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    okay in this video we are talking about notion So this is the last tool

    that I'm covering as far as we used to build your business dashboard notion is pretty awesome tool

    Think notion is probably the easiest and has the most robust free plan so um it is notion sso dot

    S o is the website to get to this one So you got free your

    unlimited pages and blocks shared with five guests which is pretty robust um syncs across all

    your devices so you can have it on mobile and desktop that's the whole point of this so that

    you can be on the go and actually access your stuff I think there's probably a limited space

    to your uploads and I think I've mentioned this in other videos if you watch them

    um that potentially when you start uploading files to notion at some point you need to

    come into like a personal pro account For the most part it's pretty darn robust so

    oops I went to the wrong tab here so it's behind here So this is

    how you get to notion You'd create a new account um and try it out

    So once you have an account there's a bunch of stuff that comes in here automatically to kind of

    show you around the notion Um this is for my business Right So basically all the pages that

    I create they show up underneath here and then there are different separate assets that I can put things

    on so any access that I give obviously I'm a one woman show I get

    access to everything but if I were to share something with someone I could share it at any

    level here So one of the advantages of notion is that um I could have a biz dashboard that has

    financials and client data and things that only I see and or the very closest

    people on my team if I had one would see But if I had contractors

    or people that I brought in to just do an aspect like social media is the

    easiest one Right I could just share this particular asset with them So this is a page So

    what do I mean by that So you come in here and you can use templates

    as well when you create a new page and any page then becomes its own sort of little

    database Ok so this is just like text right here and I can like format this text it's heading one

    Right and then I have heading to and I have some to do this Is this

    actually here is it to do last Right So I can keep making to do lists

    here This is a page that I've added So when I go to do something like that um I actually

    hit the plus I guess I could do it here and it gives me I can hit text page

    to do list heading I can style is it I can add a table Um

    I could do a bulleted list of all the things So you can go here a quote

    a divider to visually change my page up I use this a lot from my client dashboards Um

    I create them like kind of a hey this is working with me This is all the information you need

    just so they have one place to go But for a biz dashboard it works

    really well Right So I can link to a page So these right here are all

    links to separate pages and then those pages can have links to other pages and so forth Um

    If you're working with people um and sharing things you can obviously talk to each

    other with different kinds of stuff But this is where it gets really powerful and I'm not going

    to go into all of this but you can have databases inside this So and then you can have

    in line ones that are just to a page or ones that are external that you bring in

    and filter So like I'm not going to go all the way there but I can scroll

    down my page here and I can show you that this right here is a

    link to this database of my clients This right here is a filtered list of that database that's in line

    that's only filtering um current Active and paused clients for me So at a glance

    I filtered out all of my completed clients although I want them in my database

    Right I don't necessarily want to see them in my active you So this is a filtered version of that

    So that's just you know a little icing on that cake here for the tutorial But for the most part

    I have created each of the funnels If you will that we were creating if

    I bring up melon out here really quick or maybe even just try Hello Alright so let's bring

    up Hello Just so we kind of have an idea So we had branding bio my services social

    key software and important links Those are the things that we're gonna be building out on the seven day challenge

    Um starting on day two So you're gonna pick your tool that's where you're where you're at now You're

    watching this tomorrow to pick it and build it out So you create whatever you want on your

    new notion account if notions the tool you're choosing and then you create a page for branding a page

    for services page for social media marketing whatever makes sense Your bio all your services

    I've split mine out so I have services and I have my business is intensive because this is what I

    do and this is like how I deliver it And I've created I've got other

    things like content plan and marketing We're not going to do that in the challenge We're just going to

    get all your assets in one place So this is how I did this in and notion when it

    looks different So I have branding I gave it an icon I could totally out of cover

    Like you get really fancy with this it just automatically as an image here I'm gonna leave that it's

    fine I put in here fonts uh basically all the information that I have here I just

    kind of copy and paste in here but I was able to create a if I highlight this and we

    look at it this is actually a well it's it's a toggle didn't do it Sometimes it's a little

    tweak you gotta hold over it and then I have to kind of do that

    It allows me to clean up my page right so I can expand this This is toggled

    list is what it is It's this thing it's heading one toggled um so that I can

    put all the data for this particular thing under here but then I can collapse it So for those of

    you that like a little bit more ordered presentation of your data and you only have to look at

    what you're interested in This is a little calming It adds some white space right Which I appreciate this just

    as much as I appreciate melon Oh but right here sometimes people look at this and I'm like oh

    my God I don't know where to look This is just too much It's too intense There's all

    these cards and I'm not sure I can't find what I'm looking for and I pass over it because

