Jastin Artis_Conscious Leadership Summit - Fix 2 (720p)
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    Hey world beautiful people Thank you for being here and thank you to Expert Channel TV I want to honor

    God my wife Kelly and my boys Jason Jamus I love you and rest in heaven Jameis Today I'm

    here to talk about something that means the world to me leadership And let me tell you

    it's my joint and my jam but maybe not in the way that you would expect I'm

    gonna flip the script just a little bit about what leadership means because honestly for

    too long I thought leadership was all about ranks titles and telling people what to do you know

    managing people But over time I come to realize it's so much more than that Leadership at its core

    is about the actions you take the decisions you make and the impact you leave behind And that is

    where creativity and leadership come together Today I want to share with you that creatives are

    leaders Whether you're a musician writer dancer filmmaker content creator or in another creative space you have leadership in

    you My goal today is simple to help you see the truth feel confident about

    it and hopefully leave here ready to take a leadership role in your world Now let's take a quick trip

    back to elementary school for a second Picture a group project I know you're probably your anxiety just went

    up a whole lot but I'll admit I strongly disliked them too The planning the work the the

    awkward responsibility making sure it didn't fall apart all on me And maybe like me

    you felt yourself thinking look I just want to do my part and keep it

    moving But then something happened Maybe everyone started looking to you for direction or you couldn't help to

    not make sure things uh or make sure things got done But that means you became the leader And

    you didn't have the title It was all because you acted So let me ask

    you something How many of you feel like you weren't a leader because you're an artist or creative

    Like you're just here to create not lead How many times have you found or have been told

    that songwriting and producing didn't translate into a group of leading a group of people or even starting a

    business Or better yet what about when people's body language changed because you say I'm an

    artist and they're suddenly dismissive or uninterested as if that word artist meant You can't be someone worth listening

    to Those moments can be discouraging I know But the truth is the decisions and

    actions we make to create are exactly what leaders do Leadership is in the details the little

    things no one sees that shape the final result So take my song Tagg this for

    instance By the way it came out last one and I'm still hyped about it And

    I actually have a surprise for you but before we get to that I want to give you a

    glimpse of what what went into making it Now shout out to my guy Ryan Leslie for

    inspiring me to write tag this but I did a lot more than just write some lyrics

    I had to decide on a message figure out the arrangement decide if playing guitar was something I

    was gonna do with someone else Decide if who's singing the vocal lead the release plan figuring out

    a budget to make sure this song got everything it deserved I had to think about every

    note every word and playing in a way that would connect with people So look

    what I'm trying to say is that each step of the process from writing the lyrics to the stage performance

    is a leadership decision Because like you my creative work requires me to critically think to plan and

    to act in a way that resonates with you That's leadership It's leaving my mark tagging the world

    with something uniquely mine and every creative in this room and watching has the same ability So

    throw out everything you know about what a leader is and focus on what they do because leaders are the

    ones who show up who step up and take action even when it's easier not to Yeah My point is

    leadership doesn't always look the way we think it should Often it shows up in the most unexpected ways

    and takes us to places we never could think of So here's my challenge to each

    of you Apply for that leadership role you've been on and off thinking about OK

    Step up in your band your community or even dare I say that project school or

    not OK You don't need the title You don't need it You just need the courage To take that

    first step So thank you for letting me share my leadership jam my joint with you I can't wait

    to see the mark each of you is going to tag on this world I'm just an artist

    and this is teaching leadership through music Peace and love Like you I'm just going to You

    that you and I would in a new sign a new color less lots of a heart

    of gestures Well I did that fester I Guests on the high She said just to

    get across the sky The the So Like the woman holding your beer nation a burst something With The master

    I'm just a I I'm facing the glory I can't lyrics I can't abuse it the

    same story I take this song but you got to give you all the glory It's

    from God for me this for me Yeah 1110 this this for me S So My shirt expands

    The tag says I can't your nose starts with getting ready set Let's go separate the parts worship God

    from the start How do you see your show No I raised my hands cause I know he

    gave me a measure The destruction the next place in this race it's the new world with glory Big

    the German speakers to the role in this story I tagged this for God's glory glory this for God's glory

    S Yeah This A forgo's 11 And that really tells the truth Don't be Tom and I just set for

    a drinking toast and praise I just for me what's Let me hear you say Yeah This was for me

    T is for scorpion Let me hear you say Yes