In this video we are going to be looking at the need for a solidKDP foundation And this will eventually take us to some of the things that Our gurus are actually getting wrongNo offense to the gurus anyway Now knowing these things we put you on avery good standing with the Amazon KDP platform And when you're on a good standingwith the Amazon KDP platform And you have a solid foundation Trust me making money will become awhole lot easier And making some key decisions that we put a more smile in yourbank account will be a whole lot easier So let's get started And the veryfirst thing we are going to be looking at is works How many pages Should you write for your bookThis is a very important question that many newbies it's a major problem for many newbies that are just gettingstarted with the KDP business The first thing they ask OK how many books how many number of pages amI going to write for this particular book Now you should know that the number of pages what dependson Some key factors The first one is what genre Are you writing on Do you understand Nowif you are writing nonfiction non-fiction we are looking at it in non-fiction OK If you are if youare writing nonfiction And no official like a travel guide who books The number of pages you writefor that is going to be different from fiction Now fiction we are talking aboutnovels Talking about mystery novels fantasy novels If you are writing a book say On travel travel guys specificallyI have had many of the experts say uh just write about 50-page 70 pagesome even brag about it that you just write 50 page 50 pages and publish your good andput an amount there The printing cost is down it's not much and then you can make up tolike uh 5 to $7 to $8 from that particular book Yes they are right in thatThey are right in the aspect that when you do 50 to 70 pages of a book let's say fora travel guide a travel guide to Paris You are able to even sell it atsay about $9.10 dollars uh for the um print copy talking about paperback and hardcover and you'll beable to make good money from it Yes that is if people buy and they are happy about itThe problem with writing 50 pages of a travel guide is that no matter whatyou do You are not able you will not be able to cover key aspect appreciativelythat we make the clients when he buys the book to be very very happy to be happy with youIt's not going to be happy with you but because it will not be able to cover key elements ofthe travel guide And when that happens you are going to get a boatload of negative reviews Andthis is something that you don't you do not what you want especially if youare just traveling uh uh starting out So the best thing to do when it comes to non-fiction isto satisfactorily cover Key aspects of the particular topic Let's say for travel guide to Parisyou cover you cover it appreciatively to satisfy the customer because writing a half big book that is justyou'll be able to uh write it satisfactorily to cover key aspects of the travel guide to ParisIt's just not possible It's not feasible You are going to be getting a whole boatloadof negative reviews and this might even put your accounts with KDP with Amazon in danger So how manypages should you write for non-fiction travel guide cool books and the lights Cover it appreciatively Do you understandThen for fiction like novels you are not going to be writing a 70 pageseven 100 pages of you should write at least For novels you are looking at 300 pages and aboveor 280 pages and above to be able to write a good story Do you understand Sowhat do you do again for the number of pages One One make sure that you coverthe key elements of that particular title of that particular topic appreciatively that we guarantee a world a good customerexperience so you don't end up with negative reviews Secondly don't be thinking about the money you are going tomake that OK if I write a shorter number of pages that means I'm going tomake money For that you try to bring the number of pages down as much as possible In thesame case you do not write a 1000 page book For travel guide See whereI want to cover Yeah it's not possible in this world for you to beable to cover everything say relating to travel guide to Paris but you should be able to writeappreciatively to satisfy the customer So that is it for how many number of words pages Then secondly Secondlywe are going to consider Should you be writing for passion or should you bewriting for making money This is a delicate one There are some cases and I'm going to uh dwellon and talk about a little bit of the um The Christian the Christian books niche I havea a couple of pastors in my mentorship program and many of them when they come in theywant to start writing on Christian books because that is what they do That is theirpassion That is what they are about for saving souls and anything relating to the kingdom of God Sonaturally It is not surprising that they want to be writing on Christian books There is nothingwrong with writing Christian books ages This is it when you're coming into Amazon The key thing is foryou to make money I believe that that is what everyone that is into Amazon KDP businessis all about That's majorly You want to make money So because you don't want tomake money if you are if you write education in school you don't start writing bookson your community on uh Nigeria culture and all that or how