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    Because cos on the phone So so my laptop broke So and I was like you know what I'm

    I don't know And then I started feeling like I was getting really tired And

    the next thing I know I was kind of like kind of dozing off woke up and it was

    like the beat Seems like like when it finishes I was like what's a bit I suppose

    that it's the thought that counts even more Keeps ok just fast Oh wow I must go

    back to that I what are you recording It's recording Just gonna pop to the loo No

    way That um yes if we want to use that to do the Zoom then we need to I

    need five minutes before we set up because mum's out for the cab She usually

    sends me the Zoom link So that the you've got the Zen link on you on

    your phone put my phone to my brand Um yeah Uh well how long did

    the beating last week It was half an hour It's half an hour You talking yesterday Yeah Yeah it was

    this I did this I'll talk for 15 minutes but tonight it will be the same as this morning Yeah

    But I forgot to put my trunk This is what we're doing What we're doing tonight is

    recording So that to make sure that the sound is good in regards to this voice and the right question

    Just just for for for and the and the cousins and the boy cousins Here's what what do

    you oh that that oh it's not how you travel with your own car Look at

    that Oh yes it's not this one Oh yeah Nearly lost my call there Sorry Then

    there you go But is too So this is just uh that one underneath the word chocolate then that's

    fine And we could sort that out Yeah Hi Hi How are you Not try it out with

    the to f has the computer for you Thomas So that's how it be Yeah that's it Oh it's

    essential essential to the prayers Yes Music weep The press and people weeping as they

    pray the tr time you got to say again Just question it What guys Awesome Ok

    Yeah Was last well we did did you say you throw the door up No I I'll leave it

    open I should start to I try everybody here early Thursday Everybody got here Everyone's

    here Who I pictured being here So I think that's it You see you didn't finish your work but

    that doesn't mean that you want Um yeah it's just open up I take this as a

    cos you must have a casual casual I see why there will be five parts Ok Going to can I

    just go for All right let me just quickly here I'm not slashing it OK Uh What

    principles or what force has God been giving you the beginning of this year He wants you

    to It's just like you forces because obviously in the year we have multiple force and visions and direction

    But this is the beginning of it must have the same the reason why because

    you may have noticed you started the year and some issues are that so to a degree it probably

    so if you stop it that sort that it's something that we're used to every year But right now

    today we're gonna say you know what nothing's gonna nothing is going to God says let not your no suspects

    I sent you He is saying it every time God speaks it's because something else is present and is

    telling December yes the framing up my things we have to decide not gu is true So

    I've been how is it I'm not just scan that Yeah we're talking about a decision

    today The rescue is that possible I'd never try and these things are key for us So

    we know what the Holy Spirit is We this is nauseous We're looking I went to because He

    wants this for trust just to be focused like this is what he wants that we have

    to be They even had the last situation Life says this is what I want

    He says God says it back Get to stab your gut straight because be in

    the same space Is that possible You may never experience it But here is God saying this

    is what you're about to experience it when you do What said so right now he's

    establishing you He is sensing it's not us trying to be general survival No it's

    actually we're gonna spend a moment just look at recognizing where God is sitting where

    we're having a struggle for the settlement because we may not believe before could be

    in a place where and that's what converts to co position where we are no longer moved by what you

    see that may have been last year The world is troubled already today for eight days

    The world is looking at all kinds of nonsense and here's the deal God is saying to us

    if I want your heart to be subject then all the nonsense you see because your heart

    is set 56 So the world could go through all of that But because your height is set

    it means absolutely enough Like some people may think oh but you pilots and all the Christian ministries and all

    this stuff the preaching Oh look at this And actually if you're set that was a

    it may be interesting But you said that this is your set which I show you to and here's

    the kicker when Jesus says I only do what and see for street OK It's just an amazing scripture

    Only do I see the father do nothing in the world what these people or those people

    He has only one thing That was it one thing Look to one thing Father what are

    you doing I need to see what is the father doing because at the end of it that's all

    that matters What is the what is He Everything else doesn't mean that And it's one of

    those scriptures of me first But on the minor because I didn't think I thought

    this is my scripture Jesus is doing all his moves But here is a fundamental truth I thought this should

    only be God is set He is set to bless you He is set to encourage you every day

    God is working on you What does that mean He's set doesn't give up He said and he

    wants us to be sick So let's just spend a moment just thinking about just in this moment

