Health and Wellness Focus Group Nov 2024
Show Transcripts

Welcome welcome As you come into this workshop today that our focus is on health and wellness I wanna thank

you first for trusting me in this process and for those of you who know who I am

welcome Thank you for being here And those of you who don't know who I am I am a

professional linguist and I specialize in nonverbal communication I'm a master hypnotist and I'm a certified neuroscience coach And

my abstract I wrote an abstract and I sent it in to the University of Arizona and it was accepted

It was on the linguistics of consciousness and I was able to present it April

of this year And today We are going to be applying the four step framework the

success mechanism that is already within you And so we're gonna activate that today and we're going

to learn the four steps and create the healing team So I personally discovered the power of waking state hypnosis

After in 2001 I was diagnosed with cancer Long story short one of the tools I used

to heal myself was hypnosis so I would go to hypnotherapists and hypnotists I went

to I had several and then I started becoming certified and I became completely certified in a 100

hour course in 2008 So what happened was deaf people who use sign language to

communicate started coming to me wanting the benefits of this that I was doing and the

work that I was doing So I had a dilemma because in my training like many of you who are

already maybe hypnotherapists in the group I was taught to put a person into trance and we

start doing that by saying close your eyes So once a person who is deaf or

hard of hearing closes their eyes communication is not happening So what began to develop was this

framework that applies super string theory This is the deepest or geekest we're going to go but it does

apply superstring theory to a behavior model And if you're interested in my abstract presentation and the resources

I can get that information to you But this is what we're going to be doing today

So that one of the first things I do is I ask permission to connect So whether you're here

connected live Or if you're watching this at a later time So just check in With where you are in

this time and space So asking for permission And like I talked about in the um pendulums

aggregors and energy vampires workshop that many of you took before this focus group like I talked

about in this in this workshop we want to create pendulums or energy structures that we

want in our lives rather than being distracted And feeding all of these other pendulums So I do use a

pendulum in the work that I do and the first thing I want to do is ask

permission to connect on an energetic level And I'm getting a nice big fat yes And

Ask permission to exchange information on a subconscious level So in this workshop we talk about

the three parts of you that is going to create this team if you will And the

first thing we have to do is come to an agreement So one of the things I want to

do is share my screen Awesome because it's time It's time to apply this And the thing about this work

especially if you're a therapist this work does not require the repeating of the trauma

story What we do instead is I'll get into detail of it but we make the subconscious subjective

objective So whatever is subjective to us like I am angry that's subjective to me only I

know how much how angry I am To objective to I am so angry on the pain

scale it's an 8 out of 1010 being the worst This shifts to objectivity and this is a

very powerful place to be So hi I am Danny Vanna I'm a certified neuroscience coach professional

linguist and again my my specialty is nonverbal communication and I am a master hypnotist and

I am the creator of the human design deconditioning experiment And it is a wonderful experiment and you

are a part of it today So thank you very much for joining me And

so what got me on this journey Was this quote by Carl Jung back in I

don't know I was diagnosed in 2001 so somewhere between 2001 and 2005,2006 where I was getting

to the point of being at five years of my Uh cancer treatment which I did

not do chemotherapy and radiation but this quote kept coming up in my experience Until you make the unconscious conscious

it will direct your life and you will call it fate So at the time

of my diagnosis I was asking the question was it fate that I got cancer and told I'd be

with my treatment plan And so this is this is what started me on my on my magnificent journey

And so what we're going to be talking about and making an agreement on these terms first of all is

what is conscious what is unconscious and what is subconscious and subconscious has also been called the superconscious

Christ consciousness Source these kind of terms and we're just gonna look at those terms

linguistically because this part of us really we can't put a name to it and no one can

own it So if we come to this agreement what we're going to be doing is activating a

very very important part of our beingness And this is a part of us that

Einstein was very concerned that children would start to lose the ability to use And that is our imagination

