LME 2022-01-09 at 2.22.35 PM
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    launches So it's compelling You know we're trying to show uh trying to show from the from

    the book are real it's a real case study or real breakdown of the model a

    proven system that works whether it's 567 you know whether it's a 567 figure eight more actually

    or all of those to use is versatile Move on and go you know repeated there's a hidden

    secret hmm you know and again you've got you know uh payments through there again to reinforce uh you

    know if you're not currently making money like this on and so forth And even if somebody look even

    you know even for example join the pandemic you know people say well it could pandemic and

    this from one and 2020 because in that I wonder what is happening now People say of

    course they were company right You can have any 1/5 What do you say 1/5 of all You

    know it you talk for one second and four second I will try to speak So you

    know it's nice to meet you Okay Yeah I guess it will come in and out and okay

    So there was another let's double this What do you think about the even the month e to look with

    christmas christmas christmas money Again some of these camping advertisement right Things like scribble and so

    on and so forth So um you know this is you could say this is just one third of the

    actual amount or one you know it was it makes a lot more than you've got expenses and so

    on and so forth But it's not bad right So everything in the book or even

    the training it's proven all of this stuff is real This is the thing that

    would reinforce it But sometimes people because if you don't if you don't show the screenshots or the

    proof sometimes people are is it really real and so on and so forth So again stops you know you're

    getting somebody stopped blah blah blah you know the same structure anywhere I'll skim through

    Okay there's an image of the book going through Again remember bearing in mind this page was compelled or it

    was set up to sell a shipping offer shipping shipping off a huge win you get dollars whatever And then

    within the book not semi or and some of it's the biggest vendors or affiliates

    on JV zoo including the ceo of J Zoo herself So I got case studies are

    compiled in right So there's the case studies are also in the book You know paul

    and Sid are in their names like maybe gene Joshua Zamora uh you're john Thornhill

    Jamie Lewis you know Abby Abby Abby you've got his products in there as well Todd rose

    and so on and so forth So again the book again who this book is for so on and so

    forth Uh and you know another So what's the catch why you're giving us a big way work for

    free So he said there was no catch and there was it was actually saying look it's free Just pay

    for shipping and handling Um I want and all I did doesn't want to blurt it out instead of me

    sitting on it I put it out myself I thought you know what Let me just

    go do it Even if sometimes you can hold yourself back then and read it I'm not gonna talk about

    trying to wait something Just stick gathering dust Do a blanket out Ariana and then

    it didn't and so on But this is like get priority notification when it's released rest your copy

    Again there's a theme of the policing theme and they arrested your copy as soon as they're released without

    charge So sometimes depending on what you're doing incorporate a theme around it Maybe it could be something within

    your something current Mm hmm The people or something like that Old man your mom or

    whatever Uh and so forth And then again about just educating positioning for example So

    that pages okay not bad It's okay Yes headline Again it's trying to figure out text What's

    the best form So these are the things that sometimes you can waste time you know how do I do

    this How do I do that blah blah blah And it can be frustrating Very frustrating You know

    you're spending time tweaking and stuff Very frustrating So next now um Let me do the main one

    Let me see if this is the updated version Okay so this was another version So

    this is now the update now we're evolving Excellent Okay That's the old ones I'm sure I want to

    show you the evolution of it how how beautiful beautiful week So now now again

    slight change of color but this headline now I've taken it obvious essentially That is

    correct This hair is yes It's now taken down below I'm going to the because I it's for testing here

    So before his arrest your copy instead of using claim your free copy so I can but you know

    in and what will be my you refused to get the test another you can see

    the button do the ability right in certain things like this The top is red and the button is the

    mixture of red and blue police in colors So these are other things that I've incorporated Right Um if

    I scroll down now again another position tour would be Hey here's an image from where

    it's the it's the best seller from amazon There's some more weather you know different countries and stuff I

    thought let me just put the one that's their right It goes into the car with somebody Wood is

    a great screen will shine Yeah What you got plans onto your page Its conversion Each

    is at least to be prepared The top section Somebody somebody shouldn't be scrolling down to see your

    video I can't so it should be in the first section that it's visible That's the main thing Yes

    now the first section that video is visible Mm hmm It's the being around I haven't

    but it can be will allow you to watch the video You stop I think it's

    their attention So on a sofa Okay Oh that's that's fine And now what I will be doing

    today is on this video is I will be creating a much better video for this you know with

    the book so on and so forth I do have some videos that I made that I showed you

    a week ago but I will make something more more current We use towards now let's skip this

    is the version of take a look at people that are doing off of shipping right So there's there

    are books out there You can go do research and you know I went and done research

    I had to look around kind of scene click funnels have expert secrets traffic secrets You've got you know sell

    like crazy books things that you know so on and so forth I'll give you an

    ideal or you can kind of ate your your pants Mhm Um you don't have it doesn't have to be

    locked to be simple and Alex this is actually so here evolved version of of

    the the in the book Right So again I had to I really looked at and

    went back to the headline and I changed everything around Right But again it was you know an

    evolution from it So straight away I've got amazon at the top Now I've got their logo the whole thing

    Number one Number one best selling All right wow that's pretty headline I'm sure this will be let

    me know your feedback You would think if you will come for the first don't be biased don't think you

    want to be honest No problem Right But two things to what the secrets to million dollar

    product launches There's a question mark is opening questions So then we got in commas ex police officer

    reveals how anyone can get paid by turning their hobby passion interest or expertise There's an

    escape that is great Exactly Single skill So how did that hurt That's great I

    like this very much And this this is a beautiful thing I like that That video is moving by

    the way So the video the video will uh the video will need to be slightly changed So it will

    be me behind the computer basically it is but it needs to be talking about

    the book So on and so forth So quick to three minute video And I could

    essentially at the end of that video put the book there this video there there's a little

    ending to it So like this It would look like something like this basically Okay so

    that's that's like a 15 minute video there You don't you don't want a 15 minute video Trust me

    Okay now that that's in place All right Let me just let me just pause

    this right So can you see that's how it started It was playing itself So click funnels or

    you know they have a sense where they can do it And most page bills will allow you to do

    that Now you know by the way just this screen grab right here This this frame

    that we're looking at It's really helpful to me uh in comparison to the first version in other words where

    there is that the player and and here's the two of you you know the two sides of of ali

    um and and then then then it's that I feel like I would have missed the video because of the

    you know I'm seeing the gestalt of everything on your first page And this is the most

    important please I mean when somebody lands on your pages it's very important within the you know

    the first couple of seconds number one page load speed right Like even for launches

    you have to make sure you optimize your page that you don't have certain things

    on there that are going to slow down the speed in which the page loads But also so

    I can kind of explain how important even the video to load people don't realize like video

    plans on the video I know you've been through this before and then they're waiting for the video to

    load your attention is gonna buy them Mm hmm So I did johnny How are you Are you

    are you at the office No actually I'm sitting on the patio watching the golf course Oh

    I thought that people there are blurred Let's see somebody Alright As long as you know

    no one can see these secret pages because no one's seen these baskets So keep

    them if you can please Oh no I'm sitting on my patio watching the golf course and

    I just have a background Is there a video playing in your back Yeah It's part of it's

    part of my my virtual background that nick nick told me about there's a chap

    behind you that keeps looking over Oh really Just your imagination Fantastic Okay So um yeah So I mean there's

    I you know there's a lot on this screen I get it with the images and stuff It should be

    something that pops and it grabs your attention right But again you know with the

    headline and stuff Yes we can make a shorter page So I will What I will do it

    again if I go down Yes They've got the other components I kind of want to

    mention something just that It's not that you have the video start right away which will slow it to

    death Um you know that's just no way to start a page And it's annoying too But that phrase freeze

    frame of you in between yourself It really tells the story of what we're about to hear and instead

    of being like a symbolic kind of you know that's that's a very good point And I'll tell you a

    little point about that which is very very important But before we I come back to

    that let me show you before I close this down Okay so again click funnels

    it's a nice pop up It would be criminal if you left without your free pizza Right So again

    you could just create this and then you just want to make sure that if somebody is deciding to

    leave whatever reading that you're trying to engage that person You're trying to maximize each person

    that visits your page You don't want to lose them and you again that you saw

    the plain words right now we're coming back to this point So yes you're right now

    we've got an issue here Like if somebody comes to this page and that video is technically playing

    we wanted to play we wanted to grab their attention and what you don't realize you have to click the

    video in order to hear the sound So what I will do before before I get into the crux

    of it I will call record a small section that says click press play like a little video

    press play turn the volume up sound up before it starts So you know maybe it's

    three seconds or five seconds but that will be very very important to make sure

    that they hey you press play Alternatively I can put a red bar like this

    just above the video Mhm That says hey turn on the sound Mhm No I would have

    to make another red bar gym and put it above I can just put it as

    a thumbnail on the video Okay I could make a thumbnail specific on and so forth

    So going down that's got the existing copy there that's fine That's a great shot

    of you by the way That's all the same Oh this is this is another thing because it's a bit

    of a long for being if somebody comes all the way here I want to make sure

    I'm maximizing the person to opt in I don't want to waste their time getting

    them to scroll all the way back up So I put that there to say hey

    come and opt in and then again if somebody's just scrolled all the way to the bottom they can

    go opt in again you know what they want Right So um alright now when

    somebody does opt in generally if it was if it was the longer route I could

    do a double opt in but if we're going to use traffic for example it's going

    to be you know how do we maximize the least path of resistance So single opt in essentially somebody opposite

    they get the book kind of know the audiences after they are after learning how they can work from home

    or make an income from Lion So we already kind of know this is our natural

    this is the person that is interested in it As long as the the content or the need to

    use or the ad essentially is used Um that person opting in its specific right

    That's what we're aiming for Again that something is going to be cold traffic we would say