to cast out devils how tocast out demons you may end up not selling a single copy and you start thinking and uh spreadingthe the the meat That KDP doesn't pay So it is not about passion especially in thebeginning If you are starting art make sure that you are writing books Publishing books thatpeople actually want to buy and to make it easy for you in the mentorship and coachingprogram there are some certain niche that we we we put out that I put out this niche Everythingrelating to the key words to the description how to do the formatting the coverseverything is like it's a done for you Everything has be what put up for you So whenstarting out it's not all about passion passion Be there to actually make money Whenyou have make money you have set up and your Amazon KDP business and it isnot making money for you You cannot be uh doing it as a pet projectyou put up things to make a name for yourself and the passion and all that Nowanother thing we are going to look at is this issue of should you be runningats or should you not be running ats Let me first of all say this beforesome persons crucify me Running ads for your Amazon KDP business is a must It isvery very important In fact you cannot do without us But know this If you are just startingout with Amazon KDPI forget what the gurus are telling you that you must runus to make money It is not true If you are starting out I advise you keep away from appsHow can you start uh running Amazon apps when you don't even have a good foundation about the Amazon KDPplatform You know nothing like that about what KDP is all about And you jointhe program and persons are telling you to start running ads My dear it doesn't even makesense Before you think of running ads and again you don't start borrowing money you don'tuse your personal money to start running ads You can make up to $2000 to$5000 to $10,000 organically without spending a dime on arts What I tell my mentorshipstudents is when you are starting forget about arts Don't run arts at all Master the artof making money organically from Amazon KDP where you have now started making between $500 to$1000 which should take you about 4 to 5 months You are not in good steadto see Let me start running at from the money you have made You don't go andcollect money from a what I think the UUU or one of the loan apps to startrunning ads and you now place yourself on that pressure to make money Because I don't seehow you can run ads effectively when you have not mastered the art of making moneyorganically from your Amazon KDP business That is it Forget about running as right nowwhere you have started making money organically from the program Then you can start running assand my students are doing just well So that came from other platforms that havebeen told that they have to run as when they are just starting without running as they are notable to make they will not make anything from Amazon KDP platform They are surprised that persons in thismentorship program 2 months 3 months without running a single ad they are already making $11,000 800dollars $700 organically This is really really cool and massive Another thing we are goingto look at is the buying of premium tools and that is what cases are being toldagain that if they don't buy premium tools if they don't use premium resources that they are not going tolike make it well with the Amazon KDP program This is a fallacy Even Isaid I have all the premium tools I buy a lot of tools but You do notneed premium tools when you are starting You can actually use the free tools and be making upto $2000 to $5000 monthly There are some needs you can go into even thecharge GPT You can use the free version to be making a to to to kickstarts Do you understand Even for research tools you do not need the uh KDspy You do not need a publisher rocket You do not need helium or anyof the tools whatsoever to kickstart Even for your designs you do not need Canva Pro Justthe ordinary canva will be able to do the job If you are good withPhotoshop of course but many of you that are not good with uh design andwe have a an aspect and this is not a graphic design course but how to design coverseasily within minutes that it's not going to take you days It's treated in this course It's treated inthe cost even in a good cost So you go with that Forget about buying premium tools Where youhave started making money from what you have made you can easily pick some dollarsfrom there You buy a Publisher Rocket 197 you You buy articles you buy theaffinity apps you buy the Titans you buy any of the tools you want tobuy At that point in time you are not even going to film it rather than for you tobuy money to sweat and be on a subscription Book beam and all The majorreason why some of these persons in this platform are saying that you need premium tools for you to beable to do research for you to be able to make it with the Amazon KDP program is because theywant to sell their tools They want to sell their resources That's just the truthwhether they agree with this or not Because for him for the truth is that you don'tneed these tools especially as You are just starting I never used any of those toolsand I was making up to $3000 4000 dollars $5000 every single month And many of my students aredoing the same When they come to me and say they because they're in some other groups they wantto get this to they