Creator burnout is not something I take lightly as it has the power to completely halt yourcontent and business If you are not careful when was the last time you burnt out you may beexperiencing this now or you may be trying to prepare for the future and prevent this from happening toyou In this episode I will go over my three best practices and checks that I use toensure you do not get to the point of burning out before that If you are looking to acceleratebuilding your digital business growing your content setting your content up correctly understanding the creatoreconomy I recommend you subscribe to the newsletter This is a free resource for youIt is highly valuable week to week at 9 a.m. every Saturday I send this out Recommend you join thegroup There's thousands of highly motivated individuals in this group all growing and building theirbusinesses You can find this link in the description if you're interested to join Let's start with whysetting clear boundaries as a creator is so important to your longevity You've heard this before but have you reallytaken time to set those boundaries I did not do this When I first started Even after abouttwo years of creating of working I found myself I was very tired I wascreating OK content but still pretty subpar and I was not really enjoying the process atall Only after I had to stop for two months did I realize I had burnt out to thepoint I almost quit When you set the right boundaries As a creator you're allowing yourself to create towork hard but also to step away which is equally important So you can prolongthe business and keep going What are some action steps to setting these boundaries for your businessor your content designate work hours define specific start and end times for your workday Stick to those times be strict about them to avoid sort of bleeding into your personal time You canalso create a dedicated workspace This really helps me set up a physical or virtual workspace that is solelyused for work This can help to signal your brain that it's time to focusand time to stop my workspace is where I work This is where you see most of my videos comefrom This is my desk This is where I do things When I step away Istep away you can also implement work free zones These are areas or times where work is notallowed This can be during family meals or even in your bedroom benefits Of this provides more worklife balance helps in separation from work and personal life which can reduce stress You canincrease your satisfaction in both of these areas Focus will also increase creating a more mental and physical environment conductiveto pro producing those work hours getting the most out of them The biggest long term solution you coulddo for yourself set up a content production system to follow month after month aftermonth If you're interested in doing this in a structured way you can find links inthe description for this please make sure you're following Leave a comment down below Let me know whatsystem you currently use for your content If any how this is working for you I if you'restruggling um and where you're struggling with that let's talk about prioritizing self care This willreally help keep your business running smoothly Self care is important for a creator for abusiness owner even a personal brand in general If you are not spending the time awayfrom the business to enjoy life you're probably sacrificing quality and you're ultimately hurting your brand overall Istruggle with self care myself personally as I always want to keep working but you can only workso hard for so long before you hit that wall When this happens all business stops So what aresome action steps for self care you can take as a business owner schedule regular breaks use techniques like thePomodoro technique I utilize this often 25 minutes of work followed by five minute break This helps youensure you're taking regular pauses You can stand up walk around exercise and movement incorporating this physical activityinto your routine Uh can really help keep things fresh can help you with that newmotivation and also things just like healthy eating focusing on that throughout the day can helpkeep you sharp can help keep you focused on the content on the business and on youraudience which are all very important things benefits of this overall is going to enhanceyour overall well being These areas are often overlooked but they will increase your productivityas well When you're well rested When you're healthy we tend to be more focused andmore importantly more efficient in the work And the last part of this is managing your workload doing thisas a creator or a business owner will ensure better overall growth I talk about this alot because it is a problem for me that I believe many of you also suffer from whenit comes to managing this workload This does not mean you're taking on as much asyou can as fast as you can which is tempting to do This approach will workfor a little bit but it can leave you feeling overwhelmed What happens when we take on toomuch too fast Generally we tend to produce lower quality that low quality will yield lowquality results If you produce 10 pieces of content all low quality quickly you will probably getin the same time frame there are some action steps to manage this workload properly Break tasks into smallchunks divide large projects into small manageable tasks This makes them less overwhelming and mucheasier to take on and set realistic goals I use something called smart specific measurable achievable relevanttime bound goals to guide your work and attract that productivity you're looking for and track the progress So youcan see the results you're getting you can see how you're scaling those results and youcan utilize your time better So you come back refreshed by incorporating these steps into your routine you can createa much more balanced and more sustainable approach to your creative business can significantly reduce the riskof burnout if you want to work on burning out if you want to ensureyou don't burn out I suggest you look into setting up your systems for yourself These arevery important I have two flagship courses that I create on these on digital productsand on content creation because I believe they are the most important things for yourdigital business I encourage you to check the channel links in the description and I willsee you in the next one