Jesus completed what he started 11Sept 22
Jesus brings back everything to himself, He is in the highest place.
Grace Lockhart
Jesus brings back everything to himself, He is in the highest place.
Show Transcripts
So I'm going to read um Colossians chapter one verse 15 Reading from the Passion he is the divine portraitand true likeness of the invisible God and the firstborn heir of all creation for in him wascreated the universe of all things both in the heavenly realm and on earth all that is seenand all that is unseen every seat of power realm of government principality and authority Itall exists through him And for his purpose he existed before anything was made and now finds completion inhim He is the head of his body which is the church and since heis the beginning and the firstborn heir in resurrection He is the most exalted one holdingfirst place in everything for God is satisfied to have all that fullness dwelling in him inchrist and by the blood of this cross everything in heaven and earth is brought backto himself back to its original intent restored to innocence again even though you were oncedistanced with him living in the shadows of your evil thoughts and actions He reconnected you back tohimself He released his supernatural peace to you through the sacrifice of his own body I'm going to stop thereUm I was quite um I'm not assertive you know I'm aware people might havedifferent opinions about royal family and all of that but I'm not here to do that I'm here tojust share what I feel God's been saying and it kind of smacked me between the eyes thismorning Um just in that whole journey of miracles and healing that we're really going after aren't we as aas a church and you know there was a time in this part of me wantsto say well we're not like that but I'm not I disagree with myself there was atime where Bethel was going after miracles like we are and didn't see much fruit and then thebreakthrough came and it didn't stop okay so I'm just saying you know in thisseason of pursuing let's keep running let's keep pressing until the dam breaks Um So as you remember sort ofpicking up a little bit from last week I shared with you when I was onholiday the holy spirit was breaking new things about healing about and one of thethings that he started to speak to me about was we as a church were very good at rememberingthe death and the resurrection of christ Yeah oh yeah he died for our sinshe resurrected but we don't talk about the ascension and that's where the power is It's jesus even said tomary in the garden she said he said don't touch me because I'm not ascended to my fatherso it wasn't complete So without the ascension without him going up to his father and sittingdown and completing the work as a priest would because remember the priest never sat downthey were always they weren't allowed to sit because the work wasn't done so until he ascended and sat downit wasn't complete and so our invitation to be seated with christ in the heavenlyrealms is really really important because if we don't understand so if we're trying to have a breakthrough from theresurrection I'm gonna say we need to go to the completed work where we're sat yeah dothat the whole package when he said it is finished and he sat down that's what Hebrewstells us really important that he sat down to a jew They would be like what the high priest satdown really Um so so ascension is really really important and um then I'm gonna holy spirit'sbeen speaking to me all week weekend about peace and the rule of peace and the Dominion of peace Sobut just to look at ascension it was it really you know when God kind of justcomes in your spirit and over the last few days of course um Queen Elizabethhas passed into glory and king Charles the third has ascended and that's the name of the council the ascensioncouncil Okay do you hear me There's a shift there's a shift and this really hit me because you knowyou're talking in august God was speaking all about ascension ascension ascension and then there's a shiftin the nation where there is a there is a crowning there is a thereis a sending there is a new position and I believe that has prophetic importance I don't understand it allbut I know something just pull left in me this morning So in this season ofascension where the church I believe we're going to understand more about our position because we lookedat the supremacy of christ and he is far above all his realms You know in the in thecrowning of a new king it talks about the realms and the commonwealth and all these things Butyou know the king has a limited realm But what we're told in God's word is thatjesus has been given an unlimited realm He is king of kings he is Lord of Lords Andso therefore he is the king of all kings he is the lord And when wesay Lord we're talking about authority A Lord especially in the sort of older english Lord had an authority overa designated area He is Lord of Lords So therefore um he is the one whohas supreme authority And colossians tells us that he has supreme authority in heaven on earth under the earth Andthen something that we don't always find in religion we come across more of the hellfirebrimstone What about when God says he is restoring everything back to himself What whenwow he is restoring everything back to himself that there will eventually be a new heavenand