    But as soon as somebody obstinate go to a thank you page Right And the thank you

    page is easy If I can find it Okay okay here it goes Now again

    give me your feedback what you think This is a pre cut No this is

    a kind of simulated perception of a webinar traditionally Yes you would have ever Webinar or

    something like that to opt in But to make this the least difficult And again this is for

    testing purposes that somebody comes and watch the video But there's a kind of perception that the webinar

    is in progress Do not close the window or the presentation to the end First

    of all you're gonna see there's a hint Hey congratulations Please check your inbox after watching this important video below

    and we'll come back to that in just a moment But I positioned it as a free secret

    bonus So with the book I'm giving you a secret bonus This training right So if you're giving

    your book amongst somebody opposite essentially you can give them you know the demonstration You

    give them a short video explaining you know you're talking about talking about the potential of crane

    and online business you know the pros and cons the whole model cranium products Um basically some

    of the steps you know what we've got in LME or even the book you

    can see the structure These are some of the things that you would talk about So again I

    come up with the headline look the secret 67 figure launch model worth 997 Yeah I

    think it's worth more But I am trying to give a hint to somebody I'm

    trying to um get the user to understand that this training is very valuable Don't

    underestimate it because uh it's free If I don't mention it If I mention yeah if it's free

    somebody won't appreciate it If I put a value on their generally you would understand So again I've gone

    for the angle former police officer reveals secret method used to generate you know $49,002 million launches online

    in just seven days And again how anyone can use the exact approval at all um etcetera etcetera

    all from home So now you've got the video there I don't think I've got the video have

    I got the video up there Okay so there is a video up there But what I

    need to do with this video I need to create a small introduction to it To say

    Hey thank you for getting the book watch this video first and then your book

    will come to your inbox in about 20 minutes or whatever it is Make sure

    you check out this free bonus especially if you're somebody that was clearly you want to build

    a business online and you need to make sure you go and watch this completely free training right now

    before it is removed it's only gonna be up for a limited time So watch this free training which removed

    and there's sold off somewhere else And then you've got to get access Now now that would be enough

    This is the size of the page Right Pretty much pretty much of this This thank you Pay

    Yeah I mean the screen you're viewing it and is much bigger It's like 27"

    So on a smaller screen it might be a bit smaller but this is how

    it would look essentially So this is constricted I see the way it's on your screen All

    right That's exactly how it looks Sorry Sorry I'm sorry So this is above the fold Right What

    do you mean Well you know the above the fold they say that try to keep

    all the important information in viewing viewing site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% So somebody lands this somebody

    lands on this page again trying to I've tried to be careful of the headline and the size of

    the headline trying to keep keep it in line with the video because sometimes you know you've got

    a lot of text step Is it distracting to the end of users Are they

    reading so much that they forget there's a video there Right So this may be a case of

    again testing or creating a variation of this page for blacks but I'm hoping again it's a

    freezing homes worth X amount Like somebody's purchased something that's this This is like their thank you page Right

    You would want the instructions of the information because somebody's taking time to come here and as long as the

    paper it's nice I like small little tweaks done you know simple page I think it looks quite compelling that

    it's engaging So one thing you won't realize with this page if I refresh this hopefully it doesn't

    refresh because again we're on here Can you see um Alright forget this blue bottom but can

    you see there's nothing else there there was nothing else there So what I did just

    for a short time I'm going to extend this there's a timer on the button there's a timer

    so I won't reveal the button and the rest of the content until maybe 15 20 minutes into

    the presentation where it says hey go get access blah blah blah Okay That way I'm not getting anybody

    from scrolling around having a look being distracted going looking at the offer before they've been kind of warmed up

    to it Right So that is again another way of testing it Um so go

    get access for $1 now What makes it more compelling And again this was something that again it

    could be tested you could add it you don't have to add it I thought you know

    what if you're going to be done properly it would be nice to get some reviews and testimonials on their

    right Everybody wants to see kind of some kind of social proof So again you you're

    probably sorry johnny you've got your hand up Yeah I have a question I figured it's a lot easier to

    raise my hand as opposed to interrupting you Um so I see that you're using a color scheme

    here Is this the hex that mark had given us a couple of weeks back Uh no

    uh color scheme you can use obviously different colors but I've done register for attention grabbing like a warning

    You know it's full alert No the one that says number one support questions from customers that um

    that banner oh this this gold banner So I've done this in line with the theme

    of gold Like that premium luxury fuel I got you I like it That's why I

    commented I like it Yeah I mean just because sometimes actually people use different colors So

    you've got that kind of link you know with gold in the premium and the

    field and you know it just it just feels like it feels rich in a sense is

    excellent And what page builder are you using Holly click funnels funnels So you know what you're

    right but sometimes you make with what you have So if I went and got something

    else and then you know my friends got a convertible for example he says it's amazing But

    you know what I've got it I've done and it it's very easy for me

    to go use it because I under I understand the p makes sense Got it Thank you again Alright

    so coming down now I think this is gonna sound like this is gonna you're gonna I think

    it's gonna be a bit crazy when I show you But now these are all I thought

    let me do something crazy right And let me add all of you know you know put some

    reviews and testimonies but I found a considerable amount of testimonials reviews and I just basically I just backed

    it up and I've tried to clean it up at the border around it So

    you can see if somebody comes and watches and then it's just never ending Yeah Never ending

    Right Never ending And you know and also you've got all these videos as well

    right And then you've got the nice graphic here your last chance as well as people

    again people are going to come you know all the way down Yeah okay it's a dollar another and even

    the image you can make clickable So there's nothing stopping you from making images clickable to your links

    And I found I tested this in as well emails for example So if you're sending an

    email out for example and you put images in there and I've done this actually with lemmy the images you

    could click and it will redirect towards you know the member logging or whatever it

    may be But I've done this for affiliate promos in the past right Where people you know people click

    images I don't know what it is They do click images So you want those click

    images to be clickable to wherever you want Yeah And then again scrolling down Yes

    I took this from the sales page Nice and easy Get access now and again there's you know just

    a nice end to it and that's it Right Okay So there's there's a there's

    a lot of social proof There's a lot of evidence around it Great reviews testimonials and it's all in

    that one page Right Also gone johnny johnny It's like you're doing a spot you know well you know in

    the military I'm sure you're a police officer you understand what those signals mean You do a quick question for

    you I hope it's easy man Yeah So you were you were doing using these scroll

    testimonials and everything Um and these are testimonials you said from LME Okay So well I've done some

    reviews and testimonials meaning I could sometimes you can put there there's a mixture there's a

    large portion from LME and there's also some existing ones I've got from other people

    So I put some reviews and testimonials but a majority of them that you see the bulk of

    them you can see LME LME all throughout them Sometimes you can also mention what others are saying

    about ali's products services or training and that will cover everything So again that was just

    something that I put together I could I could technically change it but when people go through

    it they're not really going to read all of them if I'm honest it's just there

    there will be just too much to go through but people can see that you

    know it's a real thing and it just gives you you know hey look I love the

    design and everything One other question how do you how are you with your with your images How do

    you keep google from when you scroll over it from saN Pinterest Like saving Pinterest or open and Pinterest

