um jim thank you so much I really appreciate it And I'm so again I apologize for havingto jump out that but I appreciate you don't apologize We want you to be Well yeah it's just anotherupdate what I will be doing this week There's a probably about a huge batch of the webinars that I'llbe uploading this week and I'll give you an update when it's done because when I uploadthem there's such a big batch and then you've got to wait for it saves inthe cloud and then download them People don't realize when I have to download them again thattakes time and then uploading them I have to put them on video and then that takes moretime So it might be easier I'll try to have something in place either you know weekly or every monthby month everything gets updated because it's it's a lot I mean we do 23 hours worth ofcontent and you know for hosting just video Video I pay like I think it was for the yearslike $600 or something like that It's like a huge package that I have to do justfor the videos and it only increases because more videos we do So I knowjohnny didn't mention Can you upload some of the recordings So I'll do that but perhaps youcan just upload them to your hosting web hosting the videos on your website No sothis is what I do because you've got to remember if I put it just on thehosting depending on the package of host because it is the one I got is adequate enough However imagine thisas it grows simultaneously amount of people that are watching guess what's gonna happen Butwith bandwidth everything slows down So the only reason that when you play your video it really it does operatereally quick It's very good right It's because of that package the business packaging with me or something likethat because I don't want you don't want an issue with bandwidth you don't want becauseif jim's watching one video then then nick comes on and you know Cheryl at the sametime and why this thing running slow everyone's gonna cover complaints Once I get once you knowthe batch gets recorded there has to be downloaded And sometimes you know you got tomake sure that you know it's not messy or whatever Sometimes issues because when you if everyone's ever seen zoomwhen you're when you record it gives you all these different options of video a whole chunkjust the audio the comments and all of this stuff So you have to go specifically thengo into this folder That folder So you know it's not an excuse but I'm justtelling you it's the whole shebang video and then from vimeo that's all right it goesback up onto the back end stuff and then I've got to get these Um Soanyway I have to show you one day but moving on from that I just wantto address what johnny said there I don't know that I appreciate that That's alright johnny because youknow what it is um Sometimes you know with instagram I don't really check it and sometimes you know Iknow you send messages on instagram and I've been trying to avoid as much as I can youknow just social media for a little bit of a detox but you've got my Skype if anyone hasn'tgot my Skype you know if you if you want So let me just check Um Soyeah so so johnny sent me a link saying there's a link that can you have a check So Ithought is it all right if we can go through it here as well Um Well we can dothis separately and I thought I'll just mention it Well it was just something it was something just reallyquick um If you want to you can it was just something quick that I was trying to use formy instagram post I was trying to do a video because you guys had mentioned and Cherylgave me an idea to as far as open up a business account so Iwas able to tie my business account with my facebook account facebook business so it'slike it's like a business meta meta account now I think I have it's taking my facebook my instagram postand putting them on my facebook business page now So that was it was it was itthe way his facebook ads Commercial growth That that page Right Yes Okay And itwas a video wasn't it It was a video but it was a scroll stopper that would stop in themiddle just just to collect information and I wanted to see how what you thought about that Okay that's fineJust let me let me kind of share this So everyone understands So this this was the page here SoI'm pretty hopefully it's the right patient Oh sorry I was just asking what's your name oninstagram instagram Um Oh pound I see you johnny Okay so I can go look for it hoping YeahSo it's a this is a page So it's just a it's a one page where youjust press play Right Yes Okay So once I played it it is a I don't know what you'reusing for the video playback but it's very nice It's fast I think he turned the volume down Areyou engaged in using these Okay Right Right Right Right Right Right So N TAnd a For johnny to contact you So now is this is this the same videois it what the actual video video player Um No no no this is bigcommand Okay Right So this is my man jim Yes very good Nice Looks something likethis when a video is playing sometimes you can set certain things up like this you canhave somebody you know the name medium address as a call to action which is great I mean what you'vedone is fine you know it's got that information there Um So what's your main what's yourmain question there Johnny well I'm trying to get action and I have those 500and plus posts out there that are just stagnant and we were staying in one of our meetings to getmotion on the the post within a real or something within instagram and that wouldincrease your your visibility So I was creating this to get the the image to move instead ofstanding still So what I did was I did a compilation of different images on one um slidefrom the previous post I had posted So people that had seen the other post Iposted would recognize these images there from the post I had posted before and they saidoh yeah I remember this and they would want to watch more of my videos Sothey would just go in and they would put their email addressed or that they don't have toput a phone number didn't just put as much information as they want to Then I would getit automatically and they can continue watching the video and then we'll continue on with thetext underneath it in the post describes what the post is all about So thepost hadn't changed It's just I just added video instead of having an image there So whatyou're saying is that all you wanted to do is repurpose existing content into avideo format just to attract that kind of audience right I can put anything in here asa as a lead magnet to capture leads I can put anything This is just oneidea I came up with as far as just getting the Um the name and theemail address but these are all the other posts I think it's like what 556 Yeah so Idid But I haven't been I haven't been going let's put it away I haven'tgot that many followers because I really haven't opened it up to the public so to speakbecause I wasn't sure how to position myself and to make sure I had my productsin place before I get this But I do have these products here in place for the social media andwebsite design and pay per click and things like that I do have those allin place So you know it gives a little blurb there and it sends them straightto my website but I want to collect names and email addresses I just don't want them you know lookingat it I want them to look at it halfway then I want them to interactwith me Yeah So this is the thing this is another reason I thought let memention it because we were talking about social media especially coming in and everyone can seeit then uh you always get other people's perspectives and it's really good now Um number one repurposingcontent fantastic Find it does work So you Re engage in you know people meet somebody might seestatic image And then like now that is sometimes when people are more engaged in this video rightWe can see this again by Tiktok's another great example We know this already from you know instagramand rules and so on and so forth So things like followers it doesn't matter nobodyright now It what I understand from your point of view You know it hasn't really rolled out and you'rekind of just trying to figure out which groove you should set yourself in before goingfull blast right Um well you have like 27,000 followers out there So I am really because I'vebeen I've been I think I've got I don't know how many I've got 1000 posts I can'tremember how many have been done since 2014 or 15 but if you have 800 and something Soyeah so you've been you've been doing a lot I mean I to be honest I've sloweddown with it you know because and I'll tell you from my perspective some ofthe things mistakes I made and if I could do things differently right Because again whenit you know 2015 I just done it as a way of documenting stuff I never usedto implement things like Paul of actual and there was no real agenda behind it I thoughtit would be nice you know social proof Um it just it's me crane or document thestory Maybe you'll come useful at some other point Right Um and I'll go throughthat now I'll tell you some of the good stuff Right So with this nowstraight away when I see these posts these images I think they look really high quality images Ithink they look beautiful I'll be very honest with you Right But then I think what arethey about I don't know what they are Right straight away I'm thinking I need tiles onthem So you have to open up open up the actual um you have toread below it Right Right No no it's about but go ahead and I know Iknow what you're saying but I'm not thinking anything I'm open for advice No no no no no II know because remember I'm looking at it from the desktop browser So if you're looking through mobileobviously you'll see a little snippet at the at the bomb I agree with you Right But what I'm sayingThink of it like a thumbnail like a youtube thumbnail or graphic thumbnail when somebody scrollingand they're going through images um especially in your niche for example you're doing very contentright And you're trying to create different different topics about certain things within that nicheSay for example high tech insulin or agency related stuff right I'm going to assume this is probably SMS orfacebook related um content or something social media right It doesn't give that much away So I've got tothink I've if it was me I'm not saying you have to do that If it wasme I would put some kind of title on this straightaway Somebody looking at or they're scrolling They're speeding throughthere straight away No okay this is a topic that relates to me I don't have toreally scroll down and look at a smaller text in the mobile and go through each and every single oneI can scroll through really quickly Which one really speaks out to me specifically because you might talkabout a variety of different topics within you know internet marketing But I want stuff aroundhigh ticket selling right And when I see this stuff you know there might be an imagethat reinforces with the text like somebody on their phone Maybe there's a script it's gonnacapture my attention much much more Another thing you can do very easily Um isobviously go look at other people that are in the same niche right Doing amazingly wellsay for example high ticket selling I can't remember his name but we'll just say that there's many peoplelike ah well I have a Rufino Rufino for example He deals with high ticket doesn't rough Rufino andyou got down locked as well as another person down lock He's got some good contentOkay so so rough Ah He's can't remember he's got it's got higher level high level strategies or somethinglike that It's really good Let me see high level strategy That's Omar martin No no it's notnot a high level strategy but high ticket something rough you know Let me see his rough routine of theactor No no no sorry clients clients on demand that's what it is So let me seeif I find this So he deals with high ticket stuff right And I think I thinkthey were making some stupid moment like I don't know 500 or a million a month or somethingStupid wow So you can see by doing what clients on demand High ticket selling Just teaching you how todo high ticket selling Oh I got it the topic Okay yeah that's it the team Soit'll be clients on demand So again Alright this is what I was looking forthe instagram account Over 65 million High ticket sales All right With just you know just 10Kfollowers and 800 posts Here you go Can you see this now This is what I'm talking about having thetext there that just it just pulls you in you know specifically Alright Yeah Alright The top three things killingyourselves how to create you know connection blah blah blah how to hire the best how I saved millionaireHeck I don't want to be this in people's face You know it's not me to be like in people'sface I like the content to do the talking to build up this stuff It's like I'm so vain I'mvain already But no no no I'm not saying his image I'm just saying the text OkayThe headline Okay Oh I got it What you mean Okay I got it Okay I can dothat It's just that all you're doing is it's like you're hooking people in That's whatit is It's just a hook It's debate You have two people have to know what on earthYou know people know if it was me going through a video If I don't know what thevideo is about I'm gonna go find a video that you know I can keep scrolling and find outwhat this video is about because I want even though the video is five seconds I'm tryingto say five seconds It's really weird Really think about it Like Tiktok videos now Tiktok's are great Tiktok I'mtelling you now if you look at what people are doing on Tiktok it's soit's like it's so interesting to observe you because when somebody has a video on Tiktok for example and theyhave this ugly lower third about what the topic is about And it's so uglydone nobody cares It's not even fancy but those will get more views because people knowexactly what the video is about They don't want to scroll on like just generic images or videos yet Andthey don't know what the topic is Really They don't have the time nowadays to go look at thedescription field and write what you said is I agree with you 100% your content or description field couldbe amazing It could it could actually be like the you know the golden cup right It could be thegolden goose there But people they want to see it from the outside Yeah What wasthat No I thought so It's my talking And you can see you'll see when youscroll through his ones Yeah Not all of them Can you see at some point he his either himor his team has done a bit of research and I thought you know why are wenot maximizing our right 36 or 40 He had his face and all them And you'reright It looks like someone might think it from the outside our look You'll beup yourself You know there's a term you know arrogance I'll look why you put your face ineveryone's faces and to be honest Yeah That's subjective I would think the same thing taken note of his eyesthough He is connected to you Yes Yes In that he's really practiced It's brilliantthings But the other thing is so what if you're in somebody's face It's once you look here's thething and I understand exactly what you mean by by not being in somebody's face First of allif you have to be loud and you get in front of somebody's face that first impression then thenyou can show somebody who you really are because you've got their attention Now Thenthe rest is up to you through your content your images your description whatever piece of content that's foryou then to show who you really are But you've got the attention now imagine there's about 100,000people trying to be just like you joining Yeah you're unique I'm not gonna saylike you see I was careful but there's other people trying to you know trying to dosomething similar to you What makes you stand out right And unfortunately we're living a very noisyworld right now If you have to you know in your head you might thinkyou know because I sometimes believe it or not even I think you know I'm a grown manwhy do I need to be you know put my face and do these silly things andsometimes you don't have to do that Of course you don't have to do itYou make something that you're happy with right Ok But all you have to do is make youknow just as long as you're comfortable in your own skin No one's saying you haveto put your picture there You can have your pictures But we need those hooks to get those people inWe need those amazing hooks in the tiles very short Specifically look you can see fromthe say there's 50 50 42 hearts 49 Two now 220 955 99 So something something'schanged People are now knowing what these videos about and they're not just long about anything every manand his dog talking about and it could be also maybe possibly he's incorporating hashtags now RightSo another thing that you from just seeing those additional posts that you've done youyou're not using real you know no hashtags Right Well I was um I thought I was usingI see johnny I'm looking at your screen I can't look at mine right now I could if I wantedto but in the post I do do a hashtag But most of the hashtag they said just putone hashtag in there for instagram and I just put pound iCU johnny because that goes um you know tomy other social media accounts as well on twitter or whatever right Yeah your main thing iswhat I would suggest one feel free to use more than one hashtag that's relevantto your industry or your niche 100% And what's a good way of trying to figure that out Let'sgo to one of his let's see if he's using anything Alright well he's using three here right Salestips entrepreneur business owner and what we can do depending on what it is But doesn't that take them tothe reader away from the from what his content as it goes to that hashtag which might not behis Yeah so like Nick said what it does what we're doing or what he's doing basically His content isnow being posted on these streams these specific hashtag So there's all you know if I click oneof these hashtag now is going to this this whole this whole feed right out of college graduates Let's seeif it does it does it not through your mobile generally would open up andgo to a stream Right So what what it would do these people that are on thisspecific hashtag scrolling through here we go Here we go Now your piece of content now is going tobe populated in this stream or this you know this account for example this hashtag right and it's going tobe exposed to God knows you know maybe sometimes tens of thousands hundreds of 1002 100,000 people So whatyou're doing indirectly you're siphoning niche specific or targeted people they are relevant to the industry thatyou're in all the content that you're creating and the idea is or what will happen not theidea what generally happens people will move away from this you know this hashtag essentially and they'll come toyour account and if it's in line with what they like and you know they go through your contentthey start enjoying it they'll follow you So you're siphoning this free traffic you're populating its like syndicatingyour content in different areas of using the hashtag the same thing you can use for Tiktokyou do it with facebook so on and so forth It's a good little is a good strategy You caneven use this on Youtube right Where people just tap into getting free traffic Yeah I just wantthem all to myself I don't want them going anywhere else Keep my audience on me I don'twant them to get distracted on somebody else and purchase something from somebody else Youknow I just try to keep their eyes on me So that's why I onlyuse like one one or 2 hashtags He sure keeps his eyes on him and that's for sureBut it's not about him It's about the message No no So yes it isabout the message But what jim is saying because I agree with what jim is saying right It's so powerfulright If you you have sometimes you have to get comfortable with getting uncomfortable So what he'sdoing is so smart the reason he's doing I direct eye contact it might beone component of it but if you've got to pretend that I'm speaking to imagine this likeimagine johnny right now we're on this call there's nobody else here and I'm speakingto you directly you know in the eye like nothing else matters I'm just speaking to right As an individualI'm connecting with You forget who else is there just me and you we're having this conversation I'm justmeeting you as a friend were sitting down together right It's very powerful when you know you're having that interactionwhoa you're speaking to me So the way you communicate and I always think about this many videosI've done in the past I will not pretend but I will have it in my mind I'mspeaking to one person alone One person I would never think I'm speaking Because theproblem is when you start thinking you're speaking to you know tens and twenties or 30you know 30 people or hundreds of people your message becomes broad You're trying to you're trying tocater for everybody's needs and their thoughts and how you would expect you know to be speaking toSo I forget it pretend you're speaking to that one friend and you're just having a greatconversation That's it Nothing else is there And you'll see how how the your wordswill flow your body language will change and that person will always that person also will be receptive of thatright Absolutely right You just imagine someone on the other side of the camera or in your room on theother side of the window I always think of a camera as you look into a cameraLike when you go to a teller that behind the glass thing you don't look at the glass you lookin the eyes of the person that you're talking with And even though there's these obstacles in betweenyou can see through it and you connect with them and if you don't you don't connectwith them So it's extraordinarily important to do it on a mass scale is a remarkable talent I could MarilynMonroe by the way I can do it but I don't have any makeup on You gotta get pastwhat is nowadays You don't need any makeup All these apps here They all have filters now Youdon't need none of that stuff You know you don't even need to have ashame that will that will remove your bed if you want to give you a redblack I mean the reason I brought even rust up right these guys have beenrunning for quite a while right And you know over many many years And I've seen youknow how he was building up for what he's been doing and they're very effective inwhat they do especially using paid ads and high ticket So it's brilliant So he's somebody verifiablethat you know you can see there's been a great transition with him And I meanhis model is basically showing individuals how they can transform their business via high ticket sellingSo that's how he's selling either of course God knows if it's 5 10 or 15 20 granddifferent different packages You know what we're talking about getting on the appointment call This is agreat model If you wanted to find a model that would be amazing right That you could reverse engineer thiswould be a great model You know let's see what So he's got a training video Sorry look look atthis He's got a training video right I'm pretty sure this will go to a webinar Andthen again you can sign up to that webinar you could create a brand new accountYou can sign up to see what the follow up sequences over a period of seven days orcan see what the fall of action is and all of that stuff because they've spent millions ifnot hundreds of thousands if not millions on the processes that we're talking about rightnow So why wouldn't you Well it's not legal It's not unethical unless you're gonna copyand and you know you're going to rip somebody then that's wrong But looking at someone's processes of course itworks Of course you can you can you can have you know you can investigate all and youcan observe and just little things like this happen A little video here you know seeI know it's sometimes a bit it's a bit weird because you're trying to imagineyourself doing that way I'm looking at the camera going hey and I'm not even blinking It's scarysometimes But there must be psychology behind it Like whoa you know it's getting your attentionSorry I keep on talking to you I said I know maybe I can't hear me Um Iwas trying to ask you what do you think he's using to make the little video Umwhere's it gone Let me pull it up It's like a sticky right that he's gottastick there So just come back Where's he gone Okay So if we click it he's going to beusing If I hey it's with clients on demand Thank you so much for visiting ourselves Okay let's see ifwe can inspect see if anything comes up I love that thing by the way Video dotcom There you go Video ask dot com So you have everything everywhere everywhere Igo I see Cheryl here there and everywhere Oh my God look at that Thereyou go This is it Okay That's what I was wondering It's good though Isn't it looks it actuallyhave and I never really used it So 20 minutes of video processing charge Okaynow Okay why would this be good Number one Obviously he's used it here to get an attention rightHe's got attention from I don't know I just wanted to let you know in case you missedit that we have a training and retraining happening Okay so a clickable link now onthere as well He's got captions captions for 5,000 8000 even $10,000 per when you look at thecamera like this is remarkable because you stare right at him you're still right back at himHe's like hypnotized Okay so clicking it redirect it goes back to the same page andplus I'm pretty sure on the back end of the workshop you'll give it will give him datathat they would tell him how many people are clicking and so on and soforth So I wonder what's going on Okay so let me come back This isgood because I have the I have the metrics already set up that can captureall this data is for how many impressions how many clicks you know and howmany email captures I got So I can put them in a funnel and sendthem out emails regarding the topic of their interest in you know they that they watched Here's another greatthing for this And I think I remember somebody using this right So without mentioningnames somebody that was selling high ticket coaching right So if somebody sells high ticket coaching and I'mpretty sure they'll use in I F T T Or some kind of you know as a prototype systemRight So as soon as there was a purchase the vendor or the product owner would get eitheran SmS or email to say hey look somebody's made a purchase you know comes directly to theirphone or whatever it may be And then it would it would syndicate to somethingsimilar to this right There's probably other alternatives But what they would then do from anywhere theywere in the house or whatever as soon as the purchase comes you know somebody's gonna be 23 grandright He makes a quick recording but hey you know jim congratulations You know for joining I'm really excited lookingforward And you send it a quick 5-10 2nd clip to personalize it and that persongets it sent directly via their email Mhm Now imagine somebody has done that and made that personalservice because again you know you've got refund period and things like this imagine the impactthat you're going to have with that individual and sometimes it's like say for example somebody signsup to schedule a call with you whatever it may be anything And straight awayjohnny sends a video I've just seen your scheduled quote I'm really excited looking forward toit I'm just make sure kindly go through the pro former you know the document that I've already givenyou So we're ready for the cool and it's going to be any issues Hate thesame anymore I'm here he's like what this guy is real I thought was a wholeyou know there's a whole team in place pretending to be him So so the reasonpeople do it just affects conversions highly it'll affect conversions and it'll reduce refund rates right Andit will transform that relationship Um I think even with the LME at the start uh some of you mayremember even with what's it called I can't remember um what I would do Iwould do this with everyone obviously because it's a lot to manage but I would get a callwith members for example at the start you know I would get on a call or I'll do a sweeprecorded but it's very hard if you're the person behind obviously you can't do itfor everybody right But it makes a big difference because you know you want tobe involved you want to hear what people are saying you want to see what youcan do you can improve things so on and so forth So video anyway video ask um by typeform I think they do they do applications or sorry like surveys all type for Yeah I have a toollike this I think I showed it to jim it was like snap bite where I can send out personalmessages to the individual and they can send another message right back to me through a video and respond towhat I just said I was testing the gym what you johnny you have such a personal natureon camera you're very warm and connected nature and if you could look in the camera in that mannerand stay with it Like as as Ali says with one person even though many people areseeing it but just speak to that one person you will get you know a great percentage of those peoplethat are seeing you I mean just following what Jim said sometimes I feel like I could becompletely wrong but I think yeah maybe I'm wrong but sometimes I think johnny gives himself less credit thanhe realizes I don't know when I was a child I generally think that that you undervalue youactually don't realize sometimes like you're very very knowledgeable very intelligent guy And I get I get sometimes maybeI'm maybe I'm reflecting on my own thoughts on me onto you Like where you know sometimesyou know we get to a certain point in life and we're like we don't want to bedoing you know just jumping around like you know Tiktok videos and doing this and berating ourselves and embarrassing ourselvesfor for actually you know we have a bit of respect for ourselves with dignity Ius 100% so we can do it in a classroom there's nothing we don't need to go extreme and doingyou know like we need to jump around and going public and do stupid stuff toget attention Oh you got I've got your attention now Now let me tell you that I agree with youSo like for example your content instagram perfect It's beautiful Clean crisp I feel a little changea bit of text in there and then the rest of your your content doesn't talking foryou even you as the individual you behind a professional video Nice clean video boom It's done And it'sfunny we talked about you know lead generation high ticket sales uh if anyone does come to this you knowunder case that user cases Case studies basically lead generation you know attract leads qualified leads and here you cansee look they've got the older application process as well scheduled means convert leads rightenrolled today so on and so forth So 65% up to 98% But again that's subjective because youdon't know all the ins and outs But yeah look you can integrate with calendar systemssegment your leads drop off analysis One more One more comment about johnny thinking about the wayRuss Rufino thinks is that he pulls out of the individual their particular talent Yourparticular talent is one on one conversation you have a very inviting Open way ofcommunicating and the more I could see that the happier I be because well you know thankyou for that You know I've been trained as a corporate trainer for 22 years I've been travelingaround the world teaching accounting and finance So I sort of have got that um you knowlike and trust type thing but I'm retired but I do not have to because I got to stay aliveyou know I got to do something you know So I thought this would bea great um platform to do that with using the social media and getting all the information thatI want to put in content out there It's like it's it's kind of scary because you don'tknow who's watching and if your enemies are watching you know Big Brother is watching you know because I'mex military as well you know so I I don't I don't trust from the public you know because theycan be bad you know they could be taking tearing apart what jOHn is saying is to to toeverybody else right It will sound you know you're just being paranoid and stuff but if you've ever donelaw enforcement or any kind of I guess government agencies and stuff like that youdo get paranoid not paranoid in that sense but you just don't know who's paying attention maybe you know somebodyyou might have dealt with and you know you sent to jail or whatever it may be Yeahbecause my experience as a revenue officer I worked for the Internal Revenue Service for four yearsand that was always closing people down and and whatever they'll say that's the guy I knewI would get him sooner or later Now there was social media look me upyou know oh he's got a post office box now huh Let's see if we can drill itdown further So I mean this is this is at the same time there's obviouslythere's thoughts that you can't control You know you've got this uh this worry All thisconcern I mean I I agree with you because I had the same concerns you know come froma policing background I avoided social media and when I came on that I'm on social media so it's theopposite It's like well you know something I wanted to wait now I kind ofcan't apart and partially have to do it Um so you just you don't know But then the other sideof it is which is more scary Are these people going to limit your reach or yourgrowth or your potential right Are they going to limit at these individuals that probably don't existAnd they probably don't care anyway They're they're not even there but we've made them into a nemesisSo that's that's that's the scary thing So which one is it How do youknow And then sometimes all is it imposter syndrome or is it is it a lie we tell ourselves inorder not to do the thing that we're scared of So we can say well I couldn't do itanyway It's an it's an illusion I agree It's an illusion It's not truth It's notreality It's just an illusion I put there in the gap between looking at a small piece and blowingit up instead of looking at the whole picture You know I get it I mean I mean theremight be no I agree with you But I mean there's always some truth to it based onyou know you know there's there's always some element of something behind it Um but you knoweveryone has to come into their own conclusion No All of us for example we could all giveeach other some fantastic advice that I could say do this Do do do dodo you have to cut you You have to you know do do the damn thing anywayYeah Anyway even if you convince yourself that it's not true you might feel that's trueinside you But you don't you can't resign it You must must act on thefeeling and process it Yeah I mean yeah whether you think you can or yourcar that's the same thing isn't it You have to sell it to yourself even though you dosell it to yourself as you're going along on the journey Sometimes you will try to sellyourself away from the thing right And when you get understanding maybe it's very hard That's where dataand all this nonsense comes in and that's where that's where that's where it's important to have the rightkind of people around you the right people but realistic as well at the same time that givethe support and give you valuable information right And people that understand what it is thatyou're doing and what you're trying to accomplish they can guide you the best notpeople that don't understand and they're just saying it for the sake of it because they're yes men oryes women or whatever Um but you know a few little changes and thank you I just I just wantjohnny to start flowing just because he's doing his thing But some of the stuff that you said that thestuff that many of us do say is you know I'm not ready yet to open the gatethe floodgates right Right So directly kind of restricting ourselves like after 555 posts you thinkI would be ready to open the floodgates right Because the question the question islike I've said the same thing to myself when is the right time when is the right timeWhen are you gonna be ready Because there's no great time and how we get betterby doing the thing that you have to do that you try to avoid there's a there's aquote that I know and I haven't implemented for a while but it's a really good quote and it worksamazingly whenever you do this if you do this right And you act upon it obviously make it intobehavior So the quote goes if not you then who if not now then when thatshould snap you out anytime you're hesitating Like if there's a piece of garbage on the floor orsomething like that you know you can pick up the slayer and all you know you could do something thatyou know you should be doing If it's not you then who if not nowthen when so that should try to make it happy that always act as soonas you hear that voice and then act on it and then it becomes thatlittle happy that the little mini wins Don't mean hits and so on and so forth So that'sa good little discovery of video asked as well Thank you Um That you know that is interesting andI get I understand So this is like say for example if you've done an email sequenceyou know somebody if somebody watches one video it's like its behavior is behavioral interactive video technology I don't knowif anyone's heard about it So you can make different videos So you make one video abouta cat or one video about a dog you say are you a cat person ora dog person Person dog person Right And then it takes you down a whole different pathright If you're a cat person it can take you down a different path There's actually some technologies out theresome of them Right So I mean if you can if you know obviously it does it'slike you're trying it's process of elimination when you're speaking to a potential prospect for example orpotential customer you're you're you're having this this conversation with them and they're they're clicking obviously and you'retaking down that that pre predefined path essentially Right So it's interesting and but I guess thesethings a little bit more advanced and the thing is just to get the get thebasic stuff in when you start trying to make things more advanced more difficult doingthis and doing that Um I think that's where the problem is everybody is trying to automatestuff that you could do that manually before you've even done the damn thing Andthat's where the problem is right we get all these shiny objects in front of usSo that's a great tool I can use this for something that I never used this toolAnd then as um Michelle was saying you know I got all these tools that I have and Ihaven't used they're just sitting there and by the time I get ready to use them they're closed down andI can't get a refund back Yeah So imagine this is in our in ourstorehouse in lME that's for sure But but this is the thing you know what you know it's upsettingas well Michelle you can understand somebody pays for products for example Not a smallamount of $500 or $1,000 and the damn things just disappeared just off the faceof the earth and they're not even you know getting back to you So um yeah this isthe point So there are plenty of technologies out there There's plenty of applications andsoftware and all of this and all that Sometimes You know what it is You know what sometimes thebitter truth is that people won't tell you is that a lot of these products or these Softwaresyou can spend more time using it and it'll be faster for you to do itmanually Does that make sense You know you're spending all this you know there's two ways of lookingat you could spend time obviously you've got to learn the product the software andall the process and all this and God knows how long it takes or what aboutif you just done it many and sometimes you will find out the manual was muchquicker doing in the automated way But you were sold into that thing thinking it's a fasterway Exactly And the problem is if you if you believe that what happens you'll get in amode all the time thinking of the software is going to make things easier for me Butnumber one it will make things more complicated You know it does sometimes Softwares domake things more complicated for you and they make you spend more money when youdon't need to be spending more money because it's giving you that false solution that I need to I needthe software for my business to make money But you know even making money in the firstplace why are you spending money Make money getting this money from That's the question youknow making money manually first And then when you get my hope my pockets are empty holes inthem right now But that's the thing when it comes to these Softwares and you knowyou get this when you have all these launches by now by now the money you'll find themoney from somewhere you'll find the money 20 you know you're just I'll go into my overdraftI'll go into my credit whatever I need to do I'll take an extra loan nowand so on and so forth So so I read a post on facebook thisweek about this is you see that the guy with his cell phone and he put his cellphone on the on the treadmill exercise treadmill and he says my phone and do exercisefor me now you know what is again everyone everyone each their own You know we'veseen you know there's people that are on there on the treadmill with their laptops and stuffI don't know how that works I really know that it works for some peopleI get it it's fine but for me I just I can't see that working these things they becomequestionable very creative So I just wanted to bring this one thing up because we mentionedsome of this stuff last week and something came to my mind and it was a really interesting thingRight by the way thank you for that Ali I appreciate it before you go on thank youfor that Oh that's the five you're welcome So something came to my mind and it's something thatmany people that either okay something came to my mind and I'll explain what itis So um what what some people don't realize say for example you know some of these launches if there'sif there's some good ones obviously the one on the left all the proper hardcore software ones Right Mhm Andyou've got extreme ads Let's see I'm trying to see if I can find something that might begood There's a bit of time business pilot I've never heard of that one butlet's just say business pilot Right But yeah I don't think it's up yet because it's justis it up no style coming out in May it looks like So they're just sending JVpay for notifications but I want to get one with the name Um Well there'sthere's one out now called the um okay if we go to let's just go to Joshua Zamora comingsoon podcaster This this I know he's got his one Okay podcaster Another podcaster wow So okay Justsay there's a podcaster wrong Right Um do do do do do do the let's see Whitelabels got like the white labels Okay I've done for you white label website Sothat sounds like yeah they will give you a white label website but it sounds like they might make youpay for hosting Okay So anyway long story short say for example you got podcasts Right This is another thingthat you always remember So if I come here let me just type in hereRight What Foster Right podcast on What's this Okay Somebody's already got the name for it Butanyway um if I just Okay so a little bit of quick research podcasting review Let's seeif anyone's got anything company No Okay podcaster podcaster maybe maybe Alright Yeah No So what youkind of want to do is just kind of figure out what you know maybethere's different permutations of it you know different stuff around it Well maybe it's just not up yet SoAll right Um let's just draw a conclusion right now There's nothing relevant on Youtube right now Rightgoogle because if I go to google now let's have a look podcast Review Changes socially Thinking Instead podcaster podcasterliterature Okay So mantra has come But can you see that there's nothing there Now Can you seethat Right so it's brand new So there's an opportunity there obviously to leverage that while it's fresh OkayAnd when does it launch then We just launches on 29 March of this last week Thisis a month away right This is a month away No Well I would if ifthis was if I was to do this right What I would do let's just do let'sjust go to name sheet Right Let's go ahead Let's go ahead and podcaster let's see what they got nowSometimes vendors that they make the mistake of not getting all of their domains So we're going to lookfor the typical ones right there $49 So look at this dot co dot UK Look at this Whata big mistake can you see that That is that is very very little you know imagine this right Imaginethis If you're ahead of it of everybody Right Like some people won't be ahead of this Sowhat you do this is just one domain name So you get all of the domain ing's the relevant onesobviously Yeah And what do I mean by relevant Let's just say you got co dot UK here Idon't know why they didn't get it And even look at this dot org or dot net I don'tknow if they've got dot net right let's see dot net because I think they've just gonefor I O U I recently just because of the I thought the reason for these extensions was that ifyou're gonna if it's gonna be on or it's gonna be have to be something aboutorganization if it's going to be on comments about commercial ai is about artificial intelligence I mean does that haveany relevance in this Um It's all they are they're this generally I know what you'resaying but these are the main these are kind of the main extensions you wouldtypically get especially for your website especially when it came to S C O or ranking and things like thatRight These are the typical and these are the mainstream ones people somebody would get especially when they're doinga search or something like that But in this case um listen they haven't got they haven't got dot codot UK right They haven't got org They don't have a I that's not a big problem Right Butthose are the main ones But here's here's where things will get interested So you've got a podcast let'sjust type in review Have they got review No Right Have they got reviews Let's have a look Rightso podcasts are exposed Have they got it And these are power like you've gotto understand these are the people are going to be looking for their first That's the keyword right They'regoing to be looking for all of these terms here now imagine this you get all of thosedomains names right You've got two options you can do them all as redirects to yourown one review page or what you what the ideal scenario would be is to create many sitesfor all of them Like review review blogs or one page websites follows those domains with great high highkey words are of course for example right at you know you can get 5 10 5or 10 of them You can see whatever how much it is You know you'regonna get return on your investment right And then you will basically you could create for each oneyou could create a different youtube video maybe two videos If you wanted to write you invest and you getthese things done maybe put you know $100 down You get your domain names maybe spend a bitof money getting a few graphics done or whatever it is But then now you've gotthese 5 to 10 domains right These five or 10 mini sites And you know you've got yourkeyword rich articles on there with the review Blah Blah Blah Maybe you spend another $10 onPPL our products that you put in all of them But you gotta imagine each one is bringingyou number one is bringing you leads you're capturing leads from this launch right And numbertwo you're gonna make sales you're gonna make your return 100% You'll make money even if it's waterlet's just say you make three sales or full sales you made your money back right Because you canactually become an affiliate and and and you know email the the people that go tothese websites the linked to by the by the offer and you can make an affiliate commissionYes basically this is what we want to do You want to you can get their email address and youcan bridge bridge them over to whatever you want whatever you want For example youwant obviously you're going to say go to my website but you know what it takes toget 5 10 15 and you're done Yeah I mean look even this year even if reviewsis not there you can do you know hyphen review and it'll come up now doesthe hyphen make a difference as far as with the search engines will it not pull up that youwant Doesn't matter It won't matter as long as your content is rich like keyword richand it's relevant to it We have people doing search time It'll bring up as much as it canBut if you've got like like now we've just done about five probably five searches right on the main keyterms people are looking for you know you could go review reviewed reviews exposed scam do not buywhatever it is You know and for each one that cropped up like you've got a month to quicklyput a quick little website with one page website you can go into click funnelsgo set up a page and you know you could just have it with like one videoyou've got plenty of time to make that one video You could basically record the same video 10times if you wanted to for each one same content you've got £300 and God knows howlong would be run But you've got if somebody wants to do that now say it took you oneweek to record to build all of this stuff up And would it take a week probably because youcould say for example if I don't if you build a page you find downon click funnels or you build a page you could just duplicate that same page andall you do is change around the content within that page You could you know you couldgo hire somebody could go five or create your post or