a new earth What if you are gradually in your walk you are being restored back toinnocence you are being restored back to Eden come up jewish concept of Abraham's bosom when you die isbasically a restoration of Eden What you know think about it he's restoring everything backto himself So you now are on a process where everything is being restored and yes youget wrinkles yes Um you know this world but but there is life being restored and I don't knowif sometimes you notice in people where there is a deep anointing even as they get older there isa radiance that shines through you know and um I like to think you know Iknow the queen was a firm believer and you know it's the shock that shewent and oh my goodness but when I think about it I think she went back to herfavorite place in Balmoral and she was taken she passed into life we are not under death We we've gotto start living under life all the time and things are gonna change and I'm speakingthat back into myself as well So okay um then there's a reign of peace alright SoI want to establish that in our thinking because if we don't believe that he is king of Kingsand Lord of Lords and that he is reconciling everything back to himself and that all things areworking for good You're going to stress about your life you see your worry comes from not believing that that'strue Oh If I believe 100% that he is restoring everything back that he's got it then I'mgoing to lose that worry and fear and I won't keep having to rebuke it every day There'sa shift in me and I love the Aramaic when Peter walks on the water and he's doing really wellisn't he And we do really well and then we look at the waves and wego down and we're like oh and jesus is so gracious He lifted up and in ourregular bibles it says that he rebuked them If you look in the Aramaic he says to them yourfaith is still young so we are learning how to trust him but can we speed it up sowe don't have to suffer and that we can stand in that place of knowing who heis because that's easier That's better isn't it So he says do not fear becauseI've got this everything is being reversed I love it I've quoted it many times but in CS Lewis he got it in Narnia when the stone table craps Even there is a deep magic inthe story of deep magic and if the witch had known the true meaning of a perfect sacrifice she wouldhave understood this is what he says in the book in the story that when aperfect sacrifice is given time is reversed and even time we'll start to go backwards So there'sa complete reversal of this world so we can expect to move in signs wondersand miracles And yes we do like Peter start to sink but we get back updon't we Because we don't say we're learning our faith is young we're maturing we're learning how tocarry the mantle of authority how to carry You know you look at a king or you know allall through their life you look at king Charles all through his life He's been preparing forthis moment has been getting ready and we too are getting ready to rule and reignBut you know I was walking over and the Holy Spirit reminded me this morning that ourruling and reigning and it was like remind everybody that unfortunately in this world people andbecause of the corruption in this world we start to rule and reign over the wrong things because wecarry an authority because we're created in his image we were born and destined to rule and reign over theKingdom of Darkness not over people okay You know we um that's where we getinto legalism and control isn't it Or religion the reigning over people And that's themistake You know even where the church has taken its authority out of place startsto rule over people but we were called to rule over Darkness We were called to have anauthority over the Kingdom of Darkness So jesus says my kingdom is not of this world andthey're looking and they're trying when he comes in they're like well where is yourkingdom You know they're expecting a physical kingdom but he says before he goes to the cross he says theKingdom of Darkness is cast down and when john the baptist is stressing a little bit he's believed he'sbeen faithful but suddenly he's done all that he's supposed to do and yet he's thrown into prison and hehas a little bit of a meltdown doesn't he He's human and he's like is ityou he says to jesus is it are you the messiah He has a moment where he's doubt scottyand he's not in a good place and jesus doesn't answer him directly he says tell john the blindsee the lame walk and the deaf receive their ears So when the kingdom is establishedthere is a shift in darkness and the signs of the kingdom coming are that healings beginto take place miracles begin to happen Hearts begin to get healed Darkness begins to lift thatis where we start to rule and reign and we are called to do it and weneed to pursue it with every fiber of our being to rule and reign okay and sometimes it'snot gonna work out like they were sharing in Bethel there this guy wrote I believein the God of miracles and his baby died but he declared I believe Bethel's story in the first yearsthey were going for for this person to be healed they were praying they were praying theywere praying they they saw it in the spirit everything and then the person died and they were devastatedThey were so devastated that they thought they'd never pray for anyone again But theypulled