So what I want you to do is come with me on a journey and imagine What is conscious what

is unconscious and what is subconscious And so in this image imagine that consciously you are the captain of

your ship And so one of the things I had to do was come to a place where

I was I was OK with dying in 2 years Once I was OK with that there

was a shift from really being attached to my body and being told what it should

be how much it should weigh that it shouldn't have cancer that you have to go through these

things you should be doing these So I'm should have coulda wooding on myself with this perspective However

if I'm the captain of my own ship I start to listen in on what's coming up from below

the decks and I look at this from the perspective of I use the word meat suit and this helps

me remember that this human body is here temporarily and that it really is a precious gift So the

moment I got cancer my captain the captain of my ship Had a couple of

choices I can go down the poor me fix me path of them telling me

how to fix my body or I can go and listen to what's happening below the decks the parts

the shadows the masks the traumas the unprocessed experiences below the decks that wake up This is where

super string theory comes into play But everything that is vibrationally in tune with what I'm focused in on wakes

up below the decks Then there's a 3rd part of you and this is where my abstract comes

in because this is the linguistics of this part I proposed in my abstract that this part

of us had language before we consciously and unconsciously acquired language So in the work that I

do some of the people that I work with didn't acquire language until maybe 2345 years

old So they are missing out on important aspects of language but we can still communicate

with this part of them Through the way the linguistics of this part which is allegory imagery and

story And so we're going to go into this and apply this part So if we all

agree That these three parts can work together What we're consciously aware of and marketing knows this

Marketing knows how how important our focus awareness and attention is And we can only be focusedly

aware of a very small percent of what's actually happening around us seen and unseen heard and unheard

All of the senses feeling it and all of the inner senses connected to it So

when we come to this agreement we open up this space for collaboration where we can make

this part of us this subconscious that sees both what we're consciously focused in on and all of

the parts waking up below the deck We can teach this part of us to integrate

all of the knowledge wisdom and understanding of all of these parts shadows masks experiences unprocessed experiences We

can teach the subconscious this superconscious that sees both And here's the thing it sees both in perfect

order and perfect sequence So if I'm focused in on I am angry and it's an 8 I'm

consciously aware that I'm very angry and it was subjective from I'm very angry to objective

to I am so angry it's an 8 on the pain scale It's causing a lot

of pain in my life in my mental awareness in my physical body in In everything

in my breathing and my ability to relax I am so angry it's an 8 Even

just talking about it it's raising it up to a 9 What this does is it

wakes up these parts so in the in the Decks below if you will in the

unconscious All of these lights wake up or all of these vibrational frequencies tune in to what you

are consciously focused in on Now here's the thing The subconscious or the superconscious sees both It sees in

perfect order and perfect sequence everything that's waking up below the decks and it sees what

the captain is focused in on We can train it to integrate all of the knowledge wisdom

and understanding and that's what we're gonna do today with our topics So we have the topic health

and wellness We're gonna dive deep into this topic because we know the health and wellness issues we might

be having in our life right now are not the issues that are being caused in our lives

So we're going to get deep into waking up these parts that have the same frequency Or the superstring frequency

The captain is focusing on you are focusing on how much your health and well-being How important it

is to you and maybe you're in a space where you might be in a healing crisis and how much

is this pain is this healing crisis causing in your life And so we're gonna focus in on that number

because what we don't wanna do I tell the story of it because we don't want to trigger

the nervous system again We do not want to trigger the the nervous system again Once the nervous system is

triggered then we are re-experiencing instead of integrating So we want to come to a space of

integrating So once we're focused in on this number here's here's where the beauty is We train the subconscious

how to do the integration work through metaphor and allegory However there is a rule All

of the parts that are waking up related to what we are focused in on Health and wellness being

at a painful number in our life all of those parts that are focused in on all of those parts

that wake up below the deck They must agree to the integration process so we're

gonna go through a process of all of these parts that wake up integrate into this

and then we're gonna teach the subconscious how to do the integration work All right so what

I'd love to do is get ready Just checking in with my notes So these three levels First we

have our conscious awareness that's what the captain is focused in on Then we have the unconscious and these

are all the layers below deck within your meat suit or what reality trans surfing calls the frail or

within your beingness your bubble if you will within your experience Or some people will even call it

you are the drop of water and the ocean is within you and one day we're gonna go back

to the ocean So then we have this part of us that sees both So if we are in

complete agreement with this now we are going to get into um really making the subjective objective So first

awareness is key Number one we become aware I am aware that health and well-being is becoming an issue

in my life But how much of it right now it's subjective You can tell me that

I have health issues but that's subjective I don't know how much these health issues

are causing an issue in your life So on the pain scale if we give it a number

how much pain is this causing in your life So take a moment Take a moment

to give it a number The higher the number the more pain it's causing in your life The second step