you can get article rewrite a spinner had thewhole structure a different video It's up That's it 56 domain name You get the 56 the top google rankingnow What what everyone should do you at some point they'll be interested we'll come back tothis in about maybe three or four weeks when they're launching cougar who went and got those domains Yeah Whenit comes to if you think about it now sometimes they you know sometimes you know the offenders maybe unfortunatelysometimes people make the mistake I think even like google once made the mistake of they didn't renew theirown domain I don't know if anyone heard about this about and there was some guy I can'tremember he purchased google dot com didn't and I would have been like yeah I'm gonna sellyou back for millions I think it's all about what google did a reaction to that They createdtheir own extension You're probably familiar with that X Y Z That's what they did as a way tobasically temporarily Yeah but they need the duck come back And the reason I mention this is because we'renot just specific to this one thing you can use this time and time againSometimes you can have another Here's another thing people don't realize right again without going offoff subject If you go to an accountant speak to an accountant for example hey look Ispecialized in digital marketing Um um you know I would love to have something set upwhere we can do some kind of joint venture together You know you have the brand new businessowners that are coming on board If you can send them to me I can giveyou I can give you a percentage of sales because they know anytime a brand new business openedup opens up where did they go they go register their business to go toan accountant So on and so forth Right No if you have something like that inorder with this company or if you're able to get a list of brand new companiesopening right now What would happen if you recall all of the domain name forthose companies Right So you go register their domain names right And this is there'snothing that you purchased the domain name and then you could list it for sale You could do thatfor your own records You could do it for yourself Obviously that's you know I get it backIf it was a good juicy enough company great stuff They'll pay tens of thousands forit if they really wanted it Obviously it's been all this stuff on their branding andstuff and you know the domain name and then you come along and you know you're therelike oh somebody's already got this and they obviously they contact you they say look we really want to buyor even if they don't contact you you can contact them I have your demeaning would you like tobuy it Right So I think I think um donald trump done that with someoneI can't remember Somebody got donald trump's trainer or somebody got one of the domain names AnywayUm and sometimes you can get celebrities domains that don't have it and you can flip them youknow you can flip it over whatever it may be Um so that's another good thing People don't realizeyou know Catherine's when you know especially people that have no business you can go to them Youcan have some kind of deal set up and so on and so forth Um butthis one is something we'll definitely have to come back and check up on because you know it's niceto meet you got them Yes That guy takes off if he's a success That'sreally quite brilliant to look at what's gonna comment So these guys especially I think there's I think he'san indian guy um jay Sharma let's have a look O J Sharma Yeah Sohe normally has good launching some of the track record So you know okay what what you should expectfrom let's say for him He would have he should have I would imagine good affiliates that are promotingfor him Right So what will again what will happen is that these people obviouslypush out emails customers will want to do their research on organic traffic whatever it may beAnd they will go check They will go check So you're siphoning that free traffic and andand you know it will be running So let's say look can bacala let's just say is itcan Macala Wright Can bacala let's let's do this If I go to is it good to go into incognitoWhen you do these searches Whenever you do checks go yeah go incognito because if you don't obviously it's justpicking up your regular search pads what you've been going through anyway This way it's like a clean slateyou can see it organically clean Like there's no there's no cookies and there's no you knowyou using the same stuff because what it does obviously google and search engines they want to optimize the pagesthat you've been on and things like that Even the patterns of pages that might besimilar to it So somebody mentioned I don't you don't have to but there's another site calledDuck Duck Go or something like that I don't know what that was like things like google They again theycontrol information the information gatekeepers we call them right They will control the narrative ofthe information you're looking for So um can bark carla and bacala Okay here it isCampbell carla is it is it running Okay look at this look at this That's supposedto be welcome to the member's area Oh my God you got in already wow How did youdo that Yeah that's for free Oh jailbreak jailbreak jailbreak this time next year I'll be that convertCanberra carl Okay so I guess I guess it's a bit old now with these guys onthis but if I just believe this let's have a look let me see if I justgo straight to their page Does anything come up Oh the video is not workingSo that basically means no it doesn't even go to the right demeaning does it Ah so yeah Imean what are you doing what do you do So it's not really good sign isit I guess it's I guess it's a very old thing that they've done So let's tryto find something more recent Okay Prime Uh if I type in prime stock it might come upwith some binary or something Yeah Okay Let's go to music man He just did music man becauseI got music man I never used it I don't know why I thought it was good to haveyou won't ever use it I'm telling you music man talking faces I got all that stuff Idon't even use it That was the domain music granite dot com Shut them off musicman Okay Look you've got JV invite Yeah It's gonna be hard to get it Okay So if Ido let me do this again Music man Dot Io does it come up Mm hmmMusic Let me do my spelling I can't even spell it The music man Okay You'renot trained or not trained to do the do the hacking job You're trained to defend thehackers That's why you can't tie trying to spell muslim way music man died Okay Can you see lookthis is another issue Look at this a long time Look at the low timeon it Oh yeah it took too long Yeah He didn't he didn't take care of his old product Noname is This is another good thing Johnny needs to go check and he still login You should be smiling now you ain't gonna listen to the music right log in andtry let's go to bundle Oh boy the domain is expired didn't mean expire it reallyyep that's what I'm seeing already yep I'm looking at the name cheap and it's uh came upto I'll go in I have an account there I guess That's not a really good example Let's goto um that means I can go to jail and resell that domain and sayyour domain is down You might want to put it back up Good idea Okay so Graeme Kashthat's somebody see what I mean Look what's the point of having something and it's down Oh yeah Are thosehis products or products that he like Nick was asking are there products that he saysstrong track record in launches records And whether there is or the problem is when you put something likethis you're associating yourself with his That's the problem isn't it Yeah you can't then sayoh it's not lying or whether it's your JV management are you still in somewhat respect your you know you'reyou're you're you're assigning some affiliation with it Okay X Funnels is one X funnels rightSo this is this hasn't gone X funnels because it was a funnel builder This one X funnelsokay you've got X funnels Io Alright so this is interesting one So look X follows dot net dotau So some people I guess this is another thing if you're in Australia or different countries you canuse the other extension So let's do let's do external reviews dot com if itcomes up nope no nobody nobody got it No nothing Okay So what does that mean It means nothingat this moment in time until I put it in this bad boy I haveto know what what is wrong with you don't get it but it's not it's not finished but it's stillit's still working on it when it's done It's been launched a long time ago Yeah yeah yeahthey're still working on it There's still stuff that doesn't work in it and it workedpartially it's like this see this is the problem not saying this particular thing but a lot ofthese what a lot of vendors do I'm not saying they launched something and there's not sometimes there's nothing wrongwith it You know it's I mean this happened with I mean even if you remember videos videos they saidthis later on that they launched and had so many issues so many issues and you know it's likea start isn't it They're they're fixing all the bugs all the glitches and many people were unaware there weremany problems and sometimes it happens you know you have to buy the bullet he tried to raisemoney to pay for the basically yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're basically raising capital was registered innet dot org is there And you're saying we're hearing So but again I just got a domain formy wife Park She's a Park Avenue dentist but Park Avenue nyc dot dentist Okayinteract is a good one So this is behavioral video technology Right So let's see if wecan get this one as an example interact because they've been around a long time andthey you know this is a good product interact Let's see if they let's see if they've got theirdomains in place right interact dot not they they've got dot com But the other is that somekind of people don't care about them is that they're hey yourself that's probably takenbecause it's taken long to interrupter Okay So interact Let's just go back Okay So hyphen okaythat's available So if I make a space here I take this search for it Let's seeThere's uh search results 35,000 you know it's been there for years long time very long time So if Igo well no one's got this have they No one has this has some check It could be thedouble R In there that people haven't put the double R They just put one R as aplay on words It could be but yeah Or some people maybe they're just doing direct traffic Okay but let'sjust take you know Um So in this instance now this person here has got their ownpage right They've got their own page and look at it actually just straight awaythis actually looks nice Look at this Look at this This is this is a really good example thatwe've come up with a very good example what they've done straight away They puthis sales video at the top and this is from his main page This is a JB previewwhich is seen him before What's his name brian phillips Yeah brian I got some respondentsto Ryan Ryan Ryan that was kind of expensive That was an expensive product Ididn't want to buy that one Um No I think maybe it's gone up to recurringnow or the one off but it was cheap drawing launch it was a reasonable amount Now lookat this So for every person who's the video is education in the right has a whole outlinelike you can write a book or something you know take the book Look look how nice itis Look at this this is that if I came to this I'm like Yepit's given me exactly what I want to know for the tiny feet or $67 It's lookat this it's quite a lot That's a really good template to use This is like a university casestudy we're looking at right now Ollie Thanks a lot for that Like I feel like I'm in college nowImagine this this if you use the same structure template for every everything that youdid even with your own products like you've got to understand even if it's yourown products So if I go to my products here marty England England or is that youThat's him That's Ryan Ryan phillips No no this is somebody else This is somebodyelse This is somebody that's basically Mark Uh this guy is somebody else Let's see if we canfind out who it is Okay He's got youtube travel Welcome back to day 24 of thisis another good little thing to look at Like remain in the other Yes So that's another thing thatwe looked at But let's just go to this space is left Look at this No spacesleft But you can can you buy it now Okay She's close them off Well it didopen Okay so this is another smart way of doing it Okay Because what would happen even if like evenif it's not sold out Guess what Guess what happened straight away as a human Youthink oh my gosh it's sold out I missed out I missed out I really want to put myname down So when I'm notified understand Oh yeah Guess what 24 hours later I gotone space available Would you like it Oh yeah I better get it sold outSo yeah but it may be the case it is sold out But again this guy hesaid it himself I like automation probably all over me Um It is what it isSo if this was me right I'm not you know if I was going to do this what he'sdoing you know what I would do I would leave them at 97 and I wouldsay I would put a coupon code there to drop it down put a coupon code there because then it'slike he's in discount code Yeah just you can keep every month you could changeit if you wanted to But what I mean again what is it what are yougetting in there Step by step course So these are in pounds and it's like say for exampleif you went into LME and you got done for your product it's the same thing youjust take something from there Right So what he's doing what what you can do is like ifI wanted to another model I could have done with LME which was something that came into my headthere would be free courses and they would be paid courses So with the subscription you can get all ofthese courses added and then there's really high level premium ones It's like for exampleif you heard of learn learn dot com by annex and girl Yes learn learn rightI don't know if anyone's heard of it but you know so let's look I'll show you what Imean He's got some great um you know we've been doing a long time but he's got a catalog listlooked at the L U R N Let's see if it comes up So look you can seea free and paid courses So but again you've got to pay for this stuff Let me accept thisCan you see that there's some free courses Again free free free and then obviouslyyou'll get paid ones once you're in there there's quite a lot of that are freeI don't know why he's doing that Maybe he's getting you to sign up I don't know Mhm Thenext thing going they have free and premium courses right Mhm Are there any good Um Again I mean subjectiveto the individual You know if you if you have no knowledge about something and you come and watch somethingand it's giving you some good information You would think alright this is really good It's helping me go inthere but sometimes when something's for free you know you're not going to get all the bells and whistlesyou're gonna get something but you're not going to get everything So obviously you dohave to pay but it's what you take from there I guess that could be an up sell to youknow you can use that as a lead magnet and then get an Upsell ohno with this 100% once you're in there they say free But there's many of them they'repaid for like 200 bucks 500 bucks 1000 bucks stuff like that when you're in their 100% Soyou know it was something similar to what I wanted to do with LME havethis you know whole platform But instead of doing 300 bucks there 500 bucks thenwhy don't I just do it as a nice recurring membership site and you geteverything I have to pay another 100 bucks 200 bucks It's a good don't get me wrongit's a good model There's nothing wrong with he's probably making a lot of money from it because he's gettingother So here's the secret with this other people are building the forces up put themon his platform That's it He gets it gets a cut Um But again it's like sayfor example you go to you to me what's different it's the same thing But you knowme he cut price and they sell your clothes for $20 So yeah I mean you tome unfortunately you as being the vendor you don't get control of your own product rightThey make all the money So if I went to marketing now right And and then you everyone will beshocked that a lot of the things that you see here like SE 16 You know how to become acopywriter Let's just say alright let's just do this I want to find something that justokay let's just do this marketing research Imagine what we've gone through today's market researchon how to you know monetize other people's products and their launches and get domain names and createmicro sites and so on and so forth They're selling this for Um £22 whichprobably be about $29 or something 73% off you know off Oh look at this Guesswhat they're doing now They're turned into a subscription service £26.99 per month After seven day trial they putin the fine print Huh Yeah try it Yeah because I guess they have to make sure theycover it But if you go let's just click this anyway I want to see Alright so yeah this isso smart At least I'll get your daily people you have to go pay at leastI've got your email But coming back to it now I go through this who this isfor business staff owners blah blah blah mr marketing after this course You these arethe things you'll be able to answer So what I'm looking for is a breakdown of what'sinside 10 step process to market research Design effective questionnaires discover the role of data learn to doan M R Brief fluent research need to theologies review this course that's a typookay so so all right so this now it's interesting they kept this lock now used to hide atthe top but it's in your face So this is the part I'm looking for Right this is whatyou're getting for the course mm Got three lectures Look eight minutes six minutes 10 minutes Thewebinar like some long two hour video like say for example today we're gonna we're gonnacall if I slides up then what I do at the end of it I just sliced up into piecesIt's exactly the same thing And this person's obviously just create the course thrown on you tome and letting them do all the work you know the market they're like heyyou go do all of this stuff Um Now you could essentially Look at some of thesecourses and you would know straight away You know what there's a huge demand for it We've gotobviously investing in this kind of course so you've got options you can create your own course you can marketyour own course for example you can create content around youtube whatever you want to do oryou can create something similar if that's your field and also placed into you tome you can either put the price higher right You could put it higher because people say wiser I mustbe better right Or you could lower to undercut and then someone buys what you're the thingis yes you will make sales from it But what will generally what people generally do whenthey see your name they'll go research you If they can find you outside thenthen it's a whole different ballgame If you have high tea and stuff right BecauseI know you do me there were certain things in place where you can't really take people awayfrom the platform whatever it may be So indirectly you know people are going to go search oryou can have a video that has that in a sense where you could kind of as longas it doesn't go against the terms of conditions but there's other things like skillshare and so on and so forth that will give you the ideas and understand howyou can create these courses So you could like say for example you're like you knowwhat I want to be able to quit course I don't want to go launch I don't want to spendmoney blah blah blah I don't want to do all of that stuff create the course company onyoutube what do you have to lose You've made it anyway And um and there's there was a guyI can't remember his name He was doing this for years and you did me and I think hewas making over 100 grand or future me Yeah you would create a course maybe acouple of courses and he was making money from that from you to me And then he was creating courseson how he was making money from you right And then he would then he would make courses abouthow to get started on Youtube And this guy making you make tons of money with theircosts 20 bucks name His name is Alan something Alan something Yeah Hey they maketons of money We close at $20 Imagine if you can send for $50 wemake lots more money Okay how to okay let's see how to make money on you to me Good morningMost relevant highest rated That's not always the most accurate So most review will go for rightI can't remember his name Alan something he was very very popular on Yeah Iremember him So this guy look can you see this He keeps popping up this guy as well Looklook at his face all over the place Yeah he's broken up So what you do go to goto Joey go to joe here and let's go to joe Let's see how many courses he has Lookat this is this a joke 100,000 students 90 courses So 90 courses So let'ssee if we can find all those courses Look how the price of its change But look at the ratingsYou have to get a rating until you can't play with the reputation ratings on there eithercan you No no These are all you know legit people that purchased So you know it's you know it'sgreat feedback and get a lot of people You know you could come and hit Ok So more coursesby Joey Right Let's see if it shows us more He must have started when he was an infantNo You know what Sometimes you know what If you look at some of thesecourses like there's only five hours worth You could do you could do create 44 hoursworth of content in a day in the city So let's listen listen let's this one Obviously look this guyI don't know who he is but I probably know that he's probably interviewed him or something andhe's given a breakdown So maybe he's going and interviewing people and they're creating content because it's technical information Soa complete Dick top Marketing masterclass Right And he probably I don't know does he have aTiktok account you'd have to check has he got those millions of views himself Probably not Or maybehe's interviewed somebody that has and gave them some money for it They say forexample the same template as he used before and other services Again look at this What is Tiktok Youknow just basically benefits videos Two minutes 20 minutes Had to create a post at Tiktok video Anyonecould do this stuff The secrets to start Um so anyway what we could do So what's hisname Joey parries Let's go and have a look at Tiktok Um let's see if if he'sdoing it himself that makes more sense So let's see if you go to search joe stories You knowwhat he had just got a million followers He's got the real thing the real thingWow So he's practicing what he preaches which is good That's what you want So clearly he's Euphemia journeys workOkay But yeah I mean again it's like it's crazy Look it's crazy that this guy is given a coursehere for 22 £22. Right And obviously he's you know he's got a legit uh Tiktokaccount We would imagine Right That But he's he's he's somebody that's showing you how todo it Do you have any templates or any any checklists for for creating courses Um I should haveand find it I'll find it I'd be very interested in that myself too I'm doingthis creation right Yeah I'll find one and maybe we go we can go through next week if you wantUm I mean this is like the bells are going off in here That's right Are you thinking about makinga quick course on Youtube for example Yes I have bells and sounds everywhere tokeep me awake Keep me focused mm hmm So beautiful outside And I'm sitting in here in the room isif he's selling it for £2022 right If he's got over 90 courses main two courses Let's seeit's technically generally the £80. So I don't know if it's how it's manipulated or not Umso let's just times it anyway by 2020 to what it is right now Yeah So just one ifthey sold 1111 course of his full catalog Right that's just £2,000. What about $2,600 RightMhm Well the question is how much of it feels full price If it wasfull price 50 bucks 50 If he'd done that If he had done that every single let'sjust say he sold one course at 23 days every single day times about that willbe 58,000 But then again remember with tell me if you if you sold lmeyou know if you had about 1000 people for example that's the same amount of $50,000 a month Andguess what You don't have to keep building courses courses courses courses that whole thing or what youcould do a new to me So you to me is one example you've got you know you've got thingslike skill share and things like that You can also leverage So if you build it and youto me it doesn't mean you can't go take the same course or change it up and putit in another platform You can have it in multiple places selling Yeah Um Butagain this is a conservative number We're just saying conservative number here times are by 12 when you say skillssharing that you mean that you to me has courses that are based on skills Noso skill shares another platform similar to you of course there are against seven daysaccount and probably recurring plan as well So you can basically just it's another youto me basically So the so you get access to all the course I think Iremember Yeah this one you get you pay for yeah you pay yeah you get everything included I guessthe good thing the good thing about these kind of platforms right Let's see start your you know useit for seven days and see what it's about You know I've done that before and I've completely forgotten aroundfor months but if you you know there's some amazing courses there that you can gothrough and it will give you amazing ideas Honestly we don't realize like if you want inspiration I mean thisis even in the signature coaching program where it's a part of research of going through that youcan go through and you go to Youtube any skill share If you need help you can go toother people that are doing something similar to you and from that from that you d engineer or you reverseengineer their breakdown You know when you say about how can you create courses you've got checklistsJust go through five of the top ones For example say for example if I went through herenow I go find some of the best ones here you know with the highestamount of students look at this 16,000 right So if I go Okay so let'sjust so if you're doing Tiktok masterclass that's a good terminology It's like it's telling youwhat's popular right now what people are searching for So right now the most relevant let's say most reviewed rightNot highest rated Most reviewed Okay he's reviewed Okay So you've got 200 here 128 Blah BlahBlah And I don't think these are accurate I think there's more People are good to write really writelike 4-2 historical story unless maybe you got a better algorithm that you know you know mewill will put those So but anyway if you come here and we've got themost popular right You could look at which ones got the most kind of feedback The most kind ofcomments what they like about it blah blah blah the highest ratings And then you cango to each and every single one of them Like look at this This is such a nicethumbnail It's just missing you know how to maybe complete guide But anyway he's differentwith this stuff I come down here I go Okay let's have a look Introduction Six hours sounds hashtags soundslike there's a breakdown in there So you could essentially if you wanted to youcould go get the course you can invest in the course You could go learnabout it You can model it You can model it I'm going to do thatbecause all you're doing is building chapters you know within the actual video And I mean it's not it's notrocket like this stuff ain't rocket science Like it's like some hidden gem They're just showingyou how to adjust the clip speed text It's all the same stuff you have to learn anyway Andit would be funny that some of this stuff that they're showing you is from Tiktok'sown tutorial right It's just re engineered Yeah repurposed again Hey you got this instructor again It's always goodto look at it You can see photography and Tiktok instructor He's got 40,066 soon So let's go to thisone build your business with That's the thing You have to focus on one thingand one market and carried out and then sell it and work on the other one It'skind of hard to work on everything in tandem So that's the that's the thing that we always mentioned thatis that don't dilute your focus on multiple different things because what happens it's like your eyesyou know you know sometimes they say the stomach is you know you when you're hungry eyes arebigger than your stomach bigger than your stomach right So you're like my mom said that all the timeeat a whole chicken johnny because your eyes are bigger than your stomach here Soright now I mean you could just do this as a test Let me youknow just as a thing of actually finishing off miles So let me just create some minicalls Let me just get the damn thing out there Nothing to lose The thing withthat ali is that we're so busy with different things that's coming into our lives is that wedon't have an accountability manager No you do You do certainly here But every time youlook in the mirror that is the person Yeah that's why I don't look in the mirror anymore No nono I mean you're right Yes it's um sometimes the reason we don't have an account manager it's harder it'seasier for us to ignore having accountability accountability individual behind us because we know or we we already Ipresume that we're going to fail So it's best we ignore that Don't have somebody account becausewe're not going to fail So you're already setting yourself up you're like I'd rather not havesomething to keep or it's easier to blame that person Then I don't have an accountability managers And that's whyI don't do anything Why some people will go have a personal trainer when they could doit themselves They just want somebody else to tell them what to do Instead of telling yourself whatto do you get somebody else and you pay them and then we don't get results Youblame them I mean whatever they're going to tell you yourself Even a personal trainer likeeven there was a day believe it or not when I was in the police many many years agoI had a personal trainer and I needed help to get in shape and all of thatstuff Once the trainer teaches you there's only so much he's going to teach and you now knoweverything that he's telling you You know everything after that It's like hey I need to now take controls ofyou know take the reins of it unless now you if you're going into competition youare competing and you need a proper nutritionist You know your high level stuff Then yougo to somebody that's more expertise in that area right in that film and then you learn everyeverything that they know there's not much more than going to teach you Then yougo to somebody else doesn't maybe somebody that works in a different field of flexibility or you know differentcontrol and blah blah blah And like there's a guy obviously that were who I used toget personal training training from and he was somebody that still works in the gymto this state Yeah And he monetized it right And and and I've observed him for abouthours worth of sleep doesn't go he doesn't have not bothered about social life works works worksworks works and truth be told don't get me wrong He did help me in my journeyObviously first of all I started my journey you know trying to lose weight when Iwas a big size that I thought I need to do it once I lost weight I'mlike okay I need to take this one step further Now Now I need to understand you knowdifferent exercises blah blah blah How do I lift weights and see how the andyada and I learned that But then something was there was there was still something missing there's stillsomething missing There was a point where I lost weight and then it stopped I was still working hard I'mstill eating less food but I wasn't losing weight And I would say to me look you knowthis is still not working There's something wrong here And he was like no nodefinitely You must be eating something wrong with that And what I came to realize you know probably 10years later a decade later because he wasn't telling me specifically about nutrition or he didn't understandhow the body works when it comes to your metabolism how it slows down But sometimes youneed to do that reset You know I could you know he would you know for example hewould say you know you need to you know depending on vegetables you need to eata fish worth of vegetables and stay with your protein It works for you but my bodydoesn't work like that but you're applying your length and your system onto me which doesn't work Andwhat happened as I wasn't as I wasn't seeing change I was I would stressme out and get me really worried like what am I doing wrong I would cut down more foodand it would mess me up more because I know I'm going kind of instarvation mode now and what it is sometimes that some people they only tell you whatworks for them They don't always know everything right For like even me for example I'm not somespecialists in ads for example I'm not going to start teaching you about ads right Specifically retargeting howto do certain metrics and all of that stuff We have people that do that That s specialistsand experts in that field right So you have one person that teaches you what they knowbest like marketing and so on and so forth You know that field But if you listen if you havea medical issue right You have a medical issue Are you going to go tothe lawyer for help I'll just go to the foot doctor Well there you goYou know it doesn't make sense that you go to the person that's a specialist in the in the fieldand tell you exactly because what would happen if you don't dislike me sometimes it will delayyou from getting the results that you want and it'll it'll affect your mentality Hey you know I'm makingresults Maybe it's me maybe I'm I'm not working hard enough and I was cutting down the calories cutting downcalories going and I was like then I'm getting weak I can't perform the gym I couldn'tunderstand And then it was years later and I and then I was like yeah because youknow he wasn't a nutritionist didn't tell me specifically And when I said you know let'sworkout nutrition plan You know we'll get around to get around to it because hismain model is personal training That's what makes his most money nutrition plan here and there Yeahit might be a little bit but it's not his head and mouth because you'llget better and he'll lose you as a client that's another part to it andhere's the thing I even said look sometimes you know um if you're training somebody and they're notgetting results and not lose the rain and stuff um you know it doesn't itsometimes it reflects it reflects you like something's going wrong here Like what is it And the thing is youknow sometimes trainers they'll get to a point like hey look you do what you gotta do Youwant you want training come to me I'll do it but don't blame me if you're not gettingthe results you're the one that's eating the junk You're the one that's not doing what I realize sometimesyou know as you know you could be a trainer or you know you canbe in certain fields and you are somebody that is it's a business You know then when I realizedlater like for example people come to him it was about friendship It's the it's the experiencethat he's given to people when they come for that one hour session it's how hemakes them feel during that time and how they feel leaving So even if they even if yougo off and you go and make your mistakes and you do this but at least youknow you come back here and you feel good you feel good So it's it's some important takeawaysSo sometimes you know don't be careful Again the advice who you take it fromand don't go to Sometimes going to the wrong person right could give you the wrongadvice that can set you back a lot a lot because then you question yourself nothing maybe I'm doingwrong And sometimes it's because those people have a different way of doing stuff and they tryto impose their views all these systems and their understanding on to you and it's totallywrong It'll mess you up Like it did mean it messed me up 100% It made me notunderstanding it made me understand nutrition as I should write And that would have probably I think itwould have called me you know um it would have called you know tightness Maybe women deficiency not eatingcorrectly bad eating patterns behaviors because somebody saying oh you know your weight's not going down eat less It'sthe wrong advice I'm sorry It's just the wrong advice You've gotta understand Am I eating my amI having the right amount of carbohydrates fats proteins and what's my calorie intake What myblah blah all of that stuff So um without going off to food because it's making us allhungry now but here's another good thing right So say for example you came here nowto you I mean we just went to one of the courses when you scrolldown this will this I guess this will this is again this is an upset this is what youdo is trying to Upsell you on is students also brought this Now the reason I mention this because Thisis where it gets interesting He will show you you know the amount of students inthat particular course 5000 there 5000 there You've got over 1800 here So we're going for the high volumeones Now we're going for high volume because we know these are the most popular alongside withthe high review market You got 5000 But look at this 16,000 in this one What a joke Yousee that 16,000 now imagine imagine if you took this now I want you to think about this Imagine ifyou took one of these courses right And you modeled it and you gave away probably 70% ofthat content away on YouTube for free Yeah Right And then you say if youwant the full cause and help me through blah blah blah here's here's the link pproduct We already know there's a demand for it We know there's 60,000 people sittingthere that they've gotten paid for this content and it's likely they probably paid £60 for it because if youlook here 59 99 whether they've done maybe on some days some days they do do discounts and stuffbut somebody paid a lot of money for it But we should then add up cells differentcomponents that we can have other memberships and we can have training programs consultation we can do done for youservices Hey you know what you've got the course you pay me 497 I will go through everythingwith you I will build up your channel I will build your account I'll do everything giveme access to it I'll go to everything I'll go get your graphic designs and you cango get graphic design is done very inexpensively They they give you the you just havea checklist or pro a pro former everything that you need from them They submit it and then youcan go in their account and set up all if they're worried about security you could doa screen share with them on a zoom call and go through a copy andpaste job We know we were sold in places right We just need to getto have a conversation with them and get them through But even you know these are great reminders that you'vegot um 16,000 people just on this one thing right here and over over a rangeof four stars on there So that's the same teacher That's joe parents these willbe mixed These are all mixed now So it's good It gives us a nice you know different mixtureof different people There's another thing here's another thing again again without sounding this mightsound noisy right But there's nothing wrong I don't think there's anything wrong with that As long as yourstuff is genuine You could also whether you do it for yourself or you know you couldhave your spouse or you could technically even target the female audience opposed to menYou know jim could become you know Stephanie I'm not saying he is Well you could you could acquire anypen name I mean there's nothing wrong with it Sometimes your content might be great Or you knowif you or you could technically could hire a female as a voice over Mmhmm Right Sometimes men will maybe make me feel more comfortable with a woman Soif you have a spouse maybe you have a friend that you could say look I'llgive you 50 bucks I just need you to record some of this content with me blah blah blahCan you do it And you may be surprised You know you may be surprised or you get somebodyinvolved you go to work and you know you you get somebody involved right trainthem up and say you'll get ongoing percentage of the sales that made you deal with all ofthat stuff All they have to do is come on they record that content and then they cancome and do those weekly classes or recorded content or do webinars whatever it may be helpedprop them up as well And if you don't get any money you're in trouble Um so this isthis is the interesting thing what you do you set it up that you've got the male audience you'vegot the female audience or you could do mixed I mean it's up to how youwant to do it I mean there's so many different natures you could do Tiktok for single moms Tiktokfor pregnant women I mean Tiktok for an entire religion religion location age I mean where doesit end You know there might be certain people religious faith to either your christian jewish muslim and thenyou go research what what what are they allowed to post What kind of content is allowed You knowwhether it's modesty where there's sexuality certain topics taboo topics they're allowed to talk not allowed totalk about You see what I'm saying So all of these things maybe you know how to create akosher Tiktok account how to create a new account Yeah yeah I mean these other things that areyou know society is changing You've got these young Children up and coming from different faithgroups that you know their parents might not understand about all of these platforms that they're saying stay awayfrom them when in in in in on the other side you could create you couldbe somebody that educates these different faith types to these parents for these parents how tomanage these platforms correctly and for their business needs for example and how to safeguardyour child against these platforms instead of because we know nowadays nowadays if you ifyou tell your kids stay away from this what do they always do something that you told them notto do Right So you you got unfortunately you know we have to try to manage abetter relationship right Or you have to then educate the parents in that because that's whatthe parent doesn't know They rather stay away from it without education And then what theysay to the child they say you know especially my parents look even with my parentsI'm pretty sure a lot of you as well it's not they because they're trying toprotect you and because they don't understand they're like they say just stay away from itand there's no explanation there's no understanding behind it And then you're like I don't understand why Sosometimes if you understand why and you you know treat sometimes a child like an adult and have a goodconversation with them right Then they understand because then when later on in life if you're thenthat those traits get moved on the child never understand that This is what I was told Ishould believe whatever I'm told you know your your parents might say don't do this becauseit's not good for you and it'll save you time and hassle and you know I'msaving you from all the pain that I've gone through and what do you do You go do thething that will cause the same thing You're trying to do that with the otherkids trying to teach the other way around It's just too funny so you gotta do their thing andyou're like oh that's now I understand if only I would have listened a masterclass onfatherhood you know master classes on parenting that's nowadays that's what we need wisdom and wise people that foundtheir way to live the same kind of thing So let's see So nick got this is this yours nickYeah you know it's about about the the video on busses like sometimes sometimes you needa call to action you need somebody to tell you what to do and likethis and you need to internalize your your own like accountability is in him You needsomebody to be accountable and to intend to internalize this and inside you so you take care ofyourself and you do what you must do everybody right I've mentioned this before If you createa course you know industry master for example make a course and you know do yourbest in it I've mentioned this before I've got no issues If it's if it's it's ifit means you know killing me and there's nothing stopping you from then also putting this inyour bio of course instructor Yeah so you can leverage them you see what I mean But yeah Imean um let me just say is this yours nick this site relational nutrients notices posted ita couple of weeks ago but it's it's a psychologist Psychology site is therefore forwhat you get from people from other people like acceptance as humans They think that thatnourish or psychological need if you want you must you must go to one beforeand then two then three and four But some people are more important three some peoplehave more than four Like some people don't need so much acceptance that humans they have this need to feelalready so they can get to the next next step and then the final step is takingaction and doing some stuff they're taking doing stuff in the world So I'm just trying topull something off I have an e book actually on it's called self sense and it is a giftfrom my book Okay Nora let me let me do the announcement because he deserves anick dunne a client brought his book So someone paid money for his book right Soyou know Nick would be busy with his book right It's the one that we saw right Um andhe followed up with Nick and he says he didn't get the book and obviously nick's like heygo check your email so on and so forth and he's found it now but it's a you know abig huge round of applause because it was in my class all the time So I have started readingyour book It is impressive but one main strength is that it is readable understandable and therefore avaluable introduction to the field and you know mixed field is like rocket science complicated No no Imean it's like it's um you gotta have a very high level of intelligence for your fieldThat's what I'm saying for us For us maybe more Most of them are agreed obviously much much workwent into it and it could become one of the most practical and influential books in the fieldI wish I had it in the 70's when I talked to make that is fantasticNow would you say to me and the family had a role in you put the book together YeahI could see yeah I'm working on the second edition with the book and category of writing Imean it did it and make it even better And then I'll make the online course based onthe category of writing team The main thing is as long as the you know the uh thethe LME community and the family and the feedback that you guys help It's helped duringyour journey That's a win for all of us Then we're yeah I've been wanting to write that bookand make that question like since about 10 years but it doesn't really mean that I finally didit for you That's really good But I think one of the nicest things what yousaid here and it's impactful He's um I wish I had it in the 70sand it's the most practical and influential books It should it should technically become one ofthem Right So you know ask him look if you can't speak to him because obviously um he may Iguess he might even be a teacher or something because he's a school psychologist asked himis it something that maybe he can um Not promote Say look if you have other teachers I'mmore than happy to supply Maybe 10 or 15 of you with free copies could getit in their hands right Once they get in their hands Maybe it could besomething then you can get there and get their feedback get their testimonials But then maybe it couldbe something you can either contact you know the Education department So I've got thisbook you know get people to go over it and you know get people of degreesYou know people maybe they know they have turned qualifications if it's something that theyapprove of Maybe they could also you can have something in place where you can offer something with somebodyand include your book It can basically gets catapulted on the front line Yeah I'll get a face or somethingor somebody just get forward or something Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah So so you just haveto that's why I'm saying obviously this person how much did they pay for the book Howmuch was it roughly Seven bucks seven bucks Right So it might be the case of you know justgetting it in their hands It was a pdf wasn't it a pdf Wait you can't complain then Somaybe I can get him Yeah if you can say to you know what you can doSay look I'm more than happy Let's get on a phone call Just have aconversation with him What did you think He can He's more than happy if hewants he can pick your brain and you can pick his brain Yes And who knows It couldbe a case that he could you could also say look I'm thinking of Ryan another smaller book what yourexpertise find out what his expertise are and do something together you know And then if he's ifhe's got this interest or if he's got this if he's a part of thisthing that this is in is in his interest and also to be patched and push itout Sometimes you have to you know some people will act better when they know they there's something in itfor them and then there's nothing wrong with it Of course will sometimes it's