themselves back up and they started to do it again And Bethel is what it is today Arewe a community that's going after the miraculous a week a community that understands thathe is king of kings and Lord of Lords and if I pray I'd rather be running my friendis sick and I am going after a miracle for her and there is not afiber in my being that is going to move from believing she's healed whatever happens I will run aftera miracle you've seen a miracle we've seen miracles but it's not enough because theworld needs to know that Jesus is on the throne and so in this season of ascensionwhere we need to get past just the death and resurrection and realized that we've ascended intoauthority we've ascended with christ we're seated with him in the heavenly realm and he has put all thingsunder his feet read colossians until it gets in his spirit that he has When I go to afestival and when I sit with people it's so interesting in all the time That I have done areading in probably knocking on it It's over 10 years and I said for mejesus is the highest authority Not one person contest that I have had witches sit in front ofme and they'll say yes I know I have seen witches that say if I'm in troubleI know what to do If I use the name of jesus those demons will leave they don't lovejesus but they know he's powerful now We don't want to be like that We want aloving relationship with him where we know our king where we are seated with him andhis rule of peace he is the prince of peace And I was reading a book I'mreading a book on you know healing and um overcoming the spirit of death Um andshe said something really interesting really got me she was talking about peace raining youknow and and the goal is that peace reigns isn't it Now I'm very good at saying youknow I want peace to reign in the cafe you know before the holidays to really you know declare peaceand push out the darkness and we have peace Yeah we have I have peace in myhome I have peace You know we pursue peace don't we where there's disruptions in the spirit realm We don'ttolerate it or if you are tolerating it you need to not you need to writecome on in the spirit but something she said that I'd never thought about we need peace in ourbodies and I thought oh is my body kicking against the rule of the king of kings then it hasto submit It has to and it's no option I have to see miracles becauseif there is a battle in my physical body it is defying the rule of the kingof kings and Lord of Lords So I have to have a miracle I declaredoes it make sense We don't accept it I don't know is that making sense Because ifwe don't accept it anywhere else but sometimes we've accepted it in our own bodies and I'm saying tothe enemy now you have no rule over any cell in my body And um it was interesting when Ihad been praying with Rita who's got cancer and I've just been reading in this book about youknow how our temple our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Death cannot residewhere there is life in the temple And she exactly saw the same thing now if we are filled withlife is it logical So do you understand the logical now that you you are hoping from todayyou understand that I definitely have a new understanding that through ascension and what jesus has done throughhis death Resurrection and ascension I can tell any disease through the stripes that jesus bore onthe cross that sickness has no right over my body that my body has to submit Iwas walking over and I've seen I can already walk now in bright sunshine with no migraine comeon but there are still other things that are not aligned in my body and Iwas walking over and I was saying to my body you have to submit you haveto allow the kingdom of peace to reign in every cell till I fulfill my destiny Comeon Yeah so I'm speaking I'm telling my body body get under the role of the king of kings getunder it and you know what You might have all hell let loose at you Who cares You stand yourground you stand your ground with your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace You havepeace You are in a position of peace of power of anointing and you go takeground When a soldier goes to battle he does not look and go oh my goodness oh my goodness whatam I gonna do They go with a cry of victory believing that the enemy will fallinto their hands Now if an earthly soldier can do that how much more can a heavenlychild of God do that knowing that the victory has already been won Come on we're gonna seesome amazing things break out aren't we Come on come on It only takes one resurrection from the dead fora whole village to come to church come on Do you know what I'm saying herecome on this is this God's word is good isn't it you know And I'm declaring I don't want itI still don't like spiders but I've made a declaration I mean God has been really gracious There's been afew running around my house and my wonderful husband has leaped and gotten before I've even seen them which isgreat But I have with a big breath decided that I can see and notlike them but I'm not going to yield to fear every fear in our livesthe king of Kings and you might say what's that got to do with healingany fear that comes in at us deal with it Don't tolerate darkness run it out of your lifetake the position of ascension Come on I'm speaking that back to myself come on we have toreposition