So screenshot Kati is I would have just I'm gonna go on Hello Hi bro Yeah Uh so process builderuh disadvantages center process Ok Ok Ok Work close though General field task task placeUh Oh no Um I suppose oh flow in the largest either condition is narrow more than one conditionis narrow A condition satis conditions satisfy uh age and 15 countries Yeah Uh Are theyprocess builder like criteria and criteria based conditions condition satisfy our conditions and criteria criteria criteria So second criteriaprocess executor A Are you ok Advantage Ok Ok Email update email alert field updateoutbound message task creation Nida process builder Ivana criteria based process build Next one Me for Kaka uh build abuild a builder So condition our conditions satisfy process builder OK And OK Builder builder Hello Ok Umuh My birthday Atlantic situations custom custom custom coding law Our classes process set up page process builder and homehome law law process builder And yeah go to set up Ok face window Sosee the process builder on the page Click on new to create the new process builder Continue in ross whenI'm discussing is not maybe next year the Jan or March process builder replicate Hypomaybe after next year after the next year next year process and yeah uh recordchanges You can process name uh name of the process builder edited the place and select one recordchanges record changes and record me DML or insert or update platform uh messages received uhnotifications It's invoked by another process and process process builder Uh another process it's invoked by anotherprocess and and major click on record changes and click on save external automatic valley And the platformeven message is process process time It's invoked by another process and OK OK Yeah It's invoked byanother process and process builder and the process builder and for suppose uh student dataand fit for so and context my application OK OK Primary school and a intermediate school and and hm primaryprimary school and awarded student intermediate and awarded student honor on bro I I record create Iona student andobject record creator I didn't want to ask her OK OK Student and a record CreateA and E object object OK Up to render different process builders E conditions satisfy the E lamband AD M operation They could process intermediate object lamb record student object like process OK Studentand record Mhm for primary intermediate to secondary and three objects on three objects and up to threetimes the amount of student and object will record and a more in the same kind of different different processbut also different different objects will just uh invoked by another process And it's a lecture create studentrecord over the process builder or process builder mo mo process multiple times OK OK OK OKYeah So Atlantis Atlantic reusable components reuse and Cosom process builders OK OK Yes Part of YesYeah So process builder in process a two object OK Process OK OK Ad ML operationsprocess the DML operations ad ML operations OK OK In the MD ML operations insect orobject operations process OK Now OK OK Yeah OK Click on add object to selectthe object primary Then I'm supposed to work a different objects like but I Iam sorry Uh student name on an object Amma hu students are are true approach to itI keep saying OK Yeah we can duplicate tap is on an object manager We get yeahwe object to air the syrup student my brother the ana student and a Children the Dana studentand the Children add object close when our record is created when our record is created orupdated edited last time And the and the record is created when the recorder created or edited every time Threeoptions Yeah same three options you could go on and when a record is created And in the record asecond option when the record is created or edited Same second option third option second option atcon in the open just there go at once Refers to multiple times A O operation andtake a second option on another multiple times Ja anarchy apply multiple times to Kaka and ECheckbox and every check chair one minute yellow process to have already record multiple timesin a single cell operation Yeah OK OK bro Yes Yeah Yeah Criteria that criterion The ACA conditions onthat Oh no different conditions may age is less than 15 Our age is greater than 15 Ourstudent is from something call condition C OK Yeah Uh multiple conditions student and I amin a condition for wheelchair standard standard on the standard OK So so so so yeah and 50 class lessthan and at the same time standard standard standard sorry uh standard less than schooland primary of OK OK Ok Ok OK Ok OK Are the primary data One criteria conditions are number ageand in the yeah I don't know choose name primary school primary school criteria OK Lets them datatype fielder transform 10 I know standard standard fifth then a kind of portal aspecific OK Er R OK I'm not sure how many users but I was expecting at least 5000and I wanted him Coca Cola OK Click on save I don't like bro or or something actionprimary school updates sorry action type to open uh back in language OK Automation to lookfor development and sales of a concept concept on Facebook messenger or Instagram messenger laonly messenger So sales force on us OK Conditions are satisfy a message OK Quick action quickaction and take on immediate action Some are they slow slow are they No So are the chapter souh custom notification notification and then submit for approval submit for approval and the monarchyapproval process aimed approval process So logic basis our name approval process automation tools arein the approval process Automatic automatic submit for approval OK OK Yeah Submit for approval and uh foruh my manager approval approval OK Yeah Yes bro everything is clear Update record update record yeah update record Uhselect your record relate started your process and take a two process E two process and and started yourprocess and a record RDM operation R record your process OK Related to the studentname underscore underscore and put the student and student related Click on choose Yes A name number updatingupdating school value and pre OK School school cool Oh well just yes feels good I justgot add a add a uh email address OK Demo name of the email number about 10 years ago Emailtemplate OK Activate click on activate process activating this process automatically deactivates any other active version Poriare criteria The Creek Valley may reach two criteria or refresh of a no everythingis a standard standard Fabra no no standard 10 to 21 standard uh 5 to 10in uh secondary secondary option on Debra a primary intermediate after all secondary object Uh yeahUm deactivate OK Jay clone clone Click on clone No no two OK OK MamaOK A minute Yeah Criteria of secondary school and then conditions at Chay fill upthe chase Not Jeffrey M George First to secondary Jara The high school level was 6 toname dot Exactly it 10 to 14 mm four class 6 to 10 Not aproblem Five years 10 to 15 months like a Amala value is contested standard OK Standard two greater than fineof five less than the less than less then are equal to It's got a only conditions YeahFuck And it mhm Glad action she died Update records school value school secondary fuck See activate refreshing inDecember OK Yeah Chain after time No Oh Emma OK Process builder allow or go to the chapter So forsuppose first condition match IPO in this satisfy I in the second condition direct theprocess builder and dipot OK Second condition go to satisfy multiple criteria No criteria may turn anyone OK LordThat's mother Emma flow chart smothering blows in Duma and they save me diagram on the worldAh oh yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Floor Laga and the same So walk away if conditions is ita a criteria at the match in the condition match the first condition condition onthe immediate action OK Yes Immediate action and OK OK OK Is it process builderOk Now process in this process Yeah bro our clerk updated version process builder Ok OkBro Process flow Next one process builder located disadvantages uh disadvantages development OK OK Yeahman DML operations not insert update delete and DML operations in the vela delayed out the nodein action from and just the automatic delicious um cancel in alert them with the co operation Yes YesOh no closets are advantages It delete operation CC OK Automatic Oh ok OK Yes YeahUh so uh automatic process and the process process other uses called OK And uh and high levelis a component So uh OK Yeah OK OK OK One of the in to dragon drop one ofN OK So OK OK Yeah Yeah Uh then process builder automation tool Next security and no nodata management um data management Uh Yes sure OK The next level of data management datamanagement Uh OK OK OK OK Ok Ok Ok great Thank you Uh The process builder One student student objectDM operations but it is a performance student student student OK OK OK OK Then I came inon another and then the student name got object No Are the tab name a student object name a studentname process student name different The only student name OK OK A starting low memory secondary uh intermediatestudent and create process if you do primary class lock student secondary class lock student OK OK OK Three differentobjects and three different objects and three different objects slow Are you into the createyour recording your student object and the immediate action or no Oh that's fun Immediate action Create arecorder Create a recorder and very object Create a record on option Select where object to recordCreate HM process student student name student and record when your record is created or when your record iscreated or edited and record is created and only create create or edited and create an OOK OK OK Yeah The immediate action record creation and any immediate action immediate action processYeah OK Then see you in the next class OK OK Thank you Bye bye bye bye