    How do you get your images from um without having that how can I say that hot

    spot over the image Uh as far as I'm aware click followers they don't there's

    no link in there unless you're talking about meta tagging where you tag your page and

    you make it open to the search engines or no no no I'm just saying

    that like in a lot of these launches that are out there you like you really want to click on

    that click on it because it has like a play button but then it shows you that it's a

    it's a Pinterest image up on the left hand corner of the image and then it's got like

    a search bar or or a lens on the right hand side of the screen Is that what you

    want to do You want to stop somebody from doing that I want to stop somebody

    from doing that Um again that would be it's like you know you get those DcM a takedown notices

    or copyright infringements and things like this but remember this isn't gonna be launched its gonna be done quietly

    So even if somebody takes that image why would the they do whatever they want

    with it they will be unable to promote because I haven't approved them unless it's

    somebody approved So that that layer of protection that no one's really gonna abuse it if that makes sense So

    that that's one good thing you know But yes if it was if it was if

    it was a launch launch people go crazy they take all the boxes all the

    material and all of this and they go plaster everywhere just for the back links and all of this

    we don't have that issue here It's done quietly This is all private Is that because you have done

    a membership site is that because you have it on a membership site Um Yes it's that even

    the pages all hidden or all the all the links and how to get and you have to

    be approved for it even those boxes you know it's not available No one no one's even aware

    of it Okay so the source code is not available I got it Yeah so

    that's the good thing If it was like normal launches you get you get hundreds and you know you

    might have 500 people signed up thousands and if every single one of them is doing

    that this of course you can have these headaches of people building review bonus pages patriotic or instagram then you

    kind of get lost in your needle in the haystack So I think the way this has evolved and

    I think it's good that it stays unsaturated that people have to you know when they get in

    they have to be approved if anyone abuses it and they get kicked out and when

    it grows to a certain number if there's about 500 people or maybe 1000 people gets that point then you

    have to pay to play then you have to pay for the license because it's unfair Otherwise Mhm

    Okay so when somebody ops in how did they get their book I think the

    last stage was to build an opt in and this again I was proud of this one

    Right This video needs to be made but look congratulations download your free copy below and access your free

    bonus training videos So this video is uh in the follow up sequence as soon as somebody

    hops in there should be set whether it's delayed so they will get their book but there has to be

    some follow up in place and determined by maybe in an hour or two hours

    or whatever it is they will get their book Right So your next steps now now you're gonna

    make it clear Very very importantly we're not sometimes you have to give instructions you can

    call it your next ex steps you can take your next your these are your instructions

    Step one watch the video below So this video will stay here and you know thank you for getting the

    book This is how you go download it blah blah blah It will give you them what

    to do to and there's a step three which I will mention just a moment Very important Right

    Step one There you go click click to download And there's a couple of which is congratulations your exclusive copy

    that they get nice and clean that they get and check this Step two Now watch your free exclusive training

    video So what have I done here I'm redirecting them I want them to go watch

    that video again if they haven't already Alternatively I could make a duplicate of this page and I could

    embed that video on this page as well But my reasoning at this moment in

    time of not to do that is I want them to see those testimonials on that page

    That full heat that social proof Okay so again we've got you know step to go watch that video again

    This is a gift you can do this in video it gives you a snapshot and

    that can be applicable to redirect to go watch the book Why despairing minutes This stuff you can clean up

    but you want to have a little bit you know you don't have to but a nice time

    I just adds that ecological scarcity thing alright where people think oh you know it's only going to be

    available for the next 5 10 minutes or hours or whatever it may be Right And then again there's

    a bit of positioning again over nine years worth of experience and multiple award winning million

    dollar product launches and you know I've got images from JV Zoo a product of

    the day Um even pixel shoot for 77 days number one pixel doodle maker sometimes some days and elements So

    there's a lot of proof right Yeah yeah So you kind of want to say look you know we're

    not messing around here this is the big whammy again click here to access your bonus Now that will redirect

    them to the video because if somebody you know you you can't complain that you're getting a free

    bonus you're gonna go check it out right And again step three connect with me come

    and come you know connect with me and whether on facebook instagram so you can see

    I'm a real person you can see what I'm up to Alright so there's that engagement

    you know even if you don't buy let's have a relationship Yeah maybe down the line you may

    you may actually convert into a customer of mine or we have a relationship in some way

    shape or form So don't because someone doesn't buy just don't discard somebody or say somebody

    buys all the refund Don't be rude about it Don't be like well I'm not going to deal

    with you anymore No be be professional but be jovial because you never know that person may come back some

    other point you know so they may come in the future they may re engage as a customer or more

    importantly uh impressions can they may then go talk amazingly about your people right Unfortunately you know today I

    came across somebody making a post and again I don't want to get sucked into that But

    yeah it was you know a vendor making a complaint about a customer and it was

    you know they're using profanity they they're using you know they're showing the email they

    sent to this customer and it was it was shocking I mean it's really shocking when they're telling them you

    know their hand in a certain profit about you don't come on I get it If you're

    gonna do it go do it what you gotta do You know your other customers may see this

    and it just shows like the thinking sometimes behind I get sometimes you can't please everyone and people do get

    upset Some people are just gonna complain or causing problems but you don't need to

    go to that level and then make a joke about it anyway Because then there's other people you know they

    may see it and they may want they may lose respect of you indirectly It's like you know if you

    spit in the wind sometimes it can come back to your face again Uh a little ending of it So

    these things they look straight forward and simple to create but they take time They really

    do take time And I think this this page probably took me maybe about if

    I really think about it forget planning maybe about six hours seven hours Yeah it could be because of

    your that would take me a whole month I tell you why because I'll tell

    you I'll tell you I'll tell you one of the secrets as well because I'm already I'm going to be

    a bit creative I want to look at the background and I put color I'm looking at

    the text font I'm looking at what can I do with this You know what position and I'm

    thinking about how do I what do I want to add on the page What's going to

    be important Maybe maybe all of this stuff may be distracted maybe it takes longer But I'm

    I'm I'm thinking that this can also be in the follow up sequence you know Yeah Now one

    way again You know what johnny said sometimes Yes it does take time Right I get it Okay if I

    go here test Let's just put 01 and I'll kind of show you just I'll do

    this Probably it's gonna be a thank you Page dr Mhm Let's see if this does allude on

    the core band width must be dying Got a couple of people in the sand trap look at

    this Mhm Look at this We got a couple of people in the sand trap Oh my

    gosh I hope she gets out Don't worry stairs there that's why it refreshes your best friend

    Hey there you go So so I mean they've got some lovely they they have a look I was gonna

    say lovely pages and they're they're okay They they've got they've got to start that's the question do

    they convert that is the question I think some of them are just probably you know put together

    and you know they're all right now Here you go You know I mean they

    just don't get me wrong there are pages like you used to come here and so on

    and so forth But I kind of want to show thank you where did I go I went to the

    sales speech let's have a look It was one of these years Okay check this out right

    this is the template I used so I remodeled it I see I see what you think So

    this page here is that page Thank you So if I went to preview oh no I don't

    want to go to preview I want to select this template So if johnny goes

    it's gonna take a month for you it will take you a month if you like you know what

    it's gonna take me a day or two days it will be right Um if you say

    it if you say an hour thank you thank you for thinking forward for me oh

    don't call me johnny for nothing So you know what if you stay you know

    when somebody's created uh option pitch Thank you Each you know whatever sequence final it is

    relatively straightforward and simple What the variant your time is just planning that's all it

    is where majority of time is planning and and the content creation part of it it

    could take for example if it took me a week to put these pages together it

    might take me a week of planning and prep prep work right But if I sit

    down and I'm on it I have my red bull and my PepSI right and not a

    monster Yeah You know I got more teasers and my what's called M and M

    S I had a little book with them I was like this you know I'm going to

    get this stuff done and I've done it Nick has his Martini so he's on it

    too Yeah we can we can get a crappy version done in 15-30 minutes and

    then two days later I'm working on it a little bit and working a little bit and yes two weeks

    to get something ingredients So my aspect was I my aspect was I'm not worried about everything done completely One

    of those I will just link this is one thing that I knew the amount of headaches these

    are sometimes But then I thought you know what what was one thing that means

    like oh you know editing testimonials or editing graphics where do I find them from