want to get this to I say forget about the tools fornow When the time comes when you need tools nobody will even need to tell youI think Pick buying tools of $1000 Going a monthly subscription is not going to be apain in the ass anymore That is just the truth Now another aspect we'll consider thereviews The is that of reviews Should you be doing reviews Should you not be doingreviews Again I will say that having reviews For your books We actually happy to say because the book weget noticed to get traction Amazon we promote it and person that is um skim throughuh the search results seeing your books that it has reviews it will pick their interest and they will checkit out Everything done where others pay your covers and other description and they see the reviews theyare most likely Going to pick your book and buy you end up selling more That is justthe truth But however all those persons selling reviews in the various groups you belong to you do notneed any of those reviews You can you can even run ads with reviews Person tellingyou that you need to have reviews 5 reviews 10 reviews 20 reviews on a book beforeyou can start running as it's just not true I've tested out all these things You canmake a boatload of cash From your books without a single review and the dangerous things about these people doingthis review is that they don't even know how to run these reviews and they will end up putting youraccounts in danger You do your reviews imagine someone um advertising how to do fake ID cardshow to run vela accounts er how to how to manipulate Amazon's system It's not selling reviews and thenyou go to that person to get reviews Do you know that you are puttingyour accounts in danger And some of these things are responsible for many persons having their Amazon accountwith thousands of dollars They have their Amazon account terminated or closed down or getstart having their boos blocked Forget about buying reviews You can get results you can make massive sales Without anyreviews And if you do your things where you will not be getting organic reviews legit reviews Ifyou want to get reviews you do not need to buy Nigerians like it it's painfulfor me to say this because I'm in Nigeria but Nigerians are so full of scam andfraudulent activities and it has gotten into the KDP program especially with reviews Do not buy reviews Please ifyou want to get reviews there are better ways of getting it through legit programs that will not put youraccounts in danger And another one is the issue of trends Should you do trains and shouldyou not do trains Many persons have asked me this Please if you are startingoff with the Amazon KDP program I plead with you in the name of God Forget about trains Trains theyare a delicate They are a very very delicate part of the KDP program One for trains They arenot ever green It's what is happening at that very point in time What is trendy That'swhy they are called trends And the people buy it buy into it at that point in timeand you discover that after that period that book is not going to sell anymore What we wantto be doing is evergreen What people will need today they're going to need tomorrow Theyare going to need even after you leave planet Earth when you are dead meaning that for Evergreen if youare doing evergreen we are going to get into more of this later on during the program Thecoaching program if you are doing evergreen evergreen like cookbook travel the Christian nische evergreen all those stuffyou are doing it even after you leave this world Your children are still goingto be making money from the accounts You created making passive income for you forever So I will tellyou this forget about trends Evergreen rocks it's All the time So we are going to be focusing on whatgreen Now another thing we need to consider is this and this one it's so importantthat sometimes it makes me to laugh but it's not a laughing matter And that is the battle between writingone quality book No you spend time you spend 1 month 2 months 3 months to craftout a powerful book one book Do you understand And then you use it to make $10,000 to$20,000 to $30,000 I have seen this on YouTube I've seen the gurus the expertsadvertising this that one book all you need is put up one quality book and you canuse that quality book to make $1000 every month even a day and they showcase their screenshots Now what youare not seeing behind the screen the screen is are these persons actually using that onebook to make money Imagine someone making $10,000 a month from one book and the person is using$7000 to run ads or even if the person is not using $7000 the person is using $2000 to make$10,000 to be collected in two months' time I think that is very very very very risky because youmight End up losing that $2000 you invested and even the profit if your account gets terminated And yes Iheard recently about someone a good that had his account 20 accounts or is it 21 terminated Justimagine the loss the money put in into arts and all that Thousands of dollars millions of our local currencyall gone So should you be writing one quality book or should you be writing 50 books Now herelet me make an analogy All I teach in the mentorship program is to make sure that all thebooks you write are all quality book Why should you be writing substandard books topublish on Amazon And I show you how to push out good quality