unity in the orb 4.0 relationship bar What makes a winning team uniquepsychological climate called idea meritocracy separates the winning team from the rest of the pack Thatrare climate makes it possible to have open and meaningful two way communications between the leaderand its members and among its members winning teams believe in radical transparency opinions are expressed freely without much hesitationwithout fear of punishment or ridicule opposing ideas when expressed openly do not make its leader or itsmembers feel attacked or offended So they practice radical honesty they open their minds to the ideasof other people They are ready and willing to accept without much reservation that the other idea just might bebetter than theirs In some way Everyone in the team is fully aware that nobody has a monopoly ofthe best ideas As a result the team has a much better chance of exploring discussing and finding the bestidea among alternatives Where will your journey of building a winning team begin Let's take a look This is whereit all begins human relationships A relationship potentially begins when two individuals interact Almost all interactionsin the in the context of work are triggered by individuals who need to achievesomething The interaction will surely start with an effort to arrive at a shared meaning A sharedunderstanding of the work at hand This is the essence of communication It is the effort to transmit and sharea message using words and actions The effort creates a state of one entity beingin relationship with another Entity the two entities are united by a shared interest to work together Inorder to achieve their respective goals From the lowest level of cordiality or simple formality to the highest level calledsolidarity People experience four levels of unity Let us examine them In turn the lowest level of unity is theunity of space It is effortless Unity of space is experienced by individuals who are in the samespace at the same time when you're inside an elevator or riding a bus a plane ora train you and your fellow passengers are experiencing unity of space United by coincidence the indifferenceis understandable one or both of you may decide to offer a nod a polite smile or acursory greeting Members of a team that have just been introduced to each other start theirrelationship at this level of unity The unity of space Let's go back to the elevator What will happen ifit suddenly grinds to a halt The passengers will surely rise to a higher levelof unity The unity of thought facing a common threat that could spell danger Their indifference turnsinto co-operation They will start talking in earnest They will bring their minds together to agreeon what can and should be done to be safe under the circumstances in the workplaceMost teams are at this level of unity They have goals and standards to achievethey interact and work together under a leader to achieve them workers are seldom free to choose the team thatthey like duty calls for them to co-operate with whoever they assigned to work Whenleader and members interact to achieve the team's goals and standards there can be disagreement misunderstanding evenconflict hybrid work from home and work from office arrangements increased the likelihood of miscommunication and introduce difficulties ofcooper operation Unconsciously the ego can feel if it is being attacked when there is a difference ofopinion only a leader who can nourish the right psychological climate can raise the level of unity The next levelthe unity of context When the demands of ego are seen in the larger context of the company's mission peoplebecome less defensive should become It is at this level of unity that the team is able to forge atrust bond in a way Unity of context is a testing ground Are my teammembers worthy of trust The decision to rise beyond unity of thought is usually aimed at reaching the highest levelof unity The unity of spirit usually unity of context calls for a member to forsake the ego fora higher good It is a serious trade off The trust bond being forged by the team'smembers will be put to test any member who feels that the trust bond was betrayed will retreat tounity of thought and stay there But if and when sincerity backs up the trustbond team members will see that they rise to the higher level of unity with goodreason Unity of spirit is that highest level of unity that they can aim for And now it canbe seen as achievable because trust is being proven to be worthy validation of trust Bond gives birth tosolidarity When members experience unity of spirit fierce open debate does not trigger ill feelingsat all Even when it is done tactlessly sometimes passionate exchanges are perceived in the context ofthe common good consensus becomes a natural expression of solidarity which in turn promotes speed andflexibility during execution Later on it is very difficult to bring a team to this level of unity Theunity of spirit decades of research show that less than 20% of all teams in large companies rise to thelevel of unity of context less than 5% reach the level of unity of spirit Why is this what normallyhappens when individuals take opposite sides to an argument Start with tension People who have a lowlevel of self-awareness don't even realize it They will see opposition as an attack for them