    Which folders are they in And it was exhausting my head just you know then I've

    got videos to do I got this I thought you know and I'll tell you what

    was the one of the biggest headaches was it was the headline What headline do I you know I'm happy

    with this headline and you know if you're going to be doing ads or you're gonna be running traffic

    whatever it may be if you don't at least do your it doesn't need to be because that's what will

    mess you up if you actually put it in even if it takes a couple

    hours come up with a nice hairline or whatever it is and then you know you've done your job Hey

    that's the best I can do Let me not overcook it I won't know until it's out there

    and that's the main thing right And then when I started I chipped away a little

    bit I thought okay we're making progress Now one page got done then there's the you know one page got

    done and the second page got done and when you start to see it kind of coming to life Yeah

    alright now now we're kind of we're nearly there now in terms of this let's see

    did this open I don't think you open actually I think there's an internal error Yeah Hey okay so well

    let's let's let's hope it does load and this is in click funnels that you're this

    isn't click funnels right You know some of this stuff even this look I'm looking for

    a few more or the way that the way the alignment is all the grammar the front of the

    text you know I was gonna I was manually myself in one of these pages

    where is it going to hear some of it was used in there and then I I thought you

    were the logo there because I actually like they're all the structure from it so why wouldn't I use

    it right Um and it's really nice I mean again a lot of this stuff you can

    play around with you you could even delete this for example and you put your image in there you put

    your video in there Mhm And I'll tell you another interesting thing see what it says Either benefit

    have used this but you know I thought I didn't need it So for example if I move this I

    could just move this stuff up I put it up here I want you to imagine if you

    had your e book that you're doing and you're kind of you know the three benefits

    of why someone should opt in and get your book For example I could put

    this up here Right Mhm That's a nice that's really sharp that bit that you just did there

    be careful there's somebody watching in the background Who's that Who's that lady watching over your

    shoulder ali She's looking at step one I hope so I hope so No And click funnels Okay

    let me oh it's you I just want to kind of show you how quickly you can do

    it just to make it look nice and this is so helpful to fund Right You can see

    look amount of stuff I've had to upload in this Right let's just say let me just give

    this right at this The book is going to be too big and this took you six hours to

    do what's that that page you have to paint with the page builder I would say

    probably yeah probably maybe linda I don't know but it took me it took me time

    because I just wanted to keep tweaking it You know you've got the coloring at the

    top bomb you've got the text background you gotta put the color you gotta put gradients

    getting the right text next to the book then putting the images making the alignment what I

    put on the section What do I do in this section to coming up with the step two

    and then doing another section here You know it's it's these little things that at the time can

    add up Um So if I get this well I'll give it a try So I could really I

    uh johnny I made I made I made a video for you that I'll be posting Ah I shot

    it already for you actually for but for everybody on how to some shortcuts on how

    to set up your studio and to do some of this production Right right right From our discussion Right

    right great to speak with that I got to get your number though I had trouble getting

    back I got you It's pretty cool because it shows that it takes some work and

    it has value because if you see that you just have to press this button this button here

    and everything is done in five minutes and get your book It's just like just no

    value and values and it's like we're helping young people but now now we see that

    it takes work It takes time and it does No no no Yeah you're hired you're hired nick

    how are you I mean even even even the even the fun trying to figure out the

    fun now click funnels on their pages They use this for even trying even this took like you've

    got to think about when you're doing researchers and other pages even coming up with fun and ubuntu

    It's a very nice fondness right Look at this If I do it like this and let's just say

    listen we've got the text now Right So what you wanna do you want to kind of we want

    to move it from this We don't want it to close So we have a little

    bit to get there button For example button can be read go to advance for example you

    go to the effect of having your glow come back come to the label Yes rushed me Let's just do

    what he done Yes write me a copy now All right And again you could just

    slightly make that bigger Keep a bit of a distance and obviously you could have more you

    can even move this around whatever you wanna do which one you want more you know bigger But then

    you could again your headline Yes you could have obviously you would need a headline actually headline again add new

    road Come here to simply come here put a headline blah blah blah move it up to the top

    Oh okay There is text there But the then you hate when you can't see your text it's

    dark text color Uh huh The three to build yeah profitable business online within 30 days

    That is sweet This this page is really and again um what I would do this stuff

    you know when you do it and you start playing around tinkering as long as

    you got a base Yeah that's the thing Okay look at this If I just do something

    like this um come back to this what I want to do What do I want to do Okay

    All right now my thinking is hey look all of this should not be bold Can remove

    the boldness and I do it like this three steps profitable profitable three steps to build your

    own So oh shoot I don't want that But I would take this then again and top margin

    can I change that Yes And again I would come here and is there a way of

    moving this whole section up Let me see Okay They're a bit higher So it does all

    on one page load Yes that's the key warning Okay Yes Okay limited That's interesting

    to use the word warning That's very clever remaining You know actually I like this

    page builder ali it reminds me it's better than when I used to have to

    code it through html um back in the day you know so there is hope it's a little bit better

    Um what I like about this this single page that you've created um is that

    it's a single page that says everything you need to say It's the long long pages that

    I wonder about those how valuable that is Um it takes a long time to load but it's a

    forever page and you kind of here is everything is said clearly Um and you're given choices

    you know steps but on the long long pages even though there's testimonials there's a lot

    of a lot of stuff there Um I wonder for first impression this is excellent

    First impression this one right here like this and you did use it Oh no Are you going

    to do this I'm just kind of sure I like it very much Two Okay

    so um I think I can annoy the outside I'm trying to hear Okay so um I mean you

    don't have to have this but you know sometimes you see three steps for example it's great because

    you're going to do three steps consequently where with me this makes me think that less is more this particular

    page It's uh and that your coverage is brilliant down But one thing we have to keep in mind

    though is that this is not a sales page this is a landing page and the

    sales page is always going to be like they have where you scroll forever Like Jim was just

    saying So ali what is the advantage is and the disadvantages of that having a sales page that

    grows forever Um A sales page generally is for a paid product isn't it Right Paid

    paid for for example my one the only reason it's long because initially it was a paid

    shipping and handling offer That's the only reason my book pages long Thank you If it

    wasn't he could have just been a simple video Go opt in and go receiver like an

    opt in page That's the only reason right Because it was gonna be that that's the only

    reason I created it So it doesn't need to be long It can be just a short simple option

    Like we've just done now and that essentially would would be all you need Right But what you

    can see the difference that it makes is that you can create a video for example Hey

    why to go opt in like where it is You know you go opt in or whatever it

    is Again then it comes down to how compelling your headline is Again that's testing tweaking your

    book for example And the media that uses what source of traffic is gonna be free

    or paid Are you going to be using a you could go make a Tiktok video for example

    and talk about your book or whatever whatever niche you're in and direct that traffic And

    if you have a great audience already or you've built up an audience or an early bird or

    what what whatever method you made even friends or family and stuff then of course they're gonna come and want

    to opt in Yeah right But when you're doing it long like I had the

    only reason I did it because it was going to be a shipment handing him on Let me find

    it Yeah that's the only reason The reason Otherwise I would never that long I could easily make a video

    and anything anything important in the video I could just include in the video Well

    I could just add anything I would have on a sales page I could just

    mention it in a very short video and I've been told you know and you'll

    probably see this yourself whether it's Youtube what what whatever adds that you're doing generally it's depending on your audience

    wherever niche you're in But they can be as little as a few years long Or they're really engaging

    They can be up to 20 minutes depending on what you do you are especially with the ads

    generally with adds the sugar because it's just a hook You just you know you're you've got the fishing

    rod out trying to hook people you would hook them in It's like an elevator pitch you want to

    do the most amount of banging your chest Hey come come come come come come and once

    they're in your door that's when you're like okay let's talk Hey I've got this

    nice fabric for sale Hey come on look you're looking for fabric right I've got something right Ah

    and so one other thing I would especially coming back to this I'll just show you in a minute So

    you get you get the gist of it anyway everybody knows I just I just

    want to kind of show you this because sometimes you know when you're if you haven't done your option

    yet or you're thinking about doing your opt in or you know you have you've done it already but you're

    thinking about how do I clean it up Once you get started then you can

    just add stuff and it comes in it comes into its own element There's nothing

    wrong You can actually model the templates that are available to you So actually what you're saying is

    that on the sales page you can have it as long as you want Uh there is always gonna

    be advantages for doing that and and and meaning that you can take those advantages and you can actually

    go in and create many like different audiences for Tiktok then maybe they want to see this part of

    yourselves page or you can use instagram or you can use um podcast or whatever to um create different versions

    from your sales page so to speak So your sales page is more like a blueprint Right

    You know what That's a very good question Uh once this eventually loads in about 10 days year