the prince of peace and the ascension and I believe whatever is prophetically going on in thisnation there is I don't understand it all but when I looked on I was looking through Youtube forsome worship and I saw council of ascension all my days What is going on in thisnation Come on And actually it really hit me that the royal family the defender of the faith So itis a prophetic thing that's happening over the church of ascension that the body of christ begins toknow who they are and begins to position themselves for the end time harvest come on come onEvery promise is coming through You know you might have had that spirit of death that has come atyou in all directions That destroyer I've had my share of the battle ground withthe destroyer You know I've been around a few leagues with him in this placeprobably nearly on 10 years but you know what I was saying to myself you know what we areovercome I have overcome I have overcome and I will go on to overcome again come on and you're overcomingyou are overcoming Do not doubt that you are not overcoming You are being restored back towho you were designed to be It's not going to happen is actually happening Come on what theenemy does is try to get you to believe that you know maybe one day maybeone day you'll get over that stuff liar liar liar pants on fire sorry but with thefire of the Spirit But it's not true it's not true And once we stand in thatpiece and we stand in that sentient position and we believe God you see the trouble is we believe theenemy too much I believe the enemy too much and I've got to stop it We you've got tostop it I've got to learn to and we do it together Yes no tolerance andyou know sometimes I have to go and say it out loud go around you have I will not toleratedarkness when I moved to Wales and the enemy tried to keep me out the village because I hadwork to do here and like oh hell I mean I walked out in my garden and Ifelt a clip physically around the head from the enemy wanting me out Somebody comes a mediumcomes and tells someone that there's an unorthodox minister in your village and she's goingto leave So I sit in my living room and I actually out lied I will not leave Iwill finish the purposes of God I go up the mountain and the Holy Spirit told me that thepastor had gone before me in the Church of the Nazarene The enemy had knocked him out and hehe showed me I believe it was the very place that he prayed and I stood there I willnot be knocked out I will finish my assignment I will knock the enemy out This village will becomeis our glory zone Come on come on Church is happening all week Yes There'sa few of us who actually cares The weakest saint on his knees makes the enemytremble where there's more than one and we're not weak Mhm And we are giving him aheadache every day Come on come on we're anointed We're blessed Thank you jesus Thank you jesus Holy SpiritAnd just looking is there anything else that he wants us to say are you readyI'm going to read from colossians again one more time and then we're gonna make some declarations thank you jesusAnd you know if the enemies at you just keep standing keep standing keep declaring keep sayingno no when I was dealing with that darkness and you know getting a migraine every timeI went in the light I was down the field near my home and I was shouting Iam walking in the light I am fella shipping with the Holy Spirit and the blood iscleansing me from all on righteousness and I'm still going I am walking in the light comeon come on come on And you'll need to shout it out do it in the car do it gosomewhere and shout Sometimes when I'm going to festivals I'll let out a cry in the spiritdo it don't be you know your free religion locks people down to be all quiet takes away your abilityto speak in the north of Scotland Women aren't allowed to pray in church he's given you avoice you're free come on are you free And I'm gonna read um and then we're gonna declare someself So the supremacy of christ he is the divine portrait the true likeness of theinvisible god the first born heir of all creation for in him was created theuniverse of all things both in the heavenly realm and on the earth all that is seen and all thatis unseen Come on you know what what a kingdom what a kingdom We're looking at you know kingand and we're hearing a lot about the realms that the king this king has theheavenly realm has the earth has under the earth has the unseen realm Come oncome on And the rule of Darkness we think it's carrying on It's numbered It's numbered Come on everyseat of power realm of government principality and authority It all exists through him and forhis purpose The enemy can rant and rave and do a whole lot of damagebut it doesn't stop in this life Come on It doesn't stop it doesn't stop here We seeit just in this small portion You do not die death does not touch you He existed beforeanything was made And now everything finds completion in him And you know the word completion shalomthere's a shadow side When you look in the hebrew you know we talk about shalom it's peaceit's wholeness There is a there is a shalom where there is a completion ofdarkness where judgment comes okay he's dealing with it all but he will do it comeon and it's not up to us to rule and reign and judge men andwomen and people he'll do that There is a completion that comes