we're going to be doing next is integrating this and we're going to go through a process of waking

state hypnosis You do not have to go into trance but we will anchor it and some

people naturally go into trance themselves So we will be experiencing that depending on you and what level

you want to go down into during this session today And the beauty is is you're going to

have the replay of this and you will be able to go back and go to

those points and review and allow your body to get it into the nervous system So that especially if you're

a double or triple definition uh we look at your human design definition and encouraging you

if you're double triple or quadruple definition to go back and look at this again to allow your nervous

system to fully process this Then we're gonna integrate and then we're gonna clear the nervous system OK And of

course I am going to have an offer at the end but we'll save that for the end

We are gonna now get into the nitty gritty So the first thing we do is become aware

Then we have to make it objective because we how we do this is we create

space within us because if I'm saying let's say I'm a generator And I'm very frustrated I'm

frustrated because I keep running into walls I keep trying to do all of the things I'm

exhausted and I'm very frustrated So on a scale of 1 to 1010 being the worst How is this how

much is this frustration causing pain in your life The beauty of using this subjective to objective switch is you

can measure it So this is where we get measurable results and this is the this is the

science in me because I want you to be able to see and measure these results So if

you're starting in on frustration and it's an 8 in your life you're worried about your health Um you

can't take it anymore People are telling you do this do that and do the other thing It's just

not aligning with your body You're at a very high number when it comes to

what our focus is on So it is important to have a focus and our focus from

the six areas of manifestation These are the six areas of manifestation These are the personal

pendulums you create These are the personal energy structures you create and you feed and the

one that we are focused in on today is health health and wellness And the other five are

these but all of these also intertwine with our health and wellness They overlap each other

So the beauty of this work is we might not have those as a topic today But those are going

to be integrated within the work that we are doing today All right so if we are ready to

begin let me know in the comments Tell me in the comments darling Where are you On a

scale of 1 to 10 let me just stop sharing Here we go Tell me in the comments on

a scale of 1 to 10 with your health and wellness where are you When it comes to your health

and well-being With 10 being the worst and just focus in on that number Feel free to share that

number with me that helps me as well because then the next step we're gonna do 2 minutes

Of a linguistic exercise I'm getting my timer ready Let me know in the comments where you are

I am a I'm at a 6 with frustration Thank you Thank you for sharing that

Yeah 6 frustration So when you're in the hospital and you're you're experiencing pain and you I

I mean the yes is just going crazy off the charts here This is a huge

yes So um back to what a hospital will do hospitals use the pain scale so they can determine

what kind of treatment to give you We are using this no differently however slightly differently What we're

doing is we're creating a shift from subjective I am frustrated If you tell me I am frustrated I

don't know how frustrated you are I get frustrated sometimes and I'm able I'm able to say As

a manifester some people are not able to let go until it's resolved but as a manifester I'm

able to let things go and put them outside my my space and let those

things go But with frustration if I'm like a 3 I might be able to do that But

if I'm a 6 frustrated You know this can stay in my energy and affect my decision

making Affect what I need to do in the moment affect the things that I I need to see and

hear in the moment the things I need to do in the moment absolutely because we're

so focused in on what this pain is Thank you for sharing Excellent All right so

are we ready First of all we are aware that we are at a 6

or above This is the first step awareness First up I'm frustrated I'm angry I'm doubtful I'm critical I'm judgmental

Whatever is happening with your thoughts with your actions I'm stuffing my stress down with food Who's guilty of that

Yeah these are natural tendencies So what we're not here to do is beat yourself up

over it What we are here to do is wake up these parts that are sabotaging you Exactly So the

more you can identify where you are within that number of frustration and even thinking about it now

that I mentioned those words linguistically it may have woken up some more parts in your subconscious below the deck

Some of those parts may have nothing to do with wellness and weight loss Health and wellbeing So

we don't you do weight loss we do weight release So when you connect with your

health and well-being you release what doesn't serve and excess weight which is really if you

really look at what excess weight is it's inflammation Let's just tell it what it is If your body

is inflamed You are dealing with inflammation which means you could be experienced in inflamed feelings And sometimes when we

are inflamed it's hard to deal with that And we want to suppress it back down and we do that

in ways that we've trained ourselves to do and that's OK We're not here to

change that That's the thing is we're not here to change that What we are here to do is now

ask all of those parts all of those parts waking up related to a 678

when it comes to health and well-being how it's affecting our wellness causing pain in our

life not being successful in what it is we want to do So my arm is getting really

heavy from The heavy energy with this so I'm getting a yes yes yes I have a question for

the unconscious below the deck all of those parts that wake up related to this topic

