What's going on with good people Now if you know anything about me you know that Iam an avid believer in continuing education and continuing to learn to improve and to better yourself butnot just necessarily from the perspective of traditional education I'm a believer in nonconventional education When it comes toinvesting in myself books seminars I still go to things just to be open to other ideas Andeven though I've developed my own internal processes and systems based off of data I don't knoweverything And so I'm always open to testing different things and a lot of that testing forms withan idea and developing a thesis And so some of the ideas that you can get from books especiallymarketing books And when when you see things executed at a high level it's a really good way to approachthings So uh I just made an investment in a few books and I'm actuallygonna open up and share with you uh a couple of the books that they they justcame in So I'm pretty pretty excited about this because I will consume these books and I will develop someidea from them And then I will take it and have my team implement to test to see what canwe actually use not only to help what we do with internally but also how we canhelp our clients Because one of the things that we do especially when I have new ideasand things like that is I like to test it myself whether it be anew traffic strategy new fun strategy whatever the case may be we'll do it internallyand if we see that it does perform then we will implement it for ourclients as well So my first book that I purchased and this is ironic it's the new bookfrom Mr Russell Ruxin called the Lynch Pig So the whole purpose behind this isthe new way to run funnels and and not just you know traditional marketing funnels this isthe whole process and this is really based on building recurring revenue And and obviously I'm a bigbeliever in that especially as an owner of a Sass agency developing and building recurring revenue So I'm gonnago through this and extract it I'm familiar with the idea behind it but there isa deep dive that goes into how to properly execute So I'm going to be reviewing this And ironicallythis book actually came out about a week before probably one of the the biggest book launches that's happenedin a parking space in quite some time So this is a it's paperback It's nota hard book it's very very well done I mean the graphics you know wrestling the teamover click P they always do a really good job with their content So I like it Looking forwardto going through it now up next and by the way unboxing I'm literally likeopening these boxes because these came straight from the mail house All right here we go So second book asyou guessed it $100 million leaves by Mr Alex for Mosi Now if you actually participatedin this launch meeting that you actually watched and seen it it was like one it was one of thedopest probably one of the dopest launches I've ever seen you know regardless of whether fora book launch or anything just the way that it was promoted And I think it was reallyflawlessly executed because of the demonstrability of what is actually being taught in the bookbecause everything that he talks about in the book and in the trading he implemented as part of the actuallaunch strategy which I thought was actually brilliant Now as someone that's been in the marketing game fora long time I'm very familiar with a lot of the concepts But again itdoes not take you to learn a whole new thing A lot of times especially when you're experienced itjust takes one little I get one little piece of information that can have a significant impacton how you run traffic on how you position your offers on how you present your information That's gonna makehuge huge difference So I'm excited to go through this I actually already went through the coursethat came along with this book So I'm excited to actually read the book can gothrough um you know all the different illustrations the concepts and and just see how or reallysee what I can adopt to implement within my own business So those are the twobooks I wanted to share that share that with you because I thought it was really coolwhen they both came back to back This one came out a week before and then this one cameout So I will be doing some reading this weekend And then more importantly I'll begin to executebecause one of the biggest things about learning information where I think a lot of people fall shortin the online space is that because there is so much information people are always in data gathering modeand never in implementation mode And so probably one of the things that I've beenable to do well is that I consume information but I don't try to do itall I try to identify the one thing that I think will have the drama the mosthighest impact with the least amount of effort required That is also gonna give methe highest return on investment and return on time OK So if you approach your consumption of information that wayto identify one key thing that's gonna give you the highest return on investment the highest return on timewith the least amount of effort It's a great way to actually implement the information that you learnand get a ro i exponentially fast And then you can look at how you can implement some ofthe other things So I hope you enjoyed this Go out there crush it and I'll talkto you soon Take care