Welcome to how to list your products on Warrior Plus In this video I will take you through the basicsof how you can list and launch your product with your Warrior Plus account Get started by logging into yourWarrior Plus account Then click on this vendors link here You'll come to this page whichgives you two options to start managing your sales on this site You can look through theservices offered here to decide which you'd like But I'd recommend going for the advanced freesetup So click on this green button here You will then arrive on this page where youcan start specifying details about your product First select the sale type You can choose betweenby now single payment subscription multi payment or free product Whichever applies for now I'm going toselect free product for a product code This is generated by Warrior Plus by default So just leaveit as it is and now you can move on to the product name I'm just going to type intest for now Down here You'll need to upload your delivery file If let's say the product you'reoffering is a download like an e book or pdf file then attach the filehere If you have more than one file compile them in a zip file and then attach ithere However if let's say your product isn't downloadable and is actually in the form of onlinecontent You can skip the previous step and just type in the U R L Whereyour buyer will access your product after purchase over here you have the option to get sales notifications enablingthis will allow you to be notified when your product gets purchased but it's completelyup to you I'm going to leave the sales notification on beneath that You can setyour products refund period If you aren't allowing any refunds set this value at zero days down hereyou need to specify the type of content your product contains whether it's an e bookor an audio file or even a combination or bundle of different types of content Justgo through the list and select the ones that pertain to your product now here undercategories you want to select no more than three categories that your product falls under again Just gothrough this list and find the three categories that match your product best The next fieldallows you to key in some key words This is great because it can help with your SC O And your product will be able to be seen by all the right peopleSo type in your keywords here No more than three and make sure to separate them bycommas You also have the option to include an image of your product Just clickthe select image button here and you can upload your product from your desktop You could even choose not toupload a custom image in which case this default Warrior Plus image will be displayed here You also have theoption to limit your sales Let's say the item you're selling is a physical productsetting A limit will prevent you from over selling items when they are already outof stock Under support details You need to include a support email address This is theemail address which will be given to your buyers so that they may contact you for supportIf you have a contact form hosted online you can also input your support U R L Here sothat customers can contact you this way Moving on you need to specify if your productis a standalone product without additional one time offers or up cells If there are photosand up sells what you want to do is keep this off and then createyour sales funnel via the link provided Over here You just need to include the regular price of your productI'm going to enter 999 for this bit here If you've connected your Warrior plus accountwith any auto responders or Webinar Softwares you can configure those here If you haven't connected your accountsyet you can do so by clicking on this blue button here and similarly you canconfigure your membership software If you have one in this section down here for thiscustom integration section I usually just leave it empty If you have the know how toconfigure these You can but I usually just skip past this section onto affiliate programs Thisis where you select the commission rates for affiliates promoting your products You can also choose not to havean affiliate program at all by selecting no affiliate program Though I wouldn't recommend it down here Youcan add in extra information about your product This text will be displayed to affiliates who are interested inpromoting your product and below that This affiliate program accelerator feature promotes your Warrior Plus affiliateprogram in exchange for commission So it's up to you to turn this feature on or to leave itoff in this bottom section I highly recommend that you keep this deal of the day as eligiblebecause if your product is picked as deal of the day it will be promoted to morepeople both customers and affiliates You can also specify here If Warrior Plus affiliates get a different commission compared toregular affiliates So you can choose the value here And lastly this is where you add in extra information forWarrior Plus To access your product Warrior Plus will need to review your product before it gets listed in themarketplace So for example you'll need to provide log in details if your product comes inthe form of a Members only website and once you're done all you need to do is hitsave and then wait for your product to be approved It's that easy That's itfor now I hope this video was helpful and all the best with your product listings