With The QR Market (tm) you can use multiple (and different) QR codes on the same screen - at the same time - to sell any product or service you want. When you use The QR Market, and incorporate your own custom QR codes, you can sell things much faster. This is because your QR code (and your accompanying videos) should send people directly to your offer. In this short video, the inventor of The QR Market - Tim Burt - demonstrates how you can sell four things with four different QR codes simultaneously. The QR Market platform is highly customizable. You can sell two, three, four, five, even six things on the same screen. QR codes have seen a resurgence since 2020. The QR Market lets you use QR codes in a video format that is hard to look away from. Plus, it can also increase your sales - fast. For more about The QR Market, visit: https://www.TheQRMarket.com
With The QR Market (tm) you can use multiple (and different) QR codes on the same screen - at the same time - to sell any product or service you want. When you use The QR Market, and incorporate your own custom QR codes, you can sell things much faster. This is because your QR code (and your accompanying videos) should send people directly to your offer. In this short video, the inventor of The QR Market - Tim Burt - demonstrates how you can sell four things with four different QR codes simultaneously. The QR Market platform is highly customizable. You can sell two, three, four, five, even six things on the same screen. QR codes have seen a resurgence since 2020. The QR Market lets you use QR codes in a video format that is hard to look away from. Plus, it can also increase your sales - fast. For more about The QR Market, visit: https://www.TheQRMarket.com
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