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Welcome up to the show inside Don't say it like that We will not be talking about it Oh gosh

Anyway welcome back People to Iso Insiders We've been off for a minute due to event life and

other gigs that we're doing that actually coincided with our normal recording time So yay for business Yeah

At least we're working You know what That's true And I ain't gonna lie It's hard

out here Yeah It is a it's a difficult task in many ways Uh Sometimes you can't

even give away this work facts People will be picky about free work Yeah Which is always funny

to me I always find that funny I've actually offered to give away a few things before in the past

and people were just like they would cancel on me Which is odd What I learned to

do is actually for certain people with free work you got to make them put

a deposit you get back when you show up But that way they're invested financially because I've had a couple

of times people would just sit there and like yeah I want to come through I want to collab for

photoshoot or whatever And then I'm sitting here for like four or five hours and nobody arrives

and then they hear oh I'm so sorry I got caught up with this I got

caught up with that I was late for work and then it's like so why didn't you hit me up

earlier Why am I sitting here for four hours Five hours waiting for you So now my new

strategy is all right cool You want to work with me You want to collab you're not paying me for

my regular full price Cool Put a deposit down when you show up you get it

back If not then my time hasn't been wasted Uh That's terrible So what are

we talking about today Lance It's your turn So today we're talking about media literacy and if you don't

know what that is it's pretty much um as the word the second word implies literacy

is like you know if you know you're illiterate or something like that it usually implies you can't read something

or you have trouble reading or you might have dyslexia or something like that you

know you might be and it could be you know literacy is can cover a wide

range of things right Um where it's like you don't know how to deal with your emotions you don't

know how to deal with this you know all kind of stuff but pretty much media

literacy The only reason why this is being brought up is because of um there are a lot of

people now who are creating video content right And this is specific more to video literacy I would say or

that type of media um versus say the written word or audio podcast or anything like that even

though it technically does cover those things Um But I think one of the biggest parts out there

is social media right A lot of social media platforms even when we're on which is I mean some people

don't consider youtube social media but it is it's definitely social media right So it's like you know there where

you've heard all kinds of things about youtube and their algorithm and how things work and how

it's you know not great how their algorithm works where III I feel like as though a lot of these

companies rely on your your low understanding of how media works to serve you your algorithm right And what

media literacy tries to do is helps you navigate this type of thing right So you have

news cycles Oh That's my phone I thought I told you your phone on do not disturb Like

I did see you know what is what happens when you get old like the Billy Gold across So

you know we are in an information saturated world right We are my phone going off we get

news stuff always popping up the news cycles are always flashing there's something going off and stuff

like that So it's like how do you determine or you know how do you determine what's true false

that sort of thing critical thinking skills um informed decision making digital citizenship uh digital citizenship you know

that's the thing So it's funny because I just watched all the Starship Troopers all

last 55 there's five there's only one worth watching Watch that then Roughneck there's five movies and I've been playing

I've been playing the video game Starship Troopers extermination So when you say citizenship all I'm thinking about is being

a citizen and doing Are you a citizen Do your part So that's all that pops into

my head I'm sorry go ahead Uh Is media creation production and lifelong like like lifelong learning because this whole

thing the thing with media is an ongoing thing ongoing thing right Um Fun fact

Do you know when the printing press came out that the same reaction people have today to influencers is

the same reaction they had to newspapers Really Is it because it's just something brand new that they didn't use

So let me guess they thought that newspapers will never take off Some people thought

newspaper would never take is a passing fad and it rots your brain I remember there was a famous quote

by somebody of influence I don't know who it was Maybe they worked for IBM or something

like that But when the internet was first invented and stuff like that They basically said

the internet's a passing fad It'll never take off I think I know that was actually a reporter NBC No

I don't think I think it was the early nineties but I think it was it was it was

like a or somebody born in the computer world That's interesting No it's not going to take off

Well uh egg on their face But anyway um so I would say the the stuff I just

mentioned I think I feel like these are skills you can cultivate to help you

discern perceive I hate that word Um help you navigate through uh beyond just reading the headlines Please tell

me there's a list of like top five things that we need to worry about that So that's a whole

that's like a subject within the subject But I would say the critical thinking part is

