VIDEO-2023-02-12-09-38-28 (1)
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    morning this whole Spiritual Development that we're on a journey together how is having a little think about you

    know how we're going to do this I've got other groups that have been on the journey

    longer but this is for you guys just kind of starting out so what I thought maybe might

    be helpful is that I prepare short videos and share my journey journey with you and

    maybe along that way something's going to resonate with you and then you can we can pick

    up those conversations and I do intend to do someone to ones with all of you just to

    and the reason for this is that Spiritual Development is not something that you just learn in here it's

    a heart connection so hopefully tell me what you think but I think I'll start at the beginning and just

    share you know some of the journey the encounters the things that have happened along my life and hopefully

    what I do with the other groups is the you know we call them Fireside Chats where we just

    kind of get together talk life talk spiritual connection hand you know something real is born and

    inside of each one of us so that we become truly spiritually aligned so I hope

    that's okay let me know what you think and in the next video I'll post a little bit about the

    start of the journey