    Recognize two things What impossible thing And I say impossible thing is God telling to hang on Where is He

    And what and sense the fearlessness that a lot that is void of f sense the

    things that He's um moving in so that you have this life with no sin because that's He's not doing

    anything else Here is the this is this is you know this is where we have to recognize That's it

    Imagine a poet I said there are no just how the how horrible with that Really college Yeah So he

    is hey Mr Thick we have to recognize Yeah What we I like the first races J

    is so because he was Jesus son He knew who he was Say that Daniel fear We need

    to know That's who we are What we have So looking at what we have at the beginning of the

    year we're taking inventory we are taking in what we Yeah we have Here's a here's an interesting verse to

    as many as received him to them Gave he size of that Is that what the scripture says in one

    John chapter one verse OK Yep So let me just let me just as an illustration just

    slightly not say the whole verse to as many as received him to them Gave

    how true his ultrasound is power to be So now here you are He said this and he's given

    you this two What's happened in our experience Got the power the worst Haven't realized its

    power to use it Make a note if you jump to him From what Yeah power

    to this is um this is like how to whatever is a po have I've said this before What

    is powerful power is I'll tell you and power is from power Power is wow authority is for you Get

    it So Now when you recognize that you have power as a sum of realize all

    these other things to sit there this is why you have power One more meditation and and the fact

    side dancing and spin them up every revelation Now this is gonna sound really leg and it's so embarrassing

    Find the beach and symptom is just every revelation is for him at the station It's

    just what I did I was just like what you kind of know it but

    it's like what So here you are God speaks to you because he must have

    changed something This word is from manifestation in our physical We're not running around as spiritual beings

    all the time and running out of the spiritual beings to affect the to affect the physical healing the

    sick raising it Class las all these things Yep they're affecting people But if you follow

    this trend of thinking you know because it tells you to destroy every evil way If you follow

    this trend of thinking you realize yeah there is something about you that's changing the world around you

    the physical world around you There are things you can do before I maybe when I get

    to heaven and stuff But no you need to really think about it Limitation of God

    You know what in your life as a scripture you will heal a few people Ok It

    doesn't say that it says heal the sick This is a this is a this could be a

    very for for a really staunch practice a very worrying verse because it's not saying sometimes or

    you know occasionally it just says he the sink black suit for yeah heal the sick raise There

    is no there is no stoppage in there but I'm gonna give you something that's even

    worse though you want to tell Not sure So we were like that's why I thanks for the

    message man Oh Right As long as the dog No that sure what I'm saying

    Oh hello You woke me up Liam a set time Uh You should Ok Yeah OK It's all right Chris

    then Exactly quickly OK Right So I listen this is this is this is how you can how

    to tell that this is really serious I'm very I'm very casual about it But

    actually I could just say this month this is how seriously and when when when he

    showed me this I I was troubled I never saw her first demonic supernaturalism Gods International

    Is that second demonic supernaturalism the supernatural the cell that and God does this yourself There is there

    is no so why this is important You know we need to save it for ourselves in this school

    in two different Not only is it on the basic side you know we understand girls please equals high

    limit There's a one verse that says He does exceedingly We ask that's what it

    said So you have all of us all this time in church where you see the power of

    God holy going so far you have to question that should question me take care before captive so far

    But the scripture says He does exceedingly abundantly Is it sometimes or is that our

    experience is that scripture or is that our experience that so we need to look at this as a critical

    thought Here is God saying Jason But right now I'm giving information and now I've

    just broken the limit so that you understand the ammonic supernaturalism God's supernaturalism is don't meditate see we that

    he's going to do that There is no limit Yes Demonic have the same And it goes so

    far it goes out ghost name Now there's a meditation we need to grasp at the beginning

    of the year to see what it flushes out This is why I'm trying to encourage you to to write

    it down and see what God says to you because it's possible even though he's called you to

    a mean to something in the very beginning So here he's saying OK so now we've got

    this thing and it's like crisis in my head OK I hear you Uh Mamma Mia take past this

    limitation that car that I've seen and heard some Uh Yeah So take me past this this thing and this