niceto help people out now and again right Or you know now and again but nowadays unfortunately people takeadvantage of your time it's your time is not for free Remember that Right And the case iseven though it's not for free now and again If you're doing a good deed toit you'll be rewarded whether you see it or not make a monetary right But then there's a point thatif you're not doing your own thing and you're helping helping helping all the time it'slike there's this saying that you're raising your own hands to your own throat You have to sometimesyou got to look after you know your own feet before helping others because ifyou aren't helping yourself and the ship goes down you're no use to anybody Nobody and when you aredown and your ships down nobody cares about you and your situation But nobody is going to comehelping you just to add that testimony That's a beautiful testimony Make sure Nicholas if you canput that screenshot and share it within the LME family because it's harder again putting the pdf down and youknow coming up because I think we've done some nice revision and you've been on topof it as well How does it make you feel when you saw getting that review of that testimony knowingthat you've played this time I feel greater next phases that imagine this if he would have had hisfourth ready person would probably likely he could you know now he could have sold thatfor 2030 40 50 I told him I would give him a free access to the course since becausebecause of the first of the receiving is the book is having in there what you should havesaid But that's fine because you've done that You could have said look I am making a call I'mmore than happy to give you a heavily discounted I'll give you 90% of the course So the coursecould have been technically you know $200 or something like that And then and thenby the time they purchased it could be like 20 or $40 or something like that Soyou get a huge amount of right Because remember sometimes people will appreciate your contentmoment They pay for it opposed to and plus you want to know that yourhard work and effort because you look man you know you're you're intelligent guy man youspend all this time all this knowledge God knows how many degrees you got how much money you're spending youreducation and stuff and you know you want to reap your rewards and all that hard work as well aswe look at this freebie stuff and marketing and learning that you know to give it awayfor free But I forget don't give the full house just give a portion of it for free andthen you know they will come back for more Whereas I've been given things I said oh I'll createa website or create a video for you or whatever and then they disappear and then you don't hearback from you because you accomplished what you said You could do and then you try to follow upwith them and then they're nowhere to be found um to follow up with them because I gavethem the whole shebang But I can turn it off whenever I want to Butthey don't know that But still it's that mentality is that psychological game we're playing constantly Yeah we canturn it off just to have them call you I think again with the experienceI guess you get that that not everybody is genuine or people are genuine Theydo want your help and they you know they like your test trial or what you know the initialhelp you're doing But they got sidetracked Something came up life came up or somethingelse happened where you know they you are maybe you know I don't know if you'veever done this I know I've done this like I've made a post and I've looked for different contractorsand then there's two contractors I've asked you both for example The other one was much quicker You've doneit You've done a great job as well But then this one I got so busy withthis one You might have forgot the other one for example or you didn't get straightto it You beating around the bush You you you longed out the process ofthe sales because you were reluctant for it because you're worried about getting that note and these little Idon't know what's going on I have money to pay but I don't know what's going onsometimes So it's your you know sometimes it can be a case of look do you want toget stuff done This is what it is Pay the money up front I can get the stuff doneif you want to get it done let's let's go ahead and you don't wantto pussyfoot around and that's fine Yeah because sometimes yeah it's there was there was there was acompany that they made a they tested someone So somebody applied for a job or somebody applied toa company and I don't know if you've heard this before they said they needed some coding done Theysaid can you do can you work can you do this coding as a test Can wesee how good you are You know we have an issue right Or some coding Sothis person they're the best in their field They fixed their coding here and and anyway theyleave and the company says you know we'll get back to you They never did And thenhe finds out they never actually had a position they just needed a piece of coded and he doneit for free I should have just like jim said turn it off So some sosometimes when you're good at saying don't do it for free I mean look I'm guilty of thisLike if you if I told you the amount of people have actually you know whether I get on thephones and I go above and beyond and sometimes people really they generally don't appreciate it and I've spentthis time yet and they just they just don't do anything with it And you'relike you know you'd read that if you understand that you've got it from with a goodnature but They really have you know they either abuse the information or they haven't doneanything with it or they haven't appreciated it right And it's like a secret online ofcourse Like you make an online course you get 200 students and you have to students that finished Of courseyeah I mean this is this is this is the this is the other dilemma that you'll see right Likesay for example I know if I say for example I put my heart andsoul into I know you know if you really go through it wherever I've learned andyou know this is the information that is resulted in like you know amazing results Likeif you were to go pay is 5000 and some people oh yeah I'm paying 47 Ican take it easier Like you know it's not that much money I'm right If only you knew oncethe price goes up then how you'll be you know then it's the case I should have would havecould I didn't appreciate because it's the amount of a couple of you know cappuccino is a week hereSo I didn't really appreciate it And sometimes it's a disservice So sometimes if youcould have something the truth is where's where's the balance Where's the balance there I think the balance comes towhen you accept your own principles or you're in a place that you appreciate what your value is Sometimeswhen if you're if you're if your finances aren't the best sometimes you just needsomething just to get by isn't it So you're like you have some people that will limittheir sales right or they will just say for example you can have one coaching client amonth and your target I just need one person because that's you know my expensive well I just want tocover that But then when you are truly free and you think you know what I don't care ifyou want to buy it Buy if you're really serious about it Sometimes this will happen when you changeyour mind and you're like you know if you're really serious about it I'm just gonna upthe price If you buy you buy if you don't you don't you will liberate at that point the onesthat really want it they'll get it and it's for you to determine that price Not not by goingand looking at what other people are charging You know your model forget all ofthat not being in low to undercut everybody It's you you define it it's what you thinkyou're worth your value is not what somebody else is saying I can say don't model it Youknow it might be a good place as an indication but when you elevate yourself in your ownunderstanding what you're really worth And the information like say for example uh whether johnny or nick or even jimyou know in your in your field the amount of time and when you thinkabout the amount of money spent education amount of stuff you've dealt with in corporationsamount of help money you've helped these companies generate in terms of revenue you can never put a price onthem If you really think about it say for example that has gone into different corporations right And he'sand he's coached and he trained employees to perform on a higher scale and each employeehas gone and raise an extra 2010 20 $6200 worth of revenue per year millions ofdollars And you're responsible for that Don't you think your information is worth millions of dollars But ifyou really think about it then we limit ourselves because we think we don't have we don't wedon't have access yet to individuals that are willing to pay that money We just don't have thosepeople that have the money in front of us yet because we're not communicating with them They'renot in front of us right now we need to figure out how do I get in front of thatperson with the money So it's about relationship with about the relation on the treatment theearlier it's about telling the truth relationship like the relationship somebody abuse you Hey that's enough Youmust change and we must do something about this Did you to say that you must have courage and youmust be up to uh be vulnerable to critical to critics directors and you must putyour limits It's about doing in a relationship sometimes yes you have to Slotnick says sometimes you have tosay no to yourself You can't be scared of somebody saying no Like for example now mymain thing when when even with L A Media and this sometimes I think it hauntsme I thought pandemic you know always had this thing I want to help you know volume helpas many people as possible because a lot of people have seen me before likeI need I need you know have you got coaching and training I have thousands ofdollars worth of coaching simply can't afford it I can't afford it So I thoughtokay pandemics going on something You know I've been fortunate enough you know different launch and stuff like thatI want to do something that really gives back I really want to do something that helps people that genuinelyhelps right And I put it as $47 and what I'm learning that it's fine Obviouslyit's fine But I think the majority of people they really don't appreciate that 47 but it's too cheap Itreally is too cheap So then it's like and then later on I don't want it toaffect me where I'm thinking am I under valuing my knowledge if you really think about it whatI know and I'm putting it for that and if people aren't really acting upon it thenit's a case of the the idea was the price is always gonna go it'salways going to go up So it will be something that You know I might even just close theplan Why shouldn't I So people appreciate they'll actually go do it Even if you have lower numbers youhave people that actually gonna do something and you know work it correctly to say for exampleyou got the recurring amount Okay I can see the the intention is or what I can do Ican have the recurring as 47 That's not a problem I have a one timeupgrade but then I'll have the partner program or it will transform into what I will call the legacy programand that will be the license now Yeah that will be maybe $1,500-$3,000 And what thatwill basically mean is that um in order to become a partner within the legacy program which everyonehas for free right You have to pay for it You have to pay to play you leverage the entiremodel or the whole program So you can not only get 47 a month or you know youget a percentage of that but maybe you get a percentage also of the high ticket salesbut that's for me to determine So that's where I think the biggest change againhave to that's where you see a drastic change If you don't then it's a bit messy Butyou always you always have it they call it the skin and the skin in thegame and the principle of being invested in something like you have skin in thegame when you have something to lose if you don't work out with it It'sscary when you put when you put money down it's like oh right now for example Iknow Mark Mark's not here For example now martin remember he mentioned when he came on andhe spent 10 grand on learning Youtube ads 10 grand or something but he wasready He put want to put skin in the game right He wanted to wanted to I'm ready for thisright And and then you know at that time as well he basically he sent mea list of these videos you want you know help review went through it Igave him a breakdown and I gave him all these pointers on these videos Nowat that time I didn't know he'd also Gone to that company that you paid 10 grand and askedhim also for feedback and he goes what you've told me that's exactly what they've toldme Like yeah you see he's paying 10 grand over then I'm giving it four right So sometimesyeah sometimes you have to but you know as long as you're you have to becomfortable what it is that you're doing that I think that's first and foremost you get comfortable know whatsomebody tells you and then you've got to look at your own lifestyle What is it that youwant What do you actually want How do you want to be living Right It's like you couldmake you could make as much money as you want But how is it really going to benefit yourlife I mean I think Jordan Peterson a clinical psychologist he goes generally There's no anything over $60,000 a yearThere's no substantial difference to you the way you live your lifestyle no substantial difference He saidunless you want to you know you want to get these materialistic stuff and houses and extra cars andthese holidays and stuff But when it comes to how really will it change yourlife That's the question But if you're going to say yes it will help me make a bigger impactthat get to reach more people You want to do other things Anyway subjective everybody So thepoint I'm trying to say everything you you figure out what it is why you're doing what you're doingand how much you need to facilitate what it is that you want That's whatit comes down to You don't want to kill them Sometimes they are delusional if you thinkthat it will be great when you get 10 million bucks or one million bucks But once you getthere you realize that there is that I think that change and you just basically zero Another zeroA good example is if you really want to see like how money changes people doesn't change People just golook at celebrities They're telling you directly they're telling you if if not not only are theynot telling you that some of them unfortunately God bless many of these people They don't they don'tcommit suicide thing that we wanted which would help us fix all of our problems bring us happinessThere's many people that you know you get you get to that mark that monitoring Mark andlike okay am I expecting some party poppers and some balloons to go off like like you knowsome firework display nothing will change nothing live in heaven What does this say Where's where's thewhere's the where's the building where's the where's the pop it They had nothing And what it is is theproblem is it's not the money You could say it's a tool it's a tool to build experiencesBut contentment comes from you And I think people sometimes people misplace contentment and happiness because happiness is andit's just emotion that go up and down all the time Some people someone thatcould be homeless could be more happy than a person with money right But then again somebody you knowthere's there's there's you know there's they're saying as well there's a meme or something thatI'd rather be unhappy driving a Ferrari I can I can I can I Yeah I mean you know whatYou may drive off a cliff though sometimes that's why I think I think sometimes spirituality religion plays apart in that if you're able to put yourself in a position where you can giveback and help others There's there's there's there's a different feeling about it There are 100% you know there'syou know even if you gave somebody a dollar or $5 or $10 right Andyou know you know go try this one day where you just give somebody whatever you canafford This is the thing it's not about how much you give us the intention Yougive behind it Yeah psychologist Psychologist Alfred Adler says that everybody is after the feeling ofcontribution and you want to contribute to society to the world to the universe Likehe says even even like like those psychopaths or came in the house like this theyalso want to contribute that they think they contribute and they assure society what what what's really veryimportant A teacher at the center they they think that they contribute in some way is the feelingkind of contributions Is it about the contribution Actually it's about the feeling of contributing That's what's importantto be one See that's the thing isn't it Everyone again everyone has their depending whateither religion they you know they follow their their their moral compass or their upbringingwhatever it may be everyone has a different perspective of it And it always comes down to this andI always try to like for me this is always a reminder whether I say it's alwaysa reminder from the first and foremost we were always meant to be led by ourintentions right Our intentions Otherwise you may give somebody you may help somebody in need Butif your attention is wrong then it doesn't count as a good deed If you only think aboutyourself at the same time it's used as president Right So you know imagine this like even meyou say from a religious point of view as a muslim right We're told themif you're going to give in charity give with the right give with whether we'll ever hadBut give with the right hand on the other hand doesn't know what you've given MhmThat's beautiful Right So you give with one hand but the other hand doesn't know how you just keepyou know keep it out of your mind give it with the intention that I don't want nothingin return This this isn't for you But this is you know he said fromthe curriculum can help Right And the second thing is that if you are going to give charityor you're trying to help somebody right Again check your intention What what what's the reason behind itAnd am I trying to show off in front of the people Mhm Right Have you ever seen thisYou're making a video Like I'll give in charity Yeah looking good Right So you got to checkyourself because you're like am I just doing it to show the people that I'm somebodyof the people look at me right You gotta check yourself You see the generousfootball owner of Chelsea he just gave away to charity His football team Chelsea So the third thing isthat if you are going to give in front of people you can do So however isyour intention to inspire encourage others to do so is your heart cleaning that fashion then yes you can dothat for any other reason right To show off To show that you have money Look at meI'm giving somebody money and even if you even if you don't have this intention people will attribute them toyou so you must take the budget and I'm willing to take the bullet and do a goodaction Even if people will think that I'm doing for a bad reason then youyou get exposed anybody that's why it's so important that you know your intention You generally if you reallythink about it just always and if in doubt about giving in in front of people andstuff don't do it If you're in doubt don't do it don't do it don't doit So it always comes down to intention right And there is another one but I completely forgot So thereare the main ones you know there are these professional beggars out there that we seewhen we go to a traffic light and you know they make more money than we'dmake because they're professional beggars Okay you know I'll tell you something now um you know obviouslythis story there could be stories and stuff like that but just before you knowwhen we talk about giving up I'll come back to that because that's a verygood point right So say for example even if you this is this is I guess this is another powerfulthing about that comes again from religion and faith right Or the abrahamic religion evenif for example islam says right if you can't even if even if you can'tafford to give any money even if you give half a date as charity half a day you knowwhat you can eat right Even if you can't even give something even as active asmile is charity and a smile because you know we have people that you know unfortunately they you knowthey're they're homeless and things like that And what does what does the common man of societydo Don't be harsh with them it says because it don't be harsh with themDon't say anything horrible be nice be kind with your words you just don't know how your word affectsthem right And even the simplest act as a smile is a is a form of charity Becauseyou know how when somebody smiles at you how does that make you feel like oh you oh yousee I exist to you Everybody else doesn't see me but I exist to you Mhm And andyou know what what johnny said is I agree there are unfortunately there are people out therethat will um use the system of of pretending to be in a situation that they'renot and they make They make money 100% However it comes back to your intention it comes back to yourintention I'm given with the intention that the boss above will he'll he'll be the one that rewards me forwhatever I give I'm I think human beings are human beings whatever they want to do but I'mdoing it for the goodness I'm I'm trying to do it as a good deed I don't knowtheir situation because then the devil will play with you and he'll make you thinkhe will make you question everybody That person doesn't need it because he doesn't want you to dothe good deed He doesn't want you to have that in your account that your scale willbe tipping and you see what I mean So that's the game of the what we call whispers rightYou know the the the the the devil flows in the son of Adam right So hewill tell you hey you know what you've got to question this guy Look he lookshe looks like he's got a phone of these he must be making playing him he doesn't need my moneyHonestly there's also the movement of effective altruists They like the charity to see how they really help peopleand now it is really effective and then they say the charity are good they're not effective I'll stop recordingfrom me because this is going outside the scope that we are going God what you're safe Yeahthere's there's this movement about the effective altruism where they where they get the charities to see if theyreally help people if they really do what they intend to do They say they don'twaste money they don't they don't worsen the problem and they really help to think andthen they give money to the I mean what it is it's a good point what it is what yougot to understand A lot of unfortunately there are many charities there is the businessa lot of money goes towards admin costs right And the people actually in the money they never see thismoney right So what you should think how can I unfortunately you know what it is sometimes you haveto be active if you want to you know if you even if you're helpinghere and there you want to do a little bit or even if you if you do this rightSo you want to you know sometimes you know it's it's you know if youwant to okay say for example in Kenya right If you want to donate say for example $25 or $30will feed a family for one month for a number of up to 56 members within the family like afood package It's a lot when you think about it And um so what you could do ifyou wanted to if you know here and there if you wanted to pay you back here whenever you wantyou could then get in contact with somebody organizations where you get to contact that person directly orhave somebody on the ground directly So you know your money is going directly either toan orphan and widow somebody that's drastically need that you know your money is making a huge impact to thatindividual and what what will you will see It's a it's a big big reward if youcan help orphans Children widows and things like that Um and then imagine if even if you gave a foodpack But you know $30 you know when when it was as much as you can it doesn't matterIt doesn't have to be $30.05 $10 right Because in certain places it can last 2 to 3 weeksright But then that person amount of positive energy in the reward you'll get for helping that personsustaining You know imagine a widow person with Children and stuff like that So again alwaysremember always comes down to the intention And sometimes you know you just don't have the means to helpother people and you still you know there's a reward in just having the intention that you really want tohelp in your heart is like it's sad that you can't and you get you'll evenget rewarded for that smile the smiles you know not too expensive no acknowledgment of and sometimes it might bea case that you might not be in a good place mentally yourself right But you pretendin that moment in that moment you just you ignore your own problems and you smile and that personthat person completely forgets their problem right So it's just coming back to this Somebody mentioned thisI don't know if this psychology is true or not but if you ever stressed andyou're you know you're going through a difficult moment Don't look down don't look down because you know you startthinking about it He said look at look at the sky this is off topicthat we'll try this we'll be able to get dressed just look at the sky andit's very hard to think about the issues They just melt away down to the down down right down tothe right with your eyes you get into feeding mode and you feel feeling more intensity If youlook up you get a visual mode and this size behind unless unless you turn your Robbins and youstart dancing around it Yeah they said nick that's how you can tell who's lying and who's notlying because you can look people to look down johnny you got that from the negotiator right OhSamuel objective But yeah there is one more part of intentions and and it's maybe the fourthone on your list and it has to do with the truth to be truthful to yourself and whoyou're speaking with or are you being generous to you know if you are if you are it's justit's a reality it's a scary thing because you know we have continent and I think this willbe a good point to end on is that you know it's you know even in you know religion basicallysome of the stuff is very hard Like what I'm going to say right Even even be truthful Even ifif if even if it's against yourself you know be truthful Even though it's againstyourself you know it's a scary thing You know when you have to be you know it's gonna affectme I was going to say the truth You know that's how you know if you don't that's howcorruption and you know things happen around the world is how these injustices happen nowUnfortunately What things like Ukraine and Russia going on You know the irony of it you know theirony of all of this stuff They're like you know you got the state saying how can this Russia comein and try to occupy another country and all this I'm like you know somebody mentioned inthe United States european countries like the UK are are indirectly or directly funding through the marketing ofenergy gas electricity You're the one that you know you're the one that gets funding from donors and stufflike this And then on that And then you know how can you imagine you're havingall of these different countries now in the Middle East getting you know having you know occupation and stuffin your your what look at the double standards I mean it's just it's it's mind bogglingI mean there was a report against CNN mentioned this stuff You know you know Ukraine It'sa it's a european country It's not like Afghanistan Iraq You know it's a civilized country right That's whathe said civilized country What you say No that's not uncivilized occasions You can't make this up tothe civilized Yeah The civilized people came over here and made an uncivil I mean it's justblaming blaming racism just out It's like one of the your Ukrainian guy one of thedeputies of someone else that was standing because it's very sad You know people are youknow get I'm sad for the people you know who got blond hair blue eyes He said this Yeahsure we said this for the europe people You know blonde blonde hair blue eyes And unfortunately we got alot of people that are you know trying to emigrate as refugees now And the issues with thatis that obviously Europeans or the Ukrainians have got priority women Children than the menAnd then it's anyone of color left by Africans and indians and asians they lostthe list to leave What is a crisis It's like it's like somebody mentioned it's like from onecountry that's 99.9% white and ethnicity to another country that's 99.9% of ethnicity and it's justa game it's one political game that's all it is It's just people just don't realize one big politicalgame and guess what while you're all thinking about what's going on there You crazy where's Covid goneWhere's he gone disappeared Distraction Why they got you looking over there it's dissipated I don'tknow everybody They say that Putin kind of went crazy inside his Covid isolation unless he's listening toa guy named alexander dugan You know obviously you guys over in the States I love you guys Butyou know they say the States is responsible for you But I think they've been in the lastI don't know how many years for the last 100 years you've been in constant war Thewar complex It's a money maker machine That's what it is I've been to a bunch of protests againstwars and in actions and my family came to this country in 28 But the fact is you'reabsolutely right We are we are warmongers because we make a business out of itIt's a terrible thing Hopefully this is going to be a change a turning point umto to war entirely in civilization as long as it lasts and that is that it's obsolete Itis impossible I remember I had a couple of weeks ago I was showing youthe book that I was going to publish and I had the thing about about sensible people thinking people uhwould not be thinking fighters Um you know they wouldn't go out and start wars effectivelyUm and that's pretty much what that book says and I'll show it to you Butyou know what did you know the scary thing about all of this is what you're saying and it'swhat the scary thing about it is that you know all of these leaders believe it or not You knowthey're all friends really you know that they're all in one big club They are they areyou remember that they say what you're seeing is just it's theatrics It's just an illusion what you're seeingthere all in the same club I don't think they will find out there againstthis No no no no no no no no no no no it seems like 11 ofthose people that got kicked out of the club and is really piste off about itPutin He's like no he's of it know this all of it Yeah yeah yeahyeah Don't be don't don't don't even china's part of it China owns so much like Americais indebted to china but I don't know how many trillions or how much debt they they say forexample you know the United Nations or the Antarctica treaty What is you can seethey're all part of this cloud but they just look it's just an illusion just in certain societiesthat are in place that they know what's going on Don't don't don't let them fool youThat's what I was saying But anyway on that note That conspiracy that has been a pleasureto see you very soon Alright Wonderful stuff Thank you All Very good very good Oh great They sendyou a note All right Thanks a lot Bye guys Okay that was interesting interesting interesting interesting Ihope it recorded
um jim, muchas gracias, realmente lo aprecio Y lo estoy de nuevo Pido disculpas por tenerpara saltar eso, pero te agradezco que no te disculpes Queremos que lo seas Bueno, sí, es solo otroactualizar lo que haré esta semana Probablemente hay una gran cantidad de seminarios web queestará subiendo esta semana y te daré una actualización cuando esté listo porque cuando subaellos hay un lote tan grande y luego tienes que esperar a que se guarde enla nube y luego descargarlos La gente no se da cuenta cuando tengo que descargarlos de nuevo quetoma tiempo y luego subirlos tengo que ponerlos en video y luego eso toma mástiempo Entonces podría ser más fácil. Intentaré tener algo en su lugar, ya sea semanalmente o cada mes.por mes todo se actualiza porque es mucho quiero decir que hacemos 23 horas decontenido y ya sabes por hospedar solo video Video pago como creo que fue por añoscomo $ 600 o algo así Es como un paquete enorme que tengo que hacer solopor los videos y solo aumenta porque mas videos hacemos asi que lo sejohnny no mencionó ¿Puedes subir algunas de las grabaciones? Así que lo haré, pero tal vez túsimplemente puede subirlos a su alojamiento web alojando los videos en su sitio web No es asíesto es lo que hago porque tienes que recordar si lo pongo solo en elhosting dependiendo del paquete de host porque es el que obtuve es lo suficientemente adecuado Sin embargo, imagina estoa medida que crece simultáneamente la cantidad de personas que están viendo adivinar qué va a pasar Perocon el ancho de banda, todo se ralentiza. Entonces, la única razón por la que cuando reproduce su video realmente funcionamuy rápido Es muy bueno verdad Es por ese paquete que el negocio empaqueta conmigo o algo asíque porque no quiero que no quieras un problema con el ancho de banda que no quieres porquesi jim está viendo un video, entonces aparece nick y conoces a Cheryl al mismo tiempotiempo y por qué esto funciona lento, todos cubrirán las quejas Una vez que llegue una vez que sepasel lote se graba allí tiene que ser descargado Y a veces sabes que tienes queasegúrese de saber que no está desordenado o lo que sea A veces hay problemas porque cuando todos han visto zoomcuando estás grabando te da todas estas diferentes opciones de video una parte enterasolo el audio, los comentarios y todas estas cosas. Así que tienes que ir específicamente a esta carpeta Esa carpeta Entonces sabes que no es una excusa pero solo estoydiciéndote que es todo el video de shebang y luego de vimeo, está bien, continúavolver a las cosas de back-end y luego tengo que conseguir estos Um Así quede todos modos, tengo que mostrarte un día, pero pasar de eso solo quieropara abordar lo que dijo johnny allí No sé si lo aprecio Eso está bien johnny porque túsabes lo que es um A veces sabes con instagram realmente no lo reviso y a veces sabes queSé que envías mensajes en Instagram y he estado tratando de evitarte tanto como puedo.Conozco solo las redes sociales para un poco de desintoxicación, pero tienes mi Skype si alguien no lo ha hecho.Tengo mi Skype, sabes si quieres, así que déjame comprobarlo.sí, entonces, johnny me envió un enlace diciendo que hay un enlace que puede tener un cheque Así que yopensé, ¿está bien si podemos revisarlo aquí también? Um Bueno, podemos hacerloesto por separado y pensé que solo lo mencionaría Bueno, era solo algo, era algo realmenterápido um Si quieres, puedes, fue algo rápido que estaba tratando de usar parami publicación de instagram estaba tratando de hacer un video porque ustedes habían mencionado y Cherylme dio una idea en cuanto a abrir una cuenta comercial, así quepude vincular mi cuenta comercial con mi cuenta de facebook facebook business por lo que escomo si fuera una cuenta de meta meta de negocios ahora creo que la tengo está tomando mi publicación de facebook mi instagramy poniéndolos en mi página de negocios de Facebook ahora Así que eso fue todola forma en que sus anuncios de facebook crecen comercialmente esa página correcto sí está bien yera un video, ¿no? Era un video, pero era un tope de desplazamiento que se detendría en elmedio solo para recopilar información y quería ver qué pensabas sobre eso Está bienSolo déjame déjame compartir esto Para que todos entiendan Así que esta era la página aquí Así queEspero que sea el paciente correcto Oh, lo siento, solo estaba preguntando cuál es tu nombre eninstagram instagram Um Oh libra te veo johnny Está bien, entonces puedo ir a buscarlo esperando SíEsta es una página Entonces es solo una página en la quesolo presiona reproducir Correcto Sí Está bien Así que una vez que lo jugué es un No sé lo que eresusando para la reproducción de video pero es muy agradable Es rápido Creo que bajó el volumen SonUsted se involucró en el uso de estos De acuerdo Bien Derecha Derecha Derecha Derecha Derecha Entonces NTY para que johnny se comunique con usted. Entonces, este es el mismo video.¿Es el reproductor de video de video real Um No no no esto es grandecomando Está bien Correcto Así que este es mi hombre jim Sí muy bien Agradable Parece algo asíesto cuando se reproduce un video a veces puede configurar ciertas cosas como esta puedetener a alguien que conoces el nombre medio dirección como un llamado a la acción lo cual es genial me refiero a lo que hashecho está bien, sabes que tiene esa información allí Um Entonces, ¿cuál es tu principal cuál es tupregunta principal allí Johnny bueno, estoy tratando de entrar en acción y tengo esos 500y más publicaciones que simplemente están estancadas y nos quedamos en una de nuestras reuniones para obtenermovimiento en la publicación dentro de un real o algo dentro de instagram y eso seríaaumentar su visibilidad Así que estaba creando esto para que la imagen se moviera en lugar deparado quieto Entonces, lo que hice fue una compilación de diferentes imágenes en una um diapositivade la publicación anterior que había publicado Entonces, las personas que habían visto la otra publicaciónpublicado reconocería estas imágenes allí de la publicación que había publicado antes y dijeronoh sí, recuerdo esto y querrían ver más de mis videos Entoncessimplemente entrarían y pondrían su dirección de correo electrónico o que no tienen queponer un número de teléfono no solo poner toda la información que quieren Entonces obtendríaautomáticamente y pueden continuar viendo el video y luego continuaremos con elel texto debajo de él en la publicación describe de qué se trata la publicació publicación no había cambiado Es solo que agregué un video en lugar de tener una imagen allí ¿Y qué?lo que estás diciendo es que todo lo que querías hacer era reutilizar el contenido existente en unformato de video solo para atraer a ese tipo de audiencia, ¿verdad? Puedo poner cualquier cosa aquí comoa como lead magnet para captar leads Puedo poner cualquier cosa Esta es solo unaidea que se me ocurrió en cuanto a obtener el Um el nombre y eldirección de correo electrónico pero estas son todas las otras publicaciones Creo que es como 556 Sí, entonces yopero no he ido no he ido vamos a guardarlo no he idoTengo tantos seguidores porque realmente no lo he abierto al público, por así decirlo.porque no estaba segura de cómo posicionarme y asegurarme de tener mis productosen su lugar antes de obtener esto Pero tengo estos productos aquí en su lugar para las redes sociales ydiseño de sitios web y pago por clic y cosas así, tengo todo esoen su lugar Así que sabes que da una pequeña propaganda allí y los envía directamentea mi sitio web, pero quiero recopilar nombres y direcciones de correo electrónico. Simplemente no los quiero.quiero que lo miren a medias y luego quiero que interactúenconmigo Sí Así que esta es la cosa esta es otra razón por la que pensé déjamemenciónelo porque estábamos hablando de las redes sociales, especialmente de la entrada y todos pueden verentonces, uh, siempre obtienes las perspectivas de otras personas y es realmente bueno ahora Um número uno reutilizacióncontenido fantástico Descubrir que funciona Para que vuelvas a participar Sabes que la gente conoce a alguien que podría verimagen estática Y luego, como ahora, a veces es cuando las personas están más comprometidas con este video, ¿verdad?Podemos ver esto nuevamente en otro gran ejemplo de Tiktok. Ya lo sabemos por Instagram.y reglas y así sucesivamente Así que cosas como seguidores no importa nadieen este momento Es lo que entiendo desde su punto de vista Sabes que realmente no se ha implementado y estástipo de solo tratando de averiguar en qué ritmo debes ponerte antes de ira todo trapo cierto Um bueno, tienes como 27,000 seguidores por ahí Así que realmente lo soy porque heestado he estado creo que tengo no sé cuántos tengo 1000 publicaciones no puedoacordate cuantos se han hecho desde el 2014 o 15 pero si tienes 800 y algo asisí, así que has estado, has estado haciendo mucho, quiero decir, para ser honesto, he disminuido la velocidadabajo ya sabes porque y te voy a contar desde mi punto de vista algunos delos errores que cometí y si pudiera hacer las cosas bien de otra manera Porque de nuevo cuandoYa sabes, 2015 lo hice como una forma de documentar cosas que nunca usé.para implementar cosas como Paul of real y no había una agenda real detrás, pensésería bueno que conozcas la prueba social Um, solo soy yo grúa o documento elhistoria Tal vez te resulte útil en algún otro momento Correcto Um y lo revisaréque ahora les contaré algunas de las cosas buenas Correcto Así que con esto ahorade inmediato, cuando veo estas publicaciones, estas imágenes, creo que se ven imágenes de muy alta calidad.Creo que se ven hermosos Seré muy honesto contigo Correcto Pero luego pienso en lo que sonellos sobre No sé lo que son Inmediatamente estoy pensando que necesito mosaicos enellos Así que tienes que abrir abrir el real um tienes quelea debajo Correcto Correcto No, no se trata, pero adelante y sé queSé lo que dices, pero no estoy pensando en nada. Estoy abierto a recibir consejos. No, no, no, no, yo.Lo sé porque recuerda que lo estoy mirando desde el navegador de escritorio Entonces, si estás mirando a través del móvilobviamente verás un pequeño fragmento en la bomba Estoy de acuerdo contigo Correcto Pero lo que estoy diciendoPiense en ello como una miniatura como una miniatura de YouTube o una miniatura gráfica cuando alguien se desplazay están pasando por imágenes, especialmente en tu nicho, por ejemplo, estás haciendo mucho contenidocorrecto Y estás tratando de crear diferentes temas diferentes sobre ciertas cosas dentro de ese nichoDigamos, por ejemplo, insulina de alta tecnología o cosas relacionadas con agencias. Voy a suponer que esto es probablemente SMS ocontenido relacionado con Facebook o algo con las redes sociales, ¿verdad? No revela mucho. Así que tengo que hacerlo.Creo que si fui yo No estoy diciendo que tengas que hacer eso Si fueraYo pondría algún tipo de título en esto de inmediato Alguien mirando o se están desplazando Están acelerandoallí de inmediato No está bien, este es un tema relacionado conmigo No tengo que hacerlorealmente desplácese hacia abajo y mire un texto más pequeño en el móvil y revise todos y cada uno de ellosPuedo desplazarme muy rápido ¿Cuál realmente me habla específicamente porque podrías hablar?sobre una variedad de temas diferentes dentro de usted sabe marketing en Internet Pero quiero cosas alrededoralta venta de boletos bien Y cuando veo estas cosas, sabes que podría haber una imagenque refuerza con el texto como alguien en su teléfono Tal vez hay un guión que va acaptar mi atención mucho más Otra cosa que puedes hacer muy fácilmente Um esobviamente, mira a otras personas que están en el mismo nicho, ¿verdad? Lo están haciendo increíblemente bien.digamos, por ejemplo, venta de boletos altos. No recuerdo su nombre, pero solo diremos que hay muchas personas.como ah, bueno, tengo un Rufino Rufino, por ejemplo, se ocupa de los boletos altos, no rudeza a Rufino yte bloquearon así como a otra persona bloqueada Tiene buen contenidoDe acuerdo, tan rudo Ah, no puede recordar que tiene estrategias de alto nivel o algo asíasí Es muy bueno Déjame ver una estrategia de alto nivel Ese es Omar Martin No, no, no lo esno es una estrategia de alto nivel, sino un boleto alto, algo rudo, ya sabes, déjame ver su rutina rudimentaria de laactor No no no lo siento clientes clientes a pedido eso es lo que es Así que déjame versi encuentro esto Entonces él se ocupa bien de las cosas de alto precio Y creo que creoestaban haciendo un momento estúpido como no sé 500 o un millón al mes o algo asíEstúpido wow Para que puedas ver haciendo lo que los clientes piden Venta de entradas altas Solo enseñándote cómohacer venta de boletos altos Oh, entiendo el tema Vale, sí, eso es todo el equipo Así queserán clientes a pedido Así que de nuevo Muy bien, esto es lo que estaba buscandola cuenta de instagram Más de 65 millones Alta venta de boletos Muy bien Con solo tú sabes solo 10Kseguidores y 800 publicaciones. Aquí tienes. ¿Puedes ver esto ahora? A esto me refiero a tener laenvíe un mensaje de texto allí que simplemente lo atraiga, usted sabe específicamente Muy bien Sí Muy bien Las tres cosas principales que matanustedes mismos cómo crear saben conexión bla, bla, bla cómo contratar a los mejores cómo salvé millonarioDiablos, no quiero ser esto en la cara de la gente. Sabes que no soy yo para ser como en la cara de la gente.cara Me gusta el contenido para hablar para construir estas cosas Es como si fuera tan vanidoso que soyvanidoso ya Pero no no no No estoy diciendo su imagen Solo estoy diciendo el texto Está bienEl titular Está bien Oh, lo tengo Lo que quieres decir Está bien, lo tengo Está bien, lo puedo hacerque Es solo que todo lo que estás haciendo es como si estuvieras enganchando a la gente. Eso es lo quees Es solo un gancho Es un debate Tienes dos personas que tienen que saber qué diablosSabes, la gente sabe si fui yo viendo un video Si no sé quéel video es sobre voy a ir a buscar un video que sabes que puedo seguir desplazándome y descubrirde que trata este video porque quiero a pesar de que el video es de cinco segundos lo estoy intentandodecir cinco segundos Es realmente extraño Realmente piénsalo Me gustan los videos de Tiktok ahora Tiktok son geniales Tiktok Estoydiciéndote ahora si miras lo que la gente está haciendo en Tiktok es tanes tan interesante observarte porque cuando alguien tiene un video en Tiktok, por ejemplo, ytiene este feo tercio inferior sobre de qué trata el tema y es tan feohecho, a nadie le importa, ni siquiera es elegante, pero obtendrán más vistas porque la gente sabeexactamente de qué se trata el video No quieren desplazarse como imágenes o videos genéricos todavía Yno saben cuál es el tema Realmente No tienen tiempo hoy en día para ir a ver elcampo de descripción y escriba lo que dijo es Estoy de acuerdo con usted 100% su contenido o campo de descripción podríaser increíble. Podría, en realidad podría ser como la copa de oro, ¿verdad? Podría ser lagallina de los huevos de oro allí Pero la gente quiere verlo desde el exterior Sí ¿Qué fueeso No, lo pensé Es mi forma de hablar Y puedes ver que verás cuandodesplázate por los suyos Sí, no todos ¿Puedes ver en algún momento que él es él o él?o su equipo ha investigado un poco y pensé que sabes por qué estamosno maximizar nuestro derecho 36 o 40 Tenía su rostro y todos ellos Y tú erescierto Parece que alguien podría pensarlo desde fuera nuestro aspecto Seráslevántate Sabes que hay un término sabes arrogancia Voy a ver por qué pones tu cara enlas caras de todos y, para ser honesto, sí, eso es subjetivo, pensaría lo mismo tomando nota de sus ojos.aunque está conectado contigo Sí Sí En que realmente ha practicado Es brillantecosas Pero la otra cosa es ¿y qué si estás en la cara de alguien? Una vez que miras, aquí está elcosa y entiendo exactamente lo que quieres decir con no estar en la cara de alguien En primer lugarsi tienes que ser ruidoso y obtienes esa primera impresión frente a la cara de alguien, entonces entoncespuedes mostrarle a alguien quién eres realmente porque tienes su atención Ahora Entoncesel resto depende de usted a través de su contenido, sus imágenes, su descripción, cualquier parte del contenido que sea paraentonces para mostrar quién eres realmente Pero tienes la atención ahora imagina que hay alrededor de 100,000gente tratando de ser como tú uniéndose Sí, eres único, no voy a decirComo ves, tuve cuidado, pero hay otras personas que intentan hacerlo.algo parecido a ti Lo que te hace destacar bien Y lamentablemente estamos viviendo una época muy ruidosamundo en este momento Si tienes que saber en tu cabeza, podrías pensarsabes porque a veces me lo creo o no creo que sepas que soy un hombre adulto¿Por qué necesito ser tú sabes poner mi cara y hacer estas tonterías ya veces no tienes que hacer eso Por supuesto que no tienes que hacerloHaces algo con lo que estás feliz, ¿verdad? Ok, pero todo lo que tienes que hacer es hacertesé siempre y cuando te sientas cómodo en tu propia piel Nadie dice que tienespara poner tu foto allí Puedes tener tus fotos Pero necesitamos esos ganchos para que esas personas entrenNecesitamos esos increíbles ganchos en los mosaicos muy cortos Mira específicamente que puedes ver desdedicen que hay 50 50 42 corazones 49 Dos ahora 220 955 99 Entonces algo algo escambiado La gente ahora sabe de qué se tratan estos videos y no son solo largos sobre cualquier cosa cada hombrey su perro hablando y también podría ser que esté incorporando hashtags ahora CorrectoAsí que otra cosa que usted de solo ver esas publicaciones adicionales que ha hechono estás usando real no conoces hashtags Correcto Bueno yo estaba um pensé que estaba usandoveo a johnny estoy mirando tu pantalla no puedo mirar la mia ahora mismo podria si quisierapero en la publicación hago un hashtag Pero la mayoría de los hashtag que dijeron simplemente pusieronun hashtag allí para