Are you willing to share all of your knowledge wisdom and understanding while the subconscious integrates and reprograms

and releases what no longer serves So I'm getting a yes but it's not as Oph

as the yes was before so that kind of tells me there might be some nos there

and that's OK So all of these parts waking up it's OK to say no Because we only want

you to willingly Willingly share your knowledge wisdom and understanding related all of the parts

related To the pain that this is causing in our life To the inflammation that it is causing to the

unawareness that it is causing to the separation that it is causing to the sabotaging and procrastination that

it is causing thank you all these parts we only want you to integrate all of

your knowledge wisdom and understanding willingly Yes so those parts that are not willing to integrate

all of their knowledge wisdom and understanding Are you willing to have a conversation with the healing team so

you can make a conscious choice Thank you Are there any polarized energies or parts So I'm

getting a yes to polarized So polarized could mean you have two beliefs happening at the same time For

example you got to exercise really hard to make the scale move You know um I just need to say

and then you have I just need to say affirmations and the weight will come

off So you might have two polarizing Another example is is money Money doesn't grow on trees

is what you may have learned growing up and then you have affirmations of my account is

full of abundance coming and going So you have these two polarized so there's some polarization going on So

we want to take care of that polarization Become aware of it all of these ideas and beliefs

that are no longer serving That are even causing sabotage Are you willing to have a conversation

with the healing team to integrate all of your knowledge wisdom and understanding So big

fat yes So here's the thing with the unconscious You can't trick coerce coerce or um you you just can't

trick it or or do anything like that because it's going to catch on So what we want to do

is come from a place of respect and honoring this wholeness that you are Nice

big fat yes yes this feels very very nice here So what I want to do now before we teach

the super conscious how to do the integration work because we got a yes from everyone And so while

we're doing this we'll check in again before we get started again just to make sure that

everybody is still in agreement But what I would love for you to do is to write

down some words That you might be experiencing with your wellness journey Some words might be self sabotage um

not prepared um anything related to the pain Of this 67 or 8 that comes

up any linguistic words and sometimes these words don't make any sense and that's OK just write them down

and what we're gonna do if you can chat with me some of those words

and we will integrate those words so that linguistically the healing team Has those words um as a

collective So then we collectively begin to heal So whether you're watching now and you're in the in the group

with me now thank you for being here or if you're watching this later this is the power that this

has on you on these levels of beingness OK so some words frustration Um trust that's an interesting word I'm

just gonna add these words cause I wanna make sure I use them in the work

that we're gonna be doing So I got my um my uh keypad over here So

trust is a big one Any other words Um frustration Self-sabotage disappointment yeah yeah you spend all that money

to do a wellness or or weight loss program disappointment Self-sabotage Disappointment twice self-doubt were like that So

as as I say these words and um you're thinking about your nervous system in other words

um check in with these words to see if it wakes up more parts cause I'm already getting

that it is It's so we will check in once we have the linguistics of

what we're the step we're gonna be doing So when you do this on your own the first step

is awareness So that is our very first step is awareness And then with awareness the next step

is to make the subjective objective So that's what we're doing right now to wake up these parts below the

deck The 3rd step and we're gonna be doing that next is to integrate all of these parts so they're

not separate from you They are now a part of you There's no wall of separation Then the

you would like to add Yeah self-doubt I love it Just checking in negative thoughts yes Not good

enough Or worthy not worthy Love it Excellent Awesome We'll give it like another 30 seconds to come

up with your language Feel free to share it You guys shared some some amazing ones already

Trust disappointment self-sabotage self-doubt negative thoughts not good enough not worthy Excellent Now I would love some language on language

that you would like To feel standing in your wholeness in your well-being in your wellness in your

beingness I like that beingness yeah beingness Aware Yeah self-aware Excellent Oh I like that one

Afraid of my power We're gonna put that in the negative one Afraid of my

power Love it Self-aware whole How about worthy Embodied I like that one Worthy yes Any

other words that you would like to plant seeds of So this is this is part

of the waking state hypnosis And um hypnotists in the group are definitely uh gonna see these wonderful techniques and

tools that are already within you Proud and powerful safe Oh I love it Safe is a big one

