app launch
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    Okay Oh yeah Mhm Hey beautiful people I've got some new good good news to share some of you

    may have found out already But if you haven't we are launching our own app Yes

    we're gonna have our own community app that will enable us to have more diversity and the things that

    we're doing it will also protect us for the future coming because we've already got wind Thus

    other platforms and other apps may eventually start to limit us on the literature and

    the things that we're doing And so we're launching a new app Its in the making But we

    need you to respond quickly You see we are going to be closing down The Telegram App as of the

    two months in reality to be able to merge across And so it's important that

    you respond quickly and sign up the app We're going to be asking for those of

    you to help support the growth of this app helps support the growth of this ministry And

    so we're going to be looking to ask for members to be able to donate £20 a

    month This £20 a month will also actually work for you as well It will

    give you access to other features that are on the app One of those features will be something that

    we call replay Now replay is actually our response to your request You've been requesting over and over

    again that you be able to have a replay of the zoo meetings that we've been having And

    so we've been working tirelessly in the background to create something flawless So the customer journey for replay

    is instantaneous We've been able to obtain the recording that it would immediately find itself on our platform accessible for

    you instantly straight after the recording has taken place And so you can immediately go

    straight back in and listen to the prophetic word that was spoken over you or listen to the

    teaching again That really moved you or get back again back into that move of the Holy Spirit that was

    moving that night Whatever it may be we've done that for you But for those of you also that donate

    that £20 a month and help us build this ministry We're also adding extra features will have something

    called the fire pit which will explain a lot later on We'll also have something

    called Priscilla's House which will explain a lot later on And there will also be other features that

    will start to trickle feed in onto the app So there's a lot of potentiality for the growth of our

    community that we will be able to network to get a better That we will

    be able to draw the Minister of the Holy Spirit out of each of us better

    You know that's the heart of nails nation that we would be the voice of

    God into all the nations that the whole world would see that God is alive in us that each of

    us we are the ministers of God Why Because God is the minister alive in us And so I'm hoping

    you're excited for this for those of you who can't afford to donate and and be able to pay

    £20 a month Do not worry the app will still be available for you We will still have what

    we call a current page In other words you will still be able to see a live feed that

    goes on very much like we're seeing right now on telegram so you'll be able to post up

    and see other people post up But without that extra donation The other features will be limited to You

    will not be able to access them but I'm sure the people can help bring you into a place of

    donation If you if you're looking for somebody to help support you I'm sure we can establish

    something to help with people who are in that position But also we believe that God will be able to

    bring finances to each and every one of us that we can afford to pay as

    little as £20 a month to keep this community grow in to keep this community building

    and to be able to continue to do that The things the Lord has asked

    us to do I hope you're excited You will need to look in the link that is connected to this

    video for the sign up for the merge to be able to merge across and so I encourage you

    As soon as you finish listening to this go find that link click on it Sign yourself up

    and I encourage you please become a member Please become a donation member Please help support us This

    will help us to grow quicker This will help us to build stronger This will help us to

    be able to financially support those who are full time in the background that are making

    this ministry grow and work Ha ha praise jesus And so everybody I love you I

    love you I love you and jesus loves you even more God bless you man

    that Elliot Sunday Amen Slam