    I don't it's not highlighted enough and that's where you got some of this color

    blocking and Trela that you can do to kind of bring your eye towards your data This makes

    it easier Okay so you can do these toggle things where you can hide the

    data underneath there So this is actually a little colored database that I brought in here and I can

    do different views of it if I wanted So this is gallery view obviously so that I can

    see my hex codes and I brought images in for them So if we go into one of these

    it's actually its own little page really with the code here I could put anything else in

    here I wanted to like this had to do it originally it's here I didn't

    get rid of it And then I brought in a screen snap image of my color

    code so that I could make the cover and well actually I think this is actually showing up here

    in my gallery view but I also added a table view So if I wanted

    to just add these really quick with all the colors which is what I did and then

    I brought in those screen snaps and then I go back to gallery view now I can

    see it visually but I can data enter it in a way that is like

    a little bit more streamlined right I could add more columns if I had more information

    on here So like if I wanted to I could add a column that says this

    color is always the heading right So I'm gonna go back to um gallery view here

    I could say purple and this one here this like darker purple blue and this darkest teal is always

    the heading ones This is the page background in some places you know I can

    actually tell myself and or my future virtual team where these colors get you But if you have a brand

    guide you can just drag and drop it in here and add that document or I'll link to that document

    into this area and call it good So that's essentially what I'm doing I'm just

    going in and I'm creating a new page for all this stuff So I brought some

    visuals in here I have these are all expanded right now but like this is

    all my information for systems I actually have bookmark This one right here is a bookmark to that page that's

    going to go open it so I can collapse this whole thing down and just have systems

    funnels and courses so I could leave it like this breathe in the white space the zen feel

    of it And then I am after courses I can expand that and I could

    go find the course bit that I needed I could even make more toggles if I really wanted

    to adhere to collapse these things and I could just go to the one that I

    wanted Um but at that point if you make too many titles it's kind of like having to

    click in and click out But right here this is you know this is a nice way

    to have more data in here long form that I can see at a glance when

    I could get open really quickly and then copy and paste what I need Okay so social

    media marketing is the same sort of deal All the accounts I could actually I had the content calendar in

    here but I could actually go into I didn't build this out but in instagram I could have more stuff

    here I could have um all the things like I could have a whole list of

    different types of hashtags if I wanted it I could build out a list or two

    DUIs or even like how I how often I post where I post you know what

    I mean All the things you can just keep on going on and this basically is a breadcrumb

    The follow the bread comes back There is a lot more advanced things that you can do with

    notion as far as tracking and or being able to just show people one little particular page and

    giving them access to that So this would be where I would actually list out

    all the different Softwares if I wanted and I could just have this to be a text list if

    that makes sense Or I could actually create a little mini database table to house that Um

    and that's where potentially you could track you know the renewal month and the fee and anything else that's

    pertinent to that particular software and then you could even like filter that data so that you could sort of

    by renewal month and you know I mean like depending on what month it is

    and see your data in different views So that's where it gets a little bit

    more robust than like a trailer Would this is just you know or even milan out for

    that matter It is just data text in a card or note Whereas notion allows you to depending

    on how you build the data out you might be able to do more robust

    things with it You can also do things board style out here in Melanoma very much liked Hello Um and

    I really didn't actually do this let's add it just kind of do it really quick

    on the far So look now I have boards and this is sort of like

    a uh database in a way So I have completed in progress and not started now granted

    that's not gonna work for my software but I could have cost uh renewal month and um monthly

    versus yearly kind of column thing and then I could order my Softwares that way So I could have it

    you know yearly versus monthly and all the things Right So and this is where you can move cards

    from one place to another just like you kind of Cantrell Oh so if you like this view but

    you like notion better for some things you can kind of have the best of both worlds where you

    can create different assets in different ways depending on how you want Like socials might make

    more sense to be in this sort of a thing where you could actually plan

    out your content Um it's pretty cool Alright so that's all I'm gonna say This is

    notion go play with it see if it if it works the way your brain

    does Um and then decide if this is the tool for you for your best dashboard right And then on

    to the challenge you go