Video #11 - Keyword in Meta Description
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all right family let's move on to step number three we've already did step number one

we put the keyword in our blog title we've done step number two we'll put

the keyword in our meta title step number three is we want to put our Target keyword

and our meta description let's go ahead and do that okay as you can see here

here's our meta title Verde done that you look underneath meta description now with the meta description you

get 160 characters so you could type something like are you looking for good Christian churches let's see Church

near me question mark then you have come to the right blog this church is on fire and

on the move for God check out our blog we had a hundred and fifty Seven

characters that's perfect now of course I'm just writing this title or this meta description

for the sake of the class but you could really take your time make it attractive because this is what

people are going to see in Google okay so we got the key word right here good Christian

churches near me so we got in our blog title we got it aromatic the script our meta title

and we also put it in our meta description you are on the Move let's move up we

want to say let's not forget to save and now we'll move on to step 4 when that's

putting the keyword in the first sentence of our content