    I'll tell you something which is again another part of the process Yes when this does eventually

    live let me just shut these down for right now anyway maybe that will save

    some money bits and bobs But yeah just let me show you an example like for

    example this is a guy who does so like crazy it's a book and you can kind

    of see his structure and again they again these guys um you know it's a nice structure you

    can come and you can have a look you can review blah blah blah you've

    got things like traffic secrets That's another nice page You can see you know some of these things I can

    incorporate I can take ideas from um you know we talked about here on top of

    the video and make sure that your sound is on and it's fully loaded before it starts But these guys

    obviously they've probably done on a separate website they've got a certain plug in like a script

    that will allow them to have this revolving video before it plays So you have to click

    it for sound and then the video starts and then you get the gist of the whole breakdown So you

    know you can always come get my hopefully So by now Oh my God you broke up there

    I didn't quite hear what you said Can you repeat You can yeah you have that background and oh

    you can you can come and review pages like and you can take the ideas like

    you said you can create you can take when you come to pages like this For example even if you

    went to mind you can cut you'll see the same the same structure or the

    same flow of the format of how they're put together Now these pages the only reason

    they're so long Four now using the book free but it's not you're paying for shipping

    and handling you're going into a funnel right The book is for free But yeah help cover

    the cost of shipping happening right 10 bucks 10 bucks 10 bucks So that's why it's a

    cell copy selling They're selling to it's not really free That was what I was going to do

    the same flow well shipping and handling by it end up being hey look you know that didn't happen

    So I'm just going to give the book away for free So um it should be a case that people

    go crazy right Because it's free The books free and it's it's good copy that's

    designed to sell But if somebody starts free it should it should it should ideally convert wealth Now coming back

    to your question which was a very good question If you say for example if

    we take two different platforms say we've got Tiktok or Youtube or even instagram or even facebook for example got

    multiple different platforms What I would do is I would take all I will take this initial funnel that I

    have right and each part Burton has a long cop now for the open Okay I would create

    a variation of would the sales copy and that's what I'm going to cut the

    cells and I'm just gonna keep a video and opt in and the the option that's it I'm

    going to test that So I've got long and short copy that you test for example And then what I

    would also do is my final hair that I set up I'll duplicate I will duplicate all of

    the steps and create them separately and then uh individually to drive to other platforms

    so I can identify each platform and how well they how well they are responding or

    how they are Well they are doing instead of sending all all you know all the traffic from

    everywhere to one individual age and I don't really know ideally which one is doing the best Unless I go

    get some split test and I go get links and then I go code these links and all

    that you know that might be a bit of a headache but if I do it individually

    you know I create the duplicate the same Once I've done I could duplicate and I for example now youtube

    set up Youtube alright That's testing one place and then I go to instagram and I'm

    testing now instagram I can say hey you know what instagram is actually doing better I

    should know Tiktok Yeah the same video may convert much better on Youtube opposed to

    Tiktok and vice versa and it might be a case Hey we're we're probably losing

    money over here and we should redirect that money stop that flow over there and now do it

    over here and then maybe create another creative another video and test that over here because it's

    not working as well And I guess when you're segmenting it it's just better Everything's kind you're keeping the house

    in order or tidy If you don't then God knows you don't know what's working

    You know if you've got like for example if you want to make a sale now you know you made

    a video somewhere all over the internet God knows where that video is But you made a

    you know you're quite a customer Wouldn't you ask that customer Hey how did you

    find out about me Right We see this all the time You're the companies are asking them

    directly how how on earth have you found out about me So then you can direct your marketing efforts

    in that in that idea You know you can pinpoint the main source and and if you do keep things

    clean and you do your tracking and you do your your your split testing essentially you're tracking that data but

    you're pinpoint you don't sometimes you don't need to rely on what people are saying and stuff You

    can see the numbers yourself because the numbers don't lie You can see how you're growing where if your

    money is getting burned is it being used blah blah blah And you mainly just want to see especially when

    it comes to the tracking part because this is something that I will have to bloom and do right Is

    that if you're testing something and say for example now now you might also see this opt

    in page and think you know what it's a really good alright everyone thinks that it's really good But the

    numbers are saying otherwise the numbers are saying hey you know what that video you need to remove that

    video because there's something in the video there's something that's not right We need to

    create another variation Or maybe it should just be a simple image there with an option and maybe

    we don't need all the fancy red bar at the top and all the other stuff that's distracting everybody because

    sometimes that could go against it Now you won't know that until you you you

    you know test the damn thing because it could cost you it could actually cost you and you think

    you know what nothing's working it's not working I don't understand it It's amazing You know it looks all

    shiny and stuff it's just not working and you don't get the they look ugly But yeah I you

    know what if I if I have to know where it is There was there was a a

    page that somebody had many years ago and it was the most it was just a

    simple ugly white page with the yellow button opt in and a yellow button Um they stole this seminar

    and they basically said was part of a package they call it a secret option that

    has been getting over percent conversion rate and they're gonna include this you know their their their their

    their school these page that you could use and deploy for their system and I think it's

    like 23 grand of this package and they were giving away that that opting so sometimes even

    ugly ugly pages convert much better Right So again it comes down to testing but my thinking

    also be completely wrong Tiktok's another audience Tiktok you have to understand the audience also

    Tiktok the way they fundamentally work is that it's not a case of you finding

    you know Ukraine content and then going to find the audience or you're presenting it to the

    audience the way Tiktok works you created all you create your media and then Tiktok has an

    audience for your for your content if it's good and engaging and then it will give it

    to them if it if it's not for if you create content that doesn't have an audience Tiktok won't expose

    them to that because because it doesn't work like that right So they have an audience content

    for a particular audience and then it comes down to doing your research find out what trending videos are maybe

    create certain hashtags things like that that can enable it to go viral So even maybe next within the

    next maybe 2-4 weeks I will experiment what it'll be interesting to see what can happen You know I've

    done a few videos alright It's fine Maybe within um maybe within a week let's just

    say 1000 views on about five videos which is not bad you know somebody just died

    and I made a few videos 1000 views Uh it would be interesting to see

    if I could create again battle videos but this time it has a core function that is directing

    somewhere it's leveraging that traffic and I'm directing it And now I have if I once I have

    the pages ready hey go get the book go get the book right But there has

    to be messaging I could also make a viral The intention is if even if

    I can test around or play around and make a video for example even if it's

    a video that gets a bit catchy or it gets thousands of views or whatever The audience will come and

    look at your as long as you have other videos on your page that you

    can redirect into the book Then he said well you know go check out my body go get

    free book blah blah blah Again these are experiments and will it work Of course it will You know

    if you go look on for example it's a relatively new platform for example that there

    are people that specialize in digital marketing So I would urge everybody I'm not even

    joking go go typing Tiktok for example digital marketing and you see people that are It's crazy They're simply

    making a video showing Hey here's the top five websites such as and they get

    hundreds of thousands of views Amazing Imagine that Imagine you go man was showing some here's how you

    know how to build your own email marketing list and you you know you make a

    two minute video you go get a template I'm not going to go get a template Just show them

    here right click funnels here's the template Here's the thank you page and that's it

    Just that no You know those simple tips I mean there's an audience out there I

    want to know how to do that No Number one people too They locked Finally

    they might even describe free of using car Trac if used in the click funnels So you can also

    get recurring from them for that for the final building that you're recommending and on top of that

    you can then recommend them LME you can recommend your own products and services or your own

    doctor and so on and so forth So you're maxing you want you want to make the

    most of it again jim You've got all this technology Why not You Liza as

    scary as it may be Don't be on the done this before We have had all of this

    stuff and I just left and I'm really it's just wasted Let's go experiment with it Another thing

    you don't have to record with your phone This is another tip I would say And are definitely tested

    record normal landscape mode you know 19 by 2010 80 or whatever it is right normal dimensions

    of video It doesn't need to be You don't need to use it even if it comes

    on Tiktok like that Just keep a small video and put text on the top on the bottom That's

    it Don't overcomplicate things and then syndicate that content in multiple different platforms Make it easy Make a

    recipe on I F T T Um there's a pia and once I get all

    of this out of the way all my pages out of the way and create all

    the stuff Then what I will do is I will come up with a structure because

    I'll do this myself I'll show you how you can go do it where we'll create a structure where

