Hello Hello Okay Today we are talking about building your own biz dashboard So why would you want todo this Basically a digital online dashboard can be built in a tool that gives you accessto all the really important things that you need to run your business So Ihave four different tools that I've built basically the same stuff in just to show you um how this canbe done So this particular tool that you're seeing upfront here is called melon notes and itis very visual it's pretty simple It gives you a board that you create This is another board insidemy board um for my socials because I can do that with this tool Ican bring in notes I can bring in links if I bring in a link it actually links hyperlinksto a page I can bring into dues I can make arrows I use this toa lot for process process mapping But this works really well for my brain in that I can createlong form documents I have these ability to bring in all these little hex codes their little because it's alsolike a planning tool for designers and whatnot So you can bring in your color codes righthere and it will change to the color of your code just by entering the code Super cool Um butI can visually see all at once all of the assets that I want and I justscroll down my board and I could just keep adding stuff so I can have separate notes that justfloat around I'm organizing them and kind of a um this this sort of column layout here and then Imake a note and I add stuff or drag things in You can take screen snaps from yourcomputer or images that you have that you've saved down drag them right into this tool and throw them inThis is just an image the screen snap from my web page and I just brought it inthere and I drag it in and I can visually see plus I can read allof this stuff So this is why this particular tool appeals to me but this is the kindof things that we would want on your dashboard which is like your branding and your hexcode These are all the files and even the links to where these files live online Um the easiestsolution here is a google drive where I've actually created a folder for my business and then I've created abranding folder and inside this branding folder I have a logos folder and then Ihave some other assets So I probably want to do this even for my melon outboard here butthis is totally free So like this might be the first route for some of you and then we wouldcreate a spreadsheet for google So this is the spreadsheet and basically I've gone it's not aspretty it's not as visual but it gets the job done I have a column forbranding I have a column for bio I started listing out my different services that I offer So wejust keep going down and I over scrolled here my services my socials I haven't gotten tosome of these things here but you get the idea and each row I'm justadding in the same content and this is super free And I can also link out as youcan see right here I have a hyperlink right to where that particular asset livesthat's already in here So I can link to the entire folder or I can go in and get linksfor each of these different files So like right here you get a link right thereand you can copy that link Um and then I could actually go paste that inmy spreadsheet So it's it's that simple So that's sort of the spreadsheet view where you could justcreate folders of your assets if that makes sense to you Um and the spreadsheet sort of pulls itall together so you have one document to go look at to pull in all thesethings Um here I've got my I would basically be doing one for the software that I use in mykey links but for socials I've actually created a separate board because I wanted to bring insome images of what my socials look like I want to tag I want a section here forall the tags that I use Then I actually have a link joy or some of you might haveum oh I forget the other one Something tree But basically it's a link thatgives you all of the things right So instead of the Lincoln bio it hasall the different stuff This one is called Link Joy and actually gives me umkind of a stylized thing where I can actually put these things out here butI want that link handy so I can send that off to people going backto milan out here Um I had I have Pinterest I would build out linkedin I might even actuallycreate boards within these boards for my content planning because this is sort of where my brain tends tolive The other option we have here is trail Oh hello is very similar to melanoma inthe sense that you get this visual look to it But the difference with cello cellois although you can bring in the links and it will actually link to thestuff So this would go right out to my about me page Right So let's flip it aroundIt's going to try and open that website page but let me go back to where I was heretrailer gives you links directly to the things But you need to click into these theseboards the card itself you create a card with the title of what you want and I have to pastethat text in there So in order to get to these details I do have toactually click in So I guess it depends how your brain works and what you prefer Butthis tool is definitely accessible on your phone So you can totally click into this card and it allowsyou to move stuff around The same with melanoma melanoma I can drop a drag wherever I wantI can move this down here Um but with trail oh you kind of have the lanes you have aboard and then the cards inside the board to get my images in here I can dragthem in or I could link to the actual like I have it here I drag this one in andI could potentially download that if I needed to These are actual google drive links if Ineeded to actually take