Got us in the Rocky waters No medical check Nine OK The same OK Let's start choreography thatwe will just break down into the steps first then on to count and then on to the music firstslow and then the regular rhythm of this choreography usually this will be the facingto the crowd to to where the choreography would be looked from But we areturning our back So that's the start We are turning back to the audience or your camera Solet's just start from the lower body just the legs So what we are goingto do is the left leg goes forward and we go one to turn on that right legThat's your beginning So let's repeat this one again So it's left right turn on that rightand we turn like a diagonal here We will do the next three steps Theyare similar You just still shift the weight in the meantime and you'll start to be the right onetwo and turn on the left now So it's like everything the same You juststart with a different like switch to weight So you go with right left and turn onthe left OK let's repeat everything together now slowly So we start with the left theleft front right turn on the right switch the rate then right left turn on the left Now let'sadd the arms to our steps as we started with our left also our a left arm goesup So it's the same So remember same leg and same arm then you do the right sideSo right leg right arm and then you turn and as you turn you willgo with your right arm over your left arm and put the left arm down you can alsosee it's again same leg which is pointed that is your arm pointed So it'slike remember it's the same side that you kinda go across one more time a little bit faster thistime OK Left right left down OK Let's do now the part after this one Sowe had the shift This shift happens quickly So we start with right right left left return onthe left and we do with our left arm over our right putting it down So yousee again it's the same we switched the rate and we started right left over your right armdown This is how you finish the first part Now let's do everything together So westart with left right turn right left turn So we will try now on really slowed down version of thissong to really try to nail the steps but try to be as quick as possible as we willeventually come to the original uh speed And we start really from the start of the song Sowe have no time to really prepare So be really on your right foot to startSo we go with the left So just be prepared to start right away waslike OK start with the left 123 w 23 How did it go I hope this one went wellbecause this is just the beginning OK Now we go on a regular music sobe prepared It's much faster Um So I hope this one works for you now and you canrepeat this as many times as you want Good luck So now we go further in the choreography So wefinished here then look be basic cha cha cha So after we are here we just takea glance and we go back basic It's just shifting the weight from our right toour left 100% weight is in this leg the right one So you should beable to do this and then just push from that one on to the leftone and your head pretty much from here just goes back to face of whereyou're going Once we did back basic we go into the lock step So it's one stepback step This is your lock step just it's step Then this left one goes behind It's likea crossing in this meantime you switch the weight so you can move your foot forward again Soit's like triple step in a way So it's like cha cha cha that's it You don't have to dobig steps here because it's a quick music So smaller the better uh let the upper body follow naturally Sodon't overthink it here you will have plenty to think of in other areas So look likebasic cha cha cha So let's now try from the start to combine everything welearned so far So it's like left right left arm right left right arm andlook 23 you can repeat this by going back into the video and we will continue with thenext part So we went from here look be basic cha cha cha Now we go with the liftin front we turn on that left and we go cha cha cha to side So it's very oftenthat you will see this cha cha cha step It's really side together side So let's repeat it side togetherside It's just quick It's like cha cha cha So you have to really think of switching theweight fast It's like pump pump pump So it's like pump pump pump and tryto have straight legs And as many times as you can try not to uh have your feet reallydetach from the ground Church is all about going like gliding and being really strong into the groundSo straight legs and into the ground So don't do it like this But morelike pump pump pump really push from the ground Now we have maybe a bit tricky part which is tthumb I don't know if you can see this but it's basically this move Pump pump youclose the hip and then you open the hip just thinking about having my feet So that prettymuch makes the move pump pump It's like a swivel and we do this on our rightleg So it needs to be really balanced Now this part pal pal lock step Let's start fromhere from the look Ok So look back basic cha cha cha left turn cha cha cha swivelswivel cha cha cha if you are ready let's continue just a little bit more then we willtry on the music So we did cha cha cha So it was a lockstep Now what we aredoing is we are putting the leg that was behind us the right one we put it in front It'slike we plant it It's like the attitude right So it's like bam once we do this we do threeclaps like pump pump pump you are facing there to the audience So you are not really putting ithere because we won't see your face here So PPP and then quick OK So this isright left right so right left right and really try to be quick here anddo really small steps It's like pump pump pump you will see your hands gonaturally Bum bum bum You don't have to think about it because they will just followalong So pump pump pump So from here we do block step following that position Youjust uh put your weight on to that same leg So you start strong and fromhere you just do lock step on the right side We now have just twosteps one So you're finished on your right foot Now you will turn on that right foot to the rightSo it's a spot turn And what you will do is cha cha cha in the spot BBSo your left leg is in this position like out Then you just do this andthis just remember this When you turn you will turn like this you will have just switch switchOK So keep it simple and don't think about the upper body just be straight look forward like yourchin up and that's it So we did this swivel swivel cha cha cha cha chacha cha cha cha cha cha cha step step turn PP That's it One note Try not to dothis here We try to be feminine So try to really close the your knees insideImagine if you had a skirt you won't be like this showing everything So keepit here as you do this as well It's like pom pom I hope you made it so farNow we will try it on the soul music Just remember Keep it small because on the fastmusic it will be really really hard to catch everything up Ok let's try it now from the beginning Soum Right Right Right Look let's turn BBBBBB 23 Yeah So now I hope you are ready for aregular song and good luck I know I also have to kind of turn it up in thirdgear but try your best and you can always repeat this on the slow count and turn back as youget used to the steps and everything So uh let's go Got us in the rocky waterall the way No Better Put your head