Instagram y solo puse libra iCU johnny porque eso dice um ya sabesmis otras cuentas de redes sociales también en twitter o lo que sea, sí, lo principal eslo que sugeriría uno siéntase libre de usar más de un hashtag que sea relevantea su industria o su nicho 100% Y cuál es una buena manera de tratar de resolver eso Vamos ave a uno de los suyos vamos a ver si está usando algo Muy bien está usando tres aquí bien Ventasconsejos emprendedor dueño de negocio y lo que podemos hacer dependiendo de lo que sea Pero eso no los lleva ael lector se aleja de su contenido, ya que se dirige a ese hashtag que podría no sersu Sí, así como Nick dijo lo que hace lo que estamos haciendo o lo que está haciendo básicamente Su contenido esahora se están publicando en estas transmisiones estos hashtags específicos Así que eso es todo lo que sabes si hago clic en unode estos hashtag ahora va a este todo este feed directamente de graduados universitarios Veamossi lo hace no lo hace a través de tu móvil generalmente se abriría yir a un arroyo Correcto Entonces, ¿qué harían estas personas que están en estehashtag específico desplazándose por aquí vamos Aquí vamos Ahora su pieza de contenido ahora va ase rellenará en esta transmisión o esto, conoce esta cuenta, por ejemplo, este hashtag correcto y va aestar expuesto a Dios sabe que usted sabe tal vez a veces decenas de miles cientos de 1002 100,000 personas ¿Y qué?lo que está haciendo indirectamente está desviando personas específicas o específicas del nicho que son relevantes para la industria queestás en todo el contenido que estás creando y la idea es o lo que sucederá, no elidea de lo que generalmente sucede, la gente se alejará de esto, conoces este hashtag esencialmente y vendrán atu cuenta y si está en línea con lo que les gusta y sabes que revisan tu contenidoempiezan a disfrutarlo te seguirán Así que estás desviando este tráfico gratuito que estás poblando es como sindicarsu contenido en diferentes áreas de uso del hashtag lo mismo que puede usar para Tiktoklo haces con facebook y así sucesivamente Es un buen poco es una buena estrategia Puedesincluso use esto en Youtube justo donde las personas simplemente aprovechan para obtener tráfico gratis Sí, solo quierotodos para mí No quiero que se vayan a ningún otro lado Mantener a mi audiencia conmigo No quieroquiere que se distraigan con otra persona y compren algo de otra persona. Ustedsé que solo trato de mantener sus ojos en mí Así que es por eso que solouse como uno o 2 hashtags Él seguro mantiene sus ojos en él y eso es seguroPero no se trata de él Se trata del mensaje No no Entonces sí lo essobre el mensaje Pero lo que dice jim porque estoy de acuerdo con lo que dice jim cierto Es tan poderosocorrecto Si tienes a veces tienes que sentirte cómodo con sentirte incómodo Entonces, ¿qué es él?haciendo es tan inteligente la razón por la que lo está haciendo contacto visual directo podría serun componente, pero si tienes que pretender que estoy hablando para imaginar esto comoimagina a johnny ahora mismo estamos en esta llamada no hay nadie más aquí y estoy hablandoa usted directamente, lo sabe a los ojos como si nada más importara, solo estoy hablando con la derecha como individuoMe estoy conectando contigo. Olvidas quién más está ahí, solo tú y yo. Estamos teniendo esta conversación. Solo estoyconocerte como un amigo nos sentamos juntos bien Es muy poderoso cuando sabes que estás teniendo esa interacciónWhoa, me estás hablando Entonces, la forma en que te comunicas y siempre pienso en tantos videos.que he hecho en el pasado no voy a pretender pero lo tendré en mi mente estoyhablando con una sola persona Una persona Nunca pensaría que estoy hablando Porque elel problema es cuando empiezas a pensar que estás hablando con las decenas y veinte o 30conoces a 30 personas o cientos de personas tu mensaje se vuelve amplio Estás intentando estás intentandoatender las necesidades de todos y sus pensamientos y cómo esperaría que le hablaranAsí que lo olvidé fingir que estás hablando con ese amigo y te lo estás pasando genial.conversación Eso es No hay nada más Y verás cómo tus palabrasfluirá, tu lenguaje corporal cambiará y esa persona siempre será receptiva a esa persona.correcto Absolutamente correcto Solo imagina a alguien al otro lado de la cámara o en tu habitación en elal otro lado de la ventana siempre pienso en una cámara mientras miras a una cámaraComo cuando vas a un cajero que detrás del cristal no miras al cristal mirasen los ojos de la persona con la que estás hablando Y aunque hay estos obstáculos en el mediopuedes ver a través de él y te conectas con ellos y si no lo haces, no te conectascon ellos Así que es extraordinariamente importante hacerlo a gran escala es un talento notable. Podría MarilynMonroe, por cierto, puedo hacerlo, pero no tengo nada de maquillaje. Tienes que pasar.lo que es hoy en día No necesitas ningún maquillaje Todas estas aplicaciones aquí Todas tienen filtros ahora Túno necesitas nada de eso Sabes que ni siquiera necesitas tener unque pena que te quiten la cama si quieres darte una rojanegro, me refiero a la razón por la que traje hasta el óxido, estos tipos han sidocorriendo durante bastante tiempo y ya sabes durante muchos años y te he vistosaben cómo se estaba preparando para lo que ha estado haciendo y son muy efectivos enlo que hacen especialmente usando anuncios pagados y boletos altos Así que es brillante Así que es alguien verificableque sabes que puedes ver que ha habido una gran transición con él Y quiero decirsu modelo básicamente muestra a las personas cómo pueden transformar su negocio a través de la venta de entradas altasEntonces así es como está vendiendo, por supuesto, Dios sabe si es 5 10 o 15 20 mildiferentes paquetes diferentes Sabes de lo que estamos hablando de estar en la llamada de cita Este es ungran modelo Si quisieras encontrar un modelo que fuera asombroso, ¿verdad? Podrías aplicar ingeniería inversa a estesería un gran modelo Ya sabes, veamos qué Así que tiene un video de entrenamiento Lo siento, mira, miraesto Él tiene un video de entrenamiento cierto Estoy bastante seguro de que esto irá a un seminario web Yluego, nuevamente, puede inscribirse en ese seminario web, podría crear una cuenta nuevaPuede registrarse para ver las secuencias de seguimiento durante un período de siete días opueden ver cuál es la caída de la acción y todo eso porque han gastado millones sino cientos de miles si no millones en los procesos de los que estamos hablandoahora Entonces, ¿por qué no lo harías? Bueno, no es legal. No es poco ético a menos que vayas a copiar.y sabes que vas a destrozar a alguien, entonces eso está mal. Pero al observar los procesos de alguien, por supuesto que sí.funciona Por supuesto que puedes puedes puedes tener sabes puedes investigar todo y puedesse puede observar y solo pasan cositas como esta Un pequeño video aquí ya sabes verSé que a veces es un poco raro porque estás tratando de imaginarusted mismo haciendo de esa manera estoy mirando a la cámara diciendo oye y ni siquiera estoy parpadeando Da miedoa veces, pero debe haber psicología detrás de eso, como si supieras que está llamando tu atención.Lo siento, sigo hablando contigo Dije que sé que tal vez no puedo oírme Um yoestaba tratando de preguntarte qué crees que está usando para hacer el pequeño video Umdónde se ha ido Déjame levantarlo Es como un derecho pegajoso que tiene quequédate ahí Así que vuelve ¿Adónde ha ido? De acuerdo Entonces, si hacemos clic en él, estaráusando If I oye, es con clientes a pedido. Muchas gracias por visitarnos. Bueno, a ver sipodemos inspeccionar a ver si surge algo. Por cierto, me encanta esa cosa. Punto de videocom Ahí tienes Video ask dot com Entonces tienes todo en todas partes en todas partes Ivaya yo veo a Cheryl aqui alla y en todas partes Dios mio mira eso ahitú vas Esto es Bueno Eso es lo que me preguntaba Aunque es bueno ¿No se ve realmente?tengo y realmente nunca lo usé Entonces 20 minutos de cargo de procesamiento de video De acuerdoAhora bien, ¿por qué sería bueno esto? Número uno Obviamente lo ha usado aquí para llamar la atención correctamenteTiene atención de no sé, solo quería avisarte en caso de que te hayas que tenemos una capacitación y un reentrenamiento. Está bien, un enlace en el que se puede hacer clic ahora enallí también tiene subtítulos subtítulos para 5,000 8000 incluso $ 10,000 por cuando miras eluna cámara como esta es notable porque lo miras fijamente, todavía estás de vuelta en élEstá como hipnotizado De acuerdo, al hacer clic en redirigir se vuelve a la misma página yAdemás, estoy bastante seguro de que al final del taller le darás datos.que le dirían cuántas personas están haciendo clic y así sucesivamente y asíadelante Así que me pregunto qué está pasando Vale, déjame volver Esto esbueno porque tengo las métricas ya configuradas que pueden capturartodos estos datos son para cuántas impresiones cuántos clics sabes y cómomuchas capturas de correo electrónico que obtuve para poder ponerlas en un embudo y enviarlasenviarles correos electrónicos sobre el tema de su interés en que saben que vieron Aquí hay otro grancosa para esto Y creo que recuerdo a alguien usando este derecho Así que sin mencionarnombra a alguien que estaba vendiendo coaching de precio alto, ¿verdad? Entonces, si alguien vende coaching de precio alto y yoEstoy bastante seguro de que lo usarán en IFTT o algún tipo de sistema prototipo.Correcto Entonces, tan pronto como hubo una compra, el vendedor o el propietario del producto obtendríanun sms o correo electrónico para decir hey mira alguien ha hecho una compra que sabes que llega directamente a suteléfono o lo que sea Y luego se sindicaría a algosimilar a este derecho Probablemente hay otras alternativas Pero lo que harían desde cualquier lugar queestaban en la casa o lo que sea, tan pronto como llegue la compra, sabes que alguien va a ser 23 grandescierto. Él hace una grabación rápida, pero oye, jim, felicitaciones.adelante Y le envías un segundo clip rápido de 5-10 para personalizarlo y esa personalo recibe directamente a través de su correo electrónico Mhm Ahora imagine que alguien ha hecho eso y lo ha hecho personalservicio porque nuevamente sabes que tienes un período de reembolso y cosas como esta imagina el impactoque vas a tener con esa persona y a veces es como decir, por ejemplo, alguien firmapara programar una llamada con usted sea lo que sea y de inmediatojohnny envía un video Acabo de ver su cotización programada Estoy muy emocionado esperando con ansiasSolo me aseguro de pasar por el profesional anterior. Conoce el documento que ya he dado.usted Así que estamos listos para lo bueno y va a ser cualquier problema Odio eligual ya estoy aquí él es como lo que este tipo es real pensé que era un todosabes que hay todo un equipo pretendiendo ser él Así que la razónla gente lo hace solo afecta mucho las conversiones, afectará las conversiones y reducirá las tasas de reembolso, ¿verdad? Ytransformará esa relación Um, creo que incluso con la LME al principio, eh, algunos de ustedes puedenrecuerdo incluso con cómo se llama no puedo recordar um lo que haría yoobviamente haría esto con todos porque es mucho para manejar, pero recibiría una llamadacon los miembros, por ejemplo, al principio sabes que recibiría una llamada o haría un barridograbado pero es muy dificil si tu eres la persona detras obviamente no puedes hacerlopara todos bien Pero hace una gran diferencia porque sabes que quieresinvolucrarse quiere escuchar lo que dice la gente quiere ver lo quepuede hacer, puede mejorar las cosas, etc. Así que video de todos modos video pregunte um por tipoformulario Creo que lo hacen hacen aplicaciones o lo siento, como encuestas de todo tipo para Sí, tengo una herramientaasí, creo que se lo mostré a jim, fue como un bocado rápido donde puedo enviar mensajes personalesmensajes a la persona y pueden enviarme otro mensaje directamente a mí a través de un video y responder alo que acabo de decir estaba probando el gimnasio lo que eres, johnny, tienes una naturaleza tan personalante la cámara eres una naturaleza muy cálida y conectada y si pudieras mirar a la cámara de esa maneray quédate con eso Como dice Ali con una persona a pesar de que muchas personas sonal verlo, pero solo hable con esa persona, obtendrá que conoce a un gran porcentaje de esas personasque te están viendo quiero decir simplemente siguiendo lo que dijo Jim a veces siento que podría sercompletamente equivocado, pero creo que sí, tal vez me equivoque, pero a veces creo que Johnny se da menos crédito a sí mismo quese da cuenta no se cuando era niño generalmente pienso que te subestimasen realidad no me doy cuenta a veces como si estuvieras muy bien informado chico muy inteligente Y entiendo entiendo a veces tal vezTal vez estoy reflexionando sobre mis propios pensamientos sobre mí y sobre ti Como cuando sabes a vecessabes que llegamos a un cierto punto en la vida y somos como si no quisiéramos serhaciendo lo que sabes simplemente saltando como si supieras videos de Tiktok y haciendo esto y reprendiéndonos y avergonzándonos a nosotros mismosporque en realidad sabes que tenemos un poco de respeto por nosotros mismos con dignidad yonosotros 100% para que podamos hacerlo en un salón de clases no hay nada que no necesitemos ir al extremo y hacersabes que tenemos que saltar y hacer público y hacer cosas estúpidas parallamar la atención Oh tienes Tengo tu atención ahora Ahora déjame decirte que estoy de acuerdo contigoEntonces, como por ejemplo, su contenido Instagram perfecto Es hermoso Limpio y nítido Siento un pequeño cambioun poco de texto allí y luego el resto de su contenido no habla porusted incluso usted como el individuo que está detrás de un video profesional Bonito y limpio boom de video Está hecho Y estáEs divertido que hayamos hablado sobre la generación de oportunidades de venta de entradas altas. Si alguien llega a esto, ya sabes.en el caso de que los casos de usuario, los estudios de casos, básicamente, la generación de clientes potenciales, usted sabe, atraer clientes potenciales, clientes potenciales calificados y aquí puedemira, tienen el proceso de solicitud más antiguo también programado significa convertir clientes potenciales correctamenteinscritos hoy y así sucesivamente Así que 65% hasta 98% Pero de nuevo eso es subjetivo porque ustedno sé todos los entresijos Pero sí, mira, puedes integrarte con sistemas de calendariosegmente sus clientes potenciales análisis de abandono Uno más Un comentario más sobre johnny pensando en el caminoRuss Rufino piensa es que saca del individuo su particular talento Tutalento particular es una conversación uno a uno tiene una forma abierta muy atractiva decomunicándome y cuanto más pude ver que más feliz soy porque bien sabes graciaspara eso Sabes que me he formado como entrenador corporativo durante 22 años He estado viajandoen todo el mundo enseñando contabilidad y finanzas Así que tengo eso, um, ya sabesme gusta y confía en algo pero estoy jubilado pero no tengo que hacerlo porque tengo que seguir con vidasabes que tengo que hacer algo sabes Así que pensé que esto seríauna gran plataforma um para hacer eso con el uso de las redes sociales y obtener toda la información queQuiero poner contenido por ahí Es como si fuera un poco aterrador porque no lo hacessaber quién está mirando y si tus enemigos están mirando, sabes que el Gran Hermano está mirando, lo sabes porque estoyex militar también, ya sabes, así que yo no, no confío en el público, ya sabes porque ellospuede ser malo, sabes que podrían estar destrozando lo que JOHn está diciendo es to to totodos los demás tienen razón Parecerá que sabes que solo estás siendo paranoico y esas cosas, pero si alguna vez lo has hechoaplicación de la ley o cualquier tipo de agencias gubernamentales y cosas asíte vuelves paranoico no paranoico en ese sentido pero simplemente no sabes quién está prestando atención tal vez conoces a alguienEs posible que hayas tratado y sepas que te enviaron a la cárcel o lo que sea.porque mi experiencia como oficial de ingresos trabajé para el Servicio de Impuestos Internos durante cuatro añosy eso siempre fue cerrar a la gente y, digan lo que digan, ese es el tipo que conocíLo conseguiría tarde o temprano Ahora que había redes sociales búscameya sabes, oh, ahora tiene un apartado de correos, eh. Veamos si podemos perforarlo.más abajo Así que quiero decir esto es esto es al mismo tiempo obviamente hayhay pensamientos que no puedes controlar Sabes que tienes esta uh esta preocupación Todo estopreocupación, quiero decir, estoy de acuerdo contigo porque tenía las mismas preocupaciones que sabes que vienen deantecedentes policiales, evité las redes sociales y cuando entré en eso, estoy en las redes sociales, así que es elopuesto Es como, bueno, sabes algo, quería esperar ahora, como queno pueden separarse y parcialmente tienen que hacerlo Um entonces simplemente no saben Pero luego el otro ladode eso es lo que da más miedo ¿Estas personas van a limitar su alcance o sucrecimiento o su derecho potencial ¿Van a limitar a estos individuos que probablemente no existen?Y probablemente no les importe de todos modos. Ni siquiera están allí, pero los hemos convertido en un némesis.Así que eso es eso es lo que da miedo Entonces, ¿cuál es? ¿Cómo lo haces?saber Y luego, a veces, todo es síndrome del impostor o es una mentira que nos decimos a nosotros mismos enpara no hacer lo que nos da miedo Entonces podemos decir bueno, no podría hacerlode todos modos es una ilusión Estoy de acuerdo Es una ilusión No es verdad No lo esla realidad es solo una ilusión que puse ahí en el espacio entre mirar una pequeña pieza y soplaren lugar de mirar la imagen completa. Sabes que lo entiendo. Quiero decir, quiero decir allí.podría ser que no. Estoy de acuerdo contigo, pero quiero decir que siempre hay algo de verdad en eso basado ensabes que siempre hay algún elemento de algo detrás de eso Um pero sabescada uno tiene que llegar a su propia conclusión No Todos nosotros, por ejemplo, todos podríamos darunos a otros algunos consejos fantásticos que podría decir haz estotienes que cortarte Tienes que saber haz la maldita cosa de todos modosSí De todos modos, incluso si te convences de que no es verdad, puedes sentir que es verdad.dentro de ti Pero no lo haces no puedes renunciar Debes actuar en elsentirlo y procesarlo Sí, quiero decir, sí, ya sea que creas que puedes o tucoche que es lo mismo, ¿no? Tienes que vendértelo a ti mismo aunque lo hagas.véndelo a ti mismo a medida que avanzas en el viaje A veces tratarás de venderalejarse de lo que está bien Y cuando lo entiendes, tal vez sea muy difícil Ahí es donde los datosy toda esta tontería entra y ahí es donde ahí es donde es importante tener la razóntipo de personas a tu alrededor las personas correctas pero realistas al mismo tiempo que danel apoyo y brindarle información valiosa y personas que entienden qué es esoestás haciendo y lo que estás tratando de lograr, ellos pueden guiarte mejor, nopersonas que no entienden y solo lo dicen porque sí porque son hombres osí, mujeres o lo que sea Um, pero sabes algunos pequeños cambios y gracias, solo quierojohnny comience a fluir solo porque está haciendo lo suyo Pero algunas de las cosas que dijiste que elcosas que muchos de nosotros decimos es que sabes que aún no estoy listo para abrir la puertalas compuertas a la derecha Correcto Así que directamente nos restringimos como después de 555 publicaciones que piensasEstaría listo para abrir bien las compuertas Porque la pregunta es la preguntacomo si me hubiera dicho lo mismo cuando es el momento adecuado cuando es el momento adecuado¿Cuándo vas a estar listo? Porque no hay buenos momentos y cómo mejoramos.haciendo lo que tienes que hacer que intentas evitar hay un hay uncita que conozco y no he implementado por un tiempo pero es una muy buena cita y funcionasorprendentemente cada vez que haces esto si lo haces bien Y actúas en consecuencia, obviamente lo conviertes encomportamiento Así que la cita dice si no eres tú entonces quién si no ahora entonces cuando esodebería sacarte cada vez que dudes Como si hubiera un pedazo de basura en el piso oalgo así, sabes que puedes recoger al asesino y todo lo que sabes que podrías hacer algo quesabes que deberías estar haciendo si no eres tú entonces quién si no ahoraentonces cuando asi que debe tratar de hacerlo feliz que siempre actúe tan prontocuando escuchas esa voz y luego actúas sobre ella y luego se convierte en esopoco feliz de que el pequeño mini gane No significa éxitos y así sucesivamente Así que eso esTambién se preguntó un buen pequeño descubrimiento de video. Gracias. Um. Que sepas que es interesante yEntiendo Entiendo Así que esto es como decir, por ejemplo, si ha hecho una secuencia de correo electrónicoconoces a alguien, si alguien ve un video, es como si su comportamiento fuera tecnología de video interactivo conductual, no lo sési alguien ha oído hablar de eso Entonces puedes hacer diferentes videos Entonces haces un video sobreun gato o un video sobre un perro que dices eres una persona gato oun perro persona Persona perro persona Correcto Y luego te lleva por un camino completamente diferentecierto Si eres un amante de los gatos, puede llevarte por un camino diferente. De hecho, hay algunas tecnologías por ahí.algunos de ellos Correcto Entonces quiero decir si puedes si sabes que obviamente lo hace escomo si estuvieras probando su proceso de eliminación cuando hablas con un prospecto potencial, por ejemplo, ocliente potencial usted es usted está teniendo esta esta conversación con ellos y ellos están haciendo clic obviamente y usted estáeliminando ese camino predefinido esencialmente Correcto Así que es interesante y pero supongo que estoscosas un poco más avanzadas y la cosa es solo para obtener el obtener elcosas básicas cuando empiezas a tratar de hacer que las cosas más avanzadas sean más difíciles de haceresto y hacer aquello Um creo que ahí es donde el problema es que todo el mundo está tratando de automatizarcosas que podrías hacer manualmente antes de que hayas hecho la maldita cosa Yahí es donde está el problema, tenemos todos estos objetos brillantes frente a nosotrosAsí que esa es una gran herramienta. Puedo usar esto para algo que nunca usé.Y luego, como Michelle decía, sabes que tengo todas estas herramientas que tengo yno los he usado, simplemente están sentados allí y cuando me preparo para usarlos, están cerrados yNo puedo obtener un reembolso Sí Así que imagina que esto está en nuestro en nuestroalmacén en lME eso es seguro Pero pero esto es lo que sabes lo que sabes es molestotambién Michelle, puedes entender que alguien paga por productos, por ejemplo, no es pequeñocantidad de $ 500 o $ 1,000 y las malditas cosas simplemente desaparecieron de la carade la tierra y ni siquiera saben volver a ti Así que um sí esto esel punto Así que hay un montón de tecnologías por ahí Hay un montón de aplicaciones ysoftware y todo esto y todo eso A veces Sabes lo que es Sabes lo que a veces elLa amarga verdad es que la gente no le dirá que muchos de estos productos o estos softwarespuedes pasar más tiempo usándolo y será más rápido para ti hacerlomanualmente Tiene sentido Sabes que estás gastando todo esto Sabes que hay dos formas de miraren el que podría pasar tiempo, obviamente, tiene que aprender el producto, el software ytodo el proceso y todo esto y dios sabe cuanto se tarda o que talsi lo acaba de hacer muchas y, a veces, descubrirá que el manual era muchomás rápido de forma automatizada Pero te vendieron en esa cosa pensando que es más rápidomanera Exactamente Y el problema es si tu si crees que lo que pasa te vas a meter en unmodo todo el tiempo pensando en el software me va a facilitar las cosas Peronúmero uno, hará las cosas más complicadas. Sabes que a veces lo hace. Los softwares lo hacen.te complican las cosas y te hacen gastar más dinero cuandono necesito gastar más dinero porque te está dando esa solución falsa que necesito necesitoel software para que mi negocio gane dinero Pero ya sabes, incluso ganar dinero en la primeralugar por qué estás gastando dinero Ganar dinero obteniendo este dinero de Esa es la pregunta queSé ganar dinero manualmente primero Y luego, cuando tengas mi esperanza, mis bolsillos son agujeros vacíos enahora mismo Pero eso es lo que pasa cuando se trata de estos softwares y ya sabesobtienes esto cuando tienes todos estos lanzamientos por ahora por ahora el dinero encontrarás eldinero de algún lugar encontrarás el dinero 20 sabes que eres solo entraré en mi sobregiroEntraré en mi crédito lo que sea que tenga que hacer. Tomaré un préstamo adicional ahora.y así sucesivamente Así que leí una publicación en facebook estosemana sobre esto es que ves que el tipo con su celular y puso su celularteléfono en la cinta de correr ejercicio cinta de correr y dice mi teléfono y hacer ejerciciopara mí ahora sabes lo que es de nuevo todos todos cada uno lo suyo Sabes que hemosHe visto que sabes que hay personas que están allí en la cinta de correr con sus computadoras portátiles y esas cosas.No sé cómo funciona, realmente sé que funciona para algunas personas.Lo entiendo, está bien, pero para mí simplemente no puedo ver que al trabajar estas cosas se conviertan encuestionable muy creativo Así que solo quería mencionar esto porque mencionamosalgunas de estas cosas la semana pasada y algo me vino a la mente y fue algo realmente interesantePor cierto, gracias por eso, Ali, te lo agradezco antes de continuar, gracias.para eso Oh, esos son los cinco de nada Así que algo me vino a la mente y es algo quemucha gente que o bien algo me vino a la mente y les explico de que se trataes Entonces, um, lo que algunas personas no se dan cuenta dicen, por ejemplo, conocen algunos de estos lanzamientos si haysi hay algunos buenos, obviamente, el de la izquierda, todos los de software duro adecuados. Correcto Mhm Ytienes anuncios extremos Veamos, estoy tratando de ver si puedo encontrar algo que pueda serbueno Hay un poco de piloto de negocios del tiempo. Nunca he oído hablar de eso, perodigamos piloto de negocios Correcto Pero sí, no creo que esté listo todavía porque es soloparece que no hay estilo que salga en mayo Así que solo están enviando JVpagar por las notificaciones pero quiero recibir una con el nombre Um Bueno, hayahora hay uno llamado um está bien si vamos a vamos a ir a Joshua Zamora que vienepronto podcaster Este este Sé que tiene el suyo De acuerdo podcaster Otro podcaster wow Muy bien Solodecir que hay un podcaster equivocado Correcto Um sí sí sí sí haz el vamos a ver Blancolas etiquetas son como las etiquetas blancas Está bien, lo he hecho para usted en el sitio web de etiquetas blancas Entonceseso parece que sí, te darán un sitio web de marca blanca, pero parece que podrían hacertepague por hospedaje Ok Entonces, de todos modos, para resumir, por ejemplo, tiene podcasts Correcto Esto es otra cosaque siempre recuerdas Entonces, si vengo aquí, déjame escribir aquíRight What Foster Right podcast sobre ¿Qué es esto? De acuerdo, alguien ya tiene el nombre, perode todos modos, um, si solo está bien, así que un poco de revisión rápida de investigación de podcasting Veamossi alguien tiene algo empresa No Vale podcaster podcaster tal vez tal vez Bien Sí No Entonces, ¿quétipo de querer hacer es simplemente averiguar lo que sabes tal vezhay diferentes permutaciones de él, sabes diferentes cosas a su alrededor Bueno, tal vez aún no está listo Así queMuy bien Um, saquemos una conclusión ahora mismo No hay nada relevante en Youtube ahora mismo Correctogoogle porque si voy a google ahora echemos un vistazo podcaster Revisar cambios socialmente Pensar en su lugar podcaster podcasterliteratura Bien Entonces el mantra ha venido Pero puedes ver que no hay nada allí Ahora ¿Puedes verAsí es, es completamente nuevo. Entonces, obviamente, hay una oportunidad de aprovechar eso mientras está fresco. De acuerdo.Y cuándo se lanza entonces Nosotros solo se lanza el 29 de marzo de esta última semana EsteFalta un mes, ¿verdad? Falta un mes. No Bueno, lo haría si siesto fue si yo fuera a hacer esto bien Lo que yo haría vamos a hacer vamos asolo ve a la hoja de nombre Derecha Sigamos adelante Sigamos adelante y el podcaster veamos qué tienen ahoraA veces, los proveedores cometen el error de no obtener todos sus dominios. Así que vamos a verpara los típicos allí mismo $ 49 Así que mira este punto co punto Reino Unido Mira esto Quéun gran error puedes ver que eso es que es muy muy poco sabes imagina esto bien imaginaesto Si estás por delante de todos Correcto Como algunas personas no estarán por delante de esto Así quelo que haces es solo un nombre de dominio Entonces obtienes todos los dominios relevantesobviamente Sí. ¿Y a qué me refiero con relevante? Digamos que tienes co punto Reino Unido aquí.no sé por qué no lo consiguieron E incluso mire este punto org o punto net, no lo entiendosaber si tienen punto net correcto vamos a ver punto net porque creo que acaban de irsepara IOUI recientemente solo porque pensé que el motivo de estas extensiones era que sivas a saber si va a estar encendido o va a tener que ser algo sobreorganización si va a estar en comentarios sobre IA comercial es sobre inteligencia artificial, quiero decir, ¿eso tienealguna relevancia en esto Um Es todo lo que son son esto en general Sé lo que eresdiciendo, pero estas son las principales, estas son las principales extensiones que desearíapor lo general, se obtiene especialmente para su sitio web, especialmente cuando se trata de SCO o clasificación y cosas por el estiloCorrecto, estos son los típicos y estos son los principales que las personas recibirían especialmente cuando están haciendouna búsqueda o algo así Pero en este caso um escucha no tienen no tienen dot codot UK correcto No tienen organización No tienen un yo eso no es un gran problema Correcto, peroesos son los principales Pero aquí es donde las cosas se pondrán interesantes Así que tienes un podcast vamossolo escribe reseña ¿Tienen reseña No correcto ¿Tienen reseñas Vamos a echar un vistazo Correctoasí que los podcasts están expuestos. ¿Lo tienen? Y estos son el poder que tienes.para entender que estas son las personas que van a buscar su primera Esa es la palabra clave correcta Ellos sonvoy a estar buscando todos estos términos aquí ahora imagina esto obtienes todos esosnombres de dominio correctos Tiene dos opciones, puede hacerlas todas como redireccionamientos a suposeer una página de revisión o cuál sería el escenario ideal para crear muchos sitiospara todos ellos, como revisar blogs de revisión o sitios web de una página, sigue esos dominios con gran alto altolas palabras clave son, por supuesto, por ejemplo, usted sabe que puede obtener 5 10 5o 10 de ellos Puedes ver lo que sea cuánto es Sabes que estásva a obtener el retorno de su inversión correctamente Y luego, básicamente, podría crear para cada unopodrías crear un video de youtube diferente tal vez dos videos Si quisieras escribir, inviertes y obtienesestas cosas hechas tal vez le den $ 100 de pago inicial Usted obtiene sus nombres de dominio tal vez gaste un pocode dinero para hacer algunos gráficos o lo que sea Pero ahora tienesestos 5 a 10 dominios correctos Estos cinco o 10 mini sitios Y sabes que tienes tuartículos ricos en palabras clave allí con la revisión Blah Blah Blah Tal vez gaste otros $ 10 enPPL nuestros productos que pones en todos ellos Pero tienes que imaginar que cada uno traetu número uno te está trayendo clientes potenciales estás capturando clientes potenciales de este lanzamiento correcto Y númerodos vas a hacer ventas vas a hacer tu retorno 100% Ganarás dinero incluso si es aguadigamos que usted hace tres ventas o ventas completas le devolvieron su dinero correctamente Porque puedeen realidad convertirse en un afiliado y y ya sabes enviar un correo electrónico a las personas que van aestos sitios web están vinculados por la oferta y puede hacer una comisión de afiliadoSí, básicamente esto es lo que queremos hacer. Quiere que pueda obtener su dirección de correo electrónico y ustedpuede unirlos a lo que quiera lo que quiera Por ejemplo, ustedobviamente vas a decir ve a mi sitio web pero sabes lo que se necesita paraobtén 5 10 15 y listo Sí, me refiero a mirar incluso este año, incluso si hay revisionesno está allí, puede hacerlo, sabe la revisión de guiones y aparecerá ahora.el guión marca la diferencia en cuanto a los motores de búsqueda, ¿no aparecerá que ustedquiero No importa No importará siempre que su contenido sea rico en palabras clavey es relevante para ello. Tenemos gente haciendo tiempo de búsqueda. Aparecerá todo lo que pueda.Pero si tienes algo como ahora, acabamos de hacer unas cinco, probablemente cinco búsquedas directamente en la tecla principal.términos que la gente está buscando usted sabe que podría ir a revisar reseñas revisadas estafa expuesta no compresea lo que sea, sabes y por cada uno que surgió como si tuvieras un mes para rápidamentecoloque un pequeño sitio web rápido con un sitio web de una página al que pueda ingresar en embudos de clicvaya a configurar una página y sabrá que podría tenerla con un video comotienes mucho tiempo para hacer ese video Básicamente podrías grabar el mismo video 10veces, si quisieras, por cada uno de los mismos contenidos, tienes £ 300 y Dios sabe cómolargo sería ejecutado Pero tienes si alguien quiere hacer eso ahora di que te tomó unosemana para grabar para construir todas estas cosas y tomaría una semana probablemente porquepodría decir, por ejemplo, si no lo hago si construyes una página que encuentras abajoen los embudos de clic o crea una página, podría simplemente duplicar esa misma página ytodo lo que haces es cambiar el contenido dentro de esa página. Podrías saber que podríasir a contratar a alguien podría ir a cinco o crear su publicación o puede obtener un artículo reescribir una ruleta tenía eltoda la estructura un video diferente Está arriba Eso es todo 56 nombre de dominio Obtienes el 56 el mejor ranking de Googleahora Lo que todos deberían hacer en algún momento les interesará volveremos aesto en aproximadamente tres o cuatro semanas cuando estén lanzando cougar que fue y obtuvo esos dominios Sí CuandoSe trata de si lo piensas ahora, a veces ellos conocen, a veces conocen a los delincuentes, tal vez desafortunadamente.a veces la gente comete el error, creo que incluso Google una vez cometió el error de no renovar supropio dominio no sé si alguien se enteró de esto y hubo un tipo que no puedorecuerda que compró google punto com no lo hizo y yo habría dicho sí, voy a venderusted de vuelta por millones Creo que se trata de lo que Google hizo una reacción a eso que crearonsu propia extensión Probablemente esté familiarizado con eso XYZ Eso es lo que hicieron como una forma debásicamente temporalmente Sí, pero necesitan que el pato regrese Y la razón por la que menciono esto es porque estamosno solo específico para esta única cosa, puede usar esto una y otra vezA veces puedes tener otro Aquí hay otra cosa que la gente no se da cuenta de nuevo sin apagarsefuera de tema Si vas a un contador habla con un contador por ejemplo hey mira yoespecializado en marketing digital Um um sabes que me encantaría tener algo configuradodonde podamos hacer algún tipo de empresa conjunta juntos Sabes que tienes el nuevo negociopropietarios que vienen a bordo Si me los puede enviar puedo darte puedo dar un porcentaje de las ventas porque saben cada vez que se abre un nuevo negocioabre abre adónde fueron van registran su negocio para ir aun contador Así sucesivamente y así sucesivamente Correcto No, si tiene algo así enhaga un pedido con esta empresa o si puede obtener una lista de empresas nuevasabriendo ahora mismo ¿Qué pasaría si recuerda todo el nombre de dominio paraesas empresas Correcto Así que vas a registrar sus nombres de dominio correctamente Y esto es lo que haynada de que compraste el nombre de dominio y luego podrías ponerlo a la venta. Podrías hacer eso.para tus propios registros Podrías hacerlo por ti mismo Obviamente eso es lo que sabes que lo recuperoSi fuera una empresa lo suficientemente buena y jugosa, cosas geniales Pagarán decenas de miles porsi realmente lo querían Obviamente ha sido todo esto en su marca ycosas y sabes el nombre de dominio y luego vienes y sabes que estás allícomo oh, alguien ya tiene esto y obviamente se comunican contigo y dicen mira, realmente queremos compraro incluso si no se comunican con usted, puede comunicarse con ellos. Tengo su degradante. ¿Le gustaría?cómpralo Bien Así que creo que creo que um donald trump hizo eso con alguienNo puedo recordar Alguien consiguió el entrenador de Donald Trump o alguien consiguió uno de los nombres de dominio De todos modosUm y, a veces, puedes obtener dominios de celebridades que no lo tienen y puedes darles la vuelta.sé que puedes darle la vuelta a lo que sea Um, así que eso es otra cosa buena La gente no se da cuentaconoces a Catherine cuando conoces especialmente a personas que no tienen nada que hacer, puedes acudir a ellas.puede tener algún tipo de trato establecido y así sucesivamente Um peroeste es algo que definitivamente tendremos que volver y verificar porque sabes que es buenopara conocerlos los tienes Sí Ese tipo se va si es un éxito Eso esrealmente bastante brillante para ver lo que va a comentar. Entonces, estos muchachos especialmente, creo que hay, creo que él estáun chico indio um jay Sharma echemos un vistazo OJ Sharma Sí Entoncesnormalmente tiene un buen lanzamiento de algunos de los antecedentes Así que sabes bien lo que debes esperarde digamos para el Tendria deberia tener Me imagino buenos afiliados que estan promocionandopara él Correcto Entonces, lo que sucederá de nuevo es que estas personas obviamenteenviar correos electrónicos que los clientes querrán hacer su investigación sobre el tráfico orgánico, sea lo que seaY ellos irán a revisar Ellos irán a revisar Así que estás desviando ese tráfico libre y yy sabes que se ejecutará Así que digamos mira puede bacala digamos que escan macala wright can bacala vamos a hacer esto si voy a es bueno ir de incógnitoCuando haces estas búsquedas, siempre que haces controles, sí, ve de incógnito porque si no lo haces, obviamente es solorecogiendo sus almohadillas de búsqueda regulares lo que ha estado pasando de todos modos De esta manera es como una pizarra limpiapuedes verlo orgánicamente limpio Como si no hubiera galletas y no hubiera, ya sabesestás usando las mismas cosas porque lo que hace obviamente Google y los motores de búsqueda quieren optimizar las páginasen las que ha estado y cosas por el estilo Incluso los patrones de las páginas que podrían sersimilar a eso Entonces alguien mencionó que no, no tienes que hacerlo, pero hay otro sitio llamadoDuck Duck Go o algo así No sé cómo fue eso cosas como google Ellos otra vez elloscontrolan la información los guardianes de la información los llamamos bien Ellos controlarán la narrativa dela información que estás buscando Entonces um puede ladrar carla y bacala Bien, aquí estáCampbell carla está funcionando Está bien mira esto mira esto Eso se suponepara ser bienvenido al área de miembros Oh, Dios mío, ya entraste wow ¿Cómo lo hiciste?haz eso Sí, eso es gratis Oh jailbreak jailbreak jailbreak esta vez el próximo año seré ese conversoCanberra carl Bueno, supongo que supongo que es un poco viejo ahora con estos tipos enesto, pero si solo creo esto, echemos un vistazo, déjame ver si solove directamente a su página ¿Sucede algo? Oh, el video no funcionaEntonces eso básicamente significa que no, ni siquiera va a la derecha degradante, ¿verdad? Ah, sí, yoQuiero decir, ¿qué estás haciendo? ¿Qué haces? Así que no es realmente una buena señal.supongo que supongo que es algo muy antiguo que han hecho Así que intentemospara encontrar algo más reciente Ok Prime Uh si escribo stock principal podría aparecercon algún binario o algo así. Sí, está bien. Vayamos a la música, hombre. Él acaba de hacer música, hombre porqueTengo música, hombre, nunca la usé, no sé por qué, pensé que era bueno tenerla.nunca lo usarás. Te digo música, hombre, caras parlantes. Tengo todas esas siquiera lo use Ese era el dominio música granito punto com Cierra la músicahombre De acuerdo Mira, tienes una invitación de JV Sí Va a ser difícil conseguirlo De acuerdo Entonces, si yodéjame hacer esto otra vez Hombre de la música Dot Io surge Mm hmmMúsica Déjame hacer mi ortografía. Ni siquiera puedo deletrearlo. El hombre de la música Está está capacitado o no está capacitado para hacer el trabajo de piratería Está capacitado para defender elpiratas informáticos Es por eso que no puedes atar tratando de deletrear la forma musulmana en que murió el hombre de la música Está bien ¿Puedes ver, mirar?este es otro tema Mira esto mucho tiempo Mira el tiempo bajoOh, sí, tomó demasiado tiempo. Sí. No lo hizo. No se ocupó de su producto anterior. No.El nombre es Esto es otra cosa buena que Johnny necesita ir a verificar y todavía inicia sesión.en Deberías estar sonriendo ahora que no vas a escuchar la música correctamente, inicia sesión yintente, vamos a agrupar Oh, chico, el dominio está caducado, no significa que caduque realmentesí, eso es lo que ya estoy viendo, sí, estoy mirando el nombre barato y surgió.a Voy a entrar Tengo una cuenta allí Supongo que ese no es un muy buen ejemplo Vamosa um eso significa que puedo ir a la cárcel y revender ese dominio y decirtu dominio está caído Es posible que quieras volver a ponerlo en marcha Buena idea De acuerdo, entonces Graeme Kasheso es alguien ve lo que quiero decir Mira cuál es el punto de tener algo y está abajo Oh sí ¿Son esossus productos o productos que le gustan Nick estaba preguntando si hay productos que él diceSólida trayectoria en registros de lanzamientos Y si existe o el problema es cuando pones algo comoesto con lo que te estás asociando. Ese es el problema, ¿no es así? Sí, entonces no puedes deciroh, no es mentira o si se trata de la gestión de su JV, ¿todavía tiene algo de respeto?estás estás estás asignando alguna afiliación con él Está bien X Funnels es uno X funnels correctoAsí que esto no se ha convertido en X embudos porque era un creador de embudos. Este X embudosbien, tienes X embudos Io Muy bien, entonces este es interesante Así que mira X sigue punto punto netoau Entonces, algunas personas, supongo que esto es otra cosa si estás en Australia o en diferentes países, puedesuse la otra extensión Entonces, hagamos, hagamos revisiones externas punto com si esaparece no, nadie, nadie lo entendió. No, nada. De acuerdo. Entonces, ¿qué significa eso? No significa nada.en este momento hasta que lo meto en este chico malo que tengopara saber que es lo que te pasa no lo entiendes pero no lo es no esta terminado pero siguetodavía está trabajando en él cuando está hecho. Se lanzó hace mucho tiempo. Sí, sí, sí.todavía están trabajando en ello Todavía hay cosas que no funcionan y funcionóparcialmente es así mira este es el problema no decir esta cosa en particular pero un montón deesto es lo que hacen muchos proveedores. No estoy diciendo que lanzaron algo y no hay veces que no haya nada malo.con eso Sabes que es Quiero decir que esto sucedió con Quiero decir, incluso si recuerdas videos videos que dijeronesto más tarde que lanzaron y tuvieron tantos problemas tantos problemas y sabes que es comoun comienzo, ¿no es así? Están arreglando todos los errores, todos los problemas técnicos y muchas personas no sabían que habíamuchos problemas y aveces pasa sabes que tienes que comprar la bala que trato de levantardinero para pagar básicamente sí sí sí sí sí sí básicamente está recaudando capital se registró ennet dot org está ahí Y estás diciendo que estamos escuchando Entonces, pero nuevamente, acabo de obtener un dominio parami esposa Park es dentista de Park Avenue pero dentista de Park Avenue nyc dot Está bieninteractuar es bueno Así que esta es tecnología de video conductual Correcto Así que veamos sipuede hacer que este interactúe como ejemplo porque han existido durante mucho tiempo yellos saben que este es un buen producto interactuar Veamos si ellos vean si tienen sulos dominios en el lugar correcto interactúan, no tienen punto com Pero el otro es que algunosEl tipo de personas que no se preocupan por ellos es que son tú mismo, eso probablemente esté tomado.porque ha tardado mucho en interrumpirlo Bueno, entonces interactúe. Regresemos Bien. Guión bueno.eso esta disponible Entonces si hago un espacio aqui tomo esta busqueda A verHay resultados de búsqueda uh 35,000, sabes que ha estado allí durante años, mucho tiempo, mucho tiempo Entonces, si yovaya bien nadie tiene esto tienen ellos Nadie tiene esto tiene algún cheque Podría ser eldoble R Ahí que la gente no ha puesto la doble R Solo ponen una R comojuego de palabras Podría ser pero sí O algunas personas tal vez solo están haciendo tráfico directo Está bien, pero vamossolo tome usted sabe Um Así que en este caso ahora esta persona aquí tiene su propiapage right Ellos tienen su propia página y la miran de inmediatoesto realmente se ve bien Mira esto Mira esto Este es un muy buen ejemplo de quese nos ha ocurrido un muy buen ejemplo de lo que han hecho enseguida. Pusieronsu video de ventas en la parte superior y esto es de su página principal Esta es una vista previa de JBque se le ha visto antes ¿Cuál es su nombre? brian phillips Sí, brian, tengo algunos encuestadospara Ryan Ryan Ryan eso era un poco caro Ese era un producto caro Yono quería comprar ese Um No, creo que tal vez se ha vuelto recurrenteahora o el uno apagado pero fue un lanzamiento de sorteo barato fue una cantidad razonable Ahora miraen este Entonces, para cada persona que es el video, la educación en el derecho tiene un esquema completocomo si pudieras escribir un libro o algo, ya sabes, toma el libro. Mira, mira qué Mira esto esto es que si llego a esto estoy como Sipme ha dado exactamente lo que quiero saber para los pies pequeños o $ 67 Es miraren esto es bastante Esa es una muy buena plantilla para usar Esto es como un caso universitarioestudio que estamos viendo en este momento Ollie Muchas gracias por eso Me siento como si estuviera en la universidad ahoraImagina esto si usas la misma plantilla de estructura para cada todo lo quehizo incluso con sus propios productos como tiene que entender incluso si es suproductos propios asi que si voy a mis productos aqui marty inglaterra inglaterra o es que tuEse es él. Ese es Ryan. Ryan phillips. No, no, este es otro. Este es alguien.else Este es alguien que es básicamente Mark Uh este tipo es alguien más Veamos si podemosaverigua quién es Vale, tiene youtube travel Bienvenido de nuevo al día 24 de estees otra cosita buena para mirar Como permanecer en el otro Sí Entonces esa es otra cosa quemiramos Pero vayamos a este espacio queda Mira esto No hay espaciosizquierda Pero puedes comprarlo ahora Está bien Ella los cerró Bueno, lo hizoabierto Bien, entonces esta es otra forma inteligente de hacerlo Bien Porque lo que sucedería incluso si inclusosi no está agotado Adivina qué Adivina qué sucedió de inmediato como humano Túcreo, Dios mío, está agotado, me lo perdí, me lo perdí, tengo muchas ganas de poner minombre hacia abajo Entonces, cuando me notifiquen, entiendo Ah, sí, adivina qué 24 horas después, obtuveun espacio disponible ¿Te gustaría? Oh, sí, será mejor que se agoteEntonces, sí, pero puede ser el caso, está agotado. Pero nuevamente, este tipo éllo dijo él mismo Me gusta la automatización probablemente sobre mí Um Es lo que esEntonces, si este fuera yo, ¿verdad? No lo soy. ¿Sabes si iba a hacer esto? ¿Qué es?haciendo sabes lo que haría yo los dejaría en 97 y yodigamos que pondría un código de cupón allí para soltarlo pon un código de cupón allí porque entonces escomo si estuviera en el código de descuento Sí, solo puedes conservar cada mes que podrías cambiarsi quisieras pero lo que quiero decir de nuevo qué es lo que eresentrar allí Curso paso a paso Así que estos están en libras y es como decir, por ejemplosi ingresó a LME y terminó su producto, es lo mismo quesolo tome algo de allí Correcto Entonces, lo que está haciendo lo que puede hacer es como siQuería otro modelo que podría haber hecho con LME que fue algo que se me ocurrióhabría cursos gratuitos y serían cursos pagos Entonces con la suscripción puedes obtener todoestos cursos se agregaron y luego hay cursos premium de muy alto nivel Es como, por ejemplosi has oído hablar de aprende aprende punto com por anexo y niña Sí aprende aprende bienNo sé si alguien ha oído hablar de eso, pero ya sabes, así que echemos un vistazo, te mostraré lo quesignifica que tiene algo genial, sabes que lo hemos estado haciendo durante mucho tiempo, pero tiene una lista de catálogomiró el LURN A ver si sale Así que mira puedes vercursos gratuitos y de pago Entonces, pero nuevamente, tienes que pagar por estas cosas Déjame aceptar esto¿Puedes ver que hay algunos cursos gratis otra vez gratis gratis gratis y luego obviamentete pagarán una vez que estés allí, hay bastantes que son gratisNo sé por qué está haciendo eso Tal vez está haciendo que te inscribas No lo sé Mhm ElLo siguiente es que tienen cursos gratuitos y premium, ¿verdad? Mhm ¿Hay algo bueno? Um Nuevamente, me refiero a subjetivoal individuo Sabes si no tienes conocimiento sobre algo y vienes y miras algoy te está dando buena información. Pensarías bien, esto es realmente bueno. Me está ayudando a entrar.allí, pero a veces, cuando algo es gratis, sabes que no obtendrás todas las campanas y silbatosvas a conseguir algo pero no vas a conseguir todo Así que obviamente lo hacestiene que pagar, pero es lo que toma de allí, supongo que podría ser una venta adicional para ustedsabe que puede usar eso como un imán principal y luego obtener una venta adicional ohno con este 100% una vez que estás allí dicen gratis Pero hay muchos de ellos que sonpagado como 200 dólares 500 dólares 1000 dólares cosas así cuando estás en su 100% Así quesabes que era algo similar a lo que quería hacer con LMEesto ya sabes toda la plataforma Pero en lugar de hacer 300 dólares hay 500 dólares entonces¿Por qué no lo hago simplemente como un buen sitio de membresía recurrente y obtienestodo lo que tengo que pagar otros 100 dolares 200 dolares Es bueno no me malinterpretenes un buen modelo No hay nada de malo en que probablemente esté ganando mucho dinero con él porque está obteniendootro Así que aquí está el secreto con esto otras personas están construyendo las fuerzas ponlasen su plataforma Eso es todo Él lo entiende recibe un corte Um Pero de nuevo es como decirpor ejemplo tu vas a ti a mi lo que es diferente es lo mismo pero tu sabesme redujo el precio y venden tu ropa por $ 20 Así que sí, me refiero a queDesafortunadamente, usted, como proveedor, no tiene el control de su propio producto, ¿verdad?Ellos ganan todo el dinero Entonces, si fuera a marketing ahora mismo, y luego todos ustedes estaránsorprendido de que muchas de las cosas que ves aquí como SE 16 Sabes cómo convertirte en unredactor Digamos que está bien, hagamos esto Quiero encontrar algo queestá bien, hagamos esta investigación de mercado Imagina lo que hemos pasado en la investigación de mercado de hoysobre cómo monetizar los productos de otras personas y sus lanzamientos y obtener nombres de dominio y crearmicrositios y así sucesivamente Están vendiendo esto por Um £ 22 queprobablemente sea alrededor de $ 29 o algo con un 73% de descuento, ya sabes, Oh, mira esto Adivinalo que están haciendo ahora Se convirtieron en un servicio de suscripción £ 26.99 por mes Después de una prueba de siete días pusieronen la letra pequeña Huh Sí, pruébalo Sí, porque supongo que tienen que asegurarse de quecúbrelo Pero si vas, hagamos clic aquí de todos modos Quiero ver Muy bien, así que sí, esto estan inteligente Al menos conseguiré a tu gente diaria tienes que ir a pagar al menosTengo tu correo electrónico, pero volviendo a él ahora reviso quién es.para dueños de personal de negocios, bla, bla, bla, señor marketing después de este curso, estos sonlas cosas que podrá responder Entonces, lo que estoy buscando es un desglose de lo que estádentro del proceso de 10 pasos para la investigación de mercado Diseñe cuestionarios efectivos descubra el papel de los datos aprenda a hacerun resumen de MR necesidad de investigación fluida para teologías revisar este curso que es un error tipográficoestá bien, entonces está bien, ahora es interesante, mantuvieron este candado que ahora se usa para esconderse enla parte superior pero está en tu cara Así que esta es la parte que estoy buscando Correcto, esto es lo queestás recibiendo para el curso mm Tengo tres conferencias Mira ocho minutos seis minutos 10 minutos ElEl segundo 1 es una hora. ¿Recuerdas cuando mencioné que podrías crear un seminario web, podrías hacer unseminario web como un video largo de dos horas como, por ejemplo, hoy vamos allame si me deslizo hacia arriba, entonces lo que hago al final simplemente lo corto en pedazosEs exactamente lo mismo Y esta persona obviamente solo crea el curso que se te ofrece parayo y dejándolos hacer todo el trabajo, ya conoces el mercado, son como heyvas a hacer todas estas cosas Um Ahora, esencialmente podrías mirar algunas de estascursos y lo sabrías de inmediato. Sabes qué hay una gran demanda. Tenemosobviamente, invertir en este tipo de curso para que tenga opciones, puede crear su propio curso que puede comercializartu propio curso, por ejemplo, puedes crear contenido alrededor de youtube lo que quieras hacer opuede crear algo similar si ese es su campo y también colocarlo en usted parapara mí, puedes poner el precio más alto a la derecha. Podrías ponerlo más alto porque la gente dice que debo ser más sabio.ser mejor correcto O podrías bajar a socavar y luego alguien compra lo que eres la cosaes sí, harás ventas a partir de él. Pero, ¿qué hará generalmente la gente cuandoven tu nombre te investigarán si pueden encontrarte afuera entoncesentonces es un juego de pelota completamente diferente si tomas un té alto y esas cosas bien porqueSé que me haces, había ciertas cosas en su lugar donde realmente no puedes llevarte a la gentedesde la plataforma sea lo que sea Así que indirectamente sabes que la gente va a buscar opuede tener un video que tenga eso en un sentido en el que podría ser tan largoya que no va en contra de los términos de las condiciones, pero hay otras cosas como la habilidadcompartir y así sucesivamente que le dará las ideas y entender cómopuedes crear estos cursos Entonces podrías decir, por ejemplo, que eres como si supieraslo que quiero poder dejar curso no quiero ir lanzamiento no quiero gastardinero, bla, bla, bla, no quiero hacer todas esas cosas crear el curso empresa enYouTube, ¿qué tienes que perder? Lo lograste de todos modos. Y um, y había un chico.No recuerdo su nombre Estuvo haciendo esto durante años y tú me hiciste y creo que élestaba ganando más de 100 de los grandes o yo en el futuro Sí, crearías un curso tal vez unun par de cursos y estaba ganando dinero con eso de ti para mí Y luego estaba creando cursossobre cómo estaba ganando dinero con usted, ¿verdad? Y luego haría cursos sobrecómo comenzar en Youtube Y este tipo que te hace ganar toneladas de dinero con sucuesta 20 dólares nombre Su nombre es Alan algo Alan algo Sí Hey ellos hacentoneladas de dinero Cerramos a $20 Imagínese si puede enviar por $50Ganar mucho más dinero Vale, bien, vamos a ver cómo ganar dinero contigo para mí Buenos díasLo más relevante mejor calificado No siempre es lo más preciso Así que la mayoría de las reseñas serán correctasNo recuerdo su nombre, Alan, algo en lo que era muy, muy popular. Sí, yo.recuérdalo Así que este chico mira, ¿puedes ver esto? Sigue apareciendo este chico también Miramira su cara por todas partes Sí, está roto Entonces, ¿qué haces?a joey ve a joe aqui y vamos a joe a ver cuantos cursos tiene miraesto es una broma 100,000 estudiantes 90 cursos Entonces 90 cursos Así que vamosa ver si podemos encontrar todos esos cursos Mira como cambia el precio de su cambio Pero mira las calificacionesTienes que obtener una calificación hasta que no puedas jugar con las calificaciones de reputación allí.