when people are bitter and they keepon rejecting his love There is a completion that comes to that place God help him God havemercy Because when you when you keep rejecting light But there is a completion foryou wholeness and that's why we must pray for the world because I don't want anybody to becompleted on the shadow side of shallow do you He is the head of his body which is the churchand since he is the beginning and the firstborn heir in resurrection we've seen an air rise to the throneHe is the firstborn heir from the dead Oh come on wow wow He has ascended Oh my goshHe left the grave Let it soak in It's amazing He is the most exalted one holding first place ineverything Why do we doubt why do we fear God forgive me And God is satisfied tohave all his fullness dwelling in christ and by the blood of his cross Everything in heaven and earth isbrought back to himself back to its original intent restored to innocence Again story is not over story is notcomplete He knows what he's doing not just in this life but in the life tocome You see time and death people work to this realm don't they Oh my goodness What's happening Andyou know you know it's only a little bit isn't it But if we take that off and you livefor eternity you're living way beyond and I have shared before but when I was 15years old I remember going to see my granny I traveled down on my own actuallyall the way to Birmingham from the north of Scotland nearly had a heart attack at what cities werelike you know I grew up in the highlands it stank and I go to visit and birth it I'venever met it And she was very old great aunt and she took my hand I'mher hand and I said I will I will I promise I will not live for this earth Iwill live and we need to stop living if we are I'm saying that but weneed to live for eternity Like you live forever Yeah not like just fixing mylittle life God will take care of all that I have found the more I live for him the morehe blesses my life now And I'm like you don't need to because it doesn't matter because if I didn'thave these things I'd love you the same And he says well I want to do it live forthe kingdom of Heaven live for what doesn't fade Live to see people set free live to release signs wondersand miracles go practicing use the name of this church if you want We're practicing atour church in heaven's way to see miracles can I pray for you and people will sayyes I went I remember going with a friend outside the mailer miller and just doyou know what I just said we're our church is practicing miracles Can we pray for him Doyou mind is it okay And most people said yes go for it Listen you know respect people obviously butjust pray let that passion to see people free rise up and say that to myselfmay fear be gone may I move in it more you know Thank you jesusshall we pray Thank you jesus Thank you jesus that you have ascended to the highest highest place Thank youthat you are reconciling everything back to yourself that you know exactly what you're doing and although the wickednessappears to prosper we thank you Father that it is not completed We thank you father that youare working everything for our good that you are restoring us back to yourself that we are becomingmore and more like you Amen church we are becoming more and more like you and we are learningwe are maturing and learning how to rule and reign from the heavenly realm inthe position of peace and we are divine legislators Come on church we are divinelegislators to rule and reign over sickness over darkness We rule and reign to see people set free to seeour own homes set free to see our own bodies free and to see miracles and healingbreak out because we're not living for this world We're living for the kingdom of Heaven we're living for what'seternal and maybe today you felt battered and bruised felt like you're in a boxing ring with the enemy Fatherreleased your healing oil Father released that refreshing Thank you jesus and we rise up Isee some of you are rising up enemies booted you over but you're standing up your feet areshot with the preparation of the Gospel of peace Your armor is being adjusted and shined up Ican see angels that are shining up your armor yada So co come on Yeah I've justhad this picture of angels shining armor and the glory of God just just shining down on people's armor andthe blazing glory that's reflecting off the armor is banishing the enemy in front of you Thankyou Jesus you are lord you are king of kings There is no realm beyond your reach And yes theenemy can rant and rave and cause havoc and of course he doesn't want youto know that you're a legislator Of course he doesn't want you to know how muchpower you hold because you're going to boot him out Thank you jesus We thank youthat heaven's way is a church full of the glory of God Thank you Jesus rulingand reigning over darkness Thank you Jesus extend your kingdom through our lives through our church and let darknessbe banished right now and if you need to just sort of rise up andpray something just begin to Yara So come Yara So to take up your sword the word of God Thankyou jesus Thank you jesus soto rolling and raining Thank you jesus We worship you weworship you Holy spirit cup Chiara sota Anybody want to share anything Thank you jesus Anybody want todeclare anything Got a so called Tianna Our light shine Amen Church