    and show me what it means because you know you can see ministry think about this You

    can have a vision of ministry but you've limited it because you've limited the s so

    you see ministry only like this That's it I hate the box Yeah Whereas good is in

    no box And so ministry in notebooks So we can't turn around and say even what ministry is But

    we know the fundamentals healing the sick raising the dead casting that demons loving people fellowship And we

    got we know these are the fundamentals that we that we're supposed to be but to

    kind of shake it yourself in in in the aet this is where we need

    to see your f so show me what you want to So we have his version called the sup

    I did manic question So you know we are we are influenced by ministries past present and we've seen

    how they do things and we think it's wonderful But we need to say look have they

    gone far enough Do you want me to what do you want me to do How

    do you want me to do It could be totally I'm not saying that anything's wrong with that and

    that they're demonic Don't misunderstand me What I'm saying is we need to take this for captive

    Here's what we're seeing limits in is you know because how we minister to people has

    got to be based on a freedom in God And we need to really hear

    what God is saying to us as a how he wants us to minister But one thing I do know

    is that he has set us free and he wants us to now he may have

    set us free and we are free but we can who are limit on our freedom

    based on what we've seen five So this is this is something we need to to take note

    of This is the beginning of the year We do not want to find that we are limiting

    God This is a good meditation in terms of how these are things to pray about Pray

    about The fact this is one of pray a of the same Um OK let's

    just spend a minute just thinking a little bit I want to share something quickly that he's actually personal

    but something happened a few days ago I just I didn't think I would share with you But

    I was we have this this concern in God's presence Everybody knows this coin I

    think it was I only had one face know it being valid If we had

    a we had a paper note If you only had one side print on it we know that's

    bad So I'll tell you what you showed me in a second but I'll just

    tell you right You cannot have the word of God without the presence of So sometimes when you feel

    I need to it's something we really need to think about And because you need

    to be um to probably understand more about the presence of God with God was listen

    to Don't have to die because sometimes we think we don't have it until thanks

    That is be true We may be we may be sen more sensitive until we do doesn't

    change him We done It's constant If he's here today Yes I we may think that we understand that

    If we see that here then we'll see something else outside What we see here as

    we take outside that we don't see o option outside and of the instead or so it's

    something that we can create in the beginning of the year Understanding to understand it God is and

    ask him what does that mean setting if God spoken His word over your life So we turn

    and say armor license system I've got the armor I've got this I've got that we're

    talking about We are made up of good's work Tell me the way of the present But our

    problem is is emotional We need to ask her to show us So I have this emotion because that

    is probably the only blasted thing that's messing us up When it comes to that presence Suddenly we

    become a little our emotions do nothing to God Show me a script to where it

    says God is made by hand Oh No OK Yeah Yeah It sorry God's love is constant It

    is set Oh There's a scripture I'm sure there's a scripture talks about nothing to separate me from the

    love of God This guy is gen this kind of scripture runs Uh Yeah it's fine description Let's read the

    scripture Romans 835 we do All right chapter Yeah Can you read it if you have Romans eight five who

    shall separate us from the love of Christ Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or

    nakedness or peril or sword or the rest as it is written for your sake we

    are killed all day long We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter Yet in all

    these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am persuaded

    that neither death nor life nor angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor

    things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate

    us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Yeah the focus I'm looking at is

    yes to see the picture who shall separate You know they've always been encountered who shalt thou great Tha

    it's not anything that we're doing in that scripture That's all Him Something has happened there

    who shall separate us from the there's not an emotional thing there This is just nothing shall

    this is this is some violent thing You know this is this is this is something we need to consider

    that blood is that set blood is that um it's not a question what It's

    not a question and there's a scripture that indicates the beginning of you know who it's like David

    and Goliath again who is this circum uncircumcised brother That when I done K said I'm gonna

    feed you to everything else It is that kind of mentality Who is who is you

    And these are things beginning of the year We need to understand no sound because he is

    set and he is encouraging us to be slept in our hearts in our thoughts for the whole

    of this year let not your heart be troubled Now for us it's kind of

    emotionally impossible to try and do that But once we say ok Lord I understand you want

    me to be set You have a you should get a picture almost a vision of your

    future It's like you are not accepting any you're just gonna lie there and roll over