I think is the most important part right And this can help out a lot

of people Uh So it's like media literacy empowers individuals to think critically about the information they consume rather than

passively accepting it right This helps them become better problem solvers and decision makers So

you know how do I make that sound like you understand what I'm talking about It's like it pretty

much is like it's kind of like yes having a perceived idea of like what you

are consuming and stuff like that you see a headline flash and some people just see that and that's

it They kind of run with it and stuff like that So it's like you know I would

say for you the person that's consuming all this stuff figure out what is the best way for

you to um uh you know consider the source where you're getting this from Media take out TMZ

the best sources of journalism online right now Right Yes So you know consider the source of where you're

getting this information from Who is saying these things if it's on a Facebook meme

or Instagram meme Uh no it was like you know and also on top of that think about where

things are coming from But if you don't know um one thing I would recommend and this is not

a sponsorship we're not sponsored by them as ground news news I definitely am signed up for ground news So

the way ground news works is it just sounds like a sponsored episode now but the way it works is

they're not paying us it's pretty much showing you like which part is like ok

who's covering this particular topic and how they're covering it And it actually shows you the different headlines that

can compare them across the spectrum You have the right wing left wing and then of the

center and you can see how on one topic you'll see how the headlines change And speaking of

one thing I want to point out is like you were saying consider the source of

where we're reviewing our information Like I said Shade Ru and me to take on stuff like that Sometimes

they use Rage bait headlines and vice did that recently too Yes they did I remember

you went wild on youtube with that one But it's like technically what they're saying is

true but they won't give the full context unless you click a link which of course leads to

their page with all the ads on it so they can get ad revenue But

without the actual information people are quick to go off and complain and accuse and

attack people without actually understanding the full context of the story because they didn't bother to click the link

which is why a lot of now you'll see on the post like that you'll see

one person will actually go to the link to the story and then they'll come and just drop a

summary in the in the comment The first comment that would be the most upvoted comment because it's

like the hero that we need that But I have seen many times people just go off the

cuff just based off of a headline which is clearly rage baiting without actually reading the article and

then considering the article's source and then checking to see other sources that might actually give a different view which

is why ground use is so popular You know what it does sound like a sponsor

We should get them up We should weed by ground news But no Um but what we're

saying is that helps you with your critical thinking skills You don't have to be a

researcher or anything like that In fact I implore you Please don't say do your own research Do

you if you don't know what that means stop it It's like because you don't understand what

what real research looks like and that ain't it because you clicked around on a

few things But what it is is like really you know checking the bias of who's reporting

this stuff how they're reporting it Um understanding the platform you're reading it on because for

instance uh Instagram the way people make money on there when your page becomes verified I

think you could pay for it right If I'm not making you pay for So when people interact

with your post they get money off of that because it's monetized I mean I think you need a certain

amount of followers to THS first right So it's like consider like because at the end of the day

we are in a capitalist society think about these things first And then you know because if you're trying

to be informed or informed person you really have to also check your own personal of bias as

well Um And you know do more listening than talking because you know it would help you

out because you look like a fool and listen to understand not to answer exactly Like

just what are you doing But anyway that's part of like I would say when

it comes to critical thinking and stuff like that I'm not trying to be like you're

Matlock now and I figured out how to solve the problem Like no that's not what I'm talking sir

You are showing your age there's a Matlock there's a there's a new one You're lying who is playing

Medlock What is her name There's a lady a lady but she's pretending to be from that leadership

It's weird but I'm not going to get into it It's on Paramount leave Matlock alone

I like it A new one is pretty cool but give it a shot Yeah So you know

critical thinking would help you lead into informed decision making right This is another point right

So like like you know media literacy will equip people with the tools to evaluate

the credibility of information sources allowing them to make informed choices um in their personal and professional lives So

a lot of this stuff you know when when we say like you know consider the source make a decision

come to a conclusion and yes these things can affect you in not just your personal

life and also your professional life you have to be very careful right Because you might hear

something go to the job rant about it and then your manager is like yo come

in you get you get the message from Hr can I see for half an

hour after lunch Exactly So it's like you have to be very careful because it's like it's

almost like saying consider your audience Who are you talking to like you know are you gonna badger your wife

or your or your husband or your mother or maybe your mother's badgering you Like hey look at

these links It's like you know this sort of thing It's like um you you

have to sit there and like OK what does this really mean How is it going to affect

you How is it gonna affect people around you Because remember you don't live in a void

OK There are people around you that are affected by all this stuff and uh you know even

if something as simple as the who's the top like I I don't even know what to call them

like influencer on like TWITCH or whatever Uh I show speed I mean it's er he's like a political you

know Um so these people like you have to consider OK what is their lineage to what

they're talking about Expertise that sort of thing And how does this look versus what

is happening in the world and stuff like that Which is hilarious because I have seen

more and more in the last few years people discounting actual professionals in these studies because they went and read

something on a meme but they're just like you trying to argue with them actually because the person was

like yeah I'm 20 years I'm a professor I studied this is literally my brother and but