books fast So if you ask mewriting one quality books And writing 50 quality books because the 3 months you spend writing onequality book you can actually use it I don't know where these people get these ideas Onequality book in 1 month in 5 in 3 months you can use that one monthto write 15 quality books Or even more It is possible You can use it towrite 20 quality books and I'm not talking about outsourcing these books So instead of writingone quality book that you are going to push thousands of dollars in ass money into to makea boatload of cash Why not write the 50 quality books fast And run no at and be usingit to make $2000 passively or even $1000 passively every month without running as Just checkthe wisdom there You will not be under pressure So what I tell my students and what I'mgoing to tell you watching this video is that forget about that that fallacy thatstory about writing one quality book in 23 months Spend time Why not spend the time Andwrite 20-30 quality books and publish them using the low-hanging fruit strategy without running ads and be making moremoney than those that are spending 23 months to write just one quality book It doesn'tmake sense I don't see any sense there That is just the truth And some say rightyou can write a book of 30 pages that is of more value than a bookof 150 pages What what kind doesn't even make sense Why would a 30-page book ofthe same topic we have more value than another one of 150 pages unless theperson has been taught to write rubbish You can write 150-page book of high super quality thatwe excel the so-called 30 pages of high quality It doesn't make sense unless the platform your coach the so-calledguru is not teaching things well I do not buy the idea of writing a 30 40 70 pagebook Please it doesn't make sense It is not going to cover that topic well So Ido not solicit writing one quality book compared to writing 50 quality books because the time youspend in writing one quality book if you are well taught by the so-called guru you can use itto write 50 quality books and don't run even one single act I don't mydear you can I'm I'm I'm pained with With this seriously because I've actually listened to this gurus say thesethings about a 30-page book about writing one quality books about Having you having to run ads It isnot true And my students are killing it without running ads without doing reviews And without having to writejust one quality book Imagine if you go to the markets to say you want tolet's say you want to buy a sneakers you want to buy a shoe and you get into ashop and they just have just one shoe there And you see another shop that has a variety of shoesWhich one would you want to buy from Which one would look more professional toyou You'll go with the one with a variety of shoe And that is just how this shophas reason You have just one book in your shop a quality book on your Amazon KDP store Will youcompare yourself with someone that has 50 different books It is just not going to work out for you Thatis it And then with that we now touch on You don't do simple formatting or you do do advancedformatting This is another key area where I see a whole lot of the so-called gurus soliciting thatnewbies they do advanced formatting put pictures here and do this and use this fonts and do this andstylings and all that My dear if you are starting just go with the simple traditional FormattingYou do not need complex advanced formatting Those ones might even get your books youraccounts into trouble because when you are you are trying to do the advanced formatting you youend up with skirmishes in your formatting you upload it the whole thing will get scattered Do simpletraditional formatting The way you are you now become skilled You are not good You cannot go intothe advanced formatting Of a truth there are some Niche So generally that will require you doing some advanced formattinglike the recipe niche and you need to do some a little bit of advancedformatting there Butts any other niche You do not need to kill yourself You say OK I want to makeit appear to look so beautiful Is it beauty they are looking for those that are buying I'mnot saying that beauty is not OK It's OK The aesthetics is very is important But what is more importantis Somebody that buys your book finding your book easy to read Some of those advanced formatting the thereader those are about the book they don't even know how to start reading it Everything isscattered in different directions So please if you are starting simple formatting of course we had advancedtemplates in the group Within the platform we have advanced formatting and we have the simple formatting template aswell Start with the simple When you have made money you have become skilled you cannot go intothe advanced formatting So with that I am going to stop here Take your time listen to this Overand over again we did not go we didn't we did not go online here because this ismore of having you get a solid foundation and you understanding what's better what the Amazon KDP gettingthe rudiments the foundation where bets I'm understanding all these things so that you don't go RDAbecause you're in other groups and you get misinformed I do not want to use the wordthey say You get misinformed Misinformation is dangerous for your KDP journey and accounts So withthis I say God bless you and I will see you in the next class
