Live in the State of Knowing - Channeling Ehtium #30 (NO CAPS)
Show Transcripts

Good day to you all Good day Good day How are you Ethan Perfect and you

very well What's the message for today Please living in a state of knowing before we start before we deliver

the information to bring forward We would ask you specifically what is it like to live in a

state of knowing to live in a state of knowing is to flow to not have be able to think

about something but just to mm just do the the next thing out of knowing

it just happens flow in time and space allow things to happen allow what needs to

happen to happen with ease and grace We would add to go beyond even that

understanding You have the idea of instinct You have the idea of things that happen automatically beyond the idea specifically

of just letting it be in the flow Your actions are automatic living in that state

of knowing Truly living in the state of knowing is a state where things are pure and

simple You are in that supreme positive state where you allow yourself to be in a state of knowing to

open yourself up to the greater aspect because you know what is coming next for you is

pure and unadulterated bliss And you know that in each moment when things show up in the

way they need to will be what is right for you in the moment And it allows

you to flow and the way that you described four us in our civilization because we act off

the idea of excitement much as the BCHAR has spoken of for many years of your time your

of your understanding you as a being If you truly follow through with this particular

thought process you move and interact and allow yourself to be more or less in

the cha state where you may not necessarily be like the channel is in front of you where he

is allowing us to speak through him you are receiving guidance you are receiving understanding

you are receiving all around states of being that are German who being in that state of knowing

living in such a state of existential knowings and openness to what is it's beyond just the idea of

maybe this might happen It's more of the idea you know these things will happen So you

act in accordance the state of knowing is synonymous with the state of action So we would say

to you today that when you know something to be true act on it from a positive place do not

allow these negative things that might be in your background world to stop you from fully experiencing who you are

and what you are be open to the ideas and the ways that you live

and knowing that you receive guidance at all times in all places with all people that you

interact with to know whether you are in or out of alignment all days in all places

and all times Thank you for my notes Oh yeah my notes on action Thank

you very much for this Ethan uh uh last week Um or when when a

moment uh uh a relative moment ago we spoke of uh to give yourself a second chance So

I've given myself a second chance and now I'm free to be in the flow to

be in a state of knowing to allow flow flow Therefore I can act and physical manifest

as uh my thoughts Yes Yes But you're doing that all the time It's more

like the idea if it is a pure instinct that your body and yourself moves in sync

like a dance like pure rhythm where you are allowing yourself to move to the

timing of what is right for you in the moment Yes Thank you OK This is why I

deliver the information and ask you to come from a state of yes where you're open to allowing yourself to

experience things Yes Thank you And I I guess we do live in a state of knowing but

perhaps not so conscious of it or making a point of to always be in a state of knowing Well

if you are coming from a pure state of knowing you don't have to act from it You just

know you are in that pure state of knowing You act from a place of I am

acting on my excitement I am acting on the things that are germane to me

as a person in all times and all places It does not matter what is happening in front

of me I will do it right What is right for me In the moment I will

not act in a negative way towards others I will allow myself to be what is

right for me and others and listen to that internal guidance that shows up in

all times and all places in all situations Thank you Would it be possible for someone to believe

they're in a state of knowing and listening to guidance But actually they listen to another entity or their

ego Yes but that is not truly living in a state of knowing when you come from a place of

belief just pure belief Usually your ego will get in the way when you act from

a place of pure knowing your ego never can and or will be able to

get in the way because it is such a high frequency high such a high

state of being that you do not allow those things because it cannot get in the way of the

trueness and the specificity of what is German to your particular frequency at that moment because you are in sync

with your higher mind and your higher self Yes Thank you I see what you mean I would also imagine

that instead of knowing um you will feel well you will wake up and you need

to you will sleep and you need to you will you not overeat your body will function to

its highest and purest abilities Yes You know it is right for you You do not

allow yourself to be in a state where you overeat many times when people overeat they're coming from

a place of feeling like they lack like they do not have enough to actually

survive So therefore they must get everything they possibly can Thank you Yeah I I would be the

first to admit to to uh going that way that route But this is the

idea of that you think you lack anything in your life that you think you have

to get others to give you things because you don't believe you can manifest it

on your own If you need to have something in your life you will manifest it Thank you But if

you have the understanding and the knowingness that you are enough that you will receive whatever you need

if it doesn't show up in your life because you are in a state of knowing the way you