I went to school for this I have a phd in this topic Bla bla

bla well I read on this meme da da da da and I did my

own research ini you're wrong And I'm just like and considering that I'm in school

and studying psychology and stuff like that And I'm reading all these different like I have to I

have to learn how to research properly I have to learn how to study sources

scholars sources peer review journals and stuff like that And a lot of people don't even know what any

of these terms mean And it doesn't matter to them they just want to yell at you So I'm

just like ok I think this nation is known They said the average reading comprehension level of this nation

the USA is 1/5 grade sixth grade level I've heard the same thing and I'm

very depressed about that It's really bad it's really bad So even that plays into

your decision making right Is this is not so much the facts it's more feelings and

it's like um and that's why a lot of other outlets out there I'm not going

to name them or anything like that are able to push a certain narrative or figure out a

way to make you dumber or smarter So I was like if you were to say

um present two you know different I would say three different influences right There's Hassan Piker he's a

political technically leftist type of uh commentator There's Kane he just does dumb stuff all the time

Um He just talks a lot you know he's always streaming he's like chronically online

He brings people online He has guests and stuff like that like celebrities yada and stuff like that And

then there is that one guy from tiktok uh the one that he doesn't say anything

I forgot his name person there Oh my gosh Does it start with an M I don't know what his

name is for the second day I went MKBHD I was like no that's Marcus

Brown who's also another the huge he's a huge tech influencer that sort of thing Oh

man this guy I forgot his name but I'm pretty sure people know who I'm talking about when he goes

He does like this and he's worldwide because he just he I like that It

was genius because he does this He uses his body and gestures to communicate He's a

physical comedian It's worldwide He connects with so many people because there is no such thing

as a language barrier Everybody uses their hands and their body to communicate in one way or the other So

that man is a genius All right I just want to point that out and you know and each

one of those people represents a different type of media literacy and stuff like that

right So it's like you know and I always always say consider you know what is it that

you know like I said before check your own bias and then go into these things and

whatnot because you have to really understand like you know why is it that you feel this way

You know is it did somebody tell you to feel this way or do you did you come to this

conclusion Try to approach it from a neutral standpoint and you know observe this let's go through

this think about the source Does any of the sources confirm what they're saying from

any of the point of views Uh is your own bias sitting there and telling you that you should either

believe it or not believe this because of your own personal experience and then try to use all that

to have a critical thought process on this before you go and repost it Because you know my

family you have to call me sometimes the fact checker because sometimes in the family group chat

they'll drop something crazy about something that they have to worry about sling and then I have to go and

check on snoop So go look it up for new sources and just be like OK this

is actually the truth this is not true this is just fear mongering or this is something that hasn't

been debunked or this is something that does not actually act or happen this way And I'm just always

the first one to go and actually do my own research and figure out ok what source is that confirming

the latest thing that has been sent to my family group chat or denying it or correcting it or

something like that So I feel like it's all on this especially that leads into the next point Actually I

was going to say also very important if you have kids like you got to teach them these things early

and they don't teach them in school No they won't Right And I think only certain schools have

media literacy classes like a specialized high school Yeah exactly So it's like you know and

this leads into the next point digital citizenship because just like your family is relying on you to

check on something because they probably don't have the time or the will or they don't care or whatever Right

Exactly Because you care about the truth and stuff like that So it's like this this is a part

of like like I said before you don't live in a void right Um And

it's like you have to be responsible in a certain way because there's a lot of information

being thrown at you all the time And you know I've always me personally what

I do is I never really hop on any hot topic right away Because um I wait

because you have to let that thing mature a little bit because literally within 48 hours the

whole narrative could change because more information becomes available right Because you don't know what's gonna happen

specifically because you know people do all kinds of weird stuff right I could point to some examples like um

what was one the lady remember I think it was last year or this year or earlier this year with

the lady she put super glue in her hair Like no that was like what the last I think you

talk about the gorilla glue lady I think three years ago I think Right And then you know a

lot of people jumped in and thought she dumb da da da all this other stuff but

turns out she just misplaced the bottle right She didn't realize what was happening And did you know

she got helped by a surgeon like they was able to separate everything you helped her

for free and you know so it's like it turned out to be like a feel good story in the

end of everything right Or like the pink sauce lady which went up down up again and

now it's just down That whole story is crazy Oh yeah 2021 b three years ago

that happened I'm like I know gorilla glue lady was like right after COVID it was kind