    You create that one piece of content and the moment you upload it for example to

    google drive it'll go syndicate and it'll spit out in all different places Youtube shorts

    instagram videos Pinterest you know whatever The meeting platform We got podcasts you have that

    video ready for your podcast Mm hmm That we want to we want to the least

    amount of effort The maximum amount of exposure we should be We don't need to we don't need to

    be killing ourselves Yeah yeah You don't want to be killing yourself You want to you want to

    make it as you want to You know there's all these technologies and yeah there's all these

    technologies and I don't understand why people making their lives they're going to manually on different

    platforms and I've no idea you can do that but when you will get burnt out

    we get burnt out And then but it's in the name of the game instagram example instagram if you

    really want to hit the um I mean I'm pretty sure there's a conversation somebody

    that spoke with somebody internally from instagram that said that a number of functions you should do

    with instagram especially if you're building up or if you wanna get paid and you want to get that exposure

    stories posting they have to be a daily thing consistently daily it picks up I

    understand it's a business model It's a business model If you're out on every single day any relentless that's the

    monster you have to feed I post on instagram twice a day Well there you go then

    also utilized stories as well So you know um I'm not sure if it's changed but normally they have

    a number of parameters are you you know how much engagement you know your videos stories for example they want

    you to pay pay with your time They want you to pay they want you to pay to promote

    on Instagram I have about 500 videos out there but it's only targeted to my my network

    of friends and followers but anything else outside of that it's pay to play Yeah So

    you can go into those groups that might have attraction and join these groups and in a

    way facebook Well I was going to say facebook did the same but it's the same

    company isn't it matter Facebook done that before where the business pages to get very good traction or reach For

    example their model change but they want me to kind of to pay to get the rich you know

    ads for example like booster then you had a thing where a lot of people just

    retained using their personal profile because you'll get more exposure From their own personal posed

    as opposed to a business page So it's a bit of a it's a bit of a catch

    they're unaware of agenda but these come they make their money through dreams you know you have

    to pay That's how they make it adsense for example another part of it is that the longer a

    user stays on these pages you know they get paid for that your usage being spent So these

    things are very important to factor in So now if I come back let's go back to this

    excel sheet So opt in page Let's see So reviews explains So what I would

    let's just go Nice background You have one Can you can you see the excel stream right

    here Okay Not yet So you could you can see here the screen is frozen It's frozen Oh jeez re

    let's do it again Okay let's share this again Okay so did you see it now I

    don't know who is he come back to the remarks the updated time and they're right this is the

    story right All the 9th opt in page age ah complete It's a sign I need to

    create a variation that also in bed links and video for this and then test Okay Alright let's move let's

    move this to to get everything done Let's see is it the night of the 12th Up

    up with the 12th Alright I think that's reasonable Everything done Mm hmm I learned so

    much from you that you use spreadsheets for multiple things This is very cool Yeah well

    it's up to you if you want to use it but I want to switch Okay

    then I'm gonna try it myself Yeah I just think you know I mentioned it before I just it

    just keeps everything you know what it keeps your brain if you're like me you know it doesn't it

    keeps things scattered If you don't use it you don't want to scatter Yes Yes I just don't wanna scared

    Mm hmm Okay so um the opt in page So opt in page video Yes

    That's still outstanding then Right So that's high This one's kind of yeah okay You know what this is this

    is kind of completed now so I can put that in green which I won't do

    any other needs to be done Pages are done They are actually done what what's remaining is

    you've got the uh the introduction needed you've got follow up emails That's gonna be another one So during

    this week I'm going to type out emails I'm gonna have to do a bunch of

    follow up emails and I'll share them with you next week So you get the gist

    of it as well And then things like testing the funnel So I'm going to go away after this call

    anywhere and I'm gonna start adding little bits in here unless you want me to add them

    now Go ahead and add something Go ahead and just go ahead and add something that's important

    to you bro above So I guess it's a good idea It's a good idea to track how much time

    it takes to make a re task we do So so next time we knew how

    much time Reggie we could estimate Yes right Um because it's a good point because

    you sort of don't know when it's coming Yeah So so what is on these if you see these

    days I put them all those 12 Now what I know my my time school

    right But for you mm hmm This task first blind the closest and then paste things like the

    great milestones So you set for example is the main thing I could put hay and get

    stuck on the 10 and this one the 11th and the And then like a deeper one write a

    complete date So that creates you know mentally creates this urgency in your head I

    only got I've got 24 hours I better make the most of it because if I don't do that then

    I got the other one I don't want to stack up and what you'll see is that you'll actually

    get stuff done and then you get it done That doesn't you know relax relax after the day go get

    started go on Well you might find then your homeland There you go Who is closer But the key reason

    I say at least have that because then you have something you will towards otherwise

    your days will be aimless and nothing really gets down or or the goalpost keeps getting moved forward

    Mhm um so let me just try distance to kind of show you So let's just do Yeah

    but okay let's see I see some other complete and I see alright often video I'm laughing because these

    guys in a sand trap and he just threw his clubs on the other side of the golf course

    It's nice to see that This one I can again for that but yeah Uh did you get that Yeah

    yeah the main thing this is the most I got a list I checked everything today on the list right

    And I'll add these later But look at this test on mobile because if you didn't you

    got to check your audience you know if you're what what you see now a lot of

    purchases are made by our mobile so you have to make sure that your pages are working correctly

    right Because you know there's a lot of audience that are coming from mobile now If we look

    at Tiktok you're on your mobile Yeah so you need to make sure okay no

    your payment button whatever it may be very uh hello in the first section of for example and click funnels

    they do I think all the other ones that allow you to do that as well if you go in

    there and beat for example or whatever whatever you're using I think mr Clayton has disappeared He's he's gone

    he has something to do He sent a message in the chat Yeah he had

    to go through something this is excellent but this seeing you do this routine and your your structure

    it is very helpful to me Um So check this out now see I press that button it shows

    me what it shows on mobile and look how ugly that looks So then you

    would come along and you would obviously look mobile only so I want to kind of look look

    this this is only mobile so if you don't do some of these things what happens It messes

    everything up and it's a you know it is a complete nightmare so you know I want to kind of

    move this up look at this okay this stuff this section little things like that

    you know this little Bruce fiction and all this blue section Uh huh So look alright alright maybe it's alright

    maybe it's this again you would have to come in some of this stuff and

    you have to play with because there's so many of them There we go right we want to

    we want to get it to the closest to the top of the page as possible to

    rest here you can do um Yeah again protests and some this stuff again stuff I

    because no one's really seen me this is real raw Behind the scenes Israel what behind the scenes because you're

    seeing this life this is this is what you're seeing now with my pages for example these are real

    this is a real live test case study in front of you you can see some of

    the pages I've done I've deleted them you can restore him blah blah blah But what are

    your thoughts then if you just imagine you came you're somebody that's obviously come from outside forget you

    know me or anything what would you think if you came to this page I

    think uh I think there's a great deal of credibility that you established just in the very first frame

    See but right there it's the first thing you see is everything really And so you're you're

    execute your desire here is what is your desire in this moment is it to watch the

    video or is it to scroll down to find out more about what's the possibility Um I see

    that you're saying you know anyone gets something to it but we don't see the word free

    yet we don't see you know what's being offered yet on one screen And I do have a philosophy about

    designing uh for screens as opposed to pages it's just just where you know that's a good that's a good

    point there extremely Yeah I like the part that says escape to 95 graduation is the most striking parts Yeah

    And and I would suggest that you because of the long page you've seen boxes that follow the

    scroll right If if you could have your your execute in the scrolling box that just follows you

    all the way down the page You know maybe that's the that's the that could be

    the method so that like you're like when you try to leave the page and get that that

    box but rather many a mini sales page or a mini squeeze page that flows with your watching this video

    I mean watching the page scrolling on the page and and as soon as you're ready you just jump in

    check this out what jim's feedback ex police officers free book reveals how c heck you

    might as well make it red only because you have read in the picture right But remember the ad the

    ad would say free book as well if you think about it but but this kind of reinforces

    in case someone forgets or you can put free free right based on the you know levels

    of attention Um and stress is a strange thing about stress and long pages at least

    to me there is um so I want I want to be able to execute

    anywhere I just noticed that you're you know back in the day the actual landing page was

    that the video will either be on the left or the right And I noticed

    you have yours in the center I'm looking at real estate here as far as

    I see now because you're using a background that has 22 of your faces over there I

    see what you did Okay I see the graphic uh because you have to scroll down

    you have to scroll down down below the fold in order to get to the

    free book So my my yeah Okay So typically or ideally yes the options should be

    on the page load on the right ideally Right So um that's what traditionally you will

    see You will see that wouldn't you either an image you know book cover and then

    the because you want somebody on first page that so that it's completely no I give

    the introduction Okay They need to know if they're coming to this page in the first place They know

    there's a free how do I go get it So they already kind of conditions and

    access their free book It would be interesting for you to split test that ali because

    you know when you when you go to the when you go to the law on the landing page which

    is your sales page the first the first above the fold If somebody like on Tiktok

    if they click away they will never get a chance to really click on that call

    to action button If this does load let me show you Maybe the video maybe the video

    placeholders should be smaller Perhaps the call to action button there That could be yeah yeah I know what

    John is saying 100% But oh what's this I think it was just your internet

    connection or some some issue not saving So what I was what I would do see this whole page

    I would make a variation remove the video and move this up No video in and that's it

