Key themes
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    Key themes and messages of biblical prophecy The key themes and messages biblical prophecy are again woven into

    scripture These reveal insights into God's character into his redemptive plan and the relationship between God and us humanity

    Now what is one prominent theme called to righteousness and obedience So throughout the books of the Bible God often

    implores us to turn away from sin to embrace righteousness and adhere to his commandments This recurring theme

    really underscores the importance of moral and ethical conduct as a central aspect of the covenant

    relationship between God and us So the three pillars creation covenant and kingdom at the heart

    of biblical prophecy are these three themes these pillars they provide the framework for understanding the narrative

    that unfolds throughout the Bible So what are some verses here that are highlighting creation Ok In the

    beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 11 explanation here The opening words of

    Genesis set the stage for the theme of creation This highlights the divine origin of all existence Now

    what is a verse that is showing us covenant I will establish my covenant as an

    everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come So we see this

    in Genesis 17 7 God It's covenant here with Abraham This marks the beginning of a divine promise

    that we can still see through generations Now a verse that envisions the kingdom OK Your kingdom come your

    will be done on earth as it is in heaven Matthew 610 explanation Jesus words in the Lord's

    prayer express the anticipation of the kingdom of God on earth Now let's talk about

    redemption and restoration Another prevalent theme by in biblical prophecy the promise of hope and restoration

    even amid messages of judgment and pending consequences for disobedience Prophets frequently convey God's unwavering commitment to his people

    in the assurance of restoration After repentance the concept of becoming Messiah is a central theme in many

    prophecies This again serves as a beacon of hope for us pointing towards ultimate redemption renewal offered through

    Christ These key themes collectively they paint a holistic picture of God's communication with his creation This is really

    emphasizing the dual aspect of accountability for actions and the boundless mercy that's extended to those who turn to

    him in repentance So what are some verses that illuminate redemption The Lord is close to the broken

    hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit We see this in Psalm 3418 explanation in

    Psalm It captures God's redemptive nature drawing near to those in distress Now a verse that really envisions restoration

    I will repay you for the years The Locusts have eaten We see this in

    Joel 225 explanation here Joel's prophecy It speaks of restoration promising to compensate for the losses that were

    endured Let's talk about justice righteousness Prophets acting as divine messengers challenge societal injustices and call for ethical living

    So some verses that advocate justice we can look at learn to do right seek justice defend the oppressed

    Take up the cause of the fatherless Please The case of the widow see this in Isaiah

    uphold righteousness But let justice roll on like a river righteousness like a never falling

    stream We see this in Amos 524 explanation here Amos paints a powerful image urging for a continuous

    flow of justice and righteousness Now Messianic hope and fulfillment Ok Messianic prophecies They thread through biblical

    narrative They offer a glimmer of hope and anticipation of our promised savior who is the Messiah So these

    prophecies find their fulfillment in the life and the teachings of Christ So what are

    some Messianic verses for hope for To us A child is born to us A

    son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called

    wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of peace We see this in Isaiah 96 explanation Isaiah's prophecy is

    foreshadows the birth of the messiah with titles emphasizing his divine nature Now verses reflecting fulfillment

    the spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to

    the poor He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for

    the blind to set the oppressed free Luke 418 explanation Jesus Declaration in Luke reflects the fulfillment of the Messianic

    mission that was prophesized in Isaiah In the next lecture we will start going over the different types of

    prophecy in the Bible