those you RLS and download to my phone or even just hook them upas far as where that asset lives Um I'd have those U R L Addresses So that's anothergood thing about Hello And then I actually brought in images of these colors so that I could representwhat the color code is But these are my different hex codes and then I just took screen grabsof the codes and the color so that I could visually see which one is which even though at thispoint have memorized which ones these are I know which is which obviously if I evertried to bring on and their staff member and I'd be like oh I want theteal Well I got a couple of different my logo has a couple of different thiel's going on inhere because I've kind of mixed them together So I need to actually have visuals in here So thisis the same sort of information I can bring in images I can actually have any column I wanthear what I can't do I could link out to another trail aboard if I wantedto create a different board for just socialist If I wanted to break this all out and have a separateboard I could link to that board with a card inside trail Oh but I'd be switching out to anotherboard similar to what I did in melanoma but different I mean here is bread crumbs right So this isthis lives underneath it's a child board of this board Whereas trailer boards exist outside of themselves So you wouldjust link to another board and it would then open up that board Um So I've gotmy socials over here I've got my um different boards that I'm doing in Pinterest I started listingout the key Softwares that I use Um and these cards could be whatever I wantedUm I could have information about shift how I'm using it or just a list of those just so Iknow these are the key ones I need to pay for Maybe I even have like whatit costs me yearly Um you know when it renews that kind of information for all of the keySoftwares in my business Um and then I have one with important links like last passright And then wordpress back end or whatever website builder you use You'd have some of thatinformation there maybe even copy that kind of thing Um affiliate If you're an affiliate for any certain productsyou might want some of that information things that you would want to be able to shareSo those are the first three that I want to show you and actually I'm going to make this disappearfor a second because the last option and you're gonna pick your tool But for this challengebasically we're gonna build this out in seven days So you gotta go find all your stuffThis last one here is a tool called notion and it's a little bit more robust you cando a little many databases inside of it Each of these So basically I havethis sort of my um my business hub if you will I have created somestuff for tasks or whatever but this is kind of where I'm actually creating theseassets like I did over here in google drive and and melon notes and intrelo but they become pages So when I link this is a hyperlink to thispage and I have this information here and I can collapse stuff in here It is definitely alittle bit more linear But it also lets me expand so I have breadcrumbs for what Ineed to share It also allows me potentially to not necessarily have to share an entire board IfI decided to have someone help me with just social media I could give them accessto just this section it gives you a little bit more flexibility and then you cannot obviously I can havea content calendar I could actually start to plan out my different campaigns for the different social media isif I wanted to do that inside here and it becomes just a little bit more streamlined Um This toolis free so this one is free is a personal account I don't believe there's a huge limitation onit as far as the things that you can do I do know and melon noteonce you hit like 100 cards you do have to pay for your subscription to Milano Although I find thisso intuitive to the way that I work that um I actually pay for a pro account andthen Trillo is free to a certain point as well It just depends on howmany boards you have for 12 Oh hello 12 Hello I can't even talk today So you havelike three different free options Obviously if you only have a few things um if they're mostly cardsand not uploads I think this is cards uh notion does I think in the free give you somuch space So that might be where the differences here you can have lots of text you canhave different links and pages but as soon as you start importing files so big image files or whatever umI think that's where maybe you might hit a paid plan on the notion side of things However youcould also get around that by the very free thing of google So if you go back tohere and if everything lives in google that's your main place right So we have your folderwith all your assets in it You can create any other folders that you need foryour business You could just simply uh in any of these tools build out your links to those assets withoutactually importing the assets in and causing you to have to pay for the tool So lots of goodness Sobasically there is no ocean melon notes So visual and then Terrell Oh right So those are our fourthings But google drive is not a bad way to go So I mean if you're just starting outyou're just trying to keep track of all the things you certainly can take a spreadsheet and paste inall of the things that you need to at a glance and really that's just about copying textand pasting it where you need it for the most part like the visual is pretty butdon't get stuck necessarily on the aesthetic loving thing although I do love a good design Somy heart goes a little pitter patter when I see something like this versus google