    And you don't need the rest of it Just that's it And then you've got that It

    may be used that three step thing below which is kind of a tease for for the

    other factors that you had that you're going to go to those pages Really I

    know it's a can you see free secret family Yes Yes So you start with three

    books and then you've got because you're telling them you're telling them up front they're gonna get a

    free book But then you delay the you have a pregnant pause with a video

    before they get to the free book because it's below the fold and then I'll take away because mentally I'm

    saying oh my God this is going to take more time I don't have time to sit here and

    watch the video I want to go to the free book If he's gonna give me

    a free book Now I want instant gratification Goodbye video should be compared and you're

    watching it while it drools you like the calling I don't know how it is over

    there in London But it's like either you hit it or you miss it Yeah because you know what

    it is If somebody's getting something for free they're willing to wait a couple of

    minutes to see you know what do I need to do Um But generally yes I know the video Yeah

    it could be smaller just to get that Lord Lord Well the place with a screen shot

    of you you know so you get well he's he's already got two pictures of him

    Jim How many more pictures do you want with those dudes Those pictures on either side establish credibility

    but its strengths but not their personality You got the book there as well You don't

    give them they don't want to give them too much They might run away This

    is nice what you're doing right now Yeah Right right johnny But I mean you

    think look and think of a Youtube and and the icons that are made are so they you know they're

    they're meant to be clicked and and I think that you should have one right

    there that sort of like what you would have on on Youtube so that it's you know

    like Clickbait now you know you don't want to have a you know pretty early

    on that sort of thing But have a something that then they're used to seeing and and

    and they immediately go to it and they know the story it's all in this it's

    all in that shot Maybe the the the the screen the video shot has on it you

    know many uh free book you know Uh Uh huh It used to be a cop now now

    I'm a marketer uh whatever the case might be uh in a in a in a frame within the frame

    you're making here's what I found You can also use the Carousel two ali it doesn't really have

    to be a video that you can test as well Yeah Tonight the video I really like

    what you're doing Yeah Yeah I'm not gonna say that I'm going to keep it as is well we already

    know you we know you're going to tell you why you're way ahead of us Um no no

    I'll make adjustments but I'll tell you why Just don't check this Yeah So that's been a scrolling on that

    draft Hi Cheryl Mm hmm Hello everyone Hey Cheryl there Cheryl Hey Cheryl everything looks good

    I like it This is a great day today Yeah So even yeah see even these guys So yeah yeah

    So look click funnels is always a good a good uh model to follow extremely

    testing this stuff So if it was she always got action in his let's go to LME incorporate

    it should incorporate that Yeah See the thing about his pages that he's leading people to click on the

    sound He's leading people to the video So he's got all these red signals up to cure

    for sound So he's getting everybody into the video that's a beautiful shot right there Mm hmm Yeah these guys

    even his one you have to scroll a little bit So I think as long

    as the video the video is in place related videos just as long as it gets there it

    gets their attention Um Yeah but you know what I will do I'll make another

    you know what I'll make another variation with a smaller video to the left or just the cover to

    the left and the opt in right And yeah that will will be tested 100 great

    Even if even if you use the button just a floating button you know that what you have right there

    That yes I want a free copy of that were on the right hand side Every no matter what

    screen you're on Um you know it affirms what you've started your process That's yeah that's the that's the idea

    Yeah But visually you think it looks fine Yeah I think I think that there is a little bit

    above the above you the food It makes people want to scroll down to see the view the view

    And then and I guess another good thing as well that you can click fund was

    that you could make it a sticky video So even if you scroll down the

    video we'll always stay in the corner and he'll go with you That's it Can you do that That's

    a really good idea You know and I guess if you know okay the true test of

    people opting they come straight to this page which will promote LME it will be a good test

    Yes Because if everything as the testing goes and if everything goes well and there's

    uh the ads are working and there's somebody there then it could be something that you know I might

    um offer a solution to everybody right If anybody wants to hook it up and

    it's all working blah blah blah it's a plug and play system But if you

    came to imagine this forget it's me while I'm being unbiased If you came to this page and uh

    number one you've got the book Alright If it's compelling enough you've got the book and

    coming here and watching the training Would it be compelling them Would you think this is would

    you would you be compelled with all the social proof What are your views on this Your feedback Does

    it look juicy that you think oh you know what All right for a dollar Would you be compelled for

    a dollar Obviously with the presentation and everything But then it it links to the

    media is telling the sales page is celebrated even more with with with with I mean entice even more

    All right But for a dollar what do you think Would it be if you

    saw that I think it needs the same type of attention that the that you just did on

    the other page Um So that because that's the by that's the that's the execute right there and

    we want that to be efficient and that's that's very attractive in many ways and you'll read that too

    because you'll at least read the titles Um No but this is a video now this is a webinar video

    recording I don't I don't get this But it's the dollar $1 to join type

    thing That that's the yeah $1 that will come later Like what do you think

    will appear minutes later Hill towards the got you on video The video is maybe

    an hour or something It's a webinar recording So it's a proper webinar proper set of

    webinar like an hour 10 minutes right later on here we can set something up in every webinar so

    someone can you know any time wherever you are We're trying to incorporate a good flow where

    somebody can restriction been there click here of the food in the back and control the freedom But

    yeah as long as they watch it and at the moment it mentioned the dollar the bun appears for example

    But I think if the person gets all the way through the video Yeah my intention is look there's

    no there's no real barrier to entry for a dollar You don't really have anything to lose even actually seven

    Like if you really think about it it's not you know you're not paying thousands that like

    the amount that you're going to lose out on ali ali I have a question can

    you can you scroll back up to the top of that Uh that header right above that

    one Could you scroll up to the headline please It's stuck again Okay so my question

    is on your on your head on your headline Um my question is on your headline You

    have a dollar range from 49,000 to 1 million Isn't that quite a large jump for somebody

    to digest Mhm Over I mean that's the average income Listen not if it's true is it

    true Yes it's true Obviously you've seen all these launches No did he get your

    attention It really it really is a trust factor as far as That big gap there you know

    where Oh sure everybody can make between 50,000 and a million That's I mean I can see the average

    income the average income in America I think it's like maybe 50 or $60,000 for the average income You know

    I was in that same police I was in that same way of thinking you know somebody if somebody comes

    you know look even these discussions come up if somebody comes and says oh you know

    these outlandish numbers your brain literally cannot digest it Let's say for example even with the

    LME if I get up to 1000 members 2000 members or even if I get up five a

    month Do you mean this this with the headline How anyone can use the exact proven method

    There's no guarantee that you're going to go make that same amount So essentially is the hook

    and some people they may question it but it gets addressed in the video that it's not about everybody You

    know some people might you know some people may make a fraction of that but everybody

    has their own goal of how much they do want to make So the model is universal that

    it can make up its maybe even from both but for you you can just make four figures figures

    and new and how are you if that makes sense for universal to university that everybody uses But um

    that's the key of the webinar So somebody should read that and think because the

    headline here is really incorporated behind what the workshop is about that's what it's about now If you

    if you think that's crazy outlandish you don't have to attend that's fine But the obviously

    somebody remember somebody is coming from somebody may come watch this late after it got

    the whole breakdown software and blah blah blah You see what I mean Let's start

    But do you have a screenshot that shows $1 million Um I don't but I still would

    have all of these you know like scribbling things like that that we've done I mean scribble now Um

    so yeah it tastes like I think a million dollars is that it floats off into a person's

    mind it's it's it's okay because I know I know but not for me it's not okay to show a

    million dollars in front of my face You don't show me how to get there Um How you how

    you got there That's like a you know like and trust type issue You're trying to build trust With the

    with the person you know because this is this is your headline had the word I generated $99,000 That's

    okay with the way it's written It's just that he has to show evidence I love the

    way it's written It's just that he has to show evidence that he can get from Yeah Yeah You

    need and all these bits involved in the book isn't it You know it's just like yeah that's a

    bit of a it's a bit of a Did we have a million like even doodle maker I

    don't know that I don't like 900 or something But then it went over seven days

    Some of them went over seven days Like within a A 10 day period For example

    like Pixel Pixel right You don't have to have been part of it even though you were part of

    doodle maker but you can say something like that Much money Um Yeah because he won't

    take no screenshots in kind of stuff like that because you know it's a great area for

    example especially if you're part of a launch Um But yeah I guess I could I could

    technically to cover myself change it Unless I've got a like like you said a picture for it I'm sure

    you'll find in in in the empire I'm sure you'll find something an empire that you own Yeah I mean