    and just be you're going to look at what God has given you look at

    who you are and these and you realize I've got all these things work for give me a son

    that's giving me power and authority who is the bully You know you know it's

    like you know there is this mentality right now It says about being strong you

    know um the strong little and then the power of his might If you can't be

    that then you can't be that But if he's telling you be strong in the law then you

    can be strong in and we need to again to ask Lord to reveal that to us

    so that we don't become emotional You know you got this emotional thing concerning God's presence We need to throw

    that the window It's a method because your emotions do not change scripture Is that true Your emotions

    are transcripted that stays the same and you can't separate the presence of God from

    scripture We can't separate scripture from the present these 201 So again we're spending the time in us and

    the Lord What OK I'm kind of getting this I hear it like that I've heard that you've done

    something help me to follow you through this So this thing is dwells in me richly The scripture says

    that it is set in and this is where it'll be easier to see the things that God

    has for us If in the very beginning we have done our armor check our perimeter check and

    our self check we know who we are what we have what we gain how we are

    confident how we are Sure So now when we go to hear him we know there's gonna

    be no connation That's not a quick Yeah we are open we have peace we are open to hear

    whatever he wants to say throughout this this year Otherwise we're gonna get caught up

    with the world listening to every Tom Dick and Harry whatever they're saying oh whatever

    we're going to be moved by all the things that we see But these are the

    things we want to now submit to go submit our members to God eyes and my ears So we can

    only see Him here here when he says I only do I see the five between this

    one single element This is where we are coming in to see OK Is it

    possible to see the father and just do those things Is there nothing else for us to see Nothing else

    for us to see That's all that's there for us to see All the rest is garbage He

    wants us to be in a position where we are set ready to help ready to bring change

    You know we are sons we're not we we may we were we may have struggled

    and suffered before But now he's telling us to do things as an example God said

    to Adam be fruitful multiply I just focus on one replenish Replenish is an interesting there's a whole message to

    go with this but I'll just give you this replenish So he says to me when

    you see things lacking was he saying to me replenish No I used to do

    a f lacking in my bank account and all that sort of stuff I would

    I feel I need I need an answer I need a solution But I'm not saying that I'm

    not There's no answer in me There is no So there's nothing I can do about this

    Just the hair is got to the item replenish So what so I look at my

    thing and say be replenished set myself so that this does not affect my life Is that

    what you're talking about Can I do that Can I think like that Yes Have I

    ever thought like that No Is he telling me to do that Yes No longer sitting thinking

    these things have authority over my life I went through the stage where I was thinking this thought that

    money was greater than I was But I didn't realize I was thinking money was shaping my

    life Showing me how I live showing me what I should spend how much I should spend

    money was doing It was no good telling me Take care Four captain how many of you

    have had one when I said that felt that's how money telling me how I

    should live It's out of wood OK I so our water is just embarrassing God

    tells me how to do Yeah Not money I'm not formed and shaped by money The people are ministry are

    take away the money What did they have And the same with people They are

    what they are because they got all this money Take away the money they want We know this We've seen

    this Yeah we are walking in the same thing and here is God saying somehow is

    and like yeah buck So here's the meditation Here is the take care before captive Here is the see

    this is the detox This is the kind of an empty me r this because you

    look you're pointing it out like it's filthy like you know like it's not really part of

    reality and it's and it's you know it's like the scripture says this it says

    where you serenity you become a slave to my knee is on the top of the top of

    that Yeah we're all worried about what this this is a really horrible thought but it's it's

    probably 98% of the population on this planet is in survival Stop talking about So I

    like the resurrection didn't happen for our saints and we're not just surviving Now I may be

    wrong I may be right in saying this statement but take care before captive find out for yourself

    find out for yourself Is this the right foot Now what are the implications Am

    I a slave or I might not a slave Is Vera my boss or is God my boss You

    guys again do not like the chicken It's so funny because at the end of the day this

    is what causes us to be slaves This is what causes us to be oppressed This

    is what causes us to be disturbed just our thoughts It's not all these scumbags out there It's

    just the way we feel and God wants to change the way we concerning that person so

    that we are free to think for ourselves choose for ourselves It's amazing freedom Did you say we were

    free Sunset You free You are Yeah Uh We walking around we are free All because of

