Spirit!The purpose of this unit is to help you gaina greater understanding of the universe, yourselfand your client, as spiritual beings, as well as help you developyour connection to spirit and your ability to connect with your clientat this level.In order to study spirit,(like what is that? Studying Spirit?)it's important to clarify terminology.This area by its very nature,can be controversial and sensitive, and it's not our place to dictatewhat anyone else should or shouldn't believe.The individual beliefs of your clients will vary greatly.You may think that because of what you believeand the way that you work, you'll only attract like-minded clients.This is not the case. So, it's important to establishwhat your client's beliefs are, so you can talk to themfrom their frame of reference, not your own.And although their beliefsmight be quite different from what we're discussing in this course,this work can be just as valuable and effective for them.You can even do a past life regression with peoplethat don't believe in past lives, but more on that a lot later.So, relating to your client.When broachingthe subject of spirituality with your client,begin with "What do you believe?""Are you religious?""Do you believe there's anything after you die?"Or "When you're dead, you're dead?"Because a lot of people,I know that sounds blunt, but a lot of people don't knowhow to broach the subjector even do I go there? Because it's...What do they say?That you don't talk about... religion.What is it? Politics?All of that. Yeah.And so, a lot of people are a bithesitant to broach the subject.And you might go, well, clearly they must believe in something,this is called Soul Based Therapyand my clinic is called Soul's Destiny.I teach Soul Based Therapy, and yetI get clients that don't believe in anything.Well, not anymore.But anyway, I did.And so you might go..."Well, how does that happen?"You could have a client referred.So one of your clients happens to workin a building, and the person next to themat the coffee machine is saying, I'm having problems with this, this and this.You should see so-and-so.That would really help.And of course, you can, because you're really going to be amazing.Already amazing.But that person doesn'tnecessarily have any spiritual beliefs.They might not have got to the stage where they'relooking at something like thator they've grown up with religion being rammed down their throat.So this people come from all walks of life.I also find you attract clientsthat you need at that time as well.And it may be that you attract a client thatisn't on that path yetor won't be on that path for this lifetime.For whatever reason,because you need the challengeof thinking outside the square and using your skillsin a way that isn't dependent on them,you know, being like-minded.Okay.So just being open to you could get anything.Now, the reason I say that it's important to broachthe subject isI don't see thatas any different to gaining other information about your client.The more you can know about your client,the more you are... on this... on their page,and you'renot trying to get them to fit into your itineraryof how it should be, how a session should go.So a spiritual... the spiritualaspect of someone isan important thing to understand.I also think it's importantif someone says, " I don't believe in that stuff."Be very careful not to judge themas well.Maybe they're a new soul.They're not evolved enough yetto be exploring this.Don't presume to know.We cannot know another soul's path.It could well be that they arethe almost finished incarnating for all we know.And they have to have an incarnation where they totally cut off from that.I'm just making something up there, but you know, we don't know.So don't presume to know.So if they say they don't know.Going back to you've asked them what their beliefs are.Quite a common answer is, "Well,I don't really know, but I'm kind of open.But I haven't really looked into it a lot"or "I haven't decided yet."Explain to them how importantit is to believe in something.Believing in anything gives people a reference for their behaviourand a greater purpose to their existence.So even believing thatif someone's adamant that we knew they were dead,that's still a beliefand that's where they're coming from.And that's okay.So then you would explore that.So, okay, when you're dead, you're dead.So how then do you feel about your life?Does it feel purposefulor does it feel like,what a waste of time?What on earth am I doing all this for?Because when I'm dead, I'm dead.Okay, So it's.It's also then will have is that relateto their life experience.But if they seem open, it's quite okayto share in brief what you believe.And perhaps they'd like to sit with that and see what, if anything, resonates.Gives them permission to throw out what doesn't work for them.We are not here to preach.Please don't turn into preachersand force our beliefs on other peopleand not our knowledgedoes not have to be the same as others.Sorry, our knowing.Big difference between knowing and knowledge. Our knowing is ours.That's why we call it our knowing.So it doesn't have to be the same.There is no right and wrong,so we might believe something and someone else seems to believe.Believe something quite, quite different.It doesn't mean one of you is right and one of you is wrong.You could both be right.Just coming from a different perspective.Due to the nature of this unit,the information here is from my personal knowing as well as experiencewith clients and exposure to research undertaken in this field.Just as with clients, I am not here to tell you what to believe.I can only impart to you what I know to be true for me.So I am open to discussion and thisor every unit