butthis is totally serviceable So depending on your software stack and what makes sense toyou the way you like to work the way you'd like to see it um becausethe whole idea is you don't really want to build something that you're not goingto use you want to be able to access this on the go with all ofyour key information Um and you're not having to dig into the file folders of all of all likeeverything that you have on your computer or laptop and or external hard drives and allthose things you want to be able to get to the really important details ofyour business Really quick and simple and that's what the dashboard challenge is all aboutSo now you're tasked with going and picking the tool that you like and then I'm going to havedifferent videos about like how to actually build this for each of the different tools like what I didbasically So they won't be super long but I will go into a little bit more depth about allthe different tools that you can use inside melon Note versus um Trillo versus notion versus just googledrive although I'm I'm sure most of you will know how to create a spreadsheet butyou never know so what's going to happen from here and this is the course platform that you're watching You'recurrently in this area where you're watching this intro video um your next assignment is to goand figure out which tool you'd prefer to work with and go watch that video So I'llgo in a little bit more depth and how to different how to set up your board basically forgettingall your stuff built out Then each day we're going to go through and you'll be buildingum one section of your board so that by day seven you have it all built out Soday one you're basically picking your tool um and setting it up so you're gonnawatch these videos to figure out which tool you like best Um you can watch them allyou can watch the one you think you know makes more sense to you andthen you're going to prep your board so that you're ready to go on day two basically with your businessbranding So you're gonna go find all your business branding assets and get them into yourboard and then your bio bits stay three Your services and offers our day four then you're gonna buildout your social information social media accounts and or whatever makes sense to you and yourbusiness all those pertinent things that you need um like your hashtags or like the groupsthat you run um anything that makes sense to have at the ready and then day six is allabout your key software information really just like I said you know all the thingsthat you really need to run your business whether or not you're putting in pricinginformation and renewal information anything that makes sense for you to have so that youknow like these are the things I love and use Um and then here would beum day seven is really your important information links So any place that you're collaborating with anotherbusiness and they're highlighting you on their website or blog or socials you may want those links so youcan send people out to those things These important links are definitely things that you would maybe wantto share on the fly with someone that you meet in person and or just being able to grabfrom your phone and paste them into a message when you're communicating with people that areinterested in your services So um that would be our seven day challenge And when you're donethe idea is that you will have a really awesome place to house all this really pertinent informationyou can reach really quickly and it helps you stay a bit more organized and not feel like you'rechecking you know all the places on your computer on your hard drive or external hard drive or Ohis that in google drive or is it over a dropbox we want to um corral at allEven if it lives in multiple places Even if all these assets aren't on googledrive some I would I encourage you to put them in all in one place butif you have a few things that are built out on your google drive butthen you have some other assets that live in dropbox it doesn't matter when you corral them in a toollike melon o or Terrell Oh as long as you've got the appropriate links to get to the things thatyou need or if you've actually just kind of pasted and copied the text that you would need umfrom the places that it is just online So obviously this is some text from my website I could justgo to my website and grab it but it's way easier to just come in here andhighlight the pertinent bit that I need and pace that where I needed to go Um What I'm trying todo things rather than trying to have a bazillion browser windows open all at once Um your task now withgoing and watching the videos That makes sense to you for whichever tool you like bestAgain I'll go through that This is mila Note which has a visual sort of um builderboard you can do it anywhere you want I did a quantum linear here but you couldhave this all um hodgepodge you've got trailer which is definitely more ordered in the columns You can't reallydo a whole lot other than rearrange your cards And then we have good old google drive youcan get to it here I did hear we do spreadsheet style but this istrying true and totally free Um where you would actually build out your different folders inside that and then createa master spreadsheet to house those that information so that you can get to itAnd then if you're a little bit more up for the challenge you can go and play with notion totallyfree Although the more uploads that you do eventually you will end up having to pay foran account But I think you I haven't hit it yet and I keep uploading stuff So All rightgo find your tool and I will see you in the next video