Safe is a big one I supported yes Connected Love it Community Joyful Yeah you wanna

feel good in your body right I feel good in this body Sorry my jacket keeps falling down Awesome this

is oh yummy um yummy yeah because food is yummy Yeah I got to tell you a story

sometime but um in 2019 my brother um he is my twin but he got injured on the

job so he ended up moving in with us and he's disabled now But when he first moved in I

gained like 30 pounds because he was always making me these wonderful wonderful dishes But now you know

I'm in control of what I put in this body blessing the food And being very careful of the

thoughts that I have as I'm eating the food right You want to have yummy

thoughts This food is good for me This food is worthy I am worthy of it Exactly That

is what we're going to be doing more of next This is fantastic All right

so I think we've covered the 2 minute mark and linguistically opened up some more language and

I do believe some more below decks have woken up So let's just check in with the number We

were between a 6 and an 8 with health and well-being Check in with that number especially if more

parts woke up and you realize how much Not being in your wellness and in your wholeness and

in your health is creating pain in your life Yeah check in Feel free to share that number but

the important part is to check in Very good Healing team checking in with all of the parts that

are waking up Are there any more parts that are waking up related to this 678 when it comes to

health and well-being and my wholeness So I'm getting a big fat yes So all of these

parts that are now waking up Regardless of what whatever you're connected to now the present

the past The distant past the future All of those parts waking up are you willing to

integrate all of your knowledge wisdom and understanding So I'm getting a nice big fat yes

Are there any polarized parts So right away I'm getting a no I think we already did those polarized

parts There were just a couple of beliefs I believe there Are there any parts

not willing to share their knowledge wisdom and understanding So I'm getting a small yes

It's not a really big yes but we'll go ahead and ask those parts because these parts not willing

it's OK We only want you to be willing to share your knowledge wisdom and understanding with the healing team

Are you willing to have a conversation So it's getting nice and big Are you willing to have a conversation

with the healing team And what is your healing team Your conscious awareness you're the

captain of your ship your ship the unconscious and the superconscious It sees both what

you are focused in on and what's waking up below deck in perfect order and perfect

sequence And all of these parts are you willing to have a conversation Yeah big fat yes Thank

you thank you thank you So we are now ready to train the superconscious that you are this intelligence

this is beyond the mind and what we know intellectually because you are not that I'm talking

about this beingness that you are We're going to train it how to do the integration work now This

magnificence that you are you see we are focused in on a 678 when it comes

to our health and well-being Thank you thank you thank you You see all of the

parts below deck in perfect order and perfect sequence that are causing separation pain distrust disappointment self-sabotage self-doubt Negative thoughts

when I'm eating something so yummy I'm having these thoughts I shouldn't be eating this It's not good for me

you see all of these parts when I think that I am not good enough

I'm not worthy enough Maybe I'm even afraid of being in a very well healthy body Subconscious Be an

ally and please integrate all of the knowledge wisdom and understanding of all of these

parts these shadows these masks These parts that are not me Integrate all of the knowledge wisdom and understanding

but keeping All of that wisdom knowledge and understanding and sharing it with the wholeness

That I am Thank you thank you thank you and do that we now see a playing

field If you're a softball football soccer fan We are on the playing field of life and we

are running in the direction of the goal and there are so many distractions along the

way And as we're running on the playing field we see the marks where we are We're

almost halfway there We can see where we need to be We see the we see the boundaries

of this playing field But there are so many holes in this playing field As we're running on the

playing field we're we're falling into these holes and we're sabotaging ourselves and falling into these

holes Healing team fill in like a feather each and every hole in perfect order and perfect

sequence integrating all of the knowledge wisdom and understanding of every single part That lit up That is

now integrating all of the knowledge wisdom and understanding creating wholeness self awareness Worthiness Letting go of what

no longer serves and it feels as if we're energetically peeing into the ocean Because if you've

ever experienced peeing in the ocean We won't tell You can't get that pee back

It's gone So please let go of what no longer serves letting it go forgiving ourselves because we are worthy

of forgiveness of ourselves of whatever it was And in this point in time it doesn't matter what it was

because now you are integrating all of the knowledge wisdom and understanding of what that was Standing in

this larger part of you This proud and powerful part of you proud not in a way

of boasting But proud in a way of opening and expanding like a rose showing its brilliance at its peak

opening that proud linguistically feel it in your nervous system Yes feeling safe to do so feeling connected

