Orbex 4.0 DL Eps 3 Relationship Bar_default
Show Transcripts

In the digital economy Leaders need to cultivate a winning team culture where teams create value even

remotely in a network organization with personal power They lead people with position power they manage work they know

the difference So they manage by head to enforce order and lead by heart to stoke morale They

adapt their leadership style to the work situation They nurture relationships with the right enablers to promote agile teen performance

not individual performance to do it well they hone three critical skills empathy engagement and execution In a previous episode

we learned the four levels of unity experienced by individuals in a relationship We examined the

preconditions of trustworthiness and solidarity needed to grow your work team to unity of spirit

where you can practice the candor and open mindedness of idea meritocracy You now understand the

challenge to make Nan Kubuntu a way of life in your human relationships and see why

it can only be nourished by the shared understanding and commitment of a leader and

all the members of your team In this episode you will learn to reflect on and assess the quality

of your relationships using the Abex 4.0 relationship bar Is your team ready for idea meritocracy to

build your winning team We have a tool that can help you understand idea meritocracy You can become an

expert in idea meritocracy We call it the orb es relationship bar It is a tool that will

help you appreciate the dynamic of your team's growth from one level of unity to the next You can

use it as an assessment tool to measure how ideas are shared or not shared in your team Do you

and your members actually listen to each other Are you sincerely interested in What a team

member has to say Does the team climate encourage passionate debate Do members dare to openly

disagree with your team leader How hard or how easy is it for your team to reach sincere consensus

Where is your team on the journey to mong the journey to Ubuntu that state of mind where you

can practice and nourish idea meritocracy with the Abex relationship bar You can spur your team

to strive for five later You will see what I mean to strive for relationship excellence Our

field research has created the orbs relationship bar It is a very simple way of tracking the

growth of your team when it is understood and used by the whole team The energy of purpose kicks

in that energy will come from your shared desire to strive for excellence when used by

all the teams in the company a culture that strives for excellence is cultivated The

Bar has five lines Each line has a number that represents the level of unity in a relationship The

numbers 2 to 5 represent the four levels of unity that we discussed earlier Solidarity The highest level of

unity needed to practice idea meritocracy is represented by the number five But the bar

also has the number one It represents a strained relationship What does the world say about the abc's philosophy for

winning teams Let's ask Google the global search engine did research with 180 of their

own teams called Project Aristotle in 2012 This is what they found for sustainable performance It is more important

to build collective capabilities than to form a group composed of super talents That's what they

found a continuously high performing team what we call a winning team nurtures unwritten norms that

direct the behavior They found five key factors for success Number one psychological safety the team can open up

to each other Number two dependability the team can count on each other Number three structure and clarity they

know what needs to be done how and what for number four a meaning of work

they found personal satisfaction in their work together And last number five the impact of work they felt that

their work the team's work was relevant and valuable project Aristotle confirmed our decades of research on

winning teams How can you use the orb E relationship bar to build your winning team And

how can your company use it to build a winning team culture use the AEX Relationship bar to bring everyone

on the same page A shared understanding of organizational agility It is the collective ability of winning teams to do

the right thing in the right way with speed and flexibility and state is solidarity

The way to get there is with unity of spirit The psychological climate to nourish is idea meritocracy Yaks

relationship bar shows a spectrum The levels of unity that people experience human relationships are easier to understand when we

see them in terms of the ability to practice idea merit talkers rejection and hostility are counterproductive For mature adults

who have opposing ideas There is no place for them in an agile organization instead strive for five

adhesive relationships are driven only by convenience temporary gain or advantage even expedience like an adhesive

strip that is discarded after it is used transactions are triggered mainly by opportunity winning teams nurture On

the other hand cohesive relationships cohesive relationships are made possible by the unity of spirit The interest

of the team outweighs personal interests mong dissolves inertia from silo behavior A winning team is an agile team that

finds the best idea and executes it with speed and flexibility Stride for five means Moon Ubuntu In this

episode you learn to reflect on assess and track growth of the quality of your relationships

using the orb X 4.0 relationship bar your team can use this simple tool to stoke the

energy of shared purpose When used by all your teams to strive for five your

company will cultivate a corporate culture that strives for excellence In the next episode you will learn the four

stages of team development that correspond to the levels of effectiveness or success that your team can achieve depending on

the written and unwritten norms that you cultivate