In this video we are going to be looking at the need for a solidKDP foundation And this will eventually take us to some of the things that Our gurus are actually getting wrongNo offense to the gurus anyway Now knowing these things we put you on avery good standing with the Amazon KDP platform And when you're on a good standingwith the Amazon KDP platform And you have a solid foundation Trust me making money will become awhole lot easier And making some key decisions that we put a more smile in yourbank account will be a whole lot easier So let's get started And the veryfirst thing we are going to be looking at is works How many pages Should you write for your bookThis is a very important question that many newbies it's a major problem for many newbies that are just gettingstarted with the KDP business The first thing they ask OK how many books how many number of pages amI going to write for this particular book Now you should know that the number of pages what dependson Some key factors The first one is what genre Are you writing on Do you understand Nowif you are writing nonfiction non-fiction we are looking at it in non-fiction OK If you are if youare writing nonfiction And no official like a travel guide who books The number of pages you writefor that is going to be different from fiction Now fiction we are talking aboutnovels Talking about mystery novels fantasy novels If you are writing a book say On travel travel guys specificallyI have had many of the experts say uh just write about 50-page 70 pagesome even brag about it that you just write 50 page 50 pages and publish your good andput an amount there The printing cost is down it's not much and then you can make up tolike uh 5 to $7 to $8 from that particular book Yes they are right in thatThey are right in the aspect that when you do 50 to 70 pages of a book let's say fora travel guide a travel guide to Paris You are able to even sell it atsay about $9.10 dollars uh for the um print copy talking about paperback and hardcover and you'll beable to make good money from it Yes that is if people buy and they are happy about itThe problem with writing 50 pages of a travel guide is that no matter whatyou do You are not able you will not be able to cover key aspect appreciativelythat we make the clients when he buys the book to be very very happy to be happy with youIt's not going to be happy with you but because it will not be able to cover key elements ofthe travel guide And when that happens you are going to get a boatload of negative reviews Andthis is something that you don't you do not what you want especially if youare just traveling uh uh starting out So the best thing to do when it comes to non-fiction isto satisfactorily cover Key aspects of the particular topic Let's say for travel guide to Parisyou cover you cover it appreciatively to satisfy the customer because writing a half big book that is justyou'll be able to uh write it satisfactorily to cover key aspects of the travel guide to ParisIt's just not possible It's not feasible You are going to be getting a whole boatloadof negative reviews and this might even put your accounts with KDP with Amazon in danger So how manypages should you write for non-fiction travel guide cool books and the lights Cover it appreciatively Do you understandThen for fiction like novels you are not going to be writing a 70 pageseven 100 pages of you should write at least For novels you are looking at 300 pages and aboveor 280 pages and above to be able to write a good story Do you understand Sowhat do you do again for the number of pages One One make sure that you coverthe key elements of that particular title of that particular topic appreciatively that we guarantee a world a good customerexperience so you don't end up with negative reviews Secondly don't be thinking about the money you are going tomake that OK if I write a shorter number of pages that means I'm going tomake money For that you try to bring the number of pages down as much as possible In thesame case you do not write a 1000 page book For travel guide See whereI want to cover Yeah it's not possible in this world for you to beable to cover everything say relating to travel guide to Paris but you should be able to writeappreciatively to satisfy the customer So that is it for how many number of words pages Then secondly Secondlywe are going to consider Should you be writing for passion or should you bewriting for making money This is a delicate one There are some cases and I'm going to uh dwellon and talk about a little bit of the um The Christian the Christian books niche I havea a couple of pastors in my mentorship program and many of them when they come in theywant to start writing on Christian books because that is what they do That is theirpassion That is what they are about for saving souls and anything relating to the kingdom of God Sonaturally It is not surprising that they want to be writing on Christian books There is nothingwrong with writing Christian books ages This is it when you're coming into Amazon The key thing is foryou to make money I believe that that is what everyone that is into Amazon KDP businessis all about That's majorly You want to make money So because you don't want tomake money if you are if you write education in school you don't start writing bookson your community on uh Nigeria culture and all that or how