Feeling the community starting with you and your connection with your health and your healing

team Feeling the joy of this expanding All right so integration is now happening if you can believe it

or not And here's the thing is the mind is going to go nothing's happening But what

I'm going to have you do I check in check in with the number that you had We

had between a 6 a 7 and an 8 Check in with that number now and this is energy

work So what I would do is encourage you to hydrate keep yourself hydrated Grab some water with some electrolytes

Yeah yummy joyful What number what number would you say you're at now Because once we check in we're going

to anchor this work so that my goal is it for to be my goal for

this is to be self-directed So once you understand these four steps it is self-directed

self expanding self-healing and you begin to do it collectively with those closest to you and we create expansion this

way So this is how I'm getting the work out there All right so let me

know in the comments where are you now What number would you give yourself now

And then we're gonna do the next step which is anchor You know any kind of movement I love

I love that question darling You say I'm at a 2 now if I understand correctly that we are aiming

for lower numbers Absolutely So if you go to the hospital and you're in a lot of pain and

let's say you're at a pain at a 7 The nurse is gonna give you some

kind of treatment right Something to reduce the pain Once you take that probably within so many minutes the

nurse is gonna come back and say what was your what is your pain level now

So going from a 6 or 7 to a 2 that is astronomical movement on the pain

scale That's big movements if you think about it right So going from that number to a 2 feeling those

shifts within your body and realizing Oh wow my body my mind my energy I'm not in as

much pain This is self-awareness and that's huge So yes we are looking for lower

numbers When I'm doing one on one work and I'm working with somebody um my goal is to get

it to a zero So when you're at that 0 and you're able to yourself go from

high numbers to a 2 this is when it becomes self-directed And you begin to we're going to

add this later but you begin to follow your unique blueprint your unique human design So if you

are a single definition you might know it's like oh yeah I was at an 8 and now I'm at

a 2 You might come to this decision quickly If you are a double or triple or even quadruple definition

check your chart it's right in there Um you may need time to process this So even

though I might be asking you now to check in it's OK to give yourself time What

I suggest you do is go the next 24 to 72 hours making sure you're hydrated

and just checking in I'm a double definition Yeah So you want to make sure because

double double definition means there's there's two distinct islands within you that are not communicating with

each other processing the information So you want to make sure you check in with both And my husband's a

triple definition which is more rare and even more rare I've never met anyone quadruple

definition I would love to but you do need to give yourself that time And so

that's the beauty of watching the replay of this Give yourself time to process it So we want to honor

that time Very good And there's also people who when they take medicine they may

metabolize it faster they may need more medicine more often and then there's other people who metabolize medicine slower

They may need less medicine less often So this is an opportunity to pay attention to your Unique

energy structure as you begin to create your pendulum of health These are the pendulums or the energy

structures the aggregors that we want to create We want to put our focus attention and

awareness on So this is fantastic Thank you so much for sharing Fantastic So what we want to do

is now anchor this Number one we become aware Number 2 we give it a

number Number 3 we tell our healing team to integrate all of the knowledge wisdom and understanding by coming up

with a treatment plan And that treatment plan is all of the parts that wake up must agree And so

you sit in a moment to come to a place where everyone is in agreement And if you

happen to feel there might be some that are not in agreement that might need a conversation with the

healing team make that OK Make it OK Tell them it's OK And then give yourself a moment

to just focus in on the number That's all you got to do for 2 minutes

If you got 2 minutes do it Just for 2 minutes focus in on the number

And then check in what is the number see if there has been some shift and underneath

the processing will be happening We can trust that We can definitely trust that processing

to happen and anchor it because now your conscious awareness The unconscious what's happening that

we don't know below the deck and these these parts these masks these shadows these things affect

our behavior They affect our how we make our choices So we want to make sure we're coming from

a clear space as we begin to design our reality moving forward Excellent So what we want to do is

come to a space of awareness Thank you thank you thank you for this wonderful awareness I am now

aware when I can feel my body is tight I am stressed I might not know why And

you know I don't have to know why I don't even have to tell the story of

why I just give it a number and sometimes after work and and working in a very stressful environment Sometimes

