Prophecies Related To Jesus
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    Welcome to this lesson Welcome to this lecture What will we be covering in this

    lecture We will explore certain prophecies related to Jesus the Messianic prophecies What you will

    learn from this section is how significant these prophecies are about Christ coming including Bible verses

    We always go back to context how these prophecies were fulfilled The life the ministry and the identity of Christ

    connecting the old and the New Testament Promises to their New Testament realizations thematic connections

    between prophecies including redemption justice And we will talk about the nature of the Messiah's mission Also

    get into the relevance and application of these prophecies to modern day Christian faith and belief in Christ Again we

    will follow the same format of providing Bible verses brief explanations for each If it seems like

    we're moving a little bit too quickly or you're feeling overwhelmed please pause the video take a break

    come back to it Remember you can rewind you can re-watch that's the point of

    this course Re-watch the videos go back through the videos so you can learn from

    them right Don't just watch them once I recommend watching them multiple times in multiple different areas So these lectures

    are designed to be watched that way to be learned that way to jump around from

    course to course within the academy learning as you go So additionally if any particular prophecy interest

    you you can do a deeper study into it A specific topic study into that

    prophecy Now let's get into some of these prophecies here Prophecies related to Jesus the Messiah We'll start with Isaiah

    the Emanuel prophecy What is the verse here 714 Isaiah's prophecy foretells a miraculous sign a virgin conceiving

    giving birth to a son named Emmanuel which means God with us So what did

    this prophecy fulfill What does this prophecy mean This prophecy finds fulfillment in Christ himself really emphasizes his divine

    nature of who he is now in Micah The promise of Bethlehem Ok We see

    the verse here the example Micah 52 Micah's prophecy identifies Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah

    who will be the ruler over Israel So what does this mean This prophecy aligns

    with the gospel accounts of Jesus birth in Bethlehem born in Bethlehem That's how this lined up

    and came true So Isaiah the suffering servant let's get into the verse here 53 5 Isaiah depicts a suffering

    servant who bears the punishment for our sins leading to peace leading to healing We know this

    is this can only be Christ We see the theme of all these prophecies all pointing to Jesus

    pointing to Christ pointing to the Messiah So this prophecy it captures the redemptive purpose

    of Christ's sacrifice Christ will come for us He will die for us on the cross

    He will pay for our sins Isaiah was predicting this So it this is exciting to

    see how they were predicted so long ago and they've come true So this what this is meant to do

    underlying is give faith in the rest of the Bible that has not come true

    yet the prophecies that we have not seen yet the prophecies that are yet to unfold It's exciting to think

    about Now Zechariah this is the triumphal entry OK What is the verse here 99 Zechariah paints

    a pretty particular picture of the Messiah's entry into Jerusalem How will he come into Jerusalem riding on a

    donkey What is the message here What does it signify humility and victory So this

    prophecy it aligns with Christ triumphal entry before his crucifixion So you see how this everything lines up and everything

    works the way it's supposed to work Only God only God's hand could make all these things work in

    this exact way Let's look at Isaiah again the light in the darkness Ok Isaiah had a

    lot of prophecies Isaiah 92 speaks of a great light shining in darkness symbolizing hope symbolizing salvation So

    this light as you can imagine is fulfilled in Jesus who proclaimed himself as the light

    of the world So Psalm 22 the crucifixion What is the verse here to to give an example It's

    not a traditional prophecy but Psalm 22 describes the agony suffering of the Messiah OK with details reminiscent to

    Jesus crucifixion and his events So we see this going back into the Psalms as well predicting Christ

    would come he would be crucified pay for our sins This is what would happen this is how it

    would happen So these prophecies get very exciting They continue to go on and on and we see these

    predictions we see these predictions of Christ coming what he would do for us how

    he would do that for us we see in Daniel ok The son of man Daniel has predicted

    a lot of end times prophecy a lot of prophecy to the king right A

    lot of prophecy to the pharaoh So now let's get into Daniel 713 Daniel's vision

    of the son of man coming with the clouds symbolizes the Messiah's exaltation and authority Now what does this

    imagery correspond to to Jesus self identification as the son of man Jesus will come on

    the clouds He will meet us in the clouds This also ties back to revelation Now Malachi

    the messenger before the Messiah Malachi three OK To explore this a little bit Malachi prophesized about

    a messenger who will prepare the way for the Lord who is this messenger later identified

    as John the Baptist You're probably familiar with John you've probably heard of John John prepared the way

    for Jesus So that John went through prepared the way for Jesus was preaching for Jesus was doing everything for

    Jesus This was predicted long before John was in that position So again it's very interesting

    to see how all of these prophecies were not just built were not just put together we're not

    just conveyed but how God had to understand things from so many different perspectives that

    we could not understand which goes to his omniscience knowing everything being everywhere understanding everything So in this lesson

    OK we've learned about some specific prophecies in the Bible related to Christ There are many

    more It would take us hours to go through every single individual prophecy But I

    recommend you go back through prophecies that interest you you delve into them a little bit deeper you

    go through them a little bit deeper OK These are called topic studies Highly recommend these all

    the time But the prophecies we covered related to Christ we went over their verses how

    they were fulfilled Now you know some themes and connections how they connect thematically OK Throughout the

    Bible recurring themes just like in the minor prophets we discussed humility redemption and nature the nature of the

    Messiah We touched on the Old Testament to New Testament Give you a deeper understanding of how the prophecies

    from the Old Testament were realized in the New Testament And then finally relevance and application So learning about the

    relevance of these prophecies how do we apply them to modern day life We apply

    them to our Christian faith We allow them to enrich our understanding of Christ of what Christ did for

    us how Christ came and also take the approach of understanding that Christ coming was predicted

    long before he was here long before he came here in no other way that could have been

    possible other than through divine intervention through God's ultimate divine plan So as we explore through these

    prophecies we see a picture of Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises and the centerpiece of redemption

    and history That is the thread throughout the Bible That is the thread throughout prophecy So this should

    help deepen understanding of Jesus identity mission and overall victory So congratulations for finishing this

    lesson Congratulations for finishing this lecture I encourage you to move through the article lessons that we have take

    the quiz and take the final course test The test is not graded You can get results on how you

    did It's not meant to be graded It's meant to help you with your retention figure out what you know

    figure out what you need to work on And you can use that test as a study guide when

    you go back through when you reward some of the videos