of lockdown So these are just some examples of like what you know there's stuff out

there and you know I I feel like you know cause I think it owes it to yourself

because unfortunately a lot of lies get spread around way too fast Um Things that

are just kind of like all over the place and this is why more celebrities are

winning defamation cases now you know So it's like um because it's easier because you are irresponsible

digital citizen That's just like oh look at all you know and hoping that you might go

viral for saying some dumb shit without knowing all the stuff and then you can literally harm somebody doing

this other Didn't Cardi B win her case she won her case against a blogger and

the blogger was just kept repeating craziness She kept on talking and she left the country Actually she

uh she said she's not paying Cardi B she fled the country She she's in South

Africa and I think I don't know if she came back or not but she went there She's still

continuing her same bullshit Um And I don't know I'm surprised she didn't get deported back to

the States Well we'll see what happens with all that Um But you know that's like an ongoing

thing right Um which goes into the next point media creation and production right So uh

when it comes to even us making the show a lot of the stuff goes into it like how

we set up our mics where the camera is gonna be what how our look is going to be

and what we're trying to convey in a in a visual medium and stuff like that Because even

all that can be representative of what message you're trying to send right You know is it really good camera

shitty audio What are you trying to do here Do we have things in the background you know stuff

like that So it's like trying to figure out um how all that kind of puts together and stuff

like that What is the message you're trying to put out there Cause recently someone

asked me about um creating they wanna they they never I don't think they've made a podcast before If

I'm not mistaken I had this conversation with this guy Um He wants to do a video podcast

but he wants to do it like on location uh in like he does a lot of brunch and

he he has like this Um He's very what's the word dapper Like a type of

dapper look with the Vedas and you know gentlemen Yeah So he does a lot of

brunch stuff and he wants to like you know he has a co-host as a woman She also dresses that

you know and like this you know really the aesthetics of you know unfortunately he mentioned um what was that

Red Pill guy who died a couple years back What is his name Kevin Samuels he said he

liked his look Um um Now he didn't say he liked his content but if you don't look up Kevin

I'm terrible person I am not trying to change my algorithm on my phone right

now I look at this stuff They'll send me all the weirdest things talk about Uh

That is a case study in media literacy We'll just keep but um but the production really helps

with that sort of thing right You know you have to be very intentional with what you're

trying to do And it's like and all that plays into the audience you're trying to reach and the narrative

that you're trying to to to preach to people Um and with the other skills that we mentioned

you know you you can sit and listen There's no I I don't have a problem with

you listening to uh you know anybody from like Neil Degrasse Tyson to Alex Jones But

I know two diametrically opposed type of things where it's like the reason why I said

it is like just because these people are they claim to be And you know I mean

yes one actually has credentials in being an expert The other one claims claims to be an expert Now you

know there are easy ways to prove these things You could just look it up You know

there's information out there that's public People go to school What did they study Who

did they study In what are their expertise really in Have they published any papers that have

been peer reviewed Not yelling on TV Talking about I got the papers You'll see the papers It's

been three years They're coming concept and thoughts and thought of paper and papers But what

I'm trying to say is like that part right there It all like even when it comes

to like one of the biggest it's weird Everybody keeps saying like the biggest platform now

is youtube for podcasting specifically video podcasting And it helped out a whole lot in a lot

of recent events that we've had and also um with how people are gaining a lot of

followership right Have you ever heard of the Midas Touch Network They're in my feed right So those people are

not beating out legacy media in ratings and stuff like that You know it's funny because I never I

never search for Midas Network but they're just there They have like 3 million subscribers

now like for their main channel I don't know but the rest of them but it's enough

where they're flooding the zone if you will of their content and stuff like that where you see it

regardless if you follow them or not you know But yeah because the algorithm is like

oh you click on this or you might be interested in this and yada yada and you probably

click on it anyway because it yeah so it's like but they have a specific way how they

produce their stuff versus something like ABC news which is also on the list but their their whole

aesthetic is different versus a guy who's sitting in front of his uh webcam in

his home library versus a studio set Right So you know um it's like what

looks better for you and stuff like that but also be considered like also know your audience It's like

remember you're you're it's like new media versus old media and stuff like that and

it's like how is that You know what is it because yes you are responsible

for these things So keep that in mind you do have a responsibility Don't just

be like well I just say things and repeat them and you know whatever But anyway um which leads me

to the last point right Lifelong learning right So media literacy is it's a life learning

like it's a lifelong learning skill It never stops because it changes all the time Like what is the biggest

disruptor of media this this last couple of years A I I was gonna say tiktok

but a IA I is true I mean yeah tiktok is uh that's just a platform

but what has been what has been truly disruptive has been a I um the same type of

nonsense we've been seeing spread like you know like if you go and look at the different platforms look at

their video section if they have one Sometimes you have to kind of look far and wide to

find it depending on where you are you will see there's been so I've been

on social media accounts for God who knows so long where depending on where you are in the

world you get certain videos served to stuff like that But one video the same type of videos