I just want to eat down the stress of the day instead of allowing my body to process So now

I become aware of it and I become aware of when I am stressed and

I am putting food in my body and I take a moment to say what are

my thoughts in this moment Am I thinking I shouldn't be eating this as I'm eating this

And then I take a moment to if I'm going to eat this I'm going to eat it in a

space of yumminess and it's got to be worth it right And I'm going to

bless it because I want every part of this to benefit this meat suit that is here I'm so

grateful that it's it's here right now However it is right now no matter what the scale says or the

dress I says or the pants I says in this moment I am aware of

how my body reacts and I am aware if I am a double or triple definition if I'm a

single definition I am communicating directly with my body and allowing the space and trusting

Your space that you are creating This is a wonderful space to be And then the fourth step

we're going to get into once we anchor it let's just take a moment To think

your health and wellness no matter where you are right now And now you have this wonderful wonderful tool To

Be self-directed because I truly believe you need nothing outside yourself I had to learn this after

my diagnosis of cancer I had to learn it first and I had to feel it

and experience and experiment with it first and I'm here to tell you You can do it self-directed self-guided

You need nothing outside yourself Take a moment to thank yourself for being in this space For allowing

yourself To learn these tools And they are already within you They are already your success mechanism Very

nice Just notice if you're holding on to any tension in the body Just notice and thank it Thank you

tension For showing me my bodies holding on to tension And if you feel safe Feel free to breathe

into it Or to find a way that works for you To relax that area of the

body That's right This creates more connection More neural connections that you are worthy Of being satisfied of

being at peace That's right Very nice I can definitely feel those changes And going from a high

number to a 2 or a 1 It is magnificent and you can put today's date down the topic where

you started and where you ended and you can begin to track and measure your progress

And this is where you begin to change the mirror the mirror world the 3D realm Because

we're changing what's going on in this Wonderful mechanism that we have within us the success mechanism that's been activated

within you So now I invite you to do these steps Now you don't know the fourth step yet So

once you check in for 2 minutes #1 you become aware Number 2 you give it a number

Number 3 your healing team has a treatment plan you hand it over to your healing team for 2 minutes

Number 3 is 2 minutes focus in on that number That's all you're doing is

focusing in on the number Your healing team knows what to do Excellent And number 4 is to integrate the

nervous system to reset the nervous system So we see um I'm a dog lover you might have cats you

might have you know animals All animals kind of shake it off right So we want to

create a space where we can just shake it off You want to move your body you

want to activate your nervous system Couple of ways you can do this Um you can

dance like no one's looking put on some music and dance like no one's looking Really have a joyful

experience Thank thank this temporary Suit that's really what it is It's a it's a temporary material suit that

belongs in this three dimensional world but we're resetting this magnificent nervous system and then make sure you

stay hydrated So this is gonna be very important these two steps listening to your body listen

how much hydration you need And I will listen to what my body needs My body does love water and

my body does love to eat And so taking this moment to decide that you

will check in before you eat something and that's just a decision You may forget to do it sometimes

and that's OK but you may remember more than you forget And you come to a space where you're

aware and then you remember instantly And this is a wonderful place to be All

right so with that said I want to ask you guys How are you doing Do you

feel um Like you can do these 4 steps If you want to feel free to turn

on your microphone I want to open it up to any questions that you might have And again

go over first the three parts of you This is the wholeness that you are You are conscious

awareness the unconscious what's happening below the decks and the part of you that sees both It sees what you're

focused in on and what's happening in perfect order and perfect sequence below the deck Trust You trust

this part of you It's nothing outside yourself It is everything that is you your

mind your beliefs your ideas your judgments your experiences your traumas your unprocessed Baggage cause I know I have

it too I have them too Um all of these parts are now going to be

an ally to everything that you do leading toward your success because understanding this powerful part of

you and being aware and identifying when you are now putting your most precious gift on your focus

awareness and attention When you're putting it on those negative energy structures Or pendulums or energy vampires

and listen up your thoughts your own thoughts and actually some of our thoughts are not our own but

your thoughts can be energy vampires and these negative energy structures You are now brilliantly aware of

this and being objective Rather than going with your emotions Now I'm an emotional authority

You might be a sacral authority or a splenic authority or an egoic authority Pay attention to your authority

