all right let's get into how to do keyword research this is very vital and important if youwant to get more traffic to your website or to your blog and Google Bingor Yahoo so let me show you what you want to do the first thing you want to dois you want to get what's called a keyword research tool this is very important nowyou need to pay for them but it's worth it all right so once you getyour keyword research tool you'll go from there the keyword Search tool that I useis called Jack see now you can get a free access to it I get I think it gives youme you can get free access to the jacksie keyword tool here at www.pedestrians forward slash jacksie andlike I said I think it'll be I think it'll give you 30 free keyword searchesall right once you do that I want to show you how to read the data ofthe keyword research tool this is so oh cool so let's get into it okay so here's my keyword researchtool it's called jacksie and we're going to do some keyword research on the keyword church near meso we want to find out how many people are typing this in Google so whatI'm going to do is I'm going to choose church near me then I'm goingto click find keywords so it's going to search and it's going to tell me exactly how many people aretyping in that keyword a month in Google so as you can see church near me is typed ineight 1170 times wow okay now if you notice it also gives you other keywords churches aroundme churches around my area good Christian churches near me church locations near me so these are allkeywords that people are typing in Google people are looking for churches so if you could optimize your blog oryour website for one of these keywords you're going to get some traffic now I'll explain to you about theimportance of having a Blog later on but let's stick with the keywords for now because I seemany churches have websites but they don't have blogs but the key is to havea Blog okay so let's get back to the keyword so as you can see church near meis search 8170 times so how do you read this data in this keyword toolokay the First Column is average so that's the average searches this keyword gets amonth and you can see these are all different keywords church around my area good Christianchurches near me church locations near me that's what people are typing in Google so this keyword tells youhow many times it is an average of how many times it's typed in the secondcolumn says traffic this is visits to your website if you achieve first page rankings in the searchengines so with this keyword tool is telling you this is how many approximate visitors you will get toyour website if you reach page 1 on Google so if I optimize my blog for church near me whichis searched 8170 times and I reached page one of Google it's likely that I get might Imight get 1389 visits to my website so let's go ahead and get the rest ofthe columns the Q Sr is the quoted search results that's the number of websites that arecompeting for this keyword the kqi is the quality indicator green means go for it yellowmeans slow down red means stop okay because there's more keywords for more competitive than others so when it's greenthat means go for it the SEO score is 86 this is based on trafficand competition the higher the score the more likely you will rank for this keyword on first pageof Google I usually try to keep these figures right here between 85 to 100 I try not to golouder than 85 this figure here I try to keep under 100 because this is the competing websites and hereof course you want to try to get as much as you want much as you canfor average and then if you can't for traffic but considering the other columns alrightyso let's try to find a good keyword I think this one is too competitive for usif we're barely starting off but churches around me looks good let's get some more data onthat up too many websites you're trying to rank for that what about church around myarea it's not as many searches but that's okay because when you're barely starting off you want to go forwhat's called No competitive keywords are they also called it low hanging fruit this is really good itgets searched E64 searches a month if I reach page one of Google I'll getscores in 99 that's a great keyword also good Christian churches near me let's checkthat one out I like this one this one gets 185 you'll get 32 visits to your website onaverage and there's only 11 websites trying to rank for that and it's a 96 so therewe go we found a good keyword to optimize our blog for all right sowe're going to go for the keyword good Christian churches near me let's move onto the next lesson