really does generate quite a lot of discussion.But you know, there couldbe different ideas thrown aroundcertainly in this area.So, you know,don't be afraid to put forward another wayof looking at it.So the first thing... Does anybody have any questions on thatand the relating to the client because it is actually very importantand it's... it... it's also part oflater on when we're doing counselling and we're talkingabout trust and rapport,it's important in the rapport buildinghow you go about thisbecause it can be a very sensitive subject.I, I think likehow did this happen?Sort of like a couple of times leading up to this course since I've been road.So there was the mechanic who I told him I was road toin my therapy, and he said his belief was when you're dead, you're dead.So that was like, that really jolted me.I hadn't heard it before, but it was good to hear it.And then I had I was at a music thing just recentlyand a girl was talking about spirituality and, you know, healing that I've had.I don't know.I just going to these things with people.And she was just like, I am not into that anything spirit.And she was just like, she really was like, I don't want to hear about it.And it's sort of, again, jolted me.And it made me realize like, yeah, I do need to be a bit more cautiouswith how I approach things.So it's good to have that right...Especially if you haven't happened to have alike a friendshipnetwork or your area of the people you mix with.If they're... if they have similar beliefs to you, you forgetthat not everybody's like that.With this girl had been brought up.It really just seemed like it was a definite order to even to...and she couldn't even go and see anyone that was like massage.That was a healer.But then afterwards, you know, our friendship has grown and evolved.And I sit at the coffee shop and she's really lovely.She gives me a hug and it's all good, but I just had to have that understanding.Yeah. Okay.I'm going to be careful about what I'm sort of like talkingabout putting out there to the discussion.Yeah, and more and morehow assertive you are and, and well, this is the way it is because that can...Yeah. Upset people too.When people are being condescending and rubbish.What you're trying to say,How do you deal with that?Okay.So Vivek, are you talking about people in your everyday lifethat might rubbish your beliefs?Or if clients comeClients.When you... when you get clients?The advantage of being a therapistwith clients is the majority of themare choosing to come to see you.So, so long as you handle the situation correctly,which is what you'll learn throughout the course, how to do that,you're in a position of authority.So if somebody is rubbishing you,then I would tend to be looking at that therapist equally as to why they havethe need to put you down when they've come to you for help.So there's obviously something going on there for them.And so that... that is the benefitwith a client,but it's also abouthow much you'reputting on the client for themto be at the stage where they're rubbishing you for your beliefs.Do you know what I'm saying?Like, That's where you have to treadfairly carefully and ask firstwhat their beliefs are and if they have beliefs.It's not about changing their beliefs to yours.It's about working in their framework.The only the only time I would suggesta possible framework is when you've got someone that goes,"Well, I don't have any beliefs and I don't know what to believe."but the kind of conveying that theythey would like to they're not saying,I don't believe that when you did, you did.They're... they're more open than that.But they don't know andyou know I particularly if you're advertising spiritual guidanceand things like that, I think it's quite reasonableto put forward a suggested framework work forcertain elements ofspirituality or even just things like recommend a bookthat they might enjoy readingand it may or may not resonate for them,like Journey of Souls,which I know some of you kind have gothad time to read yet.It is a good introduction to... that to spirituality,because it's often life changing for people reading that bookbecause it's written in case studies.So they're not reading someone's opinion.Michael Newton did a really good job with that bookin thathe really, throughout that bookdoesn't put forward what he believeshe puts forward,what his experience with clients has beenand leaves it to the readerto make the decision or not.And that's why I think it works so well.You wouldn't know thathe doesn't believe in entitiesor didn't.To pass to my analysis.But yeah, he didn't share stufflike that with in the book.That was more withstudents, therapists.Does that help, Vivek?Yeah, that's good.Good.Actually, this one I did want to give one an example.One example relating to your client.I was on a plane a few years ago,Actually...Seems like a year ago, but I always had a couplebecause Covid wiped out a couple of years of my head,so it was probably a few years ago andthere was a bit of turbulenceand I noticed the girl next to me was starting to freak out a bit,and I said to her "If it helps...I've surrounded the plane and... I've just surrounded the planein light, in white light." I forget exactly what I said.She turned around.She said, "I'm not believing any of that stuff."It's okay. It'sand then towards the end of thethe end of the flight, she said,"I couldn't believe how much the turbulencecalmed down after you said you did that."I just said,"That's good.I hope you felt better."So sometimes it's just about planting the seedsand it and I'd say, okay, if if someone saysgarbage, okay, it obviously doesn't resonate for them.But she obviously had the time of the flight to sit there andit seems a lot smoother.