act you know that everything shows up Exactly When it needs to Not a moment sooner not

a moment later Thank you Ethan At at what point where there are enough of us being in

a state of knowing that the rest of us can can join that The domino

effect takes everyone with them It's not about taking them with you You shift yourself to

a version of earth that more reflects the vibration that you are putting out You are

not taking anyone anywhere I see So in that version there'll be more people in

the state of knowing Yes it remained to that particular reality that you have shifted

into by acting from that particular level of understanding that level of knowing that you are doing everything that you

need to in the moment Thank you like Ethan Um The month of June is

upon us started yesterday and I wanted to know if you would have any message uh for June

for us or comment about the June energies incoming specifically with with with relation to today's subject

of being in a state of knowing as we are on your day of June

the Gemini the idea of the masculine the idea of the feminine the two aspects the two sides

to your being That is what you are being asked to look at at this particular

time in your astrology and energetically you are moving past the state of belief to the idea and the knowingness

of your being of who you are as it applies to your reality in all moments Thank you Yeah Do

you mean that we are uh passing through the ideas of masculine and feminine to

a new idea more embodying them as a pure frequency and a pure knowingness in your essence in your

connection to you and everyone else Thank you That Yeah OK That makes sense Thank you

We would say that all these questions are more along the lines of being in a state of knowing allowing

yourself to live in that frequency that you know what is right for you Yes And being

in a state of knowing means connected to your higher mind Yes Consciously connected to it Yes More of the

idea of integrating that connection having to be more active in your conscious life Yes And and I

would assume from there you could access um higher levels for example the soul group

that you're currently belong to or the social vibrational structure of the the the groups you were part

of Yes that is why we are having these types of interactions to put you in the frequency

when you are constantly in a state where you can connect to that higher aspect of yourself

Our frequency is that into itself we mirror back to you the particular understanding that comes from being

on that level So we are showing you the level of conviction the level of understanding the level

of knowingness as to what it is like living from that particular place It's a particular level of confidence that

comes with it because you know these things to be true Thank you That that's very very

good I I like the word conviction OK I have some questions here if that's

OK Yes OK Mhm OK There's a question from Mary What kind of music can we hear for detoxification

What can you tell me us about music The idea of music in your popular culture is slightly

off frequency It is not quite tuned properly to facilitate a clean connection It was soured in the

past and the standard tuning is just like sour milk it is not quite there per se So the idea

of allowing yourself to move out of the standard tuning to more of a 532 a allowing yourself to fully

sit in a tone a pure essence tone of frequency and allow yourself to be

in that for at least 15 minutes at a time it will detoxify your system it

will drive things to the surface that are hidden So if you are going through the

process of listening to this particular tone this particular type of frequency and allowing it to integrate into

your system those things that pop up when you are in that state and allowing those

particular frequencies to come to the surface you are detoxifying your system But they are

in a place where you need to deal with them because if you do not deal with them they will

still be there even if you listen to it for that lovely time But allow yourself to fully integrate that

part of yourself that you do not quite like about yourself Understand it is part of

you be OK with it Yes the event happened Yes those people were not as nice as they

could have been but know that anything that does come to the surface is there for you to deal

with and integrate Thank you Ethan You're referring to the music being tuned to 532

Hertz Correct Yes II I have seen and listened to music 532 Hertz on youtube Would those would those be

helpful Yes OK You have the ability as a culture as a people with where your

collective is now to be able to actually access this type of information without necessarily need to

buy anything but giving yourself the opportunity to decide if it's right for you Yes absolutely

We we can test or anything we want Yes you just have to have the willingness

to go Look yes Are musical instruments also uh slightly out of tune in in that fashion many of them

not all some of the instruments that you have on today are tuned to the more

I wanted to ask you uh some of the channel links that uh came across

while I was scrolling on the youtube uh speak of uh event And that event will be a sort

of a rolling event where uh the veils uh will be lifted uh for people in various

ways and experiences But they'll be able to basically access their high minds uh freely

and access past or concurrent lives freely and see the the the the greatest uh the greater view of of

the universe as as you reveal to us Yes Is is that something that is happening Is it

is it sort of an event where a lot of people will be affected in a relative short amount

of time or is it just ongoing You're going through the event currently it's being

revealed to you on a case by case patience by a person every moment Remember all these types