to cast out devils how tocast out demons you may end up not selling a single copy and you start thinking and uh spreadingthe the the meat That KDP doesn't pay So it is not about passion especially in thebeginning If you are starting art make sure that you are writing books Publishing books thatpeople actually want to buy and to make it easy for you in the mentorship and coachingprogram there are some certain niche that we we we put out that I put out this niche Everythingrelating to the key words to the description how to do the formatting the coverseverything is like it's a done for you Everything has be what put up for you So whenstarting out it's not all about passion passion Be there to actually make money Whenyou have make money you have set up and your Amazon KDP business and it isnot making money for you You cannot be uh doing it as a pet projectyou put up things to make a name for yourself and the passion and all that Nowanother thing we are going to look at is this issue of should you be runningats or should you not be running ats Let me first of all say this beforesome persons crucify me Running ads for your Amazon KDP business is a must It isvery very important In fact you cannot do without us But know this If you are just startingout with Amazon KDPI forget what the gurus are telling you that you must runus to make money It is not true If you are starting out I advise you keep away from appsHow can you start uh running Amazon apps when you don't even have a good foundation about the Amazon KDPplatform You know nothing like that about what KDP is all about And you jointhe program and persons are telling you to start running ads My dear it doesn't even makesense Before you think of running ads and again you don't start borrowing money you don'tuse your personal money to start running ads You can make up to $2000 to$5000 to $10,000 organically without spending a dime on arts What I tell my mentorshipstudents is when you are starting forget about arts Don't run arts at all Master the artof making money organically from Amazon KDP where you have now started making between $500 to$1000 which should take you about 4 to 5 months You are not in good steadto see Let me start running at from the money you have made You don't go andcollect money from a what I think the UUU or one of the loan apps to startrunning ads and you now place yourself on that pressure to make money Because I don't seehow you can run ads effectively when you have not mastered the art of making moneyorganically from your Amazon KDP business That is it Forget about running as right nowwhere you have started making money organically from the program Then you can start running assand my students are doing just well So that came from other platforms that havebeen told that they have to run as when they are just starting without running as they are notable to make they will not make anything from Amazon KDP platform They are surprised that persons in thismentorship program 2 months 3 months without running a single ad they are already making $11,000 800dollars $700 organically This is really really cool and massive Another thing we are goingto look at is the buying of premium tools and that is what cases are being toldagain that if they don't buy premium tools if they don't use premium resources that they are not going tolike make it well with the Amazon KDP program This is a fallacy Even Isaid I have all the premium tools I buy a lot of tools but You do notneed premium tools when you are starting You can actually use the free tools and be making upto $2000 to $5000 monthly There are some needs you can go into even thecharge GPT You can use the free version to be making a to to to kickstarts Do you understand Even for research tools you do not need the uh KDspy You do not need a publisher rocket You do not need helium or anyof the tools whatsoever to kickstart Even for your designs you do not need Canva Pro Justthe ordinary canva will be able to do the job If you are good withPhotoshop of course but many of you that are not good with uh design andwe have a an aspect and this is not a graphic design course but how to design coverseasily within minutes that it's not going to take you days It's treated in this course It's treated inthe cost even in a good cost So you go with that Forget about buying premium tools Where youhave started making money from what you have made you can easily pick some dollarsfrom there You buy a Publisher Rocket 197 you You buy articles you buy theaffinity apps you buy the Titans you buy any of the tools you want tobuy At that point in time you are not even going to film it rather than for you tobuy money to sweat and be on a subscription Book beam and all The majorreason why some of these persons in this platform are saying that you need premium tools for you to beable to do research for you to be able to make it with the Amazon KDP program is because theywant to sell their tools They want to sell their resources That's just the truthwhether they agree with this or not Because for him for the truth is that you don'tneed these tools especially as You are just starting I never used any of those toolsand I was making up to $3000 4000 dollars $5000 every single month And many of my students aredoing the same When they come to me and say they because they're in some other groups they wantto get this to they