hi as a vendor in JV Zoo The procedure that you definitely need to know is how toupload your own product to the marketplace It is an easy process and I'm going to show youhow you can do it right now When you've logged into your JV Zoo accounthover over the seller's tab and click on the seller's dashboard button and then click on the adda product button on the right side of the page and wait for it to load You will thenarrive at this page now set the launch date and time of the product In this case I'm goingto put nine August 9 am eastern time Once you've done this move onto the product name for instanceI am how to pack And then set up all the information needed The productprice will be $10 in this case The commission payout percentage is the percentage that you're willing to giveto your affiliates that promote your products Usually for the front end product you can afford to give out 100%commission if you have subscription or multiple payments mark the box beside the percentage to reveal the extra paneland then fill in the information If you're not going to give subscriptions or multiple payments disableit Moving on if you want to limit the number of items to be sold in JV Zoo you canfill in the quantity field For instance you're going to sell only 200 copies in this launch Then you justtype in 200 in the field fill in the email address This is the email addressthe customers will go to if they have questions or want refunds in this case I'm going toput in support at gmail dot com right below the support email address field You can also fill inthe U R L To your help desk Moving on fill in the U RL To your landing page Sales funnel squeeze page or your pre launch In this case I'mjust going to put in www dot test dot com And then as you cansee the next option is to send all traffic to the sales page after the launchdate or time If you choose Yes all the traffic will be sent straight to your salespage If you choose No then the traffic will be directed to your landing pageinstead The second part of the session will be all about your sales page First fill inthe U R L To your sales page I'm going to just make up onenow and then pick a delivery method Usually the default would be a protected download from your own page Andif you choose this option you will be asked to upload the product on thenext page You can choose the JV zoo Thank you page as well but it is less secure than aprotected download with a protected download People are less likely to guess the link to the page Once you'redone set up the return period when your customers are allowed to refund the product thereis an option below which states make my product eligible for product of the day It ishighly recommended to mark this box to enable it when you do this If your productis chosen as the product of the day JV Zoo is going to mail out your offerto their mailing list with this you can easily get another 100 sales from JV Zoos list The finalpart of this will be about your affiliates First you will see a drop down menu for affiliate approvalclick onto it and you will see three options Manual approval Auto approve and no affiliates allowed If you choosethe manual approval option you will have the rights to approve delay or deny the affiliate requestIf you choose the Auto approve JV Zoo will automatically approve the affiliate requests with thedelayed status and then fill in the affiliate terms notes to affiliates and the custom receipt infoand that is all there is to it click on the save product button andyour product is ready to go