This agreement triggers thefight or flight reflex protect yourself or escape the psychological climate of the team is often defined by moments likethis especially when it takes place between the leader and the member the team's leadersets the tone by setting an example How will the team member be treated Will the leaderuse position power to summarily overrule the dissenter will the dissenter be ignored ridiculed or scolded or willhe or she choose to use personal power Will the leaders set an example thatencourages members to express their opinions consenting or otherwise appreciate radical honesty and radical transparency Set aside the egoisticdemand for recognition and support In short nourish a psychological climate that promotes idea meritocracy discourage idea autocracy Whatis ideal autocracy Think of that famous wall poster or Mimi about the two important rules in in theoffice Rule Number one the boss is right Rule number two if the boss iswrong see rule Number one you know that's idea autocracy discourage idea democracy What is the idea ofdemocracy It's what happens when the majority vote determines the right idea isn't it a shame when the best ideais not chosen because it is not popular enough Discourage idea bureaucracy What is the idea of bureaucracy Imagine twocoworkers who decide to give up and end their passionate discussion abruptly with we've talkedenough already Let's just ask the boss what he or she thinks and spare ourselves The heartache the decisionis left up in the air with neither a conclusion or a recommendation without completedstaff work Those three behavioral norms put your company at a disadvantage Idea Meritocracy is theresponsible thing to do The right idea is the boss The monument of knowledge is built bythe conflict of opinions where an idea comes from Should not be an issue neither should itspopularity radical honesty and radical transparency should be appreciated not condemned opening up to the idea ofothers should not come with a feeling of inferiority All these make it easier for the team toreach sincere consensus and sincere consensus greatly helps execution forsaking the ego When solving problems and choosing the best ideaspromotes growth the maturity needed to nourish the psychological climate of idea meritocracy coincides withreaching the highest level of unity unity of spirit Classical Indonesian literature has a word for this highestlevel of the manifestation of humanity of recognizing our individuality It's called LGE Say itAfrican culture also has a word for it It's called Ubuntu Moon Ubuntu The oldest civilizations have a wordfor it Moon enables trust and solidarity The two preconditions for the psychological climate called idea meritocracy It isthe climate that encourages candor and open-mindedness This is the anatomy of human relationships We willend this foundational episode by featuring two outstanding CEO s from different continents Theodore Permadi Rachadis the founder and Ceo of Trutta Group a highly diversified business conglomerate that employs over 63,000 peopleRaymond Thomas Dalio he is the founder and co Chief Investment Officer of Bridgewater Associates one of the world'slargest hedge funds They employ just over 1000 people to manage assets worth well over $160 billion into the paradigm In 1988 we used it for a highly successful leadership and culturedevelopment program at Astra International a company that still enjoys the highest market cap value on the Indonesia StockExchange Annual revenues grew from $1 billion to $7 billion in seven years During thattime our firm trained over 4500 managers to build a winning team culture We define itas a culture that champions respect for the individual respect for the individual is theclearest manifestation of idea meritocracy Mr Rachmat went on to build his second business ColossusTripura with the same orb es tagline excellence through people and Process Mr Dalio is the authorof Principles Life and Work This excellent book was featured on the New York Times bestseller list as aopen quote gospel of radical transparency close quote The corporate culture of radical honesty and radical transparencyat Bridgewater is legendary Their website greets visitors with pride in the idea meritocracy that definestheir corporate culture Critics think that idea meritocracy relies on utopian expectations of the human condition Butis it good for business Bridgewater has consistently outperformed done better than market since its inception inthe global market crash than Bridgewater's clients Close quote What do you believe is man capable ofMong Ubundu Can your people be trained to nourish the psychological climate of idea meritocracy Thinkabout it In this episode we learn the four levels of unity experienced by individualsin a relationship We examine the preconditions of trustworthiness and solidarity needed to grow yourwork team to unity of spirit where you can practice the candor and open mindedness ofidea meritocracy You now understand the challenge to make Muan Koon to a way of life in yourhuman relationship and see why it can only be nourished by the shared understanding and commitment ofa leader and all the members of your team In the next episode you will learn to reflect onand assess the quality of your relationships using the orbs 4.0 relationship bar