want to get this to I say forget about the tools fornow When the time comes when you need tools nobody will even need to tell youI think Pick buying tools of $1000 Going a monthly subscription is not going to be apain in the ass anymore That is just the truth Now another aspect we'll consider thereviews The is that of reviews Should you be doing reviews Should you not be doingreviews Again I will say that having reviews For your books We actually happy to say because the book weget noticed to get traction Amazon we promote it and person that is um skim throughuh the search results seeing your books that it has reviews it will pick their interest and they will checkit out Everything done where others pay your covers and other description and they see the reviews theyare most likely Going to pick your book and buy you end up selling more That is justthe truth But however all those persons selling reviews in the various groups you belong to you do notneed any of those reviews You can you can even run ads with reviews Person tellingyou that you need to have reviews 5 reviews 10 reviews 20 reviews on a book beforeyou can start running as it's just not true I've tested out all these things You canmake a boatload of cash From your books without a single review and the dangerous things about these people doingthis review is that they don't even know how to run these reviews and they will end up putting youraccounts in danger You do your reviews imagine someone um advertising how to do fake ID cardshow to run vela accounts er how to how to manipulate Amazon's system It's not selling reviews and thenyou go to that person to get reviews Do you know that you are puttingyour accounts in danger And some of these things are responsible for many persons having their Amazon accountwith thousands of dollars They have their Amazon account terminated or closed down or getstart having their boos blocked Forget about buying reviews You can get results you can make massive sales Without anyreviews And if you do your things where you will not be getting organic reviews legit reviews Ifyou want to get reviews you do not need to buy Nigerians like it it's painfulfor me to say this because I'm in Nigeria but Nigerians are so full of scam andfraudulent activities and it has gotten into the KDP program especially with reviews Do not buy reviews Please ifyou want to get reviews there are better ways of getting it through legit programs that will not put youraccounts in danger And another one is the issue of trends Should you do trains and shouldyou not do trains Many persons have asked me this Please if you are startingoff with the Amazon KDP program I plead with you in the name of God Forget about trains Trains theyare a delicate They are a very very delicate part of the KDP program One for trains They arenot ever green It's what is happening at that very point in time What is trendy That'swhy they are called trends And the people buy it buy into it at that point in timeand you discover that after that period that book is not going to sell anymore What we wantto be doing is evergreen What people will need today they're going to need tomorrow Theyare going to need even after you leave planet Earth when you are dead meaning that for Evergreen if youare doing evergreen we are going to get into more of this later on during the program Thecoaching program if you are doing evergreen evergreen like cookbook travel the Christian nische evergreen all those stuffyou are doing it even after you leave this world Your children are still goingto be making money from the accounts You created making passive income for you forever So I will tellyou this forget about trends Evergreen rocks it's All the time So we are going to be focusing on whatgreen Now another thing we need to consider is this and this one it's so importantthat sometimes it makes me to laugh but it's not a laughing matter And that is the battle between writingone quality book No you spend time you spend 1 month 2 months 3 months to craftout a powerful book one book Do you understand And then you use it to make $10,000 to$20,000 to $30,000 I have seen this on YouTube I've seen the gurus the expertsadvertising this that one book all you need is put up one quality book and you canuse that quality book to make $1000 every month even a day and they showcase their screenshots Now what youare not seeing behind the screen the screen is are these persons actually using that onebook to make money Imagine someone making $10,000 a month from one book and the person is using$7000 to run ads or even if the person is not using $7000 the person is using $2000 to make$10,000 to be collected in two months' time I think that is very very very very risky because youmight End up losing that $2000 you invested and even the profit if your account gets terminated And yes Iheard recently about someone a good that had his account 20 accounts or is it 21 terminated Justimagine the loss the money put in into arts and all that Thousands of dollars millions of our local currencyall gone So should you be writing one quality book or should you be writing 50 books Now herelet me make an analogy All I teach in the mentorship program is to make sure that all thebooks you write are all quality book Why should you be writing substandard books topublish on Amazon And I show you how to push out good quality