¿Puedes? No no Estos son todos los que conoces Personas legítimas que compraron Así que sabes que es que sabes que esexcelente retroalimentación y obtener mucha gente Sabes que podrías venir y presionar Aceptar Así que más cursospor Joey Right A ver si nos muestra más Debe haber empezado cuando era un bebéNo Sabes qué A veces sabes qué Si miras algunos de estoscursos como si solo valieran cinco horas Podrías crear 44 horasvalor de contenido en un día en la ciudad Así que escuchemos escuchemos este Obviamente mire a este tipoNo sé quién es, pero probablemente sé que probablemente lo entrevistó o algo así yél ha dado un desglose Entonces tal vez va y entrevista a personas y están creando contenido porque es información técnica Entoncesuna clase magistral completa de Dick top Marketing Correcto Y probablemente no sé si tiene unCuenta de Tiktok que tendrías que verificar si él mismo obtuvo esos millones de visitas Probablemente no O tal vezha entrevistado a alguien que tiene y les ha dado algo de dinero por ello Dicen que porejemplo, la misma plantilla que usó antes y otros servicios Nuevamente mira esto ¿Qué es Tiktok?sé que básicamente beneficia a los videos Dos minutos 20 minutos Tuve que crear una publicación en Tiktok video Cualquierapodría hacer esto Los secretos para comenzar Um así que de todos modos lo que podríamos hacer Entonces, ¿cuál es sunombre Joey esquiva Vamos a ver Tiktok Um a ver si estáhaciéndolo él mismo eso tiene más sentido Así que veamos si vas a buscar historias de joe Ya sabeslo que acababa de conseguir un millón de seguidores Él tiene la cosa real la cosa realVaya, entonces está practicando lo que predica, lo cual es bueno. Eso es lo que quieres. Claramente, él es el trabajo de los viajes de Euphemia.Está bien, pero sí, quiero decir de nuevo, es como si fuera una locura. Mira, es una locura que a este tipo le den un curso.aquí por 22 £ 22. Bien, y obviamente él es, sabes que tiene un Tiktok legítimo.cuenta Nos imaginamos Correcto Eso Pero él es él es alguien que te está mostrando cómohazlo ¿Tienes alguna plantilla o alguna lista de verificación para crear cursos? Um, debería tenery lo encontraré lo encontraré estaría muy interesado en eso yo también lo estoy haciendoesta creación, sí, encontraré una y tal vez vayamos, podemos continuar la semana que viene si quieres.Um, quiero decir que esto es como si las campanas estuvieran sonando aquí Así es ¿Estás pensando en hacerun curso rápido en Youtube, por ejemplo Sí, tengo campanas y sonidos en todas partes paramantenme despierto Mantenme enfocado mm hmm Tan hermoso afuera Y estoy sentado aquí en la habitación essi lo vende por £ 2022, ¿verdad? Si tiene más de 90 platos, dos platos principales. técnicamente generalmente el £ 80. Así que no sé si es cómo se manipula o no Umasí que cronometrémoslo de todos modos para 2020 a lo que es ahora Sí Entonces solo uno sivendieron 1111 cursos de su catálogo completo Correcto, eso es solo £ 2,000. ¿Qué tal $ 2,600?Mhm Bueno, la pregunta es cuánto se siente a precio completo Si fueraprecio total 50 dólares 50 Si hubiera hecho eso Si hubiera hecho eso cada unosolo diga que vendió un curso en 23 días todos los días veces sobre esoser 58,000 Pero, de nuevo, recuerda con dime si vendiste lmesabes si tuvieras alrededor de 1000 personas, por ejemplo, eso es la misma cantidad de $ 50,000 por mes Yadivina qué No tienes que seguir construyendo cursos cursos cursos cursos todo eso o lo quepodría hacer algo nuevo para mí Así que tú para mí es un ejemplo que tienes sabes que tienes cosascomo compartir habilidades y cosas por el estilo. También puedes aprovechar. Entonces, si lo construyes ypara mí no significa que no puedas ir a tomar el mismo curso o cambiarlo y poneren otra plataforma Puedes tenerlo en múltiples lugares vendiendo Sí Um Perode nuevo, este es un número conservador. Solo estamos diciendo un número conservador aquí, las veces son 12 cuando dices habilidades.compartiendo que quieres decir que tu para mi tiene cursos que se basan en habilidades Noasí que skill comparte otra plataforma similar a la tuya, por supuesto, hay contra siete días.cuenta y probablemente también un plan recurrente Así que básicamente puedes simplemente ser otro túpara mí, básicamente Entonces, para que tengas acceso a todo el curso, creo querecuerda Sí, este lo obtienes, pagas, sí, pagas, sí, obtienes todo incluido, supongolo bueno lo bueno de este tipo de plataformas verdad A ver empieza tu ya sabes usardurante siete días y ver de qué se trata Sabes que he hecho eso antes y lo he olvidado por completodurante meses, pero si sabes que hay algunos cursos increíbles a los que puedes iry te dará ideas increíbles. Honestamente, no nos damos cuenta de que si quieres inspiración, me refiero a esto.está incluso en el programa de entrenamiento exclusivo donde es parte de la investigación de pasar por lo quepuede pasar y va a Youtube cualquier habilidad compartir Si necesita ayuda, puede ir aotras personas que están haciendo algo similar a usted y de eso de eso usted d ingeniería o inviertediseñar su desglose Sabes cuando dices acerca de cómo puedes crear cursos tienes listas de verificaciónSimplemente revise cinco de los principales Por ejemplo, diga, por ejemplo, si pasé por aquíahora voy a buscar algunos de los mejores aquí ya sabes con el más altocantidad de estudiantes miren esto 16,000 bien Así que si voy Bien entonces vamosasí que si estás haciendo una clase magistral de Tiktok, esa es una buena terminología. Es como si te estuviera diciendolo que es popular en este momento lo que la gente está buscando Por lo tanto, en este momento lo más relevante, digamos, lo más revisado, ¿verdad?No mejor valorado Más reseñado Vale, ha reseñado Vale Así que tienes 200 aquí 128 Blah BlahBla Y no creo que estos sean precisos Creo que hay más La gente es buena para escribir realmente escribecomo 4-2 historia histórica a menos que tal vez tengas un algoritmo mejor que sabes que me conoceslos pondrá. Entonces, pero de todos modos, si vienes aquí y tenemos elderecho más popular Podría ver cuáles recibieron la mayor cantidad de comentarios. La mayor cantidad decomenta lo que les gusta de él, bla, bla, bla, las calificaciones más altas y luego puedesir a todos y cada uno de ellos Me gusta mira esto Esto es tan agradableminiatura Solo falta que sepas cómo completar la guía, pero de todos modos, él es diferentecon estas cosas vengo aquí voy Bien, echemos un vistazo Introducción Seis horas suena hashtags suenacomo si hubiera una falla allí Así que esencialmente podrías si quisieraspodrías ir a buscar el curso puedes invertir en el curso podrías ir a aprenderal respecto Puedes modelarlo Puedes modelarlo Voy a hacer esoporque todo lo que estás haciendo es construir capítulos que conoces dentro del video real Y quiero decir que no es no esCohete como este material no es ciencia espacial Como si fuera una joya escondida Solo están mostrandocómo ajustar el texto de la velocidad del clip Es todo lo mismo que tienes que aprender de todos modos YSería divertido que algunas de estas cosas que te están mostrando sean de Tiktok.propio tutorial, ¿verdad? Solo está rediseñado. Sí, reutilizado de nuevo. Oye, tienes a este instructor otra vez. Siempre es bueno.para mirarlo Puedes ver la fotografía y el instructor de Tiktok Tiene 40,066 pronto Así que vamos a estouno construye tu negocio con Eso es lo que tienes que enfocarte en una cosay un mercado y realizado y luego venderlo y trabajar en el otro Esun poco difícil trabajar en todo en conjunto Así que eso es lo que siempre mencionamos quees que no diluyes tu enfoque en múltiples cosas diferentes porque lo que sucede es como tus ojossabes, sabes, a veces dicen que el estómago es cuando tienes hambre, los ojos sonmás grande que tu estómago más grande que tu estómago cierto Así que eres como mi mamá decía eso todo el tiempocome un pollo entero johnny porque tus ojos son más grandes que tu estómago aquí Así queahora mismo quiero decir que podrías hacer esto como una prueba Déjame túsé simplemente como una cosa de realmente terminar millas Así que permítanme crear algunos minillamadas Déjame sacar la maldita cosa de ahí Nada que perder La cosa conque todo es que estamos tan ocupados con diferentes cosas que vienen a nuestras vidas es que nosotrosno tiene un gerente de rendición de cuentas No, usted lo tiene Ciertamente aquí Pero cada vez quemírate en el espejo esa es la persona Sí por eso ya no me miro en el espejo No nono, quiero decir que tienes razón Sí, um, a veces la razón por la que no tenemos un administrador de cuenta es más difícil, esmás fácil para nosotros ignorar tener responsabilidad responsabilidad individual detrás de nosotros porque sabemos o yasuponer que vamos a fallar Así que es mejor que ignoremos que No tengo cuenta de alguien porqueno vamos a fallar Así que ya te estás instalando eres como que preferiría no teneralgo para mantener o es más fácil culpar a esa persona Entonces no tengo gerentes de rendición de cuentas Y es por esoNo hago nada ¿Por qué algunas personas irán a tener un entrenador personal cuando podrían hacerlo?ellos mismos Solo quieren que alguien más les diga qué hacer En lugar de decirte a ti mismo quéusted consigue a alguien más y le paga y luego no obtenemos resultados Ustedculparlos, quiero decir lo que sea que te digan tú mismo Incluso un entrenador personal comoIncluso hubo un día, lo creas o no, cuando estaba en la policía hace muchos años.Tenía un entrenador personal y necesitaba ayuda para ponerme en forma y todo eso.cosas Una vez que el entrenador te enseña, no hay mucho que él te va a enseñar y ahora sabestodo lo que te está diciendo Sabes todo después de eso Es como oye, ahora necesito tomar los controles deya sabes, toma las riendas, a menos que ahora, si vas a competir,están compitiendo y necesita un nutricionista adecuado Conoce sus cosas de alto nivel Entonces ustedve a alguien que tenga más experiencia en esa área justo en esa película y luego aprendes cadatodo lo que saben no hay mucho más que te lo vayan a enseñar Entonces túir a otra persona no tal vez alguien que trabaje en un campo diferente de flexibilidad o que sepa diferentecontrol y bla, bla, bla Y como si hubiera un tipo, obviamente, que era el que yo solíarecibió entrenamiento de entrenamiento personal y él era alguien que todavía trabaja en el gimnasioa este estado Sí Y lo monetizó bien Y y lo he observado durante aproximadamentelas horas de sueño no se van no se ha preocupado por la vida social funciona funciona funcionaobras obras y la verdad sea dicha no me malinterpreten Él me ayudó en mi viajeObviamente, en primer lugar, comencé mi viaje, ya sabes, tratando de perder peso cuandoera un tamaño grande que pensé que tenía que hacerlo una vez que bajé de peso estoycomo está bien, necesito llevar esto un paso más allá Ahora Ahora necesito entender, ya sabesdiferentes ejercicios bla, bla, bla ¿Cómo levanto pesas y veo cómo el yyada y yo aprendimos eso Pero entonces algo estaba allí todavía faltaba algo todavía hayfaltaba algo Hubo un punto en el que perdí peso y luego se detuvo Todavía estaba trabajando duro EstoyTodavía comía menos pero no bajaba de peso Y me decía mira, sabesesto todavía no funciona Hay algo mal aquí Y él dijo que no, nodefinitivamente Debes estar comiendo algo mal con eso Y lo que me di cuenta sabes probablemente 10años después una década después porque no me hablaba específicamente de nutrición o no entendíacómo funciona el cuerpo cuando se trata de su metabolismo cómo se ralentiza Pero a vecesnecesito hacer ese reinicio Sabes que podría saber que él sabría por ejemplo que éldiría que sabes que necesitas saber dependiendo de las verduras que necesitas comerun pescado vale de verdura y quedate con tu proteina te sirve pero a mi cuerpono funciona así, pero estás aplicando tu longitud y tu sistema sobre mí, lo que no funciona Ylo que pasó como yo no estaba como yo no estaba viendo el cambio yo estaba me estresaríasacarme y preocuparme mucho como qué estoy haciendo mal, reduciría más la comiday me arruinaría más porque sé que voy a entrarmodo de hambre ahora y lo que es a veces que algunas personas solo te dicen lo quefunciona para ellos No siempre saben todo bien Porque incluso yo, por ejemplo, no soy un pocoespecialistas en anuncios, por ejemplo, no voy a comenzar a enseñarte sobre anuncios, en concreto, retargeting cómopara hacer ciertas métricas y todo eso Tenemos gente que hace eso Eso es especialistasy expertos en ese campo, así que tienes una persona que te enseña lo que sabemejor como marketing y así sucesivamente Usted conoce ese campo Pero si escucha si tieneun problema médico, ¿verdad? Tiene un problema médico. ¿Va a ir ael abogado en busca de ayuda Iré al médico de los pies Bueno, ahí lo tienesSabes que no tiene sentido que acudas a la persona que es especialista en el campo.y decirte exactamente porque que pasaría si no te caigo mal a veces se demorade obtener los resultados que desea y afectará su mentalidad. Oye, sabes que estoy haciendoresultados Tal vez soy yo tal vez no estoy trabajando lo suficiente y estaba reduciendo las calorías reduciendocalorías yendo y yo estaba como entonces me estoy debilitando no puedo hacer el gimnasio no pudeentender Y luego fue años más tarde y yo y luego yo estaba como sí porque túSé que no era nutricionista, no me lo dijo específicamente Y cuando dije que sabes, vamosplan de nutrición de entrenamiento Sabes que nos moveremos para llegar a él porque suel modelo principal es el entrenamiento personal Eso es lo que hace que su plan de nutrición más dinero aquí y allá Sípuede ser un poco, pero no es su cabeza y su boca porquemejora y te perderá como cliente, eso es otra parte yesto es lo que incluso dije mira a veces sabes um si estás entrenando a alguien y no lo estáobtener resultados y no perder la lluvia y esas cosas, um, sabes que no es asía veces refleja te refleja como si algo anduviera mal aquí como qué es y la cosa eres túsé que a veces los entrenadores llegarán a un punto como "hey, mira, haz lo que tienes que hacer".quieres quieres entrenamiento ven a mí lo haré pero no me culpes si no estás recibiendolos resultados tú eres el que está comiendo la basura Tú eres el que no está haciendo lo que a veces me doy cuentasabes como sabes que puedes ser entrenador o sabes que puedesestar en ciertos campos y eres alguien que es un negocio Sabes entonces cuando me di cuentaluego, como por ejemplo, la gente acude a él, se trata de amistad, es la experienciaque le ha dado a la gente cuando vienen para esa sesión de una hora, así es como élles hace sentir durante ese tiempo y cómo se sienten al irse Entonces, incluso si incluso sivete y vas y cometes tus errores y haces esto pero al menos túSé que regresas aquí y te sientes bien, te sientes bien, así que hay algunos puntos importantes para llevar.Así que a veces sabes que no tengas cuidado De nuevo, el consejo de quién lo tomasy no vayas A veces, ir a la persona equivocada puede darte el mal.consejos que te pueden hacer retroceder mucho mucho porque luego te cuestionas nada tal vez lo estoy haciendomal Y a veces es porque esas personas tienen una forma diferente de hacer las cosas y tratanimponer sus puntos de vista sobre todos estos sistemas y su comprensión sobre usted y es totalmentemal Te arruinará Como si significara que me arruinó 100% Me hizo noentenderlo me hizo entender la nutrición como debería escribir Y eso probablemente lo creome habría llamado, sabes, um, me habría llamado, sabes, opresión. Tal vez la deficiencia de las mujeres no come.correctamente malos patrones de alimentación comportamientos porque alguien dice oh sabes que tu peso no está bajando come menos Esel consejo equivocado lo siento Es solo el consejo equivocado Tienes que entender ¿Me estoy comiendo mi soy?Tengo la cantidad correcta de carbohidratos, grasas, proteínas y cuál es mi consumo de calorías. ¿Cuál es mibla, bla, todas esas cosas Así que um sin ir a comer porque nos está haciendo a todoshambriento ahora, pero aquí hay otra cosa buena, ¿verdad? Digamos, por ejemplo, que viniste aquí ahora.para ti quiero decir que acabamos de ir a uno de los cursos cuando te desplazasabajo esto será esto supongo que esto será esto es otra vez esto es un malestar esto es lo que túlo que hago es tratar de venderte más es que los estudiantes también trajeron esto. Ahora, la razón por la que menciono esto es porque estees donde se pone interesante Él te mostrará que sabes la cantidad de estudiantes enese curso en particular 5000 allí 5000 allí Tienes más de 1800 aquí Así que vamos por el volumen altoones Ahora vamos por un volumen alto porque sabemos que estos son los más populares junto conel mercado de revisión alta Obtuviste 5000 Pero mira estos 16,000 en este Qué broma Túmira que 16,000 ahora imagina imagina si tomaste esto ahora quiero que pienses en esto imagina sitomaste uno de estos cursos correctamente Y lo modelaste y regalaste probablemente el 70% deese contenido en YouTube de forma gratuita. Sí, claro. Y luego dices siquiero la causa completa y ayúdame a través de bla, bla, bla aquí está el enlace pproducto Ya sabemos que hay demanda Sabemos que hay 60.000 personas sentadasallí que les han pagado por este contenido y es probable que hayan pagado £ 60 por él porque simire aquí 59 99 si lo han hecho tal vez en algunos días algunos días hacen descuentos y esas cosaspero alguien pagó mucho dinero por él Pero luego deberíamos sumar celdas diferentescomponentes que podemos tener otras membresías y podemos tener programas de capacitación consulta que podemos hacer por ustedservicios Oye, sabes lo que tienes el curso me pagas 497 Voy a revisar todocontigo construiré tu canal construiré tu cuenta haré todo dadame acceso iré a todo iré por tus diseños gráficos y podrásvete a buscar diseño grafico se hace muy economico te dan el que solo tienesuna lista de verificación o profesional un ex profesional todo lo que necesita de ellos Lo envían y luego ustedpueden ingresar a su cuenta y configurar todo si están preocupados por la seguridad que usted podría haceruna pantalla compartida con ellos en una llamada de zoom y revisar una copia ypegar trabajo Sabemos que nos vendieron en lugares correctos Solo necesitamos conseguirpara tener una conversación con ellos y ayudarlos Pero incluso usted sabe que estos son excelentes recordatorios de que hatiene um 16,000 personas solo en esta cosa aquí y en un rangode cuatro estrellas allí Entonces ese es el mismo maestro Eso es joe padres estos seránser mezclado Estos están todos mezclados ahora Así que es bueno Nos da una buena mezcla diferentede diferentes personas Hay otra cosa aquí hay otra cosa otra vez sin sonar esto podríaSuena ruidoso bien Pero no hay nada de malo No creo que haya nada de malo en eso Mientras tulas cosas son genuinas También podría hacerlo si lo hace por sí mismo o si sabe que podríatener a su cónyuge o, técnicamente, incluso podría dirigirse a la audiencia femenina en lugar de a los hombresSabes que Jim podría convertirse en Stephanie. No digo que lo sea. Bueno, podrías adquirir cualquiera.seudónimo Quiero decir que no tiene nada de malo A veces tu contenido puede ser genial O ya sabessi tú o tú pudieras técnicamente podrías contratar a una mujer como locutora Mmhmm Cierto A veces los hombres tal vez me hagan sentir más cómodo con una mujer Así quesi tienes un cónyuge, tal vez tienes un amigo que podrías decir, mira, lo haréte doy 50 dolares solo necesito que grabes parte de este contenido conmigo bla, bla, bla¿Puedes hacerlo? Y puede que te sorprendas. Sabes que puedes sorprenderte o conseguir a alguien.involucrado vas a trabajar y sabes que consigues que alguien se involucre en el tren correctoinvítalos y diles que obtendrás un porcentaje continuo de las ventas que te hicieron tratar con todosesas cosas Todo lo que tienen que hacer es grabar ese contenido y luego puedenven y haz esas clases semanales o contenido grabado o haz webinars lo que sea que te ayudeapoyarlos también Y si no obtienes dinero, estás en problemas Um, así que esto esesto es lo interesante lo que haces configuras que tienes la audiencia masculina que tienestienes la audiencia femenina o podrías hacerlo mixto, quiero decir, depende de cómo túquiero hacerlo quiero decir que hay tantas naturalezas diferentes que podrías hacer Tiktok para madres solteras Tiktokpara mujeres embarazadas me refiero a Tiktok para toda una religión religión ubicación edad quiero decir dóndeTermina. Sabes que puede haber ciertas personas con fe religiosa en tu cristiano, judío, musulmán y luegovas a investigar qué qué qué pueden publicar Qué tipo de contenido está permitido Ya sabessi es modestia donde hay sexualidad ciertos temas temas tabú se les permite hablar no se les permitehablar de Ya ves lo que estoy diciendo Así que todas estas cosas tal vez sabes cómo crear uncuenta kosher Tiktok cómo crear una nueva cuenta Sí, sí, me refiero a estas otras cosas que sonsabes que la sociedad está cambiando Tienes a estos niños pequeños que vienen de diferentes religionesgrupos que usted sabe que sus padres podrían no entender acerca de todas estas plataformas que están diciendo que se mantengan alejadosde ellos cuando en en en en en el otro lado podrías crear podríasser alguien que eduque estos diferentes tipos de fe a estos padres para estos padres cómoadministrar estas plataformas correctamente y para sus necesidades comerciales, por ejemplo, y cómo salvaguardarsu hijo contra estas plataformas en lugar de porque sabemos hoy en día si usted sile dices a tus hijos que se mantengan alejados de esto, ¿qué es lo que siempre hacen algo que les dijiste que no?para hacer lo correcto Así que lamentablemente sabes que tenemos que tratar de administrar unmejor relación, ¿verdad? O tienes que educar a los padres en eso porque eso es lo queel padre no sabe Prefieren mantenerse alejados sin educación Y luego lo quedile al niño le dicen sabes sobre todo a mis padres mira hasta con mis padresEstoy bastante seguro de que muchos de ustedes también no son ellos porque están tratando deprotegerte y porque no entienden son como dicen solo aléjate de esoy no hay explicación, no hay comprensión detrás de eso Y luego dices que no entiendo por qué Así quea veces si entiendes por qué y sabes tratar a veces a un niño como un adulto y tener una buenaconversación con ellos bien Entonces entienden porque luego cuando más adelante en la vida si estás entoncesque esos rasgos se mueven en el niño, nunca entiendo que esto es lo que me dijeron quedeberías creer lo que sea que te digan sabes que tus padres podrían decir no hagas esto porqueno es bueno para ti y te ahorrará tiempo y molestias y sabes que estoysalvándote de todo el dolor por el que he pasado y qué haces, vas a hacer elcosa que causará lo mismo Estás tratando de hacer eso con el otroniños tratando de enseñar al revés Es demasiado divertido, así que tienes que hacer lo suyo yeres como oh eso es ahora lo entiendo si tan solo hubiera escuchado una clase magistral enpaternidad ya sabes clases magistrales sobre paternidad eso es hoy en día eso es lo que necesitamos sabiduría y gente sabia que encontrósu forma de vivir el mismo tipo de cosas Así que veamos Así que Nick entendió esto es tuyo NickSí, sabes que se trata del video en los autobuses, como a veces, a veces, necesitasuna llamada a la acción, necesitas que alguien te diga qué hacer y qué te gustaesto y necesitas internalizar tu propio como la responsabilidad está en él. Necesitasalguien que rinda cuentas y tenga la intención de internalizar esto y dentro de ti para que te ocupesusted mismo y haga lo que debe hacer todo el mundo bien He mencionado esto antes Si creaun curso que conoce dominar la industria por ejemplo hacer un curso y sabe hacer sulo mejor en esto He mencionado esto antes No tengo problemas Si es si es si es sisignifica que sabes matarme y no hay nada que te impida poner esto tambiéntu biografía, por supuesto, instructor Sí, para que puedas aprovecharlos, entiendes lo que quiero decir, pero sí, yoQuiero decir, déjame decirte, ¿es tuyo?, nick, este sitio, nutrientes relacionales, avisos, lo publicó.hace un par de semanas, pero es un psicólogo. El sitio de psicología es, por lo tanto, paralo que obtienes de la gente de otras personas como la aceptación como humanos Piensan que esonutrición o necesidad psicológica si quieres debes debes ir a uno antesy luego dos luego tres y cuatro Pero algunas personas son más importantes tres algunas personastener más de cuatro Como algunas personas no necesitan tanta aceptación que los humanos tienen esta necesidad de sentirya para que puedan llegar al siguiente paso y luego el paso final está tomandoacción y haciendo algunas cosas que están tomando haciendo cosas en el mundo Así que solo estoy tratando delograr algo tengo un libro electrónico en realidad se llama sentido propio y es un regalode mi libro Okay Nora déjame déjame hacer el anuncio porque se merece unnick dunne un cliente trajo su libro Así que alguien pagó dinero por su libro ¿verdad?sabes que Nick estaría ocupado con su libro, ¿verdad? Es el que vimos, ¿verdad? Um ySiguió con Nick y dice que no recibió el libro y obviamente Nick dice: oye.vaya a revisar su correo electrónico, etc., y lo encontró ahora, pero es un, ya sabe, ununa gran ronda de aplausos porque estuvo en mi clase todo el tiempo Así que comencé a leerSu libro es impresionante, pero una de sus principales fortalezas es que es legible, comprensible y, por lo tanto, unvaliosa introducción al campo y sabes que el campo mixto es como ciencia espacial complicado No no Isignifica que es como si tuvieras que tener un nivel muy alto de inteligencia para tu campoEso es lo que estoy diciendo para nosotros Para nosotros tal vez más La mayoría de ellos están de acuerdo obviamente mucho mucho trabajoentró en él y podría convertirse en uno de los libros más prácticos e influyentes en el campoOjalá lo hubiera tenido en los años 70 cuando hablé de hacer eso es fantásticoAhora, ¿me dirías a mí y a la familia que tuvimos un papel en la elaboración del libro?Pude ver, sí, estoy trabajando en la segunda edición con el libro y la categoría de escritura.significa que lo hizo y hacerlo aún mejor Y luego haré el curso en línea basado enla categoría de equipo de redacción Lo principal es siempre y cuando sepas el uh ella comunidad LME y la familia y los comentarios que ustedes ayudaron Ha ayudado durantetu viaje Eso es una victoria para todos nosotros Entonces estamos sí He querido escribir ese libroy hacer esa pregunta como desde hace unos 10 años, pero en realidad no significa que finalmente lo hicepara ti Eso es muy bueno Pero creo que una de las mejores cosas que túdijo aquí y es impactante Él es um, desearía tenerlo en los años 70y son los libros más prácticos e influyentes. Debería técnicamente convertirse en uno deBien, así que ya sabes, pídele que mire si no puedes hablar con él porque obviamente, um, puede que yosupongo que incluso podría ser un maestro o algo así porque es un psicólogo de la escuela le preguntó¿Es algo que tal vez él pueda? um No promover Diga, mire si tiene otros maestros, estoymás que felices de proporcionar Tal vez 10 o 15 de ustedes con copias gratuitas podrían obteneren sus manos bien Una vez que estén en sus manos Tal vez podría seralgo, entonces puede llegar allí y obtener sus comentarios, obtener sus testimonios. Pero entonces tal vez podríaser algo con lo que pueda ponerse en contacto, conoce el departamento de Educación, así que tengo estolibro, ya sabes, haz que la gente lo revise y sabes, haz que la gente tenga títulosConoces a las personas que tal vez saben que han obtenido calificaciones si es algo queaprobar Tal vez ellos también podrían tener algo en el lugar donde pueda ofrecer algo con alguiene incluye tu libro. Básicamente, puede ser catapultado en primera línea. Sí, tendré una cara o algo así.o alguien simplemente avanza o algo Sí Sí Sí Sí Sí Así que solo tienespor eso le digo obviamente a esta persona cuánto pagó por el libro CómoCuánto fue más o menos Siete dólares Siete dólares Correcto Así que podría ser el caso de que sepasponerlo en sus manos Era un pdf ¿no era un pdf? Espera, no puedes quejarte entonces Entoncestal vez pueda atraparlo Sí, si puedes decirte que sabes lo que puedes hacerDi, mira, estoy más que feliz, hagamos una llamada telefónica.conversación con él ¿Qué te pareció? Él puede Él es más que feliz si élquiere que él pueda elegir tu cerebro y tú puedes elegir su cerebro Sí Y quién sabe Podríaser un caso que él podría también podrías decir mira estoy pensando en Ryan otro libro más pequeño cuál es tuexperiencia averiguar cuáles son sus conocimientos y hacer algo juntos, ya sabes Y luego, si él es sitiene este interés o si tiene esto si es parte de estocosa en la que esto está en su interés y también para ser parcheado y empujarloA veces tienes que saber que algunas personas actuarán mejor cuando sepan que hay algo en ello.para ellos y luego no hay nada de malo en eso Por supuesto que a veces es agradablepara ayudar a la gente de vez en cuando, ¿verdad? O ya sabes, de vez en cuando, pero hoy en día, lamentablemente, la gente tomaaprovecha tu tiempo es tu tiempo no es gratis Recuerda eso Correcto Y el caso esaunque no sea gratis de vez en cuando Si estás haciendo una buena acción paraserás recompensado ya sea que lo veas o no hagas un derecho monetario Pero luego hay un punto quesi no estás haciendo lo tuyo y estás ayudando ayudando ayudando todo el tiempo escomo si dijera que te estás llevando las manos a la garganta. A veces tienes que hacerlo.tienes que cuidar tus propios pies antes de ayudar a los demás porque sino te estás ayudando a ti mismo y el barco se hunde no eres útil para nadie nadie y cuando estásabajo y tus barcos abajo nadie se preocupa por ti y tu situación Pero nadie va a venirayudándote solo a agregar ese testimonio Ese es un hermoso testimonio Asegúrate de que Nicholas si puedesponga esa captura de pantalla y compártala dentro de la familia LME porque es más difícil volver a poner el pdf abajo y ustedsé que viene porque creo que hemos hecho una buena revisión y has estado en la cimade eso también. ¿Cómo te hace sentir cuando viste obtener esa revisión de ese testimonio sabiendoque has jugado esta vez me siento mejor próximas fases que imagina esto si hubiera tenido sucuarta persona lista probablemente podría saber ahora que podría haber vendido esopara el 2030 40 50 le dije que le daría acceso gratis al curso ya que porqueporque el primero de los que recibe es el libro que tiene allí lo que debería tenerdijo Pero está bien porque ya lo hiciste. Podrías haber dicho mira, estoy haciendo una llamada. Estoymás que feliz de darte un gran descuento Te daré el 90% del curso Así que el cursopodría haber sido técnicamente, ya sabes, $ 200 o algo así Y luego y luegoen el momento en que compraron podría ser como 20 o $ 40 o algo así Entoncesobtienes una gran cantidad de derechos Porque recuerda que a veces la gente apreciará tu contenidomomento Lo pagan en contra y además quieres saber que tutrabajo duro y esfuerzo porque te ves hombre, sabes que eres, eres un tipo inteligente, hombre, túgastar todo este tiempo todo este conocimiento Dios sabe cuántos títulos tienes cuánto dinero estás gastando tueducación y esas cosas y sabes que quieres cosechar tus recompensas y todo ese trabajo duro, así comoanalizamos estas cosas gratuitas y el marketing y aprendemos que sabes cómo regalarlogratis Pero me olvidé de no dar la casa completa, solo dar una parte de ella gratis yentonces sabes que volverán por más Considerando que me han dado cosas que dije oh, crearéun sitio web o crear un video para ti o lo que sea y luego desaparecen y luego no escuchasde vuelta de ti porque lograste lo que dijiste que podías hacer y luego tratas de hacer un seguimientocon ellos y luego no se encuentran en ninguna parte um para hacer un seguimiento con ellos porque diellos todo el tinglado Pero puedo apagarlo cuando quiera Peroellos no saben eso Pero aún así es esa mentalidad es ese juego psicológico que estamos jugando constantemente Sí, podemosapágalo solo para que te llamen lo vuelvo a pensar con la experienciaSupongo que entiendes que no todos son genuinos o las personas son genuinas. Ellosquieren su ayuda y saben que les gusta su prueba de prueba o lo que saben la inicialayuda que estás haciendo Pero se desviaron Algo surgió La vida surgió o algo asíotra cosa sucedió donde sabes que estás tal vez sabes que no sé si hasalguna vez he hecho esto sé que he hecho esto como si hubiera hecho una publicación y he buscado diferentes contratistasy luego hay dos contratistas Les he preguntado a ambos por ejemplo El otro fue mucho más rápido Lo has hechoTambién has hecho un gran trabajo, pero luego con este estaba tan ocupadoeste Es posible que haya olvidado el otro, por ejemplo, o no entendió biena él Te andabas con rodeos Tú tú tú anhelabas el proceso delas ventas porque estabas reacio a ello porque te preocupa recibir esa nota y estos pequeños yono sé lo que está pasando tengo dinero para pagar pero no sé lo que está pasandoa veces Así que es tuya sabes a veces puede ser un caso de mira ¿quiereshacer las cosas Esto es lo que es Pagar el dinero por adelantado Puedo hacer las cosassi quieres hacerlo vamos adelante y no quieresdar vueltas y eso está bien, sí, porque a veces, sí, hubo, hubo, hubo unempresa que hicieron probaron a alguien Así que alguien solicitó un trabajo o alguien solicitóuna empresa y no sé si has escuchado esto antes de que dijeran que necesitaban algo de codificación. Ellosdijo ¿puedes hacerlo? ¿puedes trabajar? ¿puedes hacer esta codificación como prueba? ¿PodemosMira lo bueno que eres. Sabes que tenemos un problema, ¿o algo de codificación?esta persona es la mejor en su campo Arreglaron su codificación aquí y de todos modosse va y la empresa dice que sabe que nos pondremos en contacto con usted Nunca lo hicieron Y luegodescubre que en realidad nunca tuvieron una posición, solo necesitaban un código y lo hizode forma gratuita, debería haberlo hecho, como Jim dijo, apáguelo.A veces, cuando eres bueno diciendo que no lo hagas gratis, quiero decir, mira, soy culpable de esto.Me gusta si te dijera la cantidad de personas que realmente sabes si me subo alteléfonos y voy más allá y, a veces, la gente realmente, por lo general, no lo aprecian y he gastadoesta vez todavía y simplemente no hacen nada con eso Y tú estáscomo si supieras que leerías eso si entiendes que lo obtuviste con un buennaturaleza, pero realmente te hacen saber que o abusan de la información o no lo han hechonada con él o no lo han apreciado bien Y es como un secreto en línea decurso Al igual que haces un curso en línea, obtienes 200 estudiantes y tienes a los estudiantes que terminaron Por supuestosí, quiero decir que este es este es este es el otro dilema que verás bien Me gustadecir por ejemplo yo se si digo por ejemplo pongo mi corazon yalma en Sé que sabes si realmente pasas por eso dondequiera que haya aprendido ysabes que esta es la información que se obtiene como resultado resultados sorprendentes Me gustasi fueras a pagar es 5000 y algunas personas oh si estoy pagando 47 yopuede tomárselo con más calma Como si supieras que no es tanto dinero Tengo razón Si tan solo supieras una vezel precio sube, entonces cómo serás, entonces es el caso, debería haberlo hecho¿Podría no haber apreciado porque es la cantidad de un par de ustedes saben que el capuchino es una semana aquí?Así que realmente no lo aprecié Y a veces es un flaco favor Así que a veces si túpodria tener algo la verdad es donde esta donde esta el equilibrio donde esta el equilibrio ahi creo que el equilibrio llega acuando aceptas tus propios principios o estás en un lugar en el que aprecias cuál es tu valor A vecescuando si estás si estás si tus finanzas no son las mejores a veces solo necesitasalgo solo para salir adelante, ¿no es así? Así que eres como si tuvieras algunas personas que limitaránsus ventas correctas o simplemente dirán, por ejemplo, puede tener un cliente de entrenamiento almes y tu objetivo Solo necesito una persona porque esa es tu cara, bueno, solo quierocubrir eso Pero luego, cuando eres verdaderamente libre y crees que sabes lo que no me importa siquieres comprarlo Cómpralo si realmente lo tomas en serio A veces esto sucederá cuando cambiestu mente y eres como si supieras que si realmente lo dices en serio, solo voy a subirel precio Si compras compras si no no liberas en ese punto losque realmente lo quieren, lo obtendrán y es usted quien determina ese precio No, no yendoy mirando lo que cobran otras personas Sabes que tu modelo se olvida de todoque no estar en bajo para socavar a todos Eres tú lo defines es lo que piensastú vales tu valor no es lo que alguien más está diciendo puedo decir no lo modeles Túsé que podría ser un buen lugar como indicación, pero cuando te elevas a ti mismoentender lo que realmente vales y la información como, por ejemplo, si johnny o nick o incluso jimsabes en tu en tu campo la cantidad de tiempo y cuando piensassobre la cantidad de dinero gastado en educación cantidad de cosas con las que has tratado en corporacionescantidad de dinero de ayuda que ha ayudado a generar a estas empresas en términos de ingresos a los que nunca se le puede poner precioSi realmente lo piensas, di, por ejemplo, que ha entrado en diferentes corporaciones, ¿verdad? Y él esy ha entrenado y entrenado a los empleados para que se desempeñen en una escala más alta y cada empleadose ha ido y recaudar 2010 20 $6200 adicionales en ingresos por año millones dedólares Y usted es responsable de eso ¿No cree que su información vale millones de dólares? Pero sirealmente lo piensas entonces nos limitamos porque pensamos que no tenemos no tenemostodavía no tenemos acceso a personas que estén dispuestas a pagar ese dinero Simplemente no tenemos esospersonas que todavía tienen el dinero frente a nosotros porque no nos estamos comunicando con ellos. Sonno frente a nosotros en este momento, tenemos que averiguar cómo me pongo frente a esopersona con el dinero Así que se trata de la relación con sobre la relación sobre el tratamiento laantes se trata de decir la verdad relación como la relación alguien abusa de ti Oye eso es suficiente Túdebe cambiar y debemos hacer algo al respecto ¿Dijiste que debes tener coraje y debesdebe estar a la altura de ser vulnerable a los directores críticos y debe ponertus límites Se trata de hacer en una relación a veces sí tienes que hacerlo Slotnick dice que a veces tienes que hacerlodi no a ti mismo No puedes tener miedo de que alguien te diga que no Como, por ejemplo, ahora milo principal cuando incluso con LA Media y esto a veces creo que atormentayo pensé pandemia sabes que siempre tuve esto quiero ayudarte saber volumen ayudatanta gente como sea posible porque mucha gente me ha visto antes comoNecesito Necesito que sepas ¿Tienes entrenamiento y capacitación? Tengo miles dedólares en entrenamiento simplemente no puedo pagarlo No puedo pagarlo Así que penséestá bien, las pandemias están pasando por algo. Sabes que he tenido la suerte. Sabes diferentes lanzamientos y cosas así.Quiero hacer algo que realmente retribuya Realmente quiero hacer algo que ayude a las personas que genuinamenteayuda bien Y lo puse como $ 47 y lo que estoy aprendiendo que está bien Obviamenteestá bien, pero creo que la mayoría de las personas realmente no aprecian ese 47, pero es demasiado barato.realmente es demasiado barato Entonces es como y luego no quiero queme afecta donde estoy pensando estoy subestimando mi conocimiento si realmente piensas en ello quéLo sé y lo estoy poniendo por eso y si la gente realmente no está actuando en consecuencia, entonceses un caso de la idea era que el precio siempre va a subir essiempre va a subir Entonces será algo que Sabes que incluso podría cerrar elplan ¿Por qué no debería hacerlo? Para que la gente aprecie que realmente vayan a hacerlo Incluso si tiene números más bajos quetener personas que realmente van a hacer algo y saben que lo trabajan correctamente, por ejemploObtuviste la cantidad recurrente De acuerdo, puedo ver la intención o lo que puedo hacer.puede tener el recurrente como 47 Eso no es un problema Tengo una vezactualice pero luego tendré el programa de socios o se transformará en lo que llamaré el programa heredadoy esa será la licencia ahora Sí, eso será tal vez $ 1,500- $ 3,000 Y qué esobásicamente significará es que um para convertirse en un socio dentro del programa heredado que todostiene derecho gratis Tienes que pagar por ello Tienes que pagar para jugar aprovechas todo elmodelo o todo el programa Para que no solo puedas sacar 47 al mes o sepas queobtenga un porcentaje de eso, pero tal vez también obtenga un porcentaje de las altas ventas de boletospero eso es algo que yo debo determinar. Ahí es donde creo que el cambio más grande nuevamente.Tienes que ahí es donde ves un cambio drástico. Si no lo ves, entonces es un poco complicado. Perotu siempre siempre lo tienes le dicen la piel y la piel en eljuego y el principio de estar invertido en algo como si tuvieras piel en eljuego cuando tienes algo que perder si no trabajas con él Esda miedo cuando pones cuando pones dinero es como oh en este momento, por ejemplo, yosé que Mark Mark no está aquí Por ejemplo, ahora Martin recuerda que mencionó cuando entró ygastó 10 de los grandes en aprender anuncios de Youtube 10 de los grandes o algo así, pero estabalisto Él puso quiero poner piel en el juego bien Él quería quería estoy listo para estocierto Y luego sabes que en ese momento también él básicamente me envióuna lista de estos videos que quieres que sepas ayudar a revisar lo revisé Ile di un desglose y le di todos estos consejos sobre estos videos Ahoraen ese momento no sabía que él también había ido a esa compañía que pagaste 10 mil y le preguntasteél también para comentarios y dice lo que me dijiste eso es exactamente lo que me dijeronyo Como sí, ves que está pagando 10 mil más, entonces le doy cuatro, ¿verdad? Así que a vecessí, a veces tienes que hacerlo, pero sabes que mientras estés tienes que sercómodo qué es lo que estás haciendo eso creo que es lo primero y más importante que te sientas cómodo saber quéalguien te dice y luego tienes que mirar tu propio estilo de vida ¿Qué es lo que¿Qué es lo que realmente quieres? ¿Cómo quieres vivir bien? Es como si pudierashacer que usted pueda ganar todo el dinero que quiera Pero, ¿cómo va a beneficiar realmente a suvida Quiero decir, creo que Jordan Peterson, un psicólogo clínico, generalmente va. No hay nada más de $ 60,000 al año.No hay una diferencia sustancial para ti en la forma en que vives tu estilo de vida. No hay una diferencia sustancial. Dijo.a menos que quieras, sabes que quieres obtener estas cosas materialistas y casas y autos adicionales yestas vacaciones y esas cosas Pero cuando se trata de cómo realmente cambiará suvida Esa es la pregunta Pero si vas a decir que sí me ayudará a tener un mayor impactoque lleguen a más personas. Quieres hacer otras cosas. De todos modos, subjetivo para todos. Entonces, elPunto Estoy tratando de decirte todo lo que averiguas qué es por qué estás haciendo lo que estás haciendoy cuanto necesitas para facilitar que es lo que quieres Eso es lo quetodo se reduce a que no quieres matarlos. A veces se engañan si piensasque será genial cuando obtengas 10 millones de dólares o un millón de dólares Pero una vez que obtengasahi te das cuenta que hay eso que creo que cambio y tu solo basicamente cero otro ceroUn buen ejemplo es si realmente quieres ver cómo cambia el dinero, la gente no cambia, la gente simplemente va.mira a los famosos te lo estan diciendo directamente te lo estan diciendo si si no solo lo estanNo digo que algunos de ellos, lamentablemente, Dios bendiga a muchas de estas personas. No lo hacen, no lo hacen.suicidarse algo que queríamos que nos ayudaría a solucionar todos nuestros problemas traernos felicidadHay mucha gente que sabes que consigues llegar a esa marca que monitorea a Mark ybueno, estoy esperando que algunos poppers y algunos globos exploten como si supierasalgún espectáculo de fuegos artificiales nada cambiará nada vive en el cielo ¿Qué dice esto ¿Dónde está dónde está eldonde esta donde esta el edificio donde esta donde esta el pop it Ellos no tenian nada Y lo que es es elel problema es que no es el dinero Podrías decir que es una herramienta es una herramienta para construir experienciasPero el contentamiento viene de ti Y creo que la gente a veces pierde el contento y la felicidad porque la felicidad es yes solo emoción que sube y baja todo el tiempo Algunas personas alguien quepodría estar sin hogar podría ser más feliz que una persona con dinero pero, de nuevo, alguien que conoceshay hay hay sabes hay también están diciendo hay un meme o algo quePrefiero ser infeliz conduciendo un Ferrari Puedo, puedo, puedo, sí, quiero decir, ¿sabes qué?Puedes tirarte por un precipicio, aunque a veces es por eso que creo que a veces la religión espiritual juega un papelparte en eso si eres capaz de ponerte en una posición en la que puedes darvolver y ayudar a otros Hay hay hay hay un sentimiento diferente al respecto Hay 100% sabes que haysabes incluso si le diste a alguien un dólar o $ 5 o $ 10 correcto Ysabes, sabes, prueba esto un día en el que le das a alguien lo que puedaspagar Esto es lo que no se trata de cuánto nos das la intención Túdar detrás de él Sí psicólogo El psicólogo Alfred Adler dice que todo el mundo está detrás de la sensación decontribución y quieres contribuir a la sociedad al mundo al universo Me gustaél dice incluso incluso como esos psicópatas o entraron en la casa así ellostambién quieren aportar que creen que aportan y le aseguran a la sociedad qué qué qué es realmente muyimportante Un docente en el centro que creen que aportan de alguna manera es el sentimientotipo de contribuciones ¿Se trata de la contribución? En realidad, se trata de la sensación de contribuir. Eso es lo importante.ser uno Mira, esa es la cosa, ¿no es así? Todos de nuevo, todos tienen su dependiendo de quéya sea religión ellos saben que siguen su su su brújula moral o su educaciónsea lo que sea, cada uno tiene una perspectiva diferente y siempre se reduce a esto ySiempre trato de que me guste esto siempre es un recordatorio si digo que siempre esun recordatorio desde el principio y ante todo, siempre estuvimos destinados a ser guiados por nuestrointenciones correctas Nuestras intenciones De lo contrario puedes darle a alguien puedes ayudar a alguien en necesidad Perosi tu atención es incorrecta entonces no cuenta como una buena acción si solo piensas enusted mismo al mismo tiempo que se usa como presidente Correcto Así que sabes imagina esto como incluso yodices desde un punto de vista religioso como un derecho musulmán. Se les dicesi vas a dar en caridad dar con el derecho dar con si alguna vez tendremosPero dale con la mano derecha en cambio no sabe lo que le has dado MhmEso es hermoso Cierto Así que das con una mano pero la otra mano no sabe cómo solo mantienessabes quítalo de tu mente dale con la intención de que no quiero nadaa cambio Esto esto no es para ti Pero esto es lo que sabes dijo desdeel currículum puede ayudar Correcto Y lo segundo es que si vas a dar caridado estás tratando de ayudar a alguien, ¿verdad? De nuevo, revisa tu intención ¿Cuál es la razón detrás de esto?