I keep seeing the man of the platform The man of the year is these weird videos

that show some sort of creature You don't really know what it is or some sort of weird

type of like old giants existed Look at these bones and you know but but because a lot

of people don't really have access to a lot of these um ways to to like the tools

to um know how to manipulate images and how to edit and all this other stuff

right They think it's real like I think there was one that went viral a

number of years ago where you saw a snake the size of like a bus snaking through

the side of a mountain you know when it was when it really was it was just what you

call a boring machine So but they manipulated it to make it look like it

was a snake you know technically a boring machine looks like a snake but it's not really I've

seen two examples of this recently The first one is this video that's older It's of a

boat being broken in half by a Megalodon coming up and going breaching through in the middle

of it And it's like you know this is what scientists say Megalodon how big it was But people

in the comments some think it's a I I mean some know that it's a I others

are just like oh my God where did this happen I'm just like and then there was another

one there was this really talented artist and part of his Facebook group and he used a I

to create all these crazy cool war stuff but he also creates real world crazy scenarios And he put

up one recently that said here is this um underground mcdonald's in Siberia that they started

making it it looks so cool and everything but they never finished it And it's

literally in a cave and it's all mcdonald's with abandoned play play and stuff like that

It looks creepy and haunted but he's so good at it that he had to

put in the comments By the way guys I made this this is still me I just

made this and people like thank you for telling this because you know it's a

little scary She worked for the onion Yeah you should really But it's the fact that you know

people have to be told like guys this is a I this is not actually real

you know a I is only going to get better It is only going to

get better as time goes on What was the recent one Coca Cola and their ad ad in

a I I mean if you slow it down and you see mistakes you look for little things that

are pictures of artifacts Exactly So it's like um it's but you know because it's an

ad it's quick it's quick moving It has the stuff you see there and stuff like

that You know you're not and also you're not expecting the ad to be A

I right You expect it to be like the real thing like that is like you know

right you don't expect the legacy media or legacy companies to do this sort of thing But um if

you like you know having this type of media literacy would help you out because you would it's like no

you should expect this and you should expect more of it uh going forward like

I'm waiting for the very first all A I feature for it's going to happen you know some studio

out there is going to spend the time to do that is going to be

a long render time Think about that for a second you put in the screenplay and everything like that and

then OK cool Here's the aesthetic Here are the characters I have in mind now render out this two

hour long film Got you in four K I mean hey and on one hand I

would say that's exciting because how many people we know write scripts and the stories we know

you know what I'm saying They they have compelling stories and you know on one hand

it's like it's great You don't have to go get a loan put yourself in debt find a studio

an agent Um if I could for Chris's work his story I want him to

finish it so I can go pitch it to Netflix But if I could sit there and actually program A

I to complete the whole thing and put the story out there on youtube Yeah that'd be even amazing because

you can probably make more money there than you do in the theaters right So it's like so there's

like on that one hand but on the other hand there's a lot of jobs going on

Great power comes great responsibility Yes Yep Knock on wood We've been talking for a while now and I actually

knows the time So so we sum up media literature is important Very important Please be wary of your sources

where they're coming from What angles they may or may not have Does anybody else confirm

them Check their credentials Don't be so quick If something seems outrageous to be true Check your

sources Check them see Oh my God People share satire articles satire articles and they

don't realize that the website is satire and I have to go into the freaking about

me and screenshot it and post it and be like guys this is a this is

real That's why I don't be on Facebook that much anymore But yeah I'm I'm getting

close to just deleting it to be quite honest with you I'm gonna be on blue sky

So yeah thank you for checking out our episode of Iso Insiders We will be

again here next week It will be my turn to talk about this lens that I really want to get

lenses Hey I love lenses It's Christmas time Anyway so um you know check us

out on our social media on Ifo Insiders on Instagram I keep forgetting and we're also

on youtube on our Gifted Video Network page I don't know what they call it I think it's youtube

Channel Gifted Videos Network That's yeah but you can find if you just look up Iso Insiders

on youtube you can find it as well And if you have anything that you

want to discuss please send to us All right Alright so we'll talk to you all later The next one