books fast So if you ask mewriting one quality books And writing 50 quality books because the 3 months you spend writing onequality book you can actually use it I don't know where these people get these ideas Onequality book in 1 month in 5 in 3 months you can use that one monthto write 15 quality books Or even more It is possible You can use it towrite 20 quality books and I'm not talking about outsourcing these books So instead of writingone quality book that you are going to push thousands of dollars in ass money into to makea boatload of cash Why not write the 50 quality books fast And run no at and be usingit to make $2000 passively or even $1000 passively every month without running as Just checkthe wisdom there You will not be under pressure So what I tell my students and what I'mgoing to tell you watching this video is that forget about that that fallacy thatstory about writing one quality book in 23 months Spend time Why not spend the time Andwrite 20-30 quality books and publish them using the low-hanging fruit strategy without running ads and be making moremoney than those that are spending 23 months to write just one quality book It doesn'tmake sense I don't see any sense there That is just the truth And some say rightyou can write a book of 30 pages that is of more value than a bookof 150 pages What what kind doesn't even make sense Why would a 30-page book ofthe same topic we have more value than another one of 150 pages unless theperson has been taught to write rubbish You can write 150-page book of high super quality thatwe excel the so-called 30 pages of high quality It doesn't make sense unless the platform your coach the so-calledguru is not teaching things well I do not buy the idea of writing a 30 40 70 pagebook Please it doesn't make sense It is not going to cover that topic well So Ido not solicit writing one quality book compared to writing 50 quality books because the time youspend in writing one quality book if you are well taught by the so-called guru you can use itto write 50 quality books and don't run even one single act I don't mydear you can I'm I'm I'm pained with With this seriously because I've actually listened to this gurus say thesethings about a 30-page book about writing one quality books about Having you having to run ads It isnot true And my students are killing it without running ads without doing reviews And without having to writejust one quality book Imagine if you go to the markets to say you want tolet's say you want to buy a sneakers you want to buy a shoe and you get into ashop and they just have just one shoe there And you see another shop that has a variety of shoesWhich one would you want to buy from Which one would look more professional toyou You'll go with the one with a variety of shoe And that is just how this shophas reason You have just one book in your shop a quality book on your Amazon KDP store Will youcompare yourself with someone that has 50 different books It is just not going to work out for you Thatis it And then with that we now touch on You don't do simple formatting or you do do advancedformatting This is another key area where I see a whole lot of the so-called gurus soliciting thatnewbies they do advanced formatting put pictures here and do this and use this fonts and do this andstylings and all that My dear if you are starting just go with the simple traditional FormattingYou do not need complex advanced formatting Those ones might even get your books youraccounts into trouble because when you are you are trying to do the advanced formatting you youend up with skirmishes in your formatting you upload it the whole thing will get scattered Do simpletraditional formatting The way you are you now become skilled You are not good You cannot go intothe advanced formatting Of a truth there are some Niche So generally that will require you doing some advanced formattinglike the recipe niche and you need to do some a little bit of advancedformatting there Butts any other niche You do not need to kill yourself You say OK I want to makeit appear to look so beautiful Is it beauty they are looking for those that are buying I'mnot saying that beauty is not OK It's OK The aesthetics is very is important But what is more importantis Somebody that buys your book finding your book easy to read Some of those advanced formatting the thereader those are about the book they don't even know how to start reading it Everything isscattered in different directions So please if you are starting simple formatting of course we had advancedtemplates in the group Within the platform we have advanced formatting and we have the simple formatting template aswell Start with the simple When you have made money you have become skilled you cannot go intothe advanced formatting So with that I am going to stop here Take your time listen to this Overand over again we did not go we didn't we did not go online here because this ismore of having you get a solid foundation and you understanding what's better what the Amazon KDP gettingthe rudiments the foundation where bets I'm understanding all these things so that you don't go RDAbecause you're in other groups and you get misinformed I do not want to use the wordthey say You get misinformed Misinformation is dangerous for your KDP journey and accounts So withthis I say God bless you and I will see you in the next class