¿Y estoy tratando de presumir frente a la gente? Mhm Cierto ¿Alguna vez has visto esto?Estás haciendo un video Como si fuera a dar caridad Sí, se ve bien Bien Así que tienes que comprobarloa ti mismo porque piensas que solo lo estoy haciendo para mostrarle a la gente que soy alguiende la gente me mira bien Tienes que comprobarte a ti mismo Ves el generosopropietario de fútbol de Chelsea acaba de regalar a la caridad Su equipo de fútbol Chelsea Así que la tercera cosa esque si vas a dar delante de la gente puedes hacerlo Así que sin embargo estu intención de inspirar animar a otros a hacerlo es tu corazón limpiando esa moda entonces sí puedes hacerloque por cualquier otro motivo correcto Para presumir Para demostrar que tienes dinero MírameLe estoy dando dinero a alguien e incluso si no tienes esta intención, la gente se lo atribuirá.por lo que debe tomar el presupuesto y estoy dispuesto a tomar la bala y hacer un buenacción Incluso si la gente pensará que lo estoy haciendo por una mala razón, entonces túte expones a cualquiera, por eso es tan importante que sepas tu intención. Por lo general, si realmentepiénselo siempre y si tiene dudas acerca de ceder frente a la gente ycosas no lo hagas Si tienes dudas no lo hagas no lo hagas no lo hagasAsí que siempre se reduce a la intención correcta Y hay otro pero lo olvidé por completo Así que ahíson los principales que sabes que hay estos mendigos profesionales por ahí que vemoscuando vamos a un semáforo y sabes que ganan más dinero que nosotroshacen porque son mendigos profesionales Está bien, sabes que te diré algo ahora um, obviamente sabesesta historia podría haber historias y cosas así, pero justo antes de que te des cuentacuando hablemos de rendirnos volveré a eso porque es muybuen punto correcto Entonces, digamos, por ejemplo, incluso si esto es esto, supongo que este es otro poderosocosa sobre eso viene de nuevo de la religión y la fe correcta O la religión abrahámica inclusosi por ejemplo el islam dice correcto si no puedes incluso si no puedesdarse el lujo de dar dinero, incluso si da la mitad de una cita como caridad, medio día, ya sabelo que puede comer bien Incluso si ni siquiera puede dar algo tan activo como unla sonrisa es caridad y una sonrisa porque sabes que tenemos gente que conoces lamentablemente ellos conocenson personas sin hogar y cosas por el estilo. ¿Y qué hace qué hace el hombre común de la sociedad?no seas duro con ellos dice porque no seas duro con ellosNo digas nada horrible, sé amable, sé amable con tus palabras, simplemente no sabes cómo afectan tus palabras.ellos bien E incluso el acto más simple como una sonrisa es una forma de caridad Porquesabes cómo cuando alguien te sonríe cómo te hace sentir como oh tú oh túMira, existo para ti Todos los demás no me ven, pero existo para ti Mhm Y ysabes lo que dijo johnny estoy de acuerdo lamentablemente hay gente por ahíque usará el sistema de pretender estar en una situación en la que estáno y ganan Ganan dinero al 100% Sin embargo, se trata de su intención, se trata de suintención que tengo con la intención de que el jefe de arriba sea el que me recompense porlo que sea que doy creo que los seres humanos son seres humanos lo que quieran hacer pero soyhaciéndolo por el bien que estoy tratando de hacerlo como una buena acción no lo sésu situación porque entonces el diablo jugará contigo y te hará pensarte hará cuestionar a todo el mundo Esa persona no lo necesita porque no quiere que lo hagasla buena obra Él no quiere que tengas eso en tu cuenta que tu balanzadé propina y verá lo que quiero decir. Así que ese es el juego de lo que llamamos susurros, ¿verdad?Sabes que el diablo fluye en el hijo de Adán, así que élte diré, oye, sabes lo que tienes que cuestionar a este tipo. Mira, mira.parece que tiene un teléfono de estos debe estar haciendo jugar con él no necesita mi dineroHonestamente también está el movimiento de altruistas efectivos. Les gusta la caridad para ver cómo realmente ayudan a las personas.y ahora es realmente efectivo y luego dicen que las organizaciones benéficas son buenas, no son efectivas, dejaré de grabarde mí porque esto está saliendo del alcance de que vamos Dios, ¿qué estás a salvo? Síexiste este movimiento sobre el altruismo efectivo en el que obtienen las organizaciones benéficas para ver sirealmente ayudan a las personas si realmente hacen lo que pretenden hacer Dicen que no lo hacenmalgastan el dinero no empeoran el problema y realmente ayudan a pensar yluego le dan dinero a la quiero decir lo que es es un buen punto lo que es lo que tutengo que entender Muchas desafortunadamente hay muchas organizaciones benéficas existe el negociouna gran cantidad de dinero se destina a los costos administrativos, ¿verdad? Y las personas que realmente tienen dinero nunca ven esto.dinero bien Entonces, ¿qué deberías pensar? ¿Cómo puedo? Desafortunadamente, sabes qué es lo que a veces tienes.para estar activo si quieres saber si incluso si estás ayudandoaquí y allá quieres hacer un poco o incluso si lo haces bienAsí que quieres que sepas que a veces sabes que es que sabes siquiero estar de acuerdo, por ejemplo, en Kenia, si quieres donar, por ejemplo, $ 25 o $ 30alimentará a una familia durante un mes para un número de hasta 56 miembros dentro de la familia como unpaquete de alimentos Es mucho cuando lo piensas Y, um, entonces, ¿qué podrías hacer siquerías si sabes aquí y allá si querías pagar aquí cuando quierasluego podría ponerse en contacto con alguien de las organizaciones donde puede contactar a esa persona directamente otener a alguien en el terreno directamente Para que sepa que su dinero irá directamente aun huérfano y una viuda alguien que necesita drásticamente que sepas que tu dinero está teniendo un gran impacto en esoindividual y qué verás Es una gran recompensa sipuede ayudar a los huérfanos, a los niños, a las viudas y cosas así. Um y luego imagina si incluso si le dieras una comida.paquete Pero sabes $ 30 sabes cuándo cuando era todo lo que podías no importaNo tiene que ser $30.05 $10 porque en ciertos lugares puede durar de 2 a 3 semanascierto Pero entonces esa persona cantidad de energía positiva en la recompensa que obtendrás por ayudar a esa personasostenimiento Ya sabes, imagina a una persona viuda con hijos y cosas así Así que de nuevo siemprerecuerda siempre se reduce a la intención y a veces sabes que simplemente no tienes los medios para ayudarotras personas y todavía sabes que hay una recompensa en solo tener la intención de que realmente quierasla ayuda en tu corazón es como si es triste que no puedas y obtienes inclusoser recompensado por esa sonrisa las sonrisas que sabes no son demasiado caras sin reconocimiento y a veces puede serun caso en el que quizás no estés en un buen lugar mentalmente tú mismo, pero fingesen ese momento en ese momento simplemente ignoras tus propios problemas y sonríes y esa personaesa persona se olvida por completo de su problema, ¿verdad? Así que solo está volviendo a esto. Alguien mencionó esto.No sé si esta psicología es cierta o no, pero si alguna vez te estresaste ytu sabes que estas pasando por un momento dificil no mires abajo no mires abajo porque sabes que empiezaspensando en ello Dijo mira mira mira el cielo esto está fuera de temaque vamos a probar esto vamos a poder vestirnos solo mira al cielo yes muy difícil pensar en los problemas Simplemente se desvanecen hasta el fondo hasta el fondo hastala derecha con los ojos entras en modo alimentación y sientes sentir más intensidad Simire hacia arriba, obtiene un modo visual y este tamaño detrás a menos que gire su Robbins y ustedempieza a bailar alrededor Sí, dijeron nick, así es como puedes saber quién está mintiendo y quién no.mintiendo porque puedes mirar a la gente para mirar hacia abajo, johnny, lo obtuviste del negociador, ¿verdad? OhObjetivo de Samuel Pero sí, hay una parte más de las intenciones y tal vez sea la en tu lista y tiene que ver con la verdad ser sincero contigo mismo y con quienestás hablando o estás siendo generoso contigo sabes si lo eres si lo eres es soloes una realidad es algo aterrador porque sabes que tenemos un continente y creo que estoser un buen punto para terminar es que sabes que es incluso en sabes religión básicamentealgunas de las cosas son muy difíciles Me gusta lo que voy a decir bien Incluso incluso ser sincero Incluso sisi si aunque sea contra ti sabes ser sincero aunque sea contra titú mismo sabes que es algo aterrador Sabes cuando tienes que serlo sabes que va a afectaryo iba a decir la verdad tu sabes asi es como sabes si no asi es comocorrupcion y sabes cosas que pasan en todo el mundo es como estas injusticias pasan ahoraDesafortunadamente, ¿qué cosas como Ucrania y Rusia están pasando? Sabes la ironía de esto, sabes elironía de todas estas cosas Son como si supieras que tienes al estado diciendo cómo puede venir esta Rusiay tratar de ocupar otro país y todo esto. Estoy como si supieras que alguien mencionó enLos Estados Unidos Los países europeos como el Reino Unido se financian directa o indirectamente a través de la comercialización deenergía gas electricidad Tú eres el que sabes que eres el que obtiene fondos de los donantes y esas cosasasí Y luego en eso Y luego sabes cómo puedes imaginar que estás teniendotodos estos países diferentes ahora en el Medio Oriente para que sepas que sepas ocupación y esas cosasen tu tu qué mira el doble rasero quiero decir es simplemente es alucinanteQuiero decir, hubo un informe contra CNN que mencionó estas cosas. Sabes, sabes que Ucrania esa es un país europeo No es como Afganistán Irak Sabes que es un país civilizado cierto Eso es lo quedijo país civilizado Lo que dices No, eso no son ocasiones incivilizadas No puedes compensar estoel civilizado Sí, la gente civilizada vino aquí e hizo una falta de civismo, quiero decir, es soloculpar culpar al racismo simplemente es como uno de los ucranianos, uno de losdiputados de otra persona que estaba de pie porque es muy triste sabes que la gente eres túSé que estoy triste por las personas que conoces que tienen cabello rubio, ojos azules, dijo esto, sí.Seguro que dijimos esto para la gente de Europa. Sabes, rubio, cabello rubio, ojos azules. Y desafortunadamente tenemos unmuchas personas que usted conoce están tratando de emigrar como refugiados ahora y los problemas con esoes que obviamente los europeos o los ucranianos tienen prioridad sobre las mujeres y los niños sobre los hombresY luego es cualquiera de color dejado por africanos, indios y asiáticos que perdieronla lista para salir ¿Qué es una crisis? Es como si alguien mencionara que es como de uno.país que es 99.9% de etnia blanca y a otro país que es 99.9% de etnia y es soloun juego es un juego político eso es todo Es solo que la gente simplemente no se da cuenta de un gran juego políticojuego y adivina qué mientras todos están pensando en lo que está pasando allí. Locos, ¿dónde se ha ido Covid?¿Adónde ha ido? Desapareció. Distracción. Por qué te hicieron mirar allí. Se ha disipado. No.conocen a todos Dicen que Putin se volvió loco dentro de su aislamiento de Covid a menos que esté escuchandoun tipo llamado alexander dugan Ustedes saben, obviamente, ustedes en los Estados Unidos. Los amo, perosabes que dicen que los Estados Unidos son responsables de ti, pero creo que han estado en los últimosNo sé cuántos años durante los últimos 100 años has estado en guerra constante.complejo de guerra Es una máquina de hacer dinero Eso es lo que es He estado en un montón de protestas contraguerras y en acciones y mi familia vino a este país en 28 Pero el hecho es que eresabsolutamente correcto Somos belicistas porque hacemos un negocio de estoEs algo terrible. Con suerte, esto será un cambio, un punto de inflexión.a la guerra por completo en la civilización mientras dure y es que está imposible recuerdo tenia hace un par de semanas les estaba mostrandoel libro que iba a publicar y tenia lo de la gente sensata gente pensante ehno estarían pensando en los combatientes Um, sabes que no saldrían y comenzarían guerras de manera efectivaUm y eso es más o menos lo que dice ese libro y te lo mostraré Pero¿Sabes qué sabías? Lo aterrador de todo esto es lo que estás diciendo y eslo que da miedo es que sabes que todos estos líderes lo crean o no.todos son amigos realmente sabes que todos están en un gran club Ellos son ellos sonrecuerdas que dicen que lo que estas viendo es solo teatro es solo una ilusion lo que estas viendoahi todos en el mismo club no creo que se enteren ahi contraesto No no no no no no no no no no no parece 11 deesas personas que fueron expulsadas del club y están realmente cabreadas por esoPutin Él es como no, él es de eso, sabe todo esto, sí, sí, sísí No seas no seas ni siquiera parte de China China posee tanto como Estados Unidosesta endeudado con china pero no se de cuantos trillones o cuanta deuda dicen porejemplo, conoce las Naciones Unidas o el tratado de la Antártida. ¿Qué es lo que puede ver?todos son parte de esta nube, pero solo parecen que es solo una ilusión solo en ciertas sociedadesque están en su lugar que saben lo que está pasando No, no, no dejes que te engañenEso es lo que decía Pero en fin en esa nota Esa conspiración que ha sido un placernos vemos muy pronto Muy bien Cosas maravillosas Gracias Todos Muy bien muy bien Oh genial Ellos envíanuna nota Muy bien Muchas gracias Adiós chicos Está bien, eso fue interesante interesante interesante interesante Yoespero que haya grabado
um jim thank you so much I really appreciate it And I'm so again I apologize for havingto jump out that but I appreciate you don't apologize We want you to be Well yeah it's just anotherupdate what I will be doing this week There's a probably about a huge batch of the webinars that I'llbe uploading this week and I'll give you an update when it's done because when I uploadthem there's such a big batch and then you've got to wait for it saves inthe cloud and then download them People don't realize when I have to download them again thattakes time and then uploading them I have to put them on video and then that takes moretime So it might be easier I'll try to have something in place either you know weekly or every monthby month everything gets updated because it's it's a lot I mean we do 23 hours worth ofcontent and you know for hosting just video Video I pay like I think it was for the yearslike $600 or something like that It's like a huge package that I have to do justfor the videos and it only increases because more videos we do So I knowjohnny didn't mention Can you upload some of the recordings So I'll do that but perhaps youcan just upload them to your hosting web hosting the videos on your website No sothis is what I do because you've got to remember if I put it just on thehosting depending on the package of host because it is the one I got is adequate enough However imagine thisas it grows simultaneously amount of people that are watching guess what's gonna happen Butwith bandwidth everything slows down So the only reason that when you play your video it really it does operatereally quick It's very good right It's because of that package the business packaging with me or something likethat because I don't want you don't want an issue with bandwidth you don't want becauseif jim's watching one video then then nick comes on and you know Cheryl at the sametime and why this thing running slow everyone's gonna cover complaints Once I get once you knowthe batch gets recorded there has to be downloaded And sometimes you know you got tomake sure that you know it's not messy or whatever Sometimes issues because when you if everyone's ever seen zoomwhen you're when you record it gives you all these different options of video a whole chunkjust the audio the comments and all of this stuff So you have to go specifically thengo into this folder That folder So you know it's not an excuse but I'm justtelling you it's the whole shebang video and then from vimeo that's all right it goesback up onto the back end stuff and then I've got to get these Um Soanyway I have to show you one day but moving on from that I just wantto address what johnny said there I don't know that I appreciate that That's alright johnny because youknow what it is um Sometimes you know with instagram I don't really check it and sometimes you know Iknow you send messages on instagram and I've been trying to avoid as much as I can youknow just social media for a little bit of a detox but you've got my Skype if anyone hasn'tgot my Skype you know if you if you want So let me just check Um Soyeah so so johnny sent me a link saying there's a link that can you have a check So Ithought is it all right if we can go through it here as well Um Well we can dothis separately and I thought I'll just mention it Well it was just something it was something just reallyquick um If you want to you can it was just something quick that I was trying to use formy instagram post I was trying to do a video because you guys had mentioned and Cherylgave me an idea to as far as open up a business account so Iwas able to tie my business account with my facebook account facebook business so it'slike it's like a business meta meta account now I think I have it's taking my facebook my instagram postand putting them on my facebook business page now So that was it was it was itthe way his facebook ads Commercial growth That that page Right Yes Okay And itwas a video wasn't it It was a video but it was a scroll stopper that would stop in themiddle just just to collect information and I wanted to see how what you thought about that Okay that's fineJust let me let me kind of share this So everyone understands So this this was the page here SoI'm pretty hopefully it's the right patient Oh sorry I was just asking what's your name oninstagram instagram Um Oh pound I see you johnny Okay so I can go look for it hoping YeahSo it's a this is a page So it's just a it's a one page where youjust press play Right Yes Okay So once I played it it is a I don't know what you'reusing for the video playback but it's very nice It's fast I think he turned the volume down Areyou engaged in using these Okay Right Right Right Right Right Right So N TAnd a For johnny to contact you So now is this is this the same videois it what the actual video video player Um No no no this is bigcommand Okay Right So this is my man jim Yes very good Nice Looks something likethis when a video is playing sometimes you can set certain things up like this you canhave somebody you know the name medium address as a call to action which is great I mean what you'vedone is fine you know it's got that information there Um So what's your main what's yourmain question there Johnny well I'm trying to get action and I have those 500and plus posts out there that are just stagnant and we were staying in one of our meetings to getmotion on the the post within a real or something within instagram and that wouldincrease your your visibility So I was creating this to get the the image to move instead ofstanding still So what I did was I did a compilation of different images on one um slidefrom the previous post I had posted So people that had seen the other post Iposted would recognize these images there from the post I had posted before and they saidoh yeah I remember this and they would want to watch more of my videos Sothey would just go in and they would put their email addressed or that they don't have toput a phone number didn't just put as much information as they want to Then I would getit automatically and they can continue watching the video and then we'll continue on with thetext underneath it in the post describes what the post is all about So thepost hadn't changed It's just I just added video instead of having an image there So whatyou're saying is that all you wanted to do is repurpose existing content into avideo format just to attract that kind of audience right I can put anything in here asa as a lead magnet to capture leads I can put anything This is just oneidea I came up with as far as just getting the Um the name and theemail address but these are all the other posts I think it's like what 556 Yeah so Idid But I haven't been I haven't been going let's put it away I haven'tgot that many followers because I really haven't opened it up to the public so to speakbecause I wasn't sure how to position myself and to make sure I had my productsin place before I get this But I do have these products here in place for the social media andwebsite design and pay per click and things like that I do have those allin place So you know it gives a little blurb there and it sends them straightto my website but I want to collect names and email addresses I just don't want them you know lookingat it I want them to look at it halfway then I want them to interactwith me Yeah So this is the thing this is another reason I thought let memention it because we were talking about social media especially coming in and everyone can seeit then uh you always get other people's perspectives and it's really good now Um number one repurposingcontent fantastic Find it does work So you Re engage in you know people meet somebody might seestatic image And then like now that is sometimes when people are more engaged in this video rightWe can see this again by Tiktok's another great example We know this already from you know instagramand rules and so on and so forth So things like followers it doesn't matter nobodyright now It what I understand from your point of view You know it hasn't really rolled out and you'rekind of just trying to figure out which groove you should set yourself in before goingfull blast right Um well you have like 27,000 followers out there So I am really because I'vebeen I've been I think I've got I don't know how many I've got 1000 posts I can'tremember how many have been done since 2014 or 15 but if you have 800 and something Soyeah so you've been you've been doing a lot I mean I to be honest I've sloweddown with it you know because and I'll tell you from my perspective some ofthe things mistakes I made and if I could do things differently right Because again whenit you know 2015 I just done it as a way of documenting stuff I never usedto implement things like Paul of actual and there was no real agenda behind it I thoughtit would be nice you know social proof Um it just it's me crane or document thestory Maybe you'll come useful at some other point Right Um and I'll go throughthat now I'll tell you some of the good stuff Right So with this nowstraight away when I see these posts these images I think they look really high quality images Ithink they look beautiful I'll be very honest with you Right But then I think what arethey about I don't know what they are Right straight away I'm thinking I need tiles onthem So you have to open up open up the actual um you have toread below it Right Right No no it's about but go ahead and I know Iknow what you're saying but I'm not thinking anything I'm open for advice No no no no no II know because remember I'm looking at it from the desktop browser So if you're looking through mobileobviously you'll see a little snippet at the at the bomb I agree with you Right But what I'm sayingThink of it like a thumbnail like a youtube thumbnail or graphic thumbnail when somebody scrollingand they're going through images um especially in your niche for example you're doing very contentright And you're trying to create different different topics about certain things within that nicheSay for example high tech insulin or agency related stuff right I'm going to assume this is probably SMS orfacebook related um content or something social media right It doesn't give that much away So I've got tothink I've if it was me I'm not saying you have to do that If it wasme I would put some kind of title on this straightaway Somebody looking at or they're scrolling They're speeding throughthere straight away No okay this is a topic that relates to me I don't have toreally scroll down and look at a smaller text in the mobile and go through each and every single oneI can scroll through really quickly Which one really speaks out to me specifically because you might talkabout a variety of different topics within you know internet marketing But I want stuff aroundhigh ticket selling right And when I see this stuff you know there might be an imagethat reinforces with the text like somebody on their phone Maybe there's a script it's gonnacapture my attention much much more Another thing you can do very easily Um isobviously go look at other people that are in the same niche right Doing amazingly wellsay for example high ticket selling I can't remember his name but we'll just say that there's many peoplelike ah well I have a Rufino Rufino for example He deals with high ticket doesn't rough Rufino andyou got down locked as well as another person down lock He's got some good contentOkay so so rough Ah He's can't remember he's got it's got higher level high level strategies or somethinglike that It's really good Let me see high level strategy That's Omar martin No no it's notnot a high level strategy but high ticket something rough you know Let me see his rough routine of theactor No no no sorry clients clients on demand that's what it is So let me seeif I find this So he deals with high ticket stuff right And I think I thinkthey were making some stupid moment like I don't know 500 or a million a month or somethingStupid wow So you can see by doing what clients on demand High ticket selling Just teaching you how todo high ticket selling Oh I got it the topic Okay yeah that's it the team Soit'll be clients on demand So again Alright this is what I was looking forthe instagram account Over 65 million High ticket sales All right With just you know just 10Kfollowers and 800 posts Here you go Can you see this now This is what I'm talking about having thetext there that just it just pulls you in you know specifically Alright Yeah Alright The top three things killingyourselves how to create you know connection blah blah blah how to hire the best how I saved millionaireHeck I don't want to be this in people's face You know it's not me to be like in people'sface I like the content to do the talking to build up this stuff It's like I'm so vain I'mvain already But no no no I'm not saying his image I'm just saying the text OkayThe headline Okay Oh I got it What you mean Okay I got it Okay I can dothat It's just that all you're doing is it's like you're hooking people in That's whatit is It's just a hook It's debate You have two people have to know what on earthYou know people know if it was me going through a video If I don't know what thevideo is about I'm gonna go find a video that you know I can keep scrolling and find outwhat this video is about because I want even though the video is five seconds I'm tryingto say five seconds It's really weird Really think about it Like Tiktok videos now Tiktok's are great Tiktok I'mtelling you now if you look at what people are doing on Tiktok it's soit's like it's so interesting to observe you because when somebody has a video on Tiktok for example and theyhave this ugly lower third about what the topic is about And it's so uglydone nobody cares It's not even fancy but those will get more views because people knowexactly what the video is about They don't want to scroll on like just generic images or videos yet Andthey don't know what the topic is Really They don't have the time nowadays to go look at thedescription field and write what you said is I agree with you 100% your content or description field couldbe amazing It could it could actually be like the you know the golden cup right It could be thegolden goose there But people they want to see it from the outside Yeah What wasthat No I thought so It's my talking And you can see you'll see when youscroll through his ones Yeah Not all of them Can you see at some point he his either himor his team has done a bit of research and I thought you know why are wenot maximizing our right 36 or 40 He had his face and all them And you'reright It looks like someone might think it from the outside our look You'll beup yourself You know there's a term you know arrogance I'll look why you put your face ineveryone's faces and to be honest Yeah That's subjective I would think the same thing taken note of his eyesthough He is connected to you Yes Yes In that he's really practiced It's brilliantthings But the other thing is so what if you're in somebody's face It's once you look here's thething and I understand exactly what you mean by by not being in somebody's face First of allif you have to be loud and you get in front of somebody's face that first impression then thenyou can show somebody who you really are because you've got their attention Now Thenthe rest is up to you through your content your images your description whatever piece of content that's foryou then to show who you really are But you've got the attention now imagine there's about 100,000people trying to be just like you joining Yeah you're unique I'm not gonna saylike you see I was careful but there's other people trying to you know trying to dosomething similar to you What makes you stand out right And unfortunately we're living a very noisyworld right now If you have to you know in your head you might thinkyou know because I sometimes believe it or not even I think you know I'm a grown manwhy do I need to be you know put my face and do these silly things andsometimes you don't have to do that Of course you don't have to do itYou make something that you're happy with right Ok But all you have to do is make youknow just as long as you're comfortable in your own skin No one's saying you haveto put your picture there You can have your pictures But we need those hooks to get those people inWe need those amazing hooks in the tiles very short Specifically look you can see fromthe say there's 50 50 42 hearts 49 Two now 220 955 99 So something something'schanged People are now knowing what these videos about and they're not just long about anything every manand his dog talking about and it could be also maybe possibly he's incorporating hashtags now RightSo another thing that you from just seeing those additional posts that you've done youyou're not using real you know no hashtags Right Well I was um I thought I was usingI see johnny I'm looking at your screen I can't look at mine right now I could if I wantedto but in the post I do do a hashtag But most of the hashtag they said just putone hashtag in there for instagram and I just put pound iCU johnny because that goes um you know tomy other social media accounts as well on twitter or whatever right Yeah your main thing iswhat I would suggest one feel free to use more than one hashtag that's relevantto your industry or your niche 100% And what's a good way of trying to figure that out Let'sgo to one of his let's see if he's using anything Alright well he's using three here right Salestips entrepreneur business owner and what we can do depending on what it is But doesn't that take them tothe reader away from the from what his content as it goes to that hashtag which might not behis Yeah so like Nick said what it does what we're doing or what he's doing basically His content isnow being posted on these streams these specific hashtag So there's all you know if I click oneof these hashtag now is going to this this whole this whole feed right out of college graduates Let's seeif it does it does it not through your mobile generally would open up andgo to a stream Right So what what it would do these people that are on thisspecific hashtag scrolling through here we go Here we go Now your piece of content now is going tobe populated in this stream or this you know this account for example this hashtag right and it's going tobe exposed to God knows you know maybe sometimes tens of thousands hundreds of 1002 100,000 people So whatyou're doing indirectly you're siphoning niche specific or targeted people they are relevant to the industry thatyou're in all the content that you're creating and the idea is or what will happen not theidea what generally happens people will move away from this you know this hashtag essentially and they'll come toyour account and if it's in line with what they like and you know they go through your contentthey start enjoying it they'll follow you So you're siphoning this free traffic you're populating its like syndicatingyour content in different areas of using the hashtag the same thing you can use for Tiktokyou do it with facebook so on and so forth It's a good little is a good strategy You caneven use this on Youtube right Where people just tap into getting free traffic Yeah I just wantthem all to myself I don't want them going anywhere else Keep my audience on me I don'twant them to get distracted on somebody else and purchase something from somebody else Youknow I just try to keep their eyes on me So that's why I onlyuse like one one or 2 hashtags He sure keeps his eyes on him and that's for sureBut it's not about him It's about the message No no So yes it isabout the message But what jim is saying because I agree with what jim is saying right It's so powerfulright If you you have sometimes you have to get comfortable with getting uncomfortable So what he'sdoing is so smart the reason he's doing I direct eye contact it might beone component of it but if you've got to pretend that I'm speaking to imagine this likeimagine johnny right now we're on this call there's nobody else here and I'm speakingto you directly you know in the eye like nothing else matters I'm just speaking to right As an individualI'm connecting with You forget who else is there just me and you we're having this conversation I'm justmeeting you as a friend were sitting down together right It's very powerful when you know you're having that interactionwhoa you're speaking to me So the way you communicate and I always think about this many videosI've done in the past I will not pretend but I will have it in my mind I'mspeaking to one person alone One person I would never think I'm speaking Because theproblem is when you start thinking you're speaking to you know tens and twenties or 30you know 30 people or hundreds of people your message becomes broad You're trying to you're trying tocater for everybody's needs and their thoughts and how you would expect you know to be speaking toSo I forget it pretend you're speaking to that one friend and you're just having a greatconversation That's it Nothing else is there And you'll see how how the your wordswill flow your body language will change and that person will always that person also will be receptive of thatright Absolutely right You just imagine someone on the other side of the camera or in your room on theother side of the window I always think of a camera as you look into a cameraLike when you go to a teller that behind the glass thing you don't look at the glass you lookin the eyes of the person that you're talking with And even though there's these obstacles in betweenyou can see through it and you connect with them and if you don't you don't connectwith them So it's extraordinarily important to do it on a mass scale is a remarkable talent I could MarilynMonroe by the way I can do it but I don't have any makeup on You gotta get pastwhat is nowadays You don't need any makeup All these apps here They all have filters now Youdon't need none of that stuff You know you don't even need to have ashame that will that will remove your bed if you want to give you a redblack I mean the reason I brought even rust up right these guys have beenrunning for quite a while right And you know over many many years And I've seen youknow how he was building up for what he's been doing and they're very effective inwhat they do especially using paid ads and high ticket So it's brilliant So he's somebody verifiablethat you know you can see there's been a great transition with him And I meanhis model is basically showing individuals how they can transform their business via high ticket sellingSo that's how he's selling either of course God knows if it's 5 10 or 15 20 granddifferent different packages You know what we're talking about getting on the appointment call This is agreat model If you wanted to find a model that would be amazing right That you could reverse engineer thiswould be a great model You know let's see what So he's got a training video Sorry look look atthis He's got a training video right I'm pretty sure this will go to a webinar Andthen again you can sign up to that webinar you could create a brand new accountYou can sign up to see what the follow up sequences over a period of seven days orcan see what the fall of action is and all of that stuff because they've spent millions ifnot hundreds of thousands if not millions on the processes that we're talking about rightnow So why wouldn't you Well it's not legal It's not unethical unless you're gonna copyand and you know you're going to rip somebody then that's wrong But looking at someone's processes of course itworks Of course you can you can you can have you know you can investigate all and youcan observe and just little things like this happen A little video here you know seeI know it's sometimes a bit it's a bit weird because you're trying to imagineyourself doing that way I'm looking at the camera going hey and I'm not even blinking It's scarysometimes But there must be psychology behind it Like whoa you know it's getting your attentionSorry I keep on talking to you I said I know maybe I can't hear me Um Iwas trying to ask you what do you think he's using to make the little video Umwhere's it gone Let me pull it up It's like a sticky right that he's gottastick there So just come back Where's he gone Okay So if we click it he's going to beusing If I hey it's with clients on demand Thank you so much for visiting ourselves Okay let's see ifwe can inspect see if anything comes up I love that thing by the way Video dotcom There you go Video ask dot com So you have everything everywhere everywhere Igo I see Cheryl here there and everywhere Oh my God look at that Thereyou go This is it Okay That's what I was wondering It's good though Isn't it looks it actuallyhave and I never really used it So 20 minutes of video processing charge Okaynow Okay why would this be good Number one Obviously he's used it here to get an attention rightHe's got attention from I don't know I just wanted to let you know in case you missedit that we have a training and retraining happening Okay so a clickable link now onthere as well He's got captions captions for 5,000 8000 even $10,000 per when you look at thecamera like this is remarkable because you stare right at him you're still right back at himHe's like hypnotized Okay so clicking it redirect it goes back to the same page andplus I'm pretty sure on the back end of the workshop you'll give it will give him datathat they would tell him how many people are clicking and so on and soforth So I wonder what's going on Okay so let me come back This isgood because I have the I have the metrics already set up that can captureall this data is for how many impressions how many clicks you know and howmany email captures I got So I can put them in a funnel and sendthem out emails regarding the topic of their interest in you know they that they watched Here's another greatthing for this And I think I remember somebody using this right So without mentioningnames somebody that was selling high ticket coaching right So if somebody sells high ticket coaching and I'mpretty sure they'll use in I F T T Or some kind of you know as a prototype systemRight So as soon as there was a purchase the vendor or the product owner would get eitheran SmS or email to say hey look somebody's made a purchase you know comes directly to theirphone or whatever it may be And then it would it would syndicate to somethingsimilar to this right There's probably other alternatives But what they would then do from anywhere theywere in the house or whatever as soon as the purchase comes you know somebody's gonna be 23 grandright He makes a quick recording but hey you know jim congratulations You know for joining I'm really excited lookingforward And you send it a quick 5-10 2nd clip to personalize it and that persongets it sent directly via their email Mhm Now imagine somebody has done that and made that personalservice because again you know you've got refund period and things like this imagine the impactthat you're going to have with that individual and sometimes it's like say for example somebody signsup to schedule a call with you whatever it may be anything And straight awayjohnny sends a video I've just seen your scheduled quote I'm really excited looking forward toit I'm just make sure kindly go through the pro former you know the document that I've already givenyou So we're ready for the cool and it's going to be any issues Hate thesame anymore I'm here he's like what this guy is real I thought was a wholeyou know there's a whole team in place pretending to be him So so the reasonpeople do it just affects conversions highly it'll affect conversions and it'll reduce refund rates right Andit will transform that relationship Um I think even with the LME at the start uh some of you mayremember even with what's it called I can't remember um what I would do Iwould do this with everyone obviously because it's a lot to manage but I would get a callwith members for example at the start you know I would get on a call or I'll do a sweeprecorded but it's very hard if you're the person behind obviously you can't do itfor everybody right But it makes a big difference because you know you want tobe involved you want to hear what people are saying you want to see what youcan do you can improve things so on and so forth So video anyway video ask um by typeform I think they do they do applications or sorry like surveys all type for Yeah I have a toollike this I think I showed it to jim it was like snap bite where I can send out personalmessages to the individual and they can send another message right back to me through a video and respond towhat I just said I was testing the gym what you johnny you have such a personal natureon camera you're very warm and connected nature and if you could look in the camera in that mannerand stay with it Like as as Ali says with one person even though many people areseeing it but just speak to that one person you will get you know a great percentage of those peoplethat are seeing you I mean just following what Jim said sometimes I feel like I could becompletely wrong but I think yeah maybe I'm wrong but sometimes I think johnny gives himself less credit thanhe realizes I don't know when I was a child I generally think that that you undervalue youactually don't realize sometimes like you're very very knowledgeable very intelligent guy And I get I get sometimes maybeI'm maybe I'm reflecting on my own thoughts on me onto you Like where you know sometimesyou know we get to a certain point in life and we're like we don't want to bedoing you know just jumping around like you know Tiktok videos and doing this and berating ourselves and embarrassing ourselvesfor for actually you know we have a bit of respect for ourselves with dignity Ius 100% so we can do it in a classroom there's nothing we don't need to go extreme and doingyou know like we need to jump around and going public and do stupid stuff toget attention Oh you got I've got your attention now Now let me tell you that I agree with youSo like for example your content instagram perfect It's beautiful Clean crisp I feel a little changea bit of text in there and then the rest of your your content doesn't talking foryou even you as the individual you behind a professional video Nice clean video boom It's done And it'sfunny we talked about you know lead generation high ticket sales uh if anyone does come to this you knowunder case that user cases Case studies basically lead generation you know attract leads qualified leads and here you cansee look they've got the older application process as well scheduled means convert leads rightenrolled today so on and so forth So 65% up to 98% But again that's subjective because youdon't know all the ins and outs But yeah look you can integrate with calendar systemssegment your leads drop off analysis One more One more comment about johnny thinking about the wayRuss Rufino thinks is that he pulls out of the individual their particular talent Yourparticular talent is one on one conversation you have a very inviting Open way ofcommunicating and the more I could see that the happier I be because well you know thankyou for that You know I've been trained as a corporate trainer for 22 years I've been travelingaround the world teaching accounting and finance So I sort of have got that um you knowlike and trust type thing but I'm retired but I do not have to because I got to stay aliveyou know I got to do something you know So I thought this would bea great um platform to do that with using the social media and getting