hey how you doing my name's Cameron a billy senior and this is side hustle reviews today we are reviewingUber this review of uber is from my own personal experience here we go soI'm making deliveries I signed up with Uber filled out everything submitted all my documents and the firsttime I did Uber and doing deliveries for boober boober eat I the offers the alerts notificationscame up and I'm noticing this dollar amount I'm like okay right because I wanted to see whatwas delivering like Ubers like for overeat I've delivered for doordash but I wanted to see what delivering Wilbur eatswas like because someone told me that hey you gotta earn what they was making moremoney delivering for ubereats then they did with doordash so I say oh wow okay I hear what they're sayingI said but I got to see for myself so I signed up right and I did some deliveriesMatthew maybe about 58 deliveries the first time I'm look at the notifications and I'm looking atthe dollar amount in the account after the delivery is completed right and so I'm saying twenty-fiveCent dollar 81 $2 $3 actually none of it during the first set to first fiveor six deliveries not almost $5 that I none of them the money that I received inmy account was not was not five dollars I think for the 68 deliveries I think itwas I'm I'm estimating think it was somewhere maybe like three dollars and so I'mlike wow this a much especially a dollar eighty one for delivery the Baseline bottom line for doordash isit this ain't this ain't that's not what it's not working it was thinking and it'sthis ain't happening so I said okay I know usually I ain't gonna lie angle Iain't going work with Uber no more and I keep getting these alerts while I hearcome on come on make some delivery of that I write on so the other day I'm looking atthe notifications and I see I see guaranteed two hundred dollars for twenty five deliveriesI said 25 deliveries man what I'm doing daughter Ash Twitter I make 25 dollar Imake 25 delivers eat easy breezy and a weekend in a weekend I easily make a firedoor or Friday and Saturday and Sunday I easily make over twenty five deliveries not countingit not even counting the delivery I usually make over twenty five deliveries so I signed up for the offerand I said okay I'm going to go out today today is May 6th 2023 I left out aboutokay it was from Carabas I picked it up from Carrabba's I delivered it all the wayout to it way out and I only got through dollars in like 55 centsso just say three dollars and some change okay so now the next notification comes up afterI complete that delivery the next notification comes up it said eleven dollars and somechange all right man that's all right 1111 dollar delivery and and let me back up a little bit soI kind of estimated with that 200 to make twenty five deliveries in the guarantee me $200 is estimatedthat that's about eight dollars or more per delivery to make 20 to make $200 20so so now going back to the delivery so I got the second notification fora second delivery today so the eleven dollars and some change I accepted it I went to pick upthe food drop it off and it said three dollars so where I should have hadshould add nineteen dollars and some change here's the thing my whole reason for accepting it was basedon the amount that it showed in the notification alright are you with me okay sonow when I saw that all I had already paid me with six dollars andsome change I said that's it I pause the app pulled up the Google Maps got my directionhome come to find out I had me all the way out in the linkMcLean's Ville I live in Greensboro but they had me all the way out inMaclean's Ville I mean you do the calculation find out that distance Okay so I followed a map back homebecause she's no see I'm still new in the area I'm still learning my way around andso I get back home I said okay let me give them a call and see what'sgoing on I called them up that I did you did you do hello hello okay you get itand I'm talking to representative and I said hey what's going on the amount that I'm being paid that thethe amount that I'm receiving is pay is less than the amount that showed in the notification sowhat do you mean I said okay for example let's just look at the last orderlast or I accept it instead of eleven dollars and some change the only gave methree dollars out of it come and here's what here's what he's here's what he told me it waseleven dollars and some change Uber takes their fee they call it a driver's fee so here's what'shappening Uber's getting paid on the front end from the customer placing the order an Uber each sayhey this how much you got to pay for delivery okay now on the back end they charging the driversof fee in this instance eight dollars or whatever out of my $11 notification that they sent meso if Siri people is happening Uber give a notification with an amount say hey this wouldthis delivery going to get paid this what the delivery paying person click on it yeah oh yeah like Idid let him know it's okay I'm like yeah then I get the delivery I make acomplete the delivery don't take a picture show I do so do I need to do say that delivercompleted an app all right all right and then and then they added to my accountand they said three dollars I'm 52 years old and I took math kindergarten 12th grade some College statisticscalculus all of it and there's no way I can