Serenity Salon: Toby (Chrome Tab Wrangler)
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    hello hello I am Meg your tool Muse for today and we are going to be talking about tool

    review for a Chrome extension called Toby so I'm going to jump right over to this so this

    is basically what it does it's a tab Wrangler so if you are one of the people I

    will totally confess to having a ton of tabs open and my God this is just one window

    One browser window with all those tabs because I was doing some work in multiple windows I get

    out of control and that takes up RAM on your computer you can totally slows

    things down I think there's probably a hum in the background right now because of all those tabs being open

    but what Toby does is it wrangles all those answers you set up an account its free and it gives

    you this and you can basically go in and create collections of tabs so whether or not you're doing

    research and you have a bunch of tabs that you want to group together in

    a collection or if you have client test tabs that you want to group together so

    over here if I wanted to actually just open up all these tabs I just hit this

    button right here and it will close anything that I have so typically I do this in a new window

    if I need to open up all six of these tabs I can just hit this button and it

    magically opens up all the tabs that I need so I can get working so

    it's very versatile and it also gives me all the things that I have open which is

    scary you know I showed you this sort of window over here so previously I had

    this sort of a thing where I was using another extension here which allows me to group

    those tabs and color code them and I can even like Save The Script my toolbar right but the

    problem is is this randomly goes away it doesn't always function quite right and I kind of lose

    this thing and I have to reset them up so I was just finding myself doing a

    lot of extra stuff plus the fact that I end up tending to leave all of these grouped tabs open

    with multiple tabs and them all the time and I have another Chrome extension that I'm going to show you

    that will help you with saving some of that bandwidth as far as like the RAM on your

    computer with all the tabs open but ideally I don't want to have them all open I just

    want to have them all sort of bookmarked but in an easily accessible way that

    I can get to them so if I didn't want to open up all these tabs I could just

    go in and I could hit like LinkedIn right here and it would just add to this group of

    tabs but by all means it's not necessarily in that new group I just opened up one single tap

    just tap it it's very efficient okay so I can navigate around in here a little differently if you

    want a different kind of view I'm in card view there is a compact card View and a list

    View and a grid-view so you just pick the one you like best obviously to view your cards this

    is a little weird because it does scroll up and down on both sides depending on how many collections you

    have in here there is an expand button and a collapse button which obviously depending on

    The View that you're in would do those things so I'm going to expand my view in my

    card one you can add tags I don't have any I haven't really utilize this feature

    obviously but if you are into tagging things and sorting by tags I guess you could do that way

    I tend to it'd make my collections more the tag-based sort of thing and then this here

    is really just a way to view it so right now I have drag and drop so

    I can just drag the things where I want it I can drag browser windows over

    from this area into this collection or I can sort alphabetical which these changes what's going on I

    think within my collection or I can bring starred to the top so I don't think

    I don't have anything starred so to do that I can go over to this

    little extra dot right and I could start this tools collection I'm going to start this

    one because I use it a lot so now I have to starred so I change

    this now I should have those two at the very top right so it's basically

    just kind of filtering the way that you see or different collections for your different tabs there is

    an option here if you have team members to add them though it does require them to create another

    log in you know like you have basically because they're different people I've done this with my

    other Gmail accounts thinking that I would see what I had set up with this main account and not have

    to necessarily login but I did so it for solopreneurs that have multiple Google identities if

    you will but if you have team members I'm not positive whether or not they'll really see what you've set

    up in here or if it just allows them to use Toby under your account quite figured that one

    out so if you find it definitely drop a comment and tell me how that actually works

    but without team members it's kind of hard for me to test it all right that is

    kind of where I landed with this tool I think it's so far it's really been the

    one that I go to it seems to be the easiest for me to manage my

    tabs even though today is not a good a good example of that will just pretend I didn't have that

    window there but try it see if you like it let me know in the comments whether

    or not you know this has been a good good tool for you or not