As an emotional authority I had to learn how to ride the emotional wave because

I learned that I would get caught up in other people's emotions groupthink right So this is a

natural human tendency that we end up doing But when you become aware that you are

now getting caught up in someone's emotions I now have a tool where I can allow the emotions to

flow through me and maybe I can journal And one of the things that I do as

a neuroscience coach is I do neuro drawing And that's one of the things that we do

In our six week deconditioning experiment So I do want to talk about that next but

I want to answer any questions that you might have related to um what we just

experienced Because here we're creating your own pendulums and then you feed the pendulums that you want and

it takes 2 minutes It takes 2 minutes And this is the work this is the

practice because now we have to learn how to avoid the pendulums we don't want and we do

that by recognizing when we're feeding them And when it's causing pain distraction procrastination not

success in our life and then we disengage with them We can do that by that 2 minutes by

allowing your healing team to integrate all of the knowledge wisdom and understanding and then recognizing

and responding And this suspended state that is here um this is talked about in that free workshop that we

talked about on Um energy vampires pendulums and aggregors and in this suspended state What

we don't want to do is is create a state of cognitive dissonance And so this

is why it's so important to have community And so this is the next step the

next logical step that I want to invite you to You have this focus um topic and you

will have access to this So the next step is is our human design six week

deconditioning experiment And for those who are um watching this I want to give you a discount because

you stayed here the whole time and I do appreciate that Absolutely yes And um I want to give

you a discount So I do want to offer 20% off for for being here all

the way till now Thank you so much And this next step is going to be 6

weeks and we are going to really be getting into the mechanics of um Disconnecting from

those energy vampires those energetic structures that no longer serve you and create those pendulums

that you want and then reset the nervous system and we're going to do this

several ways We're going to do one exercise a week That just activates the nervous system I already told you

one today dance like no one's watching So I'm gonna have you do this after

this Turn on a song for 23 minutes 5 if you got it Turn on a song for that

amount of time you decide and then dance like no one's watching Just dance it up OK I'm

gonna be doing that as well I do it every day Don't tell anybody And um That's what you're

going to be doing next And in the 6th week we're gonna learn 5 more neurological um

exercises that you can do to reset the nervous system And um bonus material as well So

the normal price for this 6 week experiment is 497 I'm gonna be sending you a coupon for

set for Personal development and personal growth because your professional development and your business growth has to start

from here and you'll begin to design your own reality by integrating even more of your human design and

learning how your energy moves in this self-directed way Because again I'm here just as a

guide I'm a 5-1 manifester and my gift is the left angle cross of education and

I'm here to initiate your success mechanism that is already within your unique design That's all I'm here

for Once it's initiated it's self-directed It's self-healing and this is what I want for you So decondition

those limiting patterns and Uh activate this continue to activate and over a six week

period it's going to become second nature to you So I do hope you join

us for our six week human design deconditioning experiment and it is an experiment It is quite the

journey And um I look forward to that So I want to see if there are any

questions at all before we sign off And here in Chicago it's 11:11 a.m. How fantastic is that

Yeah Danny I have a ques or Danny I have a question I actually uh

so I see this as um similar to parts therapy in some ways but it seems

like you're doing it more energetically and not so much questioning and specific issues So I like that

It seems like it would be a great shortcut Um therapy sometimes wants to know the story

you know what is the story of that But in this work we don't have to

know the story we don't have to retrigger The nervous system and actually I want

I want to avoid doing that because then we're we're training reactions over and over It

becomes a little bit um Um like I'm I'm a victim rather than a survivor

So that's kind of why I do that but thank you so much It is and if you

know parts therapy or even timeline therapy already this absolutely is is integrated because what

I do is I work with the person with the knowledge they have already So I what I don't

want to do is teach somebody something new Thank you Excellent Any other questions I want to

thank you for your time and attention and your growth And trusting me in this process And I trust that

you will now take this process and put it in automatic mode because feeling these

shifts in in a collective way is really remarkable and so wonderful and I want to keep it going

So with that said I want to thank you for being on this journey with me and I look forward

to more focus groups We have one coming up Um I do believe we're going to do a free one

for between the holidays because a lot of people get that affect between holidays so we

want to do a free one then and then we're going to be doing more of these focus groups and

I hope you join us for the 6 week Deepening group uh as we do 6 week

and even more amazing stuff together So with that said Thank you