of ascensions that you are all going through as a species and as a planet this

is individualized to each person Yes So but individualized to each person you mean that each

person will receive their ascension in slightly different fashion to fit with their lives or belief systems Yes What good

would it be to receive something that's meant for someone else Right But it's not like

that everyone will have the same experience No not at all But why would you why would we why would

you want to receive something that is meant for someone else It is not your

gift It would be like going to Christmas time of your a new world and not and getting what the

toy or the gift that was meant for your dad when you're five years old

I see what you mean Yeah absolutely Um I I guess we're just so used

to uh society where you know everybody gets the same toy from the store everybody watches the same

news So you you always want to know if it's individualized or not each person that is meant to

have an experience of ascension and a connection to their higher self because you can never be disconnected

from your higher self It's just you have defined that particular connection as to be something outside of

your ability to receive allow yourself to receive the gift of your higher self the higher

aspect of yourself the part of you that knows all of what you're supposed to do in your life Thank

you Um I heard about AAA group or race called the TT Are you familiar with them

No OK But if you ask us questions we might be able to deliver information Um Would you be

able to deliver any information about the teak they speaking of remaining in duality unity of galactic civilizations These are

my notes for the tata the particular beings because you have asked the question have opened

up to the idea of letting you know what it is like to live in the galactic civilization

understanding that you are unified that you will not lose your individuality as a person But

know that you belong to a collective and belong to a larger civilization out among the stars Your star family

is there to guide and open you up to more aspects of yourself all of the time and

all of the places in perfect timing That is what they would like to say

Thank you When when I I heard the phrase that they remain in duality does that mean that

they they have a like a um a physical life with an ego but they're also connect to the

high mind at the same time Yes they are still in physical reality but they are also

part of the galactic alliance And would us humans reach that state next or soon But you cannot truly stay

in duality Once you move to that level you will progress quite quickly when you

progress up to that level where you do not see yourself as separate from anything else This is also

coming from a state of knowing because you know that you are not separate from anything

in the reality that you exist in at any moment Right Right Right Can you

even be in a state of knowing if you don't realize that you connected not truly

you are more coming from the state of ego where you do not allow yourself to be

fully integrated Eight thank you Once someone is fully integrated they have access to their own uh concurrent

or past lifetimes This can happen even before you become fully integrated in in in what

way you just need to be more open to the idea that you are connecting to

those things You use your imagination to receive the particular information from other incarnations because

understand it does change from moment to moment But you will always be connected to

the particular lifetimes that are domain to who you are in that moment to what reality you are deciding

you would like to experience what reality is most important for you to shift through every

moment Right I read a book by uh Edgar Casey once and it was called

something like uh you can remember your past lives And he was suggesting a very similar technique

to what you've just said He said to basically to go to a state of

like uh like uh meditation of sort and to imagine an environment where it feels familiar and to explore that

even further whether it's in your imagination or draw it and those things that feel

familiar those are the things to explore further Probably they they come from past concurrent

life life uh times Yes you are familiar with the particular frequency for So it's much

more easy for you to draw on the information from those particular incarnations while they draw on information from you

So when we say thank you And when we say uh someone has a knack for for

example someone who is good with their hands and a good mechanic Yes And and they've

always like that since they're they're young uh Children Does that mean that perhaps in a previous life

time they're also good with their hands in a mechanical kind of way not previous life in another connection

another incarnation they are drawing on the information from that particular lifetime to give them the

ability to have the technical skills that allow them to be a virtuoso as you would say

because they have a pre understanding of how to work with those particular things those particular objects

it's familiar So therefore they are able to just move into having the ability to

do those things Thank you OK Very good So someone who's an engineer uh currently could be concurrently

another type of engineer Yes OK You have the idea of having jobs correct Yes you have the

idea of learning skills from previous employers previous jobs that you have had in the

past Correct Yes same thing You never lose the understanding or skills that you have

in any lifetime You might not necessarily have an aptitude in a particular lifetime that is

not relevant for you to have those skills So therefore you will block yourself from having a particular

pathway that you have had in other lifetimes because you are focusing on something else in this lifetime or another

Thank you I see I see what you mean It's dynamic It is not static as they would

have You believe as I lived 300,000 years in the past I was this space I was this species You

only make those connections in the moment because they are always in the moment to

another incarnation that is relevant for you that you need to experience or connect with or bring skills or information

from Thank you And all these connections still preserve the principle of free will Yes they are other people

