Video #20 - How to add an embedded video
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all right family let's move on to step number 12 and step number 12 is add one embedded video and

what I like to do is I like to go to YouTube grab a video

about the topic of my blog and just post it in the blog so let me show you how to

do that keep it locked all right family the way I like to add an embedded video is once

again just like we did the image I'll go somewhere in the blog hit enter then I'll

hit the plus sign and then you can type in YouTube or you can type

in video if you choose not to use YouTube but I'm going to use YouTube and then

I go to YouTube Here's a video of one of our elders that just priest at

our church this past weekend past Sunday so I right click the video and I want to get

the link to the video right so here's what you could do you open the video okay then we hit

play and see where it says share your click right there and see that YouTube url I'm going to

click copy okay then I'm going to go back to my blog I'm going to put that URL I'm going

to paste it right there then I click embed and there you go family you now have a embedded video

in your blog you click save okay and then once it's done saving let's go ahead and preview our

blog of course the content that we have is just a paste it sentence but you would write

about your church and why people should join it but doesn't that look nice look at that with

the video and the reason you want to add a video is the longer people stay on your blog

Google likes that so if they watch your video on your blog it helps them to stay on your

blog you've just optimize your blog for Google Bing and Yahoo with these 12 steps oops now here's the cool

thing you can optimize as many blogs as you want that's why it's very important to

have a Blog for your website so let me break that down in the next lesson keep

it locked