Team > Talent
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    Good morning happy people Happy First of the week it's a beautiful day here in Tennessee

    I can see the chickens out chickening from the farm across from us here So it's a

    beautiful day in Tennessee I hope it is fantastic where you are Welcome to Domino

    Beliefs Uh And in this session of Domino beliefs we're gonna be talking about team is greater than talent If

    you're new here maybe a first time uh student who just joined a student Welcome in This

    is a weekly session we do where we join together or you can watch it in

    your dashboard in your own time zone later Domino believes is a community series where we

    take a slice of micro piece out of hacking music and we unpack it how it works how

    it benefits the artists what they're doing and how it compounds over time These dominoes if

    you will stack together end to end act like real dominoes If you've seen those and played with those in

    the real world there are no accidents with dominoes or surprises when a domino falls it always kind of builds

    momentum and falls into the next one every time they always do that That's kind of how gravity works

    So they build momentum almost automatically once our beliefs some call it mindsets are lined up they strengthen what

    we do they strengthen how we work And most importantly they strengthen where we will go And here's really

    the big trick with Domino's When you get dominoes out of the box you have to set them

    up they don't come out of the box set up So you have to line

    up your dominoes and that's kind of what we're doing We're auditing our habits to match

    the destination We want think of it like a tunnel we're assembling the tunnel tunnel of domino beliefs So

    our habits are compounding either favorably or unfavorably So we wanna kind of be intentional and take that seriously So

    that's kind of the spirit behind domino beliefs and in this session of Domino beliefs we're gonna be

    talking about team is greater than talent Team over talent Uh This is a big one and

    maybe one of the um earliest parts of hacking music uh as we assembled it years

    ago Um So what do we mean by team over talent So this is something that developing artists

    always get inverted they always get it wrong They always think that their talent is the thing that people are

    gonna be in awe of and talent is important We don't want to downplay talent but talent is never

    sufficient It's important Uh It's effective but it's not sufficient to build a real career So we always bring

    this idea of team over talent to the table as we think as we work as we

    work day to day building this in our businesses and our artists businesses So let's

    take a second and look at an image that really kind of gives us a spring

    board here All right So for those Star Wars fans out there in the world

    I I hear there are a few of us This is a photo that I think kind of

    best exemplifies the idea of team is greater than talent We're not down playing talent we're not negating it

    or saying oh you can just suck at what you do and just put a team together and you'll be

    great We're not saying that at all this picture has four of the leaders of Empire strikes back Some

    would consider that one of the greatest movies ever made I'll be one of them right

    So here we have the director Irwin Kirchner Gary Kurtz the producer George Lucas and Lawrence

    Caston who wrote Empire Strikes Back And what this photo really viscerally shows is like

    four genius level people uh all of them talented all of them capable But in order to create

    something world changing impactful and important to the culture you have to pull together you

    have to become a tribe you have to build something greater than yourself And to me this picture

    Empire is one of my favorite movies Probably watched it 200 times I can quote it for you

    if you really really want that But this is the photo that really shows four geniuses coming together to

    create something better than themselves And as artists and entrepreneurs we believe that filmmakers are are the a

    better way to think about your career We're not just singing pretty songs There's a

    lot of vocalists out there who make can enter a contest and maybe win a singing contest

    that doesn't build a career What builds a career is putting things in the world building teams creating

    experiences that people millions of people can universally step into and see themselves in So

    if you're if you've been in acting music for a while we talk a lot about filmmakers how

    they think tools techniques of how they put things together and get things into the world

    It's a much better reference model than just hey I sing pretty songs That's easy peasy A lot

    of people can sing pretty songs So this is just a quick kind of focus point of team over

    talent If we think of other great teams in the music world you can think of Obviously the

    Bill Beatles would would be you know one of those 3 to 4 member teams George Martin Paul mccartney

    Steely Dan would be in there Van Haen with Ted Templeman There's always this core group of people

    who will fight or die for the thing they're creating It's not just a gig

    it's something they're fighting for They're in the trenches fighting to get this thing into the world I remember

    I'm a student of teams been studying them for years and there's a director named John Milius who came up

    with Steven Spielberg and George Lucas in the late sixties And the thing one of the things

    he said was that he promised Steven Spielberg as he was working on one of his earliest movies he

    said hey if this movie kills me will you finish it for me And that that to me

    is a resonant thread that is absolutely applicable to teams So again talent's important talent's

    needed but talent is kind of table stakes right What we need are teams that can if somebody dies

    working on something the other person will pick it up and finish it for them That's the attitude

    that we take And I think it's an important kind of a stake in the ground fight for the things

    you believe in and get them into the world So that's a quick overview of team over talent We

    go deep into this If you're a if you're on the student tier here in

    the hacking music community this is our gift to you Just start this is the tip

    of the iceberg We go much much deeper in the academy where we work on this in

    our training and in our monthly call ins and then if you're a member of

    the arena you will be this will be being installed into your business and your career with your

    launch manager So again if you're a student member this is our gift to you Just

    put this in your pipe start smoking it We like to think of them as as

    domino beliefs that you know tattoo them on the insides of your eyelids Um Team

    is always more important than talent All right So with that that's what I have for you

    today We'll see you guys here in the community next time See you guys