They are not you specifically the oversoul can say that is all those people but you specifically are

only for you It is active and in the moment it is not the idea of I was

say this but you cannot you are making a connection to that other person but that other

person is still just that other person is never just you Right Right Right Right Thank

you I have a question for Mary here Yes After the World War One humanity made

a step forward Why was there the Second World War shortly afterwards And after World

War Two humanity didn't make such a path forward You didn't make a big enough step forward after the first

time So another slap was required Yes you are and have been kind of flirting with the idea

of having another world war at this time But this is having trouble manifesting because

no one in your world currently truly wants to have that type of experience again Yeah I I sense it

too I I don't believe we'll have another world war No you won't No But you are moving through these

particular ideas as we have stayed many times to you when you have asked these questions in the

past through past transmissions of the idea of war of destroying everything of going through the idea

of destruction in your world Because you are moving past these particular ideas and moving to

more of a state of connection and peace long term But war itself actually does serve a purpose The

idea of evolution happens quite often more rapidly when you are going through the idea of friction That is what

war is it is helping your civilization to decide whether or not it would like to continue

with the idea of war Yes absolutely So right now you are going through the idea of

friction you are deciding what kind of world you would like to live on What kind of ideas have been

entrenched in your people that you are deciding Would you like to have this on the

world You would love to live on This is where knowing comes in When you know

this is why these things are happening It's giving you a chance to decide for yourself Very good

Thank you And and and I do see already uh quite a bit of talk for the day

after how people want to live their lives And I see a lot of evidence that people

are are um structuring in local communities that can feed uh themselves on small farms and so on

So you can see that direction is is growing quite a bit Yes this is why you have been going

through this very intense dramatic energy for years at this point So you can decide what kind of world

you would like to live in Yes Yes And and we've definitely reached that point that people are talking about

that more probably more than anything else Yes The idea of your politics your governments

you're gonna have to go through a period of trying to decide if the government is there to

serve you or are you there to serve the government That is what these kind of periods are

there for You must be able to build a world that matches the vision that you have in your

mind Be able to come from a place of knowing when you are integrating and also connecting

to others Yes absolutely And and I can see how in a state of knowing uh anything that is

not knowing anything anything that is not that is ego will just fall away that it cannot exist

together with knowing Yes because when you are coming from the state of pure ego

you do not know you come from a state of pure unadulterated negative ego that

needs to control things Because when you are coming from that particular state you don't

know anything you are disconnected from your higher mind So therefore you are like in the dark or

roaming around in a room with a blindfold on you are not fully engaged in

your full being right What would happen And I might have asked this before but we have some

new people here What would happen to those who stay in a state of ego

and separation when more and more of us or most of us are in a state

of knowing those particular people who choose those beings that choose to stay in that particular

state they will shift to a version of earth that matches that vibration and that frequency that they

would like to live in Would we still see them or interact with them You'll see a version of

them But eventually the versions that show up in your reality will be more conducive and

more match the state of being that is in alignment with the particular frequency that you're putting out because

you are moving to higher levels you cannot remain in those particular states that you are

referring to Fine OK Thank you I've got a couple a couple of questions here One question of

NG hello Ethan I'm curious about the former actor Terrence Howard Who claims to have cracked a code

that Pythagoras couldn't or apparently didn't Is there a legitimacy to this to a point He at that level

is actually more coming from a state of ego when he believes he is greater than those that have come

before him that he has figured out all these things that no one else could This is more

coming from the idea of your ego the negative ego the one that decides that it is better than everyone

else because he is small in his understanding because of the way he had been treated

in prior incidences he had to distinguish himself in his connection to show that you have lost

out on what I have to give Thank you You do understand that the idea of

L A is a very egocentric place correct Very much Yes I've been there Well he lives

in this place when you are surrounded by a particular type of energy and the

kind of connection that he is having is very ungrounded in nature because it is coming from a

very egocentric place He is connecting to those particular energies but in a very ungrounded way

So he is not receiving a fully integrated version of that knowledge I see what you mean Interesting

You say that about L A because uh my friends that used to live in L A they all

moved out around 2012 Mhm uh For the same reasons you just mentioned Yes we

do not say these things on accident Of course here's a good one Mary is asking what happens

to the personality and ego When a person dies you move back to your higher mind you shift back

to the oversoul and it returns that particular information in that particular lifetime back into the whole of your oversoul