figure out how to calculate three equal and doesnot equal $11 no kin no fashion no Got Away 3 does not equal 11so that's why I call and they said the representative told me that Uber charges the driver of fee andtake that fee out of the money that was paid out of text that month takes thedriver fee out of the money that out of the out of the amount that shown in thenotification that's actually supposed to come come to the delivery driver so now if they taking money fromthe delivery driver and then they take him money taking money from the person that's ordering the foodon ubereats that's double dipping no matter how you slice it up that's double-dipping here'swhat makes it worse I'm only 52 and so I wasn't born back in theeighteen sixteen 16 1800s so I don't know what slavery was like okay but I could imagine slavery being somethinglike what Uber is doing with drivers and I mean it's still I call it the and okeydokeswitching bait call it what you want this is what happened this is my actual real-life experience I'm sharing withyou and so this what happened today is the same thing that happened before except I didn't do noinvestigation I didn't call about it and see what was going on because originally I decided I wasn'tgoing to do it anymore but they gave me an offer and I could haverefused it but I said no okay they're making this offer let me give it a try maybeit'll be different this time I did it and it wasn't different it might be a little bit worsebecause now I know what's going on but with me now knowing what's going on is the reasonthat I'm creating this video and with me creating this video now you know aren't you gladthat you know now you know all right so to sum it up Uber is notthe best place is not a great place to be a driver to do deliveries for especially especiallyif you're just starting out maybe with how they have things set up after you like pay yourdues let them make all their money that they want to make on the frontend after some period of time some number of deliveries or whatever maybe it works out that if theypay you more money I don't know I don't have time to find out if you do that'son you but I just wanted you to know know what the practice is my interpretation getting my interpretationis that the way we were functions as modern day slavery you make a date it'snot only is a modern-day slavery but it is deception they're deceptive they're deceptive becausethey show you an art they showed me an offer for delivery for $11 andthey only they only gave me three dollars out of that $11 now just to be clear andtransparent before I cashed out the money after speaking to that representative where it was before talking to therepresentative is show six dollars after I talk to the representative when I looked in account it said fifteen fifteendollars and six cents so before said three dollars and 55 cents before it was exactly three dollars and 55cents that was showing before call the representative and had the isolation where I saidsome of these same things cause he said it was a recorded phone call so I wanted themto hear everything so yes I said in that phone call this is modern day slavery big going hair andso it's deceptive because one is deceptive because they showed a notification in my phone at delivery for$11 AR be paid $11 and make this delivery I made the delivery only gotpaid three dollars now again going back to so when I came home it wasthree dollars and 55 cents and you showing in the account that I was paid afterhaving the conversation with the Uber representative I looked at it and it said fifteen dollars andsix cents so because of the conversation basically because I said hey hey I see what's up Isee what y'all doing I see what over is doing and how they cheat and drivers howdid double dipping flimflamming and the thing is is that when you do check off and signthe documents and sign in the sign up process you're giving consent you're being willing so I saidin my phone call to them I am I do not give consent I am no longerwilling to make deliveries for honest and have the same and continue to have the sameexperience so I cashed out at fifteen dollars and six cents and I deleted theout I deleted everything about who Burr off my phone I'm not going to haveanything else to do it over I'm not going I'm not going to call Uber up I'm not goingto beg them for no money I'm not going to say hey do right or anything what I am sayingwhat needs to be done what would be nice is if there is a class action suit for all driversthat's ever worked for Uber to be properly paid for the deliveries that they made that's what thatthat the owners of uber should be held accountable it's not up to me to seekJustice it's not up to me to administer Justice I hope an investigative reporter seesthis video I would lawyer sees this video I hope they do their own investigation and see the truth andthe truth of the experience that I'm sure sharing with you through this video all rightthat's all I have for now again this is side Hustle views and this is the review of Ober UberUber Uber I do not recommend boober matter of fact if you are in the military active duty retired disabledfirst responder police doctor nurse whoever you are and you're seeking a side hustle you know extramoney on the side from you to keep your day job but still make some extra money stay awayfrom Uber