    our thinking Probably also because of what we've been seeing here is God said at

    the beginning of the year we're gonna wipe that thing Why I think Yeah but I might go back This

    is your emotions and your flesh in free camera and it should be there because

    it's about to be crucified again So here is your spirit is going your spirit is not bothered

    one iota because it's full He knows it's full It's it's it's it's it's it's

    he understands and it's ready for you to act on what's present So I'm gonna

    say share something that was personal too I was went for a walk and uh

    and I saw something I didn't see before and it was I saw thunders and lightning

    outside the whole sky for the thunders and lightning And what is said to me was this is God's voice

    speaking into every area of life thunders and lightning sources happening all over the place When I looked at normal

    things just just just normal I saw it was like in flux It was it was like ready to

    change to be changed Yeah God was God was God over everything heat and everything was ready

    to respond to him There was nothing nothing that was um not res you know it's like

    not responding It was all ready to respond to God God had already spoken and

    I could look and go ah he's saying that joining join in with that But this is what's

    happening before I it was kind of like I need to go out there and

    do something No he has spoken over everything and when you see it you really everything

    is like like it's ready to change And I'm just like what is this not for you This is what

    this big this is what this meditation is about to spend that time and ask the Lord to

    show you to clear out what's been troubling you last year a year and all that sort of

    stuff so that you're in the place to see how life is for you and how you meant

    to respond It's a good life that is present for you because your eye is gonna be open

    so you can see that this is what he wants he wants you to see the truth and he wants

    you to act on the truth And right now he's ending with it It doesn't look

    like it I said this before he's ended is bringing to past his will and purpose There is

    nothing else The demons are sent all kinds of demonic is sent all kinds of man

    is saying all kinds of things You'll get to that place where you suddenly realize and she so far in

    the win and I I saw you being responded Uh I saw you responded to and then he

    filmed some other image and made it look like it was something very serious challenging but it

    wasn't I can be challenging But that's what seeing things the way they're supposed to

    be seeing is what gonna cause you to respond the way you're supposed to respond You as an

    individual and you are your name There's nobody gonna act like you in this vision No one's going to see

    like you no one's going to hear like you this is in Gods So everything's under his there's

    mythic outside If the Sains don't seem as the kind of underneath that Yeah he's suffering

    We're going to make sure everything suffers and everything is destroyed This is uh in fact there was one

    part of the vision where I saw all these things that were bad And I

    said to you actually I saw all those guys in the room and I said and I was

    saying to you in your head that is not fully submitted because it was like this love it

    up There was no conversation you love everything goes in submission Anything that tried to

    raise its head up tied it up Yes So here's the beginning of the year and

    God wants you to be got you not world mo not feeling well for good

    The world cannot be weekend because we're so so it's just spending time with that I don't want to

    give you too much because it's slack But look at the things that we have discussed already go over

    pull it there again and see that the future good has for you is four So it's not

    fair concern in the future It has to be it's full of joy it's full of paste it's full

    of full of his presence Now this is something you have to understand God is not going to change

    concerning you So don't think of heart I'm gonna experience more of his presence down the road The

    fullness is here right now and he just wants you to see Him as he

    is in your life right now as King smiling very happy uh all the amazing things that's gonna start

    taking place in your life This is gonna show you how to be like him and

    everything There was no you know and everything is going to be touched and things you didn't

    think you could do things you didn't think were possible You're gonna start to see the implications The moment

    you get the hint of it something has changed inside you So you don't need to go over it

    again in your head It has to already just by hearing it has changed And then the

    Holy Spirit will begin just to get more understanding how to do things and how

    to be and all that sort of stuff Ok We'll stop here because in 15 minutes

    We need to do the same thing So we have this time where we can just but

    just all random if you want to ask questions make it short so that we don't interfere with

    the but she don't have any questions for that Post post the drums the jumper All right As possible Uh

    Sac Cortical 20 It was this scripture from last night Um Couple verses Um So that's my that's

    noise soon But um he's they're trying to up because this le is coming into the kick and destroy them

    right Yeah just that says we will stand in your in your presence uh before the temple that bears your

    name We will cry out in distress and you will hear us and save us where you

    was talking about Uh setting yourself is just to that sound We're gonna make a stand

    and we're gonna stand in your presence in the temple that bends your leg But um

    and it's it's interesting that it says in your distress because that's my further scripture about po up to