So thank you So it's as if um if myself or Mary passed or anyone

our essence and knowledge and experience will be stored with the oversoul Yes nothing's ever lost right And

we're not really if everything is concurrent and happening now perhaps only this perspective goes through the death but

it's still there isn't it Yes you never lose anything right Besides when you go into the idea of

non physicality it's not really death as you classically term it in your society and your world you still exist

You just exist in a more fulfilled form that you do not exist in on your current

level All those people that died all those animals that died that transitioned The idea of

death itself It's not real right Um Maybe pet passing is a better term transition transition Thank you much in

the way that me and my civilization transition between the idea of being fully solid and physical to

the idea of being fully in spirits So we are quasi physical right And when when I

transition um that energy is still there correct You are still there right now right OK Very

good Um I have a question here II I believe you mentioned to make these uh more particular

but I'll ask it and and you can comment uh Rico Sigma How many checkers

do I have And is any of them blocked How many chakra do you have

You have the idea of 7 to 13 depending on which system that you are

going with the particular chakra system We would ask if you are having a particular area where you are

feel like you're being blocked whether it be interpersonally whether it is having things not show up feeling disconnected We

would ask these types of information to be delivered in the questions because this would more easily help

us facilitate the delivery of information When we say specifics we mean what do you feel blocked

with Because that will give us a better understanding of how to help you deliver the information to unblock a

particular chakra You all have those chakras all over your body all the time Thank

you Perhaps a few words about what is a chakra A chakra is a particular energy vortex in your

body You have seven major vortexes along the spine from the base of your spine which is

your root chakra which is how you connect to your world to your naval which is your second

Chaka which is how you connect to others and your relationships with others Your solar plexus is

where you gain the idea of manifestation into the world How do you connect How do you create

The idea of your heart is a chakra It is that connection that is unfiltered to your higher

self that brings in energy to your full being That is how the channel is able to

connect with us He makes a heart centered connection that allows us to vibrate together Your

throat is a chakra as well This controls your ability to speak and how you express yourself in your

world Your third eye which has been shown on your money that you're being shown how to focus on

which is why it is on the American money in particular This deals with your vision This

deals with your ability to see what is in your world and see what is

in front of you whether it's a lie or whether it's truth The idea of your crown

chakra the that exists just above your head is how you receive guidance from your higher self at all times

Then if you even move beyond that it's the idea of the galactic chakra It's

how you connect to outer space you connect to the sun you connect to the different parts of the universe

It's how you receive the information from those places Thank you very much for this Yes Anyone can

lie down and relax and focus on their chakras one by one and scan themselves and receive messages

Yes we do not give you information all the time because it may not necessarily be for us to give

when you have the ability to find the information yourself instead of having to go outside

of yourself This is a form of knowing when you know you can connect to who you are and

what you're going through in that moment You don't necessarily need to ask for guidance from outside of yourself when

your body is giving you guidance in that moment Yes very true Um There is something wonderful

and magical in the state in being in a state of knowing because it is magical Um

It it needs no permission based it's based on absolute truth unequivocal truth that you just cannot deny Yes

The idea of in your past religions that you needed a priest to connect to

the divine These are merely beings that have chosen to take on the role But ultimately you as

a being are your priest or your God You are the conduit for your higher self to experience physical

reality Yes absolutely Uh I I will say from a personal experience um perhaps the the greatest

challenge that people are running into myself included is is to let go of the idea that I

need uh permission that I need someone to uh grade me with A or B or whatever

but to trust the heart uh to be in a state of knowing just to

allow all the magic to unfold for me and for everyone around me when you can fully

do this you understand the idea of graduation correct Yes Moving to a new level

Well you're in the graduating class currently you are moving through the idea of karma of

beliefs of energy that has followed you from incarnation to incarnation saying I have not

quite dealt with this particular topic when you know that you can receive the guidance from your higher mind your

higher self and act from that place of knowing you have received it You will

always connect to what you need to connect to in the moment Thank you very much And I I

believe many many of us are in this graduating class and therefore you're here Yes that is

exactly why you are all here currently right That's good Thank you Rico Sigma is

asking Saucer UFO sighting with green lights in Saudi Arabia question mark which civilization question mark That is a

