Morning everybody Hey really excited to be on here this morning with you So I wanted to um talk aboutdomino beliefs here Um This is a slice from the larger hacking music training that um we wanna be talkingabout and piecing out a little bit of like one domino And the idea is that these dominoes stack togetherand they create a full domino system of beliefs like a world view right So inthis one I want to talk about really the first piece of hacking music that wedo with all our artists and that is what we call know thyself I thinkSocrates said this a million years ago right But what he meant was that we want he needwe need to understand ourselves first before we can expect others to kind of engage with usAnd it's a little fuddy duddy and a little old school but it's really important and it's amazing howmany adults don't know kind of their strengths or their personality type So what this is is there'sthree links that I'm gonna give you Uh and I want you to go take these testsOK There's three tests one is the desk test One is the strength the findertest and the other is the Myers Briggs M BT I right Um Don't worry about all the detailsbut just what I want you to do is start to understand who you are Start to get a pictureof what you're made of what your DNA is made of So with that let's jump into uh the training The first thing um that really points us in the direction and the toneand the spirit of this is some dolly Parton said find out who you are and do it on purposeSo we're gonna be doing the first part of that find out who you are These three tests aregonna significantly help us understand how we're wired right A lot of creatives um justkind of go to work get busy Uh And they that usually ends up with uh kind ofa train wreck approach right Um Where you don't understand you and your team doesn't understand you andit's just a cluster right So we want to find out who we are OKSo this first one is the disc temperament and all these links will be uh below here deskdisc Um And let me say too before we jump into this these go deep you cango super deep in these But what I wanna do is just kind of give you a broad general overviewin how these work and you can start to digest them for yourself So the disc temperament isthis disc um method OK So there's four types disc uh here they're shown as animals rightThe dominant the influencing the stable and the compliant lion Otter golden retriever and beaver right Each of usare one of these OK And you can see here on the left axis fast onthe top and slow on the bottom Um Dominance and influencers move fast right They like to go do stuffright Whereas S and CS the Golden retrievers and the beavers are more analytical more people centeredthey're a little bit they like to move slow right Um And then on the bottom morepeople centered on the left and more task centered on the right Um Golden retrievers loveto connect with people very loyal very steady Um and beavers are very task oriented rightSo um so these are the four roles in the disc temperament And when you takethe test you'll come out as one of these you may have an instinct of kind of where you arealready And let's see if that's true as you take the test So dominant is the lion drivers They takecharge like power bold can hurt feelings right They can be steamrollers sometimes otters very expressive good talkers outgoingentertainers impulsive uh can waste time kind of lose track of time A lot of artists are arehere right The Otter golden retrievers are the very steady loyal understanding slow to act low profile they don'tneed the spotlight they want to help right Um So that's the s and the beaver is analyticaldetail very logical factual can seem cold or rigid resistant to change It can be too seriousOK So those are the four again dominant lion influencing is the Otter S is the goldenretriever compliant is the beaver right So if you take that test you will know which one ofthese four roles you are very very important super high level you may have done this beforeGo ahead and do it again Um We like to uh redo these tests notonly for our internal team but definitely for our artists just to know how what theirnatural DNA where they can kill right Their super strength or superpower Um And here's more details here Ifyou'd like this will be in the uh in the download section what their priorities are whatthey're motivated by what their fears are and what their limitations are Very important stuff to know about yourselfboth externally and internally Um So that's the disk temperament quick overview of that Um The next isthe strength finder and this came out probably eight or nine years ago and we dowith all our artists we work with Um just to what this does is there's um I hadfinds your top five strengths Um Here are and there's four buckets One is for executing one isfor influencing one is for relationships and one is for strategy and thinking Um So achiever is astrength discipline is a strength A ranger is a strength focus is a strength belief responsibility consistencyrestorative deliberative I think that says activator is a strength maximize is a strength command self assurance communicationsignificance Uh Woo competition um adaptability include our connectedness individualization developer positivity you know So you see theyou see the idea here what you'll find is when you get this test you're gonna find yourfive strengths These are the things that you can do with your eyes closed the stuff that you can dofor eight hours at a time Um And it's super important to know that afor you absolutely for yourself But maybe more importantly is for the people around youthe people your partners your team that you work with every day Um So that I want togive to you the URL S below Uh And you can go super deep with this Thisis not meant to be super minutia right So the M BT I is kind of the standard uhMyers Briggs temperament um method and it ranks people on these continuum extroversion introversion sensing intuitionthinking and feeling judging and perceiving Um and it ranks kind of like your high extrovert highsensing high feeling high judging OK So it kind of weights them accordingly Um And these arethe 16 temperaments that uh each of us will be one of these Um I happento be a EN TJ Um So and here's here's more of a breakdown where you canread each one of these in TJ int pe N TJ uh and the others hereSo a quick kind of super reductive summary on the 16 in TJ uh innovation en TJ is commandINTP is intellectualism Entp is vision INFP is ethical INFP is morality Um Let's seeis TJ is perfectionism Uh Est J is lawfulness ESFJ is compassion Isfj is nourishment Isfpis artistry ESFP is popularity persuasion and technicality So um that's just kind of a super broad overview ofthe Myers Briggs results here Um So I wanna give those to you three tests uhtake them as soon as you can and we'll see you next time in the next domino belief aswe take kind of a slice that builds our worldview right decisions or destinations and everythingwe do um builds the next month the next year the next five years So wewant to make our decisions uh smartly rather than just sloppily low resolution OK So can't wait to seeinside the community Uh Again thank you to our new members who have joined uh this week We'llsee you inside look forward to uh meeting you and connecting with you more inside the community We'll seeyou guys there