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    Hello and welcome in this video I will teach you how to make your own

    sales funnel on JV Zoo It's an easy process Just a matter of placing all

    your uploaded products on JV Zoo and structuring them to form a sales funnel real basic stuff So let's

    get into it Just hover your cursor on the top menu here on the sales button A

    drop down menu will appear and just click on the second button which is the

    sales funnel button and wait for it to load when it's done It will bring you to this

    page then you just click on the add a sales funnel button here on the right side of the page

    But in my case I've already created one and I'm just going to click on it Another drop down will

    appear on the right side you can click on that This is the front end

    product menu where you can choose a front end product that you've already uploaded on JV Zoo

    for this video I'm going to click one at random then click on save proceed It will bring you

    to this page as you can see this is the name of your sales funnel and this is your front

    end product You can just click on your front end product Drop down menu and

    choose your front end product again Below it is a flow chart This flow chart represents

    your sales funnel The green box over here represents the Upsell and the red box represents the down cell when

    you want to upload your first Upsell Just go to the menu down here at the

    bottom of the page right next to the front end product you can see over here just click on the

    drop down menu and you pick one of your products to be your first Upsell

    I'm going to pick one at random and click on add and proceed There you go You have your first

    up sell over here As for your first down cell it's right next to your Upsell

    menu which is here Just click on the drop down menu and then you pick your

    first down cell I'm picking one at random then click on add just the same procedure as the Upsell

    and there you have it your first up sell and your first down cell So if

    you want to insert more products into your funnel you can do so down here just the same way

    as we did for the previous boxes that you may not want to exhaust your customers

    by bringing them through the sales funnel for too long and making them feel as if they're in an endless

    sales loop It is the same procedure to upload the other products to your sales

    funnel when you've done with the upload for your product just click on save proceed wait for the

    page to load there you have it your sales funnel is done