hybrid ship all of the ships that you are seeing around your planet currently that are making mass

appearances in different spots around your world Many times they are allied ships part of

the Federation They are here to help to guide to give you a chance to decide what

it means to you or it could be surveying something it could be o observing a particular environment

that it needs to show up more physically for I see it has it has to materialize in

order to um do do something scan something Yes The ships that materialize or show

themselves um for the purpose not for the purpose of and be skinny but for the

purpose of elevating helping ascension Do they also send some sort of uh energy Oh yes What do

you think we are doing correctly currently Yes Why do you think we are all showing up

here and now Right It it seemed like a preparation Yes It's all preparation until it's

reality Yes It's uh i it to me it feels like it's a preparation It is right now

done on on uh perhaps large scale But it seems to me is a small

scale just because myself and the channel and a handful of people on the on on

on the live right now and perhaps a couple 100 later But but it probably happens over

and over again So many times that we don't notice but perhaps million millions of

people have now been contacted in in such way as we are doing Now your whole world is

being collected not contacted not just humans more than before Yes but you're just observing more

than before because you have more of an observant and you are more on a level where you

can actually observe those ships more openly and easily They were always there They were

just on a higher frequency than you could observe at that time Ok Ok Ok

I see what you mean So we we are we have raised our frequency to the point We we

can once in a while see those ships before we couldn't because our frequency wasn't there

Yes you are at a level now where it's more obvious to you what's already there Right Right

Right It's always there but we can see it now Ok Very good Thank you One of the channels

II I listened to this week spoke of of a a larger sighting event in August Is this something

in particular or just like they're just gonna keep happening It's going to be a large

enough event that it cannot be denied but is not the main event that will spark off

full open contact with us Yes The main event a few years to come I guess

Yes we did say in a previous channel that this event was going to happen in August

around your persad meteor shower Yes you have How how is the meteor shower connected to seeing other

crafts You are at a time and place where many people are looking up to the sky to watch

the show as it were Why not have a mi a mass sighting at the

time It is a a time and place where it is easy to have enough people that see this with

it without being able to be denied on mass Thank you very much OK So I OK so they're

gonna look for the meteor shower and they're gonna see other things as well as some

craft You are not having these types of events that you have been having occurred on accident or

any world Correct Uh Sorry come again you have the idea of the eclipse You have

the idea of the solar storm that brought the northern lights down to lower latitudes You are going to have

another event soon Yes and another one and another one all these events are getting you to look

up and see what's right in front of you in the old types of solar events

Yes From the stars Yes thank you So why not have the stars come down

to meet you in a very positive way Very good Is there anything we could do to prepare

for this uh August meteor shower come in at a very open state and be willing to

understand that what shows up for you if it is a ship is there to

say hi and see if you're ready for more contact be in an open state of knowing of allowing yourself

to be open to receive in whatever form shows up Thank you Would would people um once experience uh

this have instantaneously raise their frequency to perhaps be able to connect with the higher mind

in a way they haven't been able before Remember it's always a case by case basis

each person will have an individualized experience Some will see the fleet coming to take over and some will

see as a friendly neighbor coming to say hi See what you mean You're not

experiencing the exact same reality Remember this Nothing that you're experiencing from one person to

another is exactly the same So it is on a case by case basis Thank you Thank you So

that that's something to look to uh look forward to be ok with what shows up right Thank

you You know um the channel uh texted me uh live in a state of knowing uh earlier

in the week And I said you know I I I'm just gonna try it I'm gonna

be it and I'm gonna be in a state of nervous So I have been uh ever ever since and

it's been a wonderful experience Uh uh things happened absolutely perfectly Yes This is a prime example as to why

the information and the topic was delivered to him at the time So the people who watch this particular transmission

have an example of what it's like to have that Yes everything happens exactly on its own

timing Yes And I guess once you've delivered the title the work begins right away You never stop going through

the process going through the understanding growing changing it may appear like it on the surface that you are

not growing But in all moments you are growing as a being as a soul as a physical human

you are going through these experiences to help you grow to a higher frequency so you can

interact with more beings and more of yourself at all times We do not wish to dominate you in this

sense but we wish to deliver the information that allows your civilization and our civilization to

expand and our understanding of the universe of reality of many different realities because they are infinite

varieties out there for us to explore and for you to explore at all times Thank

you very very much for today Yes Good day Good day