all the information thatI want to put in content out there It's like it's it's kind of scary because you don'tknow who's watching and if your enemies are watching you know Big Brother is watching you know because I'mex military as well you know so I I don't I don't trust from the public you know because theycan be bad you know they could be taking tearing apart what jOHn is saying is to to toeverybody else right It will sound you know you're just being paranoid and stuff but if you've ever donelaw enforcement or any kind of I guess government agencies and stuff like that youdo get paranoid not paranoid in that sense but you just don't know who's paying attention maybe you know somebodyyou might have dealt with and you know you sent to jail or whatever it may be Yeahbecause my experience as a revenue officer I worked for the Internal Revenue Service for four yearsand that was always closing people down and and whatever they'll say that's the guy I knewI would get him sooner or later Now there was social media look me upyou know oh he's got a post office box now huh Let's see if we can drill itdown further So I mean this is this is at the same time there's obviouslythere's thoughts that you can't control You know you've got this uh this worry All thisconcern I mean I I agree with you because I had the same concerns you know come froma policing background I avoided social media and when I came on that I'm on social media so it's theopposite It's like well you know something I wanted to wait now I kind ofcan't apart and partially have to do it Um so you just you don't know But then the other sideof it is which is more scary Are these people going to limit your reach or yourgrowth or your potential right Are they going to limit at these individuals that probably don't existAnd they probably don't care anyway They're they're not even there but we've made them into a nemesisSo that's that's that's the scary thing So which one is it How do youknow And then sometimes all is it imposter syndrome or is it is it a lie we tell ourselves inorder not to do the thing that we're scared of So we can say well I couldn't do itanyway It's an it's an illusion I agree It's an illusion It's not truth It's notreality It's just an illusion I put there in the gap between looking at a small piece and blowingit up instead of looking at the whole picture You know I get it I mean I mean theremight be no I agree with you But I mean there's always some truth to it based onyou know you know there's there's always some element of something behind it Um but you knoweveryone has to come into their own conclusion No All of us for example we could all giveeach other some fantastic advice that I could say do this Do do do dodo you have to cut you You have to you know do do the damn thing anywayYeah Anyway even if you convince yourself that it's not true you might feel that's trueinside you But you don't you can't resign it You must must act on thefeeling and process it Yeah I mean yeah whether you think you can or yourcar that's the same thing isn't it You have to sell it to yourself even though you dosell it to yourself as you're going along on the journey Sometimes you will try to sellyourself away from the thing right And when you get understanding maybe it's very hard That's where dataand all this nonsense comes in and that's where that's where that's where it's important to have the rightkind of people around you the right people but realistic as well at the same time that givethe support and give you valuable information right And people that understand what it is thatyou're doing and what you're trying to accomplish they can guide you the best notpeople that don't understand and they're just saying it for the sake of it because they're yes men oryes women or whatever Um but you know a few little changes and thank you I just I just wantjohnny to start flowing just because he's doing his thing But some of the stuff that you said that thestuff that many of us do say is you know I'm not ready yet to open the gatethe floodgates right Right So directly kind of restricting ourselves like after 555 posts you thinkI would be ready to open the floodgates right Because the question the question islike I've said the same thing to myself when is the right time when is the right timeWhen are you gonna be ready Because there's no great time and how we get betterby doing the thing that you have to do that you try to avoid there's a there's aquote that I know and I haven't implemented for a while but it's a really good quote and it worksamazingly whenever you do this if you do this right And you act upon it obviously make it intobehavior So the quote goes if not you then who if not now then when thatshould snap you out anytime you're hesitating Like if there's a piece of garbage on the floor orsomething like that you know you can pick up the slayer and all you know you could do something thatyou know you should be doing If it's not you then who if not nowthen when so that should try to make it happy that always act as soonas you hear that voice and then act on it and then it becomes thatlittle happy that the little mini wins Don't mean hits and so on and so forth So that'sa good little discovery of video asked as well Thank you Um That you know that is interesting andI get I understand So this is like say for example if you've done an email sequenceyou know somebody if somebody watches one video it's like its behavior is behavioral interactive video technology I don't knowif anyone's heard about it So you can make different videos So you make one video abouta cat or one video about a dog you say are you a cat person ora dog person Person dog person Right And then it takes you down a whole different pathright If you're a cat person it can take you down a different path There's actually some technologies out theresome of them Right So I mean if you can if you know obviously it does it'slike you're trying it's process of elimination when you're speaking to a potential prospect for example orpotential customer you're you're you're having this this conversation with them and they're they're clicking obviously and you'retaking down that that pre predefined path essentially Right So it's interesting and but I guess thesethings a little bit more advanced and the thing is just to get the get thebasic stuff in when you start trying to make things more advanced more difficult doingthis and doing that Um I think that's where the problem is everybody is trying to automatestuff that you could do that manually before you've even done the damn thing Andthat's where the problem is right we get all these shiny objects in front of usSo that's a great tool I can use this for something that I never used this toolAnd then as um Michelle was saying you know I got all these tools that I have and Ihaven't used they're just sitting there and by the time I get ready to use them they're closed down andI can't get a refund back Yeah So imagine this is in our in ourstorehouse in lME that's for sure But but this is the thing you know what you know it's upsettingas well Michelle you can understand somebody pays for products for example Not a smallamount of $500 or $1,000 and the damn things just disappeared just off the faceof the earth and they're not even you know getting back to you So um yeah this isthe point So there are plenty of technologies out there There's plenty of applications andsoftware and all of this and all that Sometimes You know what it is You know what sometimes thebitter truth is that people won't tell you is that a lot of these products or these Softwaresyou can spend more time using it and it'll be faster for you to do itmanually Does that make sense You know you're spending all this you know there's two ways of lookingat you could spend time obviously you've got to learn the product the software andall the process and all this and God knows how long it takes or what aboutif you just done it many and sometimes you will find out the manual was muchquicker doing in the automated way But you were sold into that thing thinking it's a fasterway Exactly And the problem is if you if you believe that what happens you'll get in amode all the time thinking of the software is going to make things easier for me Butnumber one it will make things more complicated You know it does sometimes Softwares domake things more complicated for you and they make you spend more money when youdon't need to be spending more money because it's giving you that false solution that I need to I needthe software for my business to make money But you know even making money in the firstplace why are you spending money Make money getting this money from That's the question youknow making money manually first And then when you get my hope my pockets are empty holes inthem right now But that's the thing when it comes to these Softwares and you knowyou get this when you have all these launches by now by now the money you'll find themoney from somewhere you'll find the money 20 you know you're just I'll go into my overdraftI'll go into my credit whatever I need to do I'll take an extra loan nowand so on and so forth So so I read a post on facebook thisweek about this is you see that the guy with his cell phone and he put his cellphone on the on the treadmill exercise treadmill and he says my phone and do exercisefor me now you know what is again everyone everyone each their own You know we'veseen you know there's people that are on there on the treadmill with their laptops and stuffI don't know how that works I really know that it works for some peopleI get it it's fine but for me I just I can't see that working these things they becomequestionable very creative So I just wanted to bring this one thing up because we mentionedsome of this stuff last week and something came to my mind and it was a really interesting thingRight by the way thank you for that Ali I appreciate it before you go on thank youfor that Oh that's the five you're welcome So something came to my mind and it's something thatmany people that either okay something came to my mind and I'll explain what itis So um what what some people don't realize say for example you know some of these launches if there'sif there's some good ones obviously the one on the left all the proper hardcore software ones Right Mhm Andyou've got extreme ads Let's see I'm trying to see if I can find something that might begood There's a bit of time business pilot I've never heard of that one butlet's just say business pilot Right But yeah I don't think it's up yet because it's justis it up no style coming out in May it looks like So they're just sending JVpay for notifications but I want to get one with the name Um Well there'sthere's one out now called the um okay if we go to let's just go to Joshua Zamora comingsoon podcaster This this I know he's got his one Okay podcaster Another podcaster wow So okay Justsay there's a podcaster wrong Right Um do do do do do do the let's see Whitelabels got like the white labels Okay I've done for you white label website Sothat sounds like yeah they will give you a white label website but it sounds like they might make youpay for hosting Okay So anyway long story short say for example you got podcasts Right This is another thingthat you always remember So if I come here let me just type in hereRight What Foster Right podcast on What's this Okay Somebody's already got the name for it Butanyway um if I just Okay so a little bit of quick research podcasting review Let's seeif anyone's got anything company No Okay podcaster podcaster maybe maybe Alright Yeah No So what youkind of want to do is just kind of figure out what you know maybethere's different permutations of it you know different stuff around it Well maybe it's just not up yet SoAll right Um let's just draw a conclusion right now There's nothing relevant on Youtube right now Rightgoogle because if I go to google now let's have a look podcast Review Changes socially Thinking Instead podcaster podcasterliterature Okay So mantra has come But can you see that there's nothing there Now Can you seethat Right so it's brand new So there's an opportunity there obviously to leverage that while it's fresh OkayAnd when does it launch then We just launches on 29 March of this last week Thisis a month away right This is a month away No Well I would if ifthis was if I was to do this right What I would do let's just do let'sjust go to name sheet Right Let's go ahead Let's go ahead and podcaster let's see what they got nowSometimes vendors that they make the mistake of not getting all of their domains So we're going to lookfor the typical ones right there $49 So look at this dot co dot UK Look at this Whata big mistake can you see that That is that is very very little you know imagine this right Imaginethis If you're ahead of it of everybody Right Like some people won't be ahead of this Sowhat you do this is just one domain name So you get all of the domain ing's the relevant onesobviously Yeah And what do I mean by relevant Let's just say you got co dot UK here Idon't know why they didn't get it And even look at this dot org or dot net I don'tknow if they've got dot net right let's see dot net because I think they've just gonefor I O U I recently just because of the I thought the reason for these extensions was that ifyou're gonna if it's gonna be on or it's gonna be have to be something aboutorganization if it's going to be on comments about commercial ai is about artificial intelligence I mean does that haveany relevance in this Um It's all they are they're this generally I know what you'resaying but these are the main these are kind of the main extensions you wouldtypically get especially for your website especially when it came to S C O or ranking and things like thatRight These are the typical and these are the mainstream ones people somebody would get especially when they're doinga search or something like that But in this case um listen they haven't got they haven't got dot codot UK right They haven't got org They don't have a I that's not a big problem Right Butthose are the main ones But here's here's where things will get interested So you've got a podcast let'sjust type in review Have they got review No Right Have they got reviews Let's have a look Rightso podcasts are exposed Have they got it And these are power like you've gotto understand these are the people are going to be looking for their first That's the keyword right They'regoing to be looking for all of these terms here now imagine this you get all of thosedomains names right You've got two options you can do them all as redirects to yourown one review page or what you what the ideal scenario would be is to create many sitesfor all of them Like review review blogs or one page websites follows those domains with great high highkey words are of course for example right at you know you can get 5 10 5or 10 of them You can see whatever how much it is You know you'regonna get return on your investment right And then you will basically you could create for each oneyou could create a different youtube video maybe two videos If you wanted to write you invest and you getthese things done maybe put you know $100 down You get your domain names maybe spend a bitof money getting a few graphics done or whatever it is But then now you've gotthese 5 to 10 domains right These five or 10 mini sites And you know you've got yourkeyword rich articles on there with the review Blah Blah Blah Maybe you spend another $10 onPPL our products that you put in all of them But you gotta imagine each one is bringingyou number one is bringing you leads you're capturing leads from this launch right And numbertwo you're gonna make sales you're gonna make your return 100% You'll make money even if it's waterlet's just say you make three sales or full sales you made your money back right Because you canactually become an affiliate and and and you know email the the people that go tothese websites the linked to by the by the offer and you can make an affiliate commissionYes basically this is what we want to do You want to you can get their email address and youcan bridge bridge them over to whatever you want whatever you want For example youwant obviously you're going to say go to my website but you know what it takes toget 5 10 15 and you're done Yeah I mean look even this year even if reviewsis not there you can do you know hyphen review and it'll come up now doesthe hyphen make a difference as far as with the search engines will it not pull up that youwant Doesn't matter It won't matter as long as your content is rich like keyword richand it's relevant to it We have people doing search time It'll bring up as much as it canBut if you've got like like now we've just done about five probably five searches right on the main keyterms people are looking for you know you could go review reviewed reviews exposed scam do not buywhatever it is You know and for each one that cropped up like you've got a month to quicklyput a quick little website with one page website you can go into click funnelsgo set up a page and you know you could just have it with like one videoyou've got plenty of time to make that one video You could basically record the same video 10times if you wanted to for each one same content you've got £300 and God knows howlong would be run But you've got if somebody wants to do that now say it took you oneweek to record to build all of this stuff up And would it take a week probably because youcould say for example if I don't if you build a page you find downon click funnels or you build a page you could just duplicate that same page andall you do is change around the content within that page You could you know you couldgo hire somebody could go five or create your post or you can get article rewrite a spinner had thewhole structure a different video It's up That's it 56 domain name You get the 56 the top google rankingnow What what everyone should do you at some point they'll be interested we'll come back tothis in about maybe three or four weeks when they're launching cougar who went and got those domains Yeah Whenit comes to if you think about it now sometimes they you know sometimes you know the offenders maybe unfortunatelysometimes people make the mistake I think even like google once made the mistake of they didn't renew theirown domain I don't know if anyone heard about this about and there was some guy I can'tremember he purchased google dot com didn't and I would have been like yeah I'm gonna sellyou back for millions I think it's all about what google did a reaction to that They createdtheir own extension You're probably familiar with that X Y Z That's what they did as a way tobasically temporarily Yeah but they need the duck come back And the reason I mention this is because we'renot just specific to this one thing you can use this time and time againSometimes you can have another Here's another thing people don't realize right again without going offoff subject If you go to an accountant speak to an accountant for example hey look Ispecialized in digital marketing Um um you know I would love to have something set upwhere we can do some kind of joint venture together You know you have the brand new businessowners that are coming on board If you can send them to me I can giveyou I can give you a percentage of sales because they know anytime a brand new business openedup opens up where did they go they go register their business to go toan accountant So on and so forth Right No if you have something like that inorder with this company or if you're able to get a list of brand new companiesopening right now What would happen if you recall all of the domain name forthose companies Right So you go register their domain names right And this is there'snothing that you purchased the domain name and then you could list it for sale You could do thatfor your own records You could do it for yourself Obviously that's you know I get it backIf it was a good juicy enough company great stuff They'll pay tens of thousands forit if they really wanted it Obviously it's been all this stuff on their branding andstuff and you know the domain name and then you come along and you know you're therelike oh somebody's already got this and they obviously they contact you they say look we really want to buyor even if they don't contact you you can contact them I have your demeaning would you like tobuy it Right So I think I think um donald trump done that with someoneI can't remember Somebody got donald trump's trainer or somebody got one of the domain names AnywayUm and sometimes you can get celebrities domains that don't have it and you can flip them youknow you can flip it over whatever it may be Um so that's another good thing People don't realizeyou know Catherine's when you know especially people that have no business you can go to them Youcan have some kind of deal set up and so on and so forth Um butthis one is something we'll definitely have to come back and check up on because you know it's niceto meet you got them Yes That guy takes off if he's a success That'sreally quite brilliant to look at what's gonna comment So these guys especially I think there's I think he'san indian guy um jay Sharma let's have a look O J Sharma Yeah Sohe normally has good launching some of the track record So you know okay what what you should expectfrom let's say for him He would have he should have I would imagine good affiliates that are promotingfor him Right So what will again what will happen is that these people obviouslypush out emails customers will want to do their research on organic traffic whatever it may beAnd they will go check They will go check So you're siphoning that free traffic and andand you know it will be running So let's say look can bacala let's just say is itcan Macala Wright Can bacala let's let's do this If I go to is it good to go into incognitoWhen you do these searches Whenever you do checks go yeah go incognito because if you don't obviously it's justpicking up your regular search pads what you've been going through anyway This way it's like a clean slateyou can see it organically clean Like there's no there's no cookies and there's no you knowyou using the same stuff because what it does obviously google and search engines they want to optimize the pagesthat you've been on and things like that Even the patterns of pages that might besimilar to it So somebody mentioned I don't you don't have to but there's another site calledDuck Duck Go or something like that I don't know what that was like things like google They again theycontrol information the information gatekeepers we call them right They will control the narrative ofthe information you're looking for So um can bark carla and bacala Okay here it isCampbell carla is it is it running Okay look at this look at this That's supposedto be welcome to the member's area Oh my God you got in already wow How did youdo that Yeah that's for free Oh jailbreak jailbreak jailbreak this time next year I'll be that convertCanberra carl Okay so I guess I guess it's a bit old now with these guys onthis but if I just believe this let's have a look let me see if I justgo straight to their page Does anything come up Oh the video is not workingSo that basically means no it doesn't even go to the right demeaning does it Ah so yeah Imean what are you doing what do you do So it's not really good sign isit I guess it's I guess it's a very old thing that they've done So let's tryto find something more recent Okay Prime Uh if I type in prime stock it might come upwith some binary or something Yeah Okay Let's go to music man He just did music man becauseI got music man I never used it I don't know why I thought it was good to haveyou won't ever use it I'm telling you music man talking faces I got all that stuff Idon't even use it That was the domain music granite dot com Shut them off musicman Okay Look you've got JV invite Yeah It's gonna be hard to get it Okay So if Ido let me do this again Music man Dot Io does it come up Mm hmmMusic Let me do my spelling I can't even spell it The music man Okay You'renot trained or not trained to do the do the hacking job You're trained to defend thehackers That's why you can't tie trying to spell muslim way music man died Okay Can you see lookthis is another issue Look at this a long time Look at the low timeon it Oh yeah it took too long Yeah He didn't he didn't take care of his old product Noname is This is another good thing Johnny needs to go check and he still login You should be smiling now you ain't gonna listen to the music right log in andtry let's go to bundle Oh boy the domain is expired didn't mean expire it reallyyep that's what I'm seeing already yep I'm looking at the name cheap and it's uh came upto I'll go in I have an account there I guess That's not a really good example Let's goto um that means I can go to jail and resell that domain and sayyour domain is down You might want to put it back up Good idea Okay so Graeme Kashthat's somebody see what I mean Look what's the point of having something and it's down Oh yeah Are thosehis products or products that he like Nick was asking are there products that he saysstrong track record in launches records And whether there is or the problem is when you put something likethis you're associating yourself with his That's the problem isn't it Yeah you can't then sayoh it's not lying or whether it's your JV management are you still in somewhat respect your you know you'reyou're you're you're assigning some affiliation with it Okay X Funnels is one X funnels rightSo this is this hasn't gone X funnels because it was a funnel builder This one X funnelsokay you've got X funnels Io Alright so this is interesting one So look X follows dot net dotau So some people I guess this is another thing if you're in Australia or different countries you canuse the other extension So let's do let's do external reviews dot com if itcomes up nope no nobody nobody got it No nothing Okay So what does that mean It means nothingat this moment in time until I put it in this bad boy I haveto know what what is wrong with you don't get it but it's not it's not finished but it's stillit's still working on it when it's done It's been launched a long time ago Yeah yeah yeahthey're still working on it There's still stuff that doesn't work in it and it workedpartially it's like this see this is the problem not saying this particular thing but a lot ofthese what a lot of vendors do I'm not saying they launched something and there's not sometimes there's nothing wrongwith it You know it's I mean this happened with I mean even if you remember videos videos they saidthis later on that they launched and had so many issues so many issues and you know it's likea start isn't it They're they're fixing all the bugs all the glitches and many people were unaware there weremany problems and sometimes it happens you know you have to buy the bullet he tried to raisemoney to pay for the basically yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're basically raising capital was registered innet dot org is there And you're saying we're hearing So but again I just got a domain formy wife Park She's a Park Avenue dentist but Park Avenue nyc dot dentist Okayinteract is a good one So this is behavioral video technology Right So let's see if wecan get this one as an example interact because they've been around a long time andthey you know this is a good product interact Let's see if they let's see if they've got theirdomains in place right interact dot not they they've got dot com But the other is that somekind of people don't care about them is that they're hey yourself that's probably takenbecause it's taken long to interrupter Okay So interact Let's just go back Okay So hyphen okaythat's available So if I make a space here I take this search for it Let's seeThere's uh search results 35,000 you know it's been there for years long time very long time So if Igo well no one's got this have they No one has this has some check It could be thedouble R In there that people haven't put the double R They just put one R as aplay on words It could be but yeah Or some people maybe they're just doing direct traffic Okay but let'sjust take you know Um So in this instance now this person here has got their ownpage right They've got their own page and look at it actually just straight awaythis actually looks nice Look at this Look at this This is this is a really good example thatwe've come up with a very good example what they've done straight away They puthis sales video at the top and this is from his main page This is a JB previewwhich is seen him before What's his name brian phillips Yeah brian I got some respondentsto Ryan Ryan Ryan that was kind of expensive That was an expensive product Ididn't want to buy that one Um No I think maybe it's gone up to recurringnow or the one off but it was cheap drawing launch it was a reasonable amount Now lookat this So for every person who's the video is education in the right has a whole outlinelike you can write a book or something you know take the book Look look how nice itis Look at this this is that if I came to this I'm like Yepit's given me exactly what I want to know for the tiny feet or $67 It's lookat this it's quite a lot That's a really good template to use This is like a university casestudy we're looking at right now Ollie Thanks a lot for that Like I feel like I'm in college nowImagine this this if you use the same structure template for every everything that youdid even with your own products like you've got to understand even if it's yourown products So if I go to my products here marty England England or is that youThat's him That's Ryan Ryan phillips No no this is somebody else This is somebodyelse This is somebody that's basically Mark Uh this guy is somebody else Let's see if we canfind out who it is Okay He's got youtube travel Welcome back to day 24 of thisis another good little thing to look at Like remain in the other Yes So that's another thing thatwe looked at But let's just go to this space is left Look at this No spacesleft But you can can you buy it now Okay She's close them off Well it didopen Okay so this is another smart way of doing it Okay Because what would happen even if like evenif it's not sold out Guess what Guess what happened straight away as a human Youthink oh my gosh it's sold out I missed out I missed out I really want to put myname down So when I'm notified understand Oh yeah Guess what 24 hours later I gotone space available Would you like it Oh yeah I better get it sold outSo yeah but it may be the case it is sold out But again this guy hesaid it himself I like automation probably all over me Um It is what it isSo if this was me right I'm not you know if I was going to do this what he'sdoing you know what I would do I would leave them at 97 and I wouldsay I would put a coupon code there to drop it down put a coupon code there because then it'slike he's in discount code Yeah just you can keep every month you could changeit if you wanted to But what I mean again what is it what are yougetting in there Step by step course So these are in pounds and it's like say for exampleif you went into LME and you got done for your product it's the same thing youjust take something from there Right So what he's doing what what you can do is like ifI wanted to another model I could have done with LME which was something that came into my headthere would be free courses and they would be paid courses So with the subscription you can get all ofthese courses added and then there's really high level premium ones It's like for exampleif you heard of learn learn dot com by annex and girl Yes learn learn rightI don't know if anyone's heard of it but you know so let's look I'll show you what Imean He's got some great um you know we've been doing a long time but he's got a catalog listlooked at the L U R N Let's see if it comes up So look you can seea free and paid courses So but again you've got to pay for this stuff Let me accept thisCan you see that there's some free courses Again free free free and then obviouslyyou'll get paid ones once you're in there there's quite a lot of that are freeI don't know why he's doing that Maybe he's getting you to sign up I don't know Mhm Thenext thing going they have free and premium courses right Mhm Are there any good Um Again I mean subjectiveto the individual You know if you if you have no knowledge about something and you come and watch somethingand it's giving you some good information You would think alright this is really good It's helping me go inthere but sometimes when something's for free you know you're not going to get all the bells and whistlesyou're gonna get something but you're not going to get everything So obviously you dohave to pay but it's what you take from there I guess that could be an up sell to youknow you can use that as a lead magnet and then get an Upsell ohno with this 100% once you're in there they say free But there's many of them they'repaid for like 200 bucks 500 bucks 1000 bucks stuff like that when you're in their 100% Soyou know it was something similar to what I wanted to do with LME havethis you know whole platform But instead of doing 300 bucks there 500 bucks thenwhy don't I just do it as a nice recurring membership site and you geteverything I have to pay another 100 bucks 200 bucks It's a good don't get me wrongit's a good model There's nothing wrong with he's probably making a lot of money from it because he's gettingother So here's the secret with this other people are building the forces up put themon his platform That's it He gets it gets a cut Um But again it's like sayfor example you go to you to me what's different it's the same thing But you knowme he cut price and they sell your clothes for $20 So yeah I mean you tome unfortunately you as being the vendor you don't get control of your own product rightThey make all the money So if I went to marketing now right And and then you everyone will beshocked that a lot of the things that you see here like SE 16 You know how to become acopywriter Let's just say alright let's just do this I want to find something that justokay let's just do this marketing research Imagine what we've gone through today's market researchon how to you know monetize other people's products and their launches and get domain names and createmicro sites and so on and so forth They're selling this for Um £22 whichprobably be about $29 or something 73% off you know off Oh look at this Guesswhat they're doing now They're turned into a subscription service £26.99 per month After seven day trial they putin the fine print Huh Yeah try it Yeah because I guess they have to make sure theycover it But if you go let's just click this anyway I want to see Alright so yeah this isso smart At least I'll get your daily people you have to go pay at leastI've got your email But coming back to it now I go through this who this isfor business staff owners blah blah blah mr marketing after this course You these arethe things you'll be able to answer So what I'm looking for is a breakdown of what'sinside 10 step process to market research Design effective questionnaires discover the role of data learn to doan M R Brief fluent research need to theologies review this course that's a typookay so so all right so this now it's interesting they kept this lock now used to hide atthe top but it's in your face So this is the part I'm looking for Right this is whatyou're getting for the course mm Got three lectures Look eight minutes six minutes 10 minutes Thewebinar like some long two hour video like say for example today we're gonna we're gonnacall if I slides up then what I do at the end of it I just sliced up into piecesIt's exactly the same thing And this person's obviously just create the course thrown on you tome and letting them do all the work you know the market they're like heyyou go do all of this stuff Um Now you could essentially Look at some of thesecourses and you would know straight away You know what there's a huge demand for it We've gotobviously investing in this kind of course so you've got options you can create your own course you can marketyour own course for example you can create content around youtube whatever you want to do oryou can create something similar if that's your field and also placed into you tome you can either put the price higher right You could put it higher because people say wiser I mustbe better right Or you could lower to undercut and then someone buys what you're the thingis yes you will make sales from it But what will generally what people generally do whenthey see your name they'll go research you If they can find you outside thenthen it's a whole different ballgame If you have high tea and stuff right BecauseI know you do me there were certain things in place where you can't really take people awayfrom the platform whatever it may be So indirectly you know people are going to go search oryou can have a video that has that in a sense where you could kind of as longas it doesn't go against the terms of conditions but there's other things like skillshare and so on and so forth that will give you the ideas and understand howyou can create these courses So you could like say for example you're like you knowwhat I want to be able to quit course I don't want to go launch I don't want to spendmoney blah blah blah I don't want to do all of that stuff create the course company onyoutube what do you have to lose You've made it anyway And um and there's there was a guyI can't remember his name He was doing this for years and you did me and I think hewas making over 100 grand or future me Yeah you would create a course maybe acouple of courses and he was making money from that from you to me And then he was creating courseson how he was making money from you right And then he would then he would make courses abouthow to get started on Youtube And this guy making you make tons of money with theircosts 20 bucks name His name is Alan something Alan something Yeah Hey they maketons of money We close at $20 Imagine if you can send for $50 wemake lots more money Okay how to okay let's see how to make money on you to me Good morningMost relevant highest rated That's not always the most accurate So most review will go for rightI can't remember his name Alan something he was very very popular on Yeah Iremember him So this guy look can you see this He keeps popping up this guy as well Looklook at his face all over the place Yeah he's broken up So what you do go to goto Joey go to joe here and let's go to joe Let's see how many courses he has Lookat this is this a joke 100,000 students 90 courses So 90 courses So let'ssee if we can find all those courses Look how the price of its change But look at the ratingsYou have to get a rating until you can't play with the reputation ratings on there eithercan you No no These are all you know legit people that purchased So you know it's you know it'sgreat feedback and get a lot of people You know you could come and hit Ok So more coursesby Joey Right Let's see if it shows us more He must have started when he was an infantNo You know what Sometimes you know what If you look at some of thesecourses like there's only five hours worth You could do you could do create 44 hoursworth of content in a day in the city So let's listen listen let's this one Obviously look this guyI don't know who he is but I probably know that he's probably interviewed him or something andhe's given a breakdown So maybe he's going and interviewing people and they're creating content because it's technical information Soa complete Dick top Marketing masterclass Right And he probably I don't know does he have aTiktok account you'd have to check has he got those millions of views himself Probably not Or maybehe's interviewed somebody that has and gave them some money for it They say forexample the same template as he used before and other services Again look at this What is Tiktok Youknow just basically benefits videos Two minutes 20 minutes Had to create a post at Tiktok video Anyonecould do this stuff The secrets to start Um so anyway what we could do So what's hisname Joey parries Let's go and have a look at Tiktok Um let's see if if he'sdoing it himself that makes more sense So let's see if you go to search joe stories You knowwhat he had just got a million followers He's got the real thing the real thingWow So he's practicing what he preaches which is good That's what you want So clearly he's Euphemia journeys workOkay But yeah I mean again it's like it's crazy Look it's crazy that this guy is given a coursehere for 22 £22. Right And obviously he's you know he's got a legit uh Tiktokaccount We would imagine Right That But he's he's he's somebody that's showing you how todo it Do you have any templates or any any checklists for for creating courses Um I should haveand find it I'll find it I'd be very interested in that myself too I'm doingthis creation right Yeah I'll find one and maybe we go we can go through next week if you wantUm I mean this is like the bells are going off in here That's right Are you thinking about makinga quick course on Youtube for example Yes I have bells and sounds everywhere tokeep me awake Keep me focused mm hmm So beautiful outside And I'm sitting in here in the room isif he's selling it for £2022 right If he's got over 90 courses main two courses Let's seeit's technically generally the £80. So I don't know if it's how it's manipulated or not Umso let's just times it anyway by 2020 to what it is right now Yeah So just one ifthey sold 1111 course of his full catalog Right that's just £2,000. What about $2,600 RightMhm Well the question is how much of it feels full price If it wasfull price 50 bucks 50 If he'd done that If he had done that every single let'sjust say he sold one course at 23 days every single day times about that willbe 58,000 But then again remember with tell me if you if you sold lmeyou know if you had about 1000 people for example that's the same amount of $50,000 a month Andguess what You don't have to keep building courses courses courses courses that whole thing or what youcould do a new to me So you to me is one example you've got you know you've got thingslike skill share and things like that You can also leverage So if you build it and youto me it doesn't mean you can't go take the same course or change it up and putit in another platform You can have it in multiple places selling Yeah Um Butagain this is a conservative number We're just saying conservative number here times are by 12 when you say skillssharing that you mean that you to me has courses that are based on skills Noso skill shares another platform similar to you of course there are against seven daysaccount and probably recurring plan as well So you can basically just it's another youto me basically So the so you get access to all the course I think Iremember Yeah this one you get you pay for yeah you pay yeah you get everything included I guessthe good thing the good thing about these kind of platforms right Let's see start your you know useit for seven days and see what it's about You know I've done that before and I've completely forgotten aroundfor months but if you you know there's some amazing courses there that you can gothrough and it will give you amazing ideas Honestly we don't realize like if you want inspiration I mean thisis even in the signature coaching program where it's a part of research of going through that youcan go through and you go to Youtube any skill share If you need help you can go toother people that are doing something similar to you and from that from that you d engineer or you reverseengineer their breakdown You know when you say about how can you create courses you've got checklistsJust go through five of the top ones For example say for example if I went through herenow I go find some of the best ones here you know with the highestamount of students look at this 16,000 right So if I go Okay so let'sjust so if you're doing Tiktok masterclass that's a good terminology It's like it's telling youwhat's popular right now what people are searching for So right now the most relevant let's say most reviewed rightNot highest rated Most reviewed Okay he's reviewed Okay So you've got 200 here 128 Blah BlahBlah And I don't think these are accurate I think there's more People are good to write really writelike 4-2 historical story unless maybe you got a better algorithm that you know you know mewill will put those So but anyway if you come here and we've got themost popular right You could look at which ones got the most kind of feedback The most kind ofcomments what they like about it blah blah blah the highest ratings And then you cango to each and every single one of them Like look at this This is such a nicethumbnail It's just missing you know how to maybe complete guide But anyway he's differentwith this stuff I come down here I go Okay let's have a look Introduction Six hours sounds hashtags soundslike there's a breakdown in there So you could essentially if you wanted to youcould go get the course you can invest in the course You could go learnabout it You can model it You can model it I'm going to do thatbecause all you're doing is building chapters you know within the actual video And I mean it's not it's notrocket like this stuff ain't rocket science Like it's like some hidden gem They're just showingyou how to adjust the clip speed text It's all the same stuff you have to learn anyway Andit would be funny that some of this stuff that they're showing you is from Tiktok'sown tutorial right It's just re engineered Yeah repurposed again Hey you got this instructor again It's always goodto look at it You can see photography and Tiktok instructor He's got 40,066 soon So let's go to thisone build your business with That's the thing You have to focus on one thingand one market and carried out and then sell it and work on the other one It'skind of hard to work on everything in tandem So that's the that's the thing that we always mentioned thatis that don't dilute your focus on multiple different things because what happens it's like your eyesyou know you know sometimes they say the stomach is you know you when you're hungry eyes arebigger than your stomach bigger than your stomach right So you're like my mom said that all the timeeat a whole chicken johnny because your eyes are bigger than your stomach here Soright now I mean you could just do this as a test Let me youknow just as a thing of actually finishing off miles So let me just create some minicalls Let me just get the damn thing out there Nothing to lose The thing withthat ali is that we're so busy with different things that's coming into our lives is that wedon't have an accountability manager No you do You do certainly here But every time youlook in the mirror that is the person Yeah that's why I don't look in the mirror anymore No nono I mean you're right Yes it's um sometimes the reason we don't have an account manager it's harder it'seasier for us to ignore having accountability accountability individual behind us because we know or we we already Ipresume that we're going to fail So it's best we ignore that Don't have somebody account becausewe're not going to fail So you're already setting yourself up you're like I'd rather not havesomething to keep or it's easier to blame that person Then I don't have an accountability managers And that's whyI don't do anything Why some people will go have a personal trainer when they could doit themselves They just want somebody else to tell them what to do Instead of telling yourself whatto do you get somebody else and you pay them and then we don't get results Youblame them I mean whatever they're going to tell you yourself Even a personal trainer likeeven there was a day believe it or not when I was in the police many many years agoI had a personal trainer and I needed help to get in shape and all of thatstuff Once the trainer teaches you there's only so much he's going to teach and you now knoweverything that he's telling you You know everything after that It's like hey I need to now take controls ofyou know take the reins of it unless now you if you're going into competition youare competing and you need a proper nutritionist You know your high level stuff Then yougo to somebody that's more expertise in that area right in that film and then you learn everyeverything that they know there's not much more than going to teach you Then yougo to somebody else doesn't maybe somebody that works in a different field of flexibility or you know differentcontrol and blah blah blah And like there's a guy obviously that were who I used toget personal training training from and he was somebody that still works in the gymto this state Yeah And he monetized it right And and and I've observed him for abouthours worth of sleep doesn't go he doesn't have not bothered about social life works works worksworks works and truth be told don't get me wrong He did help me in my journeyObviously first of all I started my journey you know trying to lose weight when Iwas a big size that I thought I need to do it once I lost weight I'mlike okay I need to take this one step further Now Now I need to understand you knowdifferent exercises blah blah