    I could you know yeah I mean I could technically you know change it just

    to make sure I'm covered But we know you're right next to Buckingham Palace come on give us a

    break I know I know I know there's a screenshot of where it's about 900 or something I think we've

    got I think seven days you've got to around 900 and something So I think maybe they

    and so it wasn't technically maybe it wasn't traditionally just wait maybe even a little of a week later billion

    I think there's I think there's a post where it did go over a million and

    there's an update post of it So technically maybe you know I could even change it up to you

    know in just 14 days or something to cover it So it was maybe a couple of weeks after

    So you know it's good because if people have lunch it's lunch maybe one day five days So

    launch would normally be a launch would normally be for example seven days But I

    think scribble technically was it around eight days And even when we had pixel pixel Pixel launched in 2015

    It's four o'clock In a week It did take in seven days seven days and a half eight

    days technically done over 500,000 But then by the end of the year Mm hmm ended up being a

    fruit We got flip You could call it flipping a bit Yeah I think that

    that your your layout your your your graphics the way that is designed and presented I think it's over

    the top Um I know you have a lot of experience So of course you will have a

    higher conversion rate than maybe than I would of course Um because you have a great lead list I'm

    sure And you have no I'm gonna test to test this with fresh brand new forget leads

    because otherwise you could just so this will do something before I'll do it right

    and using either you know google for example youtube so on and so forth Even maybe look at Tiktok

    for example right to see what can be done from a cold audience because yes I could go and

    do cross webinars and you know email marketing and so on and so on into also traffic

    traffic that can get nailed then you don't need ever to you know I don't want anyone

    you don't need you never need to do none of that You know plug and play So that

    would be interesting Absolutely So yeah Um well yeah we have come down to an emotional end have an

    impact today Alameda police and it's boiling We're wearing this to be honest And the

    room radiators are on a bit Remember those days And I and I made a

    mistake of opening up my door to the deck And it's 39° outside It's freezing in here But my wife

    is very warm when it's cold You actually work better when it's cold you know

    you're more alert I mean even even on the launch of doodle maker for example I used to when

    I was working on bits and bobs I used to if I was up eight across the honestly what's

    the weather outside Yeah no the feedback again that you've given has been amazing Um it's little things

    like that you just don't know You know so I can now start going through the potion Oh yes Because

    if someone does say seven days they'll be like have you got the screenshot Oh yeah Then I say

    oh it came It came two weeks later or something like that So it's better to be covered and you

    know you don't want a headache or anything like that So now I've got more work to

    scroll through So it's 78° here in West Palm Beach is uh it's margarita time Okay of

    course So again show us the golf course the golf course Oh jim you saw

    it right I'm in my tree house hold on a second catching me off guard Let me let me

    just clear my virtual background Mm hmm I did That's a real background Well I have several layers on hold

    on a second Mhm I'm on something that nick gave me nick told me about So I'm trying to use

    that Yes Nick trying to turn it off If you want a tour I'll give

    you a tour you know um a dollar start off for free you know Hey

    Ali is teaching you a lot I see Uh huh I said ali is teaching

    you a lot I see Hey you know I I got to attend these meetings and Get my my my

    value so I can get 2020 How are you doing Cheryl Where have you been I keep on mixing up

    the times I said they're gonna kill me What time do you start at two or

    three Cool Eastern Standard Well the door's locked at 2:02 Actually the times either the times always

    like I don't even think about conversion times Yeah sorry about that I'll be there

    and I'll be finished at one and then next thing you know it's three and I'm like oh my

    gosh So I thought Nice one you just enjoy Yeah when when you don't see me can you text

    me or something You don't know how you did the last time What do you want a special special

    text now Oh my God no you you're accountable now You're accountable for your own You

    have to take personal responsibility But you can't use that as a rider You know why

    don't you just put an alarm clock on your phone I did have 11 but for some reason it's

    not ringing anymore Have 1000 alarms on his phone call from one meeting Trust me I'll

    stay busy Everybody's in different times Yeah I'm in Eastern Standard time Sorry that's what it is

    Yeah Yeah New york city Yeah I'm not in the I thought you were behind bars then

    Well I have to protect myself from these golf balls What state are you in I'm

    in west Palm beach florida Oh I think we need to come visit Yeah it's nice sand trap in front

    of me too So do you live on the golf course overlooking it Yeah Yeah this is this is

    hole number eight actually ali so I guess today well I have I have a treehouse so

    I have nice Robbins birds um squirrels ducks have ducks flying up on my balcony So welcome

    to florida Welcome to florida I'm living the dream That's why I'm here Hey come on That's

    great I spent I spent 30 years up in New York I'm down here Finally

    living the dream I don't miss it a bit 39° snow and no thank you

    Yeah but it's true but it's nice I can give you pictures of the snow if you want

    No thank you I'm not going to shovel no more snow in my lifetime unless just to help out irrelevant

    anymore That's great Ah Ali thank you so much for this particular day because we I mean I learned

    you know it's not that I didn't know everything that you talked about It was the sequence

    of how you're doing It is very helpful to me the fact that you start on the on the

    spreadsheet and you set your goals and your tasks and then I really enjoyed seeing the click funnels that you

    had the pages listed there So you know you have what you have to do and

    go and do one after the other I've been sort of going backwards in my

    process and that is getting the books and videos and truly I think today helps me a lot

    I mean I know what I'm gonna do in the next three hours I'm gonna you're gonna call me first

    right Yes I'm just saying we've got to get your video working we've got to get your equipment up

    to date Jim Come on It's not my video Watching that video That was a

    personal video just for you when you were going through some things in november Jim I just can't

    hear a word you say That's okay beat my lips Um let me just show you

    this quickly where we're taking you know with the feedback Good Can you can you see

    my yes let me let me do the feedback I'm sorry I'm not This is a little bit more

    I guess more with fBc Within seven days and million dollar product launches So there's no you know even

    otherwise it'll be like you know 31 days or something like that So can you see the change

    in that Within seven days for this amount Right Because the reason there's this amount because that is

    a case study as well within the presentation I like that you highlight the 49,000 No I did

    highlight I just I actually I actually like that because that's a real number from you

    and you can validate that and and it's kind of thing at least make you bolder that

    it stands out now because before it was kind of flustered but now it's the center Yeah

    When when when people do go to um go to the other proof that you've got all

    these Softwares and stuff like people searching stuff you're doing for nearly blood decade now anyway

    And even scrutiny now I don't know I think it's got over four members in our scribble

    alone I think it's generated over four million four million Is that so so it is

    what it is So look my my intention is once this is kind of tested as

    well It may be something that with being I mean a service you invested everything

    set up and how much you want Um to be honest even I should I should I should have made

    it Who wants to put them down now for example and put it towards ads and then get it

    basically start testing so you can get it going straight away Well I guess I'll do this

    anyway first and then that can come later That would make sense That would make

    sense It wouldn't make sense sense I'm gonna I'm gonna if you don't mind I'm gonna imitate your style

    today and I'm going to create a series of pages that to incorporate what I've

    already done for the LME page And uh this was quite helpful to me Time has been a hard thing

    to get ahold of Um but but it's now getting better if time is only hard to

    get hold of If it's not a priority I would answer jim You know you can't that's yeah that's

    his priorities are he knows what they are to us it wouldn't affect us So it is

    what it is obviously uh you know doing anyway That's it Just a okay Even if you chip it's

    fine But don't put I'm not saying you're doing it I don't want you to be the situation

    where you know you know what I have done it because then you yourself and then you kick later Yeah

    because then you lose integrity with yourself you're like you know I didn't stick to my my my actions

    didn't follow my words and I know what the truth was that anyway Everybody God bless you

    all It's about 10 past nine handy Michelle Great great to see you all Thank you so very

    much and we should go ahead and put a comment in facebook as as you asked last

    week Oh yes yes Any feedback in the group because it's nice because other people see it

    as well and it's like it's like a daily it's like a weekly log You know you come

    and you know you come on a session and it's nice to get feedback and then even I get to

    see all right what did you enjoy Maybe didn't enjoy something whatever it means you

    know um I appreciate that as well as seeing the golf course Yeah You play golf It's just too hard

    Alright then everyone take care It's great to see you I'm ready Same here Bye bye everybody Mhm

    Okay so that was the end of that zoom meeting I'm still recording and yeah I'm still recording So

    yeah so that's the end of that zoom meeting So I have been able to I have been able

    to um soak that in landing pages Mhm I already have a landing page is already built so

    I gotta get to work Okay so I need to go back through work A T C And build the

    landing pages That's what I need to do Okay check with you later Bye Mhm mm hmm

    This is the start recording I thought I was already through recording Anyway I think it will appear at

    the top There you go