have you woken up with problems that you're trying to sort out and wonder whatyou're going to do there's a variety of things that we do when we've got concernsmost of the time we process and process and over thinking over think until we becomeanxious other times we've got people that we can go to and we can confide in and that really doeshelp but and sometimes there are solutions but sometimes no there's not and what I wantto share with you today is just how to come more and more to heaven for everything you needfor that that love that direction in life and I just want to share a little story thathappened to me overnight hopefully that will help you and then lead a very short meditationbecause you're all busy people and we'll carry on so last night we had meditation in the cafethat I was leading and we're on Zoom as well so if you do want those codes let me knowso as I have this picture of this ladder going up into the Heavenly realm and there areangels all around it but like Jacob's Ladder actually and as we're climbing up into it Isee in the spirit this beautiful cloud of Heavens presence and sometimes there are stories of you know the cloudof God's presence just being manifest you know so anyway I'm seeing this cloud and it's bright and it's beautifuland as I'm going into it I can't communicate how much joy how much I feltloved in the cloud the Heavenly realm has things that we can Lane and other things thatwe can't and there's sense of well-being and being loved and accepted was overwhelming it I just had so muchjoy and usually when you experience Heavens realm like that there is you're able to communicate morewith Jesus and hear what heaven has to say because it's very important to have theright Source that's pure and full of love we don't want negative influences from other gateways ways and fearsthat are basically a lower vibration so as I'm in this place I come homeand I go to sleep and I've been sort of praying asking heaven for some helpfor my daughter she's been suffering with some pain and I dreamt of herbal remedy thatI'd never heard of I know Michelle you've got a little story that's very similar but anyway soI dreamt about this remedy and this morning I got up and I looked it up and there it wasonline so I've ordered it for my daughter and it's just yeah so take a few moments doit with me now and just find a place to pause even if you're at work just I don'tknow pop to the Loo take a moment I'll allow a slight pause in this videoand then find a moment and just close your eyes and breathe deep breath and come away from the Mindchatter and just in line with that vision from yesterday see yourself going up that ladder surrounded byAngels into the Heavenly realm just say heaven I'm open and I have to say it out loud just letyour spirit be open thank you Jesus just for your blessing and love that flowsfrom the Heavenly realm and just go up up up into the light into the presencetake a deep breath relax your body and go up into that realm where there's peaceand love and we receive the clarity and the wisdom of Heaven for the day deepbreath and breathe so there we are short and sweet if you've got longer practice it and takethose Snippets in the day and keep connecting this is how we spiritually develop and the stories will start toflow have a wonderful day everybody