blah How do I lift weights and see how the andyada and I learned that But then something was there was there was still something missing there's stillsomething missing There was a point where I lost weight and then it stopped I was still working hard I'mstill eating less food but I wasn't losing weight And I would say to me look you knowthis is still not working There's something wrong here And he was like no nodefinitely You must be eating something wrong with that And what I came to realize you know probably 10years later a decade later because he wasn't telling me specifically about nutrition or he didn't understandhow the body works when it comes to your metabolism how it slows down But sometimes youneed to do that reset You know I could you know he would you know for example hewould say you know you need to you know depending on vegetables you need to eata fish worth of vegetables and stay with your protein It works for you but my bodydoesn't work like that but you're applying your length and your system onto me which doesn't work Andwhat happened as I wasn't as I wasn't seeing change I was I would stressme out and get me really worried like what am I doing wrong I would cut down more foodand it would mess me up more because I know I'm going kind of instarvation mode now and what it is sometimes that some people they only tell you whatworks for them They don't always know everything right For like even me for example I'm not somespecialists in ads for example I'm not going to start teaching you about ads right Specifically retargeting howto do certain metrics and all of that stuff We have people that do that That s specialistsand experts in that field right So you have one person that teaches you what they knowbest like marketing and so on and so forth You know that field But if you listen if you havea medical issue right You have a medical issue Are you going to go tothe lawyer for help I'll just go to the foot doctor Well there you goYou know it doesn't make sense that you go to the person that's a specialist in the in the fieldand tell you exactly because what would happen if you don't dislike me sometimes it will delayyou from getting the results that you want and it'll it'll affect your mentality Hey you know I'm makingresults Maybe it's me maybe I'm I'm not working hard enough and I was cutting down the calories cutting downcalories going and I was like then I'm getting weak I can't perform the gym I couldn'tunderstand And then it was years later and I and then I was like yeah because youknow he wasn't a nutritionist didn't tell me specifically And when I said you know let'sworkout nutrition plan You know we'll get around to get around to it because hismain model is personal training That's what makes his most money nutrition plan here and there Yeahit might be a little bit but it's not his head and mouth because you'llget better and he'll lose you as a client that's another part to it andhere's the thing I even said look sometimes you know um if you're training somebody and they're notgetting results and not lose the rain and stuff um you know it doesn't itsometimes it reflects it reflects you like something's going wrong here Like what is it And the thing is youknow sometimes trainers they'll get to a point like hey look you do what you gotta do Youwant you want training come to me I'll do it but don't blame me if you're not gettingthe results you're the one that's eating the junk You're the one that's not doing what I realize sometimesyou know as you know you could be a trainer or you know you canbe in certain fields and you are somebody that is it's a business You know then when I realizedlater like for example people come to him it was about friendship It's the it's the experiencethat he's given to people when they come for that one hour session it's how hemakes them feel during that time and how they feel leaving So even if they even if yougo off and you go and make your mistakes and you do this but at least youknow you come back here and you feel good you feel good So it's it's some important takeawaysSo sometimes you know don't be careful Again the advice who you take it fromand don't go to Sometimes going to the wrong person right could give you the wrongadvice that can set you back a lot a lot because then you question yourself nothing maybe I'm doingwrong And sometimes it's because those people have a different way of doing stuff and they tryto impose their views all these systems and their understanding on to you and it's totallywrong It'll mess you up Like it did mean it messed me up 100% It made me notunderstanding it made me understand nutrition as I should write And that would have probably I think itwould have called me you know um it would have called you know tightness Maybe women deficiency not eatingcorrectly bad eating patterns behaviors because somebody saying oh you know your weight's not going down eat less It'sthe wrong advice I'm sorry It's just the wrong advice You've gotta understand Am I eating my amI having the right amount of carbohydrates fats proteins and what's my calorie intake What myblah blah all of that stuff So um without going off to food because it's making us allhungry now but here's another good thing right So say for example you came here nowto you I mean we just went to one of the courses when you scrolldown this will this I guess this will this is again this is an upset this is what youdo is trying to Upsell you on is students also brought this Now the reason I mention this because Thisis where it gets interesting He will show you you know the amount of students inthat particular course 5000 there 5000 there You've got over 1800 here So we're going for the high volumeones Now we're going for high volume because we know these are the most popular alongside withthe high review market You got 5000 But look at this 16,000 in this one What a joke Yousee that 16,000 now imagine imagine if you took this now I want you to think about this Imagine ifyou took one of these courses right And you modeled it and you gave away probably 70% ofthat content away on YouTube for free Yeah Right And then you say if youwant the full cause and help me through blah blah blah here's here's the link pproduct We already know there's a demand for it We know there's 60,000 people sittingthere that they've gotten paid for this content and it's likely they probably paid £60 for it because if youlook here 59 99 whether they've done maybe on some days some days they do do discounts and stuffbut somebody paid a lot of money for it But we should then add up cells differentcomponents that we can have other memberships and we can have training programs consultation we can do done for youservices Hey you know what you've got the course you pay me 497 I will go through everythingwith you I will build up your channel I will build your account I'll do everything giveme access to it I'll go to everything I'll go get your graphic designs and you cango get graphic design is done very inexpensively They they give you the you just havea checklist or pro a pro former everything that you need from them They submit it and then youcan go in their account and set up all if they're worried about security you could doa screen share with them on a zoom call and go through a copy andpaste job We know we were sold in places right We just need to getto have a conversation with them and get them through But even you know these are great reminders that you'vegot um 16,000 people just on this one thing right here and over over a rangeof four stars on there So that's the same teacher That's joe parents these willbe mixed These are all mixed now So it's good It gives us a nice you know different mixtureof different people There's another thing here's another thing again again without sounding this mightsound noisy right But there's nothing wrong I don't think there's anything wrong with that As long as yourstuff is genuine You could also whether you do it for yourself or you know you couldhave your spouse or you could technically even target the female audience opposed to menYou know jim could become you know Stephanie I'm not saying he is Well you could you could acquire anypen name I mean there's nothing wrong with it Sometimes your content might be great Or you knowif you or you could technically could hire a female as a voice over Mmhmm Right Sometimes men will maybe make me feel more comfortable with a woman Soif you have a spouse maybe you have a friend that you could say look I'llgive you 50 bucks I just need you to record some of this content with me blah blah blahCan you do it And you may be surprised You know you may be surprised or you get somebodyinvolved you go to work and you know you you get somebody involved right trainthem up and say you'll get ongoing percentage of the sales that made you deal with all ofthat stuff All they have to do is come on they record that content and then they cancome and do those weekly classes or recorded content or do webinars whatever it may be helpedprop them up as well And if you don't get any money you're in trouble Um so this isthis is the interesting thing what you do you set it up that you've got the male audience you'vegot the female audience or you could do mixed I mean it's up to how youwant to do it I mean there's so many different natures you could do Tiktok for single moms Tiktokfor pregnant women I mean Tiktok for an entire religion religion location age I mean where doesit end You know there might be certain people religious faith to either your christian jewish muslim and thenyou go research what what what are they allowed to post What kind of content is allowed You knowwhether it's modesty where there's sexuality certain topics taboo topics they're allowed to talk not allowed totalk about You see what I'm saying So all of these things maybe you know how to create akosher Tiktok account how to create a new account Yeah yeah I mean these other things that areyou know society is changing You've got these young Children up and coming from different faithgroups that you know their parents might not understand about all of these platforms that they're saying stay awayfrom them when in in in in on the other side you could create you couldbe somebody that educates these different faith types to these parents for these parents how tomanage these platforms correctly and for their business needs for example and how to safeguardyour child against these platforms instead of because we know nowadays nowadays if you ifyou tell your kids stay away from this what do they always do something that you told them notto do Right So you you got unfortunately you know we have to try to manage abetter relationship right Or you have to then educate the parents in that because that's whatthe parent doesn't know They rather stay away from it without education And then what theysay to the child they say you know especially my parents look even with my parentsI'm pretty sure a lot of you as well it's not they because they're trying toprotect you and because they don't understand they're like they say just stay away from itand there's no explanation there's no understanding behind it And then you're like I don't understand why Sosometimes if you understand why and you you know treat sometimes a child like an adult and have a goodconversation with them right Then they understand because then when later on in life if you're thenthat those traits get moved on the child never understand that This is what I was told Ishould believe whatever I'm told you know your your parents might say don't do this becauseit's not good for you and it'll save you time and hassle and you know I'msaving you from all the pain that I've gone through and what do you do You go do thething that will cause the same thing You're trying to do that with the otherkids trying to teach the other way around It's just too funny so you gotta do their thing andyou're like oh that's now I understand if only I would have listened a masterclass onfatherhood you know master classes on parenting that's nowadays that's what we need wisdom and wise people that foundtheir way to live the same kind of thing So let's see So nick got this is this yours nickYeah you know it's about about the the video on busses like sometimes sometimes you needa call to action you need somebody to tell you what to do and likethis and you need to internalize your your own like accountability is in him You needsomebody to be accountable and to intend to internalize this and inside you so you take care ofyourself and you do what you must do everybody right I've mentioned this before If you createa course you know industry master for example make a course and you know do yourbest in it I've mentioned this before I've got no issues If it's if it's it's ifit means you know killing me and there's nothing stopping you from then also putting this inyour bio of course instructor Yeah so you can leverage them you see what I mean But yeah Imean um let me just say is this yours nick this site relational nutrients notices posted ita couple of weeks ago but it's it's a psychologist Psychology site is therefore forwhat you get from people from other people like acceptance as humans They think that thatnourish or psychological need if you want you must you must go to one beforeand then two then three and four But some people are more important three some peoplehave more than four Like some people don't need so much acceptance that humans they have this need to feelalready so they can get to the next next step and then the final step is takingaction and doing some stuff they're taking doing stuff in the world So I'm just trying topull something off I have an e book actually on it's called self sense and it is a giftfrom my book Okay Nora let me let me do the announcement because he deserves anick dunne a client brought his book So someone paid money for his book right Soyou know Nick would be busy with his book right It's the one that we saw right Um andhe followed up with Nick and he says he didn't get the book and obviously nick's like heygo check your email so on and so forth and he's found it now but it's a you know abig huge round of applause because it was in my class all the time So I have started readingyour book It is impressive but one main strength is that it is readable understandable and therefore avaluable introduction to the field and you know mixed field is like rocket science complicated No no Imean it's like it's um you gotta have a very high level of intelligence for your fieldThat's what I'm saying for us For us maybe more Most of them are agreed obviously much much workwent into it and it could become one of the most practical and influential books in the fieldI wish I had it in the 70's when I talked to make that is fantasticNow would you say to me and the family had a role in you put the book together YeahI could see yeah I'm working on the second edition with the book and category of writing Imean it did it and make it even better And then I'll make the online course based onthe category of writing team The main thing is as long as the you know the uh thethe LME community and the family and the feedback that you guys help It's helped duringyour journey That's a win for all of us Then we're yeah I've been wanting to write that bookand make that question like since about 10 years but it doesn't really mean that I finally didit for you That's really good But I think one of the nicest things what yousaid here and it's impactful He's um I wish I had it in the 70sand it's the most practical and influential books It should it should technically become one ofthem Right So you know ask him look if you can't speak to him because obviously um he may Iguess he might even be a teacher or something because he's a school psychologist asked himis it something that maybe he can um Not promote Say look if you have other teachers I'mmore than happy to supply Maybe 10 or 15 of you with free copies could getit in their hands right Once they get in their hands Maybe it could besomething then you can get there and get their feedback get their testimonials But then maybe it couldbe something you can either contact you know the Education department So I've got thisbook you know get people to go over it and you know get people of degreesYou know people maybe they know they have turned qualifications if it's something that theyapprove of Maybe they could also you can have something in place where you can offer something with somebodyand include your book It can basically gets catapulted on the front line Yeah I'll get a face or somethingor somebody just get forward or something Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah So so you just haveto that's why I'm saying obviously this person how much did they pay for the book Howmuch was it roughly Seven bucks seven bucks Right So it might be the case of you know justgetting it in their hands It was a pdf wasn't it a pdf Wait you can't complain then Somaybe I can get him Yeah if you can say to you know what you can doSay look I'm more than happy Let's get on a phone call Just have aconversation with him What did you think He can He's more than happy if hewants he can pick your brain and you can pick his brain Yes And who knows It couldbe a case that he could you could also say look I'm thinking of Ryan another smaller book what yourexpertise find out what his expertise are and do something together you know And then if he's ifhe's got this interest or if he's got this if he's a part of thisthing that this is in is in his interest and also to be patched and push itout Sometimes you have to you know some people will act better when they know they there's something in itfor them and then there's nothing wrong with it Of course will sometimes it's niceto help people out now and again right Or you know now and again but nowadays unfortunately people takeadvantage of your time it's your time is not for free Remember that Right And the case iseven though it's not for free now and again If you're doing a good deed toit you'll be rewarded whether you see it or not make a monetary right But then there's a point thatif you're not doing your own thing and you're helping helping helping all the time it'slike there's this saying that you're raising your own hands to your own throat You have to sometimesyou got to look after you know your own feet before helping others because ifyou aren't helping yourself and the ship goes down you're no use to anybody Nobody and when you aredown and your ships down nobody cares about you and your situation But nobody is going to comehelping you just to add that testimony That's a beautiful testimony Make sure Nicholas if you canput that screenshot and share it within the LME family because it's harder again putting the pdf down and youknow coming up because I think we've done some nice revision and you've been on topof it as well How does it make you feel when you saw getting that review of that testimony knowingthat you've played this time I feel greater next phases that imagine this if he would have had hisfourth ready person would probably likely he could you know now he could have sold thatfor 2030 40 50 I told him I would give him a free access to the course since becausebecause of the first of the receiving is the book is having in there what you should havesaid But that's fine because you've done that You could have said look I am making a call I'mmore than happy to give you a heavily discounted I'll give you 90% of the course So the coursecould have been technically you know $200 or something like that And then and thenby the time they purchased it could be like 20 or $40 or something like that Soyou get a huge amount of right Because remember sometimes people will appreciate your contentmoment They pay for it opposed to and plus you want to know that yourhard work and effort because you look man you know you're you're intelligent guy man youspend all this time all this knowledge God knows how many degrees you got how much money you're spending youreducation and stuff and you know you want to reap your rewards and all that hard work as well aswe look at this freebie stuff and marketing and learning that you know to give it awayfor free But I forget don't give the full house just give a portion of it for free andthen you know they will come back for more Whereas I've been given things I said oh I'll createa website or create a video for you or whatever and then they disappear and then you don't hearback from you because you accomplished what you said You could do and then you try to follow upwith them and then they're nowhere to be found um to follow up with them because I gavethem the whole shebang But I can turn it off whenever I want to Butthey don't know that But still it's that mentality is that psychological game we're playing constantly Yeah we canturn it off just to have them call you I think again with the experienceI guess you get that that not everybody is genuine or people are genuine Theydo want your help and they you know they like your test trial or what you know the initialhelp you're doing But they got sidetracked Something came up life came up or somethingelse happened where you know they you are maybe you know I don't know if you'veever done this I know I've done this like I've made a post and I've looked for different contractorsand then there's two contractors I've asked you both for example The other one was much quicker You've doneit You've done a great job as well But then this one I got so busy withthis one You might have forgot the other one for example or you didn't get straightto it You beating around the bush You you you longed out the process ofthe sales because you were reluctant for it because you're worried about getting that note and these little Idon't know what's going on I have money to pay but I don't know what's going onsometimes So it's your you know sometimes it can be a case of look do you want toget stuff done This is what it is Pay the money up front I can get the stuff doneif you want to get it done let's let's go ahead and you don't wantto pussyfoot around and that's fine Yeah because sometimes yeah it's there was there was there was acompany that they made a they tested someone So somebody applied for a job or somebody applied toa company and I don't know if you've heard this before they said they needed some coding done Theysaid can you do can you work can you do this coding as a test Can wesee how good you are You know we have an issue right Or some coding Sothis person they're the best in their field They fixed their coding here and and anyway theyleave and the company says you know we'll get back to you They never did And thenhe finds out they never actually had a position they just needed a piece of coded and he doneit for free I should have just like jim said turn it off So some sosometimes when you're good at saying don't do it for free I mean look I'm guilty of thisLike if you if I told you the amount of people have actually you know whether I get on thephones and I go above and beyond and sometimes people really they generally don't appreciate it and I've spentthis time yet and they just they just don't do anything with it And you'relike you know you'd read that if you understand that you've got it from with a goodnature but They really have you know they either abuse the information or they haven't doneanything with it or they haven't appreciated it right And it's like a secret online ofcourse Like you make an online course you get 200 students and you have to students that finished Of courseyeah I mean this is this is this is the this is the other dilemma that you'll see right Likesay for example I know if I say for example I put my heart andsoul into I know you know if you really go through it wherever I've learned andyou know this is the information that is resulted in like you know amazing results Likeif you were to go pay is 5000 and some people oh yeah I'm paying 47 Ican take it easier Like you know it's not that much money I'm right If only you knew oncethe price goes up then how you'll be you know then it's the case I should have would havecould I didn't appreciate because it's the amount of a couple of you know cappuccino is a week hereSo I didn't really appreciate it And sometimes it's a disservice So sometimes if youcould have something the truth is where's where's the balance Where's the balance there I think the balance comes towhen you accept your own principles or you're in a place that you appreciate what your value is Sometimeswhen if you're if you're if your finances aren't the best sometimes you just needsomething just to get by isn't it So you're like you have some people that will limittheir sales right or they will just say for example you can have one coaching client amonth and your target I just need one person because that's you know my expensive well I just want tocover that But then when you are truly free and you think you know what I don't care ifyou want to buy it Buy if you're really serious about it Sometimes this will happen when you changeyour mind and you're like you know if you're really serious about it I'm just gonna upthe price If you buy you buy if you don't you don't you will liberate at that point the onesthat really want it they'll get it and it's for you to determine that price Not not by goingand looking at what other people are charging You know your model forget all ofthat not being in low to undercut everybody It's you you define it it's what you thinkyou're worth your value is not what somebody else is saying I can say don't model it Youknow it might be a good place as an indication but when you elevate yourself in your ownunderstanding what you're really worth And the information like say for example uh whether johnny or nick or even jimyou know in your in your field the amount of time and when you thinkabout the amount of money spent education amount of stuff you've dealt with in corporationsamount of help money you've helped these companies generate in terms of revenue you can never put a price onthem If you really think about it say for example that has gone into different corporations right And he'sand he's coached and he trained employees to perform on a higher scale and each employeehas gone and raise an extra 2010 20 $6200 worth of revenue per year millions ofdollars And you're responsible for that Don't you think your information is worth millions of dollars But ifyou really think about it then we limit ourselves because we think we don't have we don't wedon't have access yet to individuals that are willing to pay that money We just don't have thosepeople that have the money in front of us yet because we're not communicating with them They'renot in front of us right now we need to figure out how do I get in front of thatperson with the money So it's about relationship with about the relation on the treatment theearlier it's about telling the truth relationship like the relationship somebody abuse you Hey that's enough Youmust change and we must do something about this Did you to say that you must have courage and youmust be up to uh be vulnerable to critical to critics directors and you must putyour limits It's about doing in a relationship sometimes yes you have to Slotnick says sometimes you have tosay no to yourself You can't be scared of somebody saying no Like for example now mymain thing when when even with L A Media and this sometimes I think it hauntsme I thought pandemic you know always had this thing I want to help you know volume helpas many people as possible because a lot of people have seen me before likeI need I need you know have you got coaching and training I have thousands ofdollars worth of coaching simply can't afford it I can't afford it So I thoughtokay pandemics going on something You know I've been fortunate enough you know different launch and stuff like thatI want to do something that really gives back I really want to do something that helps people that genuinelyhelps right And I put it as $47 and what I'm learning that it's fine Obviouslyit's fine But I think the majority of people they really don't appreciate that 47 but it's too cheap Itreally is too cheap So then it's like and then later on I don't want it toaffect me where I'm thinking am I under valuing my knowledge if you really think about it whatI know and I'm putting it for that and if people aren't really acting upon it thenit's a case of the the idea was the price is always gonna go it'salways going to go up So it will be something that You know I might even just close theplan Why shouldn't I So people appreciate they'll actually go do it Even if you have lower numbers youhave people that actually gonna do something and you know work it correctly to say for exampleyou got the recurring amount Okay I can see the the intention is or what I can do Ican have the recurring as 47 That's not a problem I have a one timeupgrade but then I'll have the partner program or it will transform into what I will call the legacy programand that will be the license now Yeah that will be maybe $1,500-$3,000 And what thatwill basically mean is that um in order to become a partner within the legacy program which everyonehas for free right You have to pay for it You have to pay to play you leverage the entiremodel or the whole program So you can not only get 47 a month or you know youget a percentage of that but maybe you get a percentage also of the high ticket salesbut that's for me to determine So that's where I think the biggest change againhave to that's where you see a drastic change If you don't then it's a bit messy Butyou always you always have it they call it the skin and the skin in thegame and the principle of being invested in something like you have skin in thegame when you have something to lose if you don't work out with it It'sscary when you put when you put money down it's like oh right now for example Iknow Mark Mark's not here For example now martin remember he mentioned when he came on andhe spent 10 grand on learning Youtube ads 10 grand or something but he wasready He put want to put skin in the game right He wanted to wanted to I'm ready for thisright And and then you know at that time as well he basically he sent mea list of these videos you want you know help review went through it Igave him a breakdown and I gave him all these pointers on these videos Nowat that time I didn't know he'd also Gone to that company that you paid 10 grand and askedhim also for feedback and he goes what you've told me that's exactly what they've toldme Like yeah you see he's paying 10 grand over then I'm giving it four right So sometimesyeah sometimes you have to but you know as long as you're you have to becomfortable what it is that you're doing that I think that's first and foremost you get comfortable know whatsomebody tells you and then you've got to look at your own lifestyle What is it that youwant What do you actually want How do you want to be living Right It's like you couldmake you could make as much money as you want But how is it really going to benefit yourlife I mean I think Jordan Peterson a clinical psychologist he goes generally There's no anything over $60,000 a yearThere's no substantial difference to you the way you live your lifestyle no substantial difference He saidunless you want to you know you want to get these materialistic stuff and houses and extra cars andthese holidays and stuff But when it comes to how really will it change yourlife That's the question But if you're going to say yes it will help me make a bigger impactthat get to reach more people You want to do other things Anyway subjective everybody So thepoint I'm trying to say everything you you figure out what it is why you're doing what you're doingand how much you need to facilitate what it is that you want That's whatit comes down to You don't want to kill them Sometimes they are delusional if you thinkthat it will be great when you get 10 million bucks or one million bucks But once you getthere you realize that there is that I think that change and you just basically zero Another zeroA good example is if you really want to see like how money changes people doesn't change People just golook at celebrities They're telling you directly they're telling you if if not not only are theynot telling you that some of them unfortunately God bless many of these people They don't they don'tcommit suicide thing that we wanted which would help us fix all of our problems bring us happinessThere's many people that you know you get you get to that mark that monitoring Mark andlike okay am I expecting some party poppers and some balloons to go off like like you knowsome firework display nothing will change nothing live in heaven What does this say Where's where's thewhere's the where's the building where's the where's the pop it They had nothing And what it is is theproblem is it's not the money You could say it's a tool it's a tool to build experiencesBut contentment comes from you And I think people sometimes people misplace contentment and happiness because happiness is andit's just emotion that go up and down all the time Some people someone thatcould be homeless could be more happy than a person with money right But then again somebody you knowthere's there's there's you know there's they're saying as well there's a meme or something thatI'd rather be unhappy driving a Ferrari I can I can I can I Yeah I mean you know whatYou may drive off a cliff though sometimes that's why I think I think sometimes spirituality religion plays apart in that if you're able to put yourself in a position where you can giveback and help others There's there's there's there's a different feeling about it There are 100% you know there'syou know even if you gave somebody a dollar or $5 or $10 right Andyou know you know go try this one day where you just give somebody whatever you canafford This is the thing it's not about how much you give us the intention Yougive behind it Yeah psychologist Psychologist Alfred Adler says that everybody is after the feeling ofcontribution and you want to contribute to society to the world to the universe Likehe says even even like like those psychopaths or came in the house like this theyalso want to contribute that they think they contribute and they assure society what what what's really veryimportant A teacher at the center they they think that they contribute in some way is the feelingkind of contributions Is it about the contribution Actually it's about the feeling of contributing That's what's importantto be one See that's the thing isn't it Everyone again everyone has their depending whateither religion they you know they follow their their their moral compass or their upbringingwhatever it may be everyone has a different perspective of it And it always comes down to this andI always try to like for me this is always a reminder whether I say it's alwaysa reminder from the first and foremost we were always meant to be led by ourintentions right Our intentions Otherwise you may give somebody you may help somebody in need Butif your attention is wrong then it doesn't count as a good deed If you only think aboutyourself at the same time it's used as president Right So you know imagine this like even meyou say from a religious point of view as a muslim right We're told themif you're going to give in charity give with the right give with whether we'll ever hadBut give with the right hand on the other hand doesn't know what you've given MhmThat's beautiful Right So you give with one hand but the other hand doesn't know how you just keepyou know keep it out of your mind give it with the intention that I don't want nothingin return This this isn't for you But this is you know he said fromthe curriculum can help Right And the second thing is that if you are going to give charityor you're trying to help somebody right Again check your intention What what what's the reason behind itAnd am I trying to show off in front of the people Mhm Right Have you ever seen thisYou're making a video Like I'll give in charity Yeah looking good Right So you got to checkyourself because you're like am I just doing it to show the people that I'm somebodyof the people look at me right You gotta check yourself You see the generousfootball owner of Chelsea he just gave away to charity His football team Chelsea So the third thing isthat if you are going to give in front of people you can do So however isyour intention to inspire encourage others to do so is your heart cleaning that fashion then yes you can dothat for any other reason right To show off To show that you have money Look at meI'm giving somebody money and even if you even if you don't have this intention people will attribute them toyou so you must take the budget and I'm willing to take the bullet and do a goodaction Even if people will think that I'm doing for a bad reason then youyou get exposed anybody that's why it's so important that you know your intention You generally if you reallythink about it just always and if in doubt about giving in in front of people andstuff don't do it If you're in doubt don't do it don't do it don't doit So it always comes down to intention right And there is another one but I completely forgot So thereare the main ones you know there are these professional beggars out there that we seewhen we go to a traffic light and you know they make more money than we'dmake because they're professional beggars Okay you know I'll tell you something now um you know obviouslythis story there could be stories and stuff like that but just before you knowwhen we talk about giving up I'll come back to that because that's a verygood point right So say for example even if you this is this is I guess this is another powerfulthing about that comes again from religion and faith right Or the abrahamic religion evenif for example islam says right if you can't even if even if you can'tafford to give any money even if you give half a date as charity half a day you knowwhat you can eat right Even if you can't even give something even as active asmile is charity and a smile because you know we have people that you know unfortunately they you knowthey're they're homeless and things like that And what does what does the common man of societydo Don't be harsh with them it says because it don't be harsh with themDon't say anything horrible be nice be kind with your words you just don't know how your word affectsthem right And even the simplest act as a smile is a is a form of charity Becauseyou know how when somebody smiles at you how does that make you feel like oh you oh yousee I exist to you Everybody else doesn't see me but I exist to you Mhm And andyou know what what johnny said is I agree there are unfortunately there are people out therethat will um use the system of of pretending to be in a situation that they'renot and they make They make money 100% However it comes back to your intention it comes back to yourintention I'm given with the intention that the boss above will he'll he'll be the one that rewards me forwhatever I give I'm I think human beings are human beings whatever they want to do but I'mdoing it for the goodness I'm I'm trying to do it as a good deed I don't knowtheir situation because then the devil will play with you and he'll make you thinkhe will make you question everybody That person doesn't need it because he doesn't want you to dothe good deed He doesn't want you to have that in your account that your scale willbe tipping and you see what I mean So that's the game of the what we call whispers rightYou know the the the the the devil flows in the son of Adam right So hewill tell you hey you know what you've got to question this guy Look he lookshe looks like he's got a phone of these he must be making playing him he doesn't need my moneyHonestly there's also the movement of effective altruists They like the charity to see how they really help peopleand now it is really effective and then they say the charity are good they're not effective I'll stop recordingfrom me because this is going outside the scope that we are going God what you're safe Yeahthere's there's this movement about the effective altruism where they where they get the charities to see if theyreally help people if they really do what they intend to do They say they don'twaste money they don't they don't worsen the problem and they really help to think andthen they give money to the I mean what it is it's a good point what it is what yougot to understand A lot of unfortunately there are many charities there is the businessa lot of money goes towards admin costs right And the people actually in the money they never see thismoney right So what you should think how can I unfortunately you know what it is sometimes you haveto be active if you want to you know if you even if you're helpinghere and there you want to do a little bit or even if you if you do this rightSo you want to you know sometimes you know it's it's you know if youwant to okay say for example in Kenya right If you want to donate say for example $25 or $30will feed a family for one month for a number of up to 56 members within the family like afood package It's a lot when you think about it And um so what you could do ifyou wanted to if you know here and there if you wanted to pay you back here whenever you wantyou could then get in contact with somebody organizations where you get to contact that person directly orhave somebody on the ground directly So you know your money is going directly either toan orphan and widow somebody that's drastically need that you know your money is making a huge impact to thatindividual and what what will you will see It's a it's a big big reward if youcan help orphans Children widows and things like that Um and then imagine if even if you gave a foodpack But you know $30 you know when when it was as much as you can it doesn't matterIt doesn't have to be $30.05 $10 right Because in certain places it can last 2 to 3 weeksright But then that person amount of positive energy in the reward you'll get for helping that personsustaining You know imagine a widow person with Children and stuff like that So again alwaysremember always comes down to the intention And sometimes you know you just don't have the means to helpother people and you still you know there's a reward in just having the intention that you really want tohelp in your heart is like it's sad that you can't and you get you'll evenget rewarded for that smile the smiles you know not too expensive no acknowledgment of and sometimes it might bea case that you might not be in a good place mentally yourself right But you pretendin that moment in that moment you just you ignore your own problems and you smile and that personthat person completely forgets their problem right So it's just coming back to this Somebody mentioned thisI don't know if this psychology is true or not but if you ever stressed andyou're you know you're going through a difficult moment Don't look down don't look down because you know you startthinking about it He said look at look at the sky this is off topicthat we'll try this we'll be able to get dressed just look at the sky andit's very hard to think about the issues They just melt away down to the down down right down tothe right with your eyes you get into feeding mode and you feel feeling more intensity If youlook up you get a visual mode and this size behind unless unless you turn your Robbins and youstart dancing around it Yeah they said nick that's how you can tell who's lying and who's notlying because you can look people to look down johnny you got that from the negotiator right OhSamuel objective But yeah there is one more part of intentions and and it's maybe the fourthone on your list and it has to do with the truth to be truthful to yourself and whoyou're speaking with or are you being generous to you know if you are if you are it's justit's a reality it's a scary thing because you know we have continent and I think this willbe a good point to end on is that you know it's you know even in you know religion basicallysome of the stuff is very hard Like what I'm going to say right Even even be truthful Even ifif if even if it's against yourself you know be truthful Even though it's againstyourself you know it's a scary thing You know when you have to be you know it's gonna affectme I was going to say the truth You know that's how you know if you don't that's howcorruption and you know things happen around the world is how these injustices happen nowUnfortunately What things like Ukraine and Russia going on You know the irony of it you know theirony of all of this stuff They're like you know you got the state saying how can this Russia comein and try to occupy another country and all this I'm like you know somebody mentioned inthe United States european countries like the UK are are indirectly or directly funding through the marketing ofenergy gas electricity You're the one that you know you're the one that gets funding from donors and stufflike this And then on that And then you know how can you imagine you're havingall of these different countries now in the Middle East getting you know having you know occupation and stuffin your your what look at the double standards I mean it's just it's it's mind bogglingI mean there was a report against CNN mentioned this stuff You know you know Ukraine It'sa it's a european country It's not like Afghanistan Iraq You know it's a civilized country right That's whathe said civilized country What you say No that's not uncivilized occasions You can't make this up tothe civilized Yeah The civilized people came over here and made an uncivil I mean it's justblaming blaming racism just out It's like one of the your Ukrainian guy one of thedeputies of someone else that was standing because it's very sad You know people are youknow get I'm sad for the people you know who got blond hair blue eyes He said this Yeahsure we said this for the europe people You know blonde blonde hair blue eyes And unfortunately we got alot of people that are you know trying to emigrate as refugees now And the issues with thatis that obviously Europeans or the Ukrainians have got priority women Children than the menAnd then it's anyone of color left by Africans and indians and asians they lostthe list to leave What is a crisis It's like it's like somebody mentioned it's like from onecountry that's 99.9% white and ethnicity to another country that's 99.9% of ethnicity and it's justa game it's one political game that's all it is It's just people just don't realize one big politicalgame and guess what while you're all thinking about what's going on there You crazy where's Covid goneWhere's he gone disappeared Distraction Why they got you looking over there it's dissipated I don'tknow everybody They say that Putin kind of went crazy inside his Covid isolation unless he's listening toa guy named alexander dugan You know obviously you guys over in the States I love you guys Butyou know they say the States is responsible for you But I think they've been in the lastI don't know how many years for the last 100 years you've been in constant war Thewar complex It's a money maker machine That's what it is I've been to a bunch of protests againstwars and in actions and my family came to this country in 28 But the fact is you'reabsolutely right We are we are warmongers because we make a business out of itIt's a terrible thing Hopefully this is going to be a change a turning point umto to war entirely in civilization as long as it lasts and that is that it's obsolete Itis impossible I remember I had a couple of weeks ago I was showing youthe book that I was going to publish and I had the thing about about sensible people thinking people uhwould not be thinking fighters Um you know they wouldn't go out and start wars effectivelyUm and that's pretty much what that book says and I'll show it to you Butyou know what did you know the scary thing about all of this is what you're saying and it'swhat the scary thing about it is that you know all of these leaders believe it or not You knowthey're all friends really you know that they're all in one big club They are they areyou remember that they say what you're seeing is just it's theatrics It's just an illusion what you're seeingthere all in the same club I don't think they will find out there againstthis No no no no no no no no no no no it seems like 11 ofthose people that got kicked out of the club and is really piste off about itPutin He's like no he's of it know this all of it Yeah yeah yeahyeah Don't be don't don't don't even china's part of it China owns so much like Americais indebted to china but I don't know how many trillions or how much debt they they say forexample you know the United Nations or the Antarctica treaty What is you can seethey're all part of this cloud but they just look it's just an illusion just in certain societiesthat are in place that they know what's going on Don't don't don't let them fool youThat's what I was saying But anyway on that note That conspiracy that has been a pleasureto see you very soon Alright Wonderful stuff Thank you All Very good very good Oh great They sendyou a note All right Thanks a lot Bye guys Okay that was interesting interesting interesting interesting Ihope it recorded