Acts Introduction and Chapter 1
In the introduction, we discuss who wrote the Book and Acts? When was it written and for what reason? There is a very specific reason for it, and we will look closely into it. Then in Chapter 1, Jesus gathers the apostles are gathered together to meet with Him. Before He ascends, He commands them to stay in Jerusalem until they receive what was promised, that being the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. And since Judas was no longer with them, will they remain the eleven? We will look into all this in Chapter 1.
In the introduction, we discuss who wrote the Book and Acts? When was it written and for what reason? There is a very specific reason for it, and we will look closely into it. Then in Chapter 1, Jesus gathers the apostles are gathered together to meet with Him. Before He ascends, He commands them to stay in Jerusalem until they receive what was promised, that being the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. And since Judas was no longer with them, will they remain the eleven? We will look into all this in Chapter 1.
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