    God in distress and how we both the heavens to answer in that situation from 2nd 7 to 22

    But what God says this uh you will not have to fight the battle take up

    your position stand for and see the deliveries that we need to give you So you set yourself in

    the position that God has given you based on the work that He has spoken to

    you based on the ministry that he has given to you the remit and you

    stand you don't have to do spiritual warfare You don't have to fight your job is to stand on

    the work that he has given you and to declare that work only you set yourself Now it

    was interesting because the word set also talks about establishment And that's my private scripture among Romans one

    verse 11 where it says about the spiritual gifts so that you would be established an

    establishment is to place yourself on firm ground so much that your feet are in the ground that

    you cannot be moved you're established for all of eternity All right The other thing is

    that when you pull up the script for Romans eight what about um not being moved

    out of his love yet The whole thing to do with this um scriptures give

    thanks So the Lord for his love endures forever This is what they sang when I went out

    got it already destroyed the arm and all I did was take the plunder So

    this is it We are not under uh you said about deliverance And the Lord said you are no

    longer under the spirit of mammoth All right we do not worship m Yeah he has no power over it

    you know and then you said something else you said about uh that uh everybody is on

    the cost to be everybody's under that diminute under the no one is outside of

    that All right And I suddenly saw saw that that that little line about breaking the

    glass ceiling who's the only person that really wants to break the glass ceiling to

    come out of that Dominion is that hes So that whole idea of breaking the glass ceiling

    is Dein because it's a manifestation of Satan's desire All right we all need to take

    our positions instead That's not for not for Yeah long as you push this back and was it's

    well I find it interesting because God spoke to me audibly earlier and he just said set up That's

    what you think I don't think Oh it's a sound He's setting us apart That's that

    was the word And it's not gonna be the same as those those days are open

    no more serious Now pro 77 and sons of God don't need to engage in spiritual warfare They just

    rock up They do talk Ok And it's done We have that as a t-shirt How did you

    Yeah Any other force on this What stood out to you The money money money the the God you

    know controlling what you do I feel like so without even thinking about it we do just live based on

    finance I'll say to myself at times Oh I can't do this I don't have the money I

    can't do that Or or will I have enough or You know I get up

    every morning she goes to work you know I'm going to work every day I'm going to my degree

    I'm studying finance I'm gonna work in finance after that because it's all about money you know Um you

    don't have one of your lights go out Um you go hungry can't travel all

    these things It's all they say money makes all go around there in a way It does but it's not

    that's not true Um but I feel like so much of what I do not

    just myself everyone really you know just so often the focused on can I do

    this It all comes down to money you know Um And how do you shift that that

    mindset but this is where you can show your full blood again See now that you've heard it

    it's like ok I need to go back to God's concerning this Everybody else has got their own

    health wisdom with money and but just to hear what he's saying to you he did not ignore money

    himself He paid the tax he paid you know and it was a word that came to me a

    couple of days ago how he paid the tax for breakfast So you're his brother So he's paid the tax

    for you And I just thought I was just an incident there But now I'm beginning to realize

    look he has paid for us for everything concerning everything that is to hear him what

    he's saying concerning now how we activate This is the thing I'm not giving you the OSIS because

    I don't know how it's gonna work out for all of us You know because that that's not

    the issue He's telling me you know he's already spoken to me about one thing too

    So I'm following him following that through what he's spoken to me concerning replenish for you for you

    He may be showing you something else And it's just interesting to just make sure that we are

    open for what he's saying to us concerning the fact that at the moment we feel like to live like

    this But so now he wants to get the half two out so that we can see

    that we're not slaves that we have freedom that there is a different way of thinking There's a different

    set of words that need to go inside our head that connects with our spirit and and it's just

    spending that time just to hear and get that perspective because that's where things begin to shift because we

    are where we are because of how we think And so once we find out

    what he's saying then our thinking and our life will change then we will go

    out and change others because we'll bring this to others And because of our u

    uniqueness of how we are that we have you know we we will be confident this is what's going on

    south But now we're out We do all these routes that based on how we uh how good

    is made that What are you thinking Daniel Don't fall asleep Five minutes