Explanation Of Selected Prophecies From Major Prophets
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    Explanation of selected prophecies from the major prophets So we will briefly discuss each prophecy with Bible verses

    and short explanations to give you a good overview of each one we're going to

    build on the last lesson on the foundation that we set We're going to touch on some of these again

    some of the prophecies again as we move throughout the course some of this may sound repetitive and

    feel repetitive but it's meant to it's a good way to ingrain the lessons and

    ingrain everything that we're learning because we're going through a lot of prophecy at a base level So feel

    free to go back through always go back through and re-watch pause videos take notes very important to do

    in retention So also remembering that there is Bible prophecy that has already happened what prophecies

    have already happened Christ's birth crucifixion and there's Bible prophecy that is yet to happen

    These are things like the second coming the end times tribulation But the main thing that we always

    wanna remember is hundreds of prophecies have already come true from hundreds of years ago spanning all different time frames

    And the Bible has been 100% correct on this with zero mistakes So that's pretty

    exciting and something to think about Now let's start by breaking down some of the bigger

    messages from the major prophets in the Bible We're going to use those specific verses and

    give simple explanations And at the end we will give a summary we'll revisit some of these messages as we

    continue to go throughout So let's start with Isaiah's vision of the Messiah we see in

    Isaiah 53 verses 1 to 6 These are good verses to check out He was despised

    and rejected by mankind a man of suffering and he was familiar with pain like one from whom people

    hid their faces he was despised and we held him in low esteem Isaiah 53 3 So what

    it means here what does this mean Isaiah talks about someone who will ultimately come to

    suffer and help us right and pay for our sin way before Jesus time This

    part of Isaiah shows us how Jesus life and the sacrifices that he made were part of God's

    big plan to help and heal everyone So this was being talked about way before jesus' time Now Jeremiah's promise

    OK This is the promise of a new covenant we see in Jeremiah 3131 to 34 I

    recommend studying deeper into some of these verses as well that we go through Remember we're doing a

    base level right now So always feel free to go deeper always feel free to pick some verses out that

    stand out to you Maybe a prophecy that stands out to you and delve deeper into that and go

    deeper into that So Jeremiah I will put my law in their hands and write it on their

    hearts I will be their God and they will be my people Jeremiah 3133 So what is

    this prophecy mean Jeremiah is telling us about a special promise from God where God wants

    us to be close with Him He wants to be close to us not just

    by rolls on stone stone tablets but by writing His love and laws directly on our

    hearts Now in Ezekiel's vision this is the vision of dry bones we see in Ezekiel 37

    you will know that I am the Lord So Ezekiel 37 what does this mean Right We see

    kind of a recurring theme here Ezekiel shares a vision where dry bones come back to

    life showing us that no matter how hopeless or how dead we feel God has the power to bring us

    back to life and hope And then finally Daniel's vision you may be a little more familiar

    with this one of the four beasts Daniel seven verses 1 to 8 in my vision at

    night I looked and there before me were the four winds of Heaven churning up the Great Sea

    We see this in Daniel 72 So it's important to also note Daniel's vision and what we read in

    revelation are are interconnected and relate well to each other We'll be doing another study on that

    But if you wanted to take some time separately you can look up Daniel and

    Revelation It's just a good resource and it's a really fun topic study to do But in Daniel 72

    what does this mean Daniel's dream about scary beasts represents Big Kingdoms and events in history

    Ok It's a way of showing that even when things get tough even when things get crazy God is still

    in control of history So the messages right How do these all tie together the messages from

    Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel that we see here in scripture are about God's big plans from promising a savior

    to showing how He can fix things when they seem hopeless These stories these prophecies they are like

    a big picture that shows us that God really cares He cares about us He's in

    control He has a plan to make things right Even when we can't see it

    they talk about a future where we're close to God not just because we have to follow rules but

    because we really understand and we feel his love in our hearts So by looking into these prophecies by understanding

    these stories like we are we get to learn about God's promise to always be there

    for us to help and to guide us and to bring hope and healing to us No matter what this

    speaks directly to our more modern desire for depth We all have eternity set in our

    hearts to build our spiritual lives The idea of a new covenant not based on external law but written in

    our hearts They should encourage us to continually seek the genuine connection with God So in the

    next lesson we will